Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Bloomberg BusinessWeek 20161016

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david: we are with the editor in chief of "business week," alan pollock. carol: this has to do with rocket internet, the well-known incubator in europe that will help create that text seen in berlin. it has ups and downs, more downs than ups. ellen: it is known for being the copycat incubator, so it looks like sites you and i call no -- uni all know. and they did in ipo couple years ago and the stock is coming down in part because they have some stumbles. they have a site called nestpick, sort of an airbnb site for college students and it has not taken off the way they hoped. investors are not as happy with them as they have been at the time of the ipo. david: a section of that old british communication company, they installed farecast connections in parts of the u.k., but uses are handicapped by the fact the use copper lines and they are trying to do something about that. ellen: copper is old. it is what they call a last mile problem. the question is whether they are going to lay much more fiber, which is incredibly expensive, so they are trying to find a more efficient way of getting people speedier service and they have come up with hardware called the g-fast processor, which they hope will make the copper speedier. i do not understand the technology but it's cheaper than fiber optics. and the argument is it is better than doing nothing. there are investors that say they should face the fact they have to lay more fiber. that is unbelievably expensive. carol: we will talk about devon leonard, another great cover story, and except a man in charge of univision. ellen: it is a fascinating company. it has long been the proprietor of spanish-speaking tv stations in the u.s. it has really been a long-standing feature of lots of people who speak spanish in the u.s. and was taken over some years ago. hiam saban is quite an incredible figure who comes alive in our story. his goal is to take the company public eventually and get hillary clinton elected president. david: also the father of the mighty morphing power rangers. we talked with them in london. >> english speakers are vaguely where univision. we see it when we are flipping through the dial. the biggest spanish-language media company in america, via multiple broadcast networks, radio stations, cable networks, so it is a huge deal. they reach 40 million hispanics every month. we are in the midst of an election where immigration is a key issue. their position is we are pro-hispanic, we are a pro-hispanic company, so they had taken trump on. that dovetails with haim saban's support of hillary clinton. he and his wife have given $10 million to her super pac's, so some people say, haim saban is directing the news department on what to do? >> that's a good question. he has one individual in particular, jorge ramos, kind of like the walter cronkite of univision. are they being more pro-hillary in terms of coverage? >> like you said, he is the walter cronkite of spanish america. when english-speaking americans do not have a lot to cronkite. anddays of walter cronkite david brinkley are gone. there is not one anchor who we all watch and listen to. in the spanish-speaking world, the spanish speaking america, it is different. he sees himself, jorge ramos, as an anchorman but advocate to speak's the truth and takes on certain causes. immigration he says is a big deal for everybody. he is a mexican immigrant himself, and he says when trump talks about deporting 11 million immigrants, he is like we know those people. this is not an abstraction. consequently, some people say therefore, if that is your position, you can't be objective when it comes to covering republicans or trump. he has been tough on democrats about immigration, too, but in any case it is not something you see in the ordinary american broadcast network for americans news departments. maybe for msnbc and fox but these guys are influencing the hispanic community much more than those networks. >> when you talk about haim saban and univision, univision, as you mentioned, it really does play to this community largely but there is a trust that goes on with them that whatever comes out of the univision -- and you talk about folks who watch univision. they will call and say i need advice about health care or where to send my kids to school. there is this deep relationship with the latin american community and univision. devin: it is incredible. that was not some kind of hearsay, that is what the univision audience does. that was the ceo. that was randy falco. he was basically pointing to the receptionist outside of his office, like she is getting those calls. it also tells you something when jorge ramos speaks, people do listen. also, univision does voter registration drives, things like that, and after trump made his remarks about mexican immigrants being rapists and all that, they canceled the miss usa pageant on univision. trump said haim saban is behind that and jorge ramos got thrown out of one of his press conferences. it is like nothing you see that it is very unique and specific to univision. it is all fascinating. carol: it makes you look at how haim got to where he is. talk to us about that process. it is an interesting one. [laughter] devin: you really have to read the story because it is sort of complex. he grew up or was born in alexandria, egypt, his family had to leave when egypt purged its jewish population and he wound up in israel and was in the army and he got a gig at the pool and went to a local band and said, i have this gig, but you have to get rid of your bass player and let me play bass. but he wasn't much of a bass player. he got into music and doing that. from that, he went to paris, to the u.s., and he did scores for cartoons and became a cartoon producer. while he was doing that he , discovered the mighty morphing power rangers. carol: turning his view into the cover was the job of the director. >> we shot him in his house, which is more of a palace. he has acres of land. the shot will used for the cover is in front of his backyard, if you can call it that, but there are beautiful hedges, manicured lawns, so he is someone not necessarily known to the public on a larger scale, so he wanted him to present an as straightforward as possible. david: was there any temptation, the father of the mighty morphing power rangers, to do something crazy? robert: we showed a rare sense of restraint. there are so many things about him. there were like several things that we can focus on, but given the sort of news and fact that he is politically involved spoke -- we wanted to focus on the fact that he is a hillary supporter. carol: i love that you say "hillary's billionaire," eye-catching but provocative. robert: there is no secret that she has wealthy donors so this is enticing people to get to know one of the bigger ones. david: how much thought goes into that headline? two words but how much you think about it? robert: i would say we go through at least the newer from -- at least anywhere from three to 10. this was around option five. it was a matter of sometimes we start with these options in the way whittle down to something more simplified. carol: how wikileaks was turned into donald trump's best friend. david: why both campaigns are keeping regular americans to keep an eye on the polls. ♪ carol: welcome back to "bloomberg businessweek." i am carol massar. david: i am david gura. this'll be the first presidential election in 50 years without the full protection of the voting rights act. carol: we spoke about how polls may be affected. this'll be the first election in decades for the justice department is not monitoring polling places. the federal poll monitoring program, but the supreme court got into that. this will be the first time that are not federal monitors. what is stepping in our private monitors. that is what we have the potential for chaos. david: how are they being recruited and what are the expected to do? aleshin: they are recruited on both sides. you have groups that for years have done poll monitoring and -- to make sure things are calm at the voting booths. have the league of women voters and other government groups, but what is new this year is that donald trump, the republican candidate is standing up, he is exhorting his followers to go and monitor polling places and using all kinds of language, but in certain neighborhoods, and what he clearly means to his supporters is to go to minority neighborhoods and make sure there is not vote fraud. vote fraud is an issue the republican party has pushed for a number of years, despite the fact that there is little to next to no evidence of any voter fraud in the u.s. involving voter id or people voting when they should not, so it is happening this year where you have a lot of people are being up andup and -- whipped encouraged to go to polling places monitor for something that probably does not exist and could intimidate and scare voters. at the worst and least, it could just cause a potential for drama at polling places and potential for mischief. carol: like we have not had enough already. you put in the story that donald trump has warned if he loses, it is cheating going on. you mentioned the voting rights act. allison: they decided the country has moved to a place far beyond where we were in the 1960's and that years and years of remediation have fixed problems that existed in previous years with poll taxes and all kinds of things. there is a long history of people being stopped from voting in this country. but what has happened in the last couple of years particularly the republican , states, state legislatures put a new requirements, mostly to do with voter id. there is a lot of fighting in texas and wisconsin. there are a lot of people focusing on that state. there was a story that came out the other day about a woman who is in her 90's and for the first time was unable to vote because she was not able to produce a birth certificate or natural -- that matched her marriage certificate, said there are a lot of issues around voter id this year, so i think that will really add to the confusion at the polls. people don't know if they can vote and they will get there and the workers do not know what to tell them. carol: wikileaks founder seems to be angling to play a central role in the u.s. election. max: if you have botched the news, wikileaks has been leaking emails from various members of the clinton campaign. remember just before the national convention, they leaked a bunch of hillary clinton's, sorry, dnc e-mails related to the dnc's coordination or alleged coordination with the clinton campaign. since then, asange's twitter feed and wikileaks activity has seemed to be in sync with donald trump, which is strange because wikileaks has long been associated with the extreme left and trump is associated with the extreme right, so between about -- so it is a turnabout with this organization. carol: what do people say it when they ask it they are in the league? max: assange is coy. we asked him if the special sections for donald trump and he said, that is an interesting question. i have affection for all human beings. when you look at what he has said, it is clear he is trying to help trump win and it is working a little bit. obviously trump is way down in the polls but i think he'd be further down if this is not happening. minutes after the leaked audio came out of trumps 2005 television appearance, wikileaks tweeted basically 2000 of john podesta's, the clinton campaign chairman emails, and that is driving the news cycle. at a rally, trump held up a page of documents looking like assange and said i love wikileaks and everyone is chanting, "lock her up," so it has become part of the donald trump campaign. david: why it would be the case that julian assange would be expressing support for donald trump? max: it is a mystery. there are two explanations that make sense. the clinton campaign is hinted at a russian connection. i think that is not a great explanation. clearly, the russians are leaking emails but it is not clear that they are in league with wikileaks or the trump campaign. one thing going on is julian assange is paranoid. as we say in the story he has been cooped up in this tiny room for a long time. david: not quite windowless. max: he keeps the windows close because he is worried about assassinations. we are reporting that there may be concerns in wikileaks that the president of ecuador, if ecuador changes power, which is expected in 2017, that could throw assange's status in jeopardy, which you would like to be living under president trump. especially if he is allied with strong. the other explanation is he is looking for attention. basically, wikileaks is a media entity. trump has a loyal following online and this has been good for wikileaks. they have become much more relevant over the last couple of months by allying themselves with trump. david: up next, how the presidential debates are sinking nfl ratings. carol: plus, is jack dorsey losing control of twitter? ♪ carol: welcome back. i carol massar. david: i am david zero. you can listen to us on sirius xm channel 19, and a until hundred in boston, 99.1 in washington, d.c. a.m. 960 in the bay area. carol: a rare sign of weakness and what is generally the biggest draw on tv, sports. david: presidential politics may be to blame. we talked to jerry smith. >> the nfl season in terms of ratings are off to a slow start . if you think about the television landscape right now, ratings are down because people watch a lot of television. they binge watch days or weeks after the shows air. live sports are supposed to be a huge draw and advertising draw. >> like untouchable. >> right. people want to know the next day. they do not want to wait one day for the scores. they want to watch it live, so advertisers will pay enormous sums of money, especially for the nfl, because that the good -- that is one of the last audiences on television tuning in at the moment. what has happened is the ratings have been down 12% and there are a lot of different theories for why. some of the matchups maybe have not been as good, blowout games, there is a fair amount of people on the internet can feel like colin kaepernick may have something to do with it and people are boycotting nfl games. >> he's not saluting the flag. gerry: right. the nfl has said they have no evidence of that but they have said ratings are down partially because there is unprecedented interest in the residential -- presidential debates. david: when advertisers pay the giant sums of money, what guarantee other getting they will get the exposure they want? gerry: a television network will say we can guarantee you will reach a certain number of people. what has happened so far this year is that the ratings have come in lower than the tv networks promised the advertisers, so than the networks have to make it up to them and give them free commercial time somewhere else on the networks, so it is an industry thing called make goods, but it is the potential loss of revenue for tv networks, especially over time because next year when they sell nfl advertising time, they may not be able to ask for as much money if the ratings for this you were down. david: in the technology section, jack dorsey has either ceded or lost some control of the company he helped report. carol: i talked the company is not getting interest from potential bidders. we had google, salesforce and they all hired bankers to look at the acquisition. it is not looking good from an acquisition standpoint. internally, user numbers are stagnant, sales numbers are slowing and jack dorsey has been at the helm for about one year, so he has to answer for that at this point. carol: your story talks about jack dorsey losing control at twitter. what is going on and rising -- why is he losing control? sarah: the most strategic thing that has happened over the last few years during his reign has been this video strategy that they seem to be betting a lot on. this live streaming of political content, sports content, entertainment content, alongside tweets about it. it gives people another entry point into the twitter experience. the person who is driving that ship within twitter is actually the cfo. he is the one that struck the deal with the nfl to stream the games.y night football he is the one who was really set the strategy and everyone is following in his path. he is the louder cheerleader within while dorsey has been more of a socratic leader based on higher-level questions and discussions. carol: does jack dorsey not want to be the one who was being that doer at the company? sara: he was the first ceo and thought of a micromanager. since then, he left, started square, he has learned the importance of delegating to other people. you are right. he does not want to begin -- be the authoritarian leader of twitter, but when investors saw him take the helm at twitter from dick costolo, the prior ceo, they thought he was going to bring some vision to the product with the authority on the founder can bring good. it looks like he has been less aggressive on that front. david: up next, how the richest americans have been able to influence the presidential election, especially in swing states. carol: and why they called ernie madoff of landlords. ♪ when you're on hold, your business is on hold. that's why comcast business doesn't leave you there. when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds. no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. great, that's what i said. so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride's ready. don't get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. built for business. david: welcome back. i am david gura. carol: i am carol massar. still ahead, some interviews with some of the most important people on the planet. and the real estate developer up for worst landlord in new york. david: and the man hollywood executives call when they need halloween costumes. carol that is all up ahead on : "bloomberg businessweek." ♪ carol: we are here with editor in chief ellen pollack. there are some anywhere must reads in this issue. you take us to sororities. we know sororities are about pledges and camaraderie, but it is also a juicy market for fashion labels. ellen: brands figured out that sororities are good place to put up displays. in part because there are so many sorority chapters. there are over 3000. and also because these young women are influencers. they are looked up to and like to dress similarly. we quote a psychologist who says there is comfort in dressing the same. so they have tapped into this as a way of spreading the word about their brand. it makes perfect sense. it is not too expensive. you're not buying airtime. it makes a lot of sense. david: you point out women in these sororities prefer a small group of brands, so if you are an upstart and can break into that, it can be life-changing for your business. ellen: it can. and some big brands have figureed that out. victoria's secret, their pink brand, is one of them. chipotle, which is not a fashion brand, has been there. it is not just clothing, but a lot of it is. david: try to segue here -- you have a lot of people who grew up in peru and colombia and came to the u.s. as part of their childhood for college, now going back. they talk about social remittance, going back to start businesses in the country where they were born. ellen: it is sort of unexpected phenomenon unless you think about it. these are young people who have traveled, for the most part, with their families, fleeing peru and colombia for a variety of economic and political reasons. they settled in the u.s. became very americanized. now, they are going back, because they want to get back to their countries and they want to do startups. it is cheaper to do there. so there are some fashion brands that have started there. getting workers is less expensive. they are finding it is rewarding in many ways. they're going back to their roots. they are able to start their businesses. they are giving back to the communities. the people most surprised and rattled by it are their relatives. carol: we have to talk about the politics section. you guys take us to nevada. and you look at some of the grassroots movements going on by some very well-known and wealthy individuals. ellen: it is sort of everyone is there, trying to push their agendas. because of citizens united, they can. you have george soros supporting the democrats. the koch brothers supporting republicans. they're not really backing trump so much, but the down ballot candidates they are active in. it is sort of like a circus -like situation, where you have dancing polar bears, ipads being given out to volunteers, and you have not really had this in the past. nevada is a swing state now. it is unclear which way it will go. who knows by the time this airs. everything is so in flux, you have very wealthy people pouring money behind their candidates. carol: you mentioned citizens united, the supreme court ruling that made it possible for wealthy individuals to donate and influence elections and campaigns. ellen: it has certainly changed the landscape. it has allowed big givers like sheldon adelson to pour money into the campaign. david: it is interesting to see the super pac funding the ground game. in the features section, you profile perhaps new york's worst landlord steve croman, a guy who , owns more than 100 buildings in manhattan. ellen: steve croman has bought up many buildings. something like 100 buildings. and has been unusually active in de-tenanting. because when you get the tenants out, you can increase rent a lot, especially if you renovate. he has been very aggressive. don't give it away, but very aggressive in his tactics. let's say you do not want to live some of the way these tenants are living. carol: it really looks into rent stabilization. we talked to the reporter on this story. simon: he made a calculation, and that was i will invest in all of these buildings. perhaps knowing they will skyrocket in value. the catch is this -- those buildings were filled with lower income or middle income people who did not pay much for their apartments. what steven croman is alleged to have done is systematically worked to make their living conditions miserable in the over 140 buildings he owns in order to get them out. once you get them out, you place them with higher paying tenants. all of a sudden, you are sitting on a lot of money. carol: you actually talked with some visited where they lived. , talk to us about it. how bad was it? simon: let me put it this way. he is often called "slum lord." that is not quite right because he is not making apartments worse. in the long run he's making them more valuable. but the tactics are things you would see from a slum lord. these are alleged tactics, but the attorney general has things like employee affidavits where they would intentionally or negligently let apartments fall into squalor. you are talking about highly elevated lead levels. lead dust everywhere. ceilings falling through because of water damage. vast amounts of destruction. anything in the garbage -- no electricity, no heat, no gas, no water for months at a time. one could argue he is a sloppy landlord. on the other hand, it seems systematically the 80 and was if you live through hell, eventually you will want to leave that apartment. if someone was willing to leave, they would take a buyout. once you take out a buyout and the place becomes vacant, there are instructions that allow you to take it away from the below and middle income classifications these apartments have and bring it to market rate and you are making more money off the rental income. david: why the odds of the families of 9/11 victims are tiny to invisible. carol: here is paul barrett. paul: there were a large amount of suits after the 9/11 attacks. they were congregated in court. they predictably encountered a procedural defense put up by the saudi's called for an sovereign immunity, a well-established concept enshrined in federal statutes. it basically says foreign governments under most circumstances, cannot be sued in a private lawsuit in this country. there are a few exceptions, but that concept, foreign sovereign immunity, created a wall that for all these years the plaintiffs have not been able to get over. david: why has that wall been there and why is there so much concern about eroding it? the day after this legislation was passed by the congress i interviewed the treasury secretary -- he said he was a new yorker and had a great deal of sympathy for those who lost relatives on 9/11, but as a government official, there were risks. what are those? paul: the traditional concept, which is codified in u.s. law in 1976, was that it would create too much interference for foreign relations if the citizens of various countries were constantly suing the governments of other countries. that was just put in place as a way to facilitate foreign relations among governments and leave it to the diplomats to sort out disputes between countries. it is the kind of legal concept that makes a lot of sense in the abstract. then when it is applied to a particular situation, it may seem painful. when you apply to a group of plaintiffs, like the survivors and victims of -- relatives of victims of 9/11. carol: up next, a wall street club so secretive even most on wall street do not know it exists. david: and a high school dropout turning a love of bungee jumping into a profitable business. ♪ david: welcome back. i am david gura. carol: i am carol massar. our investigative reporters uncovered what top lawyers in the world biggest banks discussed in private and no one outside their inner circle seems to know about it until now. >> this is an exclusive club. the numbers of the general councils, the top senior legal officers of the biggest banks in the u.s., the u.k. and europe. it is an informal club. it is secret insofar as no one has really known about it before. and they meet once a year. it is a movable feast. they met outside of paris in versailles this year. they have met at lake lucerne. they have met in the u.s., depending on whose turn it is to -- the handle of logistics. david: who was behind this and how much of an agenda is there? what do these guys try to do? >> is a vision of a well-known and well-respected lawyer who has had senior positions in the government, at the sec and the treasury department the dean of , the university of pennsylvania law school. he was the general counsel of some all of that solomon smith barney in the 1990's. a figure with a lot of experience in government and academia and business. so at some point, he thought it would be a good idea for people like him, when he was at smith barney, to have a small, informal -- not social group, but a group where people could discuss things and topics of interest. usually, those topics involve issues of corporate governance, the care and feeding of the board of directors, how to deal with certain theoretical issues that might come up. it just so happens this year there are a number of these numbers, was the class action suits. carol: it feels like we have had many over the last several years. what do they do in terms of coming together? and what is the goal of coming together on these? greg: every time there is a major investigation by regulators, especially on an antitrust suit, all of the big banks, 10 or 15 of them, are named as defendants by whatever pension or libel rating affected them. it is normal for banks to enter into a joint defense agreement, they agree to fight this and get plaintiffs sued while parallel, they enter a joint defense agreement. if they hold firm, they can sometimes win or get a motion to dismiss. get a case dismissed. more often in the past 10 years, plaintiffs' lawyers have been successful at identifying a particular bank that needs to get behind. whether it has more exposure or wants to get this behind them. there is usually some kind of benefit. it is the design -- a bit of a prisoner's dilemma. whoever moves first gets to take it out and once they do, because of the law works, there is a scramble among the other banks to settle quickly. whoever is last ends up paying the heftiest price. no one wants to be there. there were some big settlement last year that led to the outcomes. david: how small a world is this? you have to think a lot of these guys know each other from cambridge and new haven and morningside heights. is this serving a social component as well? greg: there is actually a good amount of turnover. it is not as though these people have had these jobs 10 or 15 years. some do last a long time. some go from one bank to another and become members from different angles. the purpose -- a former member said one of the real positive aspects of this was it allowed you to interact with the counterpart whom you would not see normally and get to know him or her on a slightly less or -- formal bases. so you felt like you could pick up the phone and call. carol: in this week's focus on small business, a profile of beau retallick. david: we spoke with editor cristina. >> he started the business with a friend in japan. it now has six locations. basically it is a cash cow that he is using to find his inventions. bungee jumping is the best machine ever, because it takes 3 minutes to do the whole cycle of getting strapped in, jumping, then getting winched back up. he knows how efficient it is. in 2014 he set a guinness world record for jumping the most times in one day. in 19 hours and seven minutes he jumped 158 times. you can go online and watch him into the night. you can watch him into the night. carol: have you ever been? david: i have not. have you? carol: i have not. but i feel like it has been around for a while. what is he doing differently? >> he has a business where he makes some of the gear. and he has a programmer writing this code -- he wants to calibrate this jump called "the kiss of death," where you basically touch the water slightly. he is working on that. but he would not talk a lot about it. david: it has only been around since the 1980's, which is a surprise for me. he had interesting things to say about the sell for bungee jumping. in effect it is fairly safe but you do not want to advertise that. cristina: there is a twisted logic when there is an accident, demand goes up. in 2012, a terrible incident where a backpacker was sent plunging into a river, he said -- demand went up. bungy japan has never had a mishap, but he would never advertise that. the best quote is he said, "people do this to be badasses." you don't want to take that away from them. carol: up next, the costume company who says it can predict who can win presidential elections. at least most of the time. david: if you drive going to work on monday morning, we have a handy guide to jump start your week. ♪ david: welcome back. i am david gura. carol: i am carol massar. you can also listen to us on the radio. sirius xm channel 119. am 1103 in new york. 99.1 fm in washington, d.c. and am 960 in the bay area. if you have never dressed up as a movie or tv character for halloween, that costume you bought was probably made by rubie's. david: claire profiles largest costume company in the world. claire: if you have bought in a costume in the u.s., you probably bought it from rubie's costumes. it started in 1951. it was a soda shop. it was started by a man named rubin beige. he is no longer with us. it is now run by his children. howard beige, his youngest son, is the person who has done all of the licensing deals and sweet talked studios into making it possible for you to go. carol: and you visited their operations. what is it like? claire: fascinating. they are a global company. in the u.s. specifically, they have two factories in south carolina, one in arizona, but they still have one small factory in queens with about 100 workers who churn out costumes year round. it is behind this enormous retail store. you can go in and buy anything you can think of. david: what is the relationship like between the company and its -- and the major studios? claire: they know a lot. they have to. they start planning their costumes about two years in advance. they get all of the basic sketches and character descriptions from studios. they know ahead of time -- they can tell you what happens in "star wars" that comes out next year. [laughter] they won't, i tried. so they work closely. the studios i talked to spoke highly of them, which, as a reporter, is rare. carol: it is interesting. it is a family run business. they guy running it howie beige, , in election years he can kind of tell who is going to win based on which costume is selling the most, right? claire: this is one of my favorite facts about this story. they do a lot of masks. presidential masks. they have been around for decades. usually the candidate who wins is the candidate whose masks sold the best. which makes sense. you want to support the person you're going to vote for. this is the first year that that is probably not going to happen. the donald trump mask is winning in a landslide, just in mask sales, but they think it is because some people are dressing up to support him, a lot of people are dressing up to make fun of him. also, hillary's mask, women traditionally do not wear masks on halloween, so they will do face paint or something. so there are not many men who will dress up hillary. david: how much of a gamble is this for the company to figure out what it things will be popular? claire: i think they have it down to a science, but they have had some missteps in the past. howie told me this story about trying to plan for episode i of "star wars," and they thought darth maul would be a breakout character. unfortunately, they did not know he gets killed in the film. so they plan him to be half of their assortment of "star wars" costumes. he only sold about a quarter. i'm going as dorothy from the wizard of oz. carol: in the etc. section, how to kick a case of the smondays. >> smonday is a horrible feeling of anxiety and depression and what are we even doing here? you get to sunday evening where you think about the weekend ending and having to start the week again. carol: you guys give tips to take back your sunday to make you avoid that smondays feel. what do you suggest? jillian: get yourself organized friday evening so when you get to work monday you can start feeling fresh. similarly, sunday evening, get in touch with your coworkers. even if it is just sharing pictures of kids, it can make it easier to walk into the office and have something to talk about. david: a lot of people approach the weekend as a time to stay out late, sleep in, have brunch at 1:00 or 2:00. your advice is not to do that. jillian: stick to a regular sleeping schedule. evolutionarily speaking, that is what we are designed to do. as far as brunch, try to keep it early in the day. you do not lose your entire afternoon to it. focus on getting proteins, which will help with blood sugar spikes. go easy on the alcohol. carol: and if you have a dinner party at home on saturday, there are some rules to make it easy to get through. jillian: try not to invite too many people. invite people who you think will get along. you do not want people who sit there in silence, and you do not want people who will argue. definitely make sure you get everyone out at a reasonable hour. you do not want to be up until 2:00 in the morning. you can ask people to leave. david: a caveat here -- do not take medical advice from the editors. you did talk to scientists about the physical effect of smondays. jillian: exactly. we are not doctors, but we did consult them. smondays is an actual fear. it is not about hating your job. it is about the loss of freedom you have on the weekend. two, those symptoms can include everything from feeling depressed and muscle tension to stomach distress and sleep disturbance. if you can mellow yourself out, you can make yourself feel better physically. carol: "bloomberg businessweek" is available on newsstands now. david: and online. carol: what was your favorite story? david: hillary's businessman. i met haim saban. character?e a david: he was very cool. carol: i love the story on halloween. i know it is lighter fare, but claire did a great job. halloween is such a great business. i get into dressing up in terms of costumes of my daughter. i love that she profiled a family run business and talked about what they have done to capture the licenses, put on those costumes, really impact the industry. i thought it was a great story. more bloomberg television starts now. ♪ ♪ emily: i am emily chang and this is "best of bloomberg technology," where we bring you the top interviews from week in tech. sampson and the production of the note 7 smartphone. we dive into the stock meltdown. plus, the biggest social media ipo since twitter. a step closer to a public offering. twitter buyers appearing to cool their interest on a potential deal.

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