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Hear a lot about on the campaign trail, essentially what the magazine interprets that are many more americas than that. We have done an election issue before and we decided that this time around, we shouldnt focus on just the politics because you couldnt open any newspaper, look online at any site and thats all anybody is talking about is the daytoday politics of the campaign. And so we decided to focus on the people who are going to make the decision on the division which has led to a very unusual campaign. And we took it from there. Carol i felt like i was on the ground in america. Its very easy to get a certain perspective but i felt like i was all around the country. Ellen we sent reporters and photographers from the state of washington to alabama, we really went everywhere and talked to people. At one point, we joked it was the no expert zone that we were really talking to real people. And i think that is reflected in the story and you get a sense of what americans are feeling right now. Carol lets talk about one of the places you guys went to and this is the place with the most refugees in the United States, tacoma, washington. Ellen it is adjacent to seattle and i havent heard about it either and theres been a lot of refugees settled there from a variety of places. Africa is a big former home of a lot of these people. And they are coming and starting new lives. And its Something Like 40 of the population of this town are people from somewhere else. And then they talk to us about their hopes and about what theyre doing now. And its very touching. David what is it about that town . Why has it drown so many refugees . Ellen because there were agencies that settled them there. Its very seattle. And that they tracked more people who have come from other places and we have this incredible nugget of data, Something Like 80 languages are spoken in the Public Schools there. Carol i love that and the pictures are really gorgeous. And so are the people. David there are so many stakeholders featured in the magazine. You look at children of the undocumented immigrants with the most to lose or the most to win on this election . Ellen these people cant vote but they would love to be americans and they would love to vote and they are people who came here as very young people. And they are allowed to stay here temporarily because of the obamas executive orders but their future is very uncertain and they are setting they have roots here and they have jobs here and they talk about their hopes for the future. I spoke to the editor who spearheaded this issue about this story. Arizona has one of the highest populations of undocumented immigrants in the u. S. But more importantly for us, they also have the second highest rate of the country who applied for the federal program for undocumented young adults. This is a program put in by the president after the senate failed to pass Immigration Reform. The president said fine. I can do this by executive action. And now you have this enormous population of people who applied for this program. Its a twoyear program. And if somebody who doesnt want to continue it, it goes away. Its pretty much sure that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the program will stand and if donald trump is elected, he said he will get rid of it. So here they are. Were they willing to talk . Yes. These are the people who came here as very Young Children as part of the program. Its a requirement that you have to be under 16 when you came to the u. S. And theyve made their lives here. And they have applied for and now a part of this program. Theyve talked about the relief of having document for the first time in their lives of being able to get jobs. We spoke to one couple who have a 1yearold daughter and they said, you know, they were able now to get jobs on the books and build up a Credit History and buy a house because of this program. And so of course, theyre more than happy to talk about it because the federal government knows who they are and where they are. Finally, right . I mean, this group included business owners. Absolutely. One woman said she started so most of the people that we had in our group were politically active and that was in part of how we found them. There was a Little Network of people in phoenix who had been very active when the senate was debating Immigration Reform and just stuck with each other after the program was put into place. Anyway, they have all done theyre working as political consultants. Theyre working as marketing specialists. One woman has her own consulting business and started clothesline and she said, you know, the thing is, i can be an employer as an undocumented immigrate. Nobody cares if im an employer. I just cant be an employee. I can hire people. I can do all of those things. The truth is in the details. You dont think about it. There are all these Little Details that go into just building a life. David one cover image encapsulates to the creative director. Carol we talked to him about how he did it. We decided to do something thats in the spirit of the issue. Its called the electorate. Its basically more about the people than the candidates. The voters. Yeah. Throughout the issue, we sent photographers all around the country to shoot kind of, you know, ordinary americans, talked to them about their fears, their struggles and their hopes. And we came up with a lot of amazing photography, so much that we had a lot of outtakes. Carol my first thought is its like a patchwork of quilt. Yeah, exactly. On the cover and throughout the issue, we made it a point to get like a very accurate crosssection of the country which is people of all races, genders, you know, backgrounds, ethnicities, just the melting pot, i guess. We only have so much in a cover but we thought we would pick a selection of the people that really represents what this country is. David you mentioned all the photos you have on hand. How difficult did you have to end up the ones you ended up using . We determined that we had x amount of spaces to fill and then just like kept plugging away at each one until we had the right mix. Carol you know what i think is great is that here in new york, we will see so many different people get on the subway but this is what you see around america. Its true. We wrote about a city that ive never heard of but apparently is a haven for refugees. And new york city is this unique place in america and it is. But there are actually so many other diverse parts of the country. Carol up next, what to expect from an election when every voter is mad as hell. David and one most controversial editors, Milo Yiannopoulos. Carol welcome back to bloomberg businessweek. David you can listen to us on the radio and on sirius f. M. Carol in a special election issue, a reporter investigates exactly what happens when an entire country is angry. Think fear and anger tend to mashed together in one idea sort of negative campaigning and things like that. Not the same . Theyre not the same, exactly. People who study it see them in certain what is that theyre diametrically opposed. Its interesting you really get into a lot of psychology in your story and you talk about how positive emotions are approached and negative emotions are avoidance. Anger is an approach mechanism. Right. Anger is a negative emotion and it doesnt we tend to think of it as an unintended emotion but it acts like happiness. When youre ainge rick, you want to go toward the thing that youre angry at, you want to act on it. You believe you can make a difference by acting on it whereas when youre afraid or sad, you actually tend to shrink from the world. Anger feels good. So you can see why its a very effective motivating political emotion. And angry people tend to be a little bit more optimistic . Angry people are more optimistic of the future. They see themselves as more attractive to marital prospects. Angry people also have some biases. Angry people are not as interested in hearing new information. Angry people are especially not interested in hearing information that contradicts their sort of preexisting frame. Whereas people who are afraid, people who are anxious tend to seek out information, new information and especially information that is sort of new to them and might even be surprising to them. Theyre sort of appraising the world around them. But they also have a bias to that new information. Right. They tend to place more weight on information thats scary because theyre already scared about the world. Why is it that this is going on . I think theres a bit of the way in which negative emotions get talked about by pundits and political journalists tend to be specific and that theyre positive but the fact is fear and anger in particular are different. And if you want to get people if you want to sort of manipulate people, which is what sort of campaigns are about, you should know which to use to get what kind of effect. David the conservative rate, Milo Yiannopoulos is the poster boy for the right movement. Carol his posts are so hostile that he was kicked off of it error you write about the altright. Who is this . Yes. The altright is a lot like the european version of the far right. You know, theyre younger, a little more prankster oriented and troll oriented and they organize on the internet. Its breitbart. Com, its donald trump. Its donald trump. And you write about kind of the as you say, in your story, the pretty monstrous face of the altright. Were talking about Milo Yiannopoulos. Who is he . He is the altright starter. He is the c. E. O. Of breitbart is left to run trumps campaign. He is very pro trump, very antiimmigrate, very, you know, theres a lot of talk there about Hillary Clintons health. You can find on that website. And milo is their biggest, brightest star. He travels around to colleges and, you know, inflames students and they protest. And hes about to head on a college tour. How would you describe him . You spent some time with him, right . Yeah. Hes a super flamboyant gay british guy in his early thirst whos really well read, very entertaining and incredibly into offending and pissing people off. Well how does he want to be perceived . Does he want to be perceived as a political pundit . Is he an entertainer . Right . That is the question. He wants to be a pop star. Hes really the new ann coulter but instead he wants to be the new beyonce. So theres some tension there. He got a lot of attention. I wasnt so familiar but i went and looked at a bunch of videos and interviews hes done. But he gets a lot of attention in the public when he was banned on twitter. Tell us what happened. Yeah. He like much of the altright was upset about ghostbusters. They felt like their beloved ghostbusters of their youth was just like video games. They feel very strongly about pop culture and how its being taken away from what they call western culture and its really just white guys, right . So he was furious about ghostbusters and he said horrifying things about leslie jones online. And then twitter said that many of his followers, because he had about 350,000 followers on twitter had abused and harassed leslie jones online. And so they finally after multiple warnings over many things, just completely banned him from twitter. David coming up, why money cant solve the race gap when it comes to education. Why American Parents are left happy than anywhere else. David welcome back to bloomberg businessweek. Carol in the special election issue, why a special district cant solve the race gap. Its a troubling story and we spoke what reporter. We find pretty big racial achievement gap in evanston. As you can find in other places in the country, but what we found most interesting and potentially alarming about evanston is that it has all the makings of a kind of ideal american city. You know, it is a college town, northwestern is right almost its relatively affluent. The communitys very dedicated to public education. They spend a lot of money on it. And they have an integrated School System and thats why a lot of people are there. So despite all of that, theres still an achievement gap between white students and black and hispanic students. What accounts for it . What did you see that lead you to better understand why that gap is existent . Yeah, there is an inequality of School Systems in terms of how black students are treated, how theyre disciplined. Often just the expectations of them. And that has a pretty deep effect and its separate from income. So what the Research Shows is that even among high income white and black students, there is an achievement gap. So the intent is there to do well. It just hasnt played out there in terms of the data. What about is there raised awareness of this educational gap . Yeah, in a research came out nationally, evanston did is own research, parents and families in the community has been pushing the school, schools to make some changes. And so they are trying to assess what are the real policies and practices in the classroom. You know, daybyday, moment by moment that affects students and affects black and hispanic students adversely. Carol this is happening in an affluent town, diverse schools, etc. Whats the takeaway for other schools around the country where the demographics might be different, the geography might be different . There is for sure, a National Achievement gap and a lot of it can be attributed to really stark differences in income and wealth for a black family, white families. But i think what this suggests is that even when those gaps arent as big or, you know, are being smoothed over, if they are and where they are, that there are still attitudes and perceptions that biases that are probably unconscious, but nonetheless persist and are affecting the quality of education that are in the color gap. Carol in many places, its a fulltime job in and of itself. In this country, child care is very hard to line up and it is very expensive. So that is one of the things that is a pervasive stress among working parents of figuring how do i watch my child while i do my job and live my life and all these things . And in the u. S. , we dont have policies that make that very easy. Other developing countries have stronger policies that have shown to make parents happier than they are in america. And this is a thing that cuts across economic lines, it cuts across racial lines and its a pervasive problem because we have people having kids all across this country and the same policies prevail, obviously. If youre wealthy, you have more resources to deal with it but its very hard. David you look at families from portland, oregon, but its a very representative sample. These are families trying to many different options to deal with i. Theres this constant hustle that people have where theyre piecing together one situation that might work for a younger kid because its hard to get care, particularly for newborns or infants and then another situation when you have your kid in a daycare but arent quite ready for puerto rico or prek or kindergarten and these families have to go with the flow essentially but really structure their time and their arrangements in different ways. I talked to one woman who said i had to change my job saying i have to be out of here by 4 00 p. M. Because my daycare closes at 5 00. That is a deal dealbreaker for my job. And these are the realities. Care centers have to manage regulations that are there for understandable reasons but at the same time, families have to piece together five days or week if not more. Carol and you guys weave together a bunch of different families. But one of the families actually own a daycare facility and yet theyve got to find someone to take care of one of their kids. Exactly. So they have one 18yearold or 18monthold and they dont do kids that young because its very hard and expensive to provide care because you have to have more providers. And they have another daughter who is of age to go to their facilities and she does go two days a week but she doesnt go more because that can make space for a paying customer. They tag team running this business and child care. So theyre handing the kids back and forth and one of their parents, grand partners watches and picks up time in between with the kids. And you get the sense that they must be texting all the time trying to coordinate whos there, when are you there, who is picking up whom and whatnot. But thats very common. Not only as kids grow up or over the course of one week, the variety of what people have to manage. David what is it about this issue that fits in so nicely with what you guys are looking at . The Child Care Initiative has come up in this election overtly. Hillary clinton has talked about it front and center and part of her appeal to women across the spectrum. And ivanka trump has made it an issue and one of the things thats interesting is when ivanka came out with the proposals, they were not all that different than hillarys. Its a universal problem and theres some known solutions. We need better parental leave policies. Other countries make it work and data has shown that they are happier than we are when theyre parents. Its something that resonated across the country. David the stories in the election issue rely on data. Carol and a visual editor had to turn that data into art. We started with these 10 demographics and then we found ways to combine them in every possible way. So combining two at a time or three at a time or all sides. And when you combine them carol by demographic split, you mean men, women, blue, red . Yes. Its young and old, rich and poor, men and women and white and nonwhite. You get 242 different ways to kind of like slice america, basically. David how did you come up with the idea to do that . It was integral in how you approach the issue. It started with one to our graphics editor and he had this idea that everyone says theres two americas. Theres the men and the women or republican and democrat. And if you take all these different what is that people describe two americas, you start crosssectioning them, you get way more of a diverse picture. Carol as we went through the stories, we kept seeing these little icons throughout. It plays through the diversity of america. Exactly. The idea is when you look at all these different ways to slice people, you get a more diverse picture which is way better than the divisions of a lot of the other stuff going on in the world right now. David talk about how you approached that. You have all of these Great Stories about people but you tell it in such a visual way. The mantra which is this Danish Design mantra is so clear it hurts. So we used one type phase for the whole thing. We made clear the color coding throughout it and just really made the stories and the content come forward and give the reader like the most direct way into what were telling it do. David up next, an Unlikely Police cadet in ferguson, missouri. Carol and the two faces of Second Amendment people. Carol im carol massar. David and im david gura. It is everything but politics as the magazine looks ahead the u. S. President ial election. Carol it focuses on their ambitions and concerns. David investigate what provides the electorate. And what it tells us about donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Carol were ellen pollack. You guys take us to ohio to the trumpiest and clintonest part of the state. Ellen ohio is sometimes considered the swingiest of swing states as some people put it. It may or may not be this year but its a state that really matters to president ial candidates. And we looked at the districts that are the most pro trump and the most pro clinton and spoke to people there. And one of the points we make is that in many parts of the country, people view this well, its the lesser of two evils. Here, people really support clinton or they really support trump. And the parts of the state where they support clinton, one of the things theyre saying is clinton is talking trump is talking to us. Hes saying you dont want to live the way youre living and theyre saying you know, were living ok and things are actually getting better. And then ohio has lost a lot of jobs and in some of the areas that support trump, we talked to people who are retired or dont have work anymore and they feel very strongly that trump is the one for them including at least one former democrat whos now voting for trump. David you introduce us to krystal rock. Who is she . Ellen shes a police cadet in the st. Louis area and after ferguson, she decided that she wanted to be a police officer. Shes hispanic. Shes gay. And she wants to change things. And its a big commitment and shes very serious about it and she wants to change the way people view cops. She points out that, you know, its the minority of Police Officers who commit acts of violence, etc. And she wants to help change the perception of Police Officers. Carol you look at gun control and the Second Amendment people thats focused on hunting. Ellen thats right. We talked to a lawyer who is very involved in litigation involving gun rights. And of course, the ski resort Supreme Court will ultimately decide some of these cases and the court writes its at. And while you see all kinds of ads and all kinds of rhetoric about gun control, the courts are going to make the decision and we talk about the path that well have to will have to happen and we talked to an organization that is very pro hunting as a lot of gun folks are. And we talk about their plans for the future. Carol and its based in newtown, connecticut where that horrible shooting happened. We decided to go deep with the gun rights crowd and the gun industry rather than have a standard pro and con debate about what do you think about the Second Amendment. Carol which everybody has done a million times. One was chuck michelle, a wellknown lawyer who sues on behalf of people who feels their Second Amendment right have been infringed about and the other is the head of the gun industrys trade association, the National Shooting sports foundation. What is the case hes involved in right now. Hes suing in over the fact that in some counties in californias the practical effect of the interaction of state law and local regulation is that no one is able to get a permit to carry a gun around them as they go about their business and he feels thats a violation of the Second Amendment. That under an extension of a Supreme Court case called heller from 2008, that there has to be some way for someone who wants to not only keep a gun but bear arms as the Second Amendment says to do that in public. Woo is this where us this case going . Its just starting. So itll take a period of years before it plays out. Interestingly since heller, theres been a whole wave of litigation to testing the boundaries of heller. And the gun rights crowd has lost more of those than theyve won the lower courts have been very hesitant to sort of push out beyond where the Supreme Court was and the Supreme Court meanwhile has not taken any of those cases on appeal. But one of these days, the dam will break and well see another case go to court. Carol michelle wants to see donald trump go to the white house . He does. He is going to reluctantly vote for donald trump because he is afraid Hillary Clinton will do damage to the Second Amendment. David it is called the two americas. Carol look at all the pictures around us. The editor illustrated that idea through pictures. This essay is the framing device for the whole issue. So our design director was talking with us about the original consent of the issue which is like you have all these kinds of pieces of the election that you can get into but what it comes down to is lets look at the data and when you look at the data, you can take the idea of who americas and kind of turn it on its head a little bit. So the original concept to start with, there are two americas, conservative and liberal and another two americas, old and young and another two americas, rich and poor, another two americas, white and nonwhite, and then another two americas, men and women. And so then kind of, i think the math word is like permutation . \[laughter] so if you kind of combine all of these things, you get 240 possible combinations of demographic splits that tell a much more complicated story about the electorate and that was the goal. So what we wanted to do, we started out with research pictures but we really wanted to give it a strong kind of cohesive look and we worked with a photographer who went around looking for kinds of ways to make these pairings sort of take shape. So to me one of my favorite ones is the relationship between young and old. You have on the one hand, the hens of a mother hands of a mother pushing a stroll and the other, one using a rolling walker and they do a nice mirroring of each other system and thats what we were setting out to do with all of these to make kind of one to one comparisons between these two ideas. Carol up next, we take the pulse of the middle class asking shoppers of the mall of america what they want to see from washington. David and why mark cuban is voting for Hillary Clinton. David welcome back to bloomberg businessweek. Carol you can find us in sirius radio and in the bay area. David emailing with mark cuban. The billion mayor businessman and Television Personality is a vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton. Carol and also quick to taunt donald trump. Mark cuban, we know him well. One of the stars of shark whiskey tango foxtrot. He was backing donald trump. Yes, or at least he was publicly supporting donald trump calling the best thing to happen to politics in a long time, was a businessman rather than a career politician. Carol fast forward a year and hes not backing donald trump anymore. Right. He takes the stage in pittsburgh to endorse Hillary Clinton and he defined it as somebody who tries to intimidate and bully people, trump. Carol so you wanted to find out what happened in that year for him to change his mind. You talked with him. What did he say . What happened . Yeah. We exchanged emails in over a month and he said basically when he first was interested in trump, he reached out to trump to find out more and he really thought trump was going to begin a long process of learning and boning up on policy and really kind of figuring out what he needed to do to mount a Serious Campaign and that trump didnt do that, that trump really failed to do any of the kind of work that you need to educate himself. Carol he wasnt curious. Exactly. And that that put him off of trump and then he started looking at hillary and he was convinced that the email controversy and the foundation suggestions were not well founded and he was scared with trumps ponder policy. Carol did mark cuban feel like there were any similarities of him and donald trump . They were both bigger than life figures. Any similarities . No. I pushed him on it. I said you are both billionaires who play billionaires on tv. He said no. He didnt see any of himself on trump. And that trump is an easy guy to figure out and that he only cared about what people cared about him. Carol what about Hillary Clinton . Does he assume she will be in the white house . Hes pretty confident that she will win. Hes been very active in the media, on social media, on various platforms defending her against all comers and arguing that a lot of these socalled scandals are not. But he thinks that shell win. Carol does he have any advice for her . He did. He said when i asked him what he had suggested to them, what kind of role he sort of take within the campaign if any, he said he had brought to them some ideas of simplifying the process for opening a business, to make it easier for Small Businesses to launch. Carol does he want to be part of that administration at all . I dont think so. He doesnt want to run for office, he says. And hes certainly got a lot of other things that hes doing. But on the other hand, you know, i dont think theyre going to ask them. If they did, i bet you hell take it. Carol both candidates are overtures for two you walk up to somebody in the mall of america, what did you want to ask . I would ask them why they were there and what they shopping for and were there things that they se around the mall that they did want but couldnt have right now and did they fell that was something they could save up for or something that they would never be able to afford . And we talked about their own situation what they did for a living. Carol how did most people classify themselves . Most people think theyre middle class regardless of whether theyre making 30,000 or 200,000 a year. Thats a strange wide band. The other thing is almost everybody felt that they should be doing better. Few people felt theres maybe one couple that felt like yeah, were ok. And they were making about 90,000 a year in arizona. David was there an aspirational quality in the middle class . Do you think these people were living comfortably or did they aspire to upper class . They gravitated to middle class. There wasnt an aspiration of going higher than that. It was like i want to live free from worry. I want to be able to do some things. I recognize i cant do everything. If i can have that, that would be enough. Carol we spend so much time saying there is no middle class anymore. Its interesting that you go out and talk in the public and many say were middle class. Its not that theres no middle class. There are millions of middle classes. Its every individual has some idea of what middle class is. The problem is theyre all different. Carol any feeling in terms of what candidate might be better for them . Do they all seem to not fool like they were doing great . Mostly an apolitical conversation in regard. Some of the people who made more money were on the conservative side of things but everybody else had a general cynicism, if you will and that the world is hard and government is insufficient. Well see what happens. David could have gone anywhere in the u. S. Why did you decide to go to the mall of america . It works for the photographic purposes. And everybodys been to a mall. Its the biggest one in the country. Its in the middle of the country. It seemed like a really good place to start. David we talk to an entrepreneur who turned competition from china into a lucrative business opportunity. And how the political cycle looks from outer space. Astronauts give their voice the candidates and voters. David welcome back to bloomberg businessweek. In a special election issue, american chair manufacturer reveals what he did when he faced stiff chinese competition. Carol i spoke to him. We are an office chair manufacturer for over 34 years. We started importing a finish line of products from italy for wholesale distribution in the United States. And soon after, we got started. We began to bring manufacturing into our company and became quite an integrated manufacturer. Our Office Chairs by the late 1990s. We currently operate three plants, one in california, another in china, thats the one we operate ourselves and the newest plant in union city, tennessee, which is our resource effort to bring manufacturing in the United States. Are you constantly looking and assessing you run a company. Youve got to be profitable, assessing whats the smartest place or where is the smartest place to manufacture and that could change, maybe from yeartoyear . Well, we are constantly looking ahead and trying to figure out where we would like to be in five to 10 years time. After we started our operation in china, it gave us a chance to get some firsthand experience of what really is involved in manufacturing product overseas. Although our china facility has help us grow tremendously over the past many years but a few years ago, we started to put together a steady. That took us three and a half years to complete. So to find out what it would take to bring manufacturing back to the United States. We hired consultants. We vivid in many different locations and the end result us if you put five elements together, we would be able to manufacture a very high quality product in the United States and be able to compete with similar imported products. Carol the election digs into what is causing the division. David it recognizes there is a silver lining. Here is more. Founding fathers knew this was not going to be one big happy family. What does he do about that and the genius of america, really, is that people who are so different can live together, can Work Together. And the constitution is built around the idea that checks and balances. Its a democracy, but its a rebel republic. You see the problem when you have a pure democracy, strictly going by referendums and so on and ill mention brexit, for example, when kind of unadulterated democracy where everybody expresses opinions all the time and directly affects the way the government doesnt tend to work too well. And in the republic, then you have elected respectives, you have congress and the court system and that kind of helps. But what im kind of saying in this article is that its more than just the structure of the government the people themselves are not as divided as it appears. Carol you cite a study in your story. What did they find . Yeah. They did a meta analysis. They didnt do their own survey but they went back and did a bunch of surveys that had been done to see how people stood on policy issues. And if you just, you know, Pay Attention to the news, you would imagine that we had this deep schism. Republicans way over here and democrats way over here. But in a lot of issues, it really wasnt that way at all. Carol republicans and democrats are a lot alike than we what we think. Yes, the party are clearly split and the candidates are opposed but when you get past sort of the caricatures that we make of each other and, you know, demonizing the opponent and you get down to the nittygritty of how you feel about say what to do about child care or health care and so on and you take off your party hat and your party blinders and just think like an engineer, we have a problem here. We need to solve it. Then you do find issues where there are splits but not as many as you might think. There are a lot of issues where we just want to get something done. And i think what we try to do in this issue is illustrate that for all the differences between americans, there are a lot of overlaps and a lot of similarities and a lot of common goals. David what is going to happen to these two parties that they were so starkly divided during the primaries. There has to be some sort of reckoning, maybe for the losing party, maybe for both pears at the end of the president ial election. But it sounds like from what youre saying if you were to offer a prescription, the party system as it is now is making it more difficult to see or understand the similarities that we have. Yeah. And a perfect example of this is the party seem to be all about selfpreservation and selfperpetuation and every 10 years, congressional redistributing is a culprit in this because the parties want to entrench themselves and save seats and so they draw the boundary lines in a way in which if its a republican district, theres no competition. Once you win the nomination, youre going to win the election. And so the contest is entirely within the primary against other republicans and then the most because the primary voters had to be more extreme than the general electorate that you have an incentive to move to the extreme of your own party. And the same thing with the democrats. Theres no difference on the other side. But we the parties become more extreme than the electorate. David the issue aims to offer issue on the current state. Carol reporter josh idelson sat down with astronauts. We talked to a couple of former astronauts to get a sense of having look at the u. S. And the world in space shapes how they look at politics. The couple of astronauts had a lot of things in common to say that the experience of working together with people from all different countries, changes how you think about nationalism and about what it means to look out for your countrys interests that it gives you the sense that there that . Choice other than to try to find a way to Work Together with people beyond the u. S. They talked about the imperialism and the command of the fact thats involved in making something go up in the air and come back down again safely and a sense that facts are not front and center enough in u. S. Politics, that cooperation is not front and center the way it has to be. Up in space. And they also talked about the climate and the way you look at it differently once youve seen the climate from the other side. The atmosphere. Carol its a wonderful quote in this picture and it talks about theres smoke in north america and you realize what happens in one place, one country, it makes its way around the globe. Sure. And one of the astronauts i talked to did describe having as you mentioned, that powerful experience of seeing that connection and seeing a borderless world, so to speak. The other said he didnt really get the emotional gut sense. He said, you know, what do you expect . That youre going to see dotted lines in the sky . \[laughter] carol such a soon this is. He said what leaves an impression is saying how small the atmosphere is. Both astronauts used the skin of an apple. Its a dead rock with this tiny living humane piece on the top of it that we have to look out for and that was a perspective of both of them, really, came away with from having been up there. David i really liked what josh did. He found this photograph and had two extended interviews with the astronauts. Looked down upon the expert thought very deeply about divisions and borders. It was a very interesting perspective. Carol i liked susans story. She looks at the public educational and this is a city that has spent a lot of money and effort to really desegregate the schools and this gap between black and white students. And she really digs into this and i had no idea it was going on. So i really love that story. Bloomberg businessweek is available on newsstands now. David and online. David more of Bloomberg Television is up next. The following is a paid presentation for the Bissell Proheat 2x revolution. Get a bissell. The bissell revolution. Got kids . Get a bissell. 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