So today feeding off. Of the. Dead and more sanctions for North Korea it is alone it is dark and it's getting darker. With. 2 British soldiers a Jew in coal today charged with terror fences there among 3 men accused of membership of a banned neo nazi group as the b.b.c. Reports 5 men including 4 soldiers were arrested on September the 5th 2 were released without charge on Sunday the other 3 will appear in court in the morning. 24 lives said the to calea Garrison on Cyprus has been charged with being a member of the prescribed organization national action contrary to the Terrorism Act. Leinen who's $32.00 and lives on the campaign the Brecon Beacons has additionally been charged with possessing documents likely to be useful to a terrorist possessing pepper spray thief accused of intending to stir up racial hatred by posting insulting comments on the website The 3rd Man Alexandra Deakin who is $22.00 and from great power in Birmingham faces 4 charges including a count of inciting racial hatred by posting National Action stickers at Aston University last year West Midlands Police said the arrests were intelligence led there was no risk to the public safety. The government. Overnight be only for the wrong $326.00. To the night $290.00. To be absorbed into British critics say ministers would then have huge powers to adjust all scrapped them out M.P.'s getting another say in the end the government had a relatively comfortable mood. Dorothy of $36.00 Meanwhile a government paper suggests the u.k. Would continue to offer troops and other military support for the e.u. Off the BRICs it was Mormon Elsom to you Kate has the largest defense budget in the e.u. And is one of only 4 European NATO members to meet the targets of spending 2 percent of the g.d.p. On defense but when the prime minister to resign May began the directive process he warned that if a deal wasn't reached between the e.u. And the u.k. Cooperation in the fight against crime and terrorism would be weakened but now a government paper suggests British troops and military assets will continue to work closely with the e.u. And that will be joint foreign policy positions with Brussels Secretary David Davis says it's in everyone's interest to work together to challenge terrorism illegal migration cyber crime and aggression from other countries. Needs h.m.s. Ocean setting off from Gibraltar to join relief efforts in the Caribbean off. Already a $700.00 strong British military forces in the region the foreign secretary Boris Johnson is heading that to to visit British territories devastated by the storm Michael Joseph is the president of the Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross going to require permission because it is kind of such a dangerous time there aren't any running water on any portable water whatsoever there's no electricity. 60 percent of the properties out of here repairable and then another 30 percent. But it's recommended to just demolish in Florida around 2 thugs of homes 6 and a half 1000000 without power in many areas remain stranded. From the u.s. Department of Homeland Security what we have now is a large area of operations so what we're trying to do is marshal the resources where they're needed and. We're worried about flooding housing debris and power restoration access to fuel we will have. To clear debris from roadways so that people can gain reentry the White House says it could be weeks before many people are able to return to the homes but hundreds are already queuing in make cars to get back to the Florida Keys. Not sure in a long 3 days one room at a friend's or no communication I have no idea they go home in a couple boats down there. Hoping for the best. The u.n. Security Council voted unanimously to impose fresh sanctions on North Korea or offer its 6th and most powerful nuclear test Russia and China joined the vote to support more restrictions the u.s. Ambassador to the u.n. Nikki Haley the images from space of North East Asia at night show brightness and prosperity surrounding a dark lonely space that is North Korea those images are a good illustration of where the North Korean regime is today it is alone it is dark and it's getting darker Kemble is executive director of the Arms Control Association in Washington he says the new u.n. Sanctions are an updated and stronger version of what went before mainly focused on a new element here is a cap on oil exports to North Korea at current levels it cuts certain products process for product exports to North Korea so this is another tightening ratcheting up of some of the sanctions that are already in place sculpts Knight as an academic who specializes in Korean math says he says the sanctions may affect the country's nuclear program to an extent but won't stop it Kim Jong un is pursuing those measures because he's tied the program to his own domestic legitimacy and so for him the nuclear and missile development programs remain a matter of regime survival and I don't think that these sanctions will separate him from the need to. That development listening to the Aussies use Bangladesh's prime minister as a visit account for Ranger most of them refugees who fled the violence in May in ma formerly Burma hundreds of thousands across the border in recent weeks un officials describe the actions of the bunny's military as ethnic cleansing police have confirmed that a 100 people were arrested during protests ahead of the world's biggest bombs Fathi which starts in London today activists tried to block roads leading to the Xcel Center in Docklands Alaska fabby Ginza charities stepping up its campaign for the u.k. To stop bomb sales to Saudi Arabia Save the Children claims those weapons are being used in attacks on civilians in Yemen civil war the act to Dominic West is among those supporting the campaign the u.k. Has a lot to be proud of I've seen the lifesaving work that u.k. Aid provides children and families when they need it most What saddens me deeply is that at the same time as we're doing good we're also doing a lot of damage a wonderful claims the u.k. Sell weapons worth more than 3 and a half 1000000000 pounds to the Saudis since the start of the conflict in Yemen in 2015 or so I just say most studies are needed into the impact of life drinking during pregnancy a group in Bristol examined all the work ever published on the issue and say There is surprisingly limited evidence that drinking up to 4 units a week old has problems both Elisa's the color was part of the tape we found that if anything that could be increased the risk of. Being treated as a. Drinking pregnancy. A very significant amount. Say that over the copyright ownership of a selfie taken by a monkey has finally been settled out of Colts the photographer whose camera was used to take the photo of the Crested macaque agreed to donate a quarter of future revenue to charities that it catered to protecting the speed. She's it's off to animal rights activists to David slate on behalf of the monkey says. Sign out of the ice says he doesn't want to return to the manager's job at Crystal Palace but he wasn't directly off of the job anyway Roy Hodgson is expected to take over after Frank to vote was sacked just 77 days after being appointed by step down from palace in May and says he's no desire to return to management I wouldn't feel comfortable at this moment in time taking any position as a football manager as I'm enjoying my last 2 which at the moment is the world watching everybody else for the pressures of the Premier League and this certainly huge pressure more than ever with some relief to soften billets another manager on the pressure West Ham beat How does fail to know last night to move off the bottom of the table a feel the pressure for a whole year no no it isn't fair to the Go For me it's not logical to be under the pressure up there free gets only about the thief if you like more than football and the of course so for the pressure but we kept the calm with England players and I faced off being told not so use public or hotel why fire the well cop next year in Russia because of fears of hacking the f.a. Is worried people could be on the lookout for teen tactics there's an international cricket match later and the whole a big step towards bringing the sport back to Pakistan since the terrorist attack which targeted the Sri Lankan team boss 8 years ago some volved way and Afghanistan have played matches in Pakistan today there was a t 20 game between the home nation and a well the left says. Headline. The British soldiers are due in cold charged on the terror goals are among 3 people accused of membership of a banned neo nazi group the foreign secretary is heading to the Caribbean or start $100.00 strong British military forces there off the hurricane Ana and as the government winds a vital Commons vote on BRICs it a new pipe promises defense cooperation with the e.u. Will continue that's the latest on Paula. basically. For a really really important in your life Ok like breaking news is. That he had to say this without almost crying washing machine so not washing machine dishwasher . Has stopped working. Just. Where really into the. Making. Is it. Wasn't it was even. Made stops made saw it cool so that next to everything out of the dishwasher that and then this is the spring we had to wash. Everything. With a wash everything by hand in the saying Can you imagine that walk right. Alas the state of affairs in the hatch household at the moment is get this every mail from now on until we sort the dishwasher out we're going to have to watch all those plates all those cops if you go kids you know I mean cops just leave around the house. I've got to be and the. Big breaking news in the hatch house all day. Yes don't call. Me Well these days I don't even know. Someone. Even. In. The song. Well. You think I didn't even try it you. With. Get out of. Thinking. Now a new museum is to be built on the norm in from the museum on Sword be choosers one of the beaches of course used during the D.-Day landings and while water is just open to the public and to went along for forces ready for coming up in about 25 minutes if you. Believe in. The float. . You've ever had to have a little think talking about it more question. Who sees Much. Am glad. We. a physio and talking to you. But they're going to force must be. The one to tell them I'm free to. Go and simply must. Never lose any. You'll be always I was very far. Away just told me every. Right Thing came up with some pretty strong. Ones I'm going to. Cause some. Problems I'm going to. Write. Down. The. Card is. Come up let's. Cut. To a free. Lunch. Please . Be. Serious long. Run. Slow slow slow slow slow slow. Slow. Would you agree. With. This line. Of b.s. Tom please make a satellite t.v. In the. Slate. 3 men including 2 British soldiers have been charged under terror laws of being members of a banned neo nazi group all 3 of you to appear before magistrates in central London this morning and pays have approved the European Union withdrawal bell which transfers thousands of e.u. Laws into u.k. Lofted Breck's it and the un Security Council voted unanimously for a new sanctions against North Korea after its 6 than so Falasha sniffly a test unspoiled West Ham are off the bottom of the Premier League table after beating has failed to nail in London last night is the manager and really please how we react to this difficult situation the who was created after 3 defeats you know you know your confidence is a bit down and all the other let's they've done everything that we asked them from from the 1st moment we were on the front foot Crystal Palace looked like it to a point the former England boss Roy Hodgson as the new manager off the sacking Frank to book the f.a. Has written to the sports world governing body to express its concern about cyber security after recent attacks by hack has its advising people to stay off public and hotel why 5 during the World Cup in Russia next year in the Champions League group stage Celtic tonight of how he signs the amount Chelsea has Karabakh of it out of Azerbaijan while Manchester United take on Basel at Old Trafford and city Joshua said it's been easy for him to move on from his victory of a flood to make touched out Wembley He's been speaking ahead of next month's world heavyweight title fight against Paul Gary's Kobach pulled off in Cardiff where he'll defend 3 belts this is when really this isn't. His game this is Cardiff and nearly new goals of improving so let's rock n roll an extra security will be in place today at The Oval sorry a back that tax in crickets county championship game with your shot is the 1st insecure bolt was fod on to the field that's the latest on Polish for. over the last 2 weeks. That can really be described as a. Awakening. Except pets. Tiffany if you will basically completely. Honestly I have I am I've surprised myself and I thought I had pets before that many pets you know. I've never known a loft like this for a pet it's bizarre it's really you know it's really hit me in the face I mean I've had cats about fish and rabbits. I mean a stick insect when I was little Nothing compares the love I have in the moment I completely love it's ridiculous. So best pet you've ever had Let's. See how many how many dogs get in there I'll be quite interested I don't know let me know as well if you've had a dog I think a dog is a game changer the pets are on you my thing you love a cat not really into me if you get a dog they don't know how much you love a cat. But that's my experience I could be wrong that's just my my view so best pet you've ever had and I'm putting Rocky down there he's a cab opposed to little fluffy puppy he's on the list if you want to put your pet on the list Ok Is he worth it if he if you're thinking a colony of all that he's not worth it you're loving and that's that's fine you just have a good relationship is all you have with Ok that's all I'm saying if you want to be on the list h j a b f b s dot com best you've ever had. When you. This. Was. Moved to an. Hour to hour. Winds to the. Small. Amount. Of. Our feet. Per 2nd we are. Going to keep. Moving the. Me had think and long. Enough to get busy worth it. Don't worry about that you've been bad you really love to pass you've been all broken if he's not here anymore you just fold seeing him every day. Literally. Nothing is ridiculous. I'm just. Going to list. In relation to how many catfish rabbits horses and stick insects because I just a thief you have you know the joy stick insect but really what you get back from the stick insect can it really show you any kind of faction or. Be an emotional connection with a tool to I'm just saying. You have a hat I'm thinking is going to fill up with dogs make it happen. That. Kind of boy into this. Trend of the moment I saw one on the telly there's a lady who had. A can quite work out what happened to a fight. Something's wrong. Doing in the paper today if you struggle to keep up with. Beauty trends at the best of times you money. The new fashion physique Zakk eyebrows. It says Tom Ridge millennial is all blending photographs of themselves with their brows posset so they make long zig zags when they're massive towns very strange as others have squiggle Brown's special. Is used to style Brown has in the same direction before they came to wiggly lines effect lives a bit like Bob while having silly string strung across the forehead if your grades aim is to simply look nice This might be the one to Mrs in the amounts that my daughter does as Ruby has she says a. Radio of all the things that. Give. You crop top and jeans and trainers and. Really my comment on your eyebrow on a piece of really big. Broad. Newness Your school see the soundtrack. Visit Thank you. And the. Mailing. List said. Thank you. Is the thing is. Busy. Busy thinking. Boy. A new museum is to be build so on the norm in France honoring Franco British history and relationships is to be constructed on Sword Beach one of the beaches used during the D.-Day landings during the 2nd World War The may remain and Matthew Sheldon from the National Museum of Navy. Is to be called the Center for Franco British relations in the shadow of h.m.s. Victory the flagship the beat the French at the Battle of Trafalgar a special gathering in Portsmouth to launch this concept is a real play. Fara myself and the member of my team to be there to day. And. Why you need the minimum is a misuse of shares then me we're going to say to friends the National Museum of the Royal Navy is packed with interested parties Paul Smith and we straddle the town that is at Sword Beach are joined by ferry ridge and share a lot in common the museum will showcase French and British and shared history from both countries points of view and was borne out of the 70th D.-Day commemorations themselves. Having a discussion where the Prince Charles and the former president of the French. Are in true build a museum dedicated to the British troops and all the British history in Normandy to get a new breach on a tribal war or between the 2 countries which is not anymore and it's a right let's do it expertise will be used from institutions on both sides of the channel to bring this to fruition including the National Museum of the Royal Navy strong links between victory and war clearly operation that she wanted to. I mean it could go in many different ways and I think what they're doing is that the number of design a standard. Very clear about. Perfect looking forward to telling a bit of that story on the French side of the channel we strands Mez says the funding is in place the museum should be open by November 29th Not here of course the 75th anniversary of the D.-Day landings and the year in which the 5 D.-Day beaches are expected to be granted UNESCO World Heritage status to. a stick insect was it sold his soul was it the old. Man the greatest good keep the. Ghetto we can and. We can find a way. To get. You in. The end.

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