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As the couple left to get the tears of relief and happiness from flight attendant Barry and his family in court today squadron leader Sarah said and who stood in a relationship with Barry had received special permission from the judge to be in court to hear the verdicts incident took place after a night out on Saturday the 14th of January 28th and the couple was celebrating need to set a recent return from a 3 month tour of Afghanistan by the evening ended in a drunken argument. She was going to leave him Barry told the court he took an overdose and begged her on his knees to stay but she refused to put his hands around her throat and she lost consciousness but today in court the jury took just over an hour and a half to reach you none of us not guilty verdicts Timothy Barrett was ordered to attend a sentencing hearing next month for a lesser charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm which he's already admitted regulation forces news. Boris Johnson is promising what he's calling tough new measures to combat knife crime if he wins the general election he's pledging the anyone caught unlawfully with a knife would be arrested immediately charged with in 24 hours and in court within a week police would be given great just stop and search powers on a visit to a boxing gym in Manchester Mr Johnson said the causes of crime would also be tackled it's not just about police just about stop and search but tacitly important it's going to serve I reckon your arms around the kids putting the right track. Labor's accusing the prime minister of being in the pocket of big business apologies pledged to nationalize key services and to address large company pay gaps shadow chancellor John McDonald says he wants to bring in a 20 to one pay ratio between the highest and lowest workers in a company someone on the national minimum wage would have to work 69000 years to be paid a 1000000000 a new qualified nurse would have. 50000 years no one needs to have that much money and far Johnson and Jerry Corbin will go head to head in an hour long live debate tonight the 1st in this election campaign meanwhile the brick said party is under investigation for claims that it failed to hand over personal data the Information Commissioner's Office is looking into the complaints skies technology correspondent Roland month so anyone can ask any organization for a coffee of the data that it holds on them actually totally crucial in this new Briley important area of data right because there's such access to Qwest is the gateway right it gives access to all the other rights you can ask to be corrected or raised if you don't know what data is being held on you force. The full 6 years meanwhile the Green Party has launched its election manifesto centered on a plan to make Britain carbon neutral by 2030 the policies plans also include replacing the Ministry of Defense with a ministry for security and peace but one of the Greens co-leaders told forces news they would continue to spend 2 percent of national income on defense James test was at the manifesto launch it's all about the environment the reply G.'s away G.'s housing of the n.h.s. Pretty easy. Or Green Party kindly to show Barrie cools a new deal we can have a future where we've made our whole country carbon neutral all we can take the other feature of climate tile the Greens other co-leader. Defense would have to play a part in getting carbon neutral in the fence we want to see more electrification recognise a real estate with technology if you call from the place of ships you want to secure all forces then you. Need a massive investment in research and development and that's a massive top. When you deal get to tackle a cool place where things go well defense doesn't get much attention in the grease from the fester there are a couple of significant policies scrapping the u.k. Strident e.p. a Deterrent and turning the Ministry of Defense into a ministry of security and peace often what we do is get to a crisis point in the world and we suddenly go how what are we to do we not intervene in this leave us alone or do we intervene militarily what we're saying is there's a much more prominent role to play for active peace building we would by the time the 2 percent defense spending that was signed up to 3 nights I agree that it would take an electoral quake for them to win this election but they have hope that they might get enough M.P.'s to have some significant sway in turbulent political times James says both his knees lumber your listening fantasies use the 4000000000 pound takeover of the u.k. Defense John problem by an American company has moved a step closer the government said it is considering giving the all clear to the deal with the Us private equity firm Advent business secretary. Said she's minded to accept legally binding undertakings including that existing security arrangements will be continued and strengthened as public hearings in the congressional impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump go into that 2nd week more witnesses and giving testimony Jennifer Williams a Russia advisor for vice president might pence and have done it because Alexander Venkman a White House expert on Ukraine are appearing before the House Intelligence Committee Democratic chair of the Committee Adam Schiff praised them for coming forward and deplored the attacks on them from some of Mr Trump's support as is Williams We all saw the president's tweet about you on Sunday afternoon and the insults he hurled at Ambassador give on average last Friday you're here today and the American people are grateful for November and we have seen far more scurrilous attacks on your character I know that you have shed blood for America and we owe you an immense debt of gratitude. Standard Chartered has announced it won't renew its sponsorship of Prince Andrew's charity picture palace the multinational bank said it had made the decision for commercial reasons for the Duke of York is facing a barrage of criticism following his interview in which he discussed his friendship with a convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein who says he has a full season ends now imagine finding 2 grand in cash on the street would you keep it over the last 5 years the people of Blackpool Colliery in County Durham have handed in 12 wads of money found in different locations around the village usually it's almost exactly 2000 pounds in 20 pounds notes a man investigating the mystery bundles is Detective Constable John Forster all thinks they just open in straight up so don't be in fights just let your members of the public to find a buck to each and every one of them and every one of them says you know that would stop shopping there with business and people and then you just say this money and then the fear that some thought is who's lost this how do I get back to the latest find came yesterday morning police say they've been to be of various people in the village as well as carrying out checks with the local bank they've also tested the cash for fingerprints but so far d.c. Foster says they've no idea who's leaving the money and it is someone who just amazingly generous and just think that there's some sort of generous spirit leave the money for people a worse case no real support from wonderful 1st news frittering away or the like. These people in the Village Cafe say they wouldn't think twice about what they'd do if they stumbled across some of it I probably had to err I think how I would be wondering way from that was the thing oh yeah definitely hard to hear and that kind of honesty is a recorded Detectives say the money is held for 2 weeks to give the owner a chance to come forward and then return to the find says. Wells manager Ryan Giggs says qualifying for your 2020 isn't about him it's about the team wells would qualify if they beat hungry. In Cardiff tonight Giggs himself never made it to a major international tournament as the playoffs elsewhere but in all of the non play Germany and Frank football Scotland face cassocks done it Hamden park Scotland and Northern Ireland Conn qualify from their respective groups and will be in the playoffs next month just a city on the brink of overtaking man united as England's richest football club city of release that financial statement for the season which has shown a record of just over 535000000 pounds. Had long. Been cleared of attempting to kill his squadron leader girlfriend might have done and Barry had Peter guilty too in the sword charge which will be sentenced next month and bars Johnson from his tough new measures to tackle knife crime at the still prime minister while the Green Party has launched its met manifesto to be call them 0 by 20 What's the latest. These days the F.T.'s. Big Show which Amy Casey. him next. Around the forces Well good evening to you if you join us from Pomerania act a rock. That I could even you know man just after 9 an evening it's just after 10 in the morning in Canada and good afternoon in the folk lands and of course yeah like I say good morning to you if you joined us from Canada if you go to Sunday every plus around the u.k. Thank you very much present and accounted for and I'm very glad about that because the big question is on the way for you next now the all may very much enjoying being vicar a sister service on planet so far the early point went to the Royal Air Force. Not even Team Navy yet but if you are representing Team Navy today could be your day we're going to get into the big question for you next as well is that we're going to be finding out more about the trainees the end of an era for the largest ever. Trained. We'll get into all of that after this with Jane's she's a still Forces Radio. Our I thank you very much for getting in touch today representing Team Knight is a very positive team Navy today for. Time The big question is on right now is the answer to that. Just trying to you know suss out the lie of the land I'm giving nothing away except for the question in total are you ready for this. According to a new survey. One in 4 prospective car buyers have done this on a test drive. What is it. Saying . Test driving cars I mean I never buy them the test is always fun according to a recent survey nearly one in 4 prospective car buyers have done this on a test drive. I'd love to hear from you today which is the last time you took the car for test. What was it I want to know you big b f.p.s. Into a car making text me as well 07403 double 73 double 7 if you listening overseas drop the 0 plus 44 and start your message with u.k. And I've put this up on the social forces radio b.s. You can jump on there and leave your on son let me know what you're thinking and don't forget most importantly to nominate your favorite If you've never played along today let it be today Tuesday the 19th of November. To say the 19th of November the day that you played the big question and you can go for any service even if you just pick one that you like the look of and that goes if you get it correct nice and easy with a d.j. Colleague and Justin Bieber their new single on the way for you 1st of all this gorgeous man who coincidentally has had pizza dedicated to him. I mean is that he does geniuses like the Louis. That this is breezes is the new single Forces Radio. Small of a pin go stored me. Near every breath and then see you can since you live used stony. Are there no no and so that she will come back when you can find and soon be. Shivery word that all of that spoken since she lived through Sluggo a whole new story. Been sold up and so to get Sure. But I won't buy a new evolution proves that she lived. A lot on each of. Them must be shoved in the. Center of it it's good and could. Only accurate. Yet keep it from go and. Be on just be blinded by the bride. Of war we'll be cool. There must be something. Been sewn up in shorts a good shoe or mum. Never lose the broom just that she lives be. Low down the tube. Must be shoved in the. Center of it does its good and could. 6 only be accurate to. Keep it from Goldman. Who. Sure a lot of them knows. A lot of them knows. A lot of them knows. A lot of them know most. Of them knows. Even knew know things who you know. You even know things you. Know must be short the war. 6 from go in. There must be something in the. Shape of it does a. Good. Good get from go when the. French. Says something new to help you when it comes to sorting your accommodation but of choice the future accommodation model pilot scheme is coming it will give service passengers more choice and their accommodation for the 1st time you'll be Thank the for. The for real. He. Didn't want to. Play digital. But. Moments. But when you run. She looked like she should look she should look. She looked. Real. He. Didn't want to. Put. Franklin I'm not. Sure. He. Didn't want to. It's. Your own time collate it so we the best music just a babe accolade is no brainer Forces Radio. To sat there like. West Penn on. Its We the best news is my red pen unbelievable. The joint is around the force Well good the unions Well it is great to have you on board today I got some great stuff on the way one of our favorites Jade bad going to get head brilliant single on the wife harry styles as well the new one for him but you may have seen this on forces and also the forces news team had this as part of their a British forces news last night the end of an era for the largest ever intake of trained at cat tricks a. Brilliant scenes coming out of cat shake now that time is Cheney rifle men came to an end today and the class of 2019 and now heading off to their new regimental homes and bases Hannah King has the story that was an issue teach if t. Is amongst the full 100 warriors It's the moment that many have been tracing his rifleman Ashman Mogo Irish Ryan Roach in raw and sore and sores all mixed up with the missing our 2nd home I think it's a hard day if. We're going to miss all of these things all of. My 6 and go on those sort of. My no movies of course I'm going to miss them so most are saying goodbye is always the hardest always hard for me and I'm trying hard not to cry. Well not to write yeah trying a lot of kids around today I'm seeing a lot of chairs around and smoking really hard to control various those joining to Roca rifles heading straight to Heathrow to fly to Brunei Tonight the rest will travel to the new regimental homes across the u.k. When the coaches depart the wools of get a company will fool silent but the permanent staff has some challenging weeks ahead they must now begin preparing for the class of 2020 almost 10 percent bigger than this which is already the largest in 3 decades brigade is growing and growing. It's an amazing story isn't it like I say you can read more forces net and I'm sure that won't be the last that we see of these incredible because from Catrike if you do have a local forces to net you be able to see some of the questions for the entrance exam for. And some of the the actual exams they have to sit I mean their nails say congratulations to the largest ever intake and jump on line check it out and have a little rage you might need. This is a new one for Harry Styles It's called lights up a Forces Radio b.s. . I. I. Was. I. Was. Was. Guest a new author hurry styles it's lights up a force is ready r.b.f. B.s. I tell you what is rockin some looks at the minute as any I mean he's gone for a seventy's kind of look he's got some fled jeans on and one story that I saw today . He's got a pink tutu on and tights as well during one other photo shoot champagne in hand and in a pink tutu and I tell you I got some rave reviews as well because he hosted Saturday Night Live the Americans absolutely loved him so they. Become a very hot export speaking experts. Exports and this fabulous lady is also one high on jay bird and you are listening to Forces Radio b f b I certainly did a brilliant job when she was stateside cannot white to see what she's got in store for us for 2020 this is Jade bad and my most are b.s. . Of it. Be done soon. Enough to. 'd keep through this is 2. That was. Fabulous bad Forces Radio b.s. B.s. All right on the way for you next going to find out more about the 1st ever Akrotiri awards that happened a little bit earlier this month to recognize love is a fantastic people on the base and how Greg Burnette was that so we check in with Greg and find out all about that for you next to how you get on with that big question today so according to a new survey one in 4 new car Baez have done this on a test drive What is that and Marie I'm terrified she says is it driving too fast or getting a ticket. That you call for a test drive it's not a good ally Christi ambulance man are you doing today. Some of the on this can actually read out that thank you for those that are enjoy a bowl is it broken a speed limit or taken a selfie it's good it's not quite right what do you think today get in touch and that mean a big a b f b s to call me according to a new survey nearly one in 4 perspective car buyers have done this on a test drive What is it just plain on your radio next. B.s. . George as a riding shotgun I'll get on your radio for you next discussions of Pasadena ahead of the news as well that's all there if you join us from Cyprus this evening good evening to you hope you doing well this month the 1st ever Akrotiri awards to recognize outstanding people on the base now Greg been at with a chat with the winner as. The bubbly is flowing everybody is in black and there's even a string quartet award season is fully underway for the Akrotiri Awards 2090 Not only am I not about types that they got the memo nor did I get an invite so I won't be in the dining hall with a room where the stuff is already served instead on in the television or what on a long corridor Oh well I will be dragging our award winner has to have a chat with them say she was clearly a seriously illegal to receive a horse to take any notice this is just tired when the awardees incident came right what have you done to be an unsung hero and said this station you've been to recollect you know that I took on that role a long time a full time job I took communion of the use and secured I pass from Prime funding. To ensure new facilities for the use in town and I trying to make sure the stuff was pretty knowledgeable temps in the sections so you sense as I mentioned even more important on military bases so I can you see the importance in the young people they work with. Coming from it and you can use interest in here it's needed more than that with in-situ bubble and that sometimes only saw in the real world and it's good to just bring out how and where are you going to put their water is going to try to replace the money if you we've definitely. Jenny Randall and it was a Lifetime Achievement Award lifetime achievement award is a big deal Jenny how long have you been here I return to 986 to be after the primary school is ahead of infant department and I retired in 1909 but the state and then been volunteering at Akrotiri at the lame store that he is now. I just love Cypress. I mean it's just lovely I just love it here and love being part of the campus while in need to keep communities it's just great it's just brilliant and how does it feel to be recognized by everyone here I'm just amazed as to be shocked. You know when that's a disability other people have of being nominated for it's and the of what they've done a thought was that that's not me that's not me you know it got anything and I couldn't believe it when you know it's tell you since he didn't finish irritation congratulations I think. What I'm saying to Aldrich chiefs and the Ward is the station Chronos was provided support for one of my trips he was injured it's an unfortunate incident and support him and his family during the recovery period what was your motivation to support observant just feeling as I'd like some say the same for me and I think you know we should all accounts for each other and want to provide thoughtful I mean his family I mean sounds very You did more than just support in the normal amount you've gone above and beyond to do this right you always have been a bit of an unfortunate saw myself as a lecturer what provides but as for me in the military we will look out for each other in Africa the congratulations and joy is I think very much. They had a similar when this thing tonight they were able to enjoy themselves because there is a band about takes the stage and I think a whole plethora of cheese tomato and ham sandwiches to get through backstage forces ready B.S.D.'s on deck with an updated as well Al Greg that speaking to win as of the Akrotiri will is 2019 and if you were among some or even just attended the evening congratulations I can listen I this is just as you and shotgun and forces radio be f.p.s. . To see you live. Good. Son and saying to me yeah. I could. See. What I mean. You know he's. Got his shot. I was shot and. Sal. Got to. Go to. See that. There's. Still. Going. To. Be. A. Group. Yes. He. Is a. See if you. Know I'll be A shotgun Forces Radio p.f.b. Ass thank you very much Reverend get in touch today if you are one of the many that have done so for today's big question so why. So according to a recent survey nearly one in 4 prospective Col Baez have done this on a test drive. Has been it's not. I'm really worried about what you guys do when you take calls up to stress quite frankly it's nothing to do with getting tickets speeding driving too fast as definitely been my top guess and nothing to do with. You know hanging out with a special friend or anything I pass Ok I love this from Patrick he gets in touch and he says try to pick up a date that hits Patrick yet again to every know what car you were test driving when you tried a very good how he says it kicks Fatah is all that does that doesn't I. See how far the Saints go back you know again it's good it's not right get into me know what you think according to a survey one in 4 new called Bias have done this on a test drive. Big. This is Medusa and Becky Hill it's these control b.s. . I'm drowning. Love . The lips. This isn't if I'm a geezer Becky hell is lose control of forces radio p.f.b. Ass All right the forces news team on the way for you next 1st of all this gorgeous man is shown Mendez and lost in Japan Forces Radio be F.B.I.'s. The same. Idea. That is so crazy. I just want to see here. I'm a couple of my. Kids Let's. Get to my kids 2 of my kids to come I. Can feel the tension. With them. I know was more than just the friendship I can. Do I got it can see. It on the cover. I'm a couple. Of. Hours think you can. Get a $35000000000.00 pound increase in income tax from Health and Social Care reader Joe's friends into the big chunk of the fund to be spread over 5 years of the party takes power would go into mental health miscreants. Brix it isn't helping plug staff shortages leaving the European Union doesn't make sense because already lost . Your sense from the e.u. Countries the concept is not the nurse the 1st rate they trot and the number of people applying to their sick elsewhere the Greens launched their manifesto which includes plans to go net carbon 0 by 2030 and Boris Johnson's promised tough new measures to combat knife crime if he is still prime minister after the election Mr Johnson and the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn will take part in their 1st live televised t.v. Debate tonight. The Swedish authorities have dropped a rape investigation into the founder of Wiki Leaks Julian a song he's currently in Belmarsh prison and is facing an extradition hearing to the u.s. In February Marty Savidge reports from Stockholm it's now almost a decade since prosecutors here 1st issued an arrest warrant to question Julian Assange following claims he sexually assaulted one woman and raped another they ran out of time to look into the allegations of sexual assault to a 5 year time limit in Sweden and later dropped their investigation into the alleged rape saying it was too difficult while the Wiki Leaks founder with inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London after he was removed and arrested in May they reopened the case today though Sweden's Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions said that while the woman's account of what happened was credible the supporting evidence was that strong enough a number of companies and institutions are reviewing their relationship with Prince Andrew following his highly criticized b.b.c. Interview about his links with the convicted sex offender Geoffrey Epstein earlier the Standard Chartered Bank said it had decided not to renew would sponsorship of the prince's take initiative pitch at the palace which aims to help entrepreneurs more senior officials have been testifying in the public hearings in the President Trump impeachment inquiry the White House aide Alexander Vindu And so the president's request for Ukraine to look into Joe Biden was improper as today's session got underway the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes used his opening speech to attack the media it was no objectivity or fairness in the media's Russia stories just as a fevered rush to tarnish and remove a president who refuses to pretend that the media are something different. What they really are puppets of the Democratic Party who leaked reports into a huge n.h.s. Maternity scandal has revealed a toxic culture of the trust where mums and babies suffered avoidable deaths the review found decades of problems and Shrewsbury until that hospitals and warn that lessons are not being learned to this day. The latest on Peter Russell. With a b j c. This is the easiest way to. Get . Inside. The truth. With no feeling when we. Get. There. So. We. Want. To. Be. Just. As if. It's. Just. A. Console. Because it. Sounds good. We. Know. We. Can Stop.

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