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$200.00 people died in the attack on the sweet a region which included suicide bombings with more from Beirut the B.B.C.'s most in-patients reports Doris attack and sway there was one of the damn police days of violence in Syria for several months now the U.K. Based Serbian Observatory for Human Rights said that you have is to get at least $36.00 women and children whole stage. To say on its propaganda channels whether it carries out the kidnappings it's also not clear whether negotiations are under way to secure the hawse the G.'s release the militant group has now lost most of the territory once controlled in Syria and Iraq but after children wash weeks or tank remains a deadly franked Zimbabweans all voting in the country's 1st elections since Robert McGarvey was ousted in November it's the 1st time since $980.00 that his name is not on the ballot paper queues of voters have been reported in Harare and the countryside Malays and officials have failed to determine what happened to Flight M H 370 and the final report examining the plane's disappearance 4 years ago $239.00 people were on board the aircraft when it vanished on route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing the Malaysian official in charge of the investigation confirmed today that there was nothing suspicious in the pilots but ground the pilot's sister sucking up Shaw said she welcome to the report's conclusions about her brother according to a force that was nothing negative discounting nothing negative about the nature of the well he's professional recall his family conditions nothing like it to be very relieved I'm so happy the fact that he's get back to it that's not the end of the story the one that the wreckage to be found the Supreme Court has ruled that's legal permission will no longer be required. 2 and Kaffir people and opponents vegetative state in the U.K. Agreements between the patient's family doc says 24000 people are believed to be in similar conditions with little or no hope of recovery the final of hit T.V. Series Love Island tonight will crown one couple win as a 50000 pounds. Favorites. And was a Meccano also in contention for my island a highly Hughes's rooting for to challenge the spin. From the McCain The. Chemical Brothers and to galvanise going to play that anybody who was rather disappointed over the weekend the engine fate being cancelled due to the weather is horrible when events get cancelled but have to say I am glad I was nowhere near can best of all this weekend as anybody down the pictures I saw online of tepees being ripped from their pegs and portaloos being blown over nobody wants that on day 3 of a festival I can assure you weather really not particularly summery at all however things are meant to be getting better as the week progresses so don't worry kids if you're thinking that you've been Dela really Duckpin for the summer holidays whilst going to be a bit blustery with more showers coming through tonight overnight lays a 15 we are going to start to build again and tomorrow is going to be brighter and warmer than it is today scattered clouds some sunny spells but we're going to hopefully ease our way out of those as the week progresses to Martok temperatures of 24 if we can have the sunny weather that at least we can have a sunny song right doesn't this just remind you of cold just long summer evenings it's al city Fleiss. Every one of you. Can't. Al says he's. Talking floor in full and if you had your agenda what's that message of the day if you haven't subscribed nails will be no and you can do something about that right now forces dot net slash whatsapp to find out how you can be sent some of the best stories that are going to put a smile on your face through the working day on a daily basis forces a dot net slash and if you want a little taste of what's happening today I did mention the flora fauna connection to find we've got come back. 66 chinchillas can even say it. Describe it and a small c Of the wrong Marine School of Music find out how you can be . But how it always reminds me of my school was the 2nd to school as that when that came out I was pretty convinced it was on the now 13 that track but I've just googled now 13 and it wasn't some good music on the album I'm trying to work out which now it was of course it was only last week wasn't the now 100 was released doesn't that make you feel old or where do I go from here this is radio B.S. B.S. Of mining J.T. And if you do realize as a wee wee towards the end of July very important deadline is coming up in the shape of a Bravo's nominations if you're thinking to yourself I meant to do that a couple of weeks guy somebody definitely deserves a spotlight shone on them when I work here but I never got around to it never. Is here with all the details you need to get the nomination in on time but 1st me music from I can train a. Little bit of. Do it. Was. Me. Me. Away. But the book. Please. Excuse me. But. Was. Meghan Trainor let you be right it was now 70 not 30 in the yellow covered one. Cop is this is how it feels I just remember it from a certain Now album playing it just then gave me a bit of a flashback it was nestled on tape in one the bad and take between real real real from Jesus and the House of Love so I know and oh that was a school disco and unlawfulness poses radio B.S.P. As my name's day actually talking about all good things that make us feel rather special bravos nominations come to a close on a Wednesday if you haven't made the nominations yet you're running out of time it's going to be another amazing night in November when the best of all RAF Brize Norton celebrated and categories this year include nods to innovation sporting excellence and personal development but there are also a couple of special awards the fly saw didn't cherry chick told me about but a month or so ago when she popped by the studio the Group Captain Robinson memo. Oriel award is awarded to the individual who has displayed excellent strength of character hard work and dedication to the service positively raising the profile of our if Brize Norton on the Royal Air Force and station commanders award awarded to the individual or teen who are most worthy of special recognition in the course of daily life at our F Brize Norton really truly anybody that you pass by walking down the drag all queue up behind in the common room for a coffee could be eligible for these awards and it's a very good chance that if you start scratching the surface of what people do day to day there is a great story to unearth anyone can nominate anyone and that's the beauty of these awards so we now know who qualifies everybody whether they're serving or civil servants civilians working at Brize How do people get those nominations in so the main way that people can nominate is by the Point site there's a link on there which opens up to the application for nomination or alternatively if you don't have access to share point there is a hard copy of the nominations form these can be obtained from either myself or squadron need a marshal It's basically a name rank number of the individual you want to nominate the award that you want to nominate them for a citation with 300 words maximum and tell you well so you can find out details of how to nominate on the back of the latest edition of 51 degrees north all that bs and then hyphen bravos and ID dog of a dot net to one of the email access points as well but kept his nominations in by Wednesday because the committee have the really hard work of deciding who are going to be the celebrated top people and teams of Brize Norton for 2018 quite the year to be nominated as well what with our F 100 some abrasions taking place. You haven't heard. Yet 100 years of the. Just. So may I say 20. Odd. Years. Zola led. The be 24. Said to be withdrawn from the countryside and concentrate on defending towns from Taliban attacks officials are reported as saying it's a strategic move to him. Afghan forces will pull back to the capital Kabul and other important towns like Kandahar. They're abandoning Vost swathes of the countryside to the Taliban it's not retreat they say a more strategic move by training from British personnel and other international troops Afghan security forces are struggling to recruit and retain stall from what could be one reason. And rural areas states militants in southern Syria holding more than 30 women and children hostage to have been kidnaps during a raid last week that told. By the Druze ethnic minority a support group in Northern Ireland is reporting a new wave of intimidation by power military groups they say that becoming overly stretched because of the number of people who need help Adam Gilchrist has the way you've trauma center helps people affected by the troubles including injured victims or the bereaved but there are new problems to waves McBride says a 3rd of referrals now involve recent paramilitary action including a woman who's under virtual house arrest because of threats if she's seen on the streets the group helps people stay safe in their homes with security cameras they say the result is a becoming stretched by so many day to day issues less than 12 weeks to go until the 4th Invictus Games begin in Sydney Australia but the official team of 72 U.K. Athletes now confirms training is stepping up again at the Gibson has been to meet this year's Invictus all. Had. Competing you know. That down you finding out he. Was a dream come true. I was just. It was incredible another. Shanahan found that training it's helping his mental health problems. Interesting. Blossom of the source in the history of the install you know standing on the rings ready to go you just focus in on one song post good job and until this all gets into the team belief is Sydney training will continue to help. Recovery Program. Before that some are far that's a bit unnerved. By the sudden fall one of. The full medals for the team the $27.00 teams that just games in 2 worlds and these athletes will be hyping to match. In a straight. In full fees that's the latest on season but find. a mistake if you showed. Him forward. Oh. Oh oh gets me every time I leave a light on his radio B.S. B.S. Thanks if you take a look and own Facebook Facebook dot com slash broads radio which I'm hoping will kickstart a bit of a brew break debate this afternoon from Frank up top. Military motto is regimental motto squadron the best the ones that you might have. Or lived by even today great Maltese for your squadron for your regiment for your unit for your station whatever it might be I want to hear about it you can get involved in that conversation Facebook dot com slash take a look at some of the best to break up the softer name for you hope sites will put a cap maybe find a stale one that will put the world to buy the West king of wishful thinking I know Snow load. I want to. Bend and Demi Lovato. And you internal clock should be getting off right now because it's this time every often a not album all the way can you to hear it Forces Radio B F B S consider it could be a life changing song for you now. Explain the full I'll explain again album of the week sometimes you get the big hits sometimes you go for those big. Plus names that are releasing. New music that we know the world is going to go wild for Sometimes we introduce you to people who you might of heard of last week Tom Grant and and other times we just saw a case of people who we think are amazing on all levels and we know you'll show a lot of love for and that pretty much hits all these hell gates for this week's album which is called a big it's a beautiful life and it comes from none other than the incredible break asked late now massive household name in the eighty's on the stock and Waterman band and then kind of disappeared for a while he just stopped enjoying what he was doing and then he decided to come back after setting up a little studio in his garridge a home and messing around for bad realizing that making music was what he rarely did adore last year was it all the year before his platinum album absolutely catapulted him back in to the Premier League of music not content with the vintage retro rewind type festivals he was back with his A game and now this new album picks up where that album finished over the next 5 days 5 great tracks from the new album which I'd like you to share a lot of love away as he was called this song chance to dance I've met Rick he's very lovely He's very northern I'll call it chance to dance and I'd like you tell me what you think of it at be F.B.I.'s prize with the instant review and I always say be honest and truthful but. I. Think we'll have to have words of that you are anything but lovely towards this man chose to dance. Or to. Rick Astley challenge the downs on full is right. The album it's a beautiful life it's an album of the week so much love on Twitter right now full Rick and his new music and I bet if you had that if you witnessed it if you just read about it online but over the weekend Rick was performing at Camp Bestival at a very very often the drums I mean stills of there's I'm going to have to investigate further but apparently it is a thing that's happened and from the tiny tiny tiny amount that I have been lucky enough to meet Rick Astley a couple of festivals where I've been working it's the kind of thing that he would do he has this very very moved he Glinton is a very naughty The Makes you want to be his friend and he makes you want to be a part of his gang and if you at best well he did witness that can you please fill me in on what on earth was going on the militant B F B S dot com If not whole talk another track from it's a beautiful life for you same time same place tomorrow little Maximo Park for you now and this is Alpha. It's a 5 to 3 year news on the way. The breakout. To help me. Break Dubai. Based but page Facebook dot com. Is looking for the best regimental squadron. It is the 1st time you've heard about this group rectify is something we're going to do through the summer holidays just when you take that mid-afternoon brew break something to sit around the crew room and chew the called Story this is a story that we think you might have an opinion on that space that involve opinions you know about opinions. Is. That you have lived up to maybe setting on the old as one the a particularly proud of your regiment Squadron at the moment in the B S B S dot com or you can just add it to the page on Facebook dot com So. Beginning to gather bits and pieces up obviously quite over all the just the whole presence here in which we sustain you don't mess with you and Benson let us be 9 actions I tried this in the earlier on the most articulate get the thing to sound something like specs him a. But I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong the best regimental squadron you have so. Close Well that you'll see off Facebook page linking you through to Forces Don that's. What all the brightest and do they come from get involved. And see if you can get your squadron or your regiment Top Of The Pops on brute right to fight the south in a school says Radio B F.B.S. New music Matthew this is our on the ground is a woman. And then. The. Downing Street denied it considering using the all me Paul to backup plans for another deal newspaper reports claimed soldiers could be used to deliver food.

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