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Mourners at the funeral of dawn Sturgis who died from exposure to the nerve agent in Wiltshire Mr Sanchez who was 44 will be cremated later today his B.B.C. Reporter inside the comet or in the coffin will already be there mourners people coming just to celebrate her life will be able to have 15 minutes of quiet time before the service but not touch the coffin but they'll be able to be there and near it very precautionary helicopters on of bring food supplies to hundreds of hike his trout on an active volcano in Indonesia landslides cools by a powerful ask why call me Arlindo yesterday left them trapped the quake killed at least 15 people the Foreign Office says Several persons have been confound. Says his film as schoolmate John Thomas is told affronts win is an incredible achievement the reaal Madrid forward tweeted his congratulations on to his fun playing the title for the 1st time in his Korea Thoma says it's hard to take in all the price that's coming his way you never think about all the people are going to message you and the college buses are going to go and also Paula random people like saying how they cry and like to hear women and so I really haven't met me and that's just insane I really appreciate all the support. And the BEEN A is 80 years old today events are being held to mark the anniversary of the children's comics. Many of the makes on the back street kids. The latest on Tori and aren't. Forces Radio B.S. B.S. Along Eddie's totally connected on Christmas and. How we. Should all. Get a good. Few if. We connected the next. Thing that you need. Questions this week Chris McNairy who works for the major. Cypress and he will get the 1st question of the week for a minute from Chris in the next. Post. Who's doing it. At the length of Britain raising funds for. Legion. Of it now. In Scotland they're just getting ready for the opening of. The Edinburgh military types who put 20 eight's enough Mackenzie's DOING A LIVE STREAM OF THE going to keep up to date with check out the be a fiasco in Facebook page and you'll see the the place for much of that is they still make announcements about what could be happening at this year's festival which has become a humongous we've been given obviously it is definitely worth checking out but we took a bit more about joining us a bit later to any certainly connected life from Santa logging Jeremy on Christmas in short it let's break for a while it still has to do with the telly and quite a lot you know it's been done before now. But I want to do something different something good and I had together the full. Scope. Of England linking all the ways together in 20 minutes from now I'll soon Crispus a full season plan D.M. . Again has come up with the can. They add comedy to get. Access to the momentum in the next. Day and I'm going to get any. Number one can get. Like bad boys between the lines. They come back to the play and then a new Romney and I. Think somebody but. I think that if he said not last and only and I just wanted to go with a comment. That just wanted to make it sound. Like man dollars. Because they did not think I had an accident because this must be have been against the fact come up with the pink slip. Politically to. smile in your face he may even be lonely he may be that sort of time of the week when you can really go get. A tree like that and you can help us all that is just huge loving the law. Yes if you're listening in thanks very much to Misty who's just finished. She got just before the end of the show which is passed on to me saying hi can you please say hi to my wife Maria want to be Aerosmith on a misty play that show another me Aerosmith struck before she finished Maria lots of love from her cause in LA nikka it is totally connected life from Germany and all around the forces well so the workplace competition questions this week all said by squadron leader Chris McNairy who is also in Cyprus he works for commandement in British forces Cyprus H.Q. Fellow squadron leader Chris McNary I work for Commander med in British forces Cyprus headquarters in the Med branch. And I'm an R.A. F.M.'s So your question today Is want to M.S.O. Stand for OK So Mike Sierra and i Phone boxes were not about boxes OK you know connected at the F.B.I. Still combing the e-mail address to lobby and here again is a reminder of the question from Squadron leader Chris McNairy in Cyprus your question today Is want to M.S.O. Stand for Mike Sierra M.S.O. What does it stand for if you know connected Abbie F.B.S. Still come. I just want to take a Jackie Chan ts to Forces Radio B F E S announcers coming through already connected at the F.B.I. Still come only workplace competition the price of course that will be given away. To this week like. The month is nearly over already how did that with any with the price for July the final H J M As in 5 inch. High Definition display on which you can enjoy millions of movies books and you can ask to so are your problems in life basically I get. Straight answer so that's the price we're giving away this week the fire could be yours connected at the F.B.I. Still come on here once again with the question for Monday squadron leader Chris McNairy who works for Commander made in British forces H.Q. Your question today is what does M.S.O. Stand for. Mike Sierra. Box nothing to do with the. Connected of the F.B.I.'s token high to Mike Chun site in Northwood you need to have a little think on your answer fellas slightly on that one show let's thank you. All so here we go if Felix has got the terrible try not to read the answer Felix is it in Gibraltar and correct answer as well from Mark Wilson quick thank you as well to the med center team in Santa lager in Germany for helping so ended up with some stitches or money off the way long story we're going to have $30.00 stitches in many and they look at this right yeah it's going to be feeling a little bit small but we'll get there Pit bull and wild wild love I was listening to the lyrics in that their truck as it was playing and there's there's a little line that says the globe is my backyard that is my backyard I'll be honest I've been to the Falkland Islands and I prefer the victory per person opinion. Coming through the competition. Love the reason you've managed to work this out Mikey's part the manager of Gibraltar correct amount of the companies are no because I was sitting next to one on a course last week and M.S.O. Is what we're talking about. So if you reckon you know getting contact you can email connected A B S B S dot com. Thank you very much. Sorry Santa snowy rematch for your arms here in the competition in the drawer rather for the price and working in Gibraltar to correct answer on the competition give it out again a bit later on up for grabs the prize this week we're giving away is the Fire H.D. Amazon Fire it could be yours. To tell anyone you want to make an ideal gift for someone. Crazy. That we were in Germany last week never came to anything they wouldn't get the tornadoes or anything it was following. It was forecast last week in North thank you very much it did make me laugh your e-mail so could have a sort of join theory and the fact that things mean slightly different things in different services. The way the cookie crumbles I guess Carrie Carrie Randall in the station Medical Center. It's a good job that you got the answer right Carrie otherwise the boss might be having more twee later on Chuck with 7 regiment are all C. In the U.K. Thanks very much you got the answer absolutely right it was we got here as we look at Rob Rob looking correct answer thank you very much I'm on this just popped up on the screen as well correct answer and it says I should know because I was one with your E.M.C. That's from Neil Holdsworth who's the Explorer coffees these days X. Force he's getting in contact with B.S. Tokamak email address give you a reminder of the question again in just a while and it could be you winning the prize for giving away the H.D. We're giving away at the end of this month which is this week. Free you. It's. 2nd December which is normally a week in the U.K. Ministry has been slightly different $88.00 being drawn than a Frankie Boyle which we've got the totally connected competition still running what about 20 minutes left on the whole wrap it up is tomorrow that will be giving the prize away of course he could be winning the prize of the Chelsea the question shortly but 1st down Smith is a film a sound for over a decade with the Royal Artillery you know himself a tremendously on us adventure basically he's going to be paddling throughout the length of Britain down spoke to our house you it during my time in the in the army have been various 2 is not an island Afghanistan and also there are lots of adventurous stuff as well which kind of leads on to what I'm doing now with this big puddle for charity this big paddle What are you like a physical fitness fanatic by nature you know I keep myself in shit you know I was a P.T.I. In the Army physical training instructor so am I guess the basis comes from lots and then I run my own residential boot camp is well known to come so took me through this paddle of Britain I'll be rocking my brains for a while to sort of to do the tough challenge and it's quite a lot it's been done before now people have paddled you know certain navigate around the U.K. So once I believe swimming around as we speak Ross adulate friends we know yeah well but I want to do something different something you know I was good and kind of put my head together and I thought Has anyone actually paddled from the top of Scotland to the bottom of England you know linking waterways together is it possible so I then got on the list and started talking routes and linking stuff together obviously not all rivers flow south so that was a big part of it so I'll be honest it 2 years now I've been going out doing some little little records and yeah it's kind of doable you know I'm not getting any lifts with a car or van not put the kayak on to get to one body of water to the next because it's not all kayak and I've got some big pole that used to do so what we've done is we've made this special trolley system which all fully collapses and comes together again putting. I can top got some special handles which I'll pull it almost like a poke in the soft core region sourcing and so he pulled his kayak by me on the trolley which looked quite strange but it works well you know one of the courses about 30 miles long I mean that's really quite impressive that you're going to do that you going to find a way I think it's also in the military mantra really so why they say particularly for the paddle of Britain this year marks 100 years since the end of it will go on all ties in nicely with the robots Legion as well you know there's lots of cherries I could have chosen but I think you know I like about a bit of sleep just purely because of you know the whole remembrance thing I think it's really important so you've chosen the you know I'm going to raise funds for people listening now my thanks Don I need to support you yeah how do they do so so I think on just getting down Smith's part of Britain there's a link on making do you start on the 29th of August anyone from your Royal Artillery days you'd like to give a shout out to you while you broadcasting on Forces Radio all of 176 but 3 the copy all moved on now 9 measurements lots of good guys in there you know I'll be here all day down Smith it's been a real pleasure we wish you nothing but the best you'll have to let us know how you've got on with your paddle of Britain Good luck how they reached that was how was your were chatting with and I'm Tom Smith. Soaking about his paddle of Britain ice yes something else so now I don't know why you give you another chance here to question the workplace question this weekend Chris McNairy working away in H Q B F C will find out with the question give you a reminder of Monday's question after all saints. Telly. This Friday. Play. Play. a massive massive event Mark McKenzie is long there will obey the lowdown on what they're planning. Coming through for the competition Jenny not too sure where in the world you are but you have got the answer absolutely right Steve Walker is with Lincolnshire army cadet force you need to have an all thinking embodies not what you've gone for in the competition correct answer though from Derek Jess our British expat living in Gibraltar who else we got here correct and he read the answer then only read the answer from the R. Africa theory station Medical Center from ICE thank you very much ice good screwball and again you got the answer I'm guessing. Ease Yeah not the right have another guess this is the question that we pose for Monday and this is your final chance to hear it hello I'm squadron leader Chris McNairy I work for Commander med in British forces Cyprus headquarters in the Med branch and I'm an R E F M I so your question today is what does M.S.O. Stand for if you reckon you know connected at B F E S to come good luck connected at the F.B.I. Still come over that Mike Sierra. Mike folks are asking which is a packing case nothing to do with out OK. Thanks very much at Tracy in the I need post office email so impressed by mistake connected it B S B S dot com is the e-mail address used Tracy you need to have another think again anyway it's not what you've gone for. And Forces Radio B.F.S. Hoping to get out to Cuba later this year for a bit of a holiday a bit of a break before it becomes the 51st state you know the day the 1st McDonald's opens in Cuba index as far as that's concerned. SARA JAMES listening in the tower in Gibraltar working the tower away and you're also correct answer from you on the competition and. Well but working in contributed to a quiet danger but I'm like you know. You're in the draw for the correct answer choucroute 7 regimen are also a thing or a notch and also Chris OK have now if you listen to the question properly on series Well Happy Mondays Colin also surprise surprise in Gibraltar I'm a use by date you'll find me on foods that go off quickly like fresh meat if you don't eat or freeze food by the use by date don't eat it even if it looks all smiles OK I'm not best before date you'll find me on foods with a longer shelf life like dried past store them in the right way and eating things off to the date may not hung you but the quality may not be as good used by date or not at all best before date the food at its best get us both the right way round and you'll be able to eat food safely and avoid throwing good food away to find out more visit food dot gov dot G.K. Slash used by so if the station fades a local club or service that you know your forces community really needs all you need is for people to pick up the phone and visit the website that easy vs messaging to connect you with thousands of the right people if it's a forces related message it's not for profit and isn't about helping supporting giving something back to the forces community just the thing you need hundreds of forces organizations to get their message through says. It's free in May last for more information and a handy easy to compete messaging app P.S.T.'s dot com That's messaging P.S. Dot com. You'll. Be tracking. Played. Such a blow to. The to. Play just so. You can. Tell me what you want isn't a. Game. Play. A love. Love play. To balance. A. Budget. As opposed to 7 days featuring Ray Forces Radio B F E S Christmas and life from Sony's analog in Germany. A few moments ago in Edinburgh looks as if it might not be Sony for much longer the money can tell us more Mackenzie has been along to the press launch for the royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo which is just looking like the skies are about to open it. Yeah overcast you know a difference a week makes a difference to a couple to be fair last week in 2627 degrees. In the pavement. Overcast looking a bit a bit ominous rather. You know what the tattoo is just phenomenal Chris I know you've experienced some of the rehearsals in the past as well but we're here at Edinburgh Castle Brigadier David all for the show's producer has just announced the line up for this year it's a 90 F. Of Leeds and with me Craig Thomas a couple clicks on this 1st of all Craig. So we're members of 51 squadron our F. Regiment from our if losses. This is. The God of honor for the entire period which means I will be doing a lot of Honor for the V.I.P.'s when they arrive and we're doing the God of honor at the end of the shore and then also lead in the period of the castle and down the couples to the under the under the proof finish. See Nathan Harley and that really is your name will not make any jokes because you have them all. Every single one will say we can come up with something original any puns on Holly's name by the end of the show please here touch with Chris. I want you looking forward to this oh. Yeah I can't wait it's going to be the biggest thing I've ever done in my career I've been in 2 years now so yeah 8000 people every single night and so over the last 9 years issue has sold out there's no suggestion it's not going to this year. Every year so this is my 2nd one of the all and the crowd whenever we are here is phenomenal is really hard to concentrate on what you're doing without being in or of how many people are watching the focus on what you do and said like look at what's going on around her as well. It's a bit surreal because we've just had a mani actually ban for goodness sake. We've got the change. As well those Highland dances of Pipes and Drums also the top secret band of thought mention of the moment are the types of people they are definitely wants to watch over C M A few times on the really really cool but this is the only different things to watch I mean we're If a month that we're doing the show every night. Every night for the whole month and it's very hard to get bored of just on once we've done our part we've got the side and we can enjoy watching the actors and there's also afterwards when you're on the wall speaking to a body else and all the different cultures and all the different people from everywhere else and again their opinions of what they're seeing and doing as well this is smart it's really cool and for once behind the walls name of the local pub . Thanks very much the tattoo starts good and proper on Friday night at Edinburgh Castle there's the dress rehearsal on Thursday night the working. Red for which I know you were a couple of years ago I will speak to you from there on Wednesday. Big theme of a $100.00 or so young people in Scotland that's another thing for this year isn't it. And that's the overall theme for the sky's the limit and that really sums up it's both the I.D.F. And for for young people you know the sky is the limit I know that anyone watching is one of the things going to take away from it is the yellow and Mr Blue Sky which just spent a few quid on the rights for the right arrangement and I had a sneaky peek over a couple of weeks ago and it sounds absolutely incredible it's going to be spectacular if people are interested in finding a bit more is there a website we can buy to they still tickets available he sold out how does it work. Well that is one of the great misnomers is that there are always tickets available please please please make sure you go through the official website which is to the U.K. Or there but make sure you get the right one and if you are in if you go to the box office there's always hand tickets handy then beforehand so don't just give up hope of getting tickets and if you're on it is a must see fantastic You got to take the guys insured in secret so a. Tunnel that goes into I was impressed by that is impressive. For you for you disappear me I need you to go and do a Trainspotting still run down the role model with here. I'm off to do. The top secret dramas in the top secret tunnel work and then they can get them running. Into one of. The royal. Thank you. Thank you. Want to give it a go it's high hopes to wrap up the competition for Monday questions this week. Chris Smith. First question today is what does M.S.O. Stand for that was a question the Chris said. Today I told you that I work for Commander meant in headquarters British forces and that I was an amateur The question was What does M.S.I. Stand for the answer of course is medical support officer so well done and medical support officer there were some differences across the story services it turned out but. During the trial. On account of his with giving away the. Could be. Heading up towards this from Kings of Leon this is you somebody took me connected Perseus and life. In Germany. Is next. That we put.

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