Eventually lost 0 2, the belarusian goalkeeper stopped 22 shots out of 24. Likha iveli are in sixth place, the team has 71 points, with this year, 71 matches were played in the atlantic division. Three games in slutsk, minsk and grodno today will draw a line under the fifth round of the belarusian football championship. Sugar lovers are taking islach neman at 18 00 these minutes. Will fight with vitebsk, literally in 40 minutes the central meeting of the tour will begin, capital dynamo will host torpedo bilas. Follow the progress of the fight live on tv channel belarus 5. The broadcast starts at 15 55. Everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries. Broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries of azerbaijan. Kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, United Arab Emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. Set up the azer space1 satellite dish. The tv channel signal is broadcast in the open form and is available 24 hours a day, every day. Be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. Extreme in the middle east conflict, why is the west producing a catastrophe of biblical proportions, the North Atlantic Alliance visiting the best nato ball kicks are practiced in lithuania. Great flow. Dubai, drowning in rivers of oil, is reaping the benefits of surrogate rain. You look around the planet, we are on the air on tv channels belarus1 and belarus 24. Daria tarasova is in the studio. Hello. A minute before the regional explosion, in such metering configurations middle east. A new series of the humanitarian thriller at a brainstorming session at the head of the big seven, announced by josep barrel. Following irans attack on israel at a Security Council meeting. The parties to the conflict exchanged only mutual curses. There, the United States banned palestinian hopes for statehood and a place in the ranks of one. An unbiased viewer is sure that by giving tehran the goahead to strike, Carte Blanche for the israeli authorities, the west is masking the oil fire. Why is global order only a dream . The middle east, and here is the baiden administration and black gold. Evgeny belousov has the answers. Another match in the military game. The National Teams of israel and iran ends in a confident draw. Tel aviv did not succumb to the persuasion of its western colleagues and nevertheless struck tehran, or rather not at it, but at the outskirts of the city of isfahan. One of the largest Iranian Air Force bases is located there. The scale of the attack and its success are difficult to assess. None of the military officials are in a hurry to disclose information. It is only clear that Iranian Air Defense destroyed several objects, posing a potential threat. The sound that was heard in isfahan. Was not an explosion, it was our powerful air defense that opened fire on a suspicious object, it did not cause any destruction or incidents. The american media, which has the feeling that they have more secret sources in the two countries than the us authorities, hastened to declare that the conflict has been settled. Israel and iran are no longer going to launch new mutual strikes. I would like to believe that this will happen, but in principle, time proves that according to that they often know the side of the ocean. More than they say, they know exactly what they are saying, it wont be said about biden. It is known that the United States was informed about the attack. This happened at the last minute, but the us did not share information. The americans knew about the impending iranian response. A week ago, tehran and a number of friendly countries fired about 200 drones and over a hundred cruise and Ballistic Missiles at israel. Tel aviv then reported that with help. The rest of the resolve of our nation and our a wise leader who commands all armed forces. This step was necessary, mandatory, unifying and became a source of pride and strength for our great country. In general, it turns out to be a funny game, as if everything that happens is designed to provoke a strong reaction from the audience, but at the same time the parties do not dare to engage in a largescale confrontation, and yet the hot phase of this story is already more than two weeks old, which began with the fact that because of. Citizens are sacred and must be protected, thats when it comes to other states, their rights, including the right to selfdefense of their citizens, this is different, as you like. In fact, no matter how much the white house downplays their contribution to everything that happens in the middle east, their influence is extremely great. If washington wanted to stop the bloodshed in gas, this would happen once or twice, but the Palestinian People are clearly interfering with certain goals, in the west they are the only ones enrichment. Yes, in the situation with iran, if you believe the investigation of the american journalist hersh, everything is not so simple. Fearing a collapse in the oil industry market. The pentagon planned a fake war to prevent a real one. According to the journalist, us representatives gave the green light to the iranian leadership to attack israel, and the pentagon helped tel aviv repel the attack. As a result, the pentagon operation was successful. Tehran was allowed to carry out a largescale retaliation strike, and western leaders immediately began calling on tel aviv not to respond. The same one allegedly did not listen to the persuasion, but gave an obviously extremely limited response. As they say, wolves are wellfed. And the sheep are whole. It remains to figure out who is who in this story. Evgeny belausov, around the planet. The alliance is under pressure not only from its weapons stockpile, but also from its geographic latitudes. Non member switzerland will host the nato cybersecurity exercise. For now, berns information command will fight imaginary attacks on strategic targets. The American Military has already been deployed. Germany and poland. The biggest closing credits since the end of the cold war did not roll, the maneuvers are a staunch defender. There is never too much military activity, so nato sword strikes are already being practiced in lithuania. Strike of the sword is a military exercise in lithuania involving the us military. About 600 american troops are involved in the maneuvers. Lithuanian Army Ground Forces and a us battalion stationed in lithuania. Among the stated goals is to demonstrate feasibility. Rapid transfer of Ground Forces units. Meanwhile, nato launched maneuvers on the territory of our other neighbor, latvia, with the participation of German Air Force fighters. It is noteworthy that hangars have been preinstalled to hide aircraft from satellite reconnaissance. This circumstance significantly complicates monitoring the progress of the exercise with the possibility of promptly responding to the actions of the aviation of the north atlantic countries. Natos largest exercise is also planned in finland from april 26 to may 14. It is stated that the purpose of the exercise is to increase the coherence of the allied mechanized units, as well as to ensure the prompt provision of armed support to the host country. In total, 500 units of equipment and more than 2,500 soldiers will take part in the maneuvers, most of them of whom are finnish conscripts. The number of troops sent to finland by the uk ministry of defense. Donald tusk explained that this is necessary for protection against drones and missiles. I would like to note that the heavenly shield initiative now includes 21 countries. Tusk added that denmark had already supported his plans and called for accelerating the preparation of investments in air defense. Orientation west. The argentine authorities have applied to join nato as a Global Partner. The head of the countrys ministry of defense announced this. Buenos aires does this with the expectation of modernizing and training its armed forces in accordance with nato standards. Currently, the only latin American Country that is among the alliances partners is colombia. And today natos partners with the socalled expanded capabilities are jordan. Georgia, australia and ukraine. In response to the argentine leaderships proposal to become a Global Partner of nato, hundreds of protesters took to the streets of buenos aires. The demonstrators chanted the slogan, nato will never exist. On our country. Argentina must end its partnership with nato. Why . Nato is occupying our territory in the south. The malvinas islands were occupied by them for more than 200 years. Argentina should not buy weapons or planes from nato. They are our enemies, also because nato is the enemy of palestine and will never be on our side. World experts are confident that with its application for nato, argentina may finally leave under influence. The United States explains the buenos airos initiative as an attempt to close economic gaps by expanding militarytechnical cooperation. Without the right to move, the committee of the seimas of lithuania approved the idea of ​​depriving belarusians and russians of the ojw for traveling to their homeland. According to local media, it was decided that the residence permit will be canceled if people leave for their homeland more than once every 3 months. It is clarified that people are being encouraged to travel to belarus and russia. Lithuanian deputies are suspected of alleged disloyalty and even a threat to the countrys national security. This provision of the law will still have to be approved by the entire seimas of lithuania. Previously, the country stated that they wanted to allow belarusians to travel with a residence permit to homeland no more than once a year. Famous european democracy in action. The latvian authorities have begun to crack down on the City Government of the city of rezokne. The reason is the refusal to give the green light to the destruction of military monuments in the region. Red army. The Central Government has already fired the mayor who defended the monuments. But official riga did not stop there. Now a special law proposes to dissolve local selfgovernment and instead create temporary, more obedient structures. Let me note that just last year in latvia they destroyed hundreds of monuments to soldiers of the red army. Polish farmers have resumed protests on the border with ukraine. Let me remind you that the cause of the discord was cheap ukrainian grain, which. Is pushing polish farmers out of the market. The poles are again blocking the checkpoints in medyka, doroguska, grebienno, zosin and korczovo. The protesters did not block the passage of buses. The protest did not affect ordinary cars and minibuses, but they threatened to allow freight transport one per hour, that is, 24 trucks per day. We must fight the illegal flow of grain from ukraine. A handful of people brazenly take advantage of this and incite ordinary ukrainians. Citizens against ordinary polish citizens, no one wishes harm to each other, but there are certain boundaries of decency. The organizers called this blockade only a precautionary action. The nationwide protest of farmers started on february 9. An internal political conflict flared up in georgia. The countrys parliament approved the law on foreign agents in its first hearing. President zurabishvili immediately made a statement. She promised to veto the document. Intervened. Into the internal affairs of georgia and the eu. The head of european diplomacy, barel, promised tbilisi Serious Problems if the law was adopted. Numerous grant organizations called their supporters to the square in front of the parliament. It is them that the law affects in the first place, because the title of agents will be given to structures that are engaged in Political Activities with foreign money. Masses swept across the country. This opinion was voiced by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The document can be called the most terrible, wildly inhuman. The law that will come into force in may will actually destroy the rights of ukrainians. At the same time, those who ordered the war deliberately hide the amounts allocated for the ukraineamerican project to the last ukrainian, and this is not done by accident. The answer is simple. The fact is that we are talking about global corruption, the corruption of the ruling elites in the United States. For whom ukraine is just an opportunity to withdraw funds from the United States and distribute them to private pockets. The funds only touch, and sometimes dont even touch, accounts affiliated with the kiev regime and are immediately returned back to where they were are expected by those who singled them out from the United States of america and other structures and countries of the collective west. Ukraine does not need peace in any form, this is the official position of kiev, writes reuters. Square at the last moment refused to conclude an agreement to ensure the safety of navigation in the black sea, which russia, ukraine and turkey had been discussing for two months. The reasons are unknown. It is reported that ukraine initially did not want to formally sign the agreement, but agreed that the turkish president announced it on march 30. Ankara acted as a mediator. In the Draft Agreement , the parties agreed not to strike or search merchant ships if there was no declared military cargo on board. The American Congress returned to considering the issue of assistance to ukraine, and suddenly all obstacles to the adoption of laws disappeared without a trace. How can one not remember everything famous in america for nothing, except money. The conflict in ukraine without the help of the states could have ended abruptly, which means it would have ceased to bring income. How can this be allowed . Word to oleg romanov. Politics in america is first of all a show, then money, and everything else, including principles, ideals and the like, matters. A deputy who voted for the law undertakes to join the ranks of the ukrainian army. Moreover, financing the defense needs of ukraine is prohibited until free and democratic elections are held in this country. Or this the money will not arrive until ukraine stops persecuting christians and closes the biological laboratories. And here there is something quite colorful funding for ukraine is prohibited until the number of illegal crossings of the american border drops to a thousand a day, and so on. It is obvious to everyone that such amendments were not proposed with the expectation of acceptance; they were not even capable of slowing down the said adoption. The amendments were made solely so that their authors would squeeze in a post on instagram, strengthening the reputation of its unshakable and loyal servants to the people. Actually, the only one on whom it depended whether money would be allocated to ukraine was speaker of the house of representatives, and he decided everything for himself, not without the help of people from the structures that had a significant influence on him. We will vote for help to israel, for help to ukraine, for help to partners in the pacific region. Another law will fix our priorities in the field of national security, in particular, it will consolidate sanctions against iran. The house of representatives plays an Important Role in international politics, each deputy will have the opportunity to amend these laws, everyone implements the principles which he considers vital. The American Parliament was created in an era when feudalism reigned everywhere on the planet. And rococo as an artistic style, both of them were filled with decorative trinkets; they were characterized by redundancy and pretentiousness. Congress to this day has retained some of the features it acquired at birth, in particular the specific powers of the chairmen of the chambers. The speaker has the right not to put any bill to a vote, whatever you do with it. Accordingly, on the issue of assistance, what for israel and ukraine, only mr. Johnsons opinion mattered. Yes, he took it into account. Circumstances, but whether or not to vote this or that bill was entirely left to his speakers discretion. Just a week ago, he swore that laws would not be passed until after the biden administration. Will resolve the migration crisis and ensure full security of the borders, he agreed on this with trump, who acts as a sort of eminence grise of the republican factions in parliament. And suddenly johnson was transformed his migrants were no longer are alarming, but the defense capabilities of israel and ukraine, as well as taiwan, on the contrary, are very very good. One can understand him; he was subjected to absolutely monstrous, exorbitant pressure from the democrats, the white house, as well as militaryindustrial lobbyists. Complex, however, by surrendering to their mercy, johnson actually signed the death warrant for his career. At the instigation of donald trump, a gathering has begun in parliament for the resignation of the speaker, he is brave, but his fate, in truth, is predetermined. I will not resign, in my opinion this is an absurd idea, why should i leaving if im just doing my job, its harmful to the cause, its harmful to our unity, we want to save the country, we are faced with an existential problem. Challenge, we have elections ahead, and the conflict in the ranks of the republicans is dangerous for the country. Trump, as the main intriguer of american politics, chose a new parliamentary tactic. Johnsons resignation means that a new speaker will not be elected soon, at best, many months later. But throughout this entire period, Congress Becomes ineffective; through it it is impossible to pass even a single law beyond the rare, rare exceptions. Biden is deprived of the opportunity to throw money left and right, earning points and growing ratings. Meanwhile, he had ambitious plans to forgive student loan debts, support businesses, the poor, industry, and so on. Considering that money in the states is made by the government out of thin air, biden can afford anything, or rather, he could if parliament worked. Money for israel, ukraine and taiwan seems to be the latest broad gesture of the current administration. Moreover, the ukrainian package will only allow funding to return to the level of the twentysecond year, but not to the level of peak values ​​of the twentythird. We are actively working with our foreign allies and partners. This will ensure that ukraine gets everything it needs in both the short and long term. As you know, ukrainians demonstrated resilience and courage in battle. We have no reason to think that they will surrender. The situation there is difficult now, the sooner laws on additional funding are adopted, the faster we we will be able to provide assistance in the amounts that, in our opinion, are necessary for success. And this is not in real money, but mainly in weapons. The assistance package involves payment for weapons orders, and this is where the militaryindustrial complexs interest is revealed. What is weapons production . This is a black box, money is loaded into it without counting, and it spits out something that shoots. It is completely impossible to predict how acceptable the product will be in terms of price and quality. So, ukraine will be given money, although there are still no guarantees, and this money will be enough only to maintain the current intensity of the conflict. This achievement of the administration had to be exchanged for the loss of even minimal control over parliament, if, of course, trump manages to overthrow picker johnson. Political turbulence in the United States is starting now, exactly six months before the elections. There is a suspicion that it will have a very sensitive effect on the prospects for financing the ukrainian conflict, at least it will seriously overshadow them, if. There is a main line for the anglosaxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is to fight in europe. There are pressures, the poles really dont want to fight for the most part, but its one thing for the population, another thing for the elite, in order for a gun to fire, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall, and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on border, and then some trigger can lead to the outbreak of military action, its not for nothing that our president says that yes, we are preparing, including for military action, we are not going to start them at the summit, but this the only thing they understand is if we are within. 40 years, and i say that it was given to me, because thats how it was, i made my first work, i made it by accident, i felt that i wanted more. Each story is a motivation to change your life for the better. Old, old coaches played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, just like i want, i would like to continue. This is the business that they once started, thanks to the difficulties that i had in life, i achieved what i have you have now, you cant put your Life Experience anywhere anyway, you need to live it, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel. You are watching a program around the planet on belarus1 and belarus 24. Atlantis version 2024. The United Arab Emirates, sinking in oil rivers, have gone under water. The World Financial Center and tourist hub of dubai was flooded by downpours. Yes, in the gulf countries they are used to it. Surprise with ambitious projects, but in ameliorating bad weather, the uae is not the first violin. A years worth of rain fell on a city made of concrete glass in 12 hours. Precipitation. The list of triggers for spontaneous anger includes Global Warming and experiments in the sky. Artificial precipitation has been practiced by the voa for decades. Drones are even being used to shock clouds with electric current. Fertilization of surrogate rain. Olga davidovich. Turn a lifeless desert into a granary. What arabs. Islamic manmade gardens have always had many fountains and streams, as if their creators were thus trying to quench the eternal thirst of people parched by the sun. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the advent big oil in the 1970s, and accordingly, the money from it, the work to transform the Arabian Peninsula into a blooming garden began with a vengeance. The founder of the trend was the sheikh of dubai named rashid. It was he who competently determined the direction of development of the emirate, then the entire country, for many decades to come. One of the sheikhs undertakings was the largescale planting of trees around dubai, but after his death the idea was abandoned, because it is much easier to buy a readymade garden and then spend money on its maintenance than to plant your own from scratch. However, the idea of ​​making the dunes of the forest have not died, currently the gulf monarchies continue the work of rashid, they are helped by the Innovative Technology of the Uae National Center of meteorology, which can change the climate of the deserts. This is footage of tests in the desert in fiftydegree heat. Drones. Act on the clouds with an electric discharge, which causes rain without the use of chemical compounds, which means no harmful precipitation, but for now this is only an experimental method, so they shoot at the clouds the Old Fashioned way with salt from cannons. One of the problems with clouds is especially in the middle east is that the droplets they are made of are too small and to produce rain they must come together to form a raindrop, it would take millions, very. Cloud droplets to make one raindrop, so the basic method using mediumsized salt crystals that act as a bridge between small cloud drops and large rain drops. There are a lot of physical mechanisms involved, and frankly, its a very complex process. When the National Team the Meteorology Center sees clouds suitable for seeding, they begin their work, over the last year alone more than 180 flights of special aircraft were carried out here. It turned out that the intensity of precipitation after seeding is difficult to predict, sometimes there is heavy rain, which leads to flooding, and there may also be hail. It is not surprising that for the recent dubai apocalypse, many blame local meteorologists for their manipulation of the clouds. If operational cloud seeding had actually been carried out these days, then the result would have been completely different, and we would have seen it, the precipitation would have been completely different, especially since. The storm moved throughout the region, this is unrealistic during seeding, and i want to note that at this time of year, especially in april, similar weather anomalies are typical for our region. However, this tracking by. There were no planes flying on the day of the storm, there was no interaction with this particular rain, and the bottom line, i think every expert in the world would agree, is that if. A big big thing is going to happen weather event that will lead to heavy rain, hence to devastating consequences, then it is obvious that there is absolutely no benefit, interest or effect in this. But dubai really got it, lightning struck the spire of the worlds tallest skyscraper, the burj khalifa, one after another. Furniture flew off the balconies, palm trees literally folded in half. In a short period of time , more than a year and a half of precipitation fell in the megalopolis. Residents and guests of the megapolis shared shocking videos on social networks. The city actually went under water due to the fact that the roads are not equipped with a drainage system, this happened in a matter of hours, as a result , the metro station flooded most of the roads, many drivers abandoned their cars, literally swam to safe places, many, for example, went to the Largest Shopping Center on the planet, dubai mall, but it flooded, water poured into the lower floors and parking lot, sellers tried to salvage what they could, but they couldnt. This is the worst storm ever recorded in the United Arab Emirates since 1949. It is known that as a result of the flood here at least one person was killed and at least 19 people were killed in neighboring oman. Other emotional videos circulated on social networks planes at Dubai International airport, one of the largest. To fly in, then the flight was postponed or cancelled, thousands of passengers accumulated in the waiting rooms, bad weather also affected air traffic with our country. This weather event was predicted several days in advance, and it was also predicted at least a day in advance that there would likely be more rainfall over dubai than in a year, so people knew it was will happen. Local severe storm warning valid. Residents began to receive it in advance, all classes in local schools were transferred to a remote format, Civil Servants were also told to work from home, but it seems that they did not expect such a strong blow from the elements. The bad weather caused trouble throughout the country; problems with water and Electricity Supply were recorded in all seven emirates, and other states in the region also suffered. It is worth noting that yeoman and the United Arab Emirates, which hosted un climate talks last year, previously warned that Global Warming would likely lead to new floods and new extreme weather conditions. We seem to be seeing something similar now. It looks like the weather all over the world has gone crazy. There is a flood at dubai airport, a flood in oman, a flood in tanzania, a drought in colombia, and water rationing in bagata. There is snow in the balkans. Is it just what it seems, or are things really getting extreme . Why . Over the past decade or so, we have seen many extreme weather events, Scientists Say that with Climate Change will cause them. More. Skeptics have long argued that governments that have introduced Weather Modification methods are playing god, saying numerous experiments with such technologies could lead to changes in cyclonic activity in the region and, as a result, precipitation patterns. But arab meteorologists are ready to argue with them. Of course, one must be careful when experimenting with the weather. On the other hand, you cant do without experiments at all, because only with their help can you achieve result. The socalled cloud seeding. Increases the amount of precipitation by 10, and sometimes by as much as 30 per year, therefore, this increases the water reserves in reservoirs that are available to the entire country. In total, the National Center of meteorology has spent 15 million in recent years on 9 different rainmaking projects and is rightfully proud of the results. And the authorities also have plans for more radical steps to create a manmade mountain. In theory, it will change terrain conditions, cloud cover will increase, which will lead to more precipitation. Precipitation. Not in vain. 7200 steps, to the jade peak of one of the sacred mountains of dosism 1,500 m. I will translate you only need to climb 90 times to the fifth floor in the celestial are sure if. The Eastern Mountain has conquered, you can live up to 100 years, judging by the number of height tamers, agree with time, every second person wishes. What else happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, which is definitely worth finding out about. Yana mendeleva has prepared a special selection for you. A style icon whose outfits remain relevant even after decades sneakers, paws, leash, where it went for. With dogs, what vegetable they began to add to ice cream in japan and why hunters for bright shots come to the east of china, we will find out together in the next few minutes. Timeless style, Iconic Images of Princess Diana were presented at an exhibition in one of the auction houses in hong kong. The exhibition includes dresses, cocktail evening bags, shoes and accessories. The pearl of the collection is the famous dress from the designer. Arbeida, in which the princess appeared in public twice in 1986 at the premiere musical the phantom of the opera at a dinner in honor of King Constantine ii of greece. Diana can definitely be called a fashion icon. Every time she stepped out, she made a fashion statement. She knew how to dress to impress and not only worked with her designers, but also became friends with them. They understood what she wanted, and diana did not want to be considered. Someone who prefers eighties or nineties style dresses , these were timeless outfits, her outfit is 40 years old, but you can still say wow, you can wear them to a business meeting today and to the Academy Awards tomorrow. The hong kong exhibition will run until april 29 before traveling to new york and london. An auction of the exhibited works of art will take place on june 27 at the museum in ireland and online. A fast dog crossed with dogs in tandem with his owner in moscow. The participants, there were about 250 pairs, ran a distance of 2 km in the bicep forest park. The winners were determined in two categories, men and women. The main condition is that the pets had to be on leash. This is ragnar, the little viking. Firstly, this dog is on the cover of this race, this is not the first time we have run it, but they say that this is not the most running breed, but this does not mean that we cannot have a great time here in a dog party, thats why the weather is cool. To escape the heat with the help of onions, an unusual type of familiar delicacy is gaining popularity in japan. Leeks began to be added to ice cream. There is a line of customers at the local stall, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to taste the unusual combination. Frozen crispy the texture of green onions is spicy. The flavor is distinctly green onion, but you also get the sweetness of the soft serve ice cream. Manufacturers claim that the taste of onions stimulates the sense of smell, and the crunch adds pleasure. The sea of ​​fire is an impressive coincidence. The night sky near the icelandic town of grindovik was illuminated by a volcanic eruption. Against a background of emerald and raspberry. Nature has created views of wondrous beauty a column of smoke, glow and redhot lava, the svartsengi volcano in southwest iceland is erupting for the fourth time in recent months. According to according to the countrys meteorological bureau, Fire Mountain activity has decreased compared to january and february. This could be due to the equilibrium that the deep magma supply and lava outflow reached. Paintings of gold near the city of xinqua began. China ranks from different parts of the country and the world to be the second largest producer of this crop in the world, so in the spring tourists come to enjoy the largescale canvases created by nature. The arabian fields of xinghua have long become famous; information about this scenic spot can be found on the internet at other publications, its very beautiful here, its a bit of a pity because we arrived later than necessary, we missed the height of the flowering itself. Flowering of rapeseed usually begins in marchapril and lasts about 1020 days. It is grown as a fodder and industrial crop. Rapeseed oil is used not only in the food industry. Among other things, biofuels are made from it. Writing is not just a mans job. The first lady of British Literature was convinced of this by the court poet robert southey, editors who nine times her manuscripts were rejected. The novelist gave it to the reader. Classic psychological prose hit the reader and blew up london. Victorian Society Heard rebellious notes in her. Poetasa grew up in yorkshire in a pastors family. The word came into the world after being translated into french poetry by auguste barbie. She worked as a School Teacher and governess. One of the bronte dynasty of writers, armed with the male pseudonym carerbell, wrote her own plot of English Literature of the 19th century. The date of the week is april 21. 208th birthday of a woman in literature, charlotte bronte. You looked around the planet. Thank you for being and staying with us. Visit the tw website. Tvr. By watch your favorite Tv News Agency projects online. Goodbye. I give you my honor, loyalty, love, until death do us part. You think that since im not a rich little ugly girl, i have neither a soul nor a heart. You can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. In our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. There will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that. And will lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, an ancient asian proverb says strong is the one who is wise, ixport this phrase is directly related, because they win not by force, but by mind. Not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. This asian city is the first in the world hosted both the summer and winter olympic games. Vladislav. Beijing, beijing, thats right. According to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering difficult questions. Third level. Paris, london. Ny. Name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis. Sydney. You were very close. Lets do it again. Which League Winner gets the larry obrien cup . Nba. Nba. This Sports Equipment is installed at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men and 2 m 24 cm for women. What sport are we talking about . Let it be volleyball. Watch the intellectual and sports show head game on our tv channel. On december 30, 1945, the minister of Foreign Affairs of the bssr Kuzma Venediktovich Kiselyov initiated an extraordinary meeting of the Central Committee of the communist party of belarus. For the leadership, the request came as a surprise, since it concerned an already prepared resolution on the participation of the delegation of the republic in the work of the first session of the un. She. Opened in january 1946 in london, hello, the minister insisted on its revision, a meeting was convened

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