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This is in the middle of the lactation period from 100 to 200 days, well, of course this affects the preservation of, say, a herd, of course, this affects the preservation of the herd, in addition, the health of not only the cow that produces milk depends, but this is also the same as the preservation of that future calf, this is the future calf, which must also be born healthy , well, such a topic, lets say, today it is not removed from our agenda and is being raised, and the president has drawn attention to this more than once, yet we are somehow moving to resolve this issue, is the number of the same cases that you are decreasing . Record, for example, as minsiho, today, compared to the level of last year, it has decreased throughout the republic as a whole, there are regions that need to be worked with, but the main part is already being invested in the standard that exists for those regions, we will finalize them and move them back. Take livestock from someone who cannot raise, preserve and transfer it to someone who can do it, it has, today the meaning of its implementation, and the ministry of agriculture has worked out the Movement Scheme itself and made recommendations to the regional executive committees, and i know that some the regional executive committees have already become interested within the regions and are planning to do this, but it will have to be done again after we complete the procurement of feed, because the farm can, which knows how to grow, it expected to prepare as much feed as there is in the livestock, there is no stock, and accordingly they can also experience this, that is, everything here will need to be calculated in the second half of october, when we will already have a clear picture of the amount of prepared feed in each farm, so that it will not be such a heavy burden, yes for example, yes, it can become a heavy burden, they removed the problem from someone and transferred it to someone else, and back to those farms that. Today still have low security, and this, in principle, we have it under control is the farm 33 districts in the ministry have the opportunity to keep this livestock, that is, there is still time for the procurement of the crimea, there is still a whole month ahead, which can be prepared for quality feed, even more than a month, well, the meeting on the development of livestock farming lasted more than 3 hours, 3 s half, if not more, of the topics were even discussed, so you may have noted some of the most important points for yourself that need to be done in the near future, in particular the food supply, also for example, the procurement of companies. These issues that were discussed, they were important, they were known only to some heads of farms, these were the ones who spoke at ostromechevo, the head of the owner, he understands this and he does it, and for the ministry this is not new, but it was important that those leaders who heard this heard they dont do it and had no doubt that we could get tired of our cow back. 9 and 1000 liters of milk heard back to the same production base, feed base, that you can prepare feed, also using green grass, then sow corn for silage, in any farm you can provide a feed base, the main thing is to do it as it should be, in a timely manner , everything should be sown in a timely manner, harvested in a timely manner and efficiently harvested, ivanovich, well, of course, for a good increase in milk production there, the feed supply is also important, now we are preparing feed, we have already we thought that we wouldnt get enough feed grain somewhere, well buy up to 500,000 tons from russia , in general, how is the procurement going, whats already in the bins, whats still in the fields, what are we counting on, will we still be able to cover the needs of our livestock farming . To date, more than twenty quintals of feed units have been prepared per conventional head , some enterprises set themselves the task of. Uh, stocking feed until new feed, and this is about the same time, and even doing some kind of creating a solid feed base, taking into account the following year, in case of shortage or the prevailing unfavorable weather conditions, this year there is really good feed, good corn, probably once 10 years it happens that it is preserved like this, there are no frosts , its nutritional value is excellent, the weather conditions are favorable for harvesting it, well, the second point is, of course, high quality prepare to lay them and these are the trenches , thats how we see, yes, they should be present at every complex, because the quality of feed storage depends, inversely, on the health of the animals, excludes cases, well, the second is products, which we have been talking about all day today, at the seminar meeting the president paid special attention to technology, and speaking about this , the procurement of feed, technology, what percentage, say, in overall success matters, we did an analysis of those farms, which do not have a good result in the production of Livestock Products in general, in terms of average daily weight gain , the safety of young animals, in terms of milk yield per cow, they do not have feed, those farms that have feed, of course, 18 to 20. Liters can be given, in principle, by simply feeding a cow correctly with these feeds, so its hard to say, depending on the level of milk yield, how much the percentage depends, but in the whole of the republic, probably 90 percent depends on the feed and the quality of feed, the potential of our animals today allows us to milk over 10,000 liters of milk per cow, respectively, here is the key to our success in the first place, and then how the specialists work, how it will work. In general, how the work will be organized at the complex, if we speak in general across the country, so for you today, which regions may raise more questions specifically regarding feed procurement, or is it just a separate farm , they exist in every region, as of august 1, we were below the level of last year in terms of feed procurement volumes, we have almost four feed units, we were less than last year, then we got involved, of course in a timely manner. Got involved in corn harvesting, we came out with a plus compared to last year, we have three regions that are smaller than last year, but the gap from last year is shrinking every day, and i i think that within a week we will reach the level of last year, but then we will increase. As for the volume of feed procurement , our three regions are the worst, these are the vitebsk, mogilev regions, the most alarming, because in the vitebsk region we need to somehow tighten up and there is this feed, there is also corn, there are grasses that need to be harvested, if we talk about seven months, eight, in general , the volume of meat and milk production in the country, when we compare with last year, because at the seminar meetings they talked about loading of our enterprises, processing of both meat and dairy, this is how things are, is it really possible to resolve all the issues , you know, today, if we take pork, we purchase 8,000 within 80 thousand tons of pork and imports in order to satisfy the needs of our Meat Processing plants, but it is purchased, processed and sold back with high added value, so there are 80,000 of pork, and as for beef, yes, our enterprises are not at capacity, both Meat Processing plants and dairy the plants are not loaded, on average we get between 2 and 25 , but there are Meat Processing plants that are at 50 , but back in the context we need to look at how deeply those enterprises process, we cant leave it here either, as for the dairy industry , depending on the regions, some dairy plants are not loaded because there are no Raw Materials and there is no prospect, but there are dairy plants that see that in 3 years they will be at capacity. They are modernizing 100 , they are building new workshops and accordingly, in principle it is very, and in principle impossible for the manufacturer to catch up with them, because they will then begin to build their new lines for processing products, and if we talk about the volume of production, beef, pork, for example, there, how much we are growing compared to last year or we are not growing yet, we are not growing in all positions, or we are staying at the same level, we simply have that, but we must take into account that it is still the same as it was before. So over the last 10 years we have grown by 124 , well, i think we have more than enough reserves for this growth, the main thing is so that all those instructions, those issues that were discussed, the tasks that the promises that were given by the ministry of agriculture, in principle, the entire room that supported this, they are reserves, agriculture provides a fifth of belarusian exports, last year our country relied on food earned more than 8 billion dollars; in 7 months of this year , over 4 billion Meat Products were sold to foreign markets by 14,000 tons more. For milk, in particular butter, cream, cottage cheese, revenue is almost a billion 640 million dollars. Sergei ivanovich, well, its no secret, of course, that our belarusian products are in enormous demand in foreign markets, and at the beginning of our conversation you said that guests, even foreign ones, come and want to see the same. On the store shelf at home belarusian goods, and as for food exports in general this year, which shows 78 months, what kind of data already exists, because they say that prices on World Markets have decreased a little, how does this affect our volumes, our revenue . In general, if we take our products , yes, they are meat, they are sold without any hesitation, and we could probably sell all the products that we have, but we need to leave the Dairy Products to our buyer. There are some fluctuations in products, but these are insignificant, if today the price of milk powder, demand has stopped somewhere, then butter is in demand, and other Dairy Products, whole milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, they are sold, in principle, without any hesitation , thats why we have some like this there are no particular dangers that we cannot produce, cannot sell , and whats more, the sales market is expanding, you see , thats me again. They repeat, africa is being added more and more and they are asking to sell, the Chinese Market is consuming us and Central Asian countries, so as much as we produce, we can sell as much, the most important thing is to increase volumes, well, russia still occupies such a huge leading country, it is our brotherly country, and even in any case we must work together, and they take into account their level production, taking into account our capabilities. Potential for the sale of Dairy Products and meat to fill consumer demand with their population, therefore, as long as russia is leading, but we do not strive for it not to be leading, this is our fraternal country, you have already mentioned the market of the peoples republic of china, are there more enterprises that are accredited , supplied to this market, and can they bring, maybe, some new types of products, are we ready to offer them . Everything is much more, they are interested a lot Dairy Products and the same candies that the president said, they are also back on the chinese page, and we had cuba , which also wants to start cooperation with us, well, we need to find certain ones, the first batch of milk powder has already left, sailed to cuba, besides this, but with regards to new types of products, today we. Are already beginning to produce instant milk , which does not require any specialized processing, they just took it, diluted it in warm water, and it is practically no different from whole milk, and here it will be necessary for us to work, because where there is no milk, and it is needed, well, we are planning how we can build lines there in order to turn our milk powder back into whole milk and produce cottage cheese and butter cheese. This is specifically the chinese parmarket, yes, as for the domestic market, you have some kind of forecast, i dont know, well, probably all tv viewers are worried about what will happen to the prices of meat and milk for us buyers, are there any prerequisites for growth, are they necessary . Our consumer has nothing to worry about that the price will go up there for dairy or Meat Products, and for all other products, and for plant products we see a decrease today, well, we are basically provided with everything and vegetables, i think this year we will be completely. We are provided, i dont think, im even sure, we will be provided with cucumber, we will be provided with cucumber, we will be provided with potatoes, onions, beets, we will be provided, and the prices for this year show that they will probably even be lower than previous years, well, to sum up our conversation like this , well talk to you and about exports, about volumes, the production of milk, meat, about the procurement of feed, so for you, as for the minister for today, what is the number one question, well, today the question is number one this is of course, there is such a proverb in the fall there are eight jobs, this of course, to remove all the harvest that is there, well, to lay the foundation for next year, this is to sow, winter. Grains, but the preparation of feed is really the number one question, to what extent we will provide our livestock with grass feed, this is to remove corn in a timely manner, remove herbs and the better quality and in we will remove the short deadlines, the future production of Livestock Products depends on it. Thank you very much. Everything you wanted to know about the greatness of belarusian churches, we planned it in such a way that , after all, if this bishop believes that this is a future cathedral, it must be truly significant, it must be. He created man and said about it that it is not good for a person to be alone, let us create an assistant for him, according to him, and men and women are not different, but at the same time, they complement each other. About overcoming life difficulties. This is a moment who can reveal the truth of love, jumping, strength, or the edges of the foundation. Lets talk about it spiritually. They came from different parts of the world, i knew about belarus then, its not enough to say, given what i already know now, its probably an understatement, belarus and our university are already my second volume, and everyone found something for themselves here, we are grateful to the belarusians and belarus that the memory of the great victory of all those who celebrated this victory is sacredly honored here, i have found a lot of friends, i will be back soon to china, but the sawmill will always remain in my heart, each hero has his own unique story, his own view of belarus, here is the audience of vladimir uryavin, i am very. On the belarus 24 tv channel, the secrets of good morning and good mood. Dont forget that smiling is the cheapest way to look your best. Acquaintance. With amazing people, you have all artists , you look at each one, you can make a movie about each one, but what if you sprinkle everything with apples, just sprinkle everything, can i be an artist for 5 minutes, i can do it in any profession, just do some more injections i dont know how yet, but there is still a lot of useful and interesting information, pumpkin flour, where do we get it, take a seed, take a seed, squeeze the oil out of it, this high country cuisine begins, mosquitoes bite only. Mossies, and who bites bees . Bees too, look, the good morning of belarus with svetlana borovskaya, on the tv channel belarus 24. The minsk automobile plant is not only the flagship of mechanical engineering. On the territory of belarus, but on the territory of the former entire postsoviet space, working in peace and creation, we can create excellent automotive equipment, achieve the results that we have achieved today, for me my profession is everything, i spend most of my time here, my whole life was connected with the local automobile plant, even as a child i lived in the factory area, so those people with whom i communicated as a child, they worked at the minsk automobile plant, so i further connected with fate with the minsk automobile plant, but while studying at the polytechnic university, i was more i liked creating the vehicles that our car plant produces, so i decided to become a designer. 22 years ago i came to the minsk automobile plant. At the age of 22 , the minsk automobile plant mastered the production of buses and trolleybuses, and added the production of mediumduty vehicles and lightduty vehicles. The plant is growing, does not stand still, and all this requires qualified personnel. Last year we opened a training center. Together with the Belarusian National technical university, the guys have been here since their third year undergo practical training, in addition to this, they are trained in a number of disciplines, this includes car design, design features, chassis systems, testing, electronics, every year the number of students coming to their diploma projects for training increases, they can see how new components are produced in the experimental workshop, how live tests take place and. And in the one to two years that they spend at the minsk automobile plant, they come out as prepared as possible for further work at our enterprise. Minsky products automobile plant is maximally integrated into the life of our society and state, therefore, by producing this equipment, we contribute to the development of our society. For me, the minsk automobile plant is everything, this is my history, my destiny, one of my children today is also studying at the Belarusian National polytechnic university, at the department of automobiles, and they also plan to connect their lives with the minsk automobile plant. They are ready to surprise and win. What does the abbreviation gto stand for . Denis, ready to work on defense. Representatives of this sport are called yachtsmen. What kind of sport . Sailing. Sailing. Project participants will show their best qualities. This is the theorem, this is the name of the theorem about the tangent, that. I refused, no, that the true name of kandrat nettle is kondrat kondratovich otrakhovich, to fight for victory and the title of being the best stop sign, what kind of geometric figure . Circle sign, geometric figure , circle sign, well, yes, einstein, einstein, yes, there is no other option, poor thing, how much he did, also dynamite, look intellectually. Entertainment show on tv channel belarus 24. After initiating a criminal case, we decided that it was necessary not only to cover the progress of the investigation in terms of information, with the help of the media, but also to present those facts and archival documents, plus witness testimony, precisely in. Some publication therefore, in this way , an idea arose, this idea was implemented, in 2020 we prepared the First Edition of the general prosecutors office, in the twenty first year it was published, very large the publication was popular, several editions were published, all the books were sold out, so we are already seeing great popularity among ours. We have already started preparing the second edition , in which we focused on death camps, on the extermination of our population in death camps, these are. Camps, these are prisons, places of forced detention of the population, ghettos and so on. In these editions, both the first and the second, exactly those archival documents are published that have never been published before, which are new facts . These are new facts are those circumstances that were not previously known, not only archival documents, here we present excerpts from the testimony of witnesses, excerpts from documents, among other things. Trophies about the facts of mass extermination of the population, these documents were essentially in the archives for decades, thanks to the work of prosecutors , we picked up these documents, studied them and included them in the materials of the book, unfortunately, we could not publish everything, there are a lot of documents, so we tried more meaningful, interesting, and so that the reader can objectively to evaluate the picture that took place, that is, nothing is farfetched, specific facts, these books are designed for a wide audience, and i would like to answer that this publication is also very popular outside our country, and we receive reviews, including from a number prosecutors general, commonwealth countries, as well as the european union, but that the publication is valid. It is relevant, it is interesting, and you know, it is timely, in fact, well, during the investigation of such cases, about the genocide of the belarusian people, you asked for help to foreign colleagues, what is it like, is there this feedback, do they respond, how willingly . Naturally, the Russian Federation readily responds, because this is our common pain, this is our common tragedy of our peoples, except for the Russian Federation. We receive answers and response from germany. The german side provides us with the materials we request. Regarding our neighboring states, the baltic countries, poland, unfortunately, they officially refused to provide us with any information. Overall we sent there are a lot of orders, more than 90, to dozens of countries around the world, the countries of latin america, in principle, are the issueable meats of belarus with great history. We can obtain abaronial doilism from the rightwing architecture. And round velvets are typical for this period of time. They floated to the pharmaceutical Economic Centers of the country and a zillion extraordinary people. Some myastechki, garads, which were previously significant in magdeburg, in attacks, the potassium gypsum prahodzil was still very far away, ruined their significance, there was a sacramental revolution, the chagunka changed navakolle, culturalasvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus. Gety kastsel does not end and y savetskiy period, kali vyalіkaya kolkastsya temple stratsіla its percapachatkovaya meaning. Everyone remembers the 50s, thats how things have become. To classicism , tell the belarusians that geta does not fall out, for dastatkova to come to our capital, prices on praspektse, if you please with your soul, what geta is. Glyadzice on our tv channel. Hello, Lyudmila Kazak is with you live in this evening newscast

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