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At each interrogation, they presented new facts and evidence of the destruction of people and settlements, but then when there was already evidence, and they did not admit that we didnt shoot, we stood by the germans, we tried to do it with our own hands ; the interrogation protocols of the accused and witnesses make it possible to draw up not only ontology of the crime of the 118th Ukrainian Police battalion, but also follow its evolution from creation to liquidation. The 118th Ukrainian Police battalion was founded in kiev in august 1942; the backbone of the unit was representatives of the organization of ukrainian nationalists bukavinian smoking. Being influenced by the propaganda of ukrainian nationalists. I voluntarily went to serve in the ukrainian nationalist formation. This formation was called smoking. They explained to us that the root will not fight , more literate people will occupy leadership positions in government bodies in the territory occupied by the germans illiterate people will serve as guards. The goal is to prevent the germans from robbing ukraine along with me. Residents were caught smoking voynovsky. The villages of luzhany, katyug, vladimir katyuk, nikolai neighbors the fortyfirst almost simultaneously with the units. Wehrmacht soldiers arrived in kiev, they were involved in the protection of warehouses and together with the occupation authorities. The so called new order was established. They undergo initial training, that is , they study some kind of drill step, uh, the rules are given, but here they are guarding local warehouses and even the lavra okhranyalinsky smoking takes the oath of allegiance to the third reich and is part of the 115th Police Security battalion, a separate unit of which was involved in the extermination of jews and gypsies in the indian empire. One of the rod 115th battalion later became. First company, 118th battalion, small lacoste trigger lazinsky, dry. This is the First Company, the Second Company and the third company. They were formed from prisoners of war and representatives of the kiev region; the Battalion Commander was a german, eric curler, his deputy Konstantin Smovsky colonel, who served as petliura, then in the polish army. And during the great patriotic war he went to serve the nation. The battalions Striking Force is there. The First Company and its commander. Vinnitsky in the fall , vasyura and meleshko arrived in the unit; they were sent from germany after graduating from the school of the eastern ministry. Or, as it was called, the school of propagandists at the disposal of the command of the 118th police battalion. I arrived from germany from the city of wudzitz together with a former officer of the soviet army, vasyura gregory, who, like me, was captured at the beginning of the war we were sent to the germans in kiev after undergoing special training at the German School of propagandists. Whose training was aimed at convincing the delivery of information full of antisoviet hatred to the soviet union, of course, using nationalist ideas at the end of 1942 , Ukrainian Policemen were sent to belarus to fight the partisans. At the end of december 1942, the 118th Ukrainian Police battalion changed its location; the headquarters of the first and third companies were transferred to the Regional Center of pleshchenitsy this was the status of the settlement. During the years of occupation, the Second Company was sent towards slutsk in pleshcheny, the unit was located in the barracks of the former plechnitsky border detachment, from here on january 6, 1943 , the day before christmas, the ukrainian nazis went on a punitive operation to the village, shmelevichy. On the approach to the village , on the orders of snovsky and vasyura, shelling began of the populated area, so the punishers paved the way for themselves, breaking in the shmelevichs. Old people , women, children, half naked, were taken out into the street they were threatened with execution and kept in the cold for several hours. At this time, they robbed houses and took out livestock, then set fire to the village itself, destroyed 58 houses and outbuildings of chimilevich, became the first khatyn and Ukrainian Policemen in february 1943 , several more actions were carried out to exterminate the civilian population, the final battle chord in the minsk region, the 118th battalion gave the village of dalkovichi in the modern logoisky district on may 13, 1943. There are many partisans there who are the headquarters of the partisans. Participated and commanded after destroying my village the dalkovichi, he killed people. I know from the commanders report that there were 3 civilians and six partisans at the time at the beginning of the village. Just in the place where the executioners installed machine guns and fired at the populated area indiscriminately, they did not aim. The partisans fired indiscriminately, civilians were killed, and the lists of the dead included several dozen names with the same date of death. They arrested a sick sheep who was lying outside the ward, pulled it out by the hair into the territory, and kicked it twice. We sang and beat out by knocking out his eyes, his ears were cut off and put in the form of possibilities. But this old man has been exhausted. And after that they abandoned him and left, damn it, my father died and the 118th ukrainian battalion, along with other nazi units, was recruited to participate in punitive actions. Under the pretext of fighting the partisans, they destroyed the civilian population and burned the village; the rules existing in the battalion and strictly supported by the command were aimed at instilling in the punishers such qualities as cruelty. Thirst for destruction hatred of soviet people and towards everything soviet, suspicion towards each other, a manifestation of pity and a feeling of compassion for the victims, was considered as sympathy and help to the bandits. This is what the germans called partisan and the population of the villages of the partisan zone in 1943. On the first day of the punitive operation before the holiday, which the nazis developed in strict secrecy by the killers of the 118th ukrainian battalion, the village was destroyed. New vileika of the modern dokshire district. The reprisal was caused by the fact that on the eve of the tragedy of may 19, 1943 year, near the bridge over the river near the village , a staff worker, a storekeeper with a surname very similar to the surname of the Battalion Commander slovsky from snovsky, was blown up in a mini. It differs only in one letter, asyura. He ordered the village to be burned, but before that the policemen plundered the houses of the local residents, stole livestock , then set them on fire, every yard, the next one on the list for destruction was a village of vela in the same dushi district, near a cemetery near the settlement of the Ukrainian Policemen , they ran into the partisans and a shootout ensued. The partisans withdrew on may 20, 1943, and they, uh, having burst into the village, they burned five collective farm buildings and 42, and houses with courtyard buildings, but this too it would seem not enough on the twentysecond of may 1943, they burst into the village and part of the population, again for connections with the partisans. They drove it into the barn. This is 38 people. These were old men, women and children who acted according to a wellworn scheme, where they set fire to the barn and deployed machine gunners to shoot those who were trying to escape the 118th ukrainian battalion, such actions became a classic decorative operation. Bead code, only in begoml in the area, more than 4,000 civilians were killed, burned, and about 3,000 were hijacked. For forced labor in germany in these statistics of nazi crimes. So all the villagers are owls, may 27, 1943. The 118th Ukrainian Police battalion dealt with them, and families became victims. The partisans were betrayed by the local headman, 78. The people were shot and burned in the operation. There are owls in the village. Meleshko was in charge, on his orders, women were arrested, children were driven into a barn, and after it became known that the headmans son was also a partisan, he was thrown into well, the remaining fatherinlaw of the population was lined up. And hmm they watched with their own eyes. How did it all happen, uh, three aged children. Eh, from seven to ten years old were able to get out of this barn, but they were shot after operation gus code 118, the Ukrainian Police battalion was transferred to the territory of the modern grodno region to participate in the punitive operation herman from novogrudok to the face and moved to the bogoskoi pushcha. About 10 kilometers from the bakhshty village of the modern ivyevsky district, in a forested swampy area, a dugout was discovered, in where the jews were hiding, the second and third were given away by the old jews, in dugouts. There were mostly old people, women and children, and weapons. They did not have the executioner of the eighteenth battalion, among which there was a 3 kelo bush in one of the dugouts. The women threw grenades, were taken 50 meters from the second shelter and shot. The massacre did not end there. Some of the ukrainian nazis jumped into the dugout and, among human remains and blood , gold and valuables, a dugout torn apart by grenade explosions, at the bottom of which lay about 20 mutilated corpses of men, children, dugout , it was impossible to look at the bodies of the dead, human flesh was torn to pieces. Lacusta katyug was mixed with the soil when we arrived. Filippov ilchuk commander. The guns of the beskondyrs dugouts, they searched the clothes of the dead, took off their hands, tore out gold rings, teeth, from clothes, took out gold coins and other jewelry. I dont remember well how, without tandoors, i rummaged through the panties of murdered women at bus stops and took out gold coins. The Battalion Headquarters was the first to be transferred to lida. Handing over the company. The viewer, the second and the third were located on the territory of the shchuchin district, being on the territory of the western regions of belarus 118. The reception was supported by the ukrainians who destroyed the poles during the volyn massacre in belarusian villages, the subordinate vasyurs also began exterminating the polish population, People Killed a family in different settlements, you stick and subbotniks geronyonny vasilishki in march 1944, policemen of the 118th ukrainian battalion near the village of morina, ilyevsky district , chased one of the partisans for a long time and fired from rifles and machine guns without effect, then they used a mortar and started a real pursuit of the partisan and killed him near a neighboring village. Krivichi. On the opposite bank of the neman, they then took their anger out on civilians , fired at the cart, and wounded a teenager. The final operation in belarus for the 118th battalion took place near the village of yuratishki. It was a battle with partisans. After which, together with the nazis, the ukrainians went to the territory of east prussia and became part of the thirtieth ss division after the retreat, the 118th battalion was transferred to france. By the way, on the way to france, the perner smovskie vasyuras disappeared. Well, some other leaders, the ukrainian commander, smovsky ended up in the usa there and died and escaped punishment , just like the commander of the First Company vinnitsky , who in canada headed the ukrainian diaspora, his subordinate in the battalion, kryuk. He also settled in canada and was a beekeeper, that is, he raised bees, which is what we lived for and didnt like to talk about the past. Although they denied their participation in switching sides. And in germany , participation in the 118th battalion. However, details. He didnt fully tell anyone 30 years later, during the investigative actions, the remains found at the site. Land in the naliboki forest were sent for examination precisely for this crime. The israeli Simon Wiesenthal center, involved in the search for nazi criminals, included katyuka on the list of the most wanted persons in katrika is wanted in the soviet union. We have been studying since the late forties. State security agencies sent various requests to state archives, departmental archives, and with a request hmm to help find documents confirming their punitive activities hmm, including small vasyuras, including which requests were sent throughout the soviet union, including in ukraine. However, many answers came that not listed unknown fate repeatedly sent requests to canada, well, they didnt give out the trick. By the way, he even received hitlers socalled pension. Germany covered all the wishes of the executioners of atyn, and he also financed the installation with german funds the monument to the participants of the bukovinian smoking in chernivtsi of the lukovych battalion was discontinued due to the death of the accused lakusta. Kurka, knab lazinsky, dry were sentenced to death, sentenced to slag 100, then a case was opened against him, mileshko was also sentenced to death, the extreme case against the executioners of khatyn was initiated in the eightysixth year against the chief. There are lacquers and trigger buttons and the sugar lazinskys were transported by everyone, they are all there in evidence, before the seal train, but ill talk to them so you understand that this is a serious matter. Well, they have a separate compartment near the toilet, next to ours one of our employees is always in the corridor, because who knows what they are capable of vasyura, did not admit guilt for a crime committed against civilians during the great patriotic war , denied participation in the punitive action in khatyn said that he was in lithuania looking for his wife and daughter, but the testimony of witnesses and his colleagues in the 118th battalion played a role. The executioner began to confess. The main one is organization carrying out punitive operations and personal participation in the torture and murder of soviet citizens. The facts are so numerous and confirmed, therefore , the materials of the case are the most voluminous and the verdict in relation to him is perhaps the most voluminous criminal case. Regarding vasyura. It consisted of 17 volumes, but the verdict took 100 pages ; it was announced a few days before the new year of 1987, the execution was already on january 6th. He writes a thirtypage cassation appeal, but it was rejected, the verdict was left unchanged and he was shot on october 2, 1987. Remains the fate of the Battalion Commander himself is unknown , only to the mowed one. Lets say so by testimony. It is known that he and the battalion retreated from the territory of the grodno region, when he was there on german territory and there are further traces. His criminal case against the last executioner of khatyn, katyuk, is lost; the investigation is not completed and plans to resume. Even after the death of the criminal at home in the canadian province of kg at the age of 93 in 2015, not all ukrainian nazis answered for the crime about which the deadline there is no prescription. All the girls dreamed of becoming a doctor, having received a medical education , i worked in healthcare for more than 10 years and, to be honest, i never thought that i would work in law enforcement. Everything was decided by chance one day, while Walking Around my hometown with a stroller, while on maternity leave. I met a friend who found out that i received a higher Legal Education and asked. Would i like to work in the police . Well, i thought so, why not. And now i am serving in the Ideological Department the work of the internal Affairs Directorate of gomel was the executive committee, my work was interesting. I love her, my work hmm is related to the education of personnel. We hold a lot of different events. This is a spiritual, moral event and areas of sociocultural activity, but my main direction is information and propaganda activities. Today , information must be said to be a key aspect in any field, but the most important thing is to believe what you came with. What information do you convey, and you must live by it and you must consciously act as you require from your employees. Svetlana alexandrovna is always ahead of us, no matter what the events, she boldly takes on the task. She confidently walks to the podium. Confidently goes to the microphone always finds a creative solution and finds a way to solve this problem. This means he connects the necessary employees. Uh , that means a public organization, a is in good contact with the leadership of the ideology of the city region and uh, an important factor is that each such event is also uh popularized through these media in my work and in life, i consider the formation of a successful person with an active civic position. To achieve this, we must work closely with young people, because young people know everything. This is our future and young people need to be educated on historical moments, visiting memorable places. Eh, besides, what to tell. They themselves must realize the need to be involved in their country today, to love their country, as Alexey Tolstoy said , patriotism is not only an integral love for the motherland is an integral experience of it, both happy and unhappy days. Coming to serve in the internal Affairs Bodies. I always wanted to remain the same as i was and be kind and feminine to give love to people, so to speak , so that professional deformation would not affect me , so that every woman could realize herself as a woman, i want the best side. Mark. This is the creation of the womens union within the ministry of internal affairs. There is a union in our management. Women have been around for a little over 2 years. But for this short period of time. It united more than 800 likeminded women. They are similar in spirit in their goals and convictions and take up the most popular initiatives of the womens union during this period. There have been so many events that i , of course, cannot list them all, but there is such a striking example and project that i want to mention. These are artistic and decorative creativity competitions. Cornflower of the native land. Flower. This competition allowed women. Living your soul in your work really shows love as a state symbol of love for your not only employees and their families took part in the motherland, children also took part. But the most pleasant thing is that when we hold these competitions, we work, then we donate orphanages to hospitals, in addition to this. Here, after the creation of the union, a woman. I had such a need, lets say, to unite all our social formations in the internal Affairs Directorate in the internal Affairs Bodies this is the trade union organization, the veterans organization, of course, the womens union, well , our uh, officer kors Svetlana Aleksandrovna rusak heads the womens council, shes decent she, uh, a responsible person is worried about the assigned area of ​​work. We constantly visit our disabled veterans and its a pleasure to communicate with her. Eh, nice to carry on everyday. E work in this direction, that each employee feels responsible not only for himself, for his family, for the team, for his colleagues, but he feels responsible for the whole country, for every citizen of this country, and a woman , putting on the uniform of an internal affairs officer, she feels this responsibility tenfold, or even greater, and how noted our president today is a woman. She can realize herself both as a professional and as a woman. My son is a student and it has always been important for me that he grow up to be a real patriot of his country. But i note that patriotism is not only love for the motherland, it is the opportunity to help loved ones. Well, like in our situation, for example, neighbors, any person who turned to you for help for elderly people. This is his participation in the same events when we plant trees, for example. That is, he invests. E your personal and strong contribution and it also allows me to help make our country Better Together with my son. We love to go fishing, we are not strangers to ordinary people, so to speak, spending time together on weekends, and here we have a lot of established traditions on sundays. Well already tell you. So. This has always been the case since my childhood. It doesnt matter what kind of pancakes there should be, i like to bake different ones, my grandmother gave me many recipes for pies and with warmth, when she is not there, when i cook these dishes, of course i remember my childhood, because i spend a lot of time spent her son with her. I brought up not a word to the departments and always the main thing for me was that it was a personal example. Looking at me, he probably served with me. He had certain views on important life moments that were quite correct, and today these priorities are correct. He sets things up already , lets say, at such an adult age, and for me he also becomes a support and support. Even when people come up to just say hello and say nice things to mom, well, you yourself become pleased with what you have such a mother is proud of her, as if you were the son of such a woman. It happens that you go home after work and Citizens Contact you with this or that question, not necessarily. They relate these issues to professional activities. Well, do you realize that you can help . Well, you are obliged to help, and i always think so in any area. Wherever you work, wherever you are, if we have more caring people, then we can make our world. Better, of course , i would like to say that choosing a profession in your youth is a medical worker. I always i wanted to help people and eventually change my profession by becoming an internal affairs officer. I havent changed my calling. I am always ready to give my heart to people. Review of the most important sporting events, the new head coach of the national team, carlos alas ferrer, named the expansion of such players for the september qualification of the European Championship 2024 two gold, silver and three bronze. These are the sweaters of belarusian wrestlers at the youth world championships, which jordan hosted for an exclusive interview with the athletes. Tell me, this is the result 1092 you repeated and surpassed in the training process, but i was ready to show faster than a second there in athens yes, if it had been one race not four Bright Moments and real emotions. One of the most spectacular and one of the most exciting sports. In sports projects on the belarus tv channel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we are working to ensure that you are aware of Current Events in the country and the world. In addition, our team of journalists obtains valuable knowledge from experts. How to maintain and increase health there is a place for entertainment. Every friday. We bring to your attention the best projects and films of our tv channel. This and much more. Waiting for you in the weekly project, broadcast 24 7 on the belarus 24 tv channel. For a moment you want to stop running and see how it rains. The leaves are moving, the sun is shining, and how things are built from all these little things. Our life. I want to look at this world differently. And every day we discover something new and its so interesting for us, because we do it with love. With love from belarus hello popova and svetlana smolonskaya, and archpriest fyodor is visiting us today for a good day. Good hello father fedor after our first meeting with you in our studio. Tell me not to be silent, the audience wrote dozens of reviews, the main idea. The idea was that meetings with you should be done regularly. Firstly, we are pleased to fulfill this request from the audience today, and from here the question arises people do not have enough good sermons. But first of all, i am glad to welcome all Television Viewers in your person. And what is possible say . Thank god that people are open to spiritual topics. Thank god that people are looking for the truth and trying to comprehend the meaning of life, as soon as a person stops looking for heaven, that is , something higher than earthly pleasures. He dies in soul. What if the soul is dead . Then this is the end of everything. After all, man is the image of god. And our universe is the creation of god and it was created for only one purpose. For a person to live in it. But at the same time, i wouldnt call the interview format a sermon. Its still a different genre. The sermon reveals doctrinal theological issues. And we are here more we talk about the meaning of life. Perhaps thats what people miss. Then lets talk to the family about monuments in the minsk church. In honor of all saints, a meeting of young families was recently held, with representatives of the city authorities and the clergy. Uh, if you have a word after this event, and how was the meeting informal or formal . To be honest , im tired of the word event. Sorry, he reeks of hopelessness and lifelessness. Please note the event has become too big. When is it too much . Its hard to put in content. What happens when an event becomes an event . So, in the temple the monuments took place, a truly informal meeting at which families gathered, there were no speeches, no preprepared words. Who wanted to share their personal views on life , childrens experiences, gifts, a little fuss, replicas, like toasts, as if in a large large family on a holiday . Whenever you do, no matter how busy you are. In your field of vision children and in fact everything was fine. But i was haunted by a vague sad thought. Which i later realized. Sad that obvious natural foundations that form things that people previously accepted as a given norm have to be popularized. And it turns out that this is a kind of diagnosis for our society. Many have several educations, but do not understand the simplest things; they do not understand how life works. But the birth of children has always been considered a joy and blessing for the family. There were no doubts that children were needed. Yes , there were different circumstances and there were abortions, foundlings, and everything else, but these are special cases. People understood the importance of the family and took care of honor surnames, so the upbringing of children was monitored. To find a good wife and every man tried not to forgive the entertainment for the night, realizing that he would give his children his last name , the last name of his ancestors. So i let it slip. Now that ive got the diagnosis, ill come back to him. I dont think that the disease of our society lies in the fact that people have forgotten how to see ahead. Anyone who looks straight will reach the goal, bypass the traps, and see road signs. And the one who looks at his feet or is immersed in himself . Will he hit a lantern along the way or fall into a hole . The one who watches. So figuratively speaking, he looks at his own reflection in the mirror and does not see it in children. That blind man you once said in an interview that we teach a child to live in harmony with himself, with loved ones and with the world, we talk about the spiritual basis of the meaning of life and that love for god, for people and for the homeland is inseparable. Proponents of the new morality would probably have ridiculed such a message from the very beginning, because today it is believed that vlad is a child to live with himself. This means, first of all, starting with freedom in the gender issue, our notorious uh, orthodox the church considers this manifestation sinful, does nt it . You know what ill tell you about this. Yes, in that vein, as you presented it in harmony with yourself. Leads to suicide and mental disorders, if such harmony with oneself, which once again proves . That they are lying to us. They are killing us, but there seem to be no murderers. People are happy to destroy themselves and satan has strategic thinking, is he smart . Its not even demonic anymore. This is worse. Much scarier than it seems and its not lgbt as a phenomenon, it has existed since time immemorial times remember sodom and mt. Well, beware of perverted desires. This is another of the articles of the lawful moses and the apostle paul reminded that such will not inherit the kingdom of god. But if so, in a religious refraction. But what if we were really serious and objective . You know, what is terribly scary is that there is an attack on god and on all of humanity, as a divine creation. A huge force is advancing on all fronts from within from without. If thats not the case. Convince me, but as you say, satan is coming, these are satanic manifestations. And we we are accustomed to the fact that this is a struggle that will be eternal, and it is impossible to completely destroy god, maybe this is the case, but the attack is an offensive. Yes, it has to end somewhere. What a strategy, the same satan has. This propaganda is once again the burning of a war of racial hatred. Wars on half the globe persecution of christians manmade pandemics manmade crises and famine growing up of children growing up of people banal through youth through advertising through vulgar satanic songs business over trafficking in people and their organs you look at the modern art, for the most part, perverts a person, corrupts him, and does not elevate him. And in all of this. The most unpleasant thing is that we ourselves are ready to call all this a new morality. Tell me, is there really a new or an old morality . It happens, then there is a morality of satan or still a morality. This is a constant in relation to good and evil. If a person comes to strangers, they say, dear, they are deceiving you. You yourself were deceived. And today everything that was prohibited yesterday is allowed. And you happily believe, a stranger. This is progress. This is freedom. Roll in the mud. Mother prohibited. It turns out that everything is so new. Scientists have proven the benefits of dirt. Moreover , being dirty is practical and profitable. Long live the new morality. So, isnt the person a fool, what makes him not believe his mothers words . And woe is the fool to answer this question. But how can one direct his gaze again towards morality . And so i think woe to the one through whom temptation comes first of all, it would be better for him not to be born. These are the words of the gospel, these are the warnings of christ. What should we think next . I have a question. How can we still resist this new morality in quotes. How we cant just resist. How does this morality penetrate the heads of our youth . Yes, most likely, like this. Because first of all, the focus is on young people. I would like to say that our youth are wonderful. I was convinced of this when recording the transmission of 100 questions to an adult. But, nevertheless. This wont be entirely true. It would be more correct to say that the infection has not yet spread to a critical mass, to our people, to our youth. Well i see sympathy, as such suppose in your the tv is on all the time in the apartment. And they show films on it nonstop, which necessarily cover this topic of lcpd, interviews with people offended by society. You come with your child to a concert dedicated to the day of knowledge, and there are singers who are seen in propaganda. Mat of perversions. They turn out to be not that bad and the bad guys sing cheerfully and interact with the audience. You might feel disgusted and break your tv . But you cant break the gadget into a pushbutton phone. You wont switch, because you need to use it for work, but on the internet through the news about this, through the news you will literally go out onto the street. Everything on the screens is the same. Go to social networks. You will receive advertisements. How many days will you internally resist throughout your life . A person quickly gets used to it. And when a child is born in such an environment, does he count everything he sees . And therefore, think without embarrassment about todays heroes, but whom you scolded so much, or something subtly, who is on stage with one hand, yes, high on the other, they are advertising something in their gadgets, they have already crossed this morality, and they have become new heroes here. Well, the question is how to stop . Take this lump and stop it , there is no ban. Well, i didnt say such a word take it and stop it. This is a slightly different word. Whos stopping . Do we have everything for this in our country . And then its not my right to be able to show young people in the modern world what morality is, we need to start with this, but we start simple and clear with the fact that you had this family day in the church very much from the photographs. Our viewers probably noticed how passionate we were. Children, this is the form presence with you and you know how to communicate so well with them. She gave them such sincere joy, that is, everyones eyes were captivated, but as you correctly noted. It became an event from an event an event happened. Yes, but we perceive it as an event. Here the event was held and ticked. And this event became an event and thank god that it became such and once again i was convinced of what deep people we have, what real families. Which mothers need to be raised on a pedestal and shown to everyone thanks to them, among others, apparently the church will withstand the confrontation that we are talking about . Yes, i think that it is not only thanks to them that the church is still a human organism of god. And therefore, if we close it within the framework of the administrative structure, we make an initial mistake in understanding the church. As christ said, sozi is waiting for my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Do you know how many young people we have in the church . This is not the case when they force or recommend or direct you to be at the event. Visiting a temple for a person sometimes becomes a fateful event in his life. Sometimes its just a change of heart. In the meantime, lets take a break for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram channel. Tell me, dont be silent. Subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests we are in touch. The program tell me, dont be silent is on air again, and our guest is archpriest fyodor povny, a little more about youth, lets talk in 2013, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union initiated a republican charity event, the restoration of shrines in belarus since 2016. This action has become interfaith. You believe in the healing power of such events, and your conversations in this program make society more moral. We hope so, at least the response from the audience tells us that the more they get to know belarusians and active people who want to get better in their country, their souls become lighter, that here they are not the only ones on tv who think about good for your country. Say the first or last bell at school will grow out of schoolchildren patriots but he counts only this, of course, is not worth it, because someone or Something Else will grow up as patriots, and not the first or last call. The first or last call is a beautiful event in the life of every young man. Why was this action organized . We are now talking about giving young people the opportunity to do a good deed. Help put things in order in the house of god in holy places work for the glory of god how the children realized this within themselves. Of course its different. Someone sincerely someone to skip class. Someone just because he loves to work, someone was asked very much. But the fact happened. The young man worked for god, he was in the weight of centuriesold traditions on the territory of the lord. In the place that completely belongs to him. Let it be two now, let it be the only time in his life, but he already has this experience, for example, to understand why you need to go to a temple , you first need to just go into it and stay in it later. Then stay a little longer. And come more than once. When is a person in the temple . His spirit is tuned and filled with grace and then man suddenly realizes that he can no longer live without a temple. And during these actions , during open dialogues with clergy of different branches, which always took place at the end of the action. Children, at least, were present during the conversation not on everyday topics, but in the discussion of greater meanings. At least they heard through boredom, but there were many who listened greedily. How many people are now ready to talk about god . At school they talk about human destiny, about good and evil. But in families, for the most part, such topics are not discussed yet, until it has become ours tradition or has not returned to what tradition once was. So i answered you, in general, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union likes to hold events. It seems to me that why is because you heard the response. Eh, sixteen years ago, we have now looked at 1,000 photographs, that is, the number of volunteers who want to participate in events is growing. The important thing is that its not easy. Well, how do you like these to be meaningful events for students . And in general, we understand what patriotism means to you. This is not a figure of speech, this story which you pass through your heart, as they say, every time the collection of shrines , which we can now see in the temple , has recently been replenished with capsules with earth, a mixture of the death of the heroes of belarus, Lieutenant Colonel vladimir karvat, pilots nichporchik andrei and nikita kukoenko. And you. Eh, we saw fragments of the solemn ceremony called this action for peaceful sky. Well, last time we dwelt in detail on the museum in your temple. And today we would like to shift the focus a little. Uh, attention, on the other hand, in general, we can control whether its within our power influence that peaceful sky above us or not . You know, literally everything is in our hands . Not in our heads. In thoughts, words and deeds, see the holy scripture takes 1,3001,400 pages depending on the size of the font. His texts speak about god and his law; they contain the words of the lord himself. We learn from them how to live, according to divine decree. How does the spiritual and earthly world work . So here are all the texts of the old testament, and these thousands of pages affirm a single thought. Here i am, maybe ill try it now. Not until the end accurately, but still reproduced. Love the one lord and do not worship foreign gods. And the golden calf, and the lord will protect your people and give them better land and minerals. And when will they run out . Fog, well, from the sky and water in the desert he will give from the fat herd. And heirs to every house. And beautiful brides and strong warriors and victory over enemies. Just love god the new testament speaks of the same thing, only transferring the emphasis of the earthly fatherland to the heavenly one. Why am i saying this . And here and there we still hear the word blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Come on lets think about what the lord will judge all nations for in the last times. Not for sins, they are only a consequence of a moral choice. I dont know you. The most terrible words of god arent they, but just think about the cases in which we dont know someone

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