Transcripts For BBCNEWS Victoria Derbyshire 20170615

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Of the building tells this programme he has serious concerns about the recent refurbishment. That raises real questions about the fire safety checks that were in place to stop families getting hurt. Also, firefighters have worked through the night to dampen ablaze, although some parts of the building on the upper floors remain alight. The fire brigade say the tower block is not structurally safe for them to enter in some places. Meanwhile, local people continue to offer help to those left destitute and homeless, this is where the Relief Effort is being co ordinated, and as you can see, there are piles of clothes and toys that people have donated. We have also donated some money, given money to families, darren withdrew £1000 from his account, and we have been giving families £100 just to see them over the next couple of days. Good morning from North Kensington. This morning we are at the Westway Sports Centre on one of their basketball courts. You might be able to hear the traffic, we are just under the westway, the a40, one of the main arterial routes into the capital, and here on this basketball court, people have donated so much for those who lost everything in the fire at Grenfell Tower. Let me show you some of the things that have been donated, look at those hundreds and hundreds of pairs of shoes for teenagers, for young adults. 0ver here, you can see the toys that have been donated for children, for toddlers in particular down here, and the young girls, and then over here the cuddly toys, and also bags and bags of books. Now, volunteers spent much of yesterday, and most of the evening actually last night, working through the night, to get these donations into some kind of order, and you can see they have managed to do that. Here, piles of gilles managed to do that. Here, piles of g illes vests, managed to do that. Here, piles of gilles vests, dozens of them. Next to that, girls the shirts, boys be jackets, underwear, socks, and so it goes on. If we can just show you a 360 degrees. Look at this, clothing donations for fire victims. 360 degrees around this basketball court, you can see how much stuff, and this is just one area where people have donated, just one area. Right next to me is the actual Sports Centre which is a Relief Centre at effectively for people evacuated not from the tower itself, but from surrounding homes and lives. And they provided beds for 300 last night. 40 50 people stayed in the end, many of them still inside, many of them completely traumatised by what they witnessed. There are Mental Health workers inside, iam there are Mental Health workers inside, i am told, social workers inside, i am told, social workers inside, trying to help people come to terms with the fact that they may have lost loved ones in the tower. Everybody says they have been overwhelmed by support from the people who live in North Kensington. The volunteers at these Relief Centres a re the volunteers at these Relief Centres are saying, thank you for everything you have donated, but we do not need any more for the moment. What they need of volunteers during the day, because so many people are having to go to work today, having stayed off yesterday. So they are asking for volunteers from 9 5. I mean, the big question, when you talk to people, it is much quieter this morning, it really is, you know, the people i have spoken to, they just want to know why they just want to know why, how it is that something can happen like this ina that something can happen like this in a tower block in 2017. I am really keen to hear from you today if you live in a high rise block of flats, i want to know if you are confident today that your agency, your association, your Management Organisation, whoever looks after you, whether it is the council, whoever, are you confident they have done all that they can to keep you safe 7 done all that they can to keep you safe . I really want to hear from you this morning, do get in touch in the usual ways, twitter, e mail. Many people are still missing. Many, many people. They includejessica urbano ramirez, a 12 year old whos believed to have become separated from her family when the blaze broke out. Husna begum, who lived on the 17th floor and is missing with four other members of her family. 27 year old mariem elgwahry, a marketing manager, who is believed to have last spoken to someone at 2 30am yesterday morning. 66 year old retired lorry driver tony disson, who lived on the 22nd floor of Grenfell Tower. Mo tuccu, a British National from eritrea, who was visiting friends or family at the Grenfell Tower with his wife amalahmedin and three year old daughter amayah. They had gone to break their ramadan fast. 24 year old artist khadija saye, who lived on the 20th floor. Labour mp david lammys wife was her employer and mentor. He tweeted, if you have any information about khadija saye, please contact me. She is our dearfriend, A Beautiful Soul and emerging artist. Khadijas mother, mary mendy, is also missing. The official number of dead stands at 12, although the police say they expect that to rise significantly during a long and complex recovery operation. Firefighters are continuing to tackle pockets of fire in the block. Imean, i mean, that is astonishing, over 24 hours since the fire broke out, and there are still claims in that building. Let me introduce you to harris iqbal, who is here, good morning. Im victoria, nice to meet you. Tell our audience how you have been helping. We are an International Humanitarian organisation that works in crisis hit countries around the world, and we have been here since the onset of this emergency providing hot food, hot food provisions, blankets, pillows, necessary essentials for families to keep going in a very difficult time. I wonder, families to keep going in a very difficult time. Iwonder, if families to keep going in a very difficult time. I wonder, if you would be so kind as to show some of the. I have mentioned to the audience some of the things that have been donated, but if we can walk down here, you can talk through. What are people saying to you . The Community Response has been overwhelming, you can see the very generous donations that have come in all sorts of forms, from clothing to baby kit, nappies. You can see around you, also saw things that have been distributed and provided for the families that have been affected. We are currently at a stage where we are at capacity and unable to accept anymore, but the response has been. Right. Why do you think that is . I think the british community, that is something we are exceptionally good at, at times of difficulty, times of catastrophe, and this is very much a humanitarian crisis, you know, the way communities pulled together is amazing, and over the last couple of hours and days it has been a fine example of communities coming together. There are some very traumatised people who are perhaps only now absorbing the fact that they have lost a loved one in that hour. Absolutely. There are a number of families who are grieving at the moment, there are those who still have loved ones that are missing, and others who have lost their homes, livelihoods and belongings. And so it is a very distressing and upsetting time. We are providing emotional support, and we will continue to do so over the next couple of days. I am going to introduce annejohnson, good morning, nice to see you. Nice to meet you too. You live around here . What are you thinking about what has happened . I dont think anything for what has happened, it is what i saw. It was around. Yeah, it must have been around 12 45 in the morning, i heard a lot of commotion, obviously it work me up, sol heard a lot of commotion, obviously it work me up, so i got up to see what was going on. And from my front door, i could see the building on the top was on fire. And within half an hour, but by from the top down to the bottom, and then from the top of the bottom, and then from the top of the building, it started spreading, like from the top to the end. At the very top of the building, i saw around about six children all crying for help. Within i would say by 1 30, from the top of the building halfway down, smoke just got into the flats, everything went black, and you never saw anybody again. Many people were hanging out their verandas, screaming for help, waving their telephones, t shirts, anything, just to say, we are here, we need help, we need attention. By around three oclock, that whole building from the top nearly to the bottom was gone and on fire. I dont know how many survivors made it, but from what i saw there was not a lot that made it out. How does that happen in this country, in this year . I mean, in 2017, in a modern economy, the capital city . To be honest with you, i dont have an answer for that, to completely honest with you. I have heard a lot of stories, a Fridge Freezer or. I am sorry, a of stories, a Fridge Freezer or. I am sorry, a Fridge Freezer cannot ta ke am sorry, a Fridge Freezer cannot take a whole building down. It is no normal. Something is wrong somewhere, but i cannot tell you what. No, i am just. Somewhere, but i cannot tell you what. No, i amjust. Do you feel angry . I feel angry that i saw people dying in front of my eyes, i saw kids and a woman, and kids this age hanging from windows with teddies. And that angered me, and nobody could help them. That really angered me. Cos as a mother myself, imean, the angered me. Cos as a mother myself, i mean, the tears in my eyes were unbelievable. I couldnt believe what i was seeing, women, children, grown men, didnt even know what to do apart from hang out the windows and scream and shout. And there was fio and scream and shout. And there was no help. I think there was help there, but nobody could get to them, that fire was so severe, it was unbelievable. We are hearing, my collea g u es unbelievable. We are hearing, my colleagues at the bbc are hearing that the Prime Minister, theresa may, is going to visit the area today. What is your reaction to that . What is she going to do . She should have done theirjob right in the first place and this wouldnt have happened. I mean, a lot of people are saying it is from the buildings, you know . But at the end of the day, the way i see it, theresa may is nothing to do with the building, but the politics never gives a the building, but the politics never givesa damn the building, but the politics never gives a damn about ladbroke growth area, do they . Wide you say that . Well, if you look at what chelsea has to offer, it has everything to other, they have more in chelsea than what we do here. Which comes under the Kensington And Chelsea borough council. But there is a lot more down in chelsea. Why do you think that is, anne . I dont know maybe because it is the layers of the rich people. And here . Yes, eu is the rich people. And here . Yes, eu is here is is middle class, my god, why are we getting into politics . I am interested, you have lived here for a long time, you saw what happened. It was very sad. Very, very sad. I dont know what theresa may is going to do, unless she has got another block of flats to no make these people homeless, because we have enough in united kingdom. Thank you very much, anne. Anne, a local resident. Paris, how do you react back at the Prime Minister will be visiting today . It isa it is a distressing time for all of us, at times like this we need to unite and let those affected know that we stand together and they have oui that we stand together and they have our support. For the Prime Minister is sitting, im sure that will be of some solace to those communities affected. It is a difficult time and affected. It is a difficult time and a very distressing time. Harrowing stories, accounts that i have heard, first town. Coming together now as a british community, and provide the essential aid and support that we need and befriending is absolutely priceless. Thank you very much for speaking with us. Dominating the skyline, this community, the black skeleton of g re nfell tower, community, the black skeleton of Grenfell Tower, dark, empty, firefighters have been there through the night, there are still flames, we are told, on the upper stories, and structurally there are parts which are unsafe for firefighters to enter into, and so many questions, as you would expect, about what caused the fire and why it took also quickly. Still burning over 24 hours on. That building went up so fast. How . Why . A lot of questions to be asked. The first of which, were there even the most basic fire safety precautions. All of a sudden, i heard my door, bang, bang, bang. When i got up they said. Evacuate . Evacuate. 0ut, out, there is fire. Residents who survived were woken up by each other, not fire alarms. Ran down the stairs, we were on the seventh, as we were running down, weve gone to the fourth floor and it was pitch black. But the fire alarm that was going off wouldnt have woken anything up. It was just beeeep. It werent loud, it werent, you know, it werent a properfire alarm. There was no fiieelfiimfitfiflf in the building, at all. Another Question Mark hangs over evacuation procedures. If i listened to the advice given to me by The Fire Brigade and also by the tmo Management Team we could be dead. Theyd been told, in the event of a fire, to stay put. This was one of my main concerns about living in a tower block. On saturday we did have the Fire Brigade Team come around and speak check alarms to make sure they are working. Just this saturday . Just this saturday. Seriously . Yeah. And they told us the protocol because the fire door will withstand the heat for a duration of time. We know that for Grenfell Tower, that period of time is 30 minutes. Yet people were waiting far, far longer. Yeah. Cant get out because of the smoke. Theyjust stayed in the room. Digging thatthgfirg they are told to stay in the flat . So they would have stayed in there, waiting and following instructions. Nothing else you can do from the 18th floor. Cant fly. My mum and my infant sister was, they were there for five hours. Because The Fire Brigade told them just to wait until, like, it was safe. My mum was panicking, i was panicking. Flats should be fire resistant cells. So a fire should burn itself out without spreading. Tower blocks arent designed for everyone to evacuate in one go. Which is why its considered safer to stay in your flat. The fact that on this occasion it wasnt raises another big question. Why did the outside of the tower block catch fire so easily . The cladding was supplied by this company, harley facades. Youd expect a Cladding System to prevent the fire spreading up the outside of the building. You expect the cladding itself to be noncombustible and youd expect there tin helium. To prevent it acting effectively like a chimney and allowing the fire to spread all the way up the outside of the building. One theory is the fire could have spread through the cladding. And lastly there are questions over Kensington And Chelsea Tenant Management 0rganisation which manages the tower. Last year kctmo put its fire safety policy under review. Meanwhile residents in the Grenfell Action Group warned of dangerous living conditions. They said a catastrophic event will expose the ineptitude and incompetence of their landlord. We can speak with our reporter, jim reed, looking into some of the questions that need answering. 0f course, the first, how could this happen . Exactly, investigators are going to spend months, if not longer, looking into the causes of the fire. At this early stage, people are looking at the speed at which the fire spread, simply should not happen in a modern tower block, even one which has been refurbished, should not catch fire and should not spread that quickly, that is what experts tell us. Yesterday one of the original with the original architect spoke with us. In 1974, he worked on it in the late 1960s, even he described it as incomprehensible that it burned so quickly, we built a concrete building and simply quickly, we built a concrete building and simply does building and concrete simply does not burn like that. What went wrong . It is not yet confirmed, a lot of talk about the cladding that went on the outside of the building. Fixed on about one year ago. You and the viewers at home will have seen this, plastic looking substance, goes on the outside of older style blocks to make it look pretty, and also for energy reasons, to make it more efficient. So, potentially, that could have been partially responsible. That is what some people say, the residents we were speaking with, on this programme, brought it up again and again. We have learned the panels fixed onto the outside were made of something called acm, that is aluminium composite material, that material has been blamed for nearly a dozen high rise flyers globally over the last decade. France, dubai, a couple of fires famously there. A dozen high rise fires. Regulations around those panels are quite sketchy, you can have a situation where there is Fire Retardant material on the outside that protects from firebug on the inside, the bag, it is not fire leading to a situation where the Inside Burns Through but the outside is not, that creates a chimney effect, that is what it looked like yesterday on television and social media. That isjust a theory. Needs a full investigation. The worst tower block fire like this was ina the worst tower block fire like this was in a place called lacquer mulhouse, south london, 2009, last night we spoke with sam webb, the expert in the inquest into those six deaths, and again, he said, this is horribly familiar, pointed to the cladding, looking at the Television Footage and said, the could this be to blame, he said this was entirely preve nta ble. To blame, he said this was entirely preventable. Lakanal house. The main contract to install this was rydon and they say they have met the regulations, the subcontractor, harley facades, not aware of any link between the cladding and the fire at this time. What about Safety Procedures . Brought up yesterday, a couple of real concerns about the alarm system fitted. A new alarm system was fitted last year under the refit, but people we have spoken with say they did not hear an alarm, it did not get them out of bed, they we re it did not get them out of bed, they were woken up by smoke alarms in neighbouring flats. The evacuation procedure, people being told through notices in the building that if the fire is not directly inside your flat, stay inside. That is common advice for high rise blocks across the uk at the moment. That may be looked into. A sprinkler as looked into. A Sprinkler System as well, after the earlier fire looked into. A Sprinkler System as well, after the earlierfire in lacquer mulhouse, it was said that perhaps that should be considered to install them in new house old houses. If it had been newer, it have a Sprinkler System. Would have a Sprinkler System. Lacquer null house. Lakanal house. Wojciech should have been l place to make sure a fire like wojciech should have been l place to make sure a fire like this efi eeee eefe efee eeeewqeewe e not ee eeee eeee eeee eeeeweeewe e not happen . Ee eeee eeee eeee eeeeweeewe e did not happen . One of the things are and| certainly did not happen . One of the things are and | certainly concur with once they had done the major this, once they had done the major checks, they should carried out Fire Assessment review. assessment review. Once they Risk Assessment review. Once they had done the major works. What checks. approved approved document be, regulation 38, all of the necessary information about what had been used the building should have out, test report, whether carried out, test report, whether that was the application for that was the correct application for the building, those questions need to be for a moment, assume to be answered. For a moment, assume all of that happened as it should, are you then saying that the fire not have happened or not . would not have happened or not . the cladding and what behind the the cladding and what was behind the cladding had been properly fire tested, and the surface of tested, and the Surface Spread of fla mes tested, and the Surface Spread of flames was appropriate, the fire would have spread up there. But would not have spread up there. But niall is more of an expert. The exterior of the cladding has to be noncombustible, not what is behind it. Under a note, and noncombustible, not what is behind it. Undera note, and approved document, approved document be, a guidance to the building statutory guidance to the building regulation, there is a requirement for non combustible cladding for buildings above 18 metres. Approved document b. 0r, buildings above 18 metres. Approved document b. Or, 8414. Sorry, stop doing these at sorry, stop doing these numbers at me. Im going down on the the default condition is hierarchy, the default condition is noncombustible, next is a very noncombustible, the next is a very strong and worthy fire, the next is and assessment byl test laboratory, and assessment by a test laboratory, the next. We do not know which and the next. We do not know which of these procedures was used on this blog. It may have been fully fire blog. It may heuebeenfullyflue blog. It may havebeenfullyflue i my blog. It may havebeenfullyflue i my doubts. Blog. It may havebeenfullyflue i my doubts. Block. Tested. I have my doubts. Block. We have no idea. It is difficult to say. Sorry to give you all of those say sorry to give you allofethose no, that is there are numbers. No, that is fine. There are questions to be asked on this cladding, i saw video from a passer by which showed very cladding, i saw video from a passer by which showed very rapid narrow initial fire spread, 30 seconds or so to get to the top of the building, unbelievable, i have never seen anything like it. What we have to remember is that each of the flats is a bit like a shoe box, think a shoe flats is a bit like a shoe box, think a shoe box, it should think about a shoe box, it should have a half hour protection around it at angle, have a half hour protection around it at angle, although shoe it at every angle, although shoe boxes stacked on each other, if the fire is retained within that shoe box for half an that is more box for half an hour, that is more than time forfire box for half an hour, that is more than time for fire brigade to than enough time for fire brigade to come to deal with the fire in the flat, which is where individual flat, which is where that put policy from. Individual flat, which is where that put policy from. But it stayed put policy comes from. But it needs to be quantified, the state put clearly everybody in this lot was fire or smoke and so was affected by fire or smoke and so they should have been the they should have been evacuated the they should have been evacuated the the stay put is clear about that. Why was there that policy, that Stay Put Policy, it is so that firefighters can get up stairs firefighters can get up the stairs and not be impeded by coming and not be impeded by people coming the stairs, is that correct . Down the stairs, is that correct . Would you want to live in a high rise block of flats where every time somebody burned their toes, everybody has to evacuate, how many times a day would you be evacuating. Efiee e eee iiiffiele efij em efiee e eee iiiffiele eee em you have efiee e eee eiffiele eee em you have a property with a where you have a property with a single step place single staircase, they would be running up with i their staircase, they would be running up with. Their equipment, staircase, they would be running up with i their equipment, a dry with all their equipment, a dry riser in a high rise block, they would set up the Fire Cordon One level the fire, connected to the dry riser and run up. Level the fire, connected to the dry riserand run up. Once level the fire, connected to the dry riser and run up. Once. Run a eee ee e e5 e eeeeeee eee eeee ee e e5 e eeeeeee eee people coming down, eeee ee e E5 Ee Eeeeeee Eee people coming down, once they hose people coming down, once they put water in the hose, the hose will go talk, any be on the stairs will be taken out. Do not want loads of people coming out of the building in such a circumstance because people will get injured. Thank you very much for coming we are at the Westway Sports Centre this thursday morning, more than 24 hours after the fire broke out at g re nfell tower. Hours after the fire broke out at Grenfell Tower. It is the structure that looms over this community, it everything. Is the dominates everything. This is the day when people are perhaps absorbing properly the they may lost loved ones. There are have lost loved ones. There are desperate searching for desperate people still searching for missing relatives. There is a condolence wall, if| can it condolence wall, if i can put it like that, i have tweeted a of that, evil writing 7. G to those who have messages to those who have lost lives. The include love and lives. The messages include love and prayers. There is also some anger on that wall. Justice for ground fell justice for grenfell, why did this happen to happen, whoever is responsible, those selfish people will pay. Those are some of the sentiments. Underneath, people laying flowers as a mark of respect. We are going to walk across this Basketball Pitch past all these donations, the volunteers have said they have enough now. They perhaps do not have enough volunteers to sort through all the many hundreds of bags, i mean, this is stuff that has not been sorted through yet, look at these bin bags full of donations clothes, jumpers, sportswear, socks, underwear, toys. 0ver sportswear, socks, underwear, toys. Over here, thank you, mo, bedding, duvets, mattresses, and so it goes on. Now, we are going to walk through and out, because outside here, this is a queue of people who are signing into volunteer. There with me as we walk through. Hopefully, i will be able to introduce you to some of the volunteers. Bear with me, introduce you to some of the volunteers. Bearwith me, excuse introduce you to some of the volunteers. Bear with me, excuse me, hello. Good morning. Hello, what is your name . Abraham, how are you . Nice to see you, who is this . Hi, lucy, what is your role . |j nice to see you, who is this . Hi, lucy, what is your role . I came down yesterday morning, and i was based here until midnight last night, and i got here until midnight last night, and igot up here until midnight last night, and i got up this morning and wanted to get involved and do whatever i could to help. So you are a volunteer, do you live locally . My house isjust there, so sitting at home and watching the news, Just Felt Com Pletely watching the news, just felt completely wrong, it down, do whatever i could, seems the right thing. Abraham, tell cum about how you have been helping. Thing. Abraham, tell cum about how you have been helpinglj thing. Abraham, tell cum about how you have been helping. I started at six oclock yesterday morning, just to volunteer, the Sports Centre opened their doors for us, amazing. Basically, people coming out of their houses with big bags, not knowing what to do. It is lovely they opened their doors, and i took control, and i said, i they opened their doors, and i took control, and i said, lam they opened their doors, and i took control, and i said, i am the co ordinated here, hundreds of lovely volunteers spend hours, hours, more than 15 hours, sorting this all out. What really struck me, if you walk past all the open spaces here, full of people bringing stuff. And this is being coordinated, as far as and this is being coordinated, as farasi and this is being coordinated, as faras i can and this is being coordinated, as far as i can see, not by anybody in authority, not by the council it is people like yourselves. Absolutely, hands up to the community, dedicated so much of theirtime, community, dedicated so much of their time, donations community, dedicated so much of theirtime, donations from community, dedicated so much of their time, donations from different charities, 100 effort. I guess it is confusing for a lot of authorities, because they didnt know where to go, what was the main centre . We have got so many viewers getting in touch, from all over the country, saying, how can we help . What would you suggest . At the moment, we are so full of generous, you know, donations. Ithink what moment, we are so full of generous, you know, donations. I think what we need at the moment is if people can find locations and help sort out things, this is one of our biggest collection points, and we Need Volunteers to help sort it out. Hopefully, the council can arrange. People further afield, they can donate to all sorts of places online, officialfundraising campaigns for those have lost everything. There are people who have managed to escape that horror and have everything that they have worked for, gone. Ithink and have everything that they have worked for, gone. I think we dont know, we dont know how much stuff there is, we dont know where it is going to go. The people arriving now, people are texting, there are continually questions, what can we do . Ithink continually questions, what can we do . I think we are going to find out today, as the days and weeks unfold. It is not just today, as the days and weeks unfold. It is notjust yesterday, notjust today, there will be more to do over the coming weeks, continue fighting for this. What to think about what has happened in your community . Long term orjust has happened in your community . Long term or just in has happened in your community . Long term orjust in the last 24 hours . You tell me. What was amazing, yesterday, the camaraderie and spirit that crossed languages, cultures. People were working from their hearts, it is something that is moving and exhilarating, in the current state of what is going on, it is heart warming. Current state of what is going on, it is heartwarming. Ok. If may, lucy, abraham, bear with it is heartwarming. Ok. If may, lucy, abraham, bearwith me, iam just getting this statement from the queen. The queen has said her thoughts and prayers are with those families who have lost loved ones in the Grenfell Tower fire and the many people who are still critically ill in hospital. Wow. It is lovely. The families that are in here are being taken families that are in here are being ta ken care families that are in here are being taken care of, a full team of supporters, they have everything they need. The best we can do is just do what we are doing. We will also reporting earlier that the Prime Minister, theresa may, is due here today. We will see what happens. Im not sure how the public will react, because there is a lot of anger, will react, because there is a lot ofanger, a will react, because there is a lot of anger, a lot of the volunteers are local guys. Im not really sure. What do you mean . It was kind of heated, people were really frustrated with the situation. Because it happened . The reasons why it happened, and children, you know, we had Young Children wanting to volunteer, jumping up and down, laughing and smiling, but they have friends who they have lost because they went to the School Across the road, they have lost friends. So many people have lost friends and family, you know, we will do as much as we can. We are very family, you know, we will do as much as we can. We are very organised here, great team, great volunteers, loads of volunteers with a structure of what were going to do for the day. But if you want to volunteer, go to different areas, Leisure Centres at go to different areas, Leisure Centres et cetera, go and help yourself. Thank you very much, abraham, lucy, thank you very much, thank you. This statement from the queen, a little longer, i will read it to you. My thoughts and prayers are with those families who have lost loved ones in the Grenfell Tower fire, lost loved ones in the Grenfell Towerfire, and lost loved ones in the Grenfell Tower fire, and the lost loved ones in the Grenfell Towerfire, and the many lost loved ones in the Grenfell Tower fire, and the many people who are still critically ill in hospital. Prince philip and i would like to pay tribute to the bravery of firefighters and other Emergency Service officers who put their lives at risk to save others. It is also heartening to see the incredible generosity of Community Volunteers rallying to help those affected by this terrible event. We have also got this Breaking News to bring you labourare got this Breaking News to bring you labour are calling for an inquiry into fire safety in tower blocks to be completed by the summer. Lets talk to assistant Political Editor norman smith, phil us in. There is mounting frustration At Westminster that because parliament is not sitting, there is no opportunity for mps to quiz ministers about fire safety, so Labour Havejumped mps to quiz ministers about fire safety, so labour have jumped the gun and said they want an inquiry to be completed by the summer, and in the interim they want the recommendations of a previous report, following the Lakanal House tower block tragedy in south london, tower block tragedy in south london, to be implemented immediately. Now, that would mean, for example, the installation of sprinklers in at risk tower blocks. It would mean a review of Building Regulations to include the safety of cladding, which of course is at the centre of much of the concern about what has happened at Grenfell Tower. It would also include updated advice to residents about whether they should stay or whether they should get out that too has been central to g re nfell tower. That too has been central to Grenfell Tower. And there would also be an instruction that there had to be an instruction that there had to bea be an instruction that there had to be a sort of box at the bottom of the tower block which would give firefighters all the information they needed about routes, access, lifts, sta i rwells they needed about routes, access, lifts, stairwells and all that sort of thing. So they are in effect saying we cannot afford to hang around, we have to implement the 2013 recommendations which by and large have either been rejected or shelved. Ok. And theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn are going to come here to the scene of the tragedy today, is that correct . That is right, the Prime Minister will be there ahead ofJeremy Corbyn, both obviously wa nt to ofJeremy Corbyn, both obviously want to show their condolences, there is sadness, there horror at what happened. But there is, i have to say, some pressure on the government now to come forward with more than simply expressions of condolences. There were demands yesterday for a statement in westminster, not in the commons because it is not sitting the statement in one of the Committee Rooms where a minister, as well as the Emergency Services, as well as the Emergency Services, as well as the local council, could be quizzed by mps. Having spoken to the authorities At Westminster, that does not seem to be about to happen. I think there is a degree of anger that it i think there is a degree of anger thatitis i think there is a degree of anger that it is just not acceptable, given the scale and nature of this tragedy, that there is no immediate mechanism whereby mps can, as it were, hold the government to account. Now, im sure ministers will they have set up the Civil Contingencies Secretariat to pull together the different information, and we had an assurance last night that any lessons to be learned would be, but i have spoken to mps saying thatis be, but i have spoken to mps saying that is not good enough, what is needed is a full blown public inquiry, not merely to establish what has gone wrong, but to reassure the public and People Living in the thousands of tower blocks elsewhere in britain. Yeah. I am asking people who live in high rise blocks of flats this morning, if they feel confident that he was that whoever is looking after them, do they feel safe . Let me ask you about criticism of Gavin Barwell, a former conservative mp, he lost his seat in the general election, then he was made theresa mays chief of staff, why such criticism . Criticism because he was the former Housing Minister, and back in october last year, he promised to produce a review of the Building Regulations, and the fact is thatjust has not emerged, and that, i have to say, follows on from the previous Housing Minister, brandon lewis, who similarly was challenged to implement the lack of the lakmal house recommendations, and that also seems to have disappeared into the long grass. At the moment, politicians are holding back because it is just not appropriate in the aftermath of such a tragedy to be making those very direct political accusations. But there is no doubt that there are a whole load of very difficult questions waiting to be a nswered difficult questions waiting to be answered by Gavin Barwell once this tragedy is over. Agger very much, norman smith, apologies if you frantically called me trying to work out who our next guests would be. I am here as an individual assembly member, but that is one of myjobs. Individual assembly member, but that is one of my jobs. You are a local councillor, is that correct . Yes. So today, what questions would you like answered . Well, something the leader of the council said yesterday, the leader of the council, Kensington And Chelsea, he said that when the refurbishments of the tower was finished, there would have been a full inspection, which suggested to me that he has not seen any full inspection, and that raises the question as to whether there was a full inspection. Wouldbe leader of the council get to see that report . I think if he were going to be interviewed after a horrendous fire like this, i would expect him to be fully briefed, yes. Had he seen an inspection, he would have seen that the only fire escape, the single stairwell, was not part of the refurbishment. The lights were on but not working properly, clearly not working properly yesterday. We asked for that to being clued up, and they basically said we cannot do thatis and they basically said we cannot do that is there isnt enough money, the country, not enough money to refurbish the fire escape. I think thatis refurbish the fire escape. I think that is absolutely outrageous. What would that have achieved . That is absolutely outrageous. What would that have achievemm that is absolutely outrageous. What would that have achieved . It would have achieved working lights, possibly a fire alarm, and easier way for people to get down. If you have not seen the staircase, it is really manky and nasty. It is not central, it is at one side of the building, and it is the only fire escape. Right, 0k. Sian berry, what about yourself . Well, following previous incidents like this, the lakanal previous incidents like this, the la ka nal house buyer, previous incidents like this, the Lakanal House buyer, we came to the same conclusions as the coroner, and one of the recommendations was that fire Risk Assessments need to be published, need to be available online, not just published, need to be available online, notjust for published, need to be available online, not just for councils published, need to be available online, notjust for councils that need to see them, but a residence in the blocks to want to inspect the safety of their blocks, Transparency Isa safety of their blocks, transparency is a real is you. Obviously, we have talked about the recommendations to change the Fire Regulations, and the difficulties that there are with you is responsible levels. The problem we have got is that there is a conflict of interest. The owners of buildings are the people responsible for carrying out fire Risk Assessments. There is no statutory process of signing things off, like they used to be. It is not the same as it used to be. I understand that, thatis as it used to be. I understand that, that is a very fair point. Are you suggesting that the landlord or Management Organisation in charge of a block, they dont do the Fire Assessment themselves, they would call in an expert. They are responsible for calling in an expert, and when The Fire Brigades did an assessment, they found 20 we re did an assessment, they found 20 were not adequate, there are lots of questions about the people doing them. It is a lesser regime than it used to be, and that does seem to be an issue, especially when it comes to transparency and accountability to transparency and accountability to the residents. 0ne to transparency and accountability to the residents. One of the real things we can see out of this is that the residents themselves were organised, looking at things in detail, they were making recommendations, and yet they seem to have been treated more or less like troublemakers, and that is something we are seeing right across london residents are not treated with respect, and they are acting in the interests of their neighbours, they should be more involved in the management of their blocks, they should be treated better. |j management of their blocks, they should be treated better. I was going to say, the residents raised questions about the fire safety ever since the power surges in 2016. They asked them to pay for their own independent expert, looking at Fire Regulations and the situation there and they were told it was not necessary, that the tmo had commissioned their own expert, dont worry your pretty little heads about it, go away. What have the council been able to do in terms of Urgency Accommodation for those who were evacuated, those who escaped. Those evacuated, those who escaped. Those evacuated as well from surrounding flats and houses. Some of those who have been evacuated went back to their homes, i think they went willingly, but as far as the g re nfell tower willingly, but as far as the Grenfell Tower residents are concerned, i had an e mail this morning from a family that came from the tower, in a hotel in earls court, given no indication as whether they will stay for a second night or what their future will be. Everybody in temporary accommodation should be given the fullest information as to what. Is it possible there is not the fullest information yet . But surely they can be told if they can stay a second night because they have nowhere else to go, no belongings, nothing. Why are they in the dark like that, it adds to the horrendous experience they have been through. The Prime Minister theresa may has arrived, we are hearing, in the vicinity of g re nfell tower. Are hearing, in the vicinity of Grenfell Tower. Really. Yes. Well, she will not get a very good reception from the residents, residents are getting very angry. Yesterday they were traumatised and distraught, today they are exceedingly angry. Is that what you are finding . Yes, the residents were angry before this happened, they we re angry before this happened, they were warning of this, the anger out there, generally, across london, across the country, from people who have had similar experiences with refurbishments who still have U Na Nswered Refurbishments who still have unanswered questions, is rather huge. Councils around london, that run housing in london, they need to be getting the fullest possible information out of people about who has cladding that might be at risk and get them to do assessments of what the problems might be as soon as possible. People need reassurance, they feel let down. Here is a private visit from the Prime Minister. Really . She should probably be protected from the residents as she was protected from the electorate during the general election campaign. If she is to meet residents, what will they say to her . They would be extremely expletive deleted, but without the expletives deleted they will tell her about what has been going on for five years, how their concerns have been sidelined, the Towel Refurbishment was done to them, not with them, and there were so many problems that were completely ignored throughout the process. The tower refurbishment. The board. And armslength Management Organisation, tmo, used to manage all the states in the royal borough. I raised all of these problems at the board, basically, they said, you are speaking only on behalf of those rabble rousers, at Grenfell Tower, we can ignore you. How do you respond . We have a slightly new board now, slightly more supportive people, when i raise issues of concern to communities, they back me up, but that board was not in place then. Thank you both, and give very much. And thank you, Green Party Chair of the London Assembly housing committee. Thank you for your m essa g es committee. Thank you for your messages from around the country, this is from twitter, your guest earlier hit the nail on the head, this was a local resident. How can a Fridge Exploding Set Fire to a whole block of flats . Craig on twitter has said, what a fantastic response by the people of london, after the fire. What other local authorities doing . We are not hearing from them, these people need help. And this from somebody who does not leave their name, regular people with heartbreaking details and honest opinion, people rarely heard, honest and fair reporting from you this morning. Im really interested to hear from you, if you live morning. Im really interested to hearfrom you, if you live in morning. Im really interested to hear from you, if you live in a block of flats, whether you feel confident, how confident you feel about whether the association, the agency, the Management Organisation, the tenant organisation, which runs your block of flats, how confident your block of flats, how confident you feel in them when it comes to keeping you safe . Good morning, we will bring you the latest news and Sport Injust A will bring you the latest news and sport in just a moment. Will bring you the latest news and Sport Injust A moment. It is much busier now, when we arrived first thing this morning, it was so quiet, i think perhaps people did not realise that some of the roads had reopened, the westway, the main road, one of the main routes into the capital, is open. Latimer road tube station is open, Ladbroke Grove is open, which is notting hill, which is where the carnival is, which is where the carnival is, which many of you will have been to. And now, you can still see people arriving to volunteer, have a look at these people, just signing in, volunteers, people who live locally and further afield. The message has got through, i think, no more donations are needed, no more donations are needed, no more donations needed. But, what they do need our helpers, and these are some helpers signing in. Good morning. Hello. Are you volunteering . The whole community is chipping in. They are taking our telephone numbers, and when it is needed we will come and when it is needed we will come and help. It is good to know that they do not need help at the moment because so many people are already helping out. You will come back later if they need you . Yes, we live locally. We will try to help. Thank you. Thank you very much. So, the Extraordinary Community effort, another example of it there, to help the victims of the blaze. Brought together, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people, in a perfect example of community spirit. Also, people like adele turned up to a vigil, who was apparently hugging and comforting survivors. Churches and comforting survivors. Churches and Community Centres have opened their doors from first light to accommodate those rescued from the blazing building and those who had been evacuated from surrounding homes. Lets talk now to some of those people who dedicated their time and effort, time and energy, i should say, to the support effort. Hello, miranda, hello. How are you . Who else have we got here. Lukman. Hello. And younes. Im victoria, thank you for speaking with us. Miranda, you headed to a church, you are not religious but you headed to are not religious but you headed to a church to help. We are at the Notting Hill Gate methodist church, there was a door open, the minister was there, one lady, one bag, we decided to turn it into a centre. We have had donations from the children, residents have come in telling us appalling stories about how they are still waiting for the families. But we did have 19 Year Old Girl who brought us in a pairof trainers, 19 Year Old Girl who brought us in a pair of trainers, they will auction them, nike trainers, thank you what them, nike trainers, thank you what the people say when they bring their donations. They say. Well, we do not have time to chat with them, so we cannot chat with them, we have had people go to the rugby club, but the situation, everybody is horrified by this needless, pointless crime. You say crime . Yes, i use that word with passion. You use it advisory . This is a crime, needless, pointless, they have been asking forfire needless, pointless, they have been asking for fire certificate Safety Certificate since 2014 and they never got one. I think it is shocking. We are not doing this. We should not have to be doing this had they taken care of everybody in the borough, not just had they taken care of everybody in the borough, notjust the rich people. the borough, notjust the rich people. this would not have happened. They would not have to suffer as they have. I was talking to one ladyjust now, cuddling her, she was crying, she has lost some family and some family are missing. Because that is what it is about, about the residence. Residents. Miranda is very emotional, totally understandable, tell us how you have been helping. Started off with somebody phoning me and telling me that they have some clothes to donate, a friend of mine. I live local, near the incident, i can get access to places more easily than him because all the roads were blocked off. Then i decided to call my friend, who had a vehicle, and basically, we formed some groups, on whats app, and on twitter, as well. We did not expect it to be as good as what it did turn out to be. Basically, people from birmingham, luton, brentford, basically, people from birmingham, luton, bre ntford, wembley, basically, people from birmingham, luton, brentford, wembley, all over, muslims, non muslims, all of them phoning me. My phone did not stop ringing and ringing and ringing. With donations. Clothing. To the point, i used my house as a drop off point, i used my house as a drop off point as well because i live local as well. A lot of people with bands we re as well. A lot of people with bands were helping me, to distribute all the things everywhere. Vans and we managed to raise between five and £8,000 as well. In one day. We did as well. We did as well. We did as well. Separately . we did as well, somebody came from north london to give us a lot of money, i will not say how much, but somebody gave us a lot of cash money. Somebody gave us a lot of cash money. vans. Somebody gave us a lot of cash money. Vans. And we managed to raise between £5,000 and £8,000. Cash donations, but no more goods. Tell us what you have been doing. He phoned me in the early hours of the morning, he said, i need to use your car, to collect, we have clothes in wembley. To bring it back to the people that need it. In Grenfell Tower. I came in my car, collecting trainers, clothes, things like that, distributing it to the people that need it. I am part of a leytonstone education trust, we are a mosque and educational centre, community centre, one of the first mosques out of many to respond yesterday. Within a few hours, the whole back wall was packed with food items and essentials. This is notjust a North Kensington effort, this is london, data london, further afield do come together, we will have two invade each others body space. Together, we will have two invade each others body spacelj together, we will have two invade each others body space. I am a part time imam at the mosque, and in the month of ramadan, as muslims, as non muslims, as a community, coming together and giving something back. We are receiving donations notjust from leytonstone and stratford but also from places like luton, places like ilford as well, people from all over london and outside of london coming in and participating, it is a community effort. Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you, thanks for talking to us, we appreciate it. Coming up to 10am, we will bring you the latest news and sport in just a moment. Before that, the weather forecast. Things turning a little bit fresher today, warm, muggy night, pretty uncomfortable for sleeping for many of us. Here is the scene taken early on by one of the weather watchers in north wales. More sunshine later on, scattered showers, and the fresher feel to the weather, particularly as we had through the afternoon. Cold front moving west to east across the country, a band of cloud, really, with light showers, but any showers fading away as it pushes towards the south east. Then we are left with some sunshine but also scattered showers, particularly for scotland and Northern Ireland as well. Further south, plenty of sunshine, temperatures in the west 17 or 18 degrees, little bit cooler than recent days, warmer than that further east, where you keep the warm airfor longer. Further east, where you keep the warm air for longer. 0ne further east, where you keep the warm airfor longer. One or two shower was propping up through Northern England but Northern Ireland and scotland will have the bulk of the showers. Some of them quite heavy, could be the odd rumble of thunder, quite blustery with gusty winds in and around the showers. Moving through into the evening, fine end to the day for many of us, showers in the north tending to ease away as we had through the overnight period, mostly dry through the early hours, not quite as hot and muggy as it was last night. Temperatures around 12, 13 degrees, cooler than they were first thing this morning. Through the day tomorrow, a lot of dry weather once again with sunshine particularly in the south and the east, more clouds towards the north west with rain across Northern Ireland and into scotland. Temperature wise, we could see 23, 24 degrees. Fresher than that further north. As High Pressure builds through the south as we had through friday night, that will be the Driving Force of the weather, low Pressure System bringing the front, fairly cloudy, breezy and dampfor front, fairly cloudy, breezy and damp for the north west of scotland, but elsewhere, it is looking dry once again. Light wind and sunshine, temperature likely to reach around 28 degrees during the course of saturday. Into sunday, that heat rising even more, we could see 30 degrees towards the south east. Cooler towards the north west, some rain across the north west of scotland. Elsewhere, looking dry. Plenty more summery weather on the cards, through much of the next few days, into the weekend, you can find a full tender 10 day forecast at the website. You can find a full ten day forecast. Hello, its thursday, its ten oclock, im victoria derbyshire. Prime minister theresa may is meeting residents and firefighters at the Grenfell Tower block now, about 150 metres or so away from where we are broadcasting to you from in North Kensington. But what kind of reception issues getting . They will be exceedingly expletive deleted, but without the deletions, they will be telling her what has been going on for the last five yea rs, been going on for the last five years, how their concerns have been ignored, they have at the Tower Ruth Jebet done to them, not with them, and there were so many problems which were completely ignored. Tower refurbishment. Fire still blazes in some parts in the charred remains of Grenfell Tower. The death toll remains at 12 but that is expected to rise as dozens of people are still unaccounted for. I saw around about six children all crying for help, and within, i would say by1 30, crying for help, and within, i would say by 1 30, that all top of the building halfway down, smokejust got into the flats, everything went black. And you never saw anybody again. Emergency Services Remain on site. This is the scene at Grenfell Tower now, where firefighters are still trying to bring the fire under control. Firefighters have been explaining the difficult circumstances they face within the building. It is very difficult for people to comprehend, when they look at a building, why we cannotjust go in and see it, but due to the severity of the fire and what happens in those circumstances, everything inside all of those rooms, basically, ends up on the floor in large amounts of volumes of stuff. Many questions continue to be asked about what caused the blaze and what can be done to ensure it never happens again. 0ne one problem that people we have spoken to say the regulations around the panels are quite sketchy. You can have a situation where there is Fire Retardant material on the outside, but on the inside, on the back, it is not fire resistant, and that can lead to a situation where the Inside Burns Through, and people say that can lead to a chimney effect. Hello, good morning. Theresa may, the Prime Minister, has arrived at the Prime Minister, has arrived at the Grenfell Tower block in the last few minutes. We are told that she is meeting residents, and she is meeting residents, and she is meeting firefighters. It is a private meeting, there are no media there. That is about 150 metres or so from where we are in North Kensington, this is the Westway Sports Centre, and on this Basketball Pitch you will see hundreds and hundreds of bags and boxes and nappies and clothes that people have donated over the last 24 hours or so. So much stuff has been brought, as we were hearing before the news, not just brought, as we were hearing before the news, notjust by people who live here but across london, Greater London and further afield. And the messages, thanks so much for the things you have broad, they dont need anything else at the moment. But they do Need Volunteers, people volunteering, many of them live in a local area, they are signing a sheet to say, if you need us, ring me, here is my name, here is my number. The Idea Small Group of volunteers here, would be volunteers, is the Sports Centre. Last night they offered 300 beds for those who have been evacuated from the houses and flats around Grenfell Tower. In the end, about 40 50 people stayed in that sport centre, they had beds, showers, booed. We are told that some people inside are incredibly traumatised by what they witnessed, and there are Mental Health workers and there are Mental Health workers and social workers who are on hand to talk to them. What is also astonishing, 24 hours after that lays first began, there are still parts of the building still alight. Firefighters are still there, they have worked through the night again to dampen the fire at the block of flats. 12 people officially dead, although that number is expected to rise significantly, with many, many still missing. They includejessica urbano ramirez, a 12 year old whos believed to have become separated from her family when the blaze broke out. Husna begum, who lived on the 17th floor and is missing with four other members of her family. 27 year old mariem elgwahry, a marketing manager, who is believed to have last spoken to someone at 2 30am yesterday morning. 66 year old retired lorry driver tony disson, who lived on the 22nd Floor Of G Re nfell tower. Mo tuccu, a British National from eritrea, who was visiting friends or family at the Grenfell Tower with his wife amalahmedin and three year old daughter amayah. They had gone to break their ramadan fast. 24 year old artist khadija saye, who lived on the 20th floor. Labour mp david lammys wife was her employer and mentor. He tweeted, if you have any information about khadija saye, please contact me. She is our dearfriend, A Beautiful Soul and emerging artist. Khadijas mother, mary mendy, is also missing. Heres a reminder of the last 24 hours. So mums, dads, a marketing manager, an artist, so it goes on, so many people unaccounted for. As i mentioned, flames can still be seen inside the tower block, here is a reminder of the last 24 hours. This is bbc news, our top story. A massive fire in a west london tower block, many people are being treated for injuries. Quick, guys quick, quick, guys move right back, please thank you very much oh, my god, theyre screaming. Oh, my god the movement of the fire across the entire building didnt take more than half an hour, so i would say from 1 30am until 2am was just about, by two oclock it was all in flames. Fire coming out of every window. Windows smashing and exploding. Things falling out, people screaming, people jumping out on fire. Chucking ropes down what theyd made out of bed sheets to try and climb out. Just complete nightmare. Absolute nightmare. There was kids at the window, people flashing their phone lights for help. But The Fire Brigade cant get upstairs. People like at their windows, help me, help me, help me. And you could see the fire going into the house and into the last room that theyre in and just engulfing their whole apartment. Did you see peoplejumping . Yeah, people werejumping off, yeah. People jumped off to save themselves because there was no other way to save them. They were, from what i have heard, also people have picked up their kids and thrown them out for the police to pick them up because there was no other way out the building. Im very sad to confirm that there have been a number of fatalities. It was like waking up in a horrorfilm. How did you get out, then, michael . Just my wits. I just, you know, i had to get her out. I love them, so what was i going to do . Im not going to run on my own, so i made sure she was all right with her breathing and i got down the stairs. And when we got out and looked up, it was engulfed. Thats what im saying, if we was in there another five minutes we wouldnt even have been able to get out. With the thickness of the smoke that was coming up. What floor are you on . seventh. Seven, yeah . Theres mothers that have come out and lost their children. There are firefighters that have come out injured. Like we dont know if there are even going to come out safe. We saw lot. We saw a lot, man. We saw, we saw a lot with our own eyes. We saw friends, families. Its all right, you dont have to say any more. Im so sorry. Youve got family who are on the 18th floor . Yeah. And you spoke to them last night . And they were saying what . Smoke. Cant get out because of the smoke. So i suspect, i dont know what i would do if i was them, theyjust stayed in the room. Hoping that The Fire Brigade would get up there. Because thats what they are told to do, isnt it . They are told to stay in the flat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they would have stayed in there, waited and followed instructions. Nothing else you can do from the 18th floor. You cant fly. We dont know if theyre alive or dead, if they are in hospital or not. We have not any clue. Just waiting and hoping. I dont want to say anything. Ijust, ijust want everything to be false and i dont want to. Our focus now is Search And Rescue, and then move to, im afraid, recovery. And of course weve got to make sure in the meantime we provide shelter to those whove had to flee their homes. Ive just come to offer my house, places to stay. I can take about six to eight people in, for as long as they need it. Just basically letting the Community Know to get together, just to urge them to come, put their names down for who can help and whatever they can offer, really. We have some figuresjust in from nhs england, and these are to do with people treated in hospitals across london. Nhs england tell us that Kings College hospital, they received ten patients, and six remain critical. Chelsea and westminster hospital, they receive nine patients, seven remain critical. At the royal three, six patients, one critical. Guys and saint thomas, one admission, that individual is not said to be in a critical condition. And that st marys, 11 admission is, 11 patients, three of those patients are critical. People who either got out themselves or were rescued from g re nfell tower. Out themselves or were rescued from Grenfell Tower. Let me introduce you now to two people, thank you very much for talking to us. You have volunteered to help families in particular who are searching for missing loved ones. How are you able to help . I am helping by interpreting from ethiopian languages to english, and also the Eritrean Community as well, to find their missing loved ones. What about yourself . As the muslim community, we know that 90 of People Living in the building were islam, and most of the building were islam, and most of the missing people, they are families, families missing, so it is a big hit for the muslim community, but there is a whole missing from my primary school, and i know another family in person, and all of that missing as well, six people, three children, mum, dad and the mother of the mum, bisulphite or two girls arabic language. When you are talking about several tom bowker families, you are talking about several generations. Families, you are talking about several generationslj families, you are talking about several generations. I know six families. Six families . We start to receive the message, we have been passing messages to each other, and all of that is passing between us as all of that is passing between us as a community. And as you are doing your translating, i mean, what sort of people are the families that you are helping . I had a report of three families, all groups, and they dont have any information on their whereabouts, if they are hospitalised, they are not getting any information to tell us where they are. And we are also looking for a five year old, and a three Year Old Girl. For a five year old, and a threeyearold girl. In terms of not getting information, so no one official, no one in authority is talking to the families you are helping . They are not giving us any information, they are not willing to give information to tell us which hospital they are in, if they have been admitted to any hospitals, or if they have been found, or if they are alive. Is it possible they do not know themselves . There is that possibility but i mean, it would be nice, you know, even no, we do not know is an answer, and we havent even got that kind of answer. The families need to be told whether they do have some information or whether they dont have the information. Sure, i understand, ok. Thank you very much. We are angry asa thank you very much. We are angry as a community, because we think the rescue teams could do more, people we re rescue teams could do more, people were stuck in the building, and i am just wondering why they didnt, instead ofjust just wondering why they didnt, instead of just relying just wondering why they didnt, instead ofjust relying on rescue from the ground. They should use something from the air, and they did not. We think they could have saved a much more families. The response has been from the community, rather than the local council or the government, also, most people that have given aid and come to give assistance are people of the community. Thank you, thank you both, thank you. Introducing you now to lay thes housing spokesman, john healey. Good morning. Have you been to see the block . I have not, i have been talking to firefighters who have been there, and they have never seen anything like it in 30 years of firefighting. It should never have happened, that is what people are saying, it should never have happened. I guess the investigation will tell us that, im very mindful, as we look at the wider concerns today, many people are still missing, firefighters still trying to get too many parts of the building, for the first time, hundreds of people have lost everything, they are now homeless. Bearing that in mind, what is also clear is that they, the residents, and others, have really serious questions to put to ministers and the people who run the building. What are the questions that you as a politician would like to see answered, and quickly . For me, im glad the Prime Minister is coming for herself this morning, im glad she has announced a review, that must not be delayed, it really should report before the summer. The government does not need to wait before then until then, it can act on recommendations made by coroners act on recommendations made by Coroners Four Yea Rs Act on recommendations made by coroners four years ago after the fire in camberwell. First of all, they can and should start installing Sprinkler Systems in some of the higher risk high rise blocks around the country, it should overhaul Building Regulations which it promised to do four years ago, finally, it really should make sure there is better clear advice and information to residents in tower blocks about what to do in the awful event that they are faced with fire. Theresa may is here. We are told. Meeting firefighters and residents. Jeremy corbyn is coming after that, is that correct . Im joining jeremy irons 11am, just after speaking with you, we will speak with the firefighters, we will speak to some of those who have been staffing these Community Rescue centres. 0ne of the things that the brand new mp told you last night, when i spoke with her, the Support Centres have been totally swamped with clothes, blankets, food, and love, and that has been another remarkable demonstration of how people pull together to help others, when the very worst is faced. Why do you think the recommendations from the fire in camberwell in south london have not been implemented when that fire was so many years ago . Ministers were clear at the time, they rejected out of hand two recommendations, they said that they would review the Building Regulations, which are the bible for designers, builders, those that build these buildings and do refurbishments. The review has not been started. How do you know . The latest Housing Minister confirmed in 0ctober they did not have a plan to even start the review. It has been shelved, put on the shelf for four yea rs, shelved, put on the shelf for four years, it has not been started, no plan to start it, and that. That is an urgent piece of work which could be done alongside getting on with the business of retrofitting is the technical term, putting Sprinkler Systems into high rise blocks, starting with the once that our highest risk, and that should be done. Should that be mandatory . It should be started without delay, i have had confirmation that the calls i have made and labour has been making over the minister to come to the House Of Commons this afternoon will happen. 0ur Parliament is paralysed by the paralysis of Downing Street so cannot formally meet until after the queens speech but a minister will come, there will bea but a minister will come, there will be a public session, he will make a statement, mps, particularly those that represent areas around here, have been working with people who have been working with people who have been working with people who have been trying to deal with this terrible fire, they have a chance to start asking some of the questions that people have been raising with you, and raising with them. Thank you, and raising with them. Thank you very much. John healey, labours housing spokesman. As you know, they were the first ones in and some of the last out, praise and tributes continue to pour infor praise and tributes continue to pour in for the 200 firefighters who tackled and continued to tackle yesterdays blaze in the most challenging circumstances. Grateful londoners cheered them in the street for their selfless work to save men, Women And Children trapped as flames ripped through Grenfell Tower. This Evening Standard photographer described the Scene Firefighters as like a warzone. 0ver over the years working for the Evening Standard i have seen some awful things but this has two rate as one of the worst. I felt helpless. This has to rate as one of the worst. Theresa may, the Prime Minister, has left the area around Grenfell Tower, she has been here this morning, meeting residents and firefighters, it was a private visit, no media was allowed. A short time ago, dany cotton spoke to us and explain the latest. Terribly difficult inside the building, difficult for people to comprehend when they look at the building wife we cannotjust go in, but due to the severity of the fire, and what happened in those circumstances, that everything inside all of those rooms basically ends up on the floor, in large amounts of volume of staff, combined with the amount of water in there, it becomes very difficult for officers to get in there and in order to do a systematic and proper search, we need to make the building safe so that officers can get in there and go through it. We are aware that there are people unaccounted for, family and friends are very unaccounted for, family and friends are very distressed and need to know the whereabouts of loved ones. We are doing everything we can to work as hard as we can with police and other colleagues to make that happen. Can you tell us a little bit about the immediate aftermath, when office rs about the immediate aftermath, when officers first arrived, what were they able to do, what levels were they able to do, what levels were they able to reach . Very early on in they able to reach . Very early on in the fire, my firefighters battled through intense heat, to reach some of the higherfloors. I spoke through intense heat, to reach some of the higher floors. I spoke to a crew who had been to the 20th floor. We targeted flats where we were getting calls where we knew where people were. We committed crew of the crew into a very dangerous and very hot situation because we had a passion to do as much as we could to rescue the people in there. It was a very challenging, very difficult, very traumatic event for everyone involved. Have any of your officers been injured . We had minor injuries yesterday, up to nine of my firefighters suffered minor burns. Some heat exhaustion. There was debris falling everywhere. Im more concerned longer term about the mental impact on a lot of people who were here, because this event was unprecedented and people saw and heard things on a scale they had never seen before. Going forward, one of my main concerns for firefighters is about mental well being and doing trauma care and counselling for them. I understand the point you made about the difficult circumstances the officers are working in. The figure of those confirmed dead, the police figure, so far, 12 confirmed dead, they have warned they expect that figure to rise significantly. What more can you add to that . Unfortunately, this is the awful thing for the people involved, we are unaware of how many people are in the building, as you can appreciate, this is a very large building with a large number of people in there. Some people may have lived alone, we are not sure if they are in there or away with friends and family. People who were reported missing who subsequently may have been with rest centres and hospitals. We are completely unaware at the moment, we can only work with numbers in the local authority and police who seem to be missing. As soon as we can, we will go into the building and do the Painstaking Fingertip Search in conjunction with the police and the dvi. Had me introduce you to the general secretary for The Fire Brigades union, also a firefighter for 22 yea rs, union, also a firefighter for 22 years, good morning, matt wrack, and ronnie king, A Firefighterfor 40 yea rs ronnie king, A Firefighterfor 40 years in london, wales, scotland and a Chief Fire Officer for 20 years and is now a administrative secretary for the all Party Fire Safety a nd secretary for the all Party Fire Safety and rescue group. First of all, as former firefighters, safety and rescue group. First of all, as formerfirefighters, can safety and rescue group. First of all, as former firefighters, can you give an insight to the audience as to what it is like when you arrive at the scene of a blaze like the one we saw yesterday . The first thing to say, looking around the site, horrifying, we have not seen anything like that, i certainly have not. I have been too many fires in high rise tower blocks but i have never seen anything like this. What firefighters have been prepared for and trainfor firefighters have been prepared for and train for is one thing but what they saw here, completely different. You expect the fire to be contained to the flat, the floor of origin. What we saw, as we have seen, the entire building engulfed in flames, the people arriving first will have beenin the people arriving first will have been in complete shock and will not have been prepared for this, absolutely staggering. Having been a fireman, and Chief Fire Officer, i have arrived at incidents were Command Decisions have been made and it has got to a certain level of resources. It has got to a certain level of resources. In this case, i think ifi resources. In this case, i think if i had arrived at that, and we got to the period where we are, where we were, when perhaps the Chief Fire Officer arrived, you would have then expected a plan of attack, a strategy, and whether to concentrate on water or rescue. There is a point reached where both run simultaneously. Very stressful situation for everybody involved. I can do nothing but praise firefighters and officers. Does it surprise you, is it unusual that there are still blazes burning in there are still blazes burning in the centre of that block . No, clearly, what is remarkable is that firefighters throughout that incident were on upper floors, trying to rescue people, large numbers of people have been rescued, horrendous loss of life, the work that firefighters do, rescuing large numbers of people, is incredible. They are at the stage now, the final stages of eliminating the last bits of fire, smoke, heat, the safety of the building, the safety of the cruise becomes paramount as well. There have been photographs of firefighters clearly very emotionally affected by what they saw. Has that happened to you . Firefighters have ways of dealing with these sorts of incidences. There is a humour, a camaraderie, all of that plays a role. I suspect every firefighter will have things that will stick with them for the rest of their lives, incidents they have been to, particular horrors they have seen. There is a greater awareness than when i was around and ronnie was around about Mental Health issues. There are better counselling services than there was 20 years ago, or more. That is something that great deal more effort needs to be put into in this day and age. This Stay Put Policy, to allow firefighters to get up sta i rwells, to allow firefighters to get up stairwells, so they are not impeded by people trying to get out in a situation like that, does that Stay Put Policy have to be reviewed, after what happened at Grenfell Tower . It was reviewed after 2009, Lakanal House, the inquest was 2013. It isa Lakanal House, the inquest was 2013. It is a very difficult one. The building, its fabric, its protection, is designed for people to stay in their flats, for one hour, at least, you would expect the flat not to be penetrated, you would expect the escape route of the integral and people can escape safely, something obviously did not their right here. Whether it was there were failings in the escape route facilities, penetrations into the fire resistance. There has been talk about the cladding and the effect of the cladding and the effect of the cladding on the building. Basically, London Building Acts were amended in 1986, and they were overtaken by the Building Regulations for the rest of the uk Building Regulations for the rest of the uk london falling in line with the uk london falling in line with the rest of the uk. The outside wall ofa building, this building, the rest of the uk. The outside wall of a building, this building, would have ha rd of a building, this building, would have hard and ours resistance under the london building act. When it was replaced by the Building Regulations, the Building Regulations, the Building Regulations only allow or do allow a surface which is a much weaker provision of fire resistance. In fa ct, provision of fire resistance. In fact, it is no fire as a stance on the outside. We have to revisit that. Can i just the outside. We have to revisit that. Can ijust interrupt . I am a layperson, i have no experience of fire safety, but you are telling me that it fire safety, but you are telling me thatitis fire safety, but you are telling me that it is ok for the outside of a building, the exterior of a building, the exterior of a building, to be a bit fire resista nt, building, to be a bit fire resistant, but the whole thing doesnt have to be fire assistant, is that what you are saying to me . That is right, yes. I dont understand it. A building close by not to be affected by a fire in that building, not for this building to be affected by a fire spreading upwards and internally. So it really came out of lakanal, but the coroner ruled that was the appropriate legislation at the time, so it complied. But what we have said, four years since the Lakanal House fire, we have been saying successfully, successively sorry, two ministers over the period of four years, to say we need to review the regulations. What response have you had, if you have said it to four ministers . Three ministers over four years, they say they are looking at it. Fire deaths have gone down, and while there has been an opt in this year, generally fire safety is a good news, but you get Something Like this, you got a warning with lakanal, and we have said you must ta ke lakanal, and we have said you must take steps. I mean, the coroner said we should be looking at Automatic Fire Sprinkler protection in buildings. 4000 high rise flats in the united kingdom. 4000 tower blocks. Without sprinklers. That is a scandal. If it was new, they would be installed . Yes, but the regulations are for new buildings, or major refurbishments. But we need to do or major refurbishments. But we need todoa or major refurbishments. But we need to do a revisit, we have asked the ministers, they are saying, yes, we are still looking at it. In fact, Gavin Barwell was about to meet the all party group. Gavin barwell was about to meet the allparty group. The former Housing Minister lost hisjob at allparty group. The former Housing Minister lost his job at the election and has been made to mes chief of staff. Once the election was announced, he had to say whether he was going to agree, we will now revisit the regulations, that might have been what he was going to say. Perhaps he will qualify that. We avastin for an interview, so far without success. Matt wrack, you are from The Fire Brigades union, some are linking the closure of ten Fire Stations with the loss of 552 jobs, made by the former mayor of london, borisjohnson, with what happened at g re nfell tower. Borisjohnson, with what happened at Grenfell Tower. You, however, are very cautious about making that link, as i understand it. We have still got an incident going on, there are still people missing, still people doing theirjob, and i think we need to concentrate on that. I want to separate the two issues at this stage, the whole thing needs to be investigated, and clearly we were opposed to those reductions, we think they made london is less safe. Whether it has had a direct impact on this incident i cannot stay at this stage. In terms of this incident, echoing ronnies point, the question arises, how can it even happen . We will find out this was an avoidable tragedy, and that is horrifying in a wealthy country, that this can happen. Why do you think we will find out it was avoidable . As Ronnie Hasjust explained, there is huge amount of expertise around buildings, how they react in fires, how you can detect them, and what needs to be put in place. Within the fire service, there is a huge amount of expertise about how you deal with buyers when they happen. If those are put together, we can significantly reduce the risk to residents living in accommodation like that. Something has gone horrifyingly wrong for us to be standing here today. Our reporter spoke to the architect of Grenfell Tower, who said it was in cumbria and support to him that the fire spread in the way it did. Who said it was incomprehensible to him that the fire spread in the way it did. What should the mayor do . He has said that this needs to be thoroughly investigated. There is a huge amount of support, fantastic Community Solidarity which is great to see, and a whole estate has been. It is very eerie over there, the whole state has been evacuated. People need immediate support, so the authorities, the mayor need to do that. In terms of the incident, i think this has to be very thoroughly addressed, and all interested parties, including ronnie and his colleagues, ourselves, community groups, people who have lived there, have copyright to ask very challenging questions about why this happened. Could it have been foreseen . Could it have been prevented . Foreseen . Could it have been prevented . Matt wrack, general secretary of The Fire Brigades union, and ronnie king, chair of the all party fire and safety rescue group. Good morning, it is 10 36, i mentioned those patients who are continuing to be treated in hospital, many of them still in a critical condition. We can talk to tulip mazumdar, who is outside st marys hospital, what is the latest from there . Well, we have been given an update from nhs england, who have been letting us note the situation of the patients in the five London Hospitals that are still caring for patients from this dreadful buyer. 37 patients are still Receiving Hospital treatment. This dreadful fire. 17 are still in critical care. Ican give fire. 17 are still in critical care. I can give you a breakdown here there are the most number of patients being treated, 11, three of which are in critical care. Kings couege which are in critical care. Kings college hospital, not farfrom here, ten patients, six of them in critical care. Chelsea and westminster is treating nine patients, seven of them are in critical care. The royal free was looking after six patients, one of them is in critical care. And guys and saint thomass is looking after one patient, and that patient is not in critical care. So clearly, doctors and nurses, all the medics here and in those other four hospitals, working very hard from overnight on tuesday into wednesday, and all day yesterday as well as today. This has been a really desperate situation for many people who have been coming and looking for family. There is still a lot of confusion. The doctors here have been treating patients mainly for smoke inhalation, so patients will be getting oxygen, some of them, we understand, in other hospitals, are being put and general anaesthetic so they can be treated as comfortably as possible. But really, at this point, time is ticking now to find more people. Like i said, families have been coming here desperate to find out if their family members are here, desperately searching, but as time goes on, it is becoming less likely that people will be coming in for treatment. And i think you have managed to speak to a couple of people as they have been going into the hospital. Yes, victoria, it has just been a really harrowing morning, i have to say. I mean, i was here yesterday as well, and we saw families coming in, there was a manjust behind saw families coming in, there was a man just behind me saw families coming in, there was a manjust behind me at saw families coming in, there was a man just behind me at the entrance, and he was shouting, he was saying, we are not getting any information, i dont know where my loved ones are. Today, similar scenes, but really much more difficult, there was a family thatjust parked up over there, we saw them leaving the hospital, a woman was wailing, she was so upset. She was being comforted by other family members. We heard her, before we saw her, and her screams were so chilling. We went over, and we ask that they were ok, went over, and we ask that they were 0k, how they were as a family, whether they had received any information. They were asking us if we had received any information, and they claim to us that they were looking for a mother, the mothers name is burkit haftom, they were looking for her and her son, 12 year old birok haftom, they were desperately searching for them. They have gone from hospital to hospital, it seems that st marys were the last hospital they had been to, and they were told by police, if your family members are not here or at the other hospitals, if you have not heard from them so far, then i am afraid you have to assume the worst, that they were in that building. I saw them when they had me that realisation, that they are not here, this was the last place they could have been, and they are not here. The look on their faces, the other devastation, they were so upset. They didnt know what to do, they said to me, can you help us . Is there anything i could do, i said i would say their names on bbc news, burkit haftom is the mother, the 12 year old son is birok haftom. You know, everybody would be out looking for them, and family are already, but as time goes on, we are now several hours, you know, overnight, all of yesterday, overnight today, if those family members have not turned up, the police have advised that chances are they are in that building. And coming to that realisation has clearly been extremely difficult for them, and they are being that by their family. They drove away just without knowledge that they didnt actually knowledge that they didnt actually know where they were going what they we re know where they were going what they were going to do. I also managed to a lady, also a friend of that family, she was here seeing her friend helen and their 12 year old daughter, who is in intensive care. She was said to be extremely unwell, andi she was said to be extremely unwell, and i spoke to a friend of her mothers earlier, her name is chesmi rodrigo. She is in i icu, she doesnt know not. We have just seen her extended family that you have gone to see, just utterly distraught. How are you . How is the community . I dont know, really, i dont know what to say, you know, i am really stressed, really disappointed, i couldnt believe what happened to them. I saw them yesterday, so i couldnt believe, it was like a dream, you know . Sol really cant believe these things. We have all seen the pictures, for you, this is so close to home, how we re you, this is so close to home, how were you last night . Were you able to sleep . No, i couldnt sleep, actually, i have two children, so i couldnt sleep, i was crying at the same couldnt sleep, i was crying at the same time, one oclock, sol couldnt sleep, i was crying at the same time, one oclock, so i was crying, screaming, in my house, you know . Even my children, then we came around at three oclock new building, so we found helen over there around four oclock. That is very, very upsetting. I havejust been looking at my timeline on twitter, a number of you are unpressed by the fact that he may, the Prime Minister, is here in a private capacity. That simply means that cameras are not allowed there. We are told that she has met residents and firefighters. She left at about residents and firefighters. She left atabout10 20, residents and firefighters. She left at about 10 20, having arrived just before ten oclock. Caroline says, the Prime Minister makes a private visit, what a joke, total lack of respect for those involved. Another, this is from nusat, disgusting that the Prime Minister is visiting in private, what is the point . A number of you would like to praise the firefighters, you have messaged me on twitter to say what they have done is absolutely astonishing. Thank you for those, you can use the hashtag victorialive if you want to get in touch. Im going to introduce you to a qc, joe, nice to talk to you, tell us why you are here. A lot of people are going to have complicated problems to sort out, problems today, where are people going to live, how are people going to survive, what about your employment, your job . What to survive, what about your employment, yourjob . What is your employer going to say . What about people who havent got insurance . What about that period of time before your insurers pay out . Those are all really complicated problems, and there is something that lawyers and stressful and there is something that lawyers can do to help with those problems. And then tomorrow, you know, people are going tomorrow, you know, people are going to start to wonder about how they put their lives back together, and there is also something, a small thing, that lawyers can do to help that process. Making sure that legal accountability, moral accountability rests where it should. Im going to pauls you there, you are notan im going to pauls you there, you are not an ambulance chaser. . Me, hundreds of other lawyers, at the North Kensington law centre, housing lawyers, employment lawyers, personal injury lawyers, people want to help. Im going to pause you there. There is a role for the law, people will not be able to find accountability without the help of lawyers, many will want to do it for free because this. They recognise this is. It is very difficult to be here and not feel very upset about it all. If people would like your help, how should they get in touch with you, you are from the Good Law Project and the North Kensington law centre. The first thing to be done, triage, people need to have their particular problems broken down for them. Housing problem, employment problem, insurance issue, so far as i can see at the moment, people doing thatjob best of all are the North Kensington law centre, and i have tweeted out their contact details. After this, i am going to go there and see what help they need from lawyers. Then i will get in touch with all the lawyers i speak with and tell them that if you want to be able to help, that if you want to be able to help, thatis that if you want to be able to help, that is the best way. In the longer term, the problems about accountability, the lessons to be learned, the law has some part to play, but you have to hope that the government recognises the problem, and has a public enquiry. So that this never happens again. Thank you very much forjoining us. This place is much busier than when we first came on error, i am going to ta ke we first came on error, i am going to take a look around, i have not done that for a while, inside the basketball court, right next to the Westway Sports Centre, there were hundreds of bags and now dozens of volunteers, tidying through those donations. Trying to get them in some sort of order. And here, volu nteers some sort of order. And here, volunteers arriving to either sign in or, if they have enough volunteers, to leave a name and number to be contacted, tonight, tomorrow, the weekend, that is where they are leaving contact details, people saying, i want to help, i wa nt to people saying, i want to help, i want to do something, call on me at any point. Let me introduce you to some or residence. Emily, do come in. Im victoria, nice to see you. And amina, i beg your pardon, it is my writing sorry. Im victoria, nice to meet you. Do come in. Lovely to meet you. I have a microphone, just one between us. How are you today . Upset. Yeah, upset. Not well, angry, angry. Very angry. Yeah, very angry. Whats happened is disgusting. It could have been prevented, it could have been prevented. You know, you have got all them innocent people that have died, that are seriously ill in hospital, and it is a joke, it is a joke. Like i said, a lot more could have been done, a lot more could have been done, a lot more could have been done, a lot more could have been done. What do you think could have been done . The housing association, they could have done a lot more. The Management Organisation who ran it. Yeah, to be quite honest, tmo, they do not ca re be quite honest, tmo, they do not care about their tenants whatsoever. I know people that are in tmo, such as my daughter, and i know this is irreleva nt to as my daughter, and i know this is irrelevant to what has happened, but. Im going to pauls you, i wa nt to but. Im going to pauls you, i want to talk about the people of g re nfell tower, want to talk about the people of Grenfell Tower, if i may. Want to talk about the people of Grenfell Tower, ifi may. My anger. You can ask him, and then come back. We have been let down by the council. The tenant Management Organisation, where are they . Everyone is pulling together, it is the community, i have not seen anyone i have not seen any support. I live directly opposite. Saw i it. Support. I live directly opposite. Sawlit. I support. I live directly opposite. Saw i it. I smell the fire, 12 30am, icame saw i it. I smell the fire, 12 30am, i came out, and i can literally see people in the windows, banging, children screaming. I have heard grown men literally on fire, banging at the windows until the windows were full of smoke. Standing there, i cannot do anything. Even until now, i have not seen any kind of support will stop everyone is trying to get a story and understand what is going on, but people feel let down. We dont seem to have that support. We dont seem to get any feedback from the council, where are they . For what its worth, for what its worth, i saw the council leader, yesterday morning, first thing, i saw a clip of one of the quys thing, i saw a clip of one of the guys who runs the particular Management Organisation. I saw a clip of him on the news. If he came here, what would you say to him . To be honest, i here, what would you say to him . To be honest, lam here, what would you say to him . To be honest, i am a tenant, whenever there is a repair, whenever there be honest, i am a tenant, whenever there is a repair, wheneverthere is something, it is always cost cutting, always a delay, it is hogwash, we have heard it all before. Where do you go . They keep people waiting. So many families have not even been told there is missing. I have family there, we dont know where they are, very close friends, my wife has friends there, relatives. I know one family, five kids and the mother are missing. Five children on the 22nd, zist floor. Ten and under. My daughter goes to a school down the road, oxford garden school. Half the class. sermon each order not m, the class. sermon each order not in, so money children unaccounted for. So many children not in. It should be at schools as well. Even the teachers dealing with this, massive impact, for them, the teachers dealing with this, massive impact, forthem, forthe children. My daughters best friend, we know, gone. They went in together only a couple of days ago. This is sad and shocking. My anger is totally different, my anger. I was here since the blaze happened, andl was here since the blaze happened, and i was on. On the side of the building, iwas and i was on. On the side of the building, i was told there was only a few Police Officers, dont get me wrong, i dont have problems with Police Officers, the only Police Office rs Police Officers, the only Police Officers were there, 40 minutes later, came more Police Officers. Let me get that straight. I dont know about the building, personally i dont know nobody from that block, maybe a friend of a friend, i know my sons friends, they are all dead, i dont have a personal contact. I dont have a problem with the structure of the building, i dont know about that, but when i was there yesterday, and what i have seen, iwas there yesterday, and what i have seen, i was there on the bridge, to the building, itold people tojump, to get off, to put the kids throw the kids, wanted to get mattresses. Police were pushing us away, fathers were coming from the prayer, they had to see their children and their wives on the window, hopeless, can do anything. We said, it is burning on the side, just starting, get the people of that side of the building. Police we re that side of the building. Police were saying, dont, go away, we are dealing with this. They pushed us from the bridge, all the way down, we ran around to the car wash, we have seen the fire, coming upwards, and then gradually, going on the roof, by then, there was more time that people could get off. Lease offices and parents on the telephone, they have been told stay in your property. Police officers. They were told to stay in the property. It is dangerous . Sorry, it was not, my iphone does not lie about the timing. They had time to escape, they were on the windows screaming and shouting, the fire happened from the outside in. It did not happen from the inside out, and the outside in, they have ple nty of out, and the outside in, they have plenty of time. The firemen came two hours later, could not even park theircar hours later, could not even park their car anyway to get access through, so they came all the way through, so they came all the way through, but their car there. Through, so they came all the way through, but their carthere. And then they took the water by the time they did that, for 20 5am, and i then they took the water by the time they did that, for20 5am, and i had them recorded. Before that, 2am, we saw all the children crying, shouting, screaming, because we were hopeless. Like a piece of paper, when you burn it from one side to the other, that is exactly what we saw happen to them full. One minute they were there, the next minute they were there, the next minute they were there, the next minute they were gone. My next door neighbour works as a fire crews man, she said they have not confirmed that 50 children are dead but more than 50 children are dead. More than 100 bodies are dead. Look at that building, are you telling me 12 people . the police. In the beginning, i was there with the Police Officers, they only had one staircase one hands shaking, one . I am not related to them, i dont know them, i dont care if they are juries, muslim, christian, you see someone juries, muslim, christian, you see someone burning, the first thing you wa nt someone burning, the first thing you want to do is to go and grab them. More muslims are feeling that this isa more muslims are feeling that this is a revenge. Im telling you howl feel. Revenge for what . London bridge and stuff like that, they are going to think this is a revenge, i am telling you how people feel. People will not say what they are feeling because they are scared. I dont have any relation. I cannot tell you how i feel. We have a very short amount of time left. Friends missing, that is what i am bringing him in. You have friends missing. How are you . Im hoping for the best. People searching. Still no trace. So much love and positivity and strength. Being directed to you from around the country right now. Thank you so much. And cute. Thank you for speaking with us. Thank you for speaking with us. Thank you, we appreciate it. A message from kerrygold on facebook, as a high rise tenant im deeply troubled, we do not get listened to when we raise concerns. Also, the block is due to have an upgrade on the outside to make it look appealing, but these flats are tiny and severely overcrowded, not just with residents but with possessions, because there is no storage, it is a fire risk and they dont care. They only want to paper over problems with housing with external makeovers. So many people have needlessly died at Grenfell Tower, it is criminal. Lets bring you this police conference. Due to the nature of the content in the building and some areas that are difficult to access. I have my specialist urban Search And Rescue teams and advisers who are working closely with the local council, and the building surveyors , local council, and the building surveyors, to come down to a plan to how we can make the building safe going forward. To work closely together to progress through the building doing a detailed fingertip search, looking for evidence and identification of people who may have been in the building. Fiercely there has been a very slow and painstaking process, this is a large building, a large amount of Building Work required internally. Structures will need to be built to ensure that laws are safe. Before we do that, we will utilise specialist dog training teams that we have in conjunction with the metropolitan police that will go through the building and surrounding area, looking for any identification of people. Specially trained dogs, they will be used first of all. The benefit of using the dogs is they are lighter than people and can carry a greater area. They will be followed by specialist advisers. I anticipate london fire brigade will be here on scene for many days to come working with partners to ensure we do the best for the people who are waiting for news of loved ones. Thank you. Following on from that. Waiting free news of loved ones, those that are waiting, the thoughts of all of us are with those that have been so deeply affected from the events over the last 24 hours will stop yesterday was a very difficult day, clearly challenging overnight, particularly for colleagues from fire, and today, as you have heard, the work really starts in earnest to ensure we do the appropriate recovery of everybody from those premises. Sadly, ican recovery of everybody from those premises. Sadly, i can confirm that

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