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Palestinians, two states for two people palestinians, two states for two people. Let me be clear, none of these people. Let me be clear, none of these partnerships are about containing any country, they are atrout containing any country, they are about a containing any country, they are about a positive vision for our shared about a positive vision for our shared future. When it comes to china, shared future. When it comes to china, i shared future. When it comes to china, i want to be clear and consistent. We seek to responsibly manage consistent. We seek to responsibly manage competition between our countries manage competition between our countries so it does not take into conflict countries so it does not take into conflict i countries so it does not take into conflict. I have said we are for tierisking, conflict. I have said we are for de risking, not decoupling with china de risking, not decoupling with china we de risking, not decoupling with china. We will push back on aggression and intimidation and defend aggression and intimidation and defend the Rules Of The Road from freedom defend the Rules Of The Road from Freedom Of Navigation to overflight to level Freedom Of Navigation to overflight to level economic Playing Field that have helped safeguard security for decades, have helped safeguard security for decades, but we also stand ready to Work Together with China On Issues where Work Together with China On Issues where Progress Hinges on our common efforts where Progress Hinges on our common efforts. Nowhere is that more critical efforts. Nowhere is that more critical than accelerating the climate critical than accelerating the Climate Crisis, d accelerating the climate Climate Crisis, d accelerating the Climate Crisis. We see it everywhere. Record breaking heat everywhere. Record breaking heat waves everywhere. Record breaking heat waves in everywhere. Record breaking heat waves in the United States and china, waves in the United States and china, Wild Fires Ravaging North America china, Wild Fires Ravaging North America and southern europe. A drought america and southern europe. A drought in america and southern europe. A drought in the horn of africa. Tragic. Drought in the horn of africa. Tragic, tragic flooding in libya. My heart tragic, tragic flooding in libya. My heart goes tragic, tragic flooding in libya. My heart goes out to the people. It has kitted heart goes out to the people. It has killed thousands of people. Together, these snapshots tell an urgent together, these snapshots tell an urgent story of what awaits us if we failed urgent story of what awaits us if we failed to urgent story of what awaits us if we failed to reduce our dependence on fossil failed to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel failed to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel is anti begin to climb to prove fossil fuel is anti begin to climb to prove their world. For one day, my administration, the United States. My administration, the United States, has treated this crisis as an existential threat from the moment an existential threat from the moment we took office. Not only for us but moment we took office. Not only for us but for moment we took office. Not only for us but for all of humanity. Last year. Us but for all of humanity. Last year. I us but for all of humanity. Last year, i signed into law in the united year, i signed into law in the United States the largest investment ever anywhere in the History Of The World ever anywhere in the History Of The World to ever anywhere in the History Of The World to combat the Climate Crisis and help world to combat the Climate Crisis and help move the Global Economy towards and help move the Global Economy towards a and help move the Global Economy towards a clean energy future. We are also towards a clean energy future. We are also working with contracts to quadruple are also working with contracts to quadruple our climate financing, to help countries reach their Climate Goats help countries reach their Climate Goats and help countries reach their climate goals and adapt Climate Impacts. And this year. Goals and adapt Climate Impacts. And this year, the world is on track to meet this year, the world is on track to meet the this year, the world is on track to meet the Climate Finance Pledge made under the meet the Climate Finance Pledge made under the paris agreement. Meet the Climate Finance Pledge made underthe paris agreement. 100 Bitiion Underthe paris agreement. 100 billion to underthe paris agreement. 100 billion to raise collectively. But we need billion to raise collectively. But we need more investment, public and private we need more investment, public and private sector alike, especially in places private sector alike, especially in places that have contributed so little places that have contributed so little to places that have contributed so little to global emissions and face some little to global emissions and face some of little to global emissions and face some of the worst effects of climate change. Some of the worst effects of climate change, like the Pacific Islands. The United States is working directly the United States is working directly with the Pacific Islands forum directly with the Pacific Islands forum to directly with the Pacific Islands forum to help these nations adapt and build forum to help these nations adapt and build resilience to Climate Impact and build resilience to Climate Impact. Even as we lead the effort to build impact. Even as we lead the effort to build Innovative New partnerships to build Innovative New partnerships to attack to build Innovative New partnerships to attack the global challenges from all sides. To attack the global challenges from all sides, from the Coalition Mobilising Millions of private sector mobilising millions of private sector commitments to creating a market sector commitments to creating a Market Demand for Green Products in Carbon Market demand for Green Products in carbon intensive sectors like concrete. Carbon intensive sectors like concrete, shipping, aviation and tracking concrete, shipping, aviation and tracking. To the Agricultural Innovation Mission for climate, which Innovation Mission for climate, which is Innovation Mission for climate, which is bringing farmers into the climate which is bringing farmers into the Climate Solution and making our food supply Climate Solution and making our food supply more resilient to climate shocks~ supply more resilient to climate shocks. And the global methane ptedge. Shocks. And the global methane pledge, now endorsed by more than 150 countries, which expands our focus 150 countries, which expands our focus beyond our Carbon Emission Targets focus beyond our Carbon Emission Targets to focus beyond our Carbon Emission Targets to reduce potential Greenhouse Gases in our atmosphere by 30 Greenhouse Gases in our atmosphere by 30 in Greenhouse Gases in our atmosphere by 30 in this decade. It is all within by 30 in this decade. It is all within our by 30 in this decade. It is all within our capacity. We need to bring within our capacity. We need to bring the within our capacity. We need to bring the same commitment and urgency bring the same commitment and urgency and ambition as we Work Together urgency and ambition as we Work Together to meet the Sustainable Development goals of 2030. These goats Development Goals of 2030. These goals were adopted at the United Nations goals were adopted at the United Nations of 2015 as a road map for improving nations of 2015 as a road map for improving lives around the world. The hard improving lives around the world. The hard truth is, for decades of progress. The hard truth is, for decades of progress, the world has lost ground these progress, the world has lost ground these past progress, the world has lost ground these past years in the wake of covidt9. These past years in the wake of covid 19, conflicts and other crisis~ covid 19, conflicts and other crisis the covid 19, conflicts and other crisis. The United States is committed to doing its part to getting committed to doing its part to getting us back on track. All told, the first getting us back on track. All told, the first two years of my administration, the United States invested administration, the United States invested more than 100 billion to drive invested more than 100 billion to drive the invested more than 100 billion to drive the Development Progress in bolstering food security, expanding access bolstering food security, expanding access to bolstering food security, expanding access to education worldwide, strengthening Health Care Systems and fighting disease. And we have helped and fighting disease. And we have helped mobilise billions more in the private helped mobilise billions more in the private sector investments. But to accelerate private sector investments. But to accelerate our Forward Progress on the Sustainable Development goals, we att the Sustainable Development goals, we all have to do more. We need to build we all have to do more. We need to build new we all have to do more. We need to build new partnerships to change the way we build new partnerships to change the way we tackle this challenge, to unlock way we tackle this challenge, to unlock trillions of additional financing for development, drawing on att financing for development, drawing on all sources. We need to fill the ap on all sources. We need to fill the gap and on all sources. We need to fill the gap and address the failures of our existing gap and address the failures of our existing system exposed by the pandemic. We need to make sure that women pandemic. We need to make sure that women and pandemic. We need to make sure that women and girls benefit fully from our progress. We must also do more to grappte our progress. We must also do more to grapple with it. Yet that holds back so to grapple with it. Yet that holds back so many low and middle Income Countries back so many low and middle Income Countries. When nations are forced to service countries. When nations are forced to service unsustainable Debt Payments over the needs of their own people. Payments over the needs of their own people. It payments over the needs of their own people, it makes it harder for them to invest people, it makes it harder for them to invest in people, it makes it harder for them to invest in their own futures. And as we to invest in their own futures. And as we work to invest in their own futures. And as we Work Together to recover from global as we Work Together to recover from global shocks, the United States will continue to be the largest single will continue to be the largest single country donor of humanitarian assistance single country donor of humanitarian assistance at this moment of unparalleled need in the world. Fotks. Unparalleled need in the world. Folks, cooperation, partnership, these folks, cooperation, partnership, these are folks, cooperation, partnership, these are the keys to progress and these are the keys to progress and the challenges that affect us all and the the challenges that affect us all and the baseline for responsible gtobat and the baseline for responsible global leadership. We dont need to agree global leadership. We dont need to agree on global leadership. We dont need to agree on everything to keep moving forward agree on everything to keep moving forward on agree on everything to keep moving forward on issues like arms control, the cornerstone of international securitv~ the cornerstone of international security. After more than 50 years of progress security. After more than 50 years of progress under the non proliferation treaty, russia is shredding non proliferation treaty, russia is shredding a long standing arms control agreements, shredding a long standing arms controlagreements, including arms control agreements, including announcing arms control agreements, including announcing the arms controlagreements, including announcing the suspension and withdrawing from the convention in europe withdrawing from the convention in europe treaty. It is irresponsible and makes europe treaty. It is irresponsible and makes the entire world less safe and makes the entire world less safe the and makes the entire world less safe. The United States continues to look safe. The United States continues to took for safe. The United States continues to look for good faith efforts to reduce look for good faith efforts to reduce the threat of Weapons Of Mass Destruction reduce the threat of Weapons Of Mass Destruction and leads by example, no Matter Destruction and leads by example, no matter what else is happening in the world matter what else is happening in the world this matter what else is happening in the world. This year, we safely destroyed at least the last chemical munitions destroyed at least the last chemical munitions in the us stockpile, Futfitting Munitions in the us stockpile, fulfilling our commitment. And we condemn fulfilling our commitment. And we condemn the continued violation of the un condemn the continued violation of the Un Security Council resolution, but we the Un Security Council resolution, but we are the Un Security Council resolution, but we are committed to diplomacy to brin but we are committed to diplomacy to bring about but we are committed to diplomacy to bring about the denuclearisation of the korean peninsula. We are working with our the korean peninsula. We are working with our partners to address irans destabilising activities that threaten Global Security and remain steadfast threaten Global Security and remain steadfast in our commitment that iran steadfast in our commitment that iran must steadfast in our commitment that iran must never acquire a Nuclear Weapon iran must never acquire a Nuclear Weapon let iran must never acquire a Nuclear Weapon. Let me be clear, certain systems weapon. Let me be clear, certain systems are weapon. Let me be clear, certain systems are sacrosanct. Sovereignty, territorial systems are sacrosanct. Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity, human rights, these Territorial Integrity, human rights, these are Territorial Integrity, human rights, these are the core tenets of the un charter~ these are the core tenets of the un charter. The pillars of peaceful retations charter. The pillars of peaceful relations among neighbours, without which relations among neighbours, without which you relations among neighbours, without which you cannot achieve any of our goals which you cannot achieve any of our goals that which you cannot achieve any of our goals. That has not changed. And that must goals. That has not changed. And that must not changed. Yet, for the second that must not changed. Yet, for the second year that must not changed. Yet, for the second year in a row, this gathering, dedicated to peaceful resolution of conflicts, is darkened by resolution of conflicts, is darkened bv the resolution of conflicts, is darkened by the shadow of war. An illegal War Of Conquest by the shadow of war. An illegal War Of Conquest brought without provocation by russia against its neighbour ukraine. Like every nation in the neighbour ukraine. Like every nation in the world, neighbour ukraine. Like every nation in the world, the United States want this war in the world, the United States want this war to in the world, the United States want this warto end. In the world, the United States want this war to end. No nation once this was to this war to end. No nation once this was to end this war to end. No nation once this was to end more than ukraine and we strongly was to end more than ukraine and we strongly support ukraine in its efforts strongly support ukraine in its efforts to bring about diplomatic resolution that delivers justice and tasting resolution that delivers justice and lasting peace, but russia alone bears lasting peace, but russia alone bears responsibility for this war. Russia bears responsibility for this war. Russia alone has the power to end this war russia alone has the power to end this war immediately. And it is russia this war immediately. And it is russia alone that stands in the way of peace russia alone that stands in the way of peace because russias price for peace of peace because russias price for peace is of peace because russias price for peace is ukraines capitulation, ukraines peace is ukraines capitulation, ukraines territory and ukraines chitdren~ ukraines territory and ukraines children. Russia believes that the world children. Russia believes that the wortd witt children. Russia believes that the world will grow weary and allow it to brutalise ukraine without consequence. But i ask you this, if we abandoned the Core Principles of the united we abandoned the Core Principles of the United States to appease an aggressor, can any member state in this body aggressor, can any member state in this body feel confident that they are protected . If we allow ukraine to be are protected . If we allow ukraine to be carved up, is the independence of any to be carved up, is the independence of any nation secure . I would respectfully suggest the answer is no. Respectfully suggest the answer is no we respectfully suggest the answer is no. We have to stand up to this naked no. We have to stand up to this Naked Aggression today to deter other Naked Aggression today to deter other would be aggressors tomorrow. That is other would be aggressors tomorrow. That is why other would be aggressors tomorrow. That is why the United States, together that is why the United States, together with our allies and partners together with our allies and partners around the world, will continue partners around the world, will continue to stand with the brave peopte continue to stand with the brave peopte of continue to stand with the brave people of ukraine as they defend their sovereignty and Territorial Integrity their sovereignty and Territorial Integrity and their freedom. Applause. It is not only an investment in ukraines it is not only an investment in ukraines future, but in the future of every ukraines future, but in the future of every country that seeks a world governed of every country that seeks a world governed by basic rules that apply equally governed by basic rules that apply equally to all nations. And uphold the right equally to all nations. And uphold the right of every nation, no matter how big the right of every nation, no matter how big or the right of every nation, no matter how big or small. Sovereignty, territoriat how big or small. Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity. They are the fixed Territorial Integrity. They are the fixed foundations of this noble bodv~ fixed foundations of this noble body. And universal human rights is its north body. And universal human rights is its north star. We cannot sacrifice either~ its north star. We cannot sacrifice either~ 75 its north star. We cannot sacrifice either. 75 years ago, Universal Declaration Of Human Rights captured a remarkable act of collective hope, and i a remarkable act of collective hope, and i say a remarkable act of collective hope, and i say that again, collective hope. And i say that again, collective hope, drafted by a committee representing different regions, faiths, representing different regions, faiths, philosophies, and adopted by the entire faiths, philosophies, and adopted by the entire 6eneral faiths, philosophies, and adopted by the entire General Assembly. The rights the entire General Assembly. The rights contained in the declaration are elemental and enduring, and white are elemental and enduring, and while we are elemental and enduring, and while we still struggle to hold equat while we still struggle to hold equal and enable rights of all, they remain equal and enable rights of all, they remain ever steady and ever true. We cannot remain ever steady and ever true. We cannot turn remain ever steady and ever true. We cannot turn away from abuses, whether cannot turn away from abuses, whether in cannot turn away from abuses, whether in tehran, da four, or anywhere whether in tehran, da four, or anywhere else. We have to continue to work anywhere else. We have to continue to work to anywhere else. We have to continue to work to ensure women and girls et to work to ensure women and girls get equat to work to ensure women and girls get equal rights and equal participation in society, that indigenous groups, people with disabilities do not have their potential stifled by systemic discrimination. That the l6btq i that people are not prosecuted or targeted that people are not prosecuted or targeted with violence because of who they targeted with violence because of who they are. These rights are part of our who they are. These rights are part of our shared humanity. If they are absent. Of our shared humanity. If they are absent, when they are absent anyway, the toss absent, when they are absent anyway, the toss is absent, when they are absent anyway, the loss is felt everywhere. They are essential to the advancement of human are essential to the advancement of Human Progress that brings us together~ Human Progress that brings us together. My fellow leaders, let me close with together. My fellow leaders, let me close with this, if this Inflection Point close with this, if this Inflection Point in close with this, if this Inflection Point in history, we are going to be judged point in history, we are going to be judged by point in history, we are going to be judged by whether or not we live up to the judged by whether or not we live up to the promises we made to ourselves, to each other, to their most ourselves, to each other, to their most vulnerable, and to all those who witt most vulnerable, and to all those who will inherit the world we create. Who will inherit the world we create, because that is what we are doing create, because that is what we are doing witi create, because that is what we are doing. Will we find within ourselves the courage to do what must be done . To preserve the courage to do what must be done . To preserve the planet, to protect human to preserve the planet, to protect human dignity, to provide opportunity for people everywhere and to opportunity for people everywhere and to defend the tenants of the united and to defend the tenants of the United Nations. They can only be one answer United Nations. They can only be one answer to United Nations. They can only be one answer to that question. We must and we witt~ answer to that question. We must and we with the answer to that question. We must and we will. The road ahead is long and difficult we will. The road ahead is long and difficult but if we persevere and prevait, difficult but if we persevere and prevait, if difficult but if we persevere and prevail, if we keep the faith in ourselves, prevail, if we keep the faith in ourselves, and show what is possible. Ourselves, and show what is possible, lets do this Work Together. Lets deliver progress for everyone together. Lets deliver progress for everyone. Lets bend the arc of history everyone. Lets bend the arc of history for everyone. Lets bend the arc of history for the good of the world. It is history for the good of the world. It is in history for the good of the world. It is in our history for the good of the world. It is in our power to do it. Thank you for it is in our power to do it. Thank you for listening. Applause. And there you have it, us president , joe biden, who hasjust finished his address to the annual United Nations General Assembly in new york. Some of the main point that he made, he touched on the challenges faced by Artificial Intelligence, he talked about the Climate Crisis, describing it as an existential threat. He also talked about china, saying the us needed to ensure that it does not tip into conflict with china. And also referred to the ongoing war in ukraine, saying we must stand up to this Naked Aggression from russia to deter other would be aggressors tomorrow. To discuss all of that a bit further, we can cross back to new york. Katrina, lots of Different Things Thatjoe Biden covered. Lets start with the war in ukraine. We had president zelensky in the audience listening to his remarks as well. , , well. Absolutely. President zelensky here for the first well. Absolutely. President zelensky here for the first time well. Absolutely. President zelensky here for the first time in well. Absolutely. President zelensky here for the first time in person here for the first time in person since the war broke out in ukraine. Joe biden i think setting out to just reaffirm that unwavering support that the United States has fought ukraine. Sounding a klaxon call for other nations to get with that, saying that defending ukraine really came down to defending the United Nations, to defending the Core Principles in the United Nations charter of sovereignty, of Territorial Integrity, saying neither of those could be sacrificed. If the International Community allows ukraine to be carved up, he said, is the independence of any nation secure in that case . He said, i would respectfully suggest that it is not. This is not an option that. He said they must stand together and not abandon the Core Principles of the charter. He also spoke about having a collective hope. That was a day when the United Nations was first born and he appealed to people to go back to the founding moments of the United Nations to get that collective hope, to stand up to aggression and do not turn away from abuse. A lot of applause in the audience when he finished that point. He said, lets bend the arc of history for the good of the world. It is in our power to do it. He touched on a number of topics but very much building up into that crescendo about ukraine, because as he said, the International Leaders gather here for the second year in a row under the shadow of war. Like any nations, he said, the us waits for it to end, but nobody wants it to end more so than ukraine. 1150. For it to end, but nobody wants it to end more so than ukraine. Also, i thou~ht to end more so than ukraine. Also, i thought very to end more so than ukraine. Also, i thought very interesting to end more so than ukraine. Also, i thought very interesting comments i to end more so than ukraine. Also, i. Thought very interesting comments on china. Walking an interesting line. Saying he wanted to responsibly manage the competition between the us and china. What did you make of that . He us and china. What did you make of that . ~ us and china. What did you make of that . , ~. Us and china. What did you make of that . ~. That . He did walk a delicate line. He is trying that . He did walk a delicate line. He is trying to that . He did walk a delicate line. He is trying to strike that . He did walk a delicate line. He is trying to strike a that . He did walk a delicate line. He is trying to strike a balance i he is trying to strike a balance between the rise of china, the power of china, and he needs to keep that relationship friendly, but also to push back against the incredible commercial power of china. As he said, seeks to responsibly manage the competition but to do it in a way that does not tip into conflict. He is looking for a win win, essentially. He says the us stands ready to work with china on effort that would be in both of their interests. He said there are things that they disagree on, he mentioned human rights, the Human Rights Abuses taking place in china, and thatis abuses taking place in china, and that is something the world and the us had to stand up to, but we have seen a lot of essentially posturing from the United States in recent weeks when joe from the United States in recent weeks Whenjoe Biden went to the g20, weeks Whenjoe Biden went to the 620, and that was about solidifying that relationship with india. We have been talking all morning about creating these new power balances, these new structures in the world, where there is a lot ofjostling for power going on while there is a war going on in europe. find power going on while there is a war going on in europe. Going on in europe. And a sign of chanauin going on in europe. And a sign of changing times going on in europe. And a sign of changing times perhaps, going on in europe. And a sign ofj changing times perhaps, because going on in europe. And a sign of. Changing times perhaps, because we also saw changing times perhaps, because we also sanoe biden address the issue of the rising role of Artificial Intelligence in our lives. It of the rising role of Artificial Intelligence in our lives. It was interesting. Intelligence in our lives. It was interesting, earlier, intelligence in our lives. It was interesting, earlier, the intelligence in our lives. It was interesting, earlier, the un i interesting, earlier, the un Secretary General mentioned that here several years ago, seven or eight years ago, and only two other nations had referred to ai, and he predicted we would hear every leader speak about it, and we did Hearjoe Biden speak about it. Striking the line between technology can be fantastic and transformative and bring lots of positive things to peoples lives, but there is a sometimes a Human Capital cost to sometimes a Human Capital cost to some of these developments and to keep that in check. Keep that in check. Katrina in new york at the keep that in check. Katrina in new york at the united keep that in check. Katrina in new york at the United Nations, keep that in check. Katrina in new york at the United Nations, for. Keep that in check. Katrina in new| york at the United Nations, for the moment, thank you very much. Around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. Gearing up for what could be a busy autumn, Stately Grange and yet nantwich is only a handful of places equipped to handle Orphan Seal Pups. We can average about 45 seals, roughly, each year. We will get them in august, september, which are the seals you see here, the common seals. These are the first ones we get in. Late september, october, we start to get the grey seals in. Taste start to get the grey seals in. We see a number of Orphan Seal Pups and they have see a number of Orphan Seal Pups and they have often not been with their mother they have often not been with their mother for they have often not been with their mother for a period of time, they have mother for a period of time, they have been mother for a period of time, they have been struggling in the wild, so often have been struggling in the wild, so often dehydrated and they have often ot often dehydrated and they have often got wounds or overwhelming infections. Essentially, when they come infections. Essentially, when they come in. Infections. Essentially, when they come in, we triage them, we have to rehvdrate come in, we triage them, we have to rehydrate them, often warm them up and treat rehydrate them, often warm them up and treat them for any infections they might have. You they might have. You are life with bbc news. Football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo is in iran with his team mates from saudi arabias al nasr team as they prepare to play an asian football confederation, afc, Champions League match against the iranian Side Persepolis later today. The portuguese player arrived in tehran on monday, to be greeted by fans. Ronaldo joined the Saudi Arabian side last year for a reported 200 million euros. Todays match is being played in iran, following the restoration of relations between the two nations. But it is not without controversy. Critics say reynaldos star status is being used to whitewash human rights issues. Joining us now is sardar pashaei, an iranian former wrestler. He fronts united for navid, a campaign trying to raise awareness about the alleged violation of athletes rights in iran. First of all, what is your reaction to reynaldo going and playing this match . ,. , match . Thanks for having me. It is trauic match . Thanks for having me. It is tragic when match . Thanks for having me. It is tragic when you match . Thanks for having me. It is tragic when you see match . Thanks for having me. It is tragic when you see this match . Thanks for having me. It is tragic when you see this after match . Thanks for having me. It is tragic when you see this after the i tragic when you see this after the young kurdish girl was killed by the islamic regime, reynaldo decided to visit islam and welcomed by. The revolutionary guard are responsible for crashing the Peaceful Demonstrations which ended in more than 700 deaths and 22,000 arrests, so this is sad and, for example, in the olympics in 2020, the iranian issue who got a gold medal at the olympics, he was a high ranking member, and he was involved shooting innocent people in syria and iraq. So this feels like rubbing salt in the wound of wounded people who are still morning, or still going from this present to another present to any sign of their family members. And you have a very personal story yourself, dont you . Yourself, dont you . Yes, i was a World Wrestling yourself, dont you . Yes, i was a World Wrestling champion yourself, dont you . Yes, i was a World Wrestling champion and. Yourself, dont you . Yes, i was a World Wrestling champion and i l yourself, dont you . Yes, i was a i World Wrestling champion and i was not allowed to participate in the Olympic Games just because of my political diagram. My dad was critically active. Right now, my youngest brother, who has a blonde medal bronze medal in wrestling, it has been injail. Because he is my brother. He has not done anything. But the Iranian Regime has anything. But the Iranian Regime has a dark history of taking hostages. They use these hostages as a bargaining chip. And you saw the news about the releasing of five american hostages. The iranians regime use these hostages to either Silence Dissidence or to get money from western countries, but the people of iran will not play this game and will not be silenced, and i hope western countries will not give them money and dont make them more aggressive and encourage them to take more hostages for more money. And it very briefly, because we are coming to the end of our programme, some would say ronaldo being there is encouraging people to talk about some of these issues, like we are right now, so actually it is a good thing . Right now, so actually it is a good thin . ~. Right now, so actually it is a good thin a . ~. ,. , right now, so actually it is a good thin . ~. ,. Thing . Well, we have not heard an hinu thing . Well, we have not heard anything from thing . Well, we have not heard anything from ronaldo, thing . Well, we have not heard anything from ronaldo, so thing . Well, we have not heard anything from ronaldo, so for. Thing . Well, we have not heard anything from ronaldo, so for those young teenagers who are fighting for their dignity and freedom, it is not ronaldos best goal to give them energy or meaning, it is what message ronaldo has for these teenagers, what he puts on his social media, and i hope ronaldo and other great athletes to put these teenagers and send these messages to dictators, as long as you ban a a0 million women from entering stadiums, we are not working to your country. Stadiums, we are not working to your count. ,,. ,. Stadiums, we are not working to your count. , country. Speaking about the issues in iran, country. Speaking about the issues in iran. And country. Speaking about the issues in iran, and we country. Speaking about the issues in iran, and we will country. Speaking about the issues in iran, and we will be country. Speaking about the issues in iran, and we will be reporting i country. Speaking about the issues in iran, and we will be reporting on ronaldos visit throughout the day. That is it for this half hour of the programme. There is plenty more on the bbc news website. We have had some impressive waves in cardigan bay and wales has seen 68 mph gusts. Some of these strong winds have been causing a few issues. Earliertoday, winds have been causing a few issues. Earlier today, the Severn Crossing was shut during the morning, and the ma crossing has been running with speed restrictions as well. This area of low pressure contains the remnants of a hurricane and it will continue to bring wet and it will continue to bring wet and windy weather overnight and into wednesday as well. It has not been that windy in scotland today but things will change overnight as heavy rain moves in and the wind really strengthen. It is going to be a gusty night for the vast majority and a very mild. But these are strong winds have the potential to cause problems. The irish sea coast in wales, gusts of 70 mph tomorrow morning, likely to lead to some disruption. Inland, a0 50 mph. Strong enough to cause one or two issues. Similarwind Strong Enough to cause one or two issues. Similar wind speeds for Northern Ireland and scotland. In western scotland, we could see gusts of 6070 western scotland, we could see gusts of 60 70 mph. Once this band of rain has moved through, the wind will drop pretty quickly behind it across the midlands, wales and Western Areas of england, so you will know when that Weather Front has pushed through. By thursday, the area of low pressure becomes slow moving. It will bring a band of Heavy Rain Across Scotland and Northern Ireland. England and wales, the winds coming down a bit, but it is an unsettled day. Sunny spells and heavy showers. There is a tendency for temperatures to edge down a degree or two. That continues to be the case into friday. Again an unsettled day, still with those strong north westerly winds. Showers are most frequent across northern and Western Areas but if you are getting blown into central and eastern portions of the uk, so nowhere is immune from seeing the odd downpour. The temperature is edging back closer to average for this time of year. This weekend, saturday is the better of the two days. But we will be back to wet and windy conditions by sunday. Live from london, this is bbc news. President Biden Appeals to the United Nations General Assembly, urging World Leaders to stop russias Naked Aggression against ukraine. The bbc announces a review into complaints against comedian Russell Brand and removes his content from iplayer and bbc sounds. Mr brand denies all allegations. Azerbaijan launches a Military Operation in the disputed territory of nagorno karabakh, describing it as an Anti Terrorism action. Hello, im rajini vaidyanathan, welcome to verified live, three hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. Us leaderjoe Biden Hasjust addressed World Leaders at the United Nations General Assembly in new york. In a wide ranging speech, he warned all of humanity was at risk from climate change. And urged the un to stop russias Naked Aggression against ukraine. read 0n live now to my colleague Caitriona Perry in new york. Lam iamjoined i am joined here by the nato Secretary Generaljens stoltenberg. You were listening to the address joe Biden Hasjust delivered

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