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May contain scenes of violence and profanity. Members have decided that its in the Public Interest to show such scenes and we plan to broadcast the hearings without editing, in that same spirit of full public disclosure. So please be warned that some viewers may find some of the content offensive or distressing. As for what we can expect the panel of seven democrats and two republicans has said it plans to look into Donald Trumps mindset during his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. According to committee aides, this will include new Video Evidence from some witnesses that weve already heard from, and some who have not yet been seen by the public. But were told theyll be no live witnesses. The panel is expeced to release a final report, but its been vague about when that will be. Almost certainly it will be after next months� mid term elections, which will decide which Party Controls congress. � 0ver the summer, several witnesses told the committee how donald trump and his allies put pressure on election officials, and tried to nullify legally cast ballots. Lets hear now from the chairman. Without objection the chair is authorised to clear the committee in recess and any point, pursuant to house regulatory to the chair announced approval to release Deposition Material presented during todays hearing. Goad Deposition Material presented during todays hearing Deposition Material presented during todays hearing. Good afternoon. And ma god todays hearing. Good afternoon. And may god bless todays hearing. Good afternoon. And may god bless the todays hearing. Good afternoon. And may god bless the united todays hearing. Good afternoon. And may god bless the United States todays hearing. Good afternoon. And may god bless the United States of. May god bless the United States of america. Four months ago this committee started to present our findings to you, the american people. From the beginning we understood that some people watching those proceedings would wrongly assume that the committees investigation was a partisan exercise. Thats why i asked those who were sceptical of our work to simply listen. To listen to the evidence, to hear the testimony with an open mind. And to let the facts speakfor an open mind. And to let the facts speak for themselves before reaching anyjudgment. Overthe speak for themselves before reaching anyjudgment. Over the course of these hearings the evidence has proven that there were a multipart plant led by former President Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election. Donald trump lost his bid for reelection as shown from the testimony of some of the president s closest allies and advisors, donald trump knew he lost. Despite this knowledge donald trump went to court to contest the 2020 election and he lost in court. The Electoral College met and declared Joe Biden The Winner yet donald trump continued to pull out all the stops in his attempts to stay in power. What donald trump proceeded to do after the 2020 election is something no president has done before in our country, in a staggering betrayal of his old donald trump attempted a plan that led to an attack on a pillar our democracy. It is still hard to believe. But the facts and testimony are clear, consistent and undisputed. How do we know this . How have we been able to present sent a clear picture of what took place . Because of the testimony we have heard and we have presented to you through these proceedings. Because of the Documentary Evidence we gathered and also made available directly to you the american people. When you look back at what has come out through this committees work the most striking fact is that all of this evidence come almost entirely from republicans. The evidence that has emerged did not come from democrats or opponents of donald trump. Instead, look at who has written and justified and produced evidence. Who has not been . Aides who have Worked Loyally for donald trump for years, who have Worked Loyally for donald trumpforyears, republican who have Worked Loyally for donald trump for years, republican state of officials and legislators, republican electors, the chairwoman of the Republican National committee, political professionals who work at the highest levels of the Trump Campaign. Trump appointees who served in the most senior positions in theJustice Department. President trumps staff and closest advisers in the white house, members of the President Trumps family, his own white house counsel. I have served in congress a long time. I can tell you, its time for any congressional investigation to obtain evidence like what we received, least of all such a detailed view into a president s inner circle. I want to be clear, not all of these witnesses were thrilled to talk to us. Some put up quite a fight. But ultimately, the vast majority cooperated with our investigation. And what we have shown you over the last four months has been centred on the evidence, evidence that has come overwhelmingly from republican witnesses. So i say to you as i did injune, this investigation is not about politics. It is not about party, its about the facts plain and simple. And its about making sure our Government Functions under the rule of law as our constitution demands. Today as in previous proceedings, my colleagues and i will present new evidence that includes new testimony from additional republicans who served in the trump administration. Never before seen footage of congressional leaders onjanuary before seen footage of congressional leaders on january six before seen footage of congressional leaders Onjanuary Six working to co ordinate the response to violence and ensure the Peoples Business went forward. New materials produced to the committee by the Secret Service, details about the ongoing threat to american democracy. Todays proceeding will also be grounded in the facts. But it wont look exactly like all our other hearings. We will also take a step back and look at the evidence in a broader context dividing a summary of key facts weve uncovered. Facts relevant to former President Trumps State Of Mind about his motivation and about his intent. What did President Trump know, what was he told, what was his personal and substantial role in the multipart plan to overturn the election . Forthose multipart plan to overturn the election . For those of you who watched our prior hearings some of this evidence will look familiar. For those of you tuning in for the first time we will summarise some of the most important facts and we will urge you to go online and watch our hearing in full. There is one more difference about today, pursuant to the notice circulated prior to todays proceedings were convened todays proceedings were convened today not as a hearing but as a formal Committee Business meeting so that in addition to presenting evidence we can potentially hold a Committee Vote on further investigative action based upon that evidence. Before we get to that evidence. Before we get to that evidence i recognise our distinguished vice chair ms. Liz cheney of wyoming and any Opening Statement she would care to offer. Thank you very much, mr chairman. Much thank you very much, mr chairman. Much has thank you very much, mr chairman. Much has happened since our last public much has happened since our last Public Hearing Onjuly much has happened since our last public hearing on july 21. Much has happened since our last Public Hearing Onjuly 21. As a chairman Public Hearing Onjuly 21. As a chairman mention, we received a new and voluminous documentation from the secret and voluminous documentation from the Secret Service, which we continue the Secret Service, which we continue to analyse. Weve received new and continue to analyse. Weve received new and voluminous documentation from the new and voluminous documentation from the Secret Service, which we continue from the Secret Service, which we continue to from the Secret Service, which we continue to analyse. We receive new witness continue to analyse. We receive new Witness Testimony, including about efforts Witness Testimony, including about efforts to Witness Testimony, including about efforts to obstruct our investigation and conceal key facts. According investigation and conceal key facts. According to public reporting the Department Ofjustice has been very active Department Ofjustice has been very active in Department Ofjustice has been very active in pursuing many of the issues active in pursuing many of the issues identified in our prior hearings issues identified in our prior hearings. Our committee may ultimately decide to make a series of criminal ultimately decide to make a series of criminal referrals to the Department Ofjustice but we recognise that our role is not to make recognise that our role is not to make decisions regarding prosecution. The preamble to our constitution recites among its purposes constitution recites among its purposes to quote, quote establish Justice Purposes to quote, quote establish Justice Purposes to quote, quote establish justice in purposes to quote, quote establish justice. In our nationsjudiciary in our justice. In our nationsjudiciary in our us justice. In our nationsjudiciary in our Us Department ofjustice have that responsibility. A key element of this that responsibility. A key element of this committees responsibility is to propose reforms to prevent january to propose reforms to prevent january six from ever happening again january six from ever happening again. Weve already proposed and the houses again. Weve already proposed and the houses that pass a bill to amend the houses that pass a bill to amend the electoral count act to help ensure the electoral count act to help ensure that no other future plots to overturn ensure that no other future plots to overturn an ensure that no other future plots to overturn an election can succeed. And we overturn an election can succeed. And we will overturn an election can succeed. And we will make further specific recommendations in our final report based recommendations in our final report based in recommendations in our final report based in part on the evidence you will hear based in part on the evidence you will hear today. Our hearings last summer will hear today. Our hearings last summer began with an outline of President Summer began with an outline of President Trumps multipart plan to overturn President Trumps multipart plan to overturn the 20 20 president ial election overturn the 20 20 president ial election. We then proceeded to demonstrate each of these elements in detaii~ demonstrate each of these elements in detail. With more than 20 hours of evidence in detail. With more than 20 hours of evidence. Today we will see new evidence of evidence. Today we will see new evidence but is a german site, we will also evidence but is a german site, we will also synthesise evidence using before will also synthesise evidence using before. The vast weight of evidence presented before. The vast weight of evidence presented so far has shown us that the central presented so far has shown us that the Central Cause Ofjanuary Six was one man. The Central Cause Ofjanuary Six was one man, donald trump who many others followed. None of this woutdve others followed. None of this wouldve happened without him. He was personally and substantially involved was personally and substantially involved in all of it. Exactly how did one man because all of this . Today did one man because all of this . Today we did one man because all of this . Today we will focus on President Trumps today we will focus on President Trumps State Of Mind, his intent, ntotivations trumps State Of Mind, his intent, motivations and how he spurred others motivations and how he spurred others to motivations and how he spurred others to do his bidding. And how another others to do his bidding. And how anotherjanuary six could happen again anotherjanuary six could happen again if anotherjanuary six could happen again if we do not take necessary action again if we do not take necessary action to again if we do not take necessary action to prevent it. As you view our evidence today i would suggest a focus our evidence today i would suggest a focus on our evidence today i would suggest a focus on following points. First, as you will focus on following points. First, as you will see focus on following points. First, as you will see, President Trump had a premeditated plan to declare that the election was fraudulent and stolen the election was fraudulent and stolen before election day, before he knew stolen before election day, before he knew the Election Results. He made he knew the Election Results. He made his he knew the Election Results. He made his stolen election claims on Eiection Made his stolen election claims on Election Night against the advice of his campaign without any evidence in hand his campaign without any evidence in hand then his campaign without any evidence in hand. Then over the next two months he sought hand. Then over the next two months he sought to hand. Then over the next two months he sought to find those who would help him he sought to find those who would help him invent and spread lies about help him invent and spread lies about the help him invent and spread lies about the widespread fraud. Many of those about the widespread fraud. Many of those who about the widespread fraud. Many of those who stepped forward to Help Inciuding those who stepped forward to help including Rudy Giuliani new date never including Rudy Giuliani new date never had including Rudy Giuliani new date never had real evidence sufficient to change never had real evidence sufficient to change the Election Results. And on the to change the Election Results. And on the evening ofjanuary five they admitted on the evening ofjanuary five they admitted they were still trying to find that admitted they were still trying to find that phantom evidence. Of course find that phantom evidence. Of course as find that phantom evidence. Of course as a result of making an intentionally false claims of Election Fraud mr giuliani is licensed Election Fraud mr giuliani is licensed to practice law has now been licensed to practice law has now been suspended. Second, please recognise been suspended. Second, please recognise that president Donald Trunrp recognise that President Donald Trump was in a unique position, better trump was in a unique position, better informed about the absence of widespread Election Fraud than almost widespread Election Fraud than almost any other american. President trumps almost any other american. President trumps own almost any other american. President trumps own Campaign Experts told him that trumps own Campaign Experts told him that there was no evidence to support him that there was no evidence to support his him that there was no evidence to support his claims. His ownJustice Department appointees investigated the Election Fraud claims and told him point the Election Fraud claims and told him point blank date were false. In mid december 2020, him point blank date were false. In mid december2020, President Trump mid december 2020, President Trump senior mid december 2020, President Trump Senior Advisers mid december2020, President Trump Senior Advisers told him the time had come Senior Advisers told him the time had come to concede the election. Donald trump knew the courts have ruled donald trump knew the courts have ruled against him, he had all this information but still he made the Conscious Information but still he made the conscious choice to claim fraudulently that the election was stolen fraudulently that the election was stolen. To Pressure State Affections two officials to change Election Results. Two officials to change Election Results, manufacture electoral states. Results, manufacture electoral slates, attempt to corrupt our Department Ofjustice, to some intensive Department Ofjustice, to some intensive thousands of supporters to washington knowing that they were angrv, washington knowing that they were angry, knowing that some of them were angry, knowing that some of them were armed he sent them to the capitai~ were armed he sent them to the capital. Then as the riot was under way he capital. Then as the riot was under way he incited his supporters to further way he incited his supporters to further violence by publicly condemning his Vice President. And then he condemning his Vice President. And then he refused for hours to disband his writing then he refused for hours to disband his writing supporters and instruct them his writing supporters and instruct them to his writing supporters and instruct them to leave the capitol, even when he was begged repeatedly to do so. None he was begged repeatedly to do so. None of he was begged repeatedly to do so. None of this is normal or acceptable or iawful none of this is normal or acceptable or iawfui in none of this is normal or acceptable or lawful in our republic. Third, piease or lawful in our republic. Third, please consider today who had a hand in defeating President Trumps effort in defeating President Trumps effort to in defeating President Trumps effort to overturn the election. Vice effort to overturn the election. Vice president pentz, bill barr, jeff rosen and others at the Department Ofjustice, Mike Pence Department ofjustice, mike pence sav Department Ofjustice, mike pence. Say house official, white house pence. Say house official, white house staff and block proposals to mobilise house staff and block proposals to mobilise the military to seize voting mobilise the military to seize Voting Machines and run new elections. Voting machines and run new elections, our capitol police, aided by the elections, our capitol police, aided by the metropolitan police, other federal by the metropolitan police, other federal Law Enforcement in our nationai federal Law Enforcement in our National Guard Who Allot Two arrive later National Guard Who Allot Two arrive tater in National Guard Who Allot Two arrive tater in the National Guard Who Allot Two arrive later in the afternoon, all of these peopie later in the afternoon, all of these people had a hand in stopping donald trump people had a hand in stopping donald trump this people had a hand in stopping donald trump. This leads us to a key question trump. This leads us to a key question. Why would americans assume that our question. Why would americans assume that our constitution and our institutions and our republic are invulnerable to another attack . Why would invulnerable to another attack . Why would we invulnerable to another attack . Why would we assume that those institutions will not falter next time . Institutions will not falter next time . A institutions will not falter next time . A key lesson of this investigation is this, our institutions only hold wet Men And Women institutions only hold wet Men And Women of institutions only hold wet Men And Women of good faith make them hold, regardless women of good faith make them hold, regardless of the political cost. We have no regardless of the political cost. We have no guarantee that these Men And Women have no guarantee that these Men And Women witt have no guarantee that these Men And Women will be in place next time. Any future women will be in place next time. Any future president inclined to attempt any future president inclined to attempt or donald trump did in 2020 has now attempt or donald trump did in 2020 has now learned not to install people who could stand in the way. And also, people who could stand in the way. And also, please consider this, the rulings and also, please consider this, the rutings of and also, please consider this, the rulings of our courts our to in our two obeyed rulings of our courts our to in our two obeyed. Because we a citizen pledged two obeyed. Because we a citizen pledged to honour them for the most important. Pledged to honour them for the most important, our president who has a constitutional obligation to faithfully execute the laws swears to accept faithfully execute the laws swears to accept them. What happens when the president disregards the Courts Rulings the president disregards the Courts Rutings as the president disregards the Courts Rulings as illegitimate . When he disregards the rule of law . That my Fellow Disregards the rule of law . That my fellow citizens breaks our republic. Finally, fellow citizens breaks our republic. Finally, as fellow citizens breaks our republic. Finally, as you view the evidence today finally, as you view the evidence today also finally, as you view the evidence today also consider this, President Trump today also consider this, President Trump knew from unassailable sources that his trump knew from unassailable sources that his Election Fraud claims were false that his Election Fraud claims were false he that his Election Fraud claims were false. He admitted he had lost the election. False. He admitted he had lost the election, he took actions consistent with that election, he took actions consistent with that belief. Claims that President Trump actually thought the eiection President Trump actually thought the election was stolen are not supported by fact and are not a defense supported by fact and are not a defense. There is no defence that donaid defense. There is no defence that donald trump was duped or irrational, no president can defy the rule irrational, no president can defy the rule of irrational, no president can defy the rule of law and act this way in a constitutional republic. Mr chairman, our nations federaljudges are sworn chairman, our nations federaljudges are sworn to chairman, our nations federaljudges are sworn to do impartialjustice to preserve are sworn to do impartialjustice to preserve our constitution and preserve preserve our constitution and preserve our constitution and preserve our union. Dozens of these judges preserve our union. Dozens of these judges have preserve our union. Dozens of these judges have been addressing january six cases judges have been addressing january six cases and many have given us plain. Six cases and many have given us plain, unmistakable warnings about the direction of our republic. Let me read the direction of our republic. Let me read from one judges Statement Given me read from one judges Statement Given at me read from one judges Statement Given at a me read from one judges Statement Given at a recent Sentencing Hearing given at a recent Sentencing Hearing. High ranking. Mrchairman, the mr chairman, the violence and lawlessness Ofjanuary Six was unjustifiable. But our nation cannot only poiish unjustifiable. But our nation cannot only polish the foot soldiers who stormed only polish the foot soldiers who stormed our capital. Those who planned stormed our capital. Those who planned to overturn our elections and brought us to the point of violence and brought us to the point of violence must also be accountable. With every violence must also be accountable. With every effort to excuse or justify with every effort to excuse or justify the conduct of the former president justify the conduct of the former president we chip away at the foundation of our republic. Indefensible conduct is defended, and inexcusable conduct is excused, without and inexcusable conduct is excused, without accountability it all becomes normal and it will recur. So as we becomes normal and it will recur. So as we watch becomes normal and it will recur. So as we watch the evidence today piease as we watch the evidence today please consider where our nation is in its please consider where our nation is in its history, consider whether we can survive in its history, consider whether we can survive for another 246 years. Most can survive for another 246 years. Most people in most places on earth have not most people in most places on earth have not been free. America is an exception have not been free. America is an exception. And america continues only because we bind ourselves to our founders principles, to our constitution. We recognise that some principles constitution. We recognise that some principles must be beyond politics, Invioiate Principles must be beyond politics, inviolate and more important than any single inviolate and more important than any single american who has ever lived any single american who has ever lived. Thank you, mr chairman i yield lived. Thank you, mr chairman i yield baci statement. From california for an Opening Statement from california for an Opening Statement. , ~. ,. , statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Very shortly statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Very shortly after statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Very shortly after the statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Very shortly after the election statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Very shortly after the election we very shortly after the election we began very shortly after the election we began this very shortly after the election we began this meeting very shortly after the election we began this meeting by very shortly after the election we began this meeting by returning i very shortly after the election we i began this meeting by returning to eiection began this meeting by returning to Election Night began this meeting by returning to Election Night november began this meeting by returning to Election Night november 3, began this meeting by returning to Election Night november 3, 2020. | began this meeting by returning to. Election night november 3, 2020. As the chairman Election Night november 3, 2020. As the chairman noted, Election Night november 3, 2020. As the chairman noted, we Election Night november 3, 2020. As the chairman noted, we previously. The chairman noted, we previously produced the chairman noted, we previously produced dented the chairman noted, we previously produced dented testimony the chairman noted, we previously produced dented testimony about i the chairman noted, we previously produced dented testimony about how the eiection produced dented testimony about how the Election Results produced dented testimony about how the Election Results were produced dented testimony about how the Election Results were expected the Election Results were expected to come the Election Results were expected to come in the Election Results were expected to come in that the Election Results were expected to come in that night. The Election Results were expected to come in that night. In the Election Results were expected to come in that night. In certain. To come in that night. In certain state to come in that night. In certain State Ballots to come in that night. In certain State Ballots cast to come in that night. In certain State Ballots cast by to come in that night. In certain State Ballots cast by mail to come in that night. In certain| State Ballots cast by mail before election State Ballots cast by mail before election day State Ballots cast by mail before election day it State Ballots cast by mail before election day it would State Ballots cast by mail before election day it would be State Ballots cast by mail before election day it would be counted only after election day it would be counted only after the election day it would be counted only after the polls election day it would be counted only after the polls closed election day it would be counted only after the polls closed that i only after the polls closed that evening only after the polls closed that evening that only after the polls closed that evening. That meant only after the polls closed that evening. That meant that only after the polls closed that. Evening. That meant that Election Results evening. That meant that Election Results would evening. That meant that Election Results would not evening. That meant that Election Results would not be evening. That meant that Election Results would not be known evening. That meant that Election Results would not be known for. Evening. That meant that election i results would not be known for some time results would not be known for some time although results would not be known for some time. Although president results would not be known for some time. Although President Trumps time. Although President Trumps campaign time. Although President Trumps Campaign Manager, time. Although President Trumps Campaign Manager, house time. Although President Trumps Campaign Manager, House Republican ieader Campaign Manager, House Republican leader kevin Campaign Manager, House Republican leader Kevin Mccarty Campaign Manager, House Republican leader Kevin Mccarty lee Campaign Manager, House Republican leader Kevin Mccarty lee and Campaign Manager, House Republican leader Kevin Mccarty lee and jared. Leader Kevin Mccarty lee and Jared Kushner leader Kevin Mccarty lee and Jared Kushner had leader Kevin Mccarty lee and Jared Kushner had advised leader Kevin Mccarty lee and Jared Kushner had advised donald leader Kevin Mccarty lee and Jared Kushner had advised donald trump leader Kevin Mccarty lee and Jared I Kushner had advised donald trump to encourage kushner had advised donald trump to encourage mail kushner had advised donald trump to encourage mail in kushner had advised donald trump to encourage mail in voting kushner had advised donald trump to encourage mail in voting by encourage mail in voting by republicans encourage mail in voting by republicans president encourage mail in voting by. Republicans President Trump encourage mail in voting by republicans President Trump did not do so republicans President Trump did not do so. , , do so. Yeah, i ust remember generally do so. Yeah, i ust remember generally you do so. Yeah, ijust remember generally you have do so. Yeah, ijust remember generally you have people do so. Yeah, ijust remember generally you have people arguing that you had a very robust we made our case for why we believe mail in voting not to be a bad thing for his campaign. 50 it mail in voting not to be a bad thing for his campaign. Mail in voting not to be a bad thing for his campaign. So it was expected before the election for his campaign. So it was expected before the election that for his campaign. So it was expected before the election that the for his campaign. So it was expected before the election that the initial. Before the election that the initial count before the election that the initial count in before the election that the initial count in some before the election that the initial count in some states before the election that the initial count in some states in before the election that the initial count in some states in other before the election that the initial. Count in some states in other words, those count in some states in other words, those votes count in some states in other words, those votes cast count in some states in other words, those votes cast on count in some states in other words, those votes Cast On Election count in some states in other words, those votes Cast On Election day those votes Cast On Election day would those votes Cast On Election day would be those votes Cast On Election day would be more those votes Cast On Election day would be more heavily those votes Cast On Election day l would be more heavily republican those votes Cast On Election day would be more heavily republican and this would would be more heavily republican and this would create would be more heavily republican and this would create the would be more heavily republican and this would create the false this would create the false perception this would create the false perception of this would create the false perception of a this would create the false perception of a lead this would create the false perception of a lead for. This would create the false perception of a lead for President Trump perception of a lead for President Trump so called perception of a lead for President Trump so called red perception of a lead for President Trump so called red moraes. Perception of a lead for President Trump so called red moraes. But perception of a lead for president i trump so called red moraes. But as the Results Trump so called red moraes. But as the results of trump so called red moraes. But as the results of the trump so called red moraes. But as the results of the absentee trump so called red moraes. But as the results of the absentee valid the results of the absentee valid doing the results of the absentee valid doing that the results of the absentee valid doing that ballots the results of the absentee valid doing that ballots were the results of the absentee valid doing that ballots were later doing that ballots were later counted. Doing that ballots were later counted, there doing that ballots were later counted, there could doing that ballots were later counted, there could be doing that ballots were later. Counted, there could be trends towards counted, there could be trends towards vice counted, there could be trends towards Vice President counted, there could be trends towards Vice President biden l counted, there could be trendsl towards Vice President biden as those towards Vice President biden as those mail towards Vice President biden as those mail in towards Vice President biden as those mail in ballots towards Vice President biden as those mail in ballots were towards Vice President biden as. Those mail in ballots were counted. On those mail in ballots were counted. 0n eiection those mail in ballots were counted. On Election Night those mail in ballots were counted. On Election Night donald those mail in ballots were counted. On Election Night Donald Trumps i on Election Night Donald Trumps advisers on Election Night Donald Trumps advisers specifically on Election Night Donald Trumps advisers specifically told on Election Night Donald Trumps advisers specifically told him on Election Night Donald Trumps advisers specifically told him he| advisers specifically told him he didnt advisers specifically told him he didnt have advisers specifically told him he didnt have a advisers specifically told him he didnt have a factual advisers specifically told him he didnt have a factual basis advisers specifically told him he didnt have a factual basis to. Didnt have a factual basis to declare didnt have a factual basis to Declare Victory, didnt have a factual basis to Declare Victory, he didnt have a factual basis to Declare Victory, he should i didnt have a factual basis to. Declare victory, he should wait didnt have a factual basis to Declare Victory, he should wait for the remaining Declare Victory, he should wait for the remaining balance Declare Victory, he should wait for the remaining balance to Declare Victory, he should wait for the remaining balance to be Declare Victory, he should wait for. The remaining balance to be counted. Here is the remaining balance to be counted. Here is campaign the remaining balance to be counted. Here is Campaign Manager. The remaining balance to be counted. Here is Campaign Manager. It the remaining balance to be counted. Here is Campaign Manager. [it was the remaining balance to be counted. Here is Campaign Manager. Here is Campaign Manager. It was far too early to here is Campaign Manager. It was far too early to be here is Campaign Manager. It was far too early to be making here is Campaign Manager. It was far too early to be making any here is Campaign Manager. It was far too early to be making any calls too early to be making any calls like that. Ballots were still being counted, ballots are still being counted, ballots are still being counted for days. It was far too early to be making any proposition like that. I believed, my recommendation was to say that both were still being counted, its too early to tell, too early to call the race. � , race. But President Trump did Declare Victory race. But President Trump did Declare Victory in race. But President Trump did Declare Victory in the race. But President Trump did Declare Victory in the late race. But President Trump did i Declare Victory in the late hours race. But President Trump did Declare Victory in the late hours of eiection Declare Victory in the late hours of Election Night Declare Victory in the late hours of Election Night. Not Declare Victory in the late hours of Election Night. Not only Declare Victory in the late hours of Election Night. Not only did Declare Victory in the late hours of Election Night. Not only did he Election Night. Not only did he declare Election Night. Not only did he Declare Victory Election Night. Not only did he Declare Victory he Election Night. Not only did he Declare Victory he also Election Night. Not only did he Declare Victory he also called i Election Night. Not only did he i Declare Victory he also called for the ongoing Declare Victory he also called for the ongoing count Declare Victory he also called for the ongoing count of Declare Victory he also called for the ongoing count of votes Declare Victory he also called for the ongoing count of votes to i Declare Victory he also called for. The ongoing count of votes to use ust the ongoing count of votes to use just stop the ongoing count of votes to use just stop for the ongoing count of votes to use just stop for the the ongoing count of votes to use just stop for the count the ongoing count of votes to use just stop for the count wouldve l just stop for the count wouldve violated just stop for the count wouldve violated both just stop for the count wouldve violated both file just stop for the count wouldve violated both file the just stop for the count wouldve violated both file the net just stop for the count wouldve i violated both file the net federal and state violated both file the net federal and state laws violated both file the net federal and state laws and violated both file the net federal and state laws and also and state laws and also disenfranchise and state laws and also disenfranchise millions| and state laws and also. Disenfranchise millions of and state laws and also disenfranchise millions of fighters who lawfully disenfranchise millions of fighters who lawfully cast disenfranchise millions of fighters who lawfully cast their disenfranchise millions of fighters who lawfully cast their votes. Disenfranchise millions of fighters who lawfully cast their votes. Hel who lawfully cast their votes. He called who lawfully cast their votes. He called for who lawfully cast their votes. He called for that who lawfully cast their votes. He called for that action who lawfully cast their votes. He called for that action anyway. Who lawfully cast their votes. He. Called for that action anyway. Here is what called for that action anyway. Here is what he called for that action anyway. Here is what he said. Called for that action anyway. Here is what he said. This called for that action anyway. Here is what he said. Is what he said. This is a fraud on the american is what he said. This is a fraud on the american public. Is what he said. This is a fraud on the american public. This is what he said. This is a fraud on the american public. This is is what he said. This is a fraud on the american public. This is an i the american public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election, frankly we did win this election. We want all voting to stop. Election. We want all voting to sto. ~. , election. We want all voting to sto. , 4. ,. , election. We want all voting to sto. ~. ,. ,. , stop. We now know more about President Trumps stop. We now know more about President Trumps intention stop. We now know more about President Trumps intention for| President Trumps intention for eiection President Trumps intention for Election Night. President trumps intention for Election Night. The President Trumps intention for Election Night. The evidence i President Trumps intention for Election Night. The evidence shows that his Election Night. The evidence shows that his false Election Night. The evidence shows that his false victory Election Night. The evidence shows that his false Victory Speech Election Night. The evidence shows that his false Victory Speech was i that his false Victory Speech was planned that his false Victory Speech was planned wett that his false Victory Speech was planned well in that his false Victory Speech was planned well in advance, that his false Victory Speech was planned well in advance, before | that his false Victory Speech was planned well in advance, before any votes planned well in advance, before any votes had planned well in advance, before any votes had been planned well in advance, before any votes had been counted. Planned well in advance, before any votes had been counted. It planned well in advance, before any votes had been counted. It was planned well in advance, before any votes had been counted. It was a i votes had been counted. It was a premeditated plan votes had been counted. It was a premeditated plan by the votes had been counted. It was a. Premeditated plan by the president to declare premeditated plan by the president to Declare Victory premeditated plan by the president to Declare Victory no premeditated plan by the president to Declare Victory no matter premeditated plan by the president to Declare Victory no matter what. To Declare Victory no matter what the actual to Declare Victory no matter what the actual result to Declare Victory no matter what the actual result was. To Declare Victory no matter what the actual result was. He to Declare Victory no matter what the actual result was. He made i to Declare Victory no matter what the actual result was. He made a plan to the actual result was. He made a plant0 stay the actual result was. He made a plan to stay in the actual result was. He made a plan to stay in office the actual result was. He made a plan to stay in office before plan to stay in office before election plan to stay in office before election day. Plan to stay in office before election day. The plan to stay in office before election day. The vice plan to stay in office before election day. The Vice President staff election day. The Vice President staff was election day. The Vice President staff was concerned election day. The Vice President staff was concerned with election day. The Vice President staff was concerned with what i election day. The Vice President staff was concerned with what donald trump staff was concerned with what donald trump may staff was concerned with what donald trump may do staff was concerned with what donald trump may do on staff was concerned with what donald trump may do on election staff was concerned with what donald trump may do on Election Night. Staff was concerned with what donald | trump may do on Election Night. They took steps trump may do on Election Night. They took steps to trump may do on Election Night. They took steps to ensure trump may do on Election Night. They took steps to ensure that trump may do on Election Night. They took steps to ensure that mr trump may do on Election Night. They took steps to ensure that mr mike took steps to ensure that mr mike pence took steps to ensure that mr mike pence would took steps to ensure that mr mike pence would not took steps to ensure that mr mike pence would not echo took steps to ensure that mr mike pence would not echo a took steps to ensure that mr mike pence would not echo a false took steps to ensure that mr mike. Pence would not echo a false Victory Announcement pence would not echo a false Victory Announcement from pence would not echo a false Victory Announcement from President Pence would not echo a false victory. Announcement from President Trump. Here is announcement from President Trump. Here is what announcement from President Trump. Here is what the announcement from President Trump. Here is what the vice announcement from President Trump. Here is what the Vice President here is what the Vice President counsel here is what the Vice President counsel greg here is what the Vice President Counsel Greg Jacob here is what the Vice President Counsel Greg Jacob told here is what the Vice President Counsel Greg Jacob told us here is what the Vice President i Counsel Greg Jacob told us about here is what the Vice President Counsel Greg Jacob told us about the preparations with Counsel Greg Jacob told us about the preparations with the Counsel Greg Jacob told us about the preparations with the vice Counsel Greg Jacob told us about the preparations with the Vice President l preparations with the Vice President Chief Of Preparations with the Vice President Chief Of Staff preparations with the Vice President Chief Of Staff mark preparations with the Vice President Chief Of Staff mark short. Preparations with the Vice President Chief Of Staff mark short. Mark preparations with the Vice President Chief Of Staff mark short. Chief of staff mark short. Mark had indicated to Chief Of Staff mark short. Mark had indicated to me Chief Of Staff mark short. Mark had indicated to me that Chief Of Staff mark short. Mark had indicated to me that there Chief Of Staff mark short. Mark had indicated to me that there was Chief Of Staff mark short. Mark had indicated to me that there was a i indicated to me that there was a possibility that they would be a declaration of victory within the white house that some had pushed for. This is prior to the Election Results being known. And that he was trying to figure out a way of avoiding the Vice President of being thrust into a position. To opine on that when he might not have sufficient information to do so. Following this conversation Mrjacob Draughted following this conversation Mrjacob Draughted a following this conversation Mrjacob Draughted a memo following this conversation Mrjacob Draughted a memo to following this conversation Mrjacob Draughted a memo to mr following this conversation Mrjacob Draughted a memo to mr short following this conversation Mrjacobl Draughted a memo to mr short which the Select Draughted a memo to mr short which the select committee draughted a memo to mr short which the select committee he draughted a memo to mr short which the select committee he Got Draughted a memo to mr short which the select committee he got from. Draughted a memo to mr short whichl the select committee he got from the Nationai The Select Committee he got from the national the the select committee he got from the national the was the select committee he got from the national the was sent the select committee he got from the national the was sent on the select committee he got from the national the was sent on three national the was sent on three Eiection National The was sent on three election day national the was sent on three election day and national the was sent on three election day and advised. A few days before the election mr trump a few days before the election mr trump also a few days before the election mr trump also consulted a few days before the election mr trump also consulted with a few days before the election mr trump also consulted with one i a few days before the election mr trump also consulted with one of| a few days before the election mr i trump also consulted with one of his outside trump also consulted with one of his outside advisors, trump also consulted with one of his outside advisors, inside trump also consulted with one of his outside advisors, Inside Activity outside advisors, Inside Activity tom outside advisors, Inside Activity tom fitton outside advisors, Inside Activity tom fitton about outside advisors, Inside Activity tom fitton about the outside advisors, Inside Activity tom fitton about the strategy. Outside advisors, Inside Activity i tom fitton about the strategy for election tom fitton about the strategy for Election Night tom fitton about the strategy for Election Night. The tom fitton about the strategy for Election Night. The select tom fitton about the strategy for Election Night. The select committee ot Election Night. The select committee got this Election Night. The select committee got This Preprepared Election Night. The select committee got This Preprepared statement Election Night. The select committee got This Preprepared statement from the nationai got This Preprepared statement from the national archives. Got This Preprepared statement from the national archives. As got This Preprepared statement from the national archives. As you got This Preprepared statement from the national archives. As you can. The national archives. As you can see, the national archives. As you can see the the national archives. As you can see, the draught the national archives. As you can see, the draught statement, the national archives. As you can. See, the draught statement, which was sent see, the draught statement, which was sent on see, the draught statement, which was sent on october see, the draught statement, which was sent on october 31 see, the draught statement, which was sent on october 31 declares. | see, the draught statement, which |was sent on october 31 declares. J everyone knew that Ballot Counting would everyone knew that Ballot Counting would lawfully everyone knew that Ballot Counting would lawfully continue everyone knew that Ballot Counting would lawfully continue past would lawfully continue past eiection would lawfully continue past election day would lawfully continue past election day was would lawfully continue past election day was claiming i would lawfully continue past i election day was claiming that would lawfully continue past election day was claiming that the counting election day was claiming that the counting on election day was claiming that the counting on election election day was claiming that the counting on Election Night election day was claiming that the counting on Election Night must. Election day was claiming that the. Counting on Election Night must stop for millions counting on Election Night must stop for millions of counting on Election Night must stop for millions of votes counting on Election Night must stop for millions of votes were counting on Election Night must stop for millions of votes were counted i for millions of votes were counted was as for millions of votes were counted was as we for millions of votes were counted was as we now for millions of votes were counted was as we now know for millions of votes were counted was as we now know a for millions of votes were counted was as we now know a key for millions of votes were counted was as we now know a key part of| for millions of votes were counted was as we now know a key part of the president was as we now know a key part of the President Trump was as we now know a key part of the President Trump pre meditative was as we now know a key part of the | President Trump pre meditative plan. On President Trump pre meditative plan. 0n etection President Trump pre meditative plan. 0n election day, President Trump pre meditative plan. On election day, just President Trump pre meditative plan. On election day, just after President Trump pre meditative plan. On election day, just after 5pm President Trump pre meditative plan. On election day, just after 5pm mr on election day, just after 5pm mr sitton on election day, just after 5pm mr sitton indicated on election day, just after 5pm mr sitton indicated he on election day, just after 5pm mr sitton indicated he spoken on election day, just after 5pm mr sitton indicated he spoken to on election day, just after 5pm mr sitton indicated he spoken to the i sitton indicated he spoken to the president sitton indicated he spoken to the president about sitton indicated he spoken to the president about the sitton indicated he spoken to the president about the statement. President about the statement sending president about the statement Sending Aiong president about the statement sending along again. President about the statement sending along again. Again, i president about the statement. Sending along again. Again, this plan sending along again. Again, this pian to sending along again. Again, this plan to declare sending along again. Again, this plan to Declare Victory sending along again. Again, this plan to Declare Victory was sending along again. Again, this plan to Declare Victory was in sending along again. Again, thisi plan to Declare Victory was in place before plan to Declare Victory was in place before any plan to Declare Victory was in place before any of plan to Declare Victory was in place before any of the plan to Declare Victory was in place before any of the results plan to Declare Victory was in place before any of the results have plan to Declare Victory was in place | before any of the results have been determined before any of the results have been determined in before any of the results have been determined. In the before any of the results have been determined. In the course before any of the results have been determined. In the course of before any of the results have been determined. In the course of our. Determined. In the course of our investigation determined. In the course of our investigation we determined. In the course of our investigation we also determined. In the course of our| investigation we also interviewed President Investigation we also interviewed President Trumps investigation we also interviewed President Trumps former investigation we also interviewed. President trumps former Campaign Manager President Trumps former Campaign Manager he President Trumps former Campaign Manager he told President Trumps former Campaign Manager. He told us President Trumps former Campaign Manager. He told us he President Trumps former campaignj manager. He told us he understood that president manager. He told us he understood that President Trump manager. He told us he understood that President Trump planned manager. He told us he understood that President Trump planned as. That President Trump planned as earty that President Trump planned as early as that President Trump planned as early asjuiy that President Trump planned as early asjuiy that that President Trump planned as early as july that he that President Trump planned as early as july that he would that President Trump planned as early as july that he would say. That President Trump planned asi early as july that he would say he won the early as july that he would say he won the election early as july that he would say he won the election even early as july that he would say he won the election even if early as july that he would say he won the election even if he lost. I won the election even if he lost. And just won the election even if he lost. And just a won the election even if he lost. And just a few won the election even if he lost. And just a few days won the election even if he lost. And just a few days before won the election even if he lost. And just a few days before the l and just a few days before the election steve and just a few days before the election steve bannon, and just a few days before the election steve bannon, a and just a few days before the. Election steve bannon, a former trump election steve bannon, a former trump chief election steve bannon, a former trump chief white election steve bannon, a former trump chief white house election steve bannon, a former trump chief white house strategists and outside trump chief white house strategists and outside adviser trump chief white house strategists and outside adviser to trump chief white house strategists and outside adviser to president and outside adviser to President Trump and outside adviser to President Trump spoke and outside adviser to President Trump spoke to and outside adviser to President Trump spoke to a and outside adviser to President Trump spoke to a group and outside adviser to President Trump spoke to a group of and outside adviser to President Trump spoke to a group of his. Trump spoke to a group of his associates trump spoke to a group of his associates from trump spoke to a group of his associates from china trump spoke to a group of his associates from china and trump spoke to a group of his| associates from china and said thism the democrats early vote, they can have an national disadvantage and trumps get to take advantage. When you wake up wednesday morning, it could be a firestorm. Also, if trump is losing by ten or 11 oclock at night is going to be even crazier. Because hes going to sit right there and say they stole it. And directing the Attorney General to shut out all ballot places, in all 50 states, it can be nuts. Hes not going out easy. If biden is winning, trump is going to do some crazy bleep. Lays trump is going to do some crazy blee. � ,. , trump is going to do some crazy blee. , � , k, 4. , trump is going to do some crazy blee. A ,. , ~ trump is going to do some crazy blee. ,. , ~. , bleep. As you know mr bannon has refused to testify bleep. As you know mr bannon has refused to testify in bleep. As you know mr bannon has refused to testify in our refused to testify in our investigation. Refused to testify in our investigation. And refused to testify in our investigation. And he. Refused to testify in our investigation. And he is refused to testify in our investigation. And he is awaiting sentencing investigation. And he is awaiting sentencing. But investigation. And he is awaiting sentencing. But the investigation. And he is awaiting sentencing. But the evidence. Sentencing. But the evidence indicates sentencing. But the evidence indicates that sentencing. But the evidence indicates that mr sentencing. But the evidence indicates that mr bannon sentencing. But the evidence indicates that mr bannon had advanced indicates that mr bannon had advanced knowledge indicates that mr bannon had advanced knowledge of indicates that mr bannon had advanced knowledge of mr. Indicates that mr bannon had i advanced knowledge of mr echo threes advanced knowledge of mr echo threes content advanced knowledge of mr echo threes content to advanced knowledge of mr echo threes content to declare advanced knowledge of mr echol threes content to Declare Victory falsely threes content to Declare Victory falsely on threes content to Declare Victory falsely on election threes content to Declare Victory falsely on Election Night threes content to Declare Victory falsely on Election Night but threes content to Declare Victory falsely on Election Night but also| falsely on Election Night but also that mr falsely on Election Night but also that mr bannon falsely on Election Night but also that mr bannon knew falsely on Election Night but also that mr bannon knew about falsely on Election Night but also that mr bannon knew about mr. Falsely on Election Night but also that mr bannon knew about mr trumps planning that mr bannon knew about mr trumps planning for that mr bannon knew about mr trumps Planning Forjanuary that mr bannon knew about mr trumps Planning Forjanuary six. That mr bannon knew about mr trumps Planning Forjanuary six. Heres Planning Forjanuary six. Heres what Planning Forjanuary six. Heres what bannon Planning Forjanuary six. Heres what bannon said Planning Forjanuary six. Heres what bannon said on Planning Forjanuary six. Heres what bannon said onjanuary. Planning forjanuary six. Heres. What bannon said onjanuary five. All heli what bannon said onjanuary five. All hell is what bannon said onjanuary five. All hell is going what bannon said onjanuary five. All hell is going to what bannon said onjanuary five. All hell is going to break what bannon said onjanuary five. All hell is going to break loose. All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. Its all converging and now were on the point of attack. The point of attack tomorrow. Ill tell you this, its not gonna happen like you this, its not gonna happen like you think its going to happen. Ok . It can be quite extraordinarily different. All i can say is strapped in. You have made this happen and tomorrow its in. You have made this happen and tomorrow its game day. So strap in, lets get ready. Tomorrow its game day. So strap in, lets get ready lets get ready. Another close associate lets get ready. Another close associate of lets get ready. Another close associate of donald lets get ready. Another close associate of donald trump. Lets get ready. Another close associate of donald trump apparently knew of associate of donald trump apparently knew of mr associate of donald trump apparently knew of mr trumps associate of donald trump apparently knew of mr trumps Intention Associate of donald trump apparently knew of mr trumps intention as knew of mr trumps intention as welt knew of mr trumps intention as welt roger knew of mr trumps intention as well. Roger stone knew of mr trumps intention as well. Roger stone is knew of mr trumps intention as well. Roger stone is a knew of mr trumps intention as well. Roger stone is a political. Well. Roger stone is a political operative well. Roger stone is a political operative with well. Roger stone is a political operative with a well. Roger stone is a political operative with a reputation well. Roger stone is a political operative with a Reputation Forj operative with a reputation for dirty operative with a reputation for dirty tricks operative with a reputation for dirty tricks. In operative with a reputation for dirty tricks. In november operative with a reputation for dirty tricks. In November 2019 operative with a reputation for. Dirty tricks. In November 2019 he was convicted dirty tricks. In November 2019 he was convicted of dirty tricks. In November 2019 he was convicted of lying dirty tricks. In November 2019 he was convicted of lying to dirty tricks. In November 2019 hel was convicted of lying to congress and other was convicted of lying to congress and other crimes was convicted of lying to congress and other crimes and was convicted of lying to congress and other crimes and sentenced. Was convicted of lying to congressl and other crimes and sentenced to more and other crimes and sentenced to more than and other crimes and sentenced to more than three and other crimes and sentenced to more than three years and other crimes and sentenced to more than three years in and other crimes and sentenced to more than three years in prison. More than three years in prison. Hes more than three years in prison. Hes also more than three years in prison. Hes also a more than three years in prison. Hes also a long time more than three years in prison. Hes also a long time adviser i more than three years in prison. Hes also a long time adviser to| hes also a long time adviser to president hes also a long time adviser to President Trump hes also a long time adviser to President Trump and hes also a long time adviser to President Trump and was hes also a long time adviser to President Trump and was in President Trump and was in communication President Trump and was in communication with President Trump and was in communication with trump | President Trump and was in communication with trump throughout 2020 communication with trump throughout 2020 mr communication with trump throughout 2020 mrtrump communication with trump throughout 2020. Mr trump pardon communication with trump throughout 2020. Mr trump pardon roger communication with trump throughout 2020. Mr trump pardon roger stone i communication with trump throughout. 2020. Mr trump pardon roger stone on decamber 2020. Mr trump pardon roger stone on december 23, 2020. Mr trump pardon roger stone on december 23, 2020. 2020. Mr trump pardon roger stone on december 23, 2020. Recently, 2020. Mr trump pardon roger stone on december 23, 2020. Recently, the december 23, 2020. Recently, the select december 23, 2020. Recently, the select committee december 23, 2020. Recently, the select committee got december 23, 2020. Recently, the select committee got footage december 23, 2020. Recently, the select committee got footage of i december23, 2020. Recently, the| select committee got footage of mr stone select committee got footage of mr stone before select committee got footage of mr stone before and select committee got footage of mr stone before and after select committee got footage of mr stone before and after the select committee got footage of mr stone before and after the election| stone before and after the election from danish stone before and after the election from danish filmmaker, stone before and after the election from danish filmmaker, Pursuant L Stone before and after the election| from danish filmmaker, pursuant to stone before and after the election i from danish filmmaker, pursuant to a subpoena from danish filmmaker, pursuant to a Subpoena Right from danish filmmaker, pursuant to a subpoena. Right before from danish filmmaker, pursuant to a subpoena. Right before the from danish filmmaker, pursuant to a subpoena. Right before the election l subpoena. Right before the election here is subpoena. Right before the election here is roger subpoena. Right before the election here is roger stone subpoena. Right before the election here is roger stone talking subpoena. Right before the election here is roger stone talking about i here is roger stone talking about what president here is roger stone talking about what President Trump here is roger stone talking about what President Trump would here is roger stone talking about what President Trump would do l here is roger stone talking about what President Trump would do after the etectioh what President Trump would do after the election the election. Lets ust hope were celebrating. The election. Lets ust hope were celebrating. the election. Letsjust hope were celebrating. I suspect the election. Letsjust hope were celebrating. I suspect it the election. Letsjust hope were celebrating. I suspect it will the election. Letsjust hope were celebrating. I suspect it will be. Celebrating. I suspect it will be still up in the air. But when that happens the key thing to do is to claim Victory Possession is 9 cents of law for that note we won, after you, you are wrong, as you. The select Committee Call him as a witness but he invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. To the violence was justified . Self incrimination. To the violence wasjustified . fin selfincrimination. To the violence wasiustified . Wasjustified . On the advice, i resoectfully wasjustified . On the advice, I Respectfully decline wasjustified . On the advice, I Respectfully decline to wasjustified . On the advice, I Respectfully decline to answer| wasjustified . On the advice, I Respectfully decline to answer your question respectfully decline to answer your question on respectfully decline to answer your question on the respectfully decline to answer your question on the basis respectfully decline to answer your question on the basis of respectfully decline to answer your question on the basis of the respectfully decline to answer your question on the basis of the fifth. Question on the basis of the Fifth Amendment question on the basis of the Fifth Amendment. Did question on the basis of the Fifth Amendment question on the basis of the Fifth Amendment. ,. ,. , amendment. Did you have any role in lannin amendment. Did you have any role in planning the amendment. Did you have any role in planning the violence amendment. Did you have any role in planning the violence on amendment. Did you have any role in planning the violence on january planning the violence on january six . Planning the violence on january six . I planning the violence on january six . ,. Planning the violence on january six . , , six . I will assert my Fifth Amendment six . I will assert my Fifth Amendment right six . I will assert my Fifth Amendment right to six . I will assert my fifth i amendment right to decline six . I will assert my Fifth Amendment right to decline to six . I will assert my Fifth Amendment right to decline to answer your question amendment right to decline to answer your question your question. Although we do not et have your question. Although we do not yet have all your question. Although we do not yet have all the your question. Although we do not yet have all the relevant your question. Although we do not yet have all the relevant records. Your question. Although we do not| yet have all the relevant records of roger stones communications, even his own social media posts acknowledge that he spoke with donald trump on december 27 as Preparation Forjanuary six were under way. Preparation forjanuary six were underway. In Preparation Forjanuary six were under way. In this post, you can see a roger stone talked about his conversations with President Trump. He wrote, i also told the president exactly how as we know by now, the idea for Special Counsel was notjust as we know by now, the idea for Special Counsel was not just an as we know by now, the idea for Special Counsel was notjust an idle suggestion, is something President Trump actually tried to do earlier that month. We know that roger stone was at the Willard Hotel onjanuary five and sixth and we know from other Witness Testimony that President Trump asked his Chief Of Staff, mark meadows, to speak with roger stone and general Michael Flynn that night. In addition to his connection to President Trump, roger stone maintained extensive direct connections to two groups responsible for violently attacking the capital. The oath keepers and the capital. The oath keepers and the proud boys. Individuals from both of these organisations have been charged with the crime of Seditious Conspiracy. And what is Seditious Conspiracy. And what is Seditious Conspiracy . A conspiracy to use violent force against the United States to oppose the Lawful Authority of the United States. Multiple associates of roger stone from both the oath keepers and the proud boys have been charged with this crime. Close associates of roger stone including Joshua James Have pled guilty to this crime. We know that at least seven oath keepers who have been criminally charged, provided personal security for roger stone and was seen with him Onjanuary Six or in the weeks leading up to january six. For example, the leader of the alabama oath keepers provided security for roger stone and was with him on january five. And this picture of the two together onjanuary january five. And this picture of the two together on january five. James entered the capital Onjanuary Six, he assaulted a Police Officer earlier this year, he pled guilty to Seditious Conspiracy and obstruction of congress. Another example is the married couple kelly was the leader of the florida chapter of the oath keepers both he and his wife provided security for roger stone and both were charged with leading a Military Style Stack Attack on oath keepers, attacking the capital on january six. Perhaps even more disturbing is roger stones Close Association with henrique. The National Chairman of the proud boys. Roger stones connection with henrique in the proud boys is well documented. By the Video Evidence and Phone Records that the committee has obtained and he along with other proud boys have been charged with multiple crimes concerning the attack on january six, multiple crimes concerning the attack Onjanuary Six, including Seditious Conspiracy. During the attack, Enrique Tarrio sent a message to other proud boys claiming we did that. He also visited the white house on december 12. Later that day, he posted a disturbing video, claiming credit for the attack. This video posted Onjanuary Six was apparently created prior to the attack. This big light, President Trumps effort to convince americans that he had won the 2020 election began before the Election Results even came in. It was intentional, it was premeditated, it is not based on Election Results or any evidence of actual fraud affecting the results or any actual problems with Voting Machines. It was a plan concocted in advance to convince his supporters that he won and the people who seemingly knew about that plan and advance would ultimately play a significant role in the events of january six. To make the chair recognises the gentleman from illinois for an Opening Statement. Gentleman from illinois for an Opening Statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Opening statement. Thank you, mr chairman very Opening Statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Very shortly Opening Statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Very shortly after Opening Statement. Thank you, mr chairman. Very shortly after the i chairman. Very shortly after the election. Chairman. Very shortly after the election, the Trump Campaign notice that they election, the Trump Campaign notice that they had likely lost the election and inform donald trump of that fact election and inform donald trump of that fact even before they caught the rates that fact even before they caught the rates are biden, his chances of putting the rates are biden, his chances of putting off the rates are biden, his chances of pulling off her victory were virtuatty pulling off her victory were virtually nonexistent and president knew virtually nonexistent and president knew it virtually nonexistent and president knew it to virtually nonexistent and president knew it. ,. ,. ,. Virtually nonexistent and president knew it. ,. ,. ,. , knew it. To you november never told the president knew it. To you november never told the president that knew it. To you november never told the president that he knew it. To you november never told the president that he had knew it. To you november never told the president that he had lost knew it. To you november never told the president that he had lost and i the president that he had lost and that there the president that he had lost and that there wasnt the president that he had lost and that there wasnt a the president that he had lost and that there wasnt a chance the president that he had lost and that there wasnt a chance of the president that he had lost and that there wasnt a chance of him| that there wasnt a chance of him winning . That there wasnt a chance of him winning . Itte that there wasnt a chance of him winnin . ~ ~. , that there wasnt a chance of him winnin . ,. ,. , winning . We know that the president , when the Network Winning . We know that the president , when the network scolded, winning . We know that the president , when the network scolded, he winning . We know that the president , when the network scolded, he was when the network scolded, he was informed about the network decision, that afternoon, myself and a handful of other folks sat down with the president and communicated the odds his prevailing and legal challenges were very small. After the election, and yourjudgment, were the chances of President Trump winning the election . � ,. , ~ election . After the point . Nine. At times, president election . After the point . Nine. At times, President Trump election . After the point . Nine. At l times, President Trump acknowledge the reality times, President Trump acknowledge the reality of his loss and although he publicly claimed he had won the election. He publicly claimed he had won the election, privately, he admitted thatjoe election, privately, he admitted Thatjoe Biden would election, privately, he admitted that joe biden would take election, privately, he admitted Thatjoe Biden would take over as president Thatjoe Biden would take over as president and theres a few examples of that president and theres a few examples of that so president and theres a few examples of that. ,. , president and theres a few examples of that. ,. , president and theres a few examples of that. ,. ,. ,. ,. , of that. So we are having a discussion of that. So we are having a discussion and of that. So we are having a discussion and the of that. So we are having a i discussion and the president of that. So we are having a discussion and the president says, i think. Discussion and the president says, i think. He discussion and the president says, i think. He says discussion and the president says, i think, he says wants discussion and the president says, i think, he says wants to discussion and the president says, i think, he says wants to be i believe a week after the election was called, i popped into the oval just to give the president the headlines and see how he was doing was looking at the tv and he said, key believe i lost of this guy . Following the conversation during the white house and does the present believing that he lost and he said, a lot of times he will tell me that he lost but he wants to keep fighting and he thinks there might be enough to overturn the election but, he has been much acknowledge that he has lost. S knowing that he had lost and weird weeks left in office, President Trump rushed to complete his unfinished business. Mac one key example is this. President trump issued an order for large scale troop withdrawals. He withdrew for the consequences of fragile withdrew for the consequences of fragile governments on the front line against isis, alqaeda terrorist line against isis, alqaeda terrorist. Knowing he was leaving office. Terrorist. Knowing he was leaving office. He terrorist. Knowing he was leaving office, he acted immediately and signed office, he acted immediately and signed this order on november 11 which signed this order on november 11 which wouldve required the immediate withdrawal of troops from somalia immediate withdrawal of troops from somalia and afghanistan all to be complete before the Biden Inauguration onjanuary complete before the Biden Inauguration on january 20. Complete before the Biden Inauguration onjanuary 20. As complete before the Biden Inauguration on january 20. As you watch inauguration on january 20. As you watch these inauguration on january 20. As you watch these clips, this was the National Watch these clips, this was the National Security adviser to the Vice President and it served as chiet Vice President and it served as chief of Vice President and it served as Chief Of Staff for the National Security Chief Of Staff for the National Security office and was the general chief of Security Office and was the general Chief Of Staff and the pentagon. Are ou Chief Of Staff and the pentagon. Are you familiar with the memo that the president you familiar with the memo that the president reportedly you familiar with the memo that the president reportedly signed you familiar with the memo that the president reportedly signed on president reportedly signed on november president reportedly signed on november 11, president reportedly signed on november 11, 2020 president reportedly signed on november 11, 2020 ordering. President reportedly signed on i november 11, 2020 ordering the president reportedly signed on november 11, 2020 ordering the truth be troops be withdrawn . When he first interviewed and met colonel douglas mcgregor, is it fair to say that you discuss this decision of withdrawing from somalia and afghanistan, correct . Yes. Decision of withdrawing from somalia and afghanistan, correct . And afghanistan, correct . Yes, im sure that is and afghanistan, correct . Yes, im sure that is part and afghanistan, correct . Yes, im sure that is part of and afghanistan, correct . Yes, im sure that is part of it, and afghanistan, correct . Yes, im sure that is part of it, yeah. And afghanistan, correct . Yes, im sure that is part of it, yeah. In sure that is part of it, yeah. In the sure that is part of it, yeah. The position sure that is part of it, yeah. In the position he was taking over there as Senior Adviser to the secretary of defence, is that correct . Secretary of defence, is that correct . And secretary of defence, is that correct . And just secretary of defence, is that correct . Yes. And just some clear, correct . Yes. And ust some clear, he responded correct . Yes. And just some clear, he responded back the day, meaning leadership was not going to take any of the steps without an order since without a directive, yet. When i was in the meeting without a directive, yet. When i was in the meeting and without a directive, yet. When i was in the meeting and this without a directive, yet. When i was in the meeting and this is without a directive, yet. When i was in the meeting and this is my without a directive, yet. When i was| in the meeting and this is my answer to hint. In the meeting and this is my answer to hint. If in the meeting and this is my answer to hint. If you in the meeting and this is my answer to him, if you want in the meeting and this is my answer to him, if you want the in the meeting and this is my answer to him, if you want the stabbing to him, if you want the stabbing of the president to him, if you want the stabbing of the president wants to him, if you want the stabbing of the president wants this to to him, if you want the stabbing of| the president wants this to happen, hes got the president wants this to happen, hes got to the president wants this to happen, hes got to ride the president wants this to happen, hes got to ride in the president wants this to happen, hes got to ride in order. The president wants this to happen, hes got to ride in order. Unix the president wants this to happen, hes got to ride in order. Hes got to ride in order. Lmx you never wrote hes got to ride in order. Lmx you never wrote this hes got to ride in order. Lmx you never wrote this down hes got to ride in order. Lmx you never wrote this down in hes got to ride in order. Lmx you never wrote this down in a hes got to ride in order. Lmx you i never wrote this down in a capacity . I wrote down some key statements in the president. I wrote down some key statements in the president , whats i wrote down some key statements in the president , whats the i wrote down some key statements in the president , whats the right the president , whats the right word, the president , whats the right word, boilerplate the president , whats the right word, boilerplate language. I the president , whats the right l word, boilerplate language. Igirtho the president , whats the right word, boilerplate language. Who is in his office word, boilerplate language. Who is in his office after word, boilerplate language. Who is in his office after the word, boilerplate language. Who is in his office after the order . Was a by Auto Pandered to the president sign it . The president signed president sign it . The president signed it president sign it . The president sinned it. � president sign it . The president sinned it. , president sign it . The president sined it. ,. ,. , signed it. And who obtained that si. Nature signed it. And who obtained that signature was signed it. And who obtained that signature was blue signed it. And who obtained that signature was blue i signed it. And who obtained that signature was blue i did. And who obtained that signature . Idid. And i proceeded to tell him, mcgregor, and i proceeded to tell him, mcgregor, that and i proceeded to tell him, mcgregor, that if and i proceeded to tell him, mcgregor, that if i and i proceeded to tell him, mcgregor, that if i ever and i proceeded to tell him, mcgregor, that if i ever saw| mcgregor, that if i ever saw anything mcgregor, that if i ever saw anything like mcgregor, that if i ever saw anything like that, mcgregor, that if i ever saw anything like that, i mcgregor, that if i ever saw anything like that, i would i mcgregor, that if i ever saw. Anything like that, i would do something anything like that, i would do something physical. Anything like that, i would do something physical. Because| anything like that, i would dol something physical. Because i anything like that, i would do something physical. Because i felt what that something physical. Because i felt what that was something physical. Because i felt what that was was something physical. Because i felt what that was was a something physical. Because i felt what that was was a tremendous i what that was was a tremendous disservice what that was was a tremendous disservice to what that was was a tremendous disservice to the what that was was a tremendous disservice to the nation what that was was a tremendous disservice to the nation and i what that was was a tremendous disservice to the nation and that| disservice to the nation and that was a disservice to the nation and that was a very disservice to the nation and that was a very contested disservice to the nation and that was a very contested issue. I disservice to the nation and that i was a very contested issue. There were was a very contested issue. There were people was a very contested issue. There were people who was a very contested issue. There were people who did was a very contested issue. There were people who did not was a very contested issue. There were people who did not agree i was a very contested issue. There i were people who did not agree with getting were people who did not agree with getting out were people who did not agree with getting out of were people who did not agree with getting out of afghanistan. Were people who did not agree with getting out of afghanistan. | getting out of afghanistan. I appreciate getting out of afghanistan. I appreciate their getting out of afghanistan. I appreciate their concern i getting out of afghanistan. I| appreciate their concern with getting out of afghanistan. I appreciate their concern with the immediate appreciate their concern with the immediate departure appreciate their concern with the immediate departure that appreciate their concern with the immediate departure that memo appreciate their concern with the i immediate departure that memo said woutdve immediate departure that memo said woutdve Treen Immediate Departure that memo said wouldve been a immediate departure that memo said wouldve been a catastrophic. Immediate departure that memo said wouldve been a catastrophic. The i wouldve been a catastrophic. The same wouldve been a catastrophic. The same thing wouldve been a catastrophic. The same thing with wouldve been a catastrophic. The same thing with president wouldve been a catastrophic. The same thing with president biden,| wouldve been a catastrophic. The. Same thing with president biden, it wouldve same thing with president biden, it wouldve been same thing with president biden, it wouldve been a same thing with president biden, it wouldve been a debacle. Same thing with president biden, it wouldve been a debacle. It same thing with president biden, it wouldve been a debacle. Wouldve been a debacle. It was for an immediate wouldve been a debacle. It was for an immediate withdrawal. Wouldve been a debacle. It was for an immediate withdrawal. It wouldve been a debacle. It was for an immediate withdrawal. It would | an immediate withdrawal. It would have been an immediate withdrawal. It would have been catastrophic and yet, president have been catastrophic and yet, President Trump signed the order. These President Trump signed the order. These are President Trump signed the order. These are the highly consequential actions these are the highly consequential actions of these are the highly consequential actions of a president who knows his term witt actions of a president who knows his term will shortly and. At the same timer term will shortly and. At the same time, President Trump was acknowledging privately that he lost the election, he was hearing there was no the election, he was hearing there was no evidence of fraud or irregularity sufficient to change the outcome. | irregularity sufficient to change the outcome. Irregularity sufficient to change the outcome. ,. ,. , the outcome. I remember, a call with mr meadows the outcome. I remember, a call with mr meadows with the outcome. I remember, a call with mr meadows with mr the outcome. I remember, a call with mr meadows with mr meadows the outcome. I remember, a call with mr meadows with mr meadows is i the outcome. I remember, a call with i mr meadows with mr meadows is asking me what mr meadows with mr meadows is asking me what i mr meadows with mr meadows is asking me what i was mr meadows with mr meadows is asking me what i was finding mr meadows with mr meadows is asking me what i was finding the me what i was finding the file signing me what i was finding the file signing anything me what i was finding the file signing anything and me what i was finding the file signing anything and i me what i was finding the file i signing anything and i remember sharing signing anything and i remember sharing with signing anything and i remember sharing with him signing anything and i remember sharing with him that signing anything and i remember sharing with him that we signing anything and i remember sharing with him that we were i signing anything and i rememberi sharing with him that we were not finding sharing with him that we were not finding anything sharing with him that we were not finding anything that sharing with him that we were not finding anything that would sharing with him that we were not finding anything that would be i finding anything that would be sufficient finding anything that would be sufficient to finding anything that would be sufficient to change finding anything that would be sufficient to change the finding anything that would be | sufficient to change the results finding anything that would be i sufficient to change the results in any of sufficient to change the results in any of the sufficient to change the results in any of the key sufficient to change the results in any of the key states. Sufficient to change the results in any of the key states. Was any of the key states. Was the conversation . It will be ourjob to attracted because it will be ourjob to attracted because the it will be ourjob to attracted because the allegations i it will be ourjob to attracted because the allegations are i it will be ourjob to attracted because the allegations are proved to be because the allegations are proved to be true because the allegations are proved to be true and because the allegations are proved to be true and we because the allegations are proved to be true and we would because the allegations are proved to be true and we would have i because the allegations are proved to be true and we would have to i to be true and we would have to relay to be true and we would have to relay the to be true and we would have to relay the news to be true and we would have to relay the news that to be true and we would have to relay the news that someone i to be true and we would have to. Relay the news that someone told to be true and we would have to i relay the news that someone told you about relay the news that someone told you about those relay the news that someone told you about those votes relay the news that someone told you about those votes for relay the news that someone told you about those votes for that relay the news that someone told you about those votes for that fraud relay the news that someone told you about those votes for that fraud or, i about those votes for that fraud or, nothing about those votes for that fraud or, nothing came about those votes for that fraud or, nothing came of about those votes for that fraud or, nothing came of it. About those votes for that fraud or, nothing came of it. It about those votes for that fraud or, nothing came of it. It would about those votes for that fraud or, nothing came of it. It would be i about those votes for that fraud or, nothing came of it. It would be our| nothing came of it. It would be our job as nothing came of it. It would be our job as truth nothing came of it. It would be our job as truth telling nothing came of it. It would be our job as truth telling and nothing came of it. It would be our job as truth telling and not nothing came of it. It would be our job as truth telling and not a nothing came of it. It would be our job as truth telling and not a fun i job as truth telling and not a fun ob, job as truth telling and not a fun job, its job as truth telling and not a fun job, its an job as truth telling and not a fun job, its an easier job as truth telling and not a fun job, its an easierjob job as truth telling and not a fun job, its an easierjob telling i job as truth telling and not a fun job, its an easierjob telling the j job, its an easierjob telling the president job, its an easierjob telling the president about job, its an easierjob telling the president about mob job, its an easierjob telling the i president about mob allegations, its about president about mob allegations, its about the president about mob allegations, its about the backend president about mob allegations, its about the backend that president about mob allegations, its about the backend that that l president about mob allegations, i its about the backend that that was not true its about the backend that that was not true. ~. ,. Its about the backend that that was not true. ,. , its about the backend that that was nottrue. ,. , not true. Was generally discussed was whether not true. Was generally discussed was whether the not true. Was generally discussed was whether the fraud not true. Was generally discussed was whether the fraud or was whether the fraud or Administration Abuse irregularities, if they aggregated and read favourably to the campaign, would that be outcome determinant . And i think everyones assessment in the room, at least among the staff, was that it was not sufficient to the outcome determinant. Its that it was not sufficient to the outcome determinant. That it was not sufficient to the outcome determinant. Its the right of any candidate outcome determinant. Its the right of any candidate to outcome determinant. Its the right of any candidate to have outcome determinant. Its the right of any candidate to have any outcome determinant. Its the right of any candidate to have any of outcome determinant. Its the rightj of any candidate to have any of that dispute of any candidate to have any of that dispute a of any candidate to have any of that dispute. A Donald Trumps litigation was completely unsuccessful. We told that the was completely unsuccessful. We told that the committee had 62 election tosses that the committee had 62 election losses found by the Trump Campaign and its losses found by the Trump Campaign and its allies between november four and its allies between november four and january six of 2021. Those cases resotved and january six of 2021. Those cases resolved and january six of 2021. This case resolved and january six of 2021. This case is resolved and january six of 2021. This case is resolved in 61 losses in only this case is resolved in 61 losses in only a this case is resolved in 61 losses in only a single victory which did not affect in only a single victory which did not affect the outcome for any candidate. The claims are not supported by any sufficient evidence of fraud supported by any sufficient evidence of fraud irregularities. And it was basetess of fraud irregularities. And it was baseless asjudges of fraud irregularities. And it was baseless as judges repeatedly recognised. And none of the 62 cases was President Trump able to establish any viable claims of election establish any viable claims of Election Fraud sufficient to overturn the results of the election overturn the results of the election. And in those hearings, we shared election. And in those hearings, we shared the election. And in those hearings, we shared the words used byjudges around shared the words used byjudges around the country and rejecting the claims around the country and rejecting the claims. Strong language of strong a federaljudge in wisconsin a federaljudge in michigan. Describing the case as. Recently, a group describing the case as. Recently, a group of describing the case as. Recently, a group of distinguished republican tawyers a group of distinguished republican lawyers and elected officials issued a report lawyers and elected officials issued a report confirming the findings of the courts a report confirming the findings of the courts and in their report saying the courts and in their report saying lost, not stolen, they anatyse saying lost, not stolen, they analyse each election challenge and concluded this. 0n on december 0n december11, they on december 11, they lost a lawsuit in the on december 11, they lost a lawsuit in the us on december 11, they lost a lawsuit in the Us Supreme Court that he regarded in the Us Supreme Court that he regarded as his last chance at success regarded as his last chance at success in regarded as his last chance at success in the courts. A newly obtained success in the courts. A newly obtained Secret Service from that date shows how angry President Trump was about date shows how angry President Trump was about the outcome. Quote. Just fyi~~ was about the outcome. Quote. Just fyi~~ and was about the outcome. Quote. Just fyi. And aid that the Chief Of Staff fyi. And aid that the Chief Of Staff was fyi. And aid that the Chief Of Staff was present for that conversation and described this way. They rejected that case and we were in the they rejected that case and we were in the white they rejected that case and we were in the white house they rejected that case and we were in the white house residence they rejected that case and we were in the white house residence at i they rejected that case and we were in the white house residence at the| in the white house residence at the reception in the white house residence at the reception and in the white house residence at the reception and as in the white house residence at the reception and as were in the white house residence at the reception and as were walking i in the white house residence at the reception and as were walking back| reception and as were walking back from the reception and as were walking back from the christmas reception and as were walking back from the christmas reception reception and as were walking back from the christmas reception that i from the christmas reception that evening, from the christmas reception that evening, the from the christmas reception that evening, the president from the christmas reception that evening, the president was from the christmas reception that i evening, the president was walking out of evening, the president was walking out of the evening, the president was walking out of the office evening, the president was walking out of the office we evening, the president was walking out of the office we cross evening, the president was walking out of the office we cross paths i out of the office we cross paths and the president out of the office we cross paths and the president was out of the office we cross paths and the president was fired out of the office we cross paths and the president was fired up. Out of the office we cross paths and the president was fired up. About l the president was fired up. About the president was fired up. About the supreme the president was fired up. About the Supreme Court the president was fired up. About the Supreme Court decision the president was fired up. About the Supreme Court decision and l the president was fired up. About. The Supreme Court decision and so, the president was fired up. About i the Supreme Court decision and so, i was sitting the Supreme Court decision and so, i was sitting next the Supreme Court decision and so, i was sitting next to the Supreme Court decision and so, i was sitting next to mr the Supreme Court decision and so, i was sitting next to mr meadows i was sitting next to mr meadows i stepped was sitting next to mr meadows i stepped back was sitting next to mr meadows i stepped back so its was sitting next to mr meadows i stepped back so its probably was sitting next to mr meadows ij stepped back so its probably two was sitting next to mr meadows i. Stepped back so its probably two or three stepped back so its probably two or three feet stepped back so its probably two or three feet from stepped back so its probably two or three feet from diagonal stepped back so its probably two or three feet from diagonal from stepped back so its probably two or three feet from diagonal from him. I three feet from diagonal from him. And the three feet from diagonal from him. And the president three feet from diagonal from him. And the president is three feet from diagonal from him. And the president is raging three feet from diagonal from him. And the president is raging about. And the president is raging about the decision and the president is raging about the decision how and the president is raging about the decision how it and the president is raging about the decision how it is and the president is raging about the decision how it is wrong i and the president is raging about the decision how it is wrong and. The decision how it is wrong and they the decision how it is wrong and they need the decision how it is wrong and they need to the decision how it is wrong and they need to make the decision how it is wrong and they need to make more the decision how it is wrong and they need to make more calls. The decision how it is wrong and. They need to make more calls and typical they need to make more calls and typical anger they need to make more calls and typical anger outburst they need to make more calls and typical anger outburst at they need to make more calls and typical anger outburst at this i typical anger outburst at this decision typical anger outburst at this decision in typical anger outburst at this decision. In the typical anger outburst at this decision. In the president i typical anger outburst at this. Decision. In the president said, typical anger outburst at this i decision. In the president said, he said something decision. In the president said, he said something to decision. In the president said, he said something to the decision. In the president said, he said something to the effect decision. In the president said, he said something to the effect of, ii said something to the effect of, i dont said something to the effect of, i dont want said something to the effect of, i dont want people said something to the effect of, i dont want people to said something to the effect of, i dont want people to know said something to the effect of, i dont want people to know that l said something to the effect of, ii dont want people to know that we lost dont want people to know that we lost, this dont want people to know that we lost, this is dont want people to know that we lost, this is embarrassing. Dont want people to know that we lost, this is embarrassing. I dont want people to know that we lost, this is embarrassing. I donti lost, this is embarrassing. I dont want lost, this is embarrassing. I dont want people lost, this is embarrassing. I dont want people to lost, this is embarrassing. I dont want people to know lost, this is embarrassing. I dont want people to know that lost, this is embarrassing. I dont want people to know that we i lost, this is embarrassing. I dontl want people to know that we lost. Our country want people to know that we lost. Our country as want people to know that we lost. Our country as a want people to know that we lost. Our country as a country want people to know that we lost. Our country as a country of want people to know that we lost. Our country as a country of laws. Want people to know that we lost. I our country as a country of laws for everyone. Our country as a country of laws for everyone, including the president must everyone, including the president must follow the law and respect the judgment must follow the law and respect the judgment of our courts. His closest advisers judgment of our courts. His closest advisers held that view both then and now advisers held that view both then and now. Do advisers held that view both then and now. , and now. Do you believe the president and now. Do you believe the president should and now. Do you believe the president should abide i and now. Do you believe the president should abide by i and now. Do you believe the. President should abide by the reports . President should abide by the re orts . ,. , president should abide by the reorts . ,. ,. , reports . Yes, we should all comply with the law reports . Yes, we should all comply with the law at all reports . Yes, we should all comply with the law at all times reports . Yes, we should all comply with the law at all times to reports . Yes, we should all comply with the law at all times to the with the law at all times to the best with the law at all times to the best of with the law at all times to the best of our with the law at all times to the best of our ability. With the law at all times to the best of our ability. Everyone. I with the law at all times to the. Best of our ability. Everyone. The electoral best of our ability. Everyone. Electoral college meant best of our ability. Everyone. Th; Electoral College meant the best of our ability. Everyone. Electoral college meant the election incident was over . In Electoral College meant the election incident was over . Incident was over . In the litigation was complete. Incident was over . In the litigation was complete, it incident was over . In the litigation was complete, it was incident was over . In the litigation was complete, it was complete. I incident was over . In the litigation i was complete, it was complete. Yes, as of december was complete, it was complete. Yes, as of december 14, was complete, it was complete. Yes, as of december 14, i was complete, it was complete. Yes, as of december 14, i think was complete, it was complete. Yes, as of december 14, i think that was complete, it was complete. Yes, as of december 14, i think that is as of december 14, i think that is the right as of december 14, i think that is the right date, as of december 14, i think that is the right date, yes. As of december 14, i think that is the right date, yes. I as of december 14, i think that is the right date, yes. As of december 14, i think that is the right date, yes. I assume that ou would the right date, yes. I assume that you would agree the right date, yes. I assume that you would agree that the right date, yes. I assume that you would agree that the the right date, yes. I assume that| you would agree that the president is obligated to abide by the rulings of the is obligated to abide by the rulings of the court. Do believe the president will abide by the rules of the court . Ibm;t do believe the president will abide by the rules of the court . By the rules of the court . By mid december by the rules of the court . By mid december of by the rules of the court . By mid december of 2020, by the rules of the court . By mid december of 2020, they by the rules of the court . By mid december of 2020, they were i december of 2020, they were attempting to persuade him to concede attempting to persuade him to concede the election outcome. But do ou think concede the election outcome. But do you think that concede the election outcome. But do you think that we concede the election outcome. But do you think that we should concede the election outcome. But do you think that we should concede concede the election outcome. But do you think that we should concede the | you think that we should concede the election you think that we should concede the election at you think that we should concede the election at that you think that we should concede the election at that point you think that we should concede the election at that point in you think that we should concede the election at that point in time, you think that we should concede the election at that point in time, yes election at that point in time, yes i the election at that point in time, yes i did. In election at that point in time, yes i did. ,. ,. , i did. In my view, that was the end of the matter i did. In my view, that was the end of the matter. I i did. In my view, that was the end of the matter. I didnt i did. In my view, that was the end of the matter. I didnt see, i did. In my view, that was the end of the matter. I didnt see, i of the matter. I didnt see, i thought that this would lead to a new administration. I thought that this would lead to a new administration. New administration. I told him that my personal new administration. I told him that my personal viewpoint new administration. I told him that my personal viewpoint was new administration. I told him that my personal viewpoint was the my personal viewpoint was the electoral my personal viewpoint was the Electoral College, which is the system Electoral College, which is the system that our country is set under to elect system that our country is set under to elect a system that our country is set under to elect a president and Vice President and i believe at that point president and i believe at that point the president and i believe at that point the means for them to pursue litigation point the means for them to pursue litigation was probably closed. And ou recall litigation was probably closed. And you recall his response was was blue he disagreed you recall his response was was blue he disagreed. The you recall his response was was blue he disagreed. The son you recall his response was was blue he disagreed. The son of you recall his response was was blue he disagreed. The son of late he disagreed. The son of late justice he disagreed. The son of late Justice Scalia he disagreed. The son of late Justice Scalia in he disagreed. The son of late i Justice Scalia in mid december explained Justice Scalia in mid december exulained the Justice Scalia in mid december explained the situation Justice Scalia in mid december explained the situation clearly. J not only did they reject his allegations, the department of justice allegations, the department of justice appointee, including bill, Richard Justice appointee, including bill, Richard Donahue did as well. President trump knew the truth. He heard President Trump knew the truth. He heard what President Trump knew the truth. He heard what all his experts and senior heard what all his experts and senior staff are telling him. He knew senior staff are telling him. He knew he senior staff are telling him. He knew he had lost the election, but he made knew he had lost the election, but he made the deliberate choice to ignore he made the deliberate choice to ignore the courts, to ignore the justice ignore the courts, to ignore the Justice Department, to ignore his Campaign Justice department, to ignore his campaign leadership, to ignore Senior Campaign leadership, to ignore Senior Advisers and to pursue a completely unlawful effort to overturn the election. His intent was planned, ignore the rule of law and stay was planned, ignore the rule of law and stay in was planned, ignore the rule of law and stay in power. I yield back. The chair recognises the woman from virginia chair recognises the woman from vir inia. ~ chair recognises the woman from vir inia. , ~ i. Chair recognises the woman from vir inia. ~ , chair recognises the woman from vir inia. ~ , , virginia. Thank you, President Trump made a decision, virginia. Thank you, President Trump made a decision, a virginia. Thank you, President Trump made a decision, a choice virginia. Thank you, President Trump made a decision, a choice to virginia. Thank you, President Trump made a decision, a choice to ignore l made a decision, a choice to ignore the courts and his advisers and to push forward to overturn the election. His efforts to overturn the election were not random or disconnected, but they are part of a coordinated multipart plan to ensure that he stayed in power. And donald trump was the driver behind each part of this plan. He was personally and directly involved. Of course, the key element of the plan was to continue to convince tens of millions of americans that he did not in fact lose. Again, he did this even though his own Campaign Advisers and isjustice Department Official told him that his claims of fraud were wrong. Top Law Enforcement officials told the president is Election Fraud claims are false and he still repeated the claims in the days and weeks that followed. Sometimes, even the very next day. J followed. Sometimes, even the very next da. ,. ,. ,. ,. , next day. I found that to be among the most disturbing next day. I found that to be among the most disturbing allegations, i the most disturbing allegations, disturbing the most disturbing allegations, disturbing the the most disturbing allegations, disturbing the sense the most disturbing allegations, disturbing the sense that the most disturbing allegations, disturbing the sense that i the most disturbing allegations, disturbing the sense that i saw. Disturbing the sense that i saw absolutely disturbing the sense that i saw absolutely zero disturbing the sense that i saw absolutely zero basis disturbing the sense that i saw absolutely zero basis for disturbing the sense that i saw absolutely zero basis for the i absolutely zero basis for the allegations absolutely zero basis for the allegations and absolutely zero basis for the allegations and i absolutely zero basis for the allegations and i told absolutely zero basis for the allegations and i told him i absolutely zero basis for the i allegations and i told him that absolutely zero basis for the allegations and i told him that it was crazy allegations and i told him that it was crazy stuff allegations and i told him that it was crazy stuff and allegations and i told him that it was crazy stuff and they allegations and i told him that it was crazy stuff and they are allegations and i told him that it was crazy stuff and they are wasting their time was crazy stuff and they are wasting theirtime on was crazy stuff and they are wasting their time on that was crazy stuff and they are wasting their time on that and, was crazy stuff and they are wasting their time on that and, it their time on that and, it was during their time on that and, it was during a their time on that and, it was during a grave their time on that and, it was during a grave disservice their time on that and, it was during a grave disservice to. Their time on that and, it was l during a grave disservice to the country during a grave disservice to the country irte during a grave disservice to the count. ~. ,. , during a grave disservice to the count. ~. , during a grave disservice to the count. ~. ,. ,. , during a grave disservice to the count. ~. ,. , m,y. , country. We have a company that is very suspect country. We have a company that is very suspect in country. We have a company that is very suspect in its country. We have a company that is very suspect in its name country. We have a company that is very suspect in its name is country. We have a company that is| very suspect in its name is dominion and with the turn of the dial, but the change of a chip, you can press a button for trump and the vote goes to biden. What kind of a system is this . ~ to biden. What kind of a system is this . , ~ to biden. What kind of a system is this . ~. , ~. , y this . We talked about the county aaain and this . We talked about the county again and those this . We talked about the county again and those done this . We talked about the county again and those done at this . We talked about the county again and those done at that this . We talked about the county| again and those done at that point because again and those done at that point because the hand recount to know that there is the trouble of dominion voting there is the trouble of dominion voting systems and in one michigan county voting systems and in one michigan county alone, 6000 votes were switched county alone, 6000 votes were switched from trump to biotin. In the same switched from trump to biotin. In the same systems are used in the majority the same systems are used in the majority of the same systems are used in the majority of states in our country. | majority of states in our country. I went majority of states in our country. Went into majority of states in our country. I went into this and told him how chris went into this and told him how chris is went into this and told him how chris is in went into this and told him how chris is in these went into this and told him how chris is in these allegations went into this and told him how. Chris is in these allegations were done chris is in these allegations were done talking chris is in these allegations were done talking about chris is in these allegations were done talking about some chris is in these allegations were done talking about some of chris is in these allegations were i done talking about some of things like, done talking about some of things like. More done talking about some of things like, more votes, done talking about some of things like, more votes, more done talking about some of things like, more votes, more absentee i like, more votes, more absentee votes like, more votes, more absentee votes were like, more votes, more absentee votes were cast like, more votes, more absentee votes were cast in like, more votes, more absentee votes were cast in pennsylvania i like, more votes, more absentee. Votes were cast in pennsylvania than there votes were cast in pennsylvania than there were votes were cast in pennsylvania than there were absentee votes were cast in pennsylvania than there were absentee ballots there were absentee ballots requested, there were absentee ballots requested, stuff there were absentee ballots requested, stuff like there were absentee ballots requested, stuff like that, l there were absentee ballots requested, stuff like that, things easy to requested, stuff like that, things easy to blow requested, stuff like that, things easy to blow up requested, stuff like that, things easy to blow up and requested, stuff like that, things easy to blow up and there requested, stuff like that, things easy to blow up and there was i requested, stuff like that, things easy to blow up and there was never an indication easy to blow up and there was never an indication of easy to blow up and there was never an indication of interest easy to blow up and there was never an indication of interest and easy to blow up and there was never an indication of interest and what. An indication of interest and what the actual an indication of interest and what the actual facts an indication of interest and what the actual facts were. An indication of interest and what the actual facts were. An indication of interest and what the actual facts were. There were more votes the actual facts were. There were more votes than the actual facts were. There were more votes than there the actual facts were. There were more votes than there were the actual facts were. There were l more votes than there were voters. Think of that. You had more votes than you had voters. That is an easy one to figure. And it is by the thousands. One to figure. And it is by the thousands one to figure. And it is by the thousands. ,. , thousands. Then he raised at the big vote dump. Thousands. Then he raised at the big vote dump. As thousands. Then he raised at the big vote dump. As he thousands. Then he raised at the big vote dump, as he called thousands. Then he raised at the big vote dump, as he called it thousands. Then he raised at the big vote dump, as he called it in vote dump, as he called it in detroit vote dump, as he called it in detroit and vote dump, as he called it in detroit and he vote dump, as he called it in detroit and he said vote dump, as he called it in detroit and he said people i vote dump, as he called it in i detroit and he said people saw vote dump, as he called it in detroit and he said people saw boxes coming detroit and he said people saw boxes coming into detroit and he said people saw boxes coming into the detroit and he said people saw boxes coming into the counting detroit and he said people saw boxes coming into the counting stations coming into the counting stations in all areas coming into the counting stations in all areas of coming into the counting stations in all areas of the coming into the counting stations in all areas of the morning coming into the counting stations in all areas of the morning and coming into the counting stations in all areas of the morning and said i coming into the counting stations in| all areas of the morning and said mr president. All areas of the morning and said mr president , theres all areas of the morning and said mr president , theres 630 all areas of the morning and said mr president , theres 630 precincts all areas of the morning and said mr president , theres 630 precincts in i president , theres 630 precincts in detroit president , theres 630 precincts in detroit and president , theres 630 precincts in detroit and unlike president , theres 630 precincts in detroit and unlike elsewhere president , theres 630 precincts in detroit and unlike elsewhere in president , theres 630 precincts in| detroit and unlike elsewhere in the state. Detroit and unlike elsewhere in the state, decentralise detroit and unlike elsewhere in the state, decentralise the detroit and unlike elsewhere in the state, decentralise the counting. State, decentralise the counting process, state, decentralise the counting process, so state, decentralise the counting process. So not state, decentralise the counting process, so not counted state, decentralise the counting process, so not counted in state, decentralise the counting process, so not counted in eachj process, so not counted in each precinct process, so not counted in each precinct and process, so not counted in each precinct and they process, so not counted in each precinct and they are process, so not counted in each precinct and they are moved process, so not counted in each precinct and they are moved to| precinct and they are moved to counting precinct and they are moved to counting stations precinct and they are moved to counting stations and precinct and they are moved to counting stations and the precinct and they are moved to l counting stations and the normal process counting stations and the normal process would counting stations and the normal process would involve counting stations and the normal process would involve boxes counting stations and the normal. Process would involve boxes coming in at all process would involve boxes coming in at all different process would involve boxes coming in at all different hours. Process would involve boxes coming in at all different hours. , process would involve boxes coming in at all different hours. In at all different hours. , this is michiian in at all different hours. , this is michigan come in at all different hours. , this is michigan come at in at all different hours. , this is michigan come at 631 in at all different hours. , this is michigan come at 631 in in at all different hours. , this is michigan come at 631 in the in at all different hours. , this is michigan come at 631 in the morning, a boat dump of 149,000 772 votes came in. Unexpectedly. Election officials and suitcases of ballots out from under a table, you all saw it on television. Totally fraudulent. This happened over and over again and our Committee Report will documented. Purposeful lies made in public directly at odds with Donald Trump New from unassailable sources. The justice Donald Trump New from unassailable sources. TheJustice Departments on investigations and his own campaign. Donald trump maliciously repeated this nonsense to a wide audience over and over again. This nonsense to a wide audience overand overagain. His this nonsense to a wide audience over and over again. His intent was to deceive and President Trumps plan also involve trying to coerce government officials to change the election outcome in the states that he lost. He personally reached out to numerous state officials and pressured them to take unlawful steps to alter the Election Results in those states. His actions taken directly by the president himself made it clear what his intentions were to prevent the orderly transfer of power. We all recall President Trumps tape calls the secretary of state brad roethlisberger. When this all occurred, President Trump was ready to repudiate the by his campaign repeatedly that his allegations of fraud in georgia were false. Ijust want i just want to find 11,780 votes. That is an extraordinary demand by the president , especially since he already knew from the Justice Department there was no genuine basis for this request. No one could think it would be legal for the secretary of state to simply find the votes the president needed in order to win. Secretary reference parker told the president the truth, that he lost the election in georgia. But President Trump did not sit tonight except that answer. Instead he suggested he himself might be prosecuted. We know that President Trump white house advisers reacted negatively. Immediately after the call Cassidy Hutchinson had a conversation with Chief Of Staff mark meadows. J said Chief Of Staff mark meadows. I said mark, ou Chief Of Staff mark meadows. I said mark. You cant Chief Of Staff mark meadows. I said mark, you cant possibly Chief Of Staff mark meadows. I said mark, you cant possibly think we can pull mark, you cant possibly think we can pull this off, that call was crazy can pull this off, that call was crazy he can pull this off, that call was crazy. He looked at me and said

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