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A quick reminder of this evening because my headlines was not prince harry is taking a leap of faith in stacking back of a Senior Member of the royal family. But stacking back of a Senior Member of the royalfamily. But there is no other option. Once meghan and i were married, we were excited, we were hopeful and we were here to serve. For those reasons, it brings me Great Sadness that it has come to this. Speaking at a Charity Dinner event, he says the uk is a place that he loves a nd he says the uk is a place that he loves and says it is he is not walking away but hopes for a more peaceful light. Life. In at a summit on libya in berlin, world at a summit on libya in berlin, World Leaders have agreed to uphold a un weapons embargo as part of efforts to resolve the nine year conflict. And the Space Company spacex successfully carries out a test to determine if it astronaut capsule can be returned safely to earth in the event of an emergency. A Sexual Harassment story about Sexual Harassment stirring margot robbie, find out what we think about that in the film review. Hello, and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me are the playwright and columnist at the new european, bonnie greer, and the sunday Times Education editor, sian griffiths. Many of tomorrows front pages are already in. The Financial Times features concerns from diplomats over the chancellors comments that businesses need to adjust to a future where britain no longer adhered to eu rules. The front page story in the i focuses on changes to cervical screening, which will analyse samples for hpv before looking for cell changes. The Daily Telegraph leads with the future life of prince harry and meghan markle, saying Prince Charles has agreed to help fund their new life, but will review the arrangement ina year. Meanwhile, the times says can concerns for staff over future commercial deals was what ponder their decision to step away from royal duties. Buckingham the mirror also looks at the royals, and says Buckingham Palace aides have urged the couple not to use the sussex royal brand to promote their future activities. The guardians front page shows an investigation into africas richest woman, after leaked documents show she built her fortune through opportunities offered to her by her fathers government in angola. White lets start off with another breaking from a member of the royal household. The front page of the sun. And alleged feud between harry and william. Bellamy you want to say collectively, get a life. How there was a feud. I dont know. They even say what it was about . You want to say. There was a feud. They are brothers. Others have a feud. Sometimes. Allan active even say what it was about . What was it about . This is what i am is trying to say here. There was a feud, now the feud is over so, hip, to say here. There was a feud, now the feud is overso, hip, hip. Move on . Whatever. I dont think they said what it was about, i dont think we know what it was about. We can talk about what it was about but i think it is interesting that they have ended their feud and of course, at this crucial time, really, because it is coming just a couple of days after this historical royal announcement which is that harry and meghan are going to step back from the royal duties, they are going to live a private life in canada. They are renouncing their royal titles and asked free to strike commercial deals. Before harry and meghan go and start this new life, it is nice, it is nice. Sometimes you think with the sun, the good lord came back, as he was supposed to be doing. With the big line with the headline be bigger . What is this about . You dont even know what the feud is. Let me justjump in before you carry on and bring people back to monday when the brothers did put out a joint statement head of the sandringham summit saying that recent reports surrounding this alleged feud or differences between them were potentially damaging and they didnt exist. Sorry, carry on. There absolutely and if you want to do more about the feud, you could perhaps look at pages six, seven, eight, nine and ten, according to the bottom of the sun. What is interesting in this story is this one line that harry last night held a Charity Event told a Charity Event of his Great Sadness of stepping down. This tomorrows paper. He gave a different spin on the royal statement and said it was with Great Sadness that it had actually come to this. He talked about his love for megan and tried to explain to people why this had happened what did you understand about why it has happened . Did you get from it . A big part of it was that magen was very unhappy. Just meghan, do you think . that magen was very unhappy. Just meghan, do you think . I think they didnt feel happy as a family unit. I think magen felt under attack by elements of the media but i think harry hasnt really found a role for himself as he found the military. This is an opportunity to carve out a family life which in the speech he says he has always wanted. He has always wanted a wife, family, someone always wanted a wife, family, someone he can love. The only thing i would disagree with is i think harry did have something he wanted to do. He said and i believe him, he said they were very excited when they got married because they could see all kinds of things they could do. They werent able to do those things and i think we also have to remember that harry, the other thing to is this guy is leaving his country and he is leaving his family. We cannot talk about the royal family but this is family. We cannot talk about the royalfamily but this is his family. We cannot talk about the royal family but this is his family. This is his grandmother, his brother, his dad. He is leaving them to go to another country and i dont think people are taking that on seriously enough. He is exiling himself, let this be for real. And, you know, the son, with whatever this is the sun. We need to ask ourselves why would this man exiled himself and that is what he has done. Achenbach is going back to the west coast so she is going there and they are going to raise his raise a boy there but he is exiling himself. Fears over the deals that could be struck. He did say in the speech tonight that he has had an education, particularly with the charity, about living. And he is going to learn a lot more and part of it is going to be learning how to manage your money. And learning how to make money when you are a private individual. This story in the times is hinting at the concerns that there are among senior royals about exactly how they are planning to make money now that they no longer have funding from the taxpayer and there is a lot of worry about commercial deals that they might strike. Are they going to cheapen the royal brand. Because they are royal rock stars. Even if they no longer have the hrh title, formally, they wont be forgotten as senior royals of the royal family. There is a lot of worry they could become brand ambassadors. There is talk on this story that the duchess might signa this story that the duchess might sign a contract to represent siobhan she. Givenchy. That they could somehow cheapen the brand of the royal family itself, that is the worry. Ella make this kind of thing is not done. That is what people are freaking out about. In sussex royal is the brand they created. It didnt exist before them. That is their name as they should be able to have it. She has been pretty good at building a royal career, building herself, she knows the ropes. I dont think she is going to put him in any situation where he is going to be embarrassed or out on a limb. I think that he is going to want to go into his charity work and do all of that and america will be very interested in them and not so interested in them and not so interested in them and not so interested in Brexit Britain because they left it. So that is something i dont think people are taking on board either. It doesnt make the country look really good. And on the subject of damaging brand. What did you make of her fathers comments, thomas markle, about what has happened. Well, i think it is really sad that the father is speaking about it on Public Television in that way. It is obviously incredibly damaging for meghan and probably very distressing for both of them. I think it is sad that the media are going to him to ask for comment that also that he is giving into the media instead of saying, no, im not going to commentate comment, it is her business, it is her life, leave me out of it. Thomas markle, anybody who poses like he did for those shots, pretending that he was getting ready to come here and obviously it looks staged, this guy isa obviously it looks staged, this guy is a vulnerable person. He is somebody, suddenly his world exploded open and he is trying to navigate this world. He is getting talk in his ear, Certain Television programmes are trying to lure him over. This is a vulnerable guy and she is saying, basically, leave my father alone. If he speaks, he speaks, because he has the right to speaks, because he has the right to speak and say what he likes but we dont need to exploit him. Netting over to the daily mail. Before they talk about it. What do you make of meghxit. Harry is the one who is leaving so that is interesting, once again, it is meghan, isnt it . And it is so unconscious that people are actually doing this and they dont realise they are doing and that is what is scary. Harry is out of here. Harry is the one who was born here. He is the prince of the blood, he is the person, but it is meghxit. He is the prince of the blood, he is the person, but it is meghxitm he is the prince of the blood, he is the person, but it is meghxit. It is a clever word. Actually, it is a ha rd a clever word. Actually, it is a hard megxit. If we use the label megxit. Because they are not getting what they want. What they wanted was to be able to carry on with some of the royal duties but also live this private life and be able to do some private life and be able to do some private deals and the queen has made it clear that that is not an option, you cant have your cake and eat it and harry in his speech today, he says that this is not exactly the arrangement, the terms on which they wanted to move forward. Our final paper on this subject, front page of the daily mirror. Billion dollar battle. It is that use of the royal brand. He is born into a royal family. He is royal blood. He invented the name you cant tell somebody to not use something that they move that they made up. They invented the name sussex royal, that belongs to them and the aides need to get over it. Perhaps they can see that they. They will carry on the argument. They have said we trust you to get on with not getting on with we trust you to get on with it but that name is too close to the royal brand and dont use it. Take royal brand and dont use it. Take royal out of it. Sussex royal, they have 11 million followers on instagram. They only set this up less than a year ago. They were the Fastest Growing followers less than a year ago. They were the fastest g rowi ng followers on instagram ever. They got 4 million followers in one hour. And the fact that these two people are now going to represent Brexit Britain is dumb. It is very, very damaging. That we dont have them bringing out the good news about the new status of the country. Cervical cancer on the way to being eliminated . This is a really good news story. I think the times has got the best explanation. The story is, experts are saying that Cervical Cancer could be completely eliminated in this country, not only to advances in screening but also advances in vaccination. What has happened with the screening is there is a more sensible and reliable method of cervical cancels Cervical Cancer screening now. Go for your smear test as normal but they are screening the results to say whether the hpv virus is present and if it is present, if there is a positive reading, that is then tested to see if any of the cervical cells have undergone precancerous changes. This is why the nhs is a crown jewel because the nhs can collect

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