for a long time and i'd write, you know, quite brutal reviews of things quite often. i do remember meeting a tv critic from the sun once who was saying to me about how the equation in his head was whenever he'd written something really rough about somebody, if he then met them, the worse what he'd written was, the nicer they would turn out to be. and so he would, he would think to himself, who's the swearword in this equation? and he worked out it was himself. and you didn't want to be that person? you don't want to sort of be that person because everyone�*s just trying. yeah, fair enough. yeah. let's talk about, a bit more about black mirror. it started off, you know, it went to netflix in its third season. before that, you were at channel 4, which had sort of incubated you, taken, i guess, a genuine risk in a programme. i don't know if you'd agree with that, but what happened? what changed ? why did you leave? leave channel 4?