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We are talking so much about air quality. One of the neighbours has talked about a problem with house prices, in which more built up or polluted areas are finding it harder to sell properties. So we do care more than we ever have about air quality, although we have for a significant amount of time. This is a question about that. How many clouds we wanted the streets . How fa st we clouds we wanted the streets . How fast we wanted to be going . Do we value ability to drop from point value our ability to drop from point to another over the ability of children to play in the street without choking to death. Im sure that you have some into ad, but that is it for the papers. Or the front pages on the website. You can read a detailed review there. Just visit oui detailed review there. Just visit our website, bbc. Co. Uk papers. This will also be up on iplayer. How many times cani will also be up on iplayer. How many times can i say the word papers . Please buy one. Thank you both for joining me tonight. Come out next, the filim review. Coming up next. Film. Hello and welcome to the film review on bbc news. Mark kermode is with us as ever to take us through all this weeks releases. So we have a political thriller starring Jessica Chastain called miss sloane. Alien covenant, the latest in the ongoing alien franchise. And jawbone, written by and starring johnny harris. And miss sloane, even looking at the poster i so wanted to like this. You think its washington, its the west wing, already youre in with the intrigue and itsJessica Chastain and a very fine director, so all the omens look good. So the story isJessica Chastain is a lobbyist who gets embroiled in a battle between the people who want controls on gun sales and those who want to sell more guns. Early on she is enlisted by a group of people who say, were trying to make guns seem more popular. We want to get guns to appeal to women. She literally laughs them out of the room. The next thing that happens is she is approached by the other side, who are trying to fight for the restrictions lobby. She decides that she will throw in her lot with them. They want her because of her very powerful and, it has to be said, sometimes cynical way of lobbying. Heres a clip. Whats the best indicator of Voter Intention . Thats our first prong. Grassroots action aimed squarely at soliciting donations. Not names in a petition, not clicks in cyberspace. Will they know how much were raising . Non profits have to report on theirfinances. Every congressional staffer watches fining day like a hawk. While youre out there hustling, ill be working influential senators who can deliver their colleagues votes. Thats our second prong. Our third is to identify who holds sway in target states. Employers, workers groups. Dont just waltz into a Senators Office and make your case, find out who they trust and convince that person to make your case. That is how we win. Does she take no pr|soners, im guessing . Absolutely, thats exactly it. Its a Take No Prisoners performance and very strong supporting cast, including gugu mbatha raw. I went into this feeling the same as you did i like the Subject Matter, i like the milieu, i like the cast, the director. I came out thinking, its not as good as it should be. The whole is less than the sum of its parts. There is something about it that keeps you at a distance. I was never completely engrossed, i never completely believed in these characters. One of the things about it is it has this plot thats full of twists and turns and there is a certain point after which those twists and turns start to sort of defy credibility. That said, it is done with gusto and, as i said, Jessica Chastain is always worth watching in anything and the Subject Matter is interesting and timely and it ought to be more gripping than it is. Like you, i really wanted it to be great and i came out thinking, its kind of ok, what i wanted it to be more than ok. However, it makes sense, which is more than can be said for alien covenant, which is the next instalment in the ongoing alien franchise. Now, are you an alien fan . Oh my goodness, no. You know enough about me and horror films to know im chicken. Theres no way. There is no way. The first alien film was a horror film, the second was a war film, then we had alien iii, which was a mess, alien resurrection, which was weird. And now we got onto the prequels. Prometheus, which really suffered from. Rather than having the dialogue that they had in alien, which was space truckers, people in space talking about overtime, talking about work conditions, griping about stuff you could believe in. In prometheus they started talking about the nature of mankind, god, the nature of existence. This is very much a prometheus sequel rather than an alien prequel. We have a group of space truckers, theyre in space, they get a signal, they arrive at a new planet. It looks like its going to be a new eden, it actually turns out to be some kind of living hell. What they do all the time is talk about poetry, about art, about life, about god, in a manner that nobody ever talks in space. We have sort of Greatest Hits reruns of all the famous moments from alien and aliens, but sped up in a way where they make no sense whatsoever. There is no question that ridley scott is a visual stylist, but hes only ever as good as his script. The fact is, with alien covenant, the script is very, very weak. Theres a famous story that when vincent ward was going to do alien iii, he wanted it to be the Name Of The Rose in space. This is the da vinci code in space. And, as someone who loved alien because it was ruthless, because it was stripped down, and loved aliens because its a war movie, this is very much like a massive amount of pontificating and Holding Forth and also it makes no sense whatsoever i know people dont necessarily go to alien movies to tie up all loose ends, but there were moments in it. There was one moment in it where a character says so little that makes any sense i laughed out loud. Youve made me laugh thats the only laugh youll ever get from me about alien, i suspect. Im a little more hopeful about your third choice this week, jawbone. Jawbone, written by and starring johnny harrison. I have to say, i know nothing about boxing, other than what i know from the movies. This is the tale of a washed up boxer who is struggling with alcoholism and we meet him at the beginning of the film. Hes on, i think, the south bank, in london, and hes drunk. He lives in a flat which used to be his mothers flat, hes in danger of being evicted. Hes arrested early on for causing a disturbance. His life is in a mess. He turns up at his old gym, which is run by ray winstone and ray winstone gives him a look that tells you everything you need to know about their history. He says, ok, you can train here, but no alcohol and no talk of unlicensed games. However, he needs money and the next thing is hes having a meeting with ian mcshane. Heres a clip. I think i can get you your money. I tell him, ive got an ex aba champion with me whos looking for a fight. Jimmy, you were one of the bravest kids i ever saw. The thing i dont with is kind of nick youre in now. So if you take this, its on your back. Whatever happens from there, you are on your own. Yeah, i know. Youre up for it, yeah . Yeah, im up for it. Right, ill make the phone call. Now, i thought this was really intriguing. I went in not knowing much about it, other than it was a boxing movie and i like members of the cast. I thought it really drew you into the story. You believe in the character and his dejection and his addiction and his alcoholism and his struggle to redeem himself. So i said that moment when he first goes into the gym and ray winstone looks at him in a way that kind of tells you everything, there are some wonderful scenes with Michael Smiley, who is a terrific actor, again its not to do with what they say, its to do with what they dont say. You know, cinematography has changed a lot since Martin Scorsese did not raging bull and, here, this puts you right there, in the ring, on the Receiving End of the punches. As i said, ive never been to a boxing match in my life, or a boxing gym, but this had the smack of authenticity and it had heart. It felt like it was a story being told by somebody who really believed in all of this and it engages you. It makes you care. Its not fantastically original, but it is done in a way that seems very honest, very authentic, very moving. And as somebody who is not a boxing fan, i know nothing about boxing, i found it very gripping. And some Great British talent in there as well. Yeah, ray winstone, as far as im concerned, walks on water anyway, but this is a very understated role and he plays it beautifully. And, as i said, Michael Smiley who is a terrific actor, a really, really brilliant screen presence. There are couple of moments between him and johnny harriss character, its just to do with the way they look at each other. Everything is said in the eyes, and the gestures, in the way they hold their heads and necks. It was a real pleasure to see it because its a textured film and it takes an idea that weve seen done. You know, boxing does turn up in movies a lot because its a spectacular sport in a way. But this really had something. In the end its not a boxing movie. In the end its about somebody overcoming their demons and wrestling with their own demons and overcoming addiction and dealing with alcoholism in a way which seemed honest and truthful and very engaging. Best out . Bless you, you have brought me a woody allen yeah, manhattan. I love a lot of woody allen. I love the jazz, the new york, the angst, the neurosis. Its all there. And the way that manhattan looks means its one of the Woody Allen Films that you should see on a cinema screen. Often when you think of woody allen you think of the jokes, the characters and all the rest of it. But this does look brilliant. The combination of the visuals, from the beginning he is a writer and he describes the way he feels about the city. People talk about the classy woody allen, annie hall, manhattan, im a huge fan of love and death. But the idea of seeing manhattan on the big screen i havent seen manhattan projected since it first came out, 79, 1980, Something Like that. The idea of being able to see it projected again, because its a beautifulfilm. Thats wonderful. I didnt know it was being reissued, so thats fantastic. Talking of seeing things on a big screen, im very interested in this weeks dvd because it is la la land, which i did enjoy hugely. But doesnt that really need to be seen on a big screen, that wonderful opening shot, the dancing, the Californian Sunshine . Well, ive seen it on a big screen and a small screen, although nowadays Small Screens are no longer that small, and i have to say it worked both times for me. In fact, oddly, when i saw it on the small screen i was in slightly more comfortable conditions, because there werent people talking around me. I really like la la land, the opening sequence which is so beautiful. Glorious i think emma stones performance is terrific. Some people have complained and said things like, theres not a memorable tune in that film. I thought, what are you talking about . and it made me happy you leave with a spring in your step and a song in your heart. I loved the ending and i wont spoil it for anybody who hasnt seen it. But i thought it was spot on. I will say no more because that would be a spoiler. It would be. They do it really, really well. Incidentally, its a musical, oddly in the same way manhattan is kind of a musical as well. Not really, but sort of. It is glorious. The music is driving the story. Thank you very much, mark. That is the dvd viewing for the week. A reminder, you can find much more film news and reviews from across the bbc online of course. And you can find all our previous programmes on the bbc iplayer. Thats it for this week. Enjoy your cinema going. Rain is heading our way. It hasnt reached us yet, the skies being clear across most of the uk. But it will reach us early on monday morning. Here it is, coming from the south west. This is the window of fine weather we had over the weekend. But the cloud is piling in now and it looks like it will be wet across Western Parts of the uk by dawn on monday. Some of that rain may start to fall across the south western fringes of wales and ireland by the morning. But the majority of the east and north will be dry for the start of the day. Here comes the rain to monday. It splashes through the uk. The heaviest will fall across western hills. Elsewhere, it will wax and wane through the course of the day. It will not be told. Temperatures around 16 or 17 degrees for most. Damp weather will continue for most of monday and tuesday. A little bit of monday and tuesday. A little bit of rain on the way. That is the forecast. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore, the headlines north korea says it has successfully tested a mid to long range ballistic missile, capable of carrying a large Scale Nuclear warhead. A warning that more computers could be affected by the unprecedented global cyber attack as the working week begins. Im kasia madera in london. Also in the programme beijing unveils ambitious plans for massive infrastructure investment, connecting asia to africa, europe and beyond. A Second World War veteran becomes the worlds oldest skydiver, at the age of 101. Live from our studios in singapore and london, this is Bbc World News its newsday

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