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They did using a process known as gene editing. There are many hurdles tojump but this raises the hope of preventing thousands of inherited genetic disorders. Fergus walsh reports. The goal could not be more ambitious. To eradicate inherited diseases. These scientists have taken an impressive first step on a long road. Editing dna in Human Embryos. So how is it done . Inside the nucleus of each of our cells is our genome, billions of pieces of dna. It is the Instruction Manual for life. The scientists were targeting a faulty gene that causes a serious Heart Condition. They fertilised a healthy egg with sperm from a man carrying the faulty gene. They then injected the gene editing system. This scans the dna like a spell check or a sat nav. It then cuts both strands of the dna and removes the faulty gene. A healthy copy of the gene from the egg was then naturally inserted. Now here are some of the embryos from a study in the journal nature after being edited. 42 of 58 embryos were corrected. They were allowed to develop for five days. None was implanted. We are very excited about all the work. The research has been welcomed by a team in london who have a license to edit Human Embryos. They said the technology could eventually help many families. There are some nasty genetic diseases such as huntingtons or as in this case, a disease that affects the Heart Function later in life. Which can basically blight families for many generations. So a method of being able to avoid having this affect your children and passing on the defective gene could be really very important for those families. Nicole mowbray has the same Heart Condition which was corrected in Human Embryos. She now has a defibrillator implanted in her chest in case her heart stops. She has a 50 risk of passing on the condition but is unsure whether she would ever consider gene editing. I would not want to pass on something that caused my child to have a limited life or a painful life or a life of risk. That does obviously come to the front of my mind when i think about having children. I would not want to create the perfect, in inverted commas, child. And i feel like my condition makes me, me. Previous attempts at editing Human Embryos in china lead to serious errors in the dna. So theres a lot of work needed before this can be considered safe. And it raises ethical issues about how far science should go to create healthy babies. More on the bbc news website as well. This tweet probably generated more interest than most today, here it is. This tweet from current Club Barcelona confirmed that neymar had asked to leave. The only side who could possibly afford him is Paris St Germain it has qatari backing. The fee required is 222 million euros. Over twice the record paid for a player so far. Manchester united bought paul pogba for 105 million euros. Thats more than double than has ever been paid for a player. Fans visiting the shop here in paris are getting excited because that Dealfor Neymar is inching are getting excited because that deal for neymar is inching slowly forward. Weve seen over the past two days the plague open shanghai where it was a commercial duties and flying back to barcelona. The player going from shanghai. He has been excused from training and barcelona says pelly is the money and you can apply. We will have to see how it will pay out of the coming hours and maybe days but there is now an increasing certainty that neymar will be a Paris Saint Germain playerfor that neymar will be a Paris Saint Germain player for this coming season. Saint germain player for this coming season. The implications about aikido barcelona, coors, who will be without one of their leading players per Paris Saint Germain who desperately want to bridge the camp gap but beingstomach and the Uefa Giving Financial Fair Play clubs have a requirement to live within their means. The money involved in this potential transfer is such that many clubs, many individuals involved at the highest levels of football are looking at it and wondering whether Paris Saint Germain will be up to live within those obligations. Now theyve in paris just want to know one thing, when Will Neymar Sign . U nfortu nately we one thing, when Will Neymar Sign . Unfortunately we and the Back Question quite yet but maybe we will in the next few days. There have been three arrests in kenya all connected to the murder of man in charge of kenyas computerised Voting System. Chris msando went missing on friday. On monday he was found on the outskirts the nairobi. Along with a woman who was also dead. There was evidence of torture were told. With less than a week to go to kenyas elections and the two main candidates neck and neck, the killing has unsettled a lot of people. President Uhuru Kenyatta responded that. An ally of the opposition leader. Earlier i spoke to bbc africas Nancy Kacungira and asked her if there was any evidence the killing was political there is no evidence yet were getting a few more details as time goes on, today the detail emerged that it appeared he been strangled to death. Back came from the autopsy. Even as the family itself said, wejust need autopsy. Even as the family itself said, we just need to wait and see what comes out the investigation. No evident but it has become political . Nair definitely come timing of it, the fact that it was someone at the heart of the electoral process it is bound be political. Has this one mans death has an impact on whether kenya is ready to hold the selection . The electoral body came out today is to say that no password disappeared, our system has not been compromised in any way the election will continue as planned so they say that confidence needs to be restored nothing is going to go wrong. They are very clear that this will not affect the way the process is going to carry out. It is boiling down to two ca m ps to carry out. It is boiling down to two camps as is the case in lots of elections, for the swing voters who have not made their mind of what other key issues for them . As you said this is pretty much a rerun of what we have 20,013 with two main candidates. But, there are a few differences that might change things. Like you said said the u nsettled things. Like you said said the unsettled boaters, there are a lot of economic issues. The undecided voters. People are worried about inflation. Just this month of altman have subsided the price of maize flour which makes a very popular dish. The price of sugar, milk have sufficient. It housed in places theyve seen in the last five years coming just before the election. That is a clear issue by many people. Corruption which the president has found difficult to control as a major issue and of course the opposition has been hinting on that quite a lot in their campaign so that they will shut that down but it is an issue that both sides are thinking very much about. Unemployment, half the people who will vote under the age of 35 and employment with very high in that age group and that is definitely something they will be thinking very strongly about the head the polls. Stay with us on outside source still to come Rajini Vaidyanathan is going to join us from washington to talk through some of the latest news you may have missed from the white house. Including donald trump us claim that he took a cool from the scouts praising his speech, but the scouts say no call was made. Four men from the West Midlands have been found guilty of plotting a Terrorist Attack similar to that carried out on the soldier lee rigby. A gang calling themselves the three musketeers, along with one other man, were planning to attack police and military targets here in the uk. For security reasons some of the trial had to be held in secret, as phil mackie reports. A major alert near the centre of birmingham last august, homes and businesses were evacuated, the bomb Disposal Unit had to be called. It was the culmination of an elaborate operation resulting in several arrests, including these men who called themselves the three musketeers. Undercover officers found a cache of weapons in the back of one of their cars. There was a partially constructed pipe bomb, an imitation firearm, and a meat cleaver with the word kafir or unbeliever, scratched into the blade. They found them there behind that red door, which was a small Delivery Business called hero couriers, but it was all a front. The boss was an Undercover Police officer, and it had been set up by m15 as part of an elaborate deception to catch the terror cell they thought was plotting to attack either the police or military. And they recruited two of its members to be delivery drivers. Naweed ali and Khobaib Hussain had previously been jailed for travelling to a terror Training Camp in pakistan. In prison, they met mohibur rahman, who was serving time for possessing terrorist material. They left prison with the same extremist ideology. Then a friend of rahmans, tahir aziz, was also recruited. But when they held meetings in birmingham and stoke, they were being watched. They believed that violence was the answer and they were prepared to use violence somewhere in the United Kingdom in the furtherance of their ideology. Four very dangerous individuals, who had they not been stopped, would have caused loss of life somewhere. The Ministry Ofjustice says it has provided support and training to its staff to challenge extremist views. But this Case Highlights the potential dangers from those with an extreme ideology when they are let out of prison. The fact that people are being released, and you know they are terrorists, they have been convicted, of terrorist offences, they are released back into society and there is no reason to think they have been de radicalised. We need to ask ourselves a question, are you happy with that . It is expected the four men will be jailed tomorrow, three of them for a second time. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is . The company that provided the technology for venezuelas Voting System says the turnout in sundays controversial election was inflated by at least 1 million votes. By by the authorities. Yemen now. We talk about civil war and the humanitarian crisis and we must do again. Save the children estimated that over a million children are at extremely high risk of dying. Its because of the Cholera Epidemic. The civil war there now is two years old. Its caused food and Water Shortages and the Cholera Epidemic now affects 430,000. Around 2000 people have died in the last four months. A third of them are under 15 years old. This is Save The Children talking earlier. We are struggling to get some medicine, especially for pregnant women and the block of the airport and seaport has caused a lot of stress on the health worker. In addition to the Health System collapse. More than ten months the Public Workers have not got salaries. We have severe and huge shortage in medical supply and medical equipment and im worried 110w medical equipment and im worried now that cases will be increased in colleges to waste management. The system is not there and we now have the rainy season and all this waste be contaminated. This will create a lot of cases and also we have the period where children return to school and this will aggravate the situation. This is just the latest warning. The un has already described the situation as a bus racing towards the edge of a cliff. Heres our Global Health correspondent Tulip Mazumdar with more on the story. The Cholera Outbreak is really bursting into this terrible situation it now is just in three months. As you said more than 430,000 suspected cases almost 2000 deaths at this point. The reason it has got to the state is because the infrastructure in the country has more 01 infrastructure in the country has more or less completely disintegrated. About half of the countrys Health Systems, Health Facilities have been damaged or destroyed. Some people dont have access to medical care and you have the health and sanitation system, the health and sanitation system, the water and sanitation condition i should say not working. Rubbish not been collected and all of this creates the perfect environment for collar to thrive. Cholera is bred through infected water. Our children disproportionately affected . Or they did reputation of the population . third of deaths in this outbreak of been children under 15, whats Save Thejordan been children under 15, whats save the jordan have said been children under 15, whats Save Thejordan Have said today is that1 million children are severely malnourished and living in some of the worst areas. They have a weakened Immune System whatever food and water they are able to take in his going through them because of the diary you get with cholera and it makes them, it gives them less chance of being able to fight this up chance of being able to fight this up and recover. Cholera, people shouldnt die of it, it is easily treated. It is hydration sort that people have and they can recover within a few hours. Without the right treatment they can die in a few hours. That is why the situation is so terrible because this stuff is not getting into the places they need to be. We have seen blockades up need to be. We have seen blockades up ports, our planes coming in had been limited. What the charities and the un are saying if they need stop the un are saying if they need stop the fighting immediately and allow the fighting immediately and allow the edge in medical and Food Supplies in to stop starving people there and to stop this disease spreading further. The reality is that this war is not about to resolve in the near future so are their short term security measures that could be taken and if they are they being considered . At the moment on the ground diarrhoea Treatment Centres have been set up they have rehydration corners, dozens across the country where people can go and get these headaches salts. There has also been an enormous door to Door Campaign where thousands of volu nteers campaign where thousands of volunteers bearing in mind that medical staff and other civil serva nts medical staff and other Civil Servants are responsible for Clearing Rubbish in things like that have not been paid vat you have volu nteers have not been paid vat you have volunteers going door to door giving Water Purification tablets telling people to bother what if they can in giving them as much information as they can to ensure they can keep themselves and their families safe but there are limited things to be done until they have clean Water Supplies this thing will continue. You know i only say to you arent again touch intel is why we should be picking up on an ask any questions by means do that. I came after an monday. On monday night, a Guy Called Dave Watching in the uk tweeted me. flagy far too much on scaramucci, just as last week on spicer. This is britain. Its boring not as important as you are implying. To which i replied. I appreciate you getting in torch. This is britain, but were a global news programme, and were six months or so into a us presidency like nothing thats gone before. And we need to report it. Not because the characters are colourful, and it develops faster than a nightly soap opera. But because the Trump Presidency matters. For north korea is testing the american position by carrying out bigger and more audacious missile tests. That in turn has led mr trump to express anger with china its putting pressure on that relationship. Angela merkel was close to barack obama. She isnt to donald trump. It was highlighted at the t20 in hamburg. Iwas it was highlighted at the t20 in hamburg. I was there for that. On climate change, the two openly disagree. More broadly, shes said germany can no longer rely on america. That in turn will affect german and european foreign policy. Then theres the investigation into whether russia interfered with the us election and if the Trump Campaign worked with it. On the latter, Firm Evidence has not emerged. But the questions matter in their own right, but also because they are impacting on how the white house works. For all the reasons and many more we turn to washington most days. And there are more stories for you now. Fox news told is that Christopher Ray has been confirmed by the senate as the fbi director, replacing james comey. This is one of the few things that doesnt seem to have proved too controversial. No, of course the fa ct controversial. No, of course the fact that the vacancy existed in the first post was controversial because james comey as we remember was unceremoniously fired the present trump. As you sayjust now we have had a statement from Thejustice Department confirming that Christopher Pyongyang was sworn in. Hes described are christopher wray. Join the Senate Confirmation hearings he was asked about whether hearings he was asked about whether he would pledge of loyalty to the president and he said sure as heck, no. President and he said sure as heck, no u president and he said sure as heck, no. His boat was almost unanimous so no. His boat was almost unanimous so he will be respected across party lines. A very Important Role as you know because the director as the fbi will work closely on the russian investigation. We know donald trump has been a frequent visitor to his own properties during his presidency, especially ones with the golf course at pasts. According to interviews on golf. Com. He says the reason he gets away so much is that the white house is a real dump. Which is probably not a that that has gone down well in all quarters will start no, i should say that i have been to the white house many pounds. Ive been lucky to get several of the state rooms that and it is definitely not a dump. It is worth saying that the administration Haveissued Worth saying that the administration have issued a since that article in this months issue of Sports Illustrated magazine and they say that that quote is not true. But, still if you look at the president where we spent a lot of his time, he spent a lot of the time and his golf clu bs spent a lot of the time and his golf clubs in florida and hes actually meeting later this week to somewhere in newjersey where he has spent a lot of time as well because he would be spending some of this summer break them as well. So, if you just look at way likes to spend his time he does clearly like places that he has decorated himself and places where he can play golf because he clearly loves it. There is a resident of this, the Pressure Ports says something and the white house is that doesnt happen. Remember the furore over Donald Trumps speech to a huge gathering of boy scouts last week. The speech was very political. Some didnt like that. In an interview with the Wall Streetjournal, the president said hed taken a call afterwards from the Scout Movement saying it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them. Multiple journalists have sourced stories saying this is a straight lie. Time magazine checked with the boy scouts who said they are unaware of any call from National Leadership placed to the white house. Were ina were in a familiar situation arent we . A lot of people say one thing about on same. Thats right and in the interview with the wall street journal he was asked about his comments and the reception he got at the scalp and you and i have read many interviews and had our viewers of people who were present at that boy scouts are meant he said they didnt like the fact he was so overly political, they didnt appreciate the presents tone and yet in the interview with the Wall Streetjournal he said he was told by the boy scouts head that it was The Greatest Beach had ever heard. Basta reaud The Greatest Beach had ever heard. Bastareaud greatest beach. There are several reports to say that assembly untrue the greatest speech ever. Trump also said that the mexican president had phoned him to say he was pleased that the ring have the First Six Months had gone. But the mexican president said that was not the case he did not have the Phone Call Congratulating him on his effo rts call congratulating him on his efforts in the First Six Months. An example of the trump version of events and the other, Reality Version of events. The white house was questioned about this in bury meeting. Sarah Huckabee Sanders conceded there was not a phone call between the two but said there was a phone call at some point. Conversation some point. We are seeing a pattern where the president says something and fax themselves dont correlate. Good heavy an outside source, this is a man we need to keep talking about the president of america. Thank you very much watching we will be back tomorrow. Goodbye. Hello, by this time next week whether should look a little bit more like we would expect in august with the wettest conditions in the north and drier weather further south. That will be a big flipping of fortune compare to what we have on wednesday this week. Southern areas are very sulky indeed and the further north you look the part of the skies became particularly across Northern Scotland weather was a lot of sunshine as we went on through the day. The Satellite Radar Picture confirms that largely sunny skies across Northern Scotland, more cloud further south all things bright and of bit for Northern Ireland north west england. You can see them in the south there was a lot of rain, heavy bursts of rain at that. The pattern begins to change during festive colours as the cerrie of low pressure just across the country it is closer to the centre, ie in the north where we will see most of the showers. The show is a slow moving and heavy with rumbles of thunder particularly the scotland, the fun of england and Northern Ireland. Further South Marksman michelle was an unbundled be stronger if you do catch a show it should play to be quickly. Once again temperatures 1822d. Quickly. Once again temperatures 18 22d. Low pressure is still in charge as we move out of thursday into friday, the ledger thing at the north east and again its closer to the centre of the low where we will see most of the showers particular across scotland. Into Northern Ireland, northern england, into the middle is. The further south you are fewer showers more sunshine, light winds at this stage, 16 in glasgow 23 in london. What would we need to settle things down is High Pressure and that is sitting along the way out to the west but actually as we go to the start of the weekend the bulge in the isobars here, does begin to take a bit more control about whether particularly in the south so here actually a fair amount of dry weather delay on saturday, sun showers up towards the north and north west. As we move on into sunday looks briefly like this area of High Pressure might win the battle and might settle things down properly put it is not going to win because this area of low pressure will start to move its way into the atlantic. A spell of bad weather on sunday after. In places and as we go on through the day we will then see some outbreaks of rain pushing in across Northern Ireland. That rain is expected to move erratically eastwards as we go on through monday still a fair amount of dry weather down the south east and temperatures, no great shakes 1620d. Lets temperatures, no great shakes 16 20d. Lets catch up on the progress of our area of High Pressure as we move into tuesday. Still sitting down here to the south west, this area of High Pressure is essentially contained in a rich in Thejet Pressure is essentially contained in a rich in the jet stream, pressure is essentially contained in a rich in Thejet Stream, thejet strea m a rich in Thejet Stream, Thejet Stream is of course what drives the Weather Systems around the world. It is bending way up to the north, the area of High Pressure sits in place. That means the Weather Systems will be deflected away to the north and actually it is this bend in the jet strea m actually it is this bend in the jet stream that is building its way into the middle part of next week. It is likely that more bus will see the influence of this area per pressure. The big question is how far north that high will take control. It still looks Like Northern parts of the country could be affected by areas of low pressure. That means it will be more lightly to be dry, sunshine in the south, some rains at home in northern parts of the country. A little warmer but no heat wave. In southern areas at least there is something a bit more settled on the way. Tonight at ten. A breakthrough for scientists as they get a step closer to eradicating inherited diseases. They have used Gene Editing Techniques to correct faulty dna in Human Embryos to stop them developing heart disease. A method of being able to avoid infecting children and passing on the defective gene could be really very important for those families. But critics have raised ethical concerns, warning about the creation of designer babies. Also tonight. They called themselves the three musketeers, a Terrorist Cell from the West Midlands is convicted of plotting to attack police and the military. Prince philips last official engagement at Buckingham Palace as he bows out of public life at the age of 96. A group of army cadets some as young as 12 are rescued after being caught in bad weather in mountains in Northern Ireland. Is he about to become the most expensive footballer in history

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