got involved? so, this is an academic— got involved? so, this is an academic second-hand - got involved? so, this is an - academic second-hand accounts. i academic second—hand accounts. i think life was extremely difficult. the taliban are authoritarian and misogynistic. but there were many other practices — poverty, war, no access to hospital, low sanitation, all under the taliban. life did change after the us invasion. some important advances were made in women's rights, which definitely should be spawned at. women's lives are not... they don't exist in a vacuum. the us invasion caused a lot of civilian deaths and failed to build a proper government structure. life did change, but not for everyone, and certainly not enough to celebrate. misti everyone, and certainly not enough to celebrate-— everyone, and certainly not enough to celebrate. . ., ., ., ., to celebrate. nivi manchanda, author ofthe to celebrate. nivi manchanda, author of the book imagining _ to celebrate. nivi manchanda, author