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Newsday. Good morning. Its 7am in singapore, midnight in london and 2am in yemen, where, according to the United Nations, a catastrophe is unfolding. The country is struggling with the worlds worst cholera epidemic, and the looming threat of famine. Un Officials Say yemen has been brought to its knees by more than two years of war between Houthi Rebels and a saudi led coalition. Our correspondent orla guerin has gained rare access to the Southern Port City Of Aden and sent this report. We cross the red sea to reach yemen, past the sunken wreckage of a hidden war. This was the only way to the port city of aden. The saudi led coalition, bombing the country, grounded the un plane due to fly us in. This is the kind of suffering they dont want the world to see. Rassam is 11. He is one of many children wasting away across the country. Since the war, Malnutrition Rates have soared. Hunger is menacing this nation, from the very old. To the very young. Like hussain. His mother showed us how he fights for every breath. The United Nations says an entire generation is being starved and crippled and famine is looming. In a ward nearby, another threat, a desperate rush to save Abdullah Mohammed salem, who came in with no pulse. They tried to squeeze fluid and life back into his veins. Hes one victim of an epidemic ravaging yemen, cholera, and its the worst outbreak in the world. There is now a perfect Breeding Ground for disease, because Sanitation Services have broken down. Abdullahs son, ahmed, has a message for those in power who are busy waging war. Deal with the sewage, he says, and clean the streets. Mosquitoes and flies are everywhere causing illness. We are demanding that everyone who claims to be our leader should just care about the people. Instead, they are dying of cholera at the rate of about one every hour. Another outcome of a brutal conflict. This hospital alone receives about 100 new cholera cases every day. Those who get help recover quickly, within hours. But many in yemen are dying needlessly, because they cant get the most basic treatment. After more than two years of war, half of the Health Facilities in the country are not functioning. Like much else in the arab worlds poorest nation, in these streets, scars of battle. The president ial guard mans the checkpoints in aden, but the Yemeni President is seldom seen. He was forced to flee by the Houthi Rebels, thats when his allies, the saudis, stepped in. Their Bombing Campaign has not restored his authority. But it has destroyed hospitals, schools and homes, like that of this family. Their house was hit by two air strikes as the coalition targeted houthi fighters nearby. Senaad tells us two years on, the extended family of 30 are among the forgotten victims of this war. Some of the family still live right here in the ruins, with no help, they say, except from god. But civilians here have been under fire from both sides. We met this woman and her children waiting forfood aid. Ten year old imad used to love football, before he was hit by a houthi shell. I brought the kids into the house, she told us, and asked them to stay inside. They went into The Living Room and thats when they were hit. He lost both legs immediately. Since then, she says, imad and her other children have never been the same. They have deep psychological wounds, as well as physical ones. Most of all it is yemens children, like ten month old ahmed, who are paying the price here. The conflict has reached a stalemate. International diplomacy has failed and nowhere in the world are more lives as stake. Orla guerin, bbc news, aden. We have more on the crisis on our website. Breaking news in the last hour that the us senate has voted for new sanctions on russia. Theyll now send the package, which also includes sanctions against north korea and iran, to President Trump who will have to decide whether to accept the tough approach to moscow, or veto the measure. Our senior washington producer, mat morrison, has more details. The house macro voted overwhelmingly for this, a19 to three, the congress is behind the tough assumptions on russia, which are related to whether 01 russia, which are related to whether or not Russia Meddled in the us election this past year. Russia has firmly denied that, especially vladimir putin. President trump has expressed doubts himself. The senate is now following on the house macro, overwhelmingly in favour of the sanctions, pushing forward, which puts the president in a tricky situation because he has said in the past he isnt necessarily for coming down so hard on russia in this way and congress has clearly laid out by this overwhelming vote in both sections of congress that this sanctions are necessary to punish russia for any potential medley that had been taking place. We will bring you up to date with what donald trump decides. Also making news today amid chaotic scenes, crowds of palestinians have resumed prayers at a sensitive holy site injerusalem, after israel removed the last of the security measures it installed earlier this month. But as the crowds arrived at the haram al sharif, or temple mount, clashes broke out and Israeli Forces fired teargas. Dozens of people were hurt. Two women, charged with murdering the half brother of north korean leader, kim jong un, are due to appear before a High Courtjudge in malaysia. Vietnamese doan thi huong and Indonesian Siti Aisyah are accused of smearing Kim Jong Nams face with the vx nerve agent, In Kuala Lumpur Airport in february. If found guilty, they could face a mandatory death sentence. London police have told authorities in charge of Grenfell Tower that they may face corporate manslaughter charges over the fire that killed at least 80 people last month. Police say the local council and Housing Association had been told there were reasonable grounds to suspect them of the offence. In business news, the luxury car manufacturer porsche says it will recall 22,000 of its cayenne models over irregular engine management software. The german Transport Minister labelled the emissions Controlling Software illegal. Porsche is owned by volkswagen, which in 2015 admitted it had fitted some of its cars with a device to cheat on emissions tests. South korean president moonjae in is a self confessed animal lover and the president has welcomed a new member into his family. This is tory, a little black dog who was reportedly headed for the dinner table before being rescued two years ago. North korea says it doesnt care a bit about an announcement by the us stopping its citizens from visiting the reclusive communist state. That ban was formally published on thursday and comes into force next month. The measure will further reduce the number of encounters north koreans have with foreigners. John sudworth is on the border between china and north korea. Tell us a little bit about what it is like over there where you are. Rigidly quite early in the morning and not any people about . Presumably. Thats right. It is busier on the side of the river that backside. There are few people out for a morning stroll. You might be able to hear some music. Theres a Line Dance Class going on there. But of course this city is like many chinese cities. Busy and bustling. Large high rises, neon lights at night. But on that side of the river, over the north korea, china friendship bridge, pretty much a scene of poverty. An old power plant and afume scene of poverty. An old power plant and a fume mills, from which we very rarely see smoke coming from the chimney stacks. Most tourists who entered north korea will do so over this border, either by air between china and north korea or directly over that bridge by train. But their numbers will grow and little bit fewer once this ban comes into effect. Something like 1000 americans a year are believed to visit pyongyang on organised tours, but the white house has made it clear that the perceived risk to their safety now makes it no longer worth the diplomatic and Political Risk of having them go there and within about a month or so, once the ban becomes active, americans will no longer be able to travel into north korea. Rate. We just no longer be able to travel into north korea. Rate. Wejust had brett news this morning that the us senate has implemented even more sanctions against north korea breaking news. An attempt to choke off the country and its regime. How important is Something Like the reason for the nation . Tourism. In terms of the american part of the picture, pretty small. This is more symbolic than meaningful, i think, although it is designed to send a message. But tourism in general is important to the north korean regime. It is a key way of earning foreign currency reserves and by far the biggest bulk of tourists come from china. Weve spoken to some on the last day or so who find it very easy to go on day trips. Again getting on a train to head across that rich. You can go on half day tours, costing about 100, and its a vital way of north korea gaining ha rd a vital way of north korea gaining hard currency. But you are right, this is all part of washingtons attem pts this is all part of washingtons atte m pts to this is all part of washingtons attempts to increase pressure on north korea and the growing frustration with their inability to bring matt missile and nuclear programme, the heel and try to get north korea to curtail its ambitions, that frustration is leading the Ministry Should In Washington to look for other ways it can act unilaterally. Although this is clearly in large part a response to what happened to that Young American tourist, sentenced to 15 yea rs ha rd american tourist, sentenced to 15 years hard labour, died after being released in a coma last month, the shock surrounding that dreadful story is of course in large part, in terms of describing whats behind this measure. But there is other consideration about looking for ways to punish and pressure the regime on that side of the water. All right. Thank you. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme as Wildfires Rage in Southern France we follow the firefighters on their mission to quell the flames. Also coming up on the programme why Prince William is quitting thejob he loves, flying helicopters for the Air Ambulance service. The us space agency, nasa, has ordered an investigation after confirmation today that astronauts were cleared to fly while drunk. The last foot patrol in south armagh. Once an everyday part of the soldiers lot, drudgery and danger, now no more after almost four decades. If one is on ones own, in a private house, not doing any harm to anyone, i dont really see why people should wander in and say, youre doing something wrong. Six rare white lion cubs are on the prowl at Worcestershire Park and, already, they have been met with a roar of approval from visitors. Theyre lovely, yeah. Really sweet. Yeah, they were cute. This is newsday on the bbc. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Im Kasia Madeira in london. Our top stories doctors in yemen have told the bbc that the country is in danger of losing its future, with the risk of famine now adding to a cholera epidemic. Congress in washington has voted overwhelmingly to impose new sanctions on russia, iran and north korea despite President Trumps objections. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. Lets start with the japan times, looking at the story of the beleaguered Defence Minister. It reports that its almost certain that tomomi inada will resign over an alleged cover up involving Military Documents and even lists possible replacements. The china daily leads with a Rallying Call from president xijinping. Hes calling on communist Party Officials to prepare for risks and challenges. He says after four decades of reform, the party has to meet the peoples demand for happy lives. And the South China Morning Post has this picture, the final touches to a miniature version of hong kong stadium, made out of lego, on show at the ani com and games show. As sharanjit mentioned, its being widely reported injapan that the countrys high profile Defence Minister is about to resign, over an alleged cover up involving Military Documents. Tomomi inada is expected to submit her Resignation Letter to the Prime Minister shinzo abe on friday. She has repeatedly denied claims she helped cover up internal records that exposed the dangerjapanese peacekeepers faced in south sudan. Rupert Wingfield Hayes is in tokyo. Rupert, there is no coincidence that this expected resignation is going to coincide with the findings of the report as to the dangers these peacekeepers came under in sudan. This is the thing thats pushing her to resign today, or her expected resignation today. Were expecting to see three reservations today, the Defence Minister, mrs inada, the most senior bureaucrat in the Defence Ministry and also the head of the Ground Self Defence force, essentially the Japanese Army and this is over a very inside baseball scandal as the americans would say, documents pertaining to the deployment of japanese troops in south sudan as peacekeepers last year. Those logs apparently show that the japanese troops were in much greater danger than they were confessing to or admitting to and that the Defence Ministry somehow mislaid these logs. Actually they we re mislaid these logs. Actually they were never missed leg but its alleged the top bureaucrats covered up alleged the top bureaucrats covered up so these documents couldnt be presented to parliament at a time when japan was presented to parliament at a Time Whenjapan was debating whether to change its constitution to allow japanese troops to be deployed overseas on combat missions mislaid. A controversial subject in japan but as a an obscure scandal. It maybe so but the tough timing for shinzo abe is interesting. But an and secure. Its unfortunate for shinzo abe. But an obscure. Mr abe is going to have a Cabinet Recycle as early as next week and she was expected to go them reshuffle. His government is beleaguered by a number of scandals, the other two directly aimed at mr abe and his own Popularity Rating has collapsed in recent weeks and its now reported below 30 for the First Time Since he came to power in 2012. Hes got to do something to try to rebuild his image and rebuilt the image of his government. That will entail a Cabinet Reshuffle next week. Whether that will fix the problems for mr abe, we will have to wait and see. And a lot of people are now predicting mr abes demise as the Prime Minister sometime in the coming year. When it comes to this resignation, we will keep our eyes on it. Rupert Wingfield Hayes, for the time being, from tokyo, thank you very much. Fires are continuing to burn in Southern France for a fourth day. Several thousand firefighters and troops are battling the flames, which they now say are more under control. Around 10,000 holidaymakers and residents have been forced to leave their homes and campsites around the town of bormes les mimosas, with many spending the night on beaches or in sports halls and other public buildings. Duncan kennedy reports from the town. Its been another 2a hours of fires. And firefighting. This was bormes les mimosas, west of st tropez, and the flames have been spreading again across the windswept bridges. That meant another night on the beach for dozens of holiday makers, forced out of their campsites. They included olivia hall from sevenoa ks, whos about to spend her third night in a sleeping bag along with her parents and grandparents. What do you think of sleeping on a beach like this . Well, i mean for me, im 18, its ok, but for old people, my grandparents for instance, its not the easiest if they have a wheelchair or things. It is difficult for people. Today we went out with this team of firefighters. This is the kind of terrain they have to haul up their hosepipes, all in 30 degrees temperatures. Theyre dousing down dozens of small pockets of fire. Afterfour days, he said, hes tired but holding up. And its Notjust A Firefighting Effort from the ground. There goes another load from one of these aircraft, one of dozens we are witnessing this morning. Little patches of fire keep breaking up, they are the most dangerous ones, they are the ones that can lead to widespread bushfires and then they become out of control. And in wave after wave, the planes kept on coming, trying to control fires caused by Combustible Undergrowth and powerful winds. Translation when the fires combine with the winds, it creates the worst of monsters. Its like a herd of bison storming down the hill, eating up all the vegetation, animals and unfortunately people. When the fires have passed through, this is what they leave. Green turned to black, life turned to dust. It is part of the natural cycle here, but the effects can be devastating. Duncan kennedy, bbc news, on the cote dazur. Its a job he really doesnt want to leave, but Prince William has been working out his last day as an Air Ambulance pilot, a role hes carried out for the last two years. Hes now taking up his royal duties full time. The duke of cambridge says he has been proud to serve. Our royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell reports. A Team Photograph at the start of his final shift. A picture from his working life which is likely to mean more than most for William Wales since it will remind him of the role hes played as a member of the Emergency Services doing a job largely out of public sight in which hes been able to prove himself solely on the basis of ability. His colleagues say theyll miss him. Hes a hard Working Member of the team, always keen to get his hands dirty and help out, whether its just cleaning the aircraft or actually at scene, helping out with patients that are critically ill. From the moment william took up his Air Ambulance duties more than two years ago, its clear how much thejob has meant to him. Its kept him grounded, he said, working as a member of a highly committed team. When i put my Air Ambulance hat on and i come here and fly, im one of the team. I just want to get the job done and at the end of the day feel like ive made a difference through my contribution. Hes flown on scores of Emergency Call outs and seen tragedy at close quarters. There are some very sad, dark moments and we talk about it a lot but its hard. You try not to take it away with you but it can be quite difficult. But for all the difficult moments, william says hes hugely grateful for the experience. He says its instilled in him a profound respect for the men and women who serve in our Emergency Services, which i hope to continue to champion even as i leave the profession. After tonights shift, william will turn to the profession to which he was born and from which hes known there could be no escape. Thats to be a full time Working Member of the british royalfamily, supporting his grandmother and preparing for the day when he will be king, but sustained by the knowledge that once he did have the freedom to do a valued job of his own choice. Nicholas witchell, bbc news, cambridge airport. Youve been watching newsday. And well leave you with these pictures from istanbul, where rush hour commuters in turkeys biggest city have experienced extremely heavy downpours, forcing many to take cover in metro stations. Among the extreme weather were hailstones the size of golf balls. Thats all for now, stay with bbc world news. Hello, good evening. Theres something wrong with the weather at the moment, today was a mixture of sunshine and heavy april showers and more showers this evening and overnight. The heavy ones more recently in the south east should ease away but well keep them going in the west and particularly further north in Northern Ireland, scotland and Northern England and there could be heavy enough for a rumble or two of thunder. Some clear spells overnight but lows of 13 or 12 even in the cooler air. Not many showers in much of england and wales on friday morning, decent sunshine before the cloud increases from the south west and we will keep a scattering of showers further north. Eventually rain coming in across england and wales but for most of the date for the cricket at the oval, it may will be dry, not really expecting any interruptions to play until evening session. We will have showers further north and they will keep going on and off through the day in scotland and Northern Ireland and fora day in scotland and Northern Ireland and for a while in Northern England and for a while in Northern England and there could be heavy and blustery. But there will be some sunshine in between those showers before the cloud thickens up from the south west and by mid to Late Afternoon weve got outbreaks of rain coming into wales, across the South West Of England and by the evening pushing its way towards the south east as well where highs are very similar to today, we could sneak 20 or 21, nothing particularly great for this time of year. Wet weather pushes its way across england and wales quickly across the evening and the first part of the night and the rain could be heavy in some of the Western Hills and doesnt clear from the south west corner and we keep showers going in the north west close to the area of low pressure. That will dominate in the next few days and around the base of the low pressure these Weather Systems will bring pulses of rain. The next area of rain still there on the south coast through the English Channel will pep up again later in the day turning wet as we head to the evening. Otherwise a good slice of sunshine and dry weather before we back into those showers, some heavy again in scotland, especially the west of scotla nd scotland, especially the West Of Scotland and Northern Ireland where temperatures are a disappointing 16 or 17. Wet weather developed in the evening, scoot away overnight but we still have lots of showers on sunday, especially to the west, likely to be heavy and thundery with a top temperature in the south east of 21. Rather cool this weekend and some rather strong winds as well. Sunshine as well but showers and longer spells of rain too. Im kasia madera with bbc world news. Our top story aid workers say seven Million People in yemen are one step away from famine. And the ongoing outbreak of cholera has affected hundreds of thousands of people. With half a million children now severely malnourished, doctors are worried the country will lose its future. The senate in washington has voted overwhelmingly to impose new sanctions on russia, iran and north korea, despite concerns from President Trump. The bill will now be sent to the white house for mr trump to sign into law or veto. And this story is trending on bbc. Com its a heart warming tale from the aleppo zoo where a collection of lions, tigers and bears has been rescued after six years of war, and taken to a Rehabilitation Centre in turkey. Stay with us bbc world news. Now on bbc news, its time for hardtalk

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