Live from our studios in singapore and london. This is bbc world news. Its newsday. Its 9am in singapore, 1am in london and 8pm at the United Nations in new york where, addressing north koreas recent Missile Tests, the Us Ambassador nikki haley delivered a blunt message to north korea. Flanked by representatives from both japan and south korea, Ambassador Haley warned that all options are on the table when it came to americas response. She also had this to say about the countrys leader kim jong un. We are not dealing with a rational person, if this was any other country we would be talking about that and this wouldnt be an issue, this is not a rational person who has not had rational axe and who is not thinking clearly. What i can tell you as the stance of the us is we are real value in how we can handle north korea Going Forward and we are making those decisions now and we will act accordingly. Malaysia is having its own problems with north korea. The two nations have banned each others citizens from leaving their countries. This followed the killing of kimjong nam, The Half Brother of the north Korean Leader. But, the Prime Minister says lines of diplomatic communication are, for the moment, still open. At the moment they are still on because it provides us with a channel. You need to have a channel to talk with them to negotiate with them. Lets speak to the bbcs sharanjit leyl, who is outside the north Korean Embassy in kuala lumpur. Tensions remain high . Thats right, rico. Tensions remain high and the embassy In Kuala Lumpar remains of focal point not just embassy In Kuala Lumpar remains of focal point notjust for malaysian security, you see the police car, but with the media because we are all watching for signs of movement at the embassy, it is now open for business, we continue to see cars coming in and out essentially. As you heard from the malaysian Prime Minister, najib razak, taking a more conciliatory tone, saying diplomatic relations would continue with north korea despite the spat that has developed over the death of kim jong nam, The Half Brother of the north Korean Leader. Also saying essentially that he needs to get those malaysians who are currently stuck in pyongyang who cant travel outside of the country, theres ii of them, mainly Embassy Staff and theirfamilies, faced of them, mainly Embassy Staff and their families, faced with the prospect of trying to secure their release. Essentially as well we know. We heard from the un obviously, the americans are taking a harsh tone with the north koreans, but actually to some extent they have gotte n but actually to some extent they have gotten off fairly lightly with one of their biggest allies. We heard from china saying that essentially the investigation needs to be finished here In Kuala Lumpar before any action can be taken against north korea. We know those investigations continue because the malaysian authorities have a number of north korean suspects, those who they think are behind the death of kimjong nam, they think are behind the death of kim jong nam, three of them they think are holed up behind walls of this embassy so thats why that continued scrutiny. The malaysians also continue to hold the body of kimjong nam at a also continue to hold the body of kim jong nam at a mortuary here also continue to hold the body of kimjong nam at a mortuary here In Kuala Lumpar. They say they are not releasing it to anyone unless they have dna evidence of the key family. Apart from the diplomatic spat, sharon, the rhetoric can add to the equation a video of the son of kim jong nam. Equation a video of the son of kim jongnam. Thats right, rico. We know the story continues to dominate the headlines globally, here in malaysia, of course no exception. On the front page of the star is the son of kimjong nam, at least he is believed to be so, this is a video that emerged yesterday and was made available to a number of outlets by available to a number of outlets by a Civil Defence group, a relatively new group in south korea, they are believed to assist north koreans trying to escape the country. It is believed that the son and his family, mother and sister, who he acknowledges were with him in the video, they apparently assisted him to try to secure his safety. In the video it is a 42nd clip that has been censored but he said he is safe and he shows off his north korean passport. A0 second clip. Lots of theories about this, the korean intelligence and the Unification Ministry saying it is him. We are also seeing the families of the malaysians staff caught in pyongyang, the sister of the Personal Assistant to the malaysians ambassador in pyongyang here, saying please release my sister. Lots of worries about the malaysians stuck there, but there in mind they said there, but there in mind they said there are around 1000 north korean is in malaysia stuck here and unable to leave. Sharanjit leyl outside the north Korean Embassy In Kuala Lumpar, thanks for the update. Lets take a look at some of the days other news. The Central Intelligence agency in the United States has accused wikileaks of Endangering Americans by publishing what the website says are top secret Hacking Tools used by the agency. The cia did not confirm the authenticity of the documents but it said the American Public should be deeply troubled by such disclosures. The white house spokesman, sean spicer, also accused wikileaks of threatening national security. I think he is very concerned about the allegations that are out there in terms of what may or may not happen. It is an allegation, it is something were not going to confirm at this time, but as you can imagine from the president s previous comments, he is extremely concerned about this, about these allegations, about this, about these allegations, about the potential that something. If this were true would have on our national security. And make no mistake about it, i think the president has talked before that anyone who Lea Ks The President has talked before that anyone who leaks Classified Information will be held to the highest degree of law. Firefighters in guatemala say at least 19 teenage girls have been killed in a fire that tore through a Childrens Home south east of the capital, guatemala city. Guatemalan media reports that the residents had protested the night before, against alleged sexual abuse by staff as well as poor food and conditions. Authorities say the victims were aged between 1a and 17 years old. Translation various residents caused fires into areas. Volunteer fire units were sent into combat fires and to help with medical rescue. The fire was successfully put out using more than 3000 gallons of water and there are 25 residents with first and Second Degree burns. A day after President Donald Trump signed a revised travel ban, a judge in hawaii has said the state plans to challenge the order. Hawaiis Attorney General says the new order still targets immigrants and refugees and is unconstitutional. He wants to add the imam from honolulu mosque, whose Mother In Law lives in syria, as a plaintiff in the states lawsuit. Arab mps in israels parliament, or knesset, are outraged after it voted for a law that could stop mosques using loudspeakers for the call to prayer. It would ban religious institutions from using outdoor loudspeakers, and its seen as directed at muslims. The decision isnt yet final. China has given the ok for 38 new trump trademarks paving the way for his hotels and other businesses, but also for trump branded Massage Parlours and escort services. Trumps lawyers in china applied for the marks in april 2016 as he railed against china at campaign rallies, accusing it of Currency Manipulation and stealing us jobs. Critics say that china granting the trademarks raises serious Conflict Of Interest questions. One of maltas famous landmarks, the Azure Window Rock Arch on gozo island, has collapsed into the sea after heavy storms. These pictures show the Limestone Arch before the collapse. The landmark featured on the popular tv series game of thrones. And after, as you can see, theres nothing left of the arch which has completely disappeared into the sea. In afghanistan, the so called Islamic State group has said it was responsible for an attack on a Military Hospital in the capital kabul. At least 30 people died when gunmen dressed as doctors stormed the building. Army commandos took several hours to regain control after landing by helicopter on the roof, as our correspondent James Robbins reports. Smoke billows from afghanistans largest Military Hospital, a small group of four or five is extremists have overwhelmed its defences and are using guns and grenades to attack both medical staff and patients. Some are able to flee to window ledges, high above the ground. One sends out a message pray for us. It takes helicopters, laden with Afghan Special forces, to counter attack and several hours of fighting to kill the jihadists. Translation i was in the Operating Theatre when a suicide bomber, wearing a white doctors uniform, came in and opened fire on me. When he fired on me, i fell down on the ground. The attacker shot my colleague. Somehow i escaped using the back exit. Afghanistans president said the attack on a hospital trampled human values. But the inability of his Security Forces to protect such an obvious target raises fresh doubts about the ability of a fragile, often corrupt government to prevail against the extremists of the taliban and is. Now that isis is on the road to defeat in iraq, in syria, youve got to ask yourself where are these guys going to go . Where are these fighters, these terrorists, going to go . Gonfortu nately, afghanistan, as long as it remains unstable gonfortu nately, afghanistan, as long as it remains unstabllike this, is highly attractive to groups like isis for relocation. Which all makes afghanistan look more vulnerable than ever. No wonder americas top general there has been urging the despatch of thousands more International Troops as military trainers to try to stop the rot. James robbins, bbc news. In south korea, the trial of the chief of samsung, on charges of corruption and bribery, will begin in the capital seoul on thursday. Billionaire jay y lee is accused of paying bribes in exchange for political support. Its alleged samsung paid more than 37 million to south korean President Park geun hye in exchange for the governments support on a large merger deal involving samsung. The company admitted it donated money but denies seeking any favours in return. The bbcs steve evans has more from seoul. You cant doubt it, this is one of the worlds biggest companies, a Household Name throughout the planet and the top man, the defect to head of the thing, is up for trial on embezzlement and bribery and will go to prison if found guilty the de fa cto. To prison if found guilty the de facto. Eight is known that he denies the court, charge, samsung is indicating there will be a denial. Bernabeu of this charge, all the big allegation, is that jay why lee met the president of this company, just the president of this company, just the two of them, face to face, and they then made a deal and that deal was that samsung paid two foundations, run by the best friend of the president , a lot of money, just short of a0 million, in return the countrys pension fund would put its weight behind a change. That the samsung family wanted to make to strengthen its control. Now, there are strengthen its control. Now, there a re lots of strengthen its control. Now, there are lots of allegations with lots of these. What they say is we talk to these. What they say is we talk to the president all the time and we often give money to good causes as we perceive them. But that doesnt add up to bribery. Steve, briefly, how much of a broad nerve has this trial touched in south korea about the role of samsung and other massive conglomerates, known as chaebols. I think it has split the country down the middle. There are big demonstrations every saturday against President Park. There are pretty big demonstrations frequently in favour of President Park. So what we will see tomorrow is a decision on whether President Park should be kicked out of office. And that is all wound up in this whole business. Issues kicked out of office, there will be demonstrations in her favour. If not kicked out of office, by their highs caught in the land, there will be big demonstrations the other way. So it has split the country right down the middle and which way that court decision, the Supreme Court decision with President Park, will open that rant. There is no doubt about that. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme we report from The Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, where State Elections are under way. But its a campaign thats worrying the regions muslim minority. The numbers of dead and wounded defied belief. The worst atrocity on european soil in modern times. In less tha n european soil in modern times. In less than 2a hours the soviet union lost a n less than 2a hours the soviet union lost an elderly leader and replaced him with a dynamic figure 20 years hisjunior. We heard these gunshots and they came out and started firing. We were all petrified. James earl ray, aged a1, sentenced to 99 yea rs, earl ray, aged a1, sentenced to 99 years, travelled to nashville state prison. Paul, what does it feel like it in married at last . It feels fine, thank you. Will it change your life, you think . I dont know really, i have never been married before. This is newsday on the bbc. Im rico hizon in singapore. Our top stories Us Ambassador to the un, nikki haley, says north koreas leader is not rational, as the United Nations discuss how to respond to pyongyangs Ballistic Missile tests. The white house has promised to get tough on people who leak Classified Information, after thousands of documents said to detail cia Hacking Tools were published online. Its being called one of the greatest comebacks in football. Barcelona have beaten Paris Saint Germain 6 1 at home to reach the European Champions League quarterfinals. The spanish champions had lost the first leg of the tie with psg by a 0. A Jubilant Barcelona now go on to the semi finals after winning 6 5 on aggregate. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. Theres new Intelligence Analysis of north koreas latest Missile Tests in the japan times. The paper reports that the hypothetical target of one of the missiles launched on monday was a us airbase near the city of iwakuni, on the japanese mainland. The New York Times has this intriguing piece about a unique place to stay in manhattan. Its an airbnb apartment, located inside trump tower. The article notes that its, a chance for travellers to book a room in a Building Housing the president s family, one of the most secure buildings in the world, at the click of a mouse. And the South China Morning Post takes a look at the continuing National Peoples congress in beijing. This image of women in traditional dress is on the front page. The paper notes that women in china are granted a half day off work on International Womens day, which was on wednesday. And lets stay with International Womens day. Its trending online. Yes, rico. Visitors to wall street in new york may notice something a little different. Its this statue of a little girl now facing the famous charging bull. It was commissioned to draw attention to Gender Inequality and the pay gap in the corporate world. Wonderful image. Donald trump has often spoken of his desire to give jobs back to americans. That means sending home foreign workers, and notjust those who are illegal, but also those who have have permission to work. Tens of thousands of indians are employed in the us in the it industry. Now, indian tech firms are worried about what a clampdown might mean for business back home. Our south asia correspondent Justin Rowlatt reports. She graduated from a top us university. Shes worked as a Software Engineer for microsoft and facebook. But ridi mattel isnt sure she would be welcome in america any more. I cant believe engineers like me are being pushed out of the us today. Its really unfortunate. President trump has made no bones about his intentions. We will bring back ourjobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams. And the fear is that will affect indias dream of a growing it sector. There has been talk of cutting back the 150,000 Temporary Work Visas the us issues to professionals like Computer Programmers every year. India is overwhelmingly the biggest beneficiary of those visas, it gets 70 of the total. A key reason why the indian it sector is now worth 150 billion a year. Thats almost 10 of indias entire gdp. Yet rudi mattel is not worried. Her bangalore based Online Finance business is thriving. She thinks fewer us visas will be good for her and good for india. Now i couldnt be happier. Were developing. Were going to grow exponentially over the next decade. Theres just a confluence of Macro Factors and trends which is going to be wonderful for here and we need smart people here. The Indian Government cosmic Small Business and Tech Champion the Indian Governments Small Business and Tech Champion acknowledges there will be costs in india if visas are restricted, but he also believes indias it sector is Strong Enough to survive and grow. India is growing at 7. 6 per annum. Its an oasis of growth in the midst of a very barren economic landscape. But when these people come here, india will probably start growing at 9 10 per annum. So no issue at all. We welcome people, but the loser will be america in this case. India increasingly offers all the amenities of california, including craft ale. That makes it more likely the visa clamp down will backfire. Indian It Professionals who return are more likely to stay, and to develop businesses that will compete with us companies. Justin rowlatt, bbc news, bangalore. Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi is facing a major test as key State Elections get under way. One has been held in Uttar Pradesh, home to 220 Million People and indias most politically important state. But as Sanjoy Majumder reports, the political battle is making the States Muslim minority nervous. Varanasi, on the banks of the ganges river. One of indias oldest and holiest cities, revered by hindus. Now the scene of a critical political battle. Its the city of varanasi and the state of Uttar Pradesh that propelled Narendra Modi to his magnificent victory in the general elections of 201a. And thats why he is so keen on a strong showing in these local elections, because its believed that if you have a political grip over Uttar Pradesh, you have power over india. On the last stage in an election spread overfour weeks, an enthusiastic turnout. The campaign has been intense and nasty, as mr modis bjp faces stiff challenge from opposition parties. At the main hindu temple in a neighbouring town, the Prime Minister has plenty of support. They want him to crack down on terrorism and the spread of radical islam, a major issue here. Translation muslims follow sharia laws, which guide them. A number of muslim boys from here have been led astray. They need to be educated, to think of indias progress. In the past few years the number of young muslims have been arrested over terror charges. But the community, which makes up 18 of the states population, says it has been unfairly targeted. This mans son is in prison, arrested over an alleged terror plot. His father says he was an enthusiastic Cricket Player who has been wrongly implicated. Translation the police interviewed hundreds of witnesses and not one of them has identified my son. None of the testimonies have stood up in court. Theres a sense fear now among the muslims here, especially the youth. Translation no one wants to send their children outside here because they are so frightened that they will be arrested and labelled as a terrorist. Translation theres a growing divide between and muslims. This happened only after Narendra Modi came to power. Everyone is waiting anxiously for the result of these polls, but also concerned over what might happen if the divide is not breached. Join me for Asia Business report. Thanks for watching. Good morning. Yesterday was a funny old day. Mild for some of us, but not that much in the way of sunshine. Favoured spots were Northern Ireland and northern england. A beautiful weather watchers picture sent in from york, with the daffodils shining brightly. Despite the crocus full bloom in the south east corner there was quite a lot of cloud around. Despite this, temperatures peaking at 15 degrees, soa mild, albeit dull, day. At times there were showery outbreaks of rain. Thick enough for this cloud into southern england. Showers continuing up into the far north and they will continue through the night tonight. At the same time the Weather Front to the south slowly drifts up into the near continent, but it takes its time in doing so. So all that means we keep the cloud and we keep some drizzle to the south of the ma corridor. Poor visibility, some coastal and hill fog. A few sharp showers continuing into the far north of scotland. Here it will be chilly enough for a touch of snow to the tops of the mountains, but mild into the south. But we start off on a drab, dull, damp note in the Isles Of Scilly and the foot of cornwall. Here its likely to stay disappointing all day. A bit of cloud around the south, but it starts to break up as we go through the day. Largely dry with some sunshine through much of wales and central and northern england. A beautiful morning into Northern Ireland as well. A scattering of showers continue into Scotland First thing in the morning. Some of them should ease a touch into the afternoon, but still driven along by that brisk breeze here. Further south, cloud will continue to break up and we have sunshine coming through. Cornwall may stay disappointing, along with the channel isles. Temperatures responding with the sunshine. A beautiful spring day for many. 9 15 degrees. Some could see highs of 16 degrees, thats 61 fahrenheit. As we go through thursday night into friday, eastern areas could see a bit of light frost under clear skies. At the same time the cloud gathers to the west. A change to come as we move into friday. Still a southerly breeze. It will still be mild, but showery outbreaks of rain and little bit more Cloud Crossing the country. 7 13 is the high. The real change will come into the weekend. We lose the southerly flow. Winds turn to more of a westerly. Isobars are squeezing together. The breeze will dry in cooler air. A noticeable difference into the weekend. There will be sunshine. Rain at times. Not all doom and gloom, but it will feel just that little bit cooler. Take care. Im Karin Giannone with bbc world news. Our top story the us has blunt words for north korea as the fallout from the countrys Missile Tests continues. Us Ambassador Nikki Haley said the north Korean Leader is not rational. Flanked by representatives from japan and south korea, she warned that all options were on the table when it came to americas response. A fire at a care home in guatemala has killed 19 teenage girls. Many other children were injured. And this story is trending on bbc. Com. One of maltas famous landmarks, the Azure Window Rock Arch, has collapsed into the sea after heavy storms. The Limestone Arch was popular with tourists and it featured on tv series game of thrones. Stay with us on bbc world news. And the top story here in the uk. The chancellor has been accused of breaking a conservative manifesto pledge after increasing National Insurance bills for the self employed

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