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Tonight. Variable cloud tonight and the odd mist and fog patch. Temperatures are a little lower than this in rural spots, parts of Western Scotland getting close to freezing going into tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, clyde in North East Scotland and england. Western scotland in sunshine. It is warm in the sun once again. The cloud in the east of england will bring showers. Drifting to parts of wales by the end of the day. One or two heavy ones in South East England and Southern England as well. This isa and Southern England as well. This is a picture going through tuesday evening. Into wednesday, still some showers for the west and South West Of England. Workload in england and well is compared to scotland and ireland, which has the lions share of the sunshine. Hello, this is bbc news. The headlines. Downing street says it doesnt recognise an account published in a german newspaper of a fractious dinner last week between the Prime Minister and the European Commission president , jean claude juncker. Three women are arrested on suspicion of Terror Offences in raids linked to a Police Operation in north london on thursday in which a woman was shot and injured. Police and protestors clash on the sidelines of a May Day Parade in paris. They were demonstrating against far right president ial candidate, marine le pen, whos made a scathing attack on her rival, the frontrunner, emmanuel macron. Police say the burglars who shot dead dorset homeowner guy hedger Wore Balaclavas, were armed with a shotgun and stole jewellery in a pre planned raid. In 2005, the bbc spoke to five children living in mumbai from across the social classes about their hopes and dreams. Now, life stories revisits the children in indias millennials. Indias millennial generation. Over 65 of this vast countrys population are under 35. They are tech savvy, mobile, and better educated than their parents and their grandparents. In 2004, the bbc met a group of children in mumbai who encapsulate generation y. They came from a variety of backgrounds, but they all had one thing in common. Their hopes and dreams. Together namaste. Weve returned to see how life has changed for them. Have their expectations been met, or have their lives taken them in directions they could never have dreamed of . Spruha, gaurav and madhavi are watching the original bbc programme for the first time in over ten years. They went to school together, and are still good friends. Namaste. Im madhavi, and these are my friends. We live in mumbai. Im madhavi, im 25 years old. I was filmed for the bbc programme which was on the lives of kids in mumbai, about ten years back. I live in a flat in mumbai with my sister, mother and father. When do you have yoga class today . Two oclock. I like doing art. When i grow up, i will become a graphic designer. But first, ive got gujarati in school this morning. Adult madhavi i live in a different flat now, and i didnt grow up to be a graphic designer. I am a Practising Lawyer. In the past ten years, i have spent most of my time studying. I pursued my legal studies at Government Law college in mumbai for five years. I then pursued my masters at the University Of Oxford in england for a year. And now im currently a Practising Lawyer in a mid sized law firm. It was my dad who actually pushed me to do law. For me, the choice was always economics or law. There was no question of her coming to my business. I think, after 12 she decided that she wants to go into the legal law field, and god has been kind. Five years she has studied at the Government Law college, the Oldest Institution in mumbai, and luckily she got into oxford, so there was nothing to think about or anything. It was just to accept, and pay the fees. For graduation, we were so proud, our daughter is graduating in oxford. So, it was a nice, sunny day. We went there in our indian attire. Its a proud moment for us. I dont want to ask you any questions. I think its very boring i think its boring for everybody, i get very passionate, and i think its boring for Everybody Else whos not a lawyer. The timings are horrible for you guys. Yeah, its a tough balancing task. I only get one day off a week, which is a sunday, but sometimes it also happens that im called into the office on a sunday, or im expected to work from home. She may be committed to her work, but madhavis priority is her family. More than half of indias twentysomethings still live with their parents, as she does. The one thing that i have seen is that the family bond is one thing in india that has never changed, and i dont see it changing, and i dont even wish that it changes. Though we have different lifestyles, we lead different lifestyles, we still come back to a family at home, and i think that is a very, very satisfying feeling. She is traditional in other ways, too. Happy to let her parents help herfind a husband. Now we have started seeing for her Marriage Proposals also. She hasnt found anyone in mumbai, neither in oxford. So we have to search for a decent boy. We hope that, luckily, she gets a very good family and the boy lets her pursue her career, also in life along with it. Not all millennials in india are as fortunate as madhavi, and she knows it. The only difference that i notice in millennials in mumbai, and especially in india, is the social, cultural divide, the most important thing being the economic divide. Hello, my name is sagar, i am 11 years old. I live with my family, thats where i live. When we first met sagar, he was living with his family under tarpaulin on the side of the street. Sagars parents sold garlic and scrap metals to get by. Sagar was determined to make a better life for himself. My Favourite Cricketer is yuvraj singh, he plays forthe indian team. My goal is to be a doctor. As adult i remember i was a little kid 12 years ago. We were living in the slums at that time. Now, our government has rehabilitated us to mankhurd, on the outskirts of mumbai. Mankhurd compound is a development of 65 buildings, created under the slum rehabilitation act. Its home to over 30,000 people. There is little sanitation and a limited water supply. But for sagar and his family, its a step up. We have our own home, we have four sided walls, we are safe. But this place is where all the people from the slums are put together. So, all the people from different communities, different mentalities come together. In the last ten years, things have changed. I have changed. When i was a child, i wanted to be a doctor, and now i dont want to be a doctor any more. I want to work for the media field. Im doing a bachelors in mass media, and im majoring in advertising. Its a huge industry, its growing. It has a lot of scope. Sagar lives in a single room with his mother and brother. Growing up, sagar was helped by the akanksha foundation, an Educational Charity where he learned english and was supported in his studies. Its been a particularly hard journey for sagar. But he stayed on the path, and hes had huge struggles and hardships. I think a lot of them financial. Many of them emotional. He is hugely determined, and has great grit and tenaciousness to his nature, which has obviously seen him through and brought him this far. Hopefully, thatll see him much further in his life. We were 30 odd kids and only five of us have made it to college, and im one of the few. Sagar has worked in call centres and fast food outlets to supplement the familys income, and pay for his student fees. Im proud that i have still not given up. Yes, there are days when i want to give up, or i dont want to study, or i dont want to do anything. Ijust want to quit everything and start earning for myself, and live my life as i want. But thats not going to take me far in life. After college, sagar plans to do an internship at Teach For India, an Educational Charity. He wants to work in the communications department, and then look for a job in advertising. What would you say are some of the bigger things you want to do once you join the comms team at Teach For India . First, i want Teach For India to be on everybodys page, everybodys facebook page, eve rybodys instagram. Everybody should like it. We get more people who want to work with Teach For India, show their support for us. And ultimately get the support from the government. So tell me a bit more about when you get your results now and what are you thinking about your internship. 21st Of April is my last exam. After that im going to be free for two months, until my results come. I want to do an internship during that phrase, when i am waiting for my results, and gain as much knowledge as i can, and be with a team and learn how they work, and then apply for a job. A girl called shenaz also lived by the side of the road. 12 years ago, a short distance from the young sagar, A Girl Called Shenaz also lived by the side of the road. She too was determined to forge a better life for herself. My name is shenaz, im 26 years old, and im married. I live in mumbai and i have two children, two beautiful children. The bbc filmed me when i was 1a years old. I went to dance classes. Shenaz was a teenager when the famous indian choreographer Shiamak Davar sent trainers into studios in mumbai to teach jazz, ballet and modern dance. She was earmarked as a student who showed great promise. I loved dancing, it was my career, i wanted to make a career in my dance. By the time she was 15, shenaz was taking the lead in shows. But shenaz decided she wanted Something Else out of life, and chose a different path. I stopped dancing, because i got married. And i couldnt go to the classes. Shenaz left school when she got married. She wasjust 16. After i left my school, i never stopped studying. My husband helped me in my studies, he paid for my computer classes. Shenaz and her husband have their own apartment, shared with their daughter, their son, her Mother In Law and her sister in law. Its a big thing in mumbai to have your own apartment, and its a single room with a bathroom and a kitchen. Its very small, and we are happy in it. She is serious about providing her children with the best possible education, paying for after School Classes for her daughter. I want them to have a good education, because i have left school very early. So i want them to study and get good jobs, and be happy in their life. My daughter loves dancing, so she might fulfil my dreams. Shenaz, like sagar, has come along way in the past 12 years. Her intelligence and optimism have helped her carve out a better life. With the help of her husband, she now has a permanent home and her own family. Theres lots to do in mumbai. Thats me gaurav has spent a lot of time living away from mumbai in the past decade. Today, he is reunited with his childhood friends, and enjoying watching his young self play tabla for the bbc. Sometimes at lunch, i play tabla, an indian drum. So cute im gaurav, im 2a years old. When i was eight years old, i started playing tabla. I used to go to tabla classes for the next six years. Notjust a talented tabla player, gaurav was also a child actor. But during his last years of school, he decided to do something very different. Basically i wanted to work for the society. There were only two options, becoming a proper surgeon or physician. That was one option, and dentistry was the other option. During my high grades, i was inclined towards biology and medicine. And during that time, i had braces on my teeth. So i used to be frequently visiting the dentist. The dental chair, the instruments and all that really fascinated me. A degree in dentistry followed. It took five years to qualify. When i became a qualified dental surgeon, it was, for me, of most importance to be a specialist. This doctor who runs a practice in mumbai has become his mentor. Gaurav, first and foremost, has joined The Very Best field, in paediatric dentistry. He is a very compassionate human being. I would like him to get into the paediatric field, get into prevention, get into the government and get more policies into place, where we can take this to the rural area. I want him to grow big, and take india with him. Gauravs plan is to open his own clinic in mumbai. He knows hes lucky to have the support of his family, he still lives at home. I have a good support from my parents, my grandparents. They always drive me forward, and that keeps me going. I did a bollywood sequence. Dancing in the dancing studio. When she was growing up, spruha went to the same dance studio as shenaz. She would have liked to have been in a hindi movie. Im spruha, i am 2a now. Since i was last filmed by the bbc, i have since graduated school, ive graduated college. Ive switched one job and im currently in my second job. I did my studies abroad. I did an Undergraduate Degree in business. I came back afterfinishing college, back to india. When i was growing up, id always see things happening around me, which was sort of an inspiration, aspiration, ambition, that one day i would have my own office space, id be running something of my own. And to do that, its always best to come back and learn, and understand whats going on. Another reason is my mum was missing me a lot spruhas firstjob was as an analyst for a leading bank. Then came the start up boom in india, and she decided to seize an opportunity. Mumbai was becoming a space for start ups. Graduates, even people who had retired, suddenly wanted to have their own ideas, and people were getting funded. Everyone had their businesses, had fancy offices. And it sounded like the dream to live. They made it sound like you can have it if you want it. I currently work at refreshed car care. We are a doorstep car cleaning service. With refreshed car care, you can book over the phone or online. It started out as a small organisation, everyone does everything, from the top of ceo, all the way down to our cleaning staff. Everyone has a responsibility to step in wherever needed. Spruha works seven days a week, and sunday is usually her busiest day. Despite the long hours, she loves working for the start up. Especially the excitement of not knowing whats going to happen next. You dont know whats happening tomorrow, but at the same time youre also thinking long term. So youre not doing what youre not doing, why is it not going . Theres a constant push, theres a constant rush. When i do get time off work, i generally go for a run to de stress, or i go to the gym, lift some weights. Thats my way of de stressing. You guys are moving your office, right . Yes, yes. We have rented out a new space, way bigger than we have now. We got the wi fi fitted yesterday, so we can start working from today. My generation is different from my parents. Our generation is a lot more risk taking. We know that we have heavy Student Loans to pay off, but that is not stopping us from taking jobs at start ups or starting off on our own. I think thats the way we have evolved now. We want to do what we want to do, not something that we are told to do. Spruha is different from her parents in another way, too. She has travelled much more than they ever did at the same age. Every year i make a point to have a trip, have a travel plan, that motivates me to keep working and then take that time off. I think my generation is adding a lotto indias progress, by pushing new ideas to the world, creating different businesses, creating different opportunities. The lives of these five Young Millennials are a far cry from their childhood dreams. Perhaps thats no surprise. But all of them have worked hard to get where they are today. Some come from privileged backgrounds, have studied abroad and travelled the globe. But theyve worked long hours to make the most of those opportunities. Others have strived just to get a roof over theirfamilies heads. Their stories are also the story of modern india. The gulf between the rich and the poor, but also the possibilities the country can hold for those who are diligent and lucky. How will the next few decades pan out for these young people, and for many others like them . Ten years down the line, maybe five years down the line, i see myself being settled, having a family of my own. But at the same time, i wish to pursue my career. Ten years down the line, i feel ill be the top most paediatric dentist in mumbai. Hopefully in ten years time, i hope to have my own company, doing something fun out of mumbai. I dont want a lavish lifestyle, i just want a simple lifestyle, where i earn a lot of money but yet lead a simple life. There should be peace in life, there should be a lot of love and care, support, and thats it. Thats all i want, thats not much. Good afternoon. The latest update from bbc weather life as we watch oui from bbc weather life as we watch our glorious day in Northern Ireland, where we have seen good sunshine and the warmest day of the year so far. And in Western Scotland, temperatures close to 21 celsius, tying skull and bosman warmest day of the year so far. It is where we see the lions share of the sunshine. Sunny spells for england and we. The Speckled Cloud indicates where we see heavy and thundery showers at the moment. We have seen those in bristol, heavy downpours affecting south wales. Later in the night, they are just about gone. Most places will be dry with variable cloud and clear spells, maybe the patchy mist and fog and temperatures lower than this in rural spots. There is a chance of it in rural spots. There is a chance of it will be chilly in Western Scotland, parts of the touch of frost. Showers coming in across Eastern England and spreading further west during the day. We will have a drier, sunny day in the far South West Of England into the Channel Islands by the docking of showers across parts of central and Southern England, the midlands and east england at this stage. The further south you are, the chance of catching one of two heavy ones. Much of well staying dry, north west england, Northern Ireland and scotland. Variable cloud and sunny spells, sunshine away from Eastern Coastal Parts of scotland. This is a picture going into tuesday evening. Showers affecting parts of wales and one of two popping up in South West England at the end of the day. And mentioned the easterly breeze coming from the sea. It is a Cool Direction from the sea. It is a Cool Direction from the sea. It is a Cool Direction from the cool north sea. That will have an impact on the eastern side of the uk. Whether you have cloud of sunshine, temperatures are held down compared with elsewhere. West is warmest. A lot of sunshine for scotla nd warmest. A lot of sunshine for scotland and Northern Ireland and parts of wales as well. Cloudy and eastern side of england. That is how we end the week. High pressure to the north of us and there is an East West Split in the theme of the weather. Showers affecting parts of east anglia and South East England and you have the Temperature Contrast between the east and west. You can find more as ever online. This is bbc news, the headlines at 5pm. Downing street are disputing claims of a fractious dinner last week with European Commission president Jean Claude Junker and theresa may. Three teenage women are arrested on suspicion of Terror Offences in raids linked to a Police Operation in north london on thursday in which a woman was shot and injured. Also scuffles in paris as rallies are held by both candidates in the president ial election. Thereve been clashes on the sidelines of a May Day Parade as protestors demonstrate against far right president ial candidate, marine le pen, whos made a scathing attack on her rival. Police say the burglars who shot dead dorset homeowner guy hedger were armed with a shotgun, Wore Balaclavas and stole jewellery in a pre planned raid

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