position. _ alliance management, to stake out a position, perhaps somewhat ahead of what other— position, perhaps somewhat ahead of what other allies are willing to do, in order— what other allies are willing to do, in order to — what other allies are willing to do, in orderto draw what other allies are willing to do, in order to draw the conversation in that direction, without stomping your feet — that direction, without stomping your feet and insisting that everybody at the same view as you do. , , ., do. yes, i understand. let me turn also to you. _ do. yes, i understand. let me turn also to you, dahlia _ do. yes, i understand. let me turn also to you, dahlia scheindlin. - also to you, dahlia scheindlin. there was another question that came up there was another question that came up and i would be curious for kurt volker�*s view on this as well, does zelensky need to cede territory talking about trying to get a resolution to the conflict? dahlia scheindlin, what do you think about that particular aspect as you watch these events unfold?— these events unfold? well, i think that is one — these events unfold? well, i think that is one the _ these events unfold? well, i think that is one the most _ these events unfold? well, i think that is one the most dangerous i that is one the most dangerous demands— that is one the most dangerous demands russia _ that is one the most dangerous demands russia has _ that is one the most dangerous demands russia has been - that is one the most dangerous. demands russia has been making. there _ demands russia has been making. there are — demands russia has been making. there are a — demands russia has been making. there are a number— demands russia has been making. there are a number of— demands russia has been making. there are a number of what - demands russia has been making. there are a number of what we - there are a number of what we understand _ there are a number of what we understand to _ there are a number of what we understand to be _ there are a number of what we understand to be the _ there are a number of what we i understand to be the negotiating positions — understand to be the negotiating positions in — understand to be the negotiating positions in russia's— understand to be the negotiating positions in russia's demands i understand to be the negotiating i positions in russia's demands and these _ positions in russia's demands and these negotiating _ positions in russia's demands and these negotiating positions, - positions in russia's demands andj these negotiating positions, which now have — these negotiating positions, which now have four— these negotiating positions, which now have four different _ these negotiating positions, which now have four different tracks, i now have four different tracks, but despite _ now have four different tracks, but despite those _ now have four different tracks, but despite those different _ now have four different tracks, but despite those different tracks i now have four different tracks, but despite those different tracks of i despite those different tracks of negotiations we are seeing i despite those different tracks of. negotiations we are seeing pretty much _ negotiations we are seeing pretty much the — negotiations we are seeing pretty much the same _ negotiations we are seeing pretty much the same demands, - negotiations we are seeing pretty. much the same demands, neutrality negotiations we are seeing pretty- much the same demands, neutrality on ukraine _ much the same demands, neutrality on ukraine was— much the same demands, neutrality on ukraine was not— much the same demands, neutrality on ukraine was not part, _ much the same demands, neutrality on ukraine was not part, ceding _ ukraine was not part, ceding territory. _ ukraine was not part, ceding territory, something - ukraine was not part, ceding territory, something called l territory, something called denazification, _ territory, something called denazification, which- territory, something called denazification, which is- territory, something called - denazification, which is essentially a red _ denazification, which is essentially a red herring — denazification, which is essentially a red herring because _ denazification, which is essentially a red herring because it— denazification, which is essentially a red herring because it does-

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Allies ,Position ,Conversation ,Order ,View ,Direction ,Stake ,Alliance Management ,Feet ,Borderto ,Everybody ,Draw ,Territory ,Question ,Zelensky ,Notanother Conflict ,Well ,Kurt Volker ,Dahlia ,Dahlia Scheindlin ,Resolution ,Russia ,Making ,Demands ,Negotiating Positions ,Neutrality Negotiations ,Events ,Positions ,Number ,Negotiating ,Dangerous ,Aspect ,One ,Ukraine ,Called Denazification ,Neutrality ,Red Herring ,Tracks ,Something ,Negotiations ,Red ,Four ,

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