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These new greenhouses could not only help make the uk self sufficient in produce, but also reduce Carbon Emissions by 75 . So ben, were now walking into the greenhouse, blimey, its really, really big. Certainly one of the largest in terms of the uk. For every hectare of normal land, a greenhouse like this can produce ten times more food using ten times less water. Wed be looking at growing probably about 23 million peppers a year in this particular facility. Wow, so what is that as a percentage of the amount of consumption of peppers in the uk . Id say probably 5 . A conventional greenhouse might use fossil fuels to provide its heat by burning gas or oil, but here the waste heat from the nearby sewage works is pumped 2. 5 kilometres via an enclosed loop system to the greenhouse. The idea to use this waste heat came from thermal engineer neil lawson. Well, it was inspiration from nature really, walking down the river with the dog on a winters day, saw a stream coming in from the left and it was steaming and the ducks were sitting there enjoying the warmth, so i followed that stream to its source, and came up to the Sewage Treatment works. They were discharging 1000 litres a second of clean water into the river, at up to 25 degrees centigrade. That equates to sa megawatts worth of waste heat. Thats enough heating for about 15,000 homes. Using Geographic Information system mapping, 43 sites close to wastewater centres have been identified around the country, including the Anglian Water Treatment Plant near bury st edmunds. So were now at the water recycling plant, where this treated water will then be pumped into a station and the heat will be removed from that process, and then the heat will be transferred to the greenhouse. Were taking a low source of energy which is otherwise a waste energy, using heat pumps to upgrade or compress that low grade heat to make it useful heat to heat a greenhouse. A greenhouse uses a lot of energy, here we have an abundant source available. Another benefit to this new farming technique is reducing reliance on countries where water is no longer so abundant. Parts of southern spain, actually, their groundwater now is saline. And theyre having to develop saline resistant crops. Whereas here in the uk we dont have that problem, it rains all the time. We can get all the water we need from capturing it on the roof and recycling it. And thats not all the roof can do. And the entire roof is designed to maximise the amount of light that comes into it, so much so that the glass is diffuse and it enables the light to be spread evenly across the entire crop. It is actually quite remarkable, it might look unassuming but actually theres a lot of Artificial Intelligence included in the environmental computers. All the vents are controlled by by Artificial Intelligence. They re constantly scanning met office data for prevailing wind directions. The trend for computer driven farming is growing. A six month autonomous greenhouse competition was recently held in the netherlands. Teams fully automated the process of growing tomatoes. Sensors, camera detection and models provided the needed information to get the plants their exact nutrients. And of course robots play a role in greenhouse production and here they will be deployed to help carry vegetables around the central aisle to the pack house. There are no plans to use robots like this sweeper bot to help pick produce, yet. But the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need to think about growing food locally and perhaps with limited human involvement. No one knows what the future holds, so with this particular pandemic, lets say, it could, the virus could mutate and all of a sudden we dont have enough food. Weve benefited from Unrestricted Movement and Free Movement of goods as well, and that may be set to change. If we dont have a bit more resilience in the uk on ourfood production, there could be issues down the line. These issues could disappear depending on the success of this project. If all 43 sites were up and running, low Carbon Farming say they could produce all of the uks tomato requirements and at least half of its peppers. Until then, the first shipments from here are expected to hit the supermarkets next spring. 0k, before we go, wejust had to get our hands on some tech. A few months back, we sent our resident baker, 0mar mehtab, to play sous chef to an ai controlled pizza robot and this is what happened. Pizza, arguably the comfiest of comfort foods, and its eaten by the millions daily around the world. And this one here was put together by a robot. Developed by picnic, this modular machine is set to put together around 300 pizzas per hour. That is so many that youd need three of those big ovens to cope with that amount. But those still need to be prepped by human but from there, its completely automated. Now, to get this machine running, first you select what kind of pizza you want on this tablet. Once youve done that, you place the dough inside, underneath this sensor right here, and what that does is it works out the exact location of that dough. Whys that . Because it needs to work out where exactly those ingredients need to be placed on the pie. There are four modules for sauce, cheese, vegetables and meat. But a restaurant offering more on the menu can add however many they want. In between each ingredient module is a camera and this camera takes pictures of each stage of the pizza making process. It then sends those pictures back to the ai so it can analyse them and improve itself over time. So the more pizzas it makes, the better it gets. So what you should get in the end is the perfect pizza. But theres one thing that i still have to do, which is take it from this machine and put it in here so it can bake. What were doing is were digitising what has been a completely manual process. So were capturing data about ingredient usage, ordering patterns, eliminate sometimes you have food waste because you bought too much of an ingredient, you didnt use it. People can order directly off of their phone and the system can tell the customer exactly when their pizza will be ready because itll know where it is in the queue. Right, now, im going to put this machine to the test. A taste test. I dabble in a bit of baking myself so im going to bake my own pizza and compare the two and see which one comes out better. Two, one. And its ripped, oh hey. And this means i can be as specific as i want as i go along, like taking out some black olives, and adding extra cheese on top. Things the machine cant do, but, if youre inexperienced like me, that may come with a price. I cant get it off. Oh, no. The reason why we only have a third of a pizza in this box is because the rest of it is, um, its stuck to the mesh. Laughs. And now, to taste. I think you can tell which ones which. First, mine. Yeah, all right, ill be honest, it was awful. Mmm and the machines . 0h, sod it ok, i lost. The Company Plans to create new systems to make a wide variety of foods including sandwiches and salads. But is there a danger that the restaurants who use this machine could have very similar food to each other . But is there a danger that the restaurant who use this machine could have very similar food to each other . When we encounter a customer, we want to use their ingredients, their style, however they like to make their pizza. Its not a uniform one size fits all pizza. Its not like a manufacturing set up. We want to make the same pizza that the chef is already making, just make it much more consistency and make it much more easily, with lower food waste. So these machines could fill up the kitchens of pizzerias in the future, unless you want to stick to a humans touch. Well, not mine. Can someone help . Man loves his food, man loves his food that was 0mar. And thats it for the shortcut of this weeks click. The full length version is waiting for you right now on iplayer. You can keep track of the team throughout the week on social media, on youtube, instagram, facebook and twitter bbcclick. Thanks for watching and well see you soon. Bye bye. There is no chance of theres temperatures reaching the values we we re temperatures reaching the values we were experiencing anytime soon. If anything, it is going to turn even cooler on top of that, pretty windy for the time of year. Clouds are spiralling across the uk and that is the sign that the low pressure is paid asa the sign that the low pressure is paid as a visit. It is here to stay for the next two or three days and basically, the closer you are to the centre of this more likely you are to run into heavy rain for parts of northern ireland, western scotland, the Lake District and down into lancashire. It further away from that low, the south and the south east will be dry and the weather is mostly dry in the south. You can see where that low is. Quite a few isobars there and that means the winds are racing around that area of low pressure. This is what it looks like early in the morning. Frequent showers across the north and the rain remaining heavy across cumbria, for example, through the course of the day. Dry the weather will be a gusts east anglia and the south here. A gust wind will be strong particularly across the southern half of the uk and it will exceed 40 mild an hour, which is strong for this time of the year. Lets have a look at the picture around four oclock in the afternoon. You can see predominantly dry weather across the south but temperatures 17 20. It will feel cool because of their strong and then we have that area of heavy rain around the Lake District. Parts of northern ireland, south west and west of scotland here so these areas are getting a real dose of rain. And the winds will be pretty strong time is here so some big contrasts across the uk during the course of sunday. Here is monday and the low pressure we re here is monday and the low pressure were still over others. You can see it is blabbing about scotland. Winds are blowing around as well. Gust of wind approaching 30 or 40 mph. The most frequent showers will be the closer you are to the centre of that low pressure so closer you are to the centre of that low pressure so once closer you are to the centre of that low pressure so once again on monday at the weather across the south will be and bright. Temperatures might creep up a little bit across the south to the low 20s which is below the average for the time of year but i think frequent showers are expected across many other parts of the uk. Goodbye. This is bbc news. The headlines at seven. Khairi saadallah is charged with three counts of murder following the reading stabbing attack last weekend, in which three men were killed. British tourists are set to be allowed to travel to European Countries including spain, france and greece without having to quarantine on their return. A man who stabbed six people at a hotel in glasgow yesterday warned others he planned to carry out the attack

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