Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20170323

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Messages of defiance yesterday, another clear message, huge praise for the works of the Emergency Services and medical staff. Good morning its thursday, the 23rd of march. The other main headlines on the Westminster Attack this Morning Police say they believe they know the attackers identity and that he was inspired by islamist ideology. Parliament will operate as normal today in a show of defiance. The Prime Minister is expected to make a statement to the commons. We are live at westminster. Lots of Activity Still going on this morning. Lets go to carole with the weather. A wet start to the day but generally speaking and improving weather day. More detail in 15 minutes. Good morning. First, our main story. We are here in the aftermath of the Terror Attacks were five people died and a0 people injured some suffering what has been described as a catastrophic injury after a man drove a axa vehicle into the crowd and went on to stab a policeman who later died. Five people are dead, including the attacker and the policeman who has been named. We get the latest from andy moore. The moment of the attack on Westminster Bridge. You can see a car moving at speed along the pavement in front of a slow moving line of traffic. A figure, we now know it is a woman, falls into the water. Then panic as members of the public realise something is wrong. Three shots ring out. Gunfire. The photograph shows the immediate aftermath. A large knife is on the ground. Another knife is on the ground. Another knife is on the ground. Another knife is nearby. The Police Officer who was stab the deaf is keith palmer, a member of the parliamentary and diplomatic protection. He was a husband and father with 15 Years Service. He was someone who left home today expected to return romp is achieved. At least three people died on the bridge, more than a0 hurt many with catastrophic injuries. Parliament will meet as normal and the Prime Minister urged to do as we would. We will never give in to terror and never allowing the voices of hate and evil to drive us apart. Police have not yet named the attacker but they believe they know his identity. They are treating it as a case of islamist related terrorism. You will not succeed. You will not divide us. We will not be cowed by terrorists. Paris, as city which is also suffered from the scourge of terrorism, turn the lights off the eiffel tower in respect. The Terror Alert Level has not in race. The priority now for the police is to find out if the attacker was working alone. Some of the people who survived the attack is said to have catastrophic injuries. Eight are being treated at the Major Trauma Centre at Kings College hospital in london, and thats where we can join our reporterjohn maguire. John whats the latest in terms of casualties . We have had no immediate update this morning. They were eight people brought here in south london. Two we re brought here in south london. Two were said to be very seriously injured or stop there were amongst that number six men and two women. Of course, as we know, the Emergency Services train for even so it is like this. They train for events like this. They train for events like this. They train for events like this very frequently and so a high degree of professionalism but they hoped against hope it will never happen. There are planned in place, saint thomas is across Westminster Bridge staff ran out there. We know the chairman of the dreaded Doctors Committee was one of the first on the scene. Junior dog is stop he employed help the policeman who later died but also to the attacker. What strikes home, one of the most striking images is that sense of duty, that sense of professionalism from all of the Emergency Services, the way they react to the danger with no regard to themselves. Thank you. This is a special programme this morning from westminster. It is interesting thing here this morning, we are noticing behind us, some people are going through the barricades showing ids. Today the message from westminster is that it should be Business As Usual but it is not really. Looking behind as there is a flag hanging at half mast. There is a sombre feeling. The Prime Minister herself will make a statement to the House Of Commons, we are expecting her to repeat her message that terrorism will not pull people apart. She will also give us an update on the situation. There are still 20 people seriously injured. There will be time to pay tribute to police and Emergency Services. Some of the mps we re Emergency Services. Some of the mps were quite close to keith palmer who died. I expect those tributes to be paid in due course. Then perhaps some other questions will be asked about security in the very heart of the nation s democracy. What struck me yesterday, we forget, when we see politicians being quite aggressive towards each other at parliament is essentially a family and there are several people in the building, who will be very, very shocked and distressed about what they were nursed . Absolutely. What they witnessed. The threat level is severe. But it has become almost normal to see people with machine guns at parliament. Because of that Level Security we think nothing like that would happen. We saw Tobias Ellwood trying to resuscitate the Police Officer. That would shock in the people inside westminster. They feel safe because of the reassuring presence of police. They will be worries about future levels of security because they still managed to get just inside the gates of parliament, whether they will need to be a review of security but today we will hear praise for the swift action of security. We are defending the heart of democracy but this man was armed with a knife. This incident could have been much, much worse if in another country where guns are more easily accessible. Thank you very much indeed. You mentioned how distressed that people involved would be today and it is incredibly distressing some of the images coming out of the attack and we are aware of our audience and people watching at home waking up and we are being incredibly careful with some of the images we are showing you. There is an Ongoing Police investigation and police are urging anyone with any information to contact them on the hotline on 0800 789 321. It is worth saying that throughout the morning, we will be speaking to some of those who witness for themselves events. The time now is sexy leather nate ebner. We will pause here forjust a moment. The time here is 711 a. M. Well have more on the Terror Attack at Westminster A little later in the programme. But kats in the studio for us this morning and can bring us a round up of the days other news and sport. New calculations produced for the government raise the possibility that people aged 30 or under might have to work until theyre 70 before getting the state pension. A separate report says the government should abandon minimum annual increases in pensions, to save money. The government says it will decide on future pension ages in may. Moderate drinkers are less likely to suffer some Heart Problems than those who drink heavily or not at all. Thats according to a new study published in the british medicaljournal. Researchers from Cambridge University and University College london found that low levels of Alcohol Consumption were linked to a lower risk of heart conditions. The funeral of the former Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, martin mcguinness, will be held in londonderry this afternoon. The former us president , bill clinton, is due to attend the ceremony, as are the Northern Ireland secretary, james brokenshire, and the irish Prime Minister, enda kenny. Mr mcguinness, a former ira leader turned politician, died on tuesday. The government is being warned against intervening in the Energy Market by capping prices. Its Thought Ministers are preparing to act to help customers on Standard Energy tariffs. Five former Energy Regulators say doing so would have an adverse effect and could have ominous implications for other markets. Lets have a quick look at the sport now and it was a disappointing night for Gareth Southgate in his first match as permanent england manager. It ended in defeat to germany. England dominated the first half but a stunning strike in the 2nd from Lucas Podolski, in his final international, sealed the 1 0 win in the friendly in dortmund. There was a disappointing performance from scotland they had to come back from one nil down to earn a draw against canada at easter road. Steven naismith with the goal. Now back to charlie and sally in westminster. Youre watching it first on bbc news. We are here at westminster this morning. Last night it was confirmed the Police Officer killed in yesterday s Terror Attack was keith palmer. A a8 years old husband and father who served in the force for 15 years. Five and father who served in the force for15 years. Five people have now died and a0 others wounded, some with very serious injuries. Hundreds of cou nty with very serious injuries. Hundreds of county Terror Police have been working throughout the night on the investigation. Looking at the attacker is motivation, preparation and anyone he knew. Theresa may will lead a symbolic show of defiance as mps returned to work at the Houses Of Parliament. Werejoined now by dr ashin shahi who is a security and terrorism expert from the university of bradford. Its worth pointing out where we are standing is the newest position, the closest that reporters can get. This isa closest that reporters can get. This is a major Security Operation this morning and of course, still a crime scene. Absolutely. What happened yesterday was a major atrocity. The people behind it, they were not only interested in creating maximum fear and terror in the heart of the capital, they also wanted to target that very important building. This is the most important political symbol in this country. This is the mother of all parliaments. Obviously what happened yesterday was not only a terrorist incident. To what extent do you think this was planned. Security and over the past couple of years, they have prevented a numberof couple of years, they have prevented a number of possible terrorist incidents. Of course, it is difficult to predict and prevent everything. There are poisonous ideas which can inspire an individual without any resources, without any mobilisation, even without any mobilisation, even without any mobilisation, even without a great deal of organisations, to come on target and innocent individual and create maximum disruption with very minimal resources. It is worth saying that the senior Police Officer in charge is updating us. They say they think they know the identity of the attacker although at this stage, warning against speculation. Clearly, that will be the focus of the investigation. Absolutely. We cant have an informed guess. It is not a very good idea. Remember, in 2014, the spokesperson for Islamic State said that the support the supporters of the organisation, if they cant make it through the battlefronts in syria and iraq, they should attack non believers here in the heart of the west. Basically, over the last couple of years, Islamic State actively have been promoting promoting those activities. What can be done to permit them that. They are not only facing a security problem. It is a political problem and a social problem. It is about social fragmentation. It is about identity politics. I very much doubt it. We can resolve the problem only true security means. This problem requires more copperheads and approach. It involves social, cultural, economic and other sociological factors. Do stay with us sociological factors. Do stay with us throughout the morning. We have much more to talk about is the Programme Goes on. This is a Special Edition of Bbc Breakfast from westminster. You will probably see as we talked throughout the morning, as we talked throughout the morning, a number will a as we talked throughout the morning, a numberwill a number of as we talked throughout the morning, a number will a number of people are going through the barricades and thatis are going through the barricades and that is because the commons will be operating not as normal today but it will be sitting. We are expecting a statement from theresa may as mps go into the commons today. The moment, Thatisit Into The Commons today. The moment, that is it from us. Well have a moment to look at the weather with carol. Some of us, a wet and cloudy start. It will brighten up and we will see some sunshine. Particularly breezy across parts of Northern Ireland, Southern Scotland and Northern England. Weve also got an area of low pressure. It is going to take a swipe at southern counties, introducing some rain later on. We have a bright and cold start across the south west. We have rain and some murky conditions across the midlands, particularly the West Midlands. Some distant fog which will lift into low cloud. Brighter skies into the south east. We can see that line of rain across parts of Northern England and into scotla nd of Northern England and into scotland and Northern Ireland. A wee bit of snow coming out of that. Into northern scotland, a cold start. Some frost around. It is a bright run. Through the day, the breeze will ease. The rate in the middle, going into the south west. Across the Channel Islands and some parts of the uk. We will see some sunshine in the afternoon between nine and 13 degrees. Through the evening and overnight, we still have the low pressure in front. Very close to the south coast. Here, we will see some further rain. A breezy night as well. A lot of clear skies. For most of the uk, a colder night than the onejust gone. There of the uk, a colder night than the one just gone. There will also be some rain across the far north of scotland. That takes us into tomorrow. For a time, we will have this cloud and rain across the south. Some cloud left in its wake but the most of the uk, its going to be another dry and find date with light breezes. You can see how it brightens up into the afternoon across southern areas as well. Some showers just flirting with the far north of scotland. Temperatures picking up. 11 13 degrees. As we head into the weekend, the High Pressure in the north really starts to dominate the weather in the whole of the uk. We still have isobars around this coming in a clockwise direction so we are dragging in some cold Continental Air on a nagging easterly breeze still in the south, it will feel cooler if youre exposed to that wind but many of us, we will some sunshine. A lot of dry weather this weekend. Cool in the south. Somewhere in wales, Northern England, it could hit perhaps 1a or 15. We are live this morning from Westminster After the events of yesterday. Theresa may, the Prime Minister has said it is Business As Usual today. They are going to attempt to get on with some business but it doesnt feel particularly normal here today. There is a definite heightened sense of awareness everywhere we are. But the sheed images now this morning live of westminster. This is exactly where the Terror Attack happened yesterday. And that is these are the images she can see. As of last night, there are still a number of vehicles on the bridge. It is essentially a crime scene. We know that three people died there. The Police Officer was killed as well. The assailant himself was shot dead by police. That image this morning of Westminster Bridge. Just to give you some idea of how Different Things look here this morning, things look here this morning, things looking very, very different from this time yesterday. It feels different as well. Extra police are on The Streets Of London this morning. This really was an attack on the capital that had long been feared. Breakfasts Graham Satchell has been looking at londons response to the Westminster Terror Attack. Everywhere you looked in the centre of london, there were police. It was a real show of force to reassure the public. It is terrible. People have died, it is horrific. I have lived in london for six years and you dont really think about it. You sort of become, you expect it on a daily basis so it is never really at the forefront of your mind but its terrible. Its shocking but always in our minds that this could happen and its happened across europe and here it is happening in london outside parliament. One man, a car and a knife, and astonishingly unsophisticated attack on the public, the police and the centre of power. Caught up in the aftermath, tourists on the london eye. We met adrienne, who was waiting for her family. I am waiting for them, they are stuck up there, way up the top, still waiting to come down. After being kept on the eye for three hours, adriennes family were allowed to leave. Give me a hug. I Saw Stretchers and stuff on the ground. Iwas Saw Stretchers and stuff on the ground. I was thinking it was kind of scary because i never see Something Like that before. Many we re Something Like that before. Many were being met were on holiday. Places where these kinds of horrors happen all too frequently. We are from israel and we are pretty regular, or used to Terror Attacks, so its sad but we live it every day. Yesterdays attack was shocking in part because it is still so rare here but with the shock, a real sense of defiance in the capital. |j think londoners feel very calm. My grandparents remember the war and there was a kind of stoicism. It may be sad that we almost expect this to happen. You cant do anything about it, youve just got to go out and get on. Youve got to carry on. You cant never beat us. We are old enough to remember. We were in the war, after all, nearly. London has seen attacks before and will no doubt see them again. The aim this time, as every time, to create fear. If what we found is right, terrible as this attack was, it is singularly failed. Interesting picking up on the words of the Home Secretary who spoke of course yesterday evening. Her message was, stay calm but be vigilant. Be very mindful of people throughout london today. Of course, we have been talking about mps but as you can see from grahams report, 70 people from Around The World come here. This is the place they gravitate to, the heart of british government, just to have a look around. They go to the london eye. Lots of people involved in the attack yesterday and lots of people who will recognised it will recognise where this attack took place. We are live at westminster but now the news from where you are. Good morning from bbc london news, im sonja jessup. Extra armed police will be on the capitals streets today following yesterdays car and knife attack near the Houses Of Parliament. Scotland yard says its treating the incident as an islamist related act of terrorism. Its now known that five people died, including a policeman, whos been named as keith palmer. 0ne one of those who died today was a Police Officer, Pc Keith Palmer, a member of our parliamentary diplomatic protection force. He was 48, diplomatic protection force. He was a8, had diplomatic protection force. He was 48, had 15 diplomatic protection force. He was a8, had 15 Years Service and was a husband and father. He was someone who left for work today expecting to return home at the end of his shift anti ad every right to expect that would happen. More than forty people were injured in the attack. Some of those who were on Westminster Bridge when the Car Hit Pedestrians and have described what they saw. I heard a scream and just my left there was a car driving down the road quite quickly, very quickly and it careered into some pedestrians. It looked like it ran through a red light and it looked like it ran through a Red Lightand Ran it looked like it ran through a red light and ran into a it looked like it ran through a Red Lightand Ran into a bunch it looked like it ran through a red light and ran into a bunch of pedestrians. Three of them went flying in the air, it knocked them down like skittles. This morning londoners are still being asked a number of areas of the capital including Parliament Square and Victoria Embankment as investigations continue. Lets have a look at how thats affecting peoples journeys into work this morning. This is a scene live from westminster. The bridges still closed along with Parliament Square. No reported delays around there yet but we are expecting it to get very busy. You cant actually get into or out of Westminster Underground Station either. Elsewhere on tube, no overground station either. Elsewhere on tube, no overg round servers station either. Elsewhere on tube, no overground servers between cro mford no overground servers between cromford and upminster because of a Signalling Problem and in cranford, the eight ball is closed westbound. The the eight ball is closed westbound. The 84 the eight ball is closed westbound. The 8a is closed. There are some early rain around this morning but it is set to push its way westwards through the morning and it should try out and brighten up as we head through the afternoon. Still a chilly easterly wind. You will feel that in part of the thames estuary. By nine or ten oclock the rain has moved westwards. The cloud will then break and we will get some sunny spells coming through. Always a bit cooler than further east you are. Up to 12 or 13 degrees. A bright and breezy day. Overnight, it will stay dry. More cloud through southern areas and a few outbreaks of rain. Otherwise try. Overnight lows of six or seven celsius. Tomorrow, let chilly easterly wind. Eastern areas, the temperatures will be lower. Dry and lots in a way of sunshine. High pressure is set to stay with us over the course of the weekend so it is looking dry. Lots of warm sunshine around on saturday. Highs of 15 or 16 celsius but some rather chilly nights. Perhaps A Touch Of Frost and the rural areas. The dry and sunny weather is set to last as we stepped into the start of next week. More from us at bbc london in 30 minutes and plenty more news. Three people were killed when a vehicle was driven along the pavement of Westminster Bridge yesterday afternoon. A0 were injured. A Police Officer was then stabbed to death, before the attacker himself was shot dead. The policeman has been named as Pc Keith Palmer. 0ur reporter andy moore has more. The moment of the attack on Westminster Bridge. 0n the right hand side you can see a car moving at speed along the pavement in front of a slow moving line of traffic. A figure, we now know it is a woman, falls into the water. Then panic as members of the public realise something is wrong. Three shots ring out. Gunfire. A photograph shows the immediate aftermath. An armed Police Officer stands poised over the attacker. A large knife is on the ground. Another knife is nearby. The Police Officer who was stabbed to deaf has been named the Police Officer who was stabbed to death has been named as keith palmer. He was a member of the parliamentary and Diplomatic Police command. Keith, ages a8, had 15 Years Service, and was a husband and father. He was someone who left for work today, expecting to retur home at the end of his shift. And he had every right to expect that would happen. At least three people died on the bridge, more than a0 were hurt, many were said to have catastrophic injuries. The Prime Minister said parliament would meet as normal today. She urged the people of london and its visitors to do the same. And we will all move forward together. Never giving in to terror and never allowing the voices of hate and evil to drive us apart. Police have not yet named the attacker but they believe they know his identity. They are treating it as a case of islamist related terrorism. My message to those who want to harm us and destroy our way of life is you will not succeed. You will not divide us. We will not be cowed by terrorists. Overnight, a show of solidarity from the french capital, paris a city that has also suffered from the scourge of terrorism. The lights of the eiffel tower were switched off. The Prime Minister called yesterdays incident Sick And Depraved but the official Terror Alert Level has not been raised. The priority now for the police will to find out the priority now for the police will be to find out if the attacker was working alone. Andy moore, bbc news. 0ne one of the things we want to do is keep you up to date with some of the conditions hurt yesterday. Some people are said to have catastrophic injuries. Eight are being treated at Kings College hospital. What is the latest update . We are still waiting for further details. Those eight people were brought here, two of those very seriously injured and of that eight x men and two women. Kings College Hospital it is just south of the river thames, a from where you are of course. But there are always plans in place for incidents like this and there are centres set up to treat people as best they can. It will be on the inside and outside pages but two things struck home from yesterday people running away from the danger but a considerable number of people running towards it, the Emergency Services, the staff that are trained to deal with situations like these despite the fact they hope against hope it would not happen. Emergency staff treating the attacker, showing him the highest regard for life, a regard he did not show earlier in the afternoon. Thank you. It is striking, of the Emergency Services was absolutely breathtaking to behold and everybody we have spoken to this morning the first thing they spoke about was the response of the security and Emergency Services. As people were running away they were running in. Police are urging people with any information about the event to get in touch. We are in the closest area we can get to. If we show you some of the images of westminster ridge, it is it really quiet. Bridge. This is effectively a crime scene. Many vehicles have been moved away. Across the bridge, towards the Houses Of Parliament. A0 people, a0 casualties, injured as that car careered casualties, injured as that car ca reered across casualties, injured as that car careered across the bridge. We will keep you right up to date with the Police Investigation and any developments. It does not look real when you see the bridge completely close. Lets go and find out the rest of todays news. New calculations produced for the government raise the possibility that people aged 30 or under might have to work until theyre 70 before getting the state pension. A separate report says the government should abandon minimum annual increases in pensions, to save money. The government says it will decide on future pension ages in may. Moderate drinkers are less likely to suffer some Heart Problems than those who drink heavily or not at all. Thats according to a new study published in the british medicaljournal. Researchers from Cambridge University and University College london found that low levels of Alcohol Consumption were linked to a lower risk of heart conditions. The funeral of the former Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, martin mcguinness, will be held in londonderry this afternoon. The former us president , bill clinton, is due to attend the ceremony, as are the Northern Ireland secretary, james brokenshire, and the irish Prime Minister, enda kenny. Mr mcguinness, a former ira leader turned politician, died on tuesday. The government is being warned against intervening in the Energy Market by capping prices. Its Thought Ministers are preparing to act to help customers on Standard Energy tariffs. Five former Energy Regulators say doing so would have an adverse effect and could have ominous implications for other markets. Lets have a quick look at the sport now and it was a disappointing night for Gareth Southgate in his first match as permanent england manager. England dominated the first half but a stunning strike in the 2nd from Lucas Podolski in his final international sealed the one nil win in the friendly in dortmund. England next play lithuania on sunday in a World Cup Qualifier. They top their group. Up up until the goal i thought we were really the better side. Germany had a little spell where they controlled it. We had some of our younger players on and that was a good Learning Experience for them but i am very pleased with what we learned and the manner of the performance and the manner of the performance and the manner of the performance and the one it we missed was the finish. It should have had the game won, really. Scotland have a crucial World Cup Qualifier against Slovenia On Sunday and last nights performance wont have done much to boost their confidence. They could only draw one all in a friendly against canada. Fraser aird who actually plays for falkirk produced a fine finish to send canada ahead. Steven naismith scored the equaliser for scotland. Canada are 117th in the world rankings. Four of the five british players in the miami 0pen have already been knocked out. Great Britains Dan Evans was beaten in the first round by a qualifier. After reaching a career high ranking of a1 in the world, evans was beaten in three sets by american ernesto escobedo, who is ranked 108 in the world. Aljaz bedene is also out, he retired injured from his match and kyle edmund was beaten in three sets by americanjared donaldson. And more bad news in the womens draw british number two Heather Watson was beaten by 22 year old romainain Patricia Maria tig losing in straight sets 7 6, 6 1. Johanna konta is the only brit left she has a bye into the second round. Back to charlie and sally at westminster. Thank you very much. As you can see. We are live in westminster the morning after the worst attack in london since thejuly 7th bombings in 2005. Five people, including the attacker, died just yards away from our location here. Lets get a recap of what happened. Atjust before quarter to three yesterday afternoon a car mounted the pavement on Westminster Bridge hitting a number of people including Police Officers and tourists. At least a0 people were injured as the car travelled across the bridge. One woman fell into the thames. The car eventually crashed into railings outside the Houses Of Parliament. The driver then got out of the car and ran around Parliament Square before breaking through security and attacking Pc Keith Palmer with a knife. The attacker was eventually shot by plain clothed officers. A number of people witnessed the events. Political campaigner richard tice and editor Kevin Schofield were both at the scene yesterday and watched events unfold. They join us now. You came out of the tube station, tell us what you saw . I came out one or two minutes after the incident and police were ushering people away from the scene towards the bridge. I just looked around and on the other side of the pavement there were people and bodies littered all the way along the bridge. As i looked down, more and more people were being attended to by passers by before authorities Emergency Services arrived. I could not see the vehicle because that was surrounded by people to the north of the bridge. There was a sense of bewilderment. You could not take in exactly what was happening. Even just talking about what happened yesterday, it is shocking to hear. This morning, when you woke up how did you manage the process what you saw yesterday was back you wondered if it was some kind of a dream. Memories came back and. It will be quite some time before it 16. I was working in the Press Gallery overlooking the yard. I looked out the window. We thought there had beena the window. We thought there had been a bus smash or something. We heard lots of shouting and then we became aware of a man forcing his way through a Security Fence and attacking the policeman and both going down onto the ground and then another policeman appeared running towards them and the attacker got up and went towards him with his arm outstretched like he was holding a knife. Within a couple of seconds i heard gunfire. I did not know if it was the attacker or someone else that had the gun. It turns out it was the police. The Police Officer has been named as Pc Keith Palmer, 15 years of service. Many people who come out of this building know the Security Officers very well. Yes and you see them with members of the public. They are very much the frontline, the overlooking face of parliament and it isjust incredible. We owed them so much because they keep us safe. One of the things that has struck me, we read a lot that Parliament Security was a breech but in fact it was not because the man was stopped and he will stopped by Pc Keith Palmer. Thats right. It was an extraordinary leap quick and fast response. Armed police arriving in d roves response. Armed police arriving in droves with guns, machine guns, very quickly after the incident. Shocking though the incident is, we should draw comfort from the fact that we are kept safe by the Security Forces and you cannot deal with a lone attack on like this using low tech fall the brutal crime. In amongst a desperate situation with all great drapery and individuals going to the aid of people in a situation they did not know what was going on. That is the spirit of london. Im sure that would happen in any city but that is the bravery that one human has for another. Halley going to get on with your day to day . How do you go back to normal . Its quite simple. Parliament is sitting again which is very important. It sends a strong message that we will not be thrown off course by events like yesterday so it just a case thrown off course by events like yesterday so itjust a case of thrown off course by events like yesterday so it just a case of going back to the office and covering what happens in Parliament Just back to the office and covering what happens in parliamentjust like we do each day. Rear expecting a statement from theresa may in the commons. She spoke yesterday evening. That will be important. Commons. She spoke yesterday evening. That will be importantm will be a sombre moment. Yesterday was Prime Minister s question. That is the parliamentary highpoint, passions run higher. The atmosphere will be quite sombre today. Its all about sending a message that life goes on in the parliamentary democracy and the events of yesterday will not change that. Thank you very much indeed for sharing those stories which will be very difficult to live with and difficult to hearfor very difficult to live with and difficult to hear for many people at home. I know everybody at home, you are waking up, perhaps you are watching with your children. We are being careful with what we share with you with the images we share. This story has been various distressing over the last few hours. We will be spending the morning here at westminster giving you the latest on this investigation. We will take a moment have a look at the with carol. For some of us, a beautiful start. This is sunrise in kent and another one from bedfordshire. Some of us getting off to a sunny start. That is not the case everywhere because we have some rain across the midlands for example, across parts of southern and south eastern scotland. Patchy across Northern Ireland. There is also some hill snow. For south west england, ireland. There is also some hill snow. Forsouth west england, bright start. Weve got a lot of rain. Not particularly heavy across the midlands. Weve had some fog that is lifting its low cloud. Then in the east, brighter skies and sunshine. As we move north into Northern England, the rain, more patchy. The far north of scotland, a cool start to the day. Nippy and sunny. As we go through the course of the day, the rain will peter out. More patchy in showery. We will have got an area of low pressure and its attendant fronts coming up across the english channel, introducing some rain across the Channel Islands and southern countries of england. The interior will also pick up. With highs of up to 13, it will feel quite pleasant. To england, we hang on to this rating. At times, it will clip across the south east of england. In some of these glens of scotland, the temperatures could dip two minus eight. There will be fosters will tomorrow morning. We will have this rain across the south for a time. It does pull away and although it will leave quite a bit of cloud behind it, that will break up of cloud behind it, that will break up in the South Of England willjoin must much of the rest of the uk in that sunshine with just some showers at times. More notably, the Northern Isles. Temperatures climbing up again, 11 13. As we head into the weekend, the High Pressure is in charge of our weather. A lot of dry, unsettled weather. A lot of dry, unsettled weather. Chilly first thing in the morning. The sun is quite strong. 13 15 in morning. The sun is quite strong. 13 15 in parts of england and wales. Saturday into sunday, dont forget to put your clock forward. The start of British Summertime. 0n sunday, more cloud coming in. Still this keen wind, cold wind coming in from the continent. Temperatures in the sunshine responding quite nicely. 13 or 1a being the high. As you can see, we live here this morning westminster. Theresa may said life goes on as normal and that is what they are going to try and do at the palace of westminster behind me but i have to tell you that here this morning, it is not feel normal. This is as close as we can get. Police have stopped us from getting any closer. Houses of parliament are about 100m that way and we will be bringing you all the very latest on the developments of yesterdays incidents. We will be speaking to eyewitnesses and some mps. Keeping you up to date with the very latest on the Police Investigation. The first newspaper we can sherry this morning is the times newspaper. Many of the images you will see those focusing in on the immediate aftermath. Assault on westminster, on the front page. Just in front of the House Of Commons. You can see the House Of Commons. You can see the two groups of paramedics. And the two groups of paramedics. And the attacker. Moving on, lets have a look at the front page of the daily mirror. They say attack on democracy. They have taken it on a much closer and all some of the pictures that are emerging from yesterday are distressing to see. 0n the front page of The Telegraph newspaper, sorry about the windy conditions. These are the quotes from theresa may. The comments yesterday evening, after it emerged a total of five people had been killed. After this sequence of events. Although police have named the attacker, Scotland Yard said it was inspired by international terrorism. Nikita malik is a Senior Researcher at counter extremism Organisation Quilliam and is here with us now. A little noisy down here. We will have to get used to that. A number of Police Vehicles moving around. Last night, the lead Police Officer said they think they know the identity tells where we are in terms of who might be responsible. The lack of speculation means we do not know motive or tactics. While the individual was able to use the knife and access the vehicle, it was something quite similarly to islamist attacks Around The World. We must remember that getting a weapon from your house and attacking mps are something we have seen in far right extremism such asjo cox. If it is an attack of islamist terrorism, but i think would be interesting is because this attack was still alive, whether Islamic State or any other Terrorist Organisation will claim the attack, its usually quite unlikely if the suspect is still alive. This attack yesterday were strikingly similar to the berlin attacks. Might there be some kind of link . Are we in a situation where there could be potentially copycat attacks. Situation where there could be potentially Copycat Attacksm situation where there could be potentially copycat attacks. It is. It is buried difficult at this moment to find a precise link. We have to be vigilant. At the same time, we have to be resilient, as the Prime Minister said, was linked to this. Not let a low Technology Attack affect our day to day life. Just keep calm and carry on. We have the extraordinary situation and maybe we can say it is see some of the images, the area is effectively a crime scene. And on Westminster Bridge. This is a very unusual situation. An investigation under way. Police and Security Services will be trying to work out what links them may have been to this individual. It isnt a normal working day in that sense. We have to thank the police and the Security Services. In terms of trying to find out the links i would forget suggesting reporting anything suspicious to police and dont give this terrorism. How can we begin to try and understand what this motive might have been. Because the individual is still alive, its only a matter of time before that information is made public. That will be at the discretion of the police and the Security Services. Thank you very much for your time this morning. We will be bringing you much more reaction and eyewitness reports including coming up eyewitness reports including coming up in the programme, the head teacher of a Primary School who had some pupils who are very well looked after by police and mps inside the palace of westminster. Good morning from bbc london news. Im sonja jessup. Extra armed police will be on the capitals streets today following yesterdays car and knife attack near the Houses Of Parliament. Scotland yard says its treating the incident as an islamist related act of terrorism. Its now known that five people died including a policeman whos been named as keith palmer. More than a0 people were injured. Some of those who were on Westminster Bridge when the Car Hit Pedestrians and have described what they saw. I heard a scream and just my left there was a car driving down the road quite quickly, very quickly and it careered into some pedestrians. It looked like it ran through a red light and ran into a bunch of pedestrians. Three of them went flying in the air, it knocked them down like skittles. I saw some people being hit in front of me. James who was in front of me shouted, get out of the way. It happened so quickly. Ijumped to the left into the road, thinking one of the guys had been hit but it went past me. And then i looked around me in shock because i could see bodies and people and of its it was all and people and of its it was all a real shock. This morning londoners are still being asked a number of areas of the capital including Parliament Square and Victoria Embankment as investigations continue. This is the scene live from Westminster And Westminster Bridge is closed of course along with Parliament Square, no reported delays round there yet but of course were expecting it to get very busy. You cant actually get into or out of Westminster Underground Station either. These other delays through waterloo. Minor delays on the Northern Line and no overg round minor delays on the Northern Line and no overgRound Service between romford in upminster. Time for the weather now with elizabeth rizzini. There is some early rain around this morning but it is set to push its way westwards through the morning and it should dry out and brighten up as we head through the afternoon. Still a chilly easterly wind. You will feel that in part of the thames estuary. By say nine or ten oclock, the rain has moved westwards. Still cloud here and there, which will then break and we will get some sunny spells coming through. Always a bit cooler than further east you are. Up to 12 or 13 degrees. A bright and breezy day. Overnight, it will stay dry. More cloud towards southern areas and a few outbreaks of rain. Otherwise dry. Overnight lows of six or seven celsius. Tomorrow, that chilly easterly wind. Eastern areas, the temperatures will be lower. Dry and lots in the way of sunshine. High pressure is set to stay with us over the course of the weekend so it is looking dry. Lots of warm sunshine around on saturday. Highs of 15 or 16 celsius but some rather chilly nights. Perhaps A Touch Of Frost and the rural areas. The dry and sunny weather is set to last as we stepped into the start of next week. More from us at bbc london in 30 minutes and plenty more news. Were in westminster, where parliament will sit today after less than 2a hours after a Terror Attack on the very heart of british democracy left five people dead and parliament in lockdown. An attacker drove into crowds of people on the bridge, just down the river there, before stabbing to death a Police Officer outside the Houses Of Parliament hes now been named as Pc Keith Palmer. He was someone who left for work today expecting to return home at the end of his shift and he had every right to expect that would happen. More than a0 people were injured in the attack, some of them suffering catastrophic injuries. Good morning. This morning we will have the latest on the investigation. Police say they believe they know the attackers identity and that he was inspired by islamist ideology. Both Houses Of Parliament will operate as normal today in a show of defiance. The Prime Minister is expected to make a statement to the commons. Well have the latest from here through our Programme Today and as always, carol has the weather. Some rain in the forecast but mostly it will peter out. Later there will be rain coming in across the South Of England. More details later. Good morning. First, our main story. Scotland yard has confirmed the Police Officer killed in yesterdays Terror Attack was keith palmer, a a8 year old husband and father. Police believe the attacker, who hasnt been named, was inspired by international and islamist related terrorism. Three people were killed when a vehicle was driven along the pavement of Westminster Bridge yesterday afternoon. A0 were injured. 0ur reporter andy moore has more. The moment of the attack on Westminster Bridge. 0n the right hand side you can see a car moving at speed along the pavement in front of a slow moving line of traffic. A figure, we now know it is a woman, falls into the water. Then panic as members of the public realise something is wrong. Three shots ring out. Gunfire. A photograph shows the immediate aftermath. An armed Police Officer stands poised over the attacker. A large knife is on the ground. Another knife is nearby. The Police Officer who was stabbed to death has been named as keith palmer. He was a member of the parliamentary and Diplomatic Police command. Keith, ages a8, had 15 Years Service, and was a husband and father. He was someone who left for work today, expecting to return home at the end of his shift. And he had every right to expect that would happen. At least three people died on the bridge, more than a0 were hurt, many were said to have catastrophic injuries. The Prime Minister said parliament would meet as normal today. She urged the people of london and its visitors to do the same. And we will all move forward together. Never giving in to terror and never allowing the voices of hate and evil to drive us apart. Police have not yet named the attacker but they believe they know his identity. They are treating it as a case of islamist related terrorism. My message to those who want to harm us and destroy our way of life is you will not succeed. You will not divide us. We will not be cowed by terrorists. Overnight, a show of solidarity from the french capital, paris a city that has also suffered from the scourge of terrorism. The lights of the eiffel tower were switched off. The Prime Minister called yesterdays incident Sick And Depraved but the official Terror Alert Level has not been raised. The priority now for the police will be to find out if the attacker was working alone. Andy moore, bbc news. Ican i can tell you that where we are now, not far away is essentially a crime scene and the investigation is very much ongoing and active. The flat was raided in birmingham. Its not known if there is any link to the Westminster Attack. 0ur reporter sima kotecha is in birmingham for us this morning. Good morning. Last night, around 11 oclock in the evening, this road was cordoned off. There was Large Police Presence. Eyewitnesses say around three people who were living inside and were inside were taken away top it is not clear whether they were arrested but what we do know when we called police to find out exactly what happened here, they redirected our call to Scotland Yard. Of course, Scotland Yard is investigating the attack on Westminster Bridge. That is not to say these two incidents are related stop this could have been a com pletely stop this could have been a completely independent operation but what we know and believe is that the car that was used in the attack in london yesterday was high end from here, in birmingham. Thank you. We note some of the people who survived the attack are now said to have catastrophic injuries. Eight are at the Trauma Centre in Kings College hospital. What is the latest information you have in terms of Casualties Conditions . Nothing further from the details we were given last night. Eight people were brought here to Kings College hospital south of the river thames. Six men, two were women. Two were critically injured. We are awaiting further update from hospital staff. There are hospitals right across london that practice will situations such as this. Saint thomas s hospital, at the other end of the bridge, medical staff ran out to treat people on to the bridge and indeed last night we spoke to the chairman of the bma Junior Doctors association. He was out there offering resuscitation, not only the Police Officer but also to the attacker. As with all of the Emergency Services, all the medical professionals yesterday, they afforded him a privilege and respected his right to life, something he had not done. All strangers earlier in the day. Just picking up on whatjohn was saying, the work of the Emergency Services, in about ten minutes time we are going to be talking to a doctor who was on board the Air Ambulance talking about what happened, what developed and how they called naked their efforts. Call co ordinate. 0ur Political Correspondentjoins us now. As we speak, we can see 0ur Political Correspondentjoins us now. As we speak, we can see some 0ur Political Correspondentjoins us now. As we speak, we can see some of the wide shots of westminster itself and the bridge. Everything very quiet today. A most unusual situation for. Quiet today. A most unusual situation for. Usually at this time people would be crossing the bridge in great numbers. Mps would be gathering to enter parliament. On millbank, it is usually a bustling street. Bumper to bumper traffic, but it is absolutely deserted. Police cordon is still up. We are seeing a sombre and unreal atmosphere and the message mps want to say is that this is Business As Usual and they are sticking to the normal business in the face of this Terror Attack. The Prime Minister is expected to give a statement. But it is very sombre and very different. We have essentially a crime scene in the immediate surroundings but as he said theresa may making it very clear that mps will return to the commons and we are expecting a statement from her . She will be talking about the values of democracy, liberty and freedom and she will characterise this attack is an attack on those values. And that evil should not drive people apart. A symbolic act is not so much that mps are gathering but that they are keeping Parliament Open to the public. The Public Gardens will be open and people will be allowed to go open and people will be allowed to go in under obviously tight security. It is a tribute from the Prime Minister and security. It is a tribute from the Prime Ministerand mps security. It is a tribute from the Prime Minister and mps to the victims, to keith palmer and the other Police Officers who were injured. They will stick to their normal agenda. I have the say, it is not feel normal when you see a flag flying at half mast after seeing one of the worst attacks in london in a decade. We are getting some breaking news. We were in birmingham a moment ago talking about the raids. We are getting information that those brave are linked to the Ongoing Police investigation here in westminster. We will keep you updated on those rates. Raid in birmingham. They will be sitting in the House Of Commons. Theresa may will make a speech. It is hard to imagine it will be Business As Usual but it is clear statement has been made in effect a nyway. Clear statement has been made in effect anyway. Thats right. People will be determined to conduct normal business. Internationaltrade will be determined to conduct normal business. International trade will be working. Inaudible parliament was suspended just before david was about to set out the order of business. It is inconceivable though it has not been confirmed, it is inconceivable that they would not be another meeting of the Emergency Committee to bring together senior politicians and Police Officers. We are yards away from m15 and they will also be at the meeting and that will also be at the meeting and that will be discussing response yesterday and also asking the more difficult questions. Today is a day of tributes and praise but questions will also be asked about securities at the heart of british democracy. Todayis at the heart of british democracy. Today is a day for reflection but from the breaking news about the birmingham raid, it is also a day foran birmingham raid, it is also a day for an investigation that is going full belt. Police are urging anyone with any information to get in touch. Members of the public are asked to call 0800 789 321. That is the same number if anybody was to report anything suspicious. We will be here throughout the morning. A special programme on bbc. Right now, lets go to a round up of the rest of this morning s news. New calculations produced for the government raise the possibility that people aged 30 or under might have to work until theyre 70 before getting the state pension. A separate report says the government should abandon minimum annual increases in pensions, to save money. The government says it will decide on future pension ages in may. Moderate drinkers are less likely to suffer some Heart Problems than those who drink heavily or not at all. Thats according to a new study published in the british medicaljournal. Researchers from Cambridge University and University College london found that low levels of Alcohol Consumption were linked to a lower risk of heart conditions. The funeral of the former Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, martin mcguinness, will be held in londonderry this afternoon. The former us president , bill clinton, is due to attend the ceremony, as are the Northern Ireland secretary, james brokenshire, and the irish Prime Minister, enda kenny. Mr mcguinness, a former ira leader turned politician, died on tuesday. The government is being warned against intervening in the Energy Market by capping prices. Its Thought Ministers are preparing to act to help customers on Standard Energy tariffs. Five former Energy Regulators say doing so would have an adverse effect and could have ominous implications for other markets. That is a quick look at the other stories but now back to charlie and sally. Joining us here this morning, next to the barricades, some people allowed through but only those who have business in the comments. The Emergency Services are being praised for their Swift Response to yesterdays Terror Attack. Medics from nearby St Thomas Hospital raced to Westminster Bridge to help the injured. Soon after the attacks an Air Ambulance landed in Parliament Square. Dr tonyjoy was part of the team onboard and hes with us now. Windows use pal you this morning . Yesterday would have been incredibly intense. It was a pretty awful day yesterday. And a late night. Trying to collect ones thoughts. Thank you. Take us through the sequence of events. What was the first you knew of what was happening . We were on the helipad. The klaxon went and we understood we we re the klaxon went and we understood we were being tasked with a traffic collision. There was Little Information we were initially given. Even with small information, we thought this might be significant for casualties and while we were in a helicopter, were collecting our thoughts. What is going through your head and what practical things have you been doing . As the helicopter is overhead, you try to take in as much information as you can about what was a complex clinical scene. It was spread out over a large area. We didnt have much clinical information. We wanted to get a feeling for roughly how many casualties we might be dealing with. The safety at the scene. And other aspects. A number of other Emergency Servers is also available. What help we re servers is also available. What help were you able to offer . Latest figures say a0 injuries. Were you able to offer . Latest figures say 40 injuries. If i may briefly office offer condolences to all the families and friends of loved ones of the dead and injured on behalf of our servers and the other Emergency Services. We were able, as we were there really, there isa able, as we were there really, there is a balance to be made between diving in Clinical Care and trying to gain an overview, the wider sort of strategic control of the scene, which is something that londons Ambulance Service were setting up an absolute credit to them. Remarkable infrastructure they developed in managing collocated scene. We were immediately on scene and we started to assess the casualties. And look the information about more casualties. And we were involved in treating several people. We try to support the service in any way we could. Youjust support the service in any way we could. You just offered your condolences and wishes and i am sure all of those families would like to offer you thanks to all you did yesterday and incredibly fast response. They give are talking us. Its a privilege. We will be spending the morning speaking to those who are involved in the events of yesterday. We will be speaking to some of the mps who are involved in events at the comments, theresa may making it plain that they will be sitting in the house today, as a gesture of defiance. The many of us, we are getting off toa the many of us, we are getting off to a bright start, rather like this lovely one but there is some rain in the forecast. That will peter out and it will brighten up. For a lot of the uk today, it will remain dry. But not everywhere. We have low pressure, not too far away in the continent. It is going to move northwards and bring some rain across the Channel Islands. This morning, it is the north of the country. That will be with us in the next couple of hours. Northern scotland, a cold start to you but a beautiful one with a lot of sunshine. Again, some patchy rain and hill snow which will peter out in the next couple of hours. As we drift further west, especially across the midlands, heading down towards hampshire, south west england, starting off on a bright note. We are also looking at some rain. It will move to wales in the south west, turning more patchy. The next batch comes across france. Temperatures 72 about 30 degrees of celsius. In the sunshine, quite pleasant. Heading onto the evening and overnight, the rain waxes and wanes and it will be across the Channel Islands and at times across southern and coastal counties. Easy but north of the midlands, for example, we are looking at a cold night, colder than the nightjust gone. But these temperatures you see our towns and cities in rural areas, and it will be colder than that so frosty start but clear skies. The rain in the south will clear quite quickly leaving a lot of cloud behind it but that breaks up into much of the uk, some sunshine, showers in the north, highs between 11 and 13 and as we head into the weekend, the weather remains fairly settled. Thank you very much indeed. We will be back in half an hourfor more weather. Welcome back to westminster. Reflecting on events yesterday, bringing the right up to date with the Police Investigation and on that subject, i can tell you we are expecting in the next ten or 15 minutes, a Press Conference from new Scotland Yard with any of the latest developments. Let us show you the live images from westminster this morning. We will Ta Ke Westminster this morning. We will take you through what you know. These are from the Police Press Conference last night. A0 people we re conference last night. A0 people were injured in the sequence of events. That was mainly when the car was driven at pedestrians on the bridge. A total of five people were killed in the attack. 0ne bridge. A total of five people were killed in the attack. One of those, Police Officer Pc Keith Palmer, 15 yea rs of Police Officer Pc Keith Palmer, 15 years of service and also the attacker himself who was shot dead by police. This rate is definitely moving at some pace. We expect an update from scotla nd some pace. We expect an update from Scotland Yard in the next ten minutes. How hard will they be working now . The initial investigation, they will be mainly focused on trying to identify who this person is and if they dont know that, they will carry identification on them, they will Wa Nt Identification on them, they will want to be identified even if they dont make it through the incident. The police will be focused and theyll be focused on that and that will be where they go. Those who come to this place a lot, reflecting on what an extraordinary atmosphere it is. We were as close as we can be because from here on in, we are here. Effectively, not only is this a Security Zone, it is a crime zone. The whole area is a crime scene. There will be officers working to try to secure evidence, cctv. There are cameras everywhere here. They are cameras everywhere here. They are looking to build up a picture of what happened yesterday. Something thatis what happened yesterday. Something that is not been mentioned, there will be a lot of people who will wonder what has gone on. They will contact the police and say, i was on the bridge or i was there and i saw this. Its notjust that. Lots of witnesses yesterday, people from All Over The World on the bridge. Lots of them have footage on their mobile phones. What happens will all about . The police need to know who they are and get in contact. Call the police and get in contact. Call the police and say, i was there, i have some footage on my telephone, how do i get back to you . It is really important. What will the police be looking for . They will be looking for, sometimes what happens is, these people have accomplices and they may well have been watching what went on. Those people may have been filming what was going on as well. To put it on youtube and things like that. The witnesses who have got footage, they may well have caught these people. Things like that, you have to put it forward. Pc keith palmer has been named as the Police Officer. The first line of defence outside the Houses Of Parliament. What are your thoughts this morning . There are an extraordinary number of armed officers. There is pressure from the palace. Such a visible armed presence. It is a matter for the police. Who they put there. Unfortunately, they pay the ultimate price. I can tell you in the time we have been here this morning, there are police out in force and you get the sense that having lost someone yesterday, there is a real sense that they want to be out here invisible and just getting on with thejob. Invisible and just getting on with the job. We are told that there will bea the job. We are told that there will be a Press Conference in the next few minutes on new Scotland Yard with any of the latest developments and we will bring you that as it happens. Time for the news, travel, and weather where you are. Good morning from bbc london news, im sonja jessup. Extra armed police will be on the capitals streets today following yesterdays car and knife attack near the Houses Of Parliament. Scotland yard says its treating the incident as an islamist related act of terrorism. Its now known that five people died including a policeman whos been named as keith palmer. More than a0 people were injured. Some of those who were on Westminster Bridge when the Car Hit Pedestrians have described what they saw. I heard a scream and just my left there was a car driving down i heard a scream and just to my left there was a car driving down the road quite quickly, really quickly and it careered into some pedestrians. It looked like it ran through a red light and ran into a bunch of pedestrians. Three of them went flying in the air, it knocked them down like skittles. Coming out so quickly. I saw some people being hit in front of me. James, who i was with, was in front of me and shouted, get out of the way. It happened so quickly. Ijumped to the left into the road, thinking one of the guys had been hit, he went past me. And then i looked around me in shock because i could see bodies and people and it was all a real shock. Londoners are still being asked to avoid certain areas this morning. Lets take a look at how thats affecting peoples journeys into work. This is the scene live from westminster. Westminster bridge is closed of course, along with Parliament Square. Parts of Victoria Street and embankment. You cant actually get into or out of Westminster Underground Station either. And these are the delays through waterloo eastbound queues on york road as Traffic Diverts from Westminster Bridge towards waterloo bridge. And no 0vergRound Service between romford to upminster. Time for the weather now with elizabeth rizzini. Good morning. There is some early rain around this morning but it is set to push its way westwards through the morning and it should dry out and brighten up as we head through the afternoon. Still a chilly easterly wind. You will feel that in part of the thames estuary. By say nine or ten oclock, the rain has moved westwards. Still cloud here and there, which will then break and we will get some sunny spells coming through. Always a bit cooler the further east you are. Up to 12 or 13 degrees. A bright and breezy day. Overnight, it will stay dry. More cloud towards southern areas and a few outbreaks of rain. Otherwise dry. Overnight lows of six or seven celsius. Tomorrow, that chilly easterly wind. Eastern areas, the temperatures will be lower. Dry and lots in the way of sunshine. High pressure is set to stay with us over the course of the weekend so it is looking dry. Lots of warm sunshine around on saturday. Highs of 15 or 16 celsius but some rather chilly nights. Perhaps A Touch Of Frost in the rural areas. The dry and sunny weather is set to last as we head into the start of next week. It is 7 30. We are spending the morning here so we can show you some of the images of the immediate surroundings. The streets are blocked off. No one is allowed behind the barrier. You will see some staff going through, mps will be sitting today and arriving later on. We will be keeping you up to date with the situation. You can see the flags flying at half mast, a mark for those who died yesterday. A total of five people died yesterday, including the Police Officer who was killed, Pc Keith Palmer. Three other people injured as the car ploughed into pedestrians. And the attacker himself shot dead. As the light dawns, you can see the flag at half past over westminster. We are saying everything is back to normal this morning, the Prime Minister saying it is Business As Usual but standing here it is not feel like a normal day at all. People will be going Into Westminster but it will not feel like he did 2a hours ago. Into westminster but it will not feel like he did 24 hours ago. Number of developments. We are a press co nfe re nce number of developments. We are a Press Conference from the new scotla nd Press Conference from the new Scotland Yard very shortly. The bbc understands the police raids that took place in birmingham in the early hours of this morning are linked to yesterdays Terror Attack. 0ur reporter sima kotecha is in birmingham for us this morning. Just after 11 oclock last night this road was cordoned off. The flat a high meat was raided by police. Three men were taken away we are told by eyewitnesses was not it is not clear whether they were arrested or taken away for questioning. We asked police were the operation was about and they direct and our goal to Scotland Yard and they are investigating the attack in westminster. We can tell you there isa link westminster. We can tell you there is a link between what happened here last night and what happened in westminster yesterday as well stop we can also tell you that we believe the vehicle used in the attack in london was actually high end from here in birmingham. Thank you very much. As we have been reporting, many people were hurt yesterday. Some of them are said to have catastrophic injuries. That is among the ao catastrophic injuries. That is among the a0 people had. They are being treated in hospitals across london, including st mary s. Is there any update on the people being treated there . Good morning. Ifi can show you, there is quite a Large Police Presence. Police vans, two Police Minibuses and the entrance of the hospital, people are having their bags searched. Two Police Officers on guard. The hospitals have not confirmed this but we spoke to one patient, martin galloway, he said in the afternoon he was waiting there and he was told he had to move from amd because he was told there were a number of injured Police Officers coming to this hospital. The police have not confirmed this law have the Hospital Trust however yesterday we learned three Police Officers were injured on the bridge and this man believes they are here being treated at st mary s. Believes they are here being treated at st mary s. Thank you very much indeed. The injured are being treated in various hospitals across london and very striking images in the newspapers of all the Emergency Services rushing in to help yesterday. It is a very noisy here, very busy. Some people moving through the cordoned and that is because the comments will be open. It is not as normal but this is an extraordinary situation. The barriers are up because it is a Security Zone but also a crime scene but within that politics of the sort will continue. The message is a Business As Usual but it feels anything other than normal. Police vehicles going past behind me. A road normally bustling with traffic empty. There will be tributes to the police and Emergency Services but apart from the sound of helicopters and cyrix, the message parliament wants to send is that democracy will not be stopped. The leader of the house announced to mps just before the suspension that there had been a knife attack, he will be setting out the normal order of business for parliament and members of the public will be allowed to go in. We will continue to battle on through the noise. Sirens. We have a helicopter overhead and several vehicles with their sirens on. Lots of Unmarked Security vehicles. Everything in the last few moments has gone up a notch but at around this time we are starting to expect people to try to make their way Into Westminster. They will be there for the start of the session at a 30 am. You will only have allowance to go in if you have a pass. Some are taken in for unmarked vehicles. We are also expecting that it has not been confirmed, and other meeting of the Emergency Committee. We are just a few minutes away from M15 Headquarters and we will expect senior Government Ministers and the Prime Minister s been briefed. We are expecting a Press Conference from Scotland Yard any moment. We we re from Scotland Yard any moment. We were expecting that at 7 30 but that has a little. Police team to urge anybody with any information to get in touch. Members of the public are asked to call the Anti Terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321. You will know from watching this morning it is very busy with a lot of police activity. These are some of police activity. These are some of the wide images from westminster. Looking across Westminster Bridge, the scene of so much chaos yesterday, it is you really quiet. The Police Investigation is ongoing and we are expecting an update from scotla nd and we are expecting an update from Scotland Yard in the next few minutes. For now, lets go back to the studio for the other news. New calculations produced for the government raise the possibility that people aged 30 or under might have to work until theyre 70 before getting the state pension. A separate report says the government should abandon minimum annual increases in pensions, to save money. The government says it will decide on future pension ages in may. Moderate drinkers are less likely to suffer some Heart Problems than those who drink heavily or not at all. Thats according to a new study published in the british medicaljournal. Researchers from Cambridge University and University College london found that low levels of Alcohol Consumption were linked to a lower risk of heart conditions. The funeral of the former Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, martin mcguinness, will be held in londonderry this afternoon. The former us president , bill clinton, is due to attend the ceremony, as are the Northern Ireland secretary, james brokenshire, and the irish Prime Minister, enda kenny. Mr mcguinness, a former ira leader turned politician, died on tuesday. The government is being warned against intervening in the Energy Market by capping prices. Its Thought Ministers are preparing to act to help customers on Standard Energy tariffs. Five former Energy Regulators say doing so would have an adverse effect and could have ominous implications for other markets. Lets have a quick look at the sport now and it was a disappointing night for Gareth Southgate in his first match as permanent england manager. It ended in defeat to germany. England dominated the first half but a stunning strike in the 2nd from Lucas Podolski, in his final international, sealed the 1 0 win in the friendly in dortmund. Up until the goal i thought we were really the better side. Germany then had a little spell where they controlled and obviously we put some of our younger players on and that was a good Learning Experience for them, um, but i am very pleased with what we learned, the manner of the performance, and the one bit we missed was the finish. You know, we should have had the game won, really. Scotland have a crucial World Cup Qualifier against Slovenia On Sunday and last nights performance wont have done much to boost their confidence. They could only draw 1 1 in a friendly against canada. Fraser aird who actually plays for falkirk produced a fine finish to send canada ahead. Steven naismith scored the equaliser for scotland. Canada are 117th in the world rankings. Four of the five british players in the miami 0pen have already been knocked out. Great Britains Dan Evans was beaten in the first round by a qualifier. After reaching a career high ranking of a1 in the world, evans was beaten in three sets by american ernesto escobedo, who is ranked 108 in the world. Aljaz bedene is also out, he retired injured from his match. And kyle edmund was beaten in three sets by americanjared donaldson. And more bad news in the womens draw british number two Heather Watson was beaten by 22 year old romainain Patricia Maria tig losing in straight sets 7 6, 6 1. Johanna konta is the only brit left she has a bye into the second round. That is all the rest of the day s news and sport now it is back to charlie. We are keeping you up to date. We are expecting a Press Conference from new Scotland Yard and to update you on information, as of last night, confirmed by Scotland Yard, a0 people injured in events as they unfolded yesterday. We know five people were killed, including Pc Keith Palmer who was the Police Officer who was stabbed. We know the attacker was shot dead and three other people were killed. Just to give you a sense of where we are, we are at the closest point we can get to the Houses Of Parliament, to westminster. Behind the camera there isa westminster. Behind the camera there is a truck arriving with Concrete Blockades on board. It would appear security, which is a very high, has been stepped up, not least because mps will be here today. Some witnessed events yesterday. They will be returning as marks of defiance. Comments will be setting as they were yesterday. The comments. A group of School Children we re comments. A group of School Children were ina comments. A group of School Children were in a visit. They were looked after by Police Officers and put in after by Police Officers and put in a room when the building was in lockdown. They were given a television so they could watch tv and keep them quiet. I can tell you also,. 53 children from somerset were caught up in yesterdays Terror Attack during a school trip to the Houses Of Parliament. Now all safely home, the year six pupils from stjohn St Francis Church school in bridgwater set off for london yesterday morning. The school tweeted photos with the children on their trip looking over the thames. And pausing for lunch before travelling to parliament, unaware of what events were about to unfold before them. During the incident, they were on lockdown in parliament, but refused to let their moods be dampened. Instead, they sang songs to help raise spirits a moment of humanity among the terror. There is a Press Conference happening right now. We are collating the walking wounded. Seven are still in hospital. Pc keith palmer sadly died, two members of the public, a woman in her mid a0s and a man in his mid 50s. The fork man of course was the terrorist who was shot dead by armed police at the scene. Hundreds of detectives have been working through the night and during that time, i can confirm we have searched six addresses and made seven arrests. The enquiries in birmingham and london and other parts of the country are continuing. It is still our belief which is borne out by our investigations that this attacker acted alone and was inspired by international terrorism. To be explicit, at this stage, no specific information about further threats to the public. The investigation is ongoing, developing all the time and we continue to hope there is motivation, preparation and his associates will come to light. We recognise you, the media are making progress in identifying the attacker but i would ask that his name is not published at this sensitive stage of the investigation, still conducting searches and arrests. This large and complicated crime scene remains in place and our work continues and i would like to thank everybody to their support and patience. As people return to the streets of the capital this morning, they will see more officers on duty and a mix of Metropolitan Police, british transport and the city of london. We have increased our duty hours and are working to make sure we can reassure the public that london can go about its normal business. We must not allow terrorists to sow discord and fear in our city. The police will stand with all communities and later today at Scotla Nd Communities and later today at Scotland Yard, there is a meeting of apec leaders coming together. While our work to investigate and understand what happened yesterday will continue with vigor, we must also reflect and i want to thank the public to their support and good wishes. I know it is appreciated by all our men and women out there protecting us. Finally i would like to ask the public to their continued help and vigilance and again i say that anything you see which causes concern, please trust your instinct and dont hesitate to call us. The Terrorism Hotline or in an Emergency Call 999. I will take some questions. Have you been getting emails and pictures from the public . We have cctv from the scene. Part of the piecing together what happened will come from that. Were you able to identify the attacker . Can you confirm whether he was a British National . Im not saying anything more at this stage and i will not identify those who have been killed. There are a mix of nationalities so we are liaising with host countries and nationalities and announcing on television is not a good way. What happened in birmingham urbanite . Ive said as much as i will. Ive talked about six addresses, seven arrests. Ive talked about activity in london, birmingham and elsewhere in the country. As our investigation continues, idont want more details. Is there a committed who is the commissioner in charge . Craig matthew, the acting to missing commissioner. We have an Investigative Team doing the work. Any other questions . You will see the closure is restricting at the moment. Some final searches to do around Parliament Square. Normal business today. So business as normal in london . Yes, a bit of disruption around Westminster As you would understand and more Police Officers on the streets reassuring the public. 0ne on the streets reassuring the public. One last question. Any more information on the condition of the Police Officers who are injured . We have seven people in hospital who are in critical condition. Thank you for your patience and your time. That is the very latest from new scotla nd that is the very latest from new Scotland Yard. The casualties, seven in critical condition. Also looking at some of the developments in terms of the Police Investigation. We know about six addresses and seven arrests made and no specific information on further threats. That is the main point Coming Out Of A Press Co nfe re nce is the main point coming out of a Press Conference in the last few minutes. Not being drawn on the nationality of the attacker but confirming, extra police out on the streets and restrictions around westminster continue to remain in place. Also, not much more detail on the help of people who are injured. That is something that we will be hearing later on today. We are trying to speak to people in the approach to westminster. That is the Security Zone behind us. Lindsay hoyle is with us, the deck in deputy speaker. Can you give us a sense of what will be happening as you understand now . As you expect, we are in the village. A policeman has been murdered. We must continue. We will not give in to terrorism and we will continue and pay tribute in the house will continue with its business. We see mps on the television every day shouting at each other, everything looks quite mean but westminster, it is a village, it is a family. You walk past those people every day. You know their faces and their names. Absolutely. They are there to defend democracy. Protecting members of parliament. Pcs were part of our village. The house was united closed the chamber down. Mps were together and everybody was very concerned about the innocent victims and what was going on. What we do know is the security worked well. Many people have seen that moment in the commons. Just talked us through what information you had. As events were unfolding. There is a very serious incident. The chamber was closed down. We were in complete lockdown. That is the way it should work. And it worked very effectively. The staff of the House Of Commons, the doorkeepers, everybody involved are they came as one to make sure they we re they came as one to make sure they were safe. The police took control and that is as it should be. I am going to thank everybody involved. The commander took over and worked very effectively. That is the way it should be. Notjust mps. He had children in school trips. That is what it is like in the palace of westminster. What was it like during lockdown . When youre in lockdown, It Isa Lockdown . When youre in lockdown, it is a strange place to be. You are getting information by mobile phone. We we re getting information by mobile phone. We were getting information. I was a concerned about it. A lot of stuff in offices. Members needing to contact staff. There were children in the chamber. Ive got to say, everybody was very professional in the way they dealt with it and the way they responded. We couldnt ask for a better way. The head of security, worked very well. We got to protect the visitors as you point out. Many thousands of visitors. We must protect them in the same weight we protect mps. A number of developments. As we were chatting, seven people arrested. In london and birmingham. A Police Operation is under way. Here at westminster, we have a Security Operation. I am seeing there are trucks arriving here with concrete blocks on them. What do you know about how things have been escalated in of security . We will be having an Emergency Meeting and getting information. What else needs to be put in place and we will reflect, not instantly. Weve got to take on board what has happened. Of course, weve got to look after both houses. This was a threat to everybody yesterday. It is another one we had to take seriously. One thing i can you can be sure of, terrorism will not defeat of democracy. How will mps react . How will they be feeling, going back into this, walking to a crime scene to go back today. Now its crime scene to go back today. Now its Business As Usual, but today, its not Business As Usual. What i will say, it is a hobbled day for members. Weve got to get on but terrorism will not defeat the House Of Commons and democracy. We got a lot to go out there, not just the members before the start of the house. People who have witnessed things. That support is in place and will be used to make sure everybody feels reassured. How do you help those people now . We have it set up, we have the well being those people now . We have it set up, we have the well being in parliament. It is therefore members but also staff. Staff are locked in their offices. Members were with members. Individual officers were in lockdown. We have a duty of care to everybody within the house and we have to look after them and got to say, the speaker takes seriously. We worked together for the benefit of everyone. Absolutely. Worked together for the benefit of everyone. Absolutelylj worked together for the benefit of everyone. Absolutely. I may have a busy day ahead. Thank you very much. Best of luck today. This is a special programme on Bbc Breakfast. We try to speak to people. Some mps will be arriving a little later on. Just to give you a sense of whats happening here. Weve had a police press co nfe re nce happening here. Weve had a Police Press Conference from new scotland ya rd Press Conference from new Scotland Yard in the last few minutes. We will keep you up to date. We know there have been a number of arrests and a number of addresses have been raided as well. Of course, we will keep you right up to date with all the developments and i think we can show you some of the images here. Many people paying tribute to those who have lost their lives. Including a Police Officer. He lost his life protecting those at the house. A Police Officer. He lost his life protecting those at the housem the last few moments, some have arrived here near us just the last few moments, some have arrived here near usjust to the last few moments, some have arrived here near us just to Lay Flowers A nd arrived here near us just to Lay Flowers And that is something we may see more of. Some people arriving, wanting to pay their respects and remember what happened here yesterday to that Police Officer who was killed tragically simply doing hisjob was killed tragically simply doing his job protecting parliament. Well be back shortly. Type in the news and where you are. Good morning from bbc london news, im sonja jessup. Seven people have been arrested and six addresses raided in connection with the yesterday S Westminster Carand with the yesterday S Westminster Car and knife attack. Scotland yard says the raids took place in london, bowning and elsewhere and its now known that five people died including a policeman has been named as keith palmer. More than a0 people we re as keith palmer. More than a0 people were injured. Some of those who were on Westminster Bridge when the Car Hit Pedestrians have described they saw. I heard a scream into my left there was a car driving down the road quite quickly, really quickly and it careered into some pedestrians and it looked like it ran through a red light and careered into a bunch of pedestrians. Three of them went flying in the air, it knocked them down like skittles. Coming out so quickly. I saw some people being hit in front of me. James, who i was with, was in front of me and shouted, get out of the way. It happened so quickly. Ijumped to the left into the road, thinking one of the guys had been hit, he went past me. And then i looked around me in shock because i could see bodies and people and it was all a real shock. Londoners are still being asked to avoid certain areas this morning. Lets take a look at how thats affecting peoples journeys into work. This is the scene live from westminster. Westminster bridge is closed of course, along with Parliament Square. Parts of Victoria Street and embankment. Whitehall, the mall and Constitution Hillare whitehall, the mall and Constitution Hill are closed. And you cannot get into and out of Westminster Underground Station. That is causing delays into the lambeth bridge roundabout as Traffic Diverts and no overground Service Roundabout as Traffic Diverts and no overg Round Service between roundabout as Traffic Diverts and no overgRound Service between romford and upminster because of the signal failure. Time for the weather. Good morning. There is some early rain around this morning but it is set to push its way westwards through the morning and it should dry out and brighten up as we head through the afternoon. Still a chilly easterly wind. You will feel that in part of the thames estuary. By say nine or ten oclock, the rain has moved westwards. Still cloud here and there, which will then break and we will get some sunny spells coming through. Always a bit cooler the further east you are. Up to 12 or 13 degrees. A bright and breezy day. Overnight, it will stay dry. More cloud towards southern areas and a few outbreaks of rain. Otherwise dry. Overnight lows of six or seven celsius. Tomorrow, that chilly easterly wind. Eastern areas, the temperatures will be lower. Dry and lots in the way of sunshine. High pressure is set to stay with us over the course of the weekend so it is looking dry. Lots of warm sunshine around on saturday. Highs of 15 or 16 celsius but some rather chilly nights. Perhaps A Touch Of Frost in the rural areas. The dry and sunny weather is set to last as we head into the start of next week. Well have more. Plenty more news, travel, and weather on the website. This is a special programme with Charlie Stayt and sally nugent live from westminster. Parliament will sit today less than 2a hours after a Terror Attack on the heart of british democracy. An attacker drove into crowds of people on the bridge just down the river there before stabbing to death a Police Officer outside the palace of westminster hes now been named as Pc Keith Palmer. We have searched six addresses and made seven arrests. The enquiries in birmingham and other parts of the country are continuing. Seven people remain critically ill in hospitals in london and admitted the horrors of what happened yesterday, high praise for the heroism of the Emergency Services and medical staff. Good morning, its thursday the 23rd of march. There are new developments in the Ongoing Investigation to tell you about. Police have confirmed raids carried out in birmingham are connected to the Westminster Attack. Both Houses Of Parliament will operate as normal today in a show of defiance. The Prime Minister is expected to make a statement to the commons. Much more live from westminster coming up. Now the weather. Some are starting on a wet note that the rain blue peter out in the next couple of hours it will be a dry and sunny day. It will be a dry and sunny day. It will be a dry and sunny day. It will peter out. We are bringing you the latest on the investigation. The Police Officer stabbed to death in the attack at westminster. In the last 15, 20 minutes we have the latest Press Conference. The acting Deputy Commissioner. Lets hear what he had to say. There are four dead and 29 people treated in hospital and we are collating the numbers of walking wounded. Seven of those in hospital sadly are still in critical condition. The deaths included Pc Keith Palmer, two members of the public, a woman in her mid a0s and a man in his mid 50s. The fourth man of course was the terrorist shot dead by armed police at the scene. Hundreds of detectives have worked through the night and during that timei through the night and during that time i can confirm we have searched six addresses and made seven arrests. The enquiries in birmingham and other parts of the country are continuing. It is our belief that this attacker acted alone and was inspired by international terrorism. To be explicit, at this stage we have no specific information about further threats to the public. The investigation is ongoing and developing and we focus on his motivation, preparation and associates. I recognise that the media are making progress in identifying. That was the Deputy Commissioner you were listening to. The main points that seven, six addresses raided overnight. Seven arrests. Keeping you up to date this morning and there have been developments including arrests. We have the latest from birmingham. The road was cordoned off after 11pm. There was a Large Police Presence in this flat, just behind me. The flat was raided by police. Three men were led out. It is not clear whether they were arrested or taken for questioning but when we called West Midlands police to ask them what the operation was about, they said that it was to do with Scotland Yard. We called Scotland Yard and they said they could not comment but what we can confirm this morning is there is a link between what happened last night and what happened in westminster yesterday. What we can tell you is we believe the car used in the attack in westminster was hired from here, in birmingham. Thank you. Ao a0 people were injured yesterday, some of them with terrible injuries, described by the police. Many are treated in hospitals across london. Eight have been treated at the Major Trauma Centre at Kings College hospital where wejoin Trauma Centre at Kings College hospital where we joinjohn. Trauma centre at Kings College hospital where we join john. Any updates john . No specific hospital where we join john. Any updatesjohn . No specific updates on the number of people treated at Kings College. We know those treated across hospitals in london, many people ta ken treated across hospitals in london, many people taken to hospitals across this part of london yesterday afternoon, there are seven people still critically ill in hospital. Seven people extremely ill after the attacks. Eight people were brought here, six men, two within an two we re here, six men, two within an two were said to be critically injured and police say other victims from the bridge last night, there were three Police Officers injured, two seriously. Those that have been going to a commendation ceremony. He was struck by images by certain images that stay with you. So many people we saw running, members of the public, parliamentarians, advised to run away from the danger whereas the Emergency Services ran towards. Nobody knew whether a Second Attack was imminent that they put the lives of others before them. In palace yard where pc palmer was treated, where resuscitation procedures were gone through, also medical staff treated the attacker. They gave him that respect, they put the sanctity of life above anything else, they put their duty first, which of course is something he had not donejust half which of course is something he had not done just half an hour before. Thanks for the latest information. The many casualties, who are being treated in hospitals across london. We can show you some of the images of the area immediately surrounding the House Of Commons. It is a strange atmosphere. We are outside the security cordon, and it is busy where we are, but quiet on Westminster Bridge and the immediate surroundings of westminster. Some parts are effectively a crime scene. This is the bridge, the scene yesterday, of so much chaos. We heard updated figures and know there we re heard updated figures and know there were a0 people injured as the car careered were a0 people injured as the car ca reered across were a0 people injured as the car careered across the bridge. As you can see, very careered across the bridge. As you can see, very quiet this morning. We have been joined this can see, very quiet this morning. We have beenjoined this morning by various people who were here yesterday, for whom this is their place of work and one of them joint is, political commentator, quentin letts, use or events. I did not see the stuff on the bridge and i am very glad i did not but i have an office overlooking the area where the attacker came into the parliamentary precinct. I heard the car hitting the railings and i saw members of the public fleeing in terror, looking over their shoulders, running towards Westminster Abbey. There was this lone figure running in through the gates and set about a policeman who had fallen over on the ground. And unarmed bobby. Isaw had fallen over on the ground. And unarmed bobby. I saw the attacker slowly running, towards parliament, and this was happening quickly, about ten seconds and two nonuniform people came out and challenged the attacker and he ignored their challenge and they shot him. Attacker and he ignored their challenge and they shot himm attacker and he ignored their challenge and they shot him. It is shocking to hear you talk about it. It mustve been terrifying to watch. It mustve been terrifying to watch. It was not terrifying to watch, it was peculiar to watch, it seemed to have a clockwork, mechanical quality and although the story today is about this disgraceful attack and terrible injuries and the of innocent people, it is worth bearing in mind, the defences of parliament and our institution have worked to a large exte nt and our institution have worked to a large extent and within ten seconds of this man getting into the parliamentary precinct, he was looking down the sharp end of a gun. Pc keith palmer was the Police Officer who died. Many people paying tribute. You come in and out of this building all the time. There is a lwa ys building all the time. There is always the dilemma between the level of security and access the public will have. Our political commentators said today the public will once again he allowed into the gallery as a matter of principle. Will once again he allowed into the gallery as a matter of principlem is terribly important. I watched this as someone who need not worry too much for their safety because of people like pc palmer who do their job but it is important for citizens that the parliament to be opened. The reason what we are as a democracy is people can see parliament as something they belong to and own, and if it becomes cut off from those people by security measures that are too tight i think we lose something. I do not think the authorities will allow it to happen. They will be measured in their response and ensure officers at the gate have proper armaments. We must take pride in our parliament. Good luck with your day. Will you go about a normal day . Back to the House Of Commons, back watching those politicians. We are trying to speak to various mps, commentators, members of the public who will be passing through. To give you a sense of where we are, this is the security, outer area of the Security Zone where we are. The bridge and immediate surroundings of Westminster Are effectively a crime scene and indeed in the last a5 minutes we have been updated from new Scotland Yard about the scale of the investigation. There have been arrests in london and also in birmingham. That is the image you can see of Westminster Bridge itself. A total of four macro people are confirmed this morning to have died in events yesterday afternoon. The investigation has moved overnight and police are still encouraging, urging anyone with any information about the events of yesterday in westminster to get in touch with them. Members of the public are asked to call a specific hotline. 0800 789 321. That is the number if people want to report anything suspicious they may have spotted. Do forgive us, it is very noisy but there is a Police Helicopter overhead and security is incredibly tight. There are sirens. Police vehicles everywhere. It is supposed to be a normal day here today but it does not feel like it today. We are joined today but it does not feel like it today. We arejoined now today but it does not feel like it today. We are joined now by brendan cox. We arejoined by brendan cox. Just give us a sense of where your thoughts are. The important thing in the aftermath of Something Like this is to remember the people, the victims, the people that responded. Yesterday, there was one act of evil, but there were thousands of a cts evil, but there were thousands of acts of kindness and heroism from pc palmerfor example, acts of kindness and heroism from pc palmer for example, who put acts of kindness and heroism from pc palmerfor example, who put his acts of kindness and heroism from pc palmer for example, who put his life on the line and died defending people, to the people that were helping people on the bridge, and i think at a moment like this, remembering those stories, and remembering those stories, and remembering the people that died. 0ne remembering the people that died. One of the reasons that people do these things is to gain notoriety, they want to make a name for themselves, and i think that one of themselves, and i think that one of the things we should do is to make sure we keep the emphasis not on them, idid sure we keep the emphasis not on them, i did care what the name was them, i did care what the name was the person that killed jo or thes did this, i want to remember the person that i loved, and just remembering this first and foremost as this impact on individual peoples lives should be at the front of our minds today. When jo was murdered, there was a tremendous sense throughout Westminster And the whole of the parliamentary bilic here, a sense of shock and disbelief, but i dont think the parliamentary village. 1 disbelief, but i dont think the parliamentary village. Idont think people thought that mps were more under threat than usual. Does yesterday make our mps feel less safe . Yesterday make our mps feel less safe . Im sure some mps feel less safe . Im sure some mps feel less safe as a result of yesterday but i also know that they will be resolute that it doesnt change who we are or how our country operates. We know we cant stop people with a car attacking pedestrians, no way we can prevent that. On a security response, we have to take on the people that did this but the way that we do it is partly by security, but it is also by bringing our communities together. In the aftermath of Something Like this, we have to remember that the person that did this, if they were motivated by extremist islamist, as with the spec, it is no way more rep representative of british muslim awards than the person british islam than the person who murdered my wife was representative of yorkshire. It is extremism. We have spoken to the eyewitnesses yesterday who particularly on the bridge said the first reaction of people was to go to the assistance of those many people who at that point were in a desperate situation. And that is something that many people will hold dear. Yes, and it is something we should remember at a moment like this, that that act of evil yesterday doesnt characterise what our country is. Those thousands of people helping, who are now praying for, thinking of the families, that is what our country is, and at a moments like this, i think it is a portal we come together to remember who we are, that we dont it is important we come together, we will keep them and we have to do that together. I am interested to know what you think, there are probably people watching us at home, getting their kids ready for school, having watched all of this on the news this morning. You have had to tell your children the worst news imaginable, the most difficult thing to communicate to them. How do we educate our children and our families when bad things like this happen . What do we say to them . |j happen . What do we say to them . think it is important to be open with them when you can because they will hear about these things. They hear about it at school. I was talking to my son about what happened yesterday and for him, it has even more residents and is more disturbing. But i think that sense of saying that these people are extremists and do not represent who we are, that they are safe and they are secure, and that those actions ofa are secure, and that those actions of a tiny minority are seen as a tiny minority. What we dont want to do is to allow our kids to feel u nsafe do is to allow our kids to feel unsafe or insecure, to suggest that they are in some way threatened, but to say this is a tiny minority of people and we can and will the feet them and we will do that together. Brendan cox, it is lovely to speak to you this morning. You arejoining us live this morning at a very busy and noisy westminster, in sharp contrast where we are nowjust on the outskirts of the security area, it is very calm and very quiet in what is effectively a crime scene much closer to the palace itself. We are going to take a break for a moment from here and bring you up to date with the weather with carol. There is some rain in the forecast but as we go through the cause of the day, itll brighten up. The rain will fizzle out for most of us in the next couple of hours, the sun will come out and it will a fairly pleasa nt will come out and it will a fairly Pleasant Spring day. This weather front will move across the bay of biscay and some rain across southern coastal counties. This morning, the rain continuing the edge in through wales and the south west, turning more patchy in nature, easing from Northern England, Southern Scotland and Northern Ireland, the cloud breaking in the sun coming out. The breeze in the north will also ease in the south, as the rain approaches the win will start to strengthen. Into the afternoon, for east anglia, essex and kent, we can expect some sunny spells. For the Channel Islands, heading in through dorset all the way towards cornwall, we are looking at some rain and a strengthening wind. For wales, there will be one or two showers left behind but essentially for most of wales it is going to be a dry day with some sunshine. And across Northern Ireland after this mornings patchy rain clears, there will be some cloud but equally will cease in sunny breaks. For scotland, it is the Northern Isles can particularly across shetland, where we see some showers. Coming south across Northern England, into the north midlands, again we are back into that sunshine. Through the evening and overnight, we will be prone to seeing some rain across southern coastal counties, windy here as well. North of that, from the north midlands northwards, we will have some clearer skies, so the temperature will tumble, and it represents towns and cities in rural areas. Braemar, we could have 6 or minus eight. A frosty start in the north tomorrow morning but case anyone. Still some rain affecting parts of the Northern Isles. Further south, we lose the morning rain, there will be a hand back of cloud. For many of us tomorrow will be a dry day and a fairly Pleasant Spring one, temperatures between ten and 13 celsius. For saturday, a cold one, some will see some frost but largely dry but we do have a nagging easterly wind coming from the near continent, which will really make it feel cooler than these temperatures in the south are suggesting, but still we are looking at 13 to 15 celsius. In the early hours of sunday morning, the clocks go forward , sunday morning, the clocks go forward, heralding the arrival of British Summertime and of course mothers day. On sunday itself that will be a nippy start, scotland, Northern Ireland, parts of wales and the south seeing some sunshine but at times a bit more cloud coming in from the west. Temperature range about ten to 1a celsius, High Pressure is firmly in charge of our weather by then and it looks like it will continue into next week. Carol, thank you very much indeed. You arejoining us carol, thank you very much indeed. You are joining us with this special programme from the heart of westminster this morning as close as we can get to it. We are at the end of the court, as you can see behind us, the palace of westminster is in the distance and the flag at half mast this morning. A number of developments, we have had a Press Conference from new Scotland Yard, Frank Gardner is at the studio for us this morning. Just take us through what we have learned this morning from the various briefings. Shore. There have been six addresses searched, seven arrests, and those are in london, birmingham and elsewhere, according to the met police. They dont yet want to talk about the identity of the attacker, and the police are well aware that we, the media, are trying to identify this person, that is what the media do, and he is asking the media to hold off that for the moment while they carry out their investigations, and these are going to be very compact, they are looking at where the car came from, who worked was hired from, which conversations this man had with anybody before he left birmingham. The victims are not being identified yet, but we were given their ages, and a brief description, but other than Pc Keith Palmer, who was stabbed to death, they are not actually naming the victims. Frank, our location here, just outside the security cordon, but Westminster Bridge itself and the immediate surroundings to the commons are effectively a crime scene, and we know there have been a number of police raids elsewhere in the country and here in london. Yeah, i mean, the phrase loan wharf is a bit misleading, because even if it is just one person carrying out the attack the phrase lone wolf. They would have been radicalised by someone or something, often over the internets from syria or from stuff they have read or seen, often from peer groups, they have read or seen, often from peergroups, in they have read or seen, often from peer groups, in some cases even having travelled to the middle east. So they are working on the basis that this is an Islamic State inspired attack, they want to know every body this person has spoken to. I every body this person has spoken to. 1am every body this person has spoken to. I am getting the feeling that he is somebody who was probably on the radar but not very high up it, and thatis radar but not very high up it, and that is the problem. There are over 3000 people that the police and m15 are aware that this country with jihadists sympathies, probably a great deal more they dont know about. They cant watch all of them, all of the time. Frank, for the moment, thank you. We have been talking to many people who work in the palace of westminster, mps who work in the House Of Commons. 0f course yesterday when this attack took place, the bridge was busy with people from All Over The World, parties of schoolchildren, tourists, people from All Over The World have been hurt in this attack yesterday. We know in fact there was one school trip, a group of french schoolchildren caught up in the attack and we can go now to our correspondence Lucy Williamson who is in brittany for us. What can you tell us . This school behind me, the saintjosephs school, is where the pupils came from. They were on a language trip to london, about 90 pupils were there, although not all of them were on the bridge at the time, and you can see behind me the policeman here this morning at the gates greeting their colleagues as they turn up to be briefed by the headteacher, and be offered psychological support. We have been speaking to a couple of those pupils, who say there was a real sense of shock last night, people very panicked. This is a small town in brittany, and despite what france has been through over the last couple of years, i think people here really arent as prepared as those perhaps in paris or nice might be, so there was a real sense of shock, people trying to contact their friends, trying to absorb what had happened. For now, thank you very much, Lucy Williamson, live in brittany at the school for us. For the moment, that is it from westminster. A number of mps arriving now as they head into the commons. Theresa may making the point that the commons will be sitting today. We will be speaking to some of those people in just a few minutes time, but right now, lets get the news, travel, and weather where you are. Scotland yard has revealed rates have been carried out in london and birmingham. Pc keith palmer was among those who died. He was stabbed and police say a woman and man were killed when they were hit by a car on Westminster Bridge. Others have told bbc london what they saw. heard a scream and to the left there was a car driving down the road quickly. It careered into some pedestrians. It looked like it ran through a red light. Three pedestrians went flying into the air. It knocked them down like skittles. It was coming out so quickly. I saw people hit in front of me. Jamesl quickly. I saw people hit in front of me. James i was with, he shouted, get out of the way. It happened so quickly. I jumped to get out of the way. It happened so quickly. Ijumped to the left in the road. One of the guys was hit. Looked around me in shock because i could see bodies and people and it was a real shock. The london mayor sadiq khan announced there will be a vigil in Trafalgar Square tonight to remember those who lost their lives. Londoners are asked to avoid certain areas this morning. You can see Westminster Bridge still closed as is Parliament Square, parts of Victoria Street, Victoria Embankment and millbank will stop you cannot get into or out of Westminster Underground Station. This is causing delays as Traffic Diverts. No overground between delays as Traffic Diverts. No overg round between romford delays as Traffic Diverts. No overground between romford and upminster because of a signal failure which has caused minor delays on the Northern Line. Time for the weather. There is early rain around. It should try out and brighten up as we head through the afternoon. Still an easterly wind. You will feel that through parts of the thames estuary. By the time we get to ten oclock, the rain will move west. The cloud will break and we will get sunny spells coming through. Always cooler the further east you are. A bright and breezy day. Overnight it will stay dry. More clout towards southern areas. Tomorrow we have that cold wind and you will feel it towards Eastern Areas but it should be dry and lots in the way of sunshine. High pressure is set to stay over the course of the weekend. Looking dry with warm sunshine around. Some rather cold nights, perhaps A Touch Of Frost in rural areas. The dry and sunny weather is set to last as we head into the start of next week. Welcome to this special bbc brea kfast. Welcome to this special Bbc Breakfast. We are live in westminster this morning. Reflecting on the events after the attack of yesterday and updating you on the Ongoing Investigation. There are updates within the last hour. Scotla nd updates within the last hour. Scotland yard confirmed they have made seven arrests in connection with the attacks in westminster yesterday. And confirming that four macro people, including the attacker are known to have died. We will hear more of the Press Conference in a few minutes. We are joined more of the Press Conference in a few minutes. We arejoined by Michael Fallon. Died. We arejoined by Michael Fallon mp, your job died. We arejoined by Michael Fallon mp, yourjob eventually today is to turn up and do yourjob as an mp as you would any other day. Yes, let me confirm that parliament will be meeting as normaljust like any other thursday and we will carry on as Business As Usual, the Prime Minister will isa is a major Police Investigation and Security Operation going on simultaneously. There is a major Police Investigation to find out who the attacker was, how he got hold of the attacker was, how he got hold of the vehicle, where the vehicle has been, or whether he had associates. That operation has gone on since yesterday afternoon and right through the night. A standard Police Investigation but obviously a large operation with a lot of resources devoted to it. You were involved in meetings last night. What happens at that highest level and how much information are you given by the police . When an incident occurs, the Prime Minister calls a meeting of the cobra Emergency Committee and that meeting took place last night. We review the intelligence we have and what is known about the incident. Then the operational details and support needed for the police, for the back up and resources they need, and the implications of the attack and how it should be handled and that meeting took place last night. That work continues. Many people, today, their thoughts will be with the Police Officer, Pc Keith Palmer, who lost his life, and the civilians who lost their lives yesterday. All our thoughts will Pc Keith Palmer stop the attacker getting through and sadly gave his life for the democracy we cherish. How do you stop someone, prevent attacks like this, an attack that was a car attacks like this, an attack that wasa carand attacks like this, an attack that was a car and a knife . You cannot legislate for that . It is much more difficult this kind of terrorism for the Security Services. It is harder in this country to get hold of arms and that is why, perhaps, the attacker used a vehicle or knife. There have been similar plots before our agencies have forestalled and they are vigilant, work hard on our behalf. Tracking potential terrorists, people returning from iraq and syria and making sure as far as possible we can see what is likely to happen and stop it. We can look at the image from here at westminster. Just a thought for are sombre mood here today. The mood in parliament will be sombre. We have lost one of our own parliamentary Police Officers who we talk to every morning going in and out of parliament, who gave his life to protect parliament. 1 think you will also find a determination that this was an attack on parliament for a reason. We come together in parliament to debate and discuss sharp differences, but we do so respectfully and together. That is not what terrorists believe in. This was an attack on parliament and i think you will find a real determination and solidarity that we reinforce the values that keep us together. Thanks for your time. You have people waiting for you and other places to be, thank you for your time. We can bring you up to date with developments in terms of the Police Investigation. In the past a0 minutes, an update from the deputy acting commissioner. We know that there have been arrests and a number of events in london and also in birmingham. A number of raids on properties. Six properties raided and it has been confirmed at least one of those is in birmingham. The senior officer giving those updates and also saying there are no indications at this stage they are looking for anyone else in connection with this incident. There had been concerns there may be others as in ongoing incidents but they think it was a lone attack. Investigations are ongoing. Police were led back to birmingham because the car used in the attack yesterday they believe was hired not farfrom yesterday they believe was hired not far from there and that is one reason there have been raids. And in other parts of the country but birmingham certainly for the seven arrests at six addresses. We are joined by laura kuenssberg, our political editor. We saw you reporting as the situation developed from inside the Houses Of Parliament on your phone, trying to get more information about what is going on and as events unfolded it seemed to get worse and worse. In a funny way, when it began, we heard the commotion, i saw people being bundled into the modern building, members of the public running along the riverside outside, presumably running away from the Westminster Bridge attack, in the first 15 minutes, mps rushed back into portcullis house saying they heard gunshots. After 15 minutes, it felt like a less frightening experience. We were moved to save parts of the building. We were in a lockdown. An mp told me this morning what happened with the Prime Minister. She had literally just happened with the Prime Minister. She had literallyjust voted, and funnily enough in the commons you are walking through a corridor to do so and she had just done that and her security detail came into the heart of the commons, grabbed her and took her to her convoy, that came screaming through the back streets back to downing street. Well rehearsed move . It is hard to underestimate how much security is pa rt underestimate how much security is part of this place. We walk past armed police every day and normally it feels once you are in it is a place of complete safety. It is certainly not what it felt like yesterday. Many people have made a point about the heroics of the day. We know the identity of the Police Officer who died, who will be well known to people who come and go every day. He was a face familiar to me and other colleagues. I will not pretend i knew him well but he was a face familiar, all Police Officers are. This is a community. People talk about the westminster village. We are in the heart of the city and it is not a village but there is a feeling of community and i spoke to some of the Police Officers last night who said to me, it could have been anyone of us, and i think that will be felt here. In another example. The mp who was pictured trying to save the Police Officer is of course being admired widely this morning. I was in touch with him last night and said it was a horrible day and westminster will feel very different for sometime. He is on the front page of many papers and the images are very disturbing. People who work here saw disturbing things yesterday, things that will stay with them a long time. It will stay with them a long time. It will stay with them a long time. It will stay with me a long time. Mpsi stay with them a long time. It will stay with me a long time. Mps i was in touch with during events, one said he could see out of the window, and see what they believed was the military, but turned out to be the swat tea m. Military, but turned out to be the swat team. Said i can see bodies, 1 can see bodies lying on the ground in old palace yard. This is not going to be an event that will be forgotten. A couple of thousand people work there and when we were held inside, there were people who work in the canteen, people who work for mp5. It was very much a sense everybody had been stopped in their tracks by this and mps i spoke to said that is why it is important they will all come today and take their seats in the commons and the members of the house of lords will ta ke members of the house of lords will take their seats in their chamber and yesterday somebody tried to stop them in their tracks and today they are determined to come here and show it will not happen. The Prime Minister will give a statement at 11 30am. Ido minister will give a statement at 11 30am. I do not think we will hear new announcements but government sources say her aim today will be to reassure. Laura, thank you. From our position as laura was saying, some of the mps arriving, making their way through the security cordon. We can bring you up to date with developments in terms of the investigation. We heard from the acting Deputy Commissioner. Sadly seven of those in hospital are still in critical condition. Tragically the deaths included Pc Keith Palmer, two members of the public, a woman in her mid a0s, and a man in his mid 50s. The fourth man was the terrorist shot dead by armed police at the scene. Hundreds of detectives have worked through the night and during that time we have searched six addresses and made seven arrests. The inquiries in birmingham, london and other parts of the country continue. It is our belief that this attacker acted alone and was inspired by international terrorism. To be explicit, at this stage, we have no specific information about further threats to the public. It is clear the investigation is developing and we focus on his motivation, preparation and his associates. I recognise that the media are making progress in identifying the attacker. I would continue to ask his name is not published while we are ata his name is not published while we are at a sensitive stage of the investigation and still conducting searches and arrests. This complicated crime scene remains in place and our work continues. I thank everyone for their support and patience as we finish the work. As people return to the streets of the capital, they will see more officers on duty. We have cancelled some leave and increased our duty hours and are working to make sure we can reassure the public london can go about its normal business. We must not allow terrorists to spread discord and fear in our city. Later today at Scotland Yard, there will bea today at Scotland Yard, there will be a meeting with faith leaders coming together. Whilst our work to investigate and understand what happened will continue with vigour, we must also reflect. I want to thank the public for their support and good wishes. It is appreciated by all our men and women out there today protecting us. The Metropolitan Police saying they believe the man who killed three people and injured at least a0 others in london yesterday was inspired by international and islamist related terrorism. We are joined by specialist, margaret gilmore. No amount of intelligence could have stopped Something Like yesterday happening . Actually, the intelligence agencies have stopped very similar plots. 13th in the past three years and many of them this type of crude, unsophisticated, involving a car nor knife and have stopped them in advance. The intelligence agencies are doing an amazing job. No consolation for the victims of yesterday. They have a lwa ys victims of yesterday. They have always worn someone will get through. They cannot watch everybody. We should be optimistic on that level. Blocks . I remember in the days after the july 7th attacks 2005, blocks . I remember in the days after thejuly 7th attacks 2005, they did exactly this. This is a ring of steel around the House Of Commons. That guy was never going to get into the House Of Commons, but theyll be reviewing security in the light of this further down the line once the criminal investigation is completed. There are clearly some weak links, most of the roads around here have the ballads, pedestrians have kept away from any vehicle. The ballads look as though they have been there for years, they are made of state of the art materials, thats all the way up Trafalgar Square, railway stations up and down the country, and the weak link not on Westminster Bridge. There are security issues. You can see some of the concrete blocks, as we speak, theyll be put into place today. We are hearing from the Police Investigation side of this that a number of arrests, both in birmingham and in london, have been made. The scale of the operation is clearly huge . Yes. Theyll have got an identity very early on from this person. Hell have gone in knowing that he was a suicide attacker. Theyd know who he is and the sooner they can goat the people he knew toe find out whether there were any other coconspirators who may be a threat to our security, but also to talk to the people he was communicating with to see if anybody else may be on the brink of ragged capisation, that sort of thing, the better. Before the identity becomes public knowledge, theyll do so so people dont go to ground. Keeping a lid tonne identity at the moment . The longer they can do that, the more they have the element of surprise when following this through and the more theyll put details about him, not only to people here in this country but theyll be going to other intelligence agencies and looking into the databases there has he been in contact with people abroad, what motivated him, who inspired him, his methodology his methodology would suggest a group like isis, but everything is open. Thank you very much forjoining us this morning. It has become very busy down here, particularly in the last hour hour or so. Many mps and the people that work at Westminster Are arriving here because, in some ways, they are trying to carry on with Business As Usual. 0n ways, they are trying to carry on with Business As Usual. On that note, we are told therell be a minutes silence at 9. 33 this morning. Well keep you up to date with all the developments here on Bbc Breakfast. Lets go to carol now for the mornings weather. We have some rain at the moment but it will increasingly turn patchy and thenit it will increasingly turn patchy and then it will fizzle. For mark 0aten, it will brighten and well see some sunshine. However, weve got low pressure across the bay ofs by kay at the moment. As it moves north, it will introduce some rain across some southern coastal counties of england later across the day bay of biscay. The breeze will ease through the day. The rain will ease. Therell be one or two showers left here and there, but for most, it will brighten up and well see some sunshine. By mid afternoon, you can see in east anglia, across to essex and kent some sunshine. As the weather front approaches, it will produce rain across the Channel Islands and to the west as well, heading towards cornwall, devon, somerset, dorset, for example. As we push into wales, largely dry with one or two showers. Sunshine coming through. For Northern Ireland, sunny skies after the rain. Scotland seeing sunshine, a wee bit more cloud at times across the highlands and grampians but nonetheless it should remain. For the north east of england, back into the sunnier skies. Through the eveningsening well have the rain affecting southern and coastal counties at times. Still windy. North of that, in the north midlands and wales, into Northern England, Northern Ireland and scotland, it will be a cold night. Temperatures you can see represent what you can expect in towns and cities. In rural parts of Northern Ireland and also scotland, we are looking at lower values of minus six to minus eight. Tomorrow, well have some frost. Equally, well have some frost. Equally, well have some frost. Equally, well have sunshine to start the day. The remnants of the overnight rain push away. Behind that rain, therell be a lot of cloud in the south. Through the day, the cloud melts away, and in light breezes, temperatures between ten and 13, and it will feel pleasant. For the weekend, High Pressure is firmly in charge of our weather so we are looking at a lot of dry weather around. Temperatures 13 15, maybe more than that across wales and north west england. In light breezes, again feeling very pleasant for the time of year. As we move into the early hours of sunday, put your clock forward by an hour because it signals the start of british summer time. The weather not too bad either. We have spoken to many people here we have spoken to many people here we have spoken to many people here in westminster. We have spoken to many people here we have spoken to many people here in westminster. Hundreds we have spoken to many people here we have spoken to many people here in westminster. Hundreds of we have spoken to many people here we have spoken to many people here in westminster. Hundreds of police have we have spoken to many people here in westminster. Hundreds of police have we have spoken to many people here in been in westminster. Hundreds of police have we have spoken to many people here in been working in westminster. Hundreds of police have we have spoken to many people here in been working through in westminster. Hundreds of police have we have spoken to many people here in been working through the in westminster. Hundreds of police have we have spoken to many people here in been working through the night have been working through the night on we have spoken to many people here have been working through the night on we have spoken to many people here in the have been working through the night on we have spoken to many people here in the investigation have been working through the night on we have spoken to many people here in the investigation to have been working through the night on we have spoken to many people here in the investigation to work have been working through the night on we have spoken to many people here in the investigation to work out have been working through the night on we have spoken to many people here in the investigation to work out the on the investigation to work out the attackers we have spoken to many people here on the investigation to work out the attackers we have spoken to many people here in motivation on the investigation to work out the attackers we have spoken to many people here in motivation yesterday. Last night, the met police said its likely to be islamist related. Joining us now from glasgow is aamer anwar, a human rights lawyer with a particular interest in islamist related terrorism. Wondering in islamist related terrorism. What you make of th its wondering what you make of this . Its important to remember that as many slept safely in our beds, there would have been hundreds of Police Officers across the country acting on intelligence carrying out raids. When carrying out raids, theyd not know what faces them on the other side of the doors, of those properties that they enter. Theyll put their lives at risk. As we saw yesterday, a Police Officer, pc palmer, gave his life in the line of duty protecting others. We are in a difficult situation at the moment andi difficult situation at the moment and i think the Deputy Commissioner is correct, the media have a responsibility to act carefully because theyll be acting on intelligence and theyll be trying to keep the public safe. From what the police have said so far, theyre saying all the indicators are that this is an attack linked to islamic terrorism . Yes. I mean, its clearly looking in that direction and what everybody is saying is, how could this happen. Therell be of course calls for reviews, however i think what we need to understand is this that in this country, we believe in democracy, we live by civilised values and its impossible, almost impossible to deter lone wolf attacks such as this. The best form of resistance and the best form of attack, if you want to use their words, is to carry on, as will be happening in london. 0rdinary londoners will two about their business, parliament will re open, people will carry on with their lives and in the meantime those in the police and if Security Services will be working day and night to try to deter such attacks. Theyll be acting on intelligence and information to see whether this individual was connected to others. At any one time, therell be hundreds of individuals constantly under surveillance by the Security Services and the police. However, they have a difficultjob to do. Attached to the individuals wholl be seen as imminent or Severe Threat levels will be scores of individuals who may have come into contact with them in. A society that believes in due process, presumption of innocence, its impossible to keep all the people under constant surveillance because we do not live ina surveillance because we do not live in a police state. Aamer, thank you for your time. Its aamer, thank you for your time. Been confirmed ti minute its been confirmed that a one minute silence will be held at 9. 33 am to pay respect to the victims of the attack. Straight to the mayor of london sadiq khan who is on the line. Good morning to you. First of all, i would just ask you, what is your message to londoners this morning, notjust londoners, the many people who travel here for holidays, pleasure, who travel here for business, the many visitors to this city. What is your message to them . Well, let me begin, as the mayor of london and as a londoner paying tribute to keith palmer, a a8 year old father and husband who was a Police Officer who was unarmed doing hisjob to keep our city, parliament and londoners safe and tragically lost his life yesterday. My tragically lost his life yesterday. My thoughts and the thoughts of all londoners and others are with his family today. We should recognise that one of the reasons why london is one of the safest cities in the world is because of the bravery of officers like keith palmer and thousands of others who, on a daily basis, with our Security Services and Emergency Services, work incredibly hard in exceptionally difficult circumstances to make us one of the safest cities in the world. The threat level in london and across the country has been severe now for a number of years. That means an attack is highly likely. Last year, the commission of the met police, sir Bernard Hogan howe, who has recently retired, he said the question of an attack happening was when and not if. More than a dozen attem pts when and not if. More than a dozen attempts made by terrorists to destroy lives, to divide our communities, we have been successful in thwarting the terrorist attacks. U nfortu nately, in thwarting the terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, one was successful yesterday. Because of the bravery of our police and Emergency Services, less lives were lost than otherwise would have been the case because of the bravery, courage of the Police Service and the Emergency Services, far fewer people were injured. Clearly, my heart goes out to all those whove lost loved ones and all those whove lost loved ones and all those whove lost loved ones and all those whove suffered as a consequence of the attack yesterday. You say, and we know this already that, many other attacks, around a does on they are attacks have been prevent sod far. Ive heard you say in the past that actually, at some point, an attack was almost inevitable, like you just mentioned Bernard Hogan howe saying the same thing. Almost inevitable how shocked were you as events unfolded here yesterday . One of the reasons why i say that our police and Security Services are the best in the world is because they practice for these sorts of events. We have been evolving and adapting how we keep our city and country safe, just like the terrorists evolve and adapt and find new ways to harm and destroy us, to divide our communities. The bad news is that that practice was used yesterday. 0ne that practice was used yesterday. One of the reasons why the police and Emergency Services were so quick was because of the practices theyve done. Literally two weekends ago they were practicing on the river thames for the possibility of an attack from terrorists using the river. We always learn from incidents Around The World as well. It was our Police Service and experts who were in paris and brussels, istanbul, to notjust provide expertise to those cities and their experts but also to learn as well. We have been successful in the past. The experts advised that an attack was highly likely. The previous commissioner said it was a question of when not if, but you have got to recognise that the terrorists want to decity our way of life and harm us. We can ask the question, why is that. The reason is because they hate the fact that when you are a londoner, you can be a christian, jew, muslim sikh, hindu, buddhist, we dont tolerate each other, we simply respect and work together, we have a thriving democracy and mps can be voted in and out, they hate that. They hate the fact that we have civil liberties, a free press. We have to recognise that, celebrate that and recognise, today of all days, when people are returning to work, whether in parliament, city hall or their offices, we are returning to Business As Usual. Briefly, if you can, how can you make londoners feel safe today . What can you say to them . Well, londoners will see and visitors will see additional armed officers, additional unarmed officers, additional unarmed officers, walking the streets outside tube stations and underground stations and bus stops, keeping us safe, providing a visible deterrent to anybody thinking about another attack, but also to reassure londoners and visitors as well. Youve heard about the Ongoing Investigations across the country. Sadiq khan, 1 am sorry to interrupt you there, we are out of time, im afraid. That is the london mayor, sadiq khan. Well be back with more reaction to the Westminster Terror Attack in a moment. Reaction to the westminster first, lets take a brief look at the headlines where you are this morning. Look at the headlines hello, its thursday, its 9 oclock, im victoria derbyshire, welcome to the programme. Were live in westminster this morning where an attack by a man thought to be inspired by Islamic State brought chaos and terror to the heart of london. The man killed three people and left 29 others needing before being shot dead outside the Houses Of Parliament. Anti Terror Police have not released the attackers name, but confirm theyve made seven arrests in raids around the uk. Hundreds of detectives have been working through the night, and during that time i can confirm we have searched six addresses and made seven arrests. The enquiries in birmingham, london and other parts of the country are continuing

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