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Youre watching beyond one hundred days. There are thousands of protesters and a lot of guns on the streets of an american city. Richmond, virginia is today ground zero in the countrys long running struggle with gun control. Theyve come from around the country carrying assault weapons, rifles and handguns to oppose new laws they say impinge on their right to bear arms. President trump rejects the democrats impeachment charges less than one day before his trial starts in the senate. China says curbing an outbreak of a new corona virus will be its priority. The World Health Organization calls an emergency meeting. And the earth sandwich how men in spain and new zealand put our planet between two pieces of bread. Hello and welcome im katty kay in washington and James Reynolds is in london. Thousands of heavily armed people are walking through the streets of richmond, virginia right now to protest against new gun control laws. Security has been stepped up and a state of emergency is in place because several far right groups have traveled there from around the country to make a point about gun rights. Democrats took control of the Viriginia Legislature last november and moved quickly to restrict guns in the state. Heres what there bills propose you can only buy one handgun per month. Local councils can ban guns in parks and public buildings. And virginia will demand background checks for all gun purchases. By global standards, none of that sounds very radical. But today President Trump expressed support for the demonstrators, tweeting. We will be live enrichment in just a second, but right now, a former special agent of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives, now the Gun Safety Group the giffords center. We will be live in richmond. When you look at what richmond is trying to do, it doesnt sound like a radical attempt to ta ke doesnt sound like a radical attempt to take peoplesguns away, and yet look at the reaction it is getting there. I think it is important to remember that for 28 years, the balance prevention advocates have travelled to richmond on the anniversary of the death of Martin Luther king who was assassinated with rifle. Gun violence prevention advocates. By universal standards, and background checks and limits on the number of handguns does not infringe on Second Amendment rights in the least. You worked in Law Enforcement are now advocate for gun control. We keep hearing the argument in the us that if people had more guns it would mean fewer Mass Shootings, that has not been your experience . Not at all. Today we are morning two other police officers, this time in hawaii, highly trained, armed, but we re hawaii, highly trained, armed, but were killed as well. Guns are not the answer and i served for 25 yea rs, the answer and i served for 25 years, largely it was myjob to take a gun away from a criminal who should have never gotten it in the first place. And i can tell you right now, for cops, passing background checks that prevent people who shouldnt get guns from ever getting them in the first place is going to have them avoid risking their lives to get them back. And so to me, these are reasonable gun laws, this is why virginians, gun owners like myself, voted for different legislators so that we can have gun laws that bounced the right to protect yourself with a gun and the right to be able to travel around the commonwealth of virginia absent the fear of getting shot. That balance the right. You will remember in december, in texas, a gunman opened fire at a church, feeling two people, but in a few seconds that gunman was shot dead by an Armed Security guard. Killing two people. Had it guard been unarmed, the shooter would have killed more people, can you understand why people want guns . understand, im a concealed carry owner in virginia and i understand how a highly individual can ensure that a horrible situation does not get worse. But we have to understand, even the example that you brought up, a couple of people we re you brought up, a couple of people were already murdered and killed. I wa nt to were already murdered and killed. I want to live in a world where we are not simply responding to Mass Shootings that are already under way, but that we prevent them from ever happening in the first place. And so. David. Go ahead. There go ahead. 0k, and so. David. Go ahead. There go ahead. Ok, i and so. David. Go ahead. There go ahead. 0k, iwill pick and so. David. Go ahead. There go ahead. Ok, i will pick up. Weve been seeing live pictures from virginia, ithink been seeing live pictures from virginia, i think we can show the to oui virginia, i think we can show the to our viewers, when you look at what is happening on the streets of richmond today, and you suggested this in your answer a second ago, is this in your answer a second ago, is this really about gun rights, this demonstration we are seeing right now . Or is this about Something Else . Is this about what you suggested, as well, far right groups coming into the city . suggested, as well, far right groups coming into the city . I think it is important to remember that it is startling to see so many armed people, many of them from outside the state, to come into virginia. But we have to remember, i was at the march for our lives in washington, dc and the scope of this is nothing like the much for our lives. This is a minority of extremists who are, you know, communicating this displeasure with gun laws that are going to be passed because the majority of virginians voted for people who are going to ta ke voted for people who are going to take that action. And so to me, i value my right to own a gun but also, iam value my right to own a gun but also, i am a patriot who honours the right to peacefully protest and i think that largely come on the display today try to keep people from peacefully protesting. Thank you very much for that. Lets go straight to richmond, virginia. They we re straight to richmond, virginia. They were concerned about the prospect of violence down there enrichment today, there is the state of emergency in place, what have you seen so emergency in place, what have you seen so far . Enrichment today. There are those fears because there are all these far right militias that said they would be here. We saw them and spoke to some of them but still, despite the fact that there are thousands of people, it was a very peaceful protest. They came, gathered around here outside the state capital, you can see its cordoned off, there are barriers because nobody was allowed with their weapons on the capitol grounds, but what was unusual about today was to see so many people on the streets of richmond who had their weapons openly on them, whether it was handguns, whether it was rifles. We have a couple of people here were attending today, who travelled long distances to get here. First, bradley, he was from louisiana. Bradley, youre wearing, well, youre carrying this weapon, thats perfectly legal for you to do here. Nobody is talking about it not being legalfor here. Nobody is talking about it not being legal for you to do. Here. Nobody is talking about it not being legalfor you to do. So here. Nobody is talking about it not being legal for you to do. So why did you feel you needed to come today . Today is a big milestone, a very. I should say. Are very important today. This is ground zero, as many of the reports have been saying, its like a virus, with gun control. If you dont stop it at the source, it will bleed out, its just an infection. But the thing theyre talking about are things like only allowing a person to buy one weapon a month. What is the problem with that . Its an infringement on Second Amendment rights, bottom line. And if you dont have your Second Amendment rights, if thats the first to go, whats next . We also have justin here, youve come from illinois ye drove hours to get here, what is the message youre trying to give . The message youre trying to give . The message im trying to get at is the government overreach in the last say, roughly 100 years, government overreach in the last say, roughlyioo years, in government overreach in the last say, roughly 100 years, in the government overreach in the last say, roughlyioo years, in the us, has been getting worse and worse at a National Level and state level both. And at some point. How is it infringing your rights when youre able to walk around with rifles like you are . For example, one of the laws they are trying to pass in virginia, like they have in my home state of illinois, is red flag laws, where they dont have to charge you with a crime but can still take your firearms away from you. There have been people killed. If it does save lives, isnt it worth having some of those laws, some of those controls . The issue is, it doesnt save lives, it hurts peopleslives. There was a girl that was going to couegein there was a girl that was going to college in virginia here who had a concealed carry permit and instead of carrying it to school because she wasnt allowed to, she decided to leave her gun at home and ended up getting raped. 0k, justin, bradley, thank you. We have heard arguments like that all through the day, people are very, very angry and wa nted people are very, very angry and wanted to send a message to other states trying to introduce gun control measures, however small, that they wont stand for it. Thank you very much. Its quite a sight, single of those people, most of them, it has to be said, men, most of them white men, with those guns. A couple of figures i wanted to point out for our viewers. We are 21 days into the new year and they have already in the us been 14 Mass Shootings and 2083 people have died in this country in the first three weeks of 2020 alone because of gun wounds. Thats astonishing figures and thats why this is such a contentious debate, and it will carry on being so, clearly, from those scenes down in richmond. Donald trumps lawyers argue that removing him from office will permanently we can the presidency. His trial in the senate kicks off in less tha n his trial in the senate kicks off in less than 2a hours in the first order of business is deciding the rules for the proceedings. Mitch mcconnell, the republican leader in the senate, is a staunch defender of donald trump and he will try to get the most favourable terms possible for the president. The chief justice of the possible for the president. The chiefjustice of the us, john roberts, will preside over the trial but its not clear how much he will actually dictate for the process. For the democrats, seven house members will make up the prosecution tea m members will make up the Prosecution Team and they will argue mr trump, now impeached, should be removed from office. Thejury as from office. The jury as the senate itself, a0 democrats and independents, and 53 republicans. Lets speak now to the lawyer and president of the constitutional accountability center. Thanks for joining constitutional accountability center. Thanks forjoining us. This argument that the presents lawyers have outlined today in a legal brief that in pitching him, removing him from office because of this, would weaken the presidency. Impeaching him. How does that fly in constitutional law terms . The idea of impeachment and removal is a constitutional remedy has obviously beenin constitutional remedy has obviously been in our constitution since the birth of our nation, and the idea that it would weaken the presidency to re m ove that it would weaken the presidency to remove a president according to the constitutional process for egregious abuse of his office of the presidency, you know, its a really ha rd presidency, you know, its a really hard argument to make when you could think that to the contrary, removing a president for such egregious, corrupt a piece of his office and then obstructing a coequal branch of government in its constitutional oversight of duty, thats going to make the nation stronger, they are enduring constitution stronger and ultimately make the presidency stronger. Corrupt abuse of his office. Just to remind our viewers, the charges are abuse of power and obstruction of congress, and it seems that there is some confusion even amongst his legal team with those would amount to reasons for removing him from office. Listen to a law professor on the presents legal team, what he said yesterday. And the president slegal team. The vote was to impeach him for abuse of power which is not a legal term. But this was him on bill clintons impeachment back in 1998. It certainly doesnt have to be a crime. So if you have somebody who completely corrupts the office of president and who abuses trust and who poses a great danger to our liberty, you dont need a technical crime. So which is it, does it amount to a reason to remove him from office, or doesnt it . It absently does, you dont have to listen to him that during the clinton impeachment trial, you can go back to alexander hamilton, in the federalist papers he made clear that a reason for impeachment and removal would be envious or violation of public trust. And so the fact that that is one of the articles of impeachment that has been passed against donald trump was also in the articles of impeachment against president nixon. Abuse or violation of public trust. Thats exactly what you have the impeachment remedy in the constitution, its when a president goes so far beyond what is a cce pta ble goes so far beyond what is acceptable and the political rough and tumble of life, something thatis rough and tumble of life, something that is such a constitutional violation that you abuse the public trust, you violate the public trust, you violet your oath of office, thats where impeachment really come in. So its not only an acceptable form of impeachment, its arguably perhaps the most valid ground of impeachment when you look at it from a constitutional perspective. And not just from the a constitutional perspective. And notjust from the political perspective that your scene perhaps through that hypocrisy we have seen from some of the president slegal team. It sounds like impeachment is one of the most serious thing that can happen under the constitution, is there a compressive rule book somewhere that defines the rules for the trial, or are senators like the rest of us in life making it up as they go along . Comprehensive rule book. There are certain things that are very clear from the constitution. Its the house that basically passes the indictment here that impeach is, the articles of impeachment, thats what we had seen passin impeachment, thats what we had seen pass in the house, and then the constitution makes clear is the senate iss duty to conduct the chiefjustice of the us, here chief justice roberts, presiding over that trial. Beyond that, its a matter of senate rules and customs, and customs, and we dont know exactly what the converse of this trial will look like countries will look like, beyond the fact that we know the chiefjustice will be providing and we know the American People want this to be a fair trial. So theyre going to be contentious questions beginning tomorrow about witnesses and evidence, and thats going to be something that the senators will have to hash out. And theres a lot of pressure on them to get that evidence because, like i said, while there are not clear rules, perhaps, when you talk about what does a fair trial mean, we have some idea of that. Theres a judge, there is witnesses, evidence, and so to the extent that this proceeding deviates from that idea of a fair trial, i think theres going to be quite a bit of dissatisfaction, and rightfully so. Elizabeth, thank you very much forjoining us. One other thing that has changed, by the way, is the make up of the people who will be prosecuting the president. There are seven democrats, they come from all over the country, there are pretty diverse group, three of them women, this is a very different look to the Management Team back in 1998 during bill clintons impeachment back then. Spot the difference it was 13 white men impeaching the president , thats how america has changed and the democratic party, as well, is different from the republican party, i think. Well have coverage of the impeachment trial as it gets underway in the us senate tomorrow. Ill be presenting a special programme from washington, from 1700 gmt on tuesday, with our correspondents providing analysis as the trial begins. There are just two weeks to go until the iowa caucus as if we were not busy enough the first nominating process in the election. It means candidates want all the endorsements they can get. And it doesnt get much better than landing the thumbs up of the Editorial Board of the new york times. Today the paper broke with tradition and backed two candidates, Senators Amy Klobuchar and elizabeth warren. Which may not sit very well with the two men at the top of the race one of whom, senator Bernie Sanders has been speaking to our colleague jane obrien. I know that that would be the front page story. A recent heart attack hasnt stopped Bernie Sanders and neither has New Hampshires winter weather. But the start of the impeachment trial in washington is an obstacle even he cant avoid. Frankly, with caucus coming up in iowa in two weeks and a primary here in New Hampshire in three weeks, iwould rather be campaigning around here, doing a lot of town meetings and things we had planned to do. Now, its not going to be the case. Senator, does the impeachment trial givejoe biden an unfair advantage over you . Because he can keep on campaigning. Is it a disadvantage . Absolutely. But were going to do our best to compensate for that. You know, well be out on weekends, well do the best we can. Bernie sanders may be topping the polls in New Hampshire and iowa, but former Vice President joe biden remains ahead in national polls. The early voting states wont decide who wins the nomination, but they can add momentum to a campaign or stall it. This is one of the last Public Events that Bernie Sanders will hold here in New Hampshire before he heads back to washington for the Senate Impeachment trial. But he won the primary here in 2016, and its this Grassroots Campaign that he is banking on to carry him over the finishing line again this year. Bernie sanders is a strong candidate and being a senator is an importantjob, and we also as citizens recognise that he has to do both. I think its going to negatively impact bernie and elizabeth warren, but i also think its vitally important for our constitution because i believe what trump has done is a violation of the constitution. Do you think its going to make any difference to how people think . No. Not at all. Some people have their mind made up already, about the impeachment results, and some dont. I dont think thats going to change. Four senators are leaving the campaign trail for the impeachment trial, including sanders left wing rival elizabeth warren. At the last debate, their nonaggression pact showed signs of strain. Both have loyal supporters but as the stakes get higher, democrats are also stressing the need for party unity. They can only help the candidates leave the toxic politics they can only hope the candidates leave the toxic politics behind in washington. When the internet was invented its pioneers hoped the network of potentially infinite knowledge would push the limits of what humankind could achieve. The year is now 2020 and that dream has sort of been realised with the creation wait for it of the absolutely essential, Ground Breaking earth sandwich. Using the internet a man in new zealand found someone in spain to place on the earths surface a slice of bread at precisely the same time that he laid a slice of bread on the precisely opposite side of the earth. The result an earth sandwich for a few moments while the slices were placed at the exact right location. Filled 12,72akm worth of core, mantle, and crust. Delicious and here is the precise moment that the sandwich was made new zealand on the left and spain on the right. Im happy to say that were joined now by one half of the sandwichs makers etienne naude, whojoins us from auckland new zealand. How hard was it to find someone to do the other half of the sandwich . Actually reasonably difficult. I spent quite a few years talking to family and friends to see if they knew anyone in spain to do this with me, not only someone in spain but someone me, not only someone in spain but someone willing to do this. Which is quite difficult to do, obviously. But i posted in a subreddit, r spain, and a few people got back to me, some of them really close. He spent quite a few years working on this . I spent a few years working on trying to find people but its only recently that i really worked on this particular sandwich. Why . Why did you do this . Thats a very good question. I think it would have to come down to fun and knowing that we can, you know, our communication is so can, you know, our communication is so advanced nowadays that we are able to do this in a matter of days, if you want to be able to plan it. Plus, im on uni holiday with very little to do can i talk technicalities with you . I love you, youre so honest how hard was it. You gone sideways, like that. How hard was it for you to line up the exact spot with the person in spain . It was quite difficult. What we did was we used google maps to get to a very good approximate point and then used the actual image data on google maps to then pinpoint it a bit more, because google maps can be a bit iffy. We are going to quickly ask, can you, even though youre a technological genius, can you turn it round so we can see the right way round . We are getting kind of dizzy one more question from me, this is what i want to know, was it important for you to agree upon what type of bread that you would both use . Yes, very much so. Is that better . Not quite yet, will carry on talk about the bread. It was very important to get the right kind of bread, which is more difficult than youd think. You would think that bread is fairly standard across nations, apparently not so. Bread is, ifound nations, apparently not so. Bread is, i found out, nations, apparently not so. Bread is, ifound out, you know, Different Countries about different breads, and of course we had to try to match the bread as closely as possible. We decided to go for white bread because ive got access to a really great laser cutter to be able to make, ill show you, great laser cutter to be able to make, illshow you, i got great laser cutter to be able to make, ill show you, i got an image somewhere there, of a diagram i guess of an earth sandwich. Wow. Thank you so much. It is time ready . The beyond 100 days earth sandwich one of us. This proved to be incredibly difficult in rehearsals. You dont know how much i had to rehearse this moment. If you ever want a job in which the description for thejob if you ever want a job in which the description for the job says you have to be able to put a piece of bread up on television and match it with another piece of bread thousands of miles away, thatjob is clearly not for you. Its not going to work out this is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming upfor from the bbc. Coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel on bbc rodneys, whats next for harry and meghan . Theyve agreed not use their titles and back millions they spent renovating their home, but questions remain over what roles they will have in the future. And Chinese State media urges people not to panic as a deadly new respiratory virus spreads. Good evening. Monday morning started frosty and foggy for some but that lifted and allowed for some beautiful sunshine by day, leading into some stunning weather watcher pictures being sent in as the sun started to set. This was norfolk, just as atmospheric despite the cloud around across Northern Ireland. Now, it does look as though High Pressure will dominate for the next few days but it will start to drift its way south and west, allowing more cloud generally to move its way in across the country from wednesday onwards. But for the here and now, its business as usual. A little more moisture in the far north west, continuing through the night, quite a lot of cloud to scotland and Northern Ireland, but there will be some clear skies through the midlands, east anglia south, we could see temperatures again just below freezing. And there will be some mist and fog around as well, certainly worth bearing in mind if you are up and off early. Tune in your bbc local Radio Station for traffic and travel problems. Its likely the fog is going to be most dense across south wales, south west england, particularly across the ma corridor, a busy route particularly first thing in the morning. That should hopefully thin and lift into some brighter skies, hopefully some sunshine around, sheltered eastern areas seeing the best of the sunshine for england and scotland, whereas the far north and west of scotland again, still a feed of nuisance rain into the afternoon. But temperatures widely here, scotland and Northern Ireland, double digits, could be disappointingly cool particularly if that fog lingers for the south and west. The High Pressure is still with us as we move towards wednesday. That weather front weakening, just introducing a little more moisture into the atmosphere. Certainly on wednesday there will be more cloud around. No significant rain forecasted in the middle part of the week, just some nuisance drizzle into the north and west, and because of the cloud, temperatures perhaps a tad milder in the south, 9 11. The cloud will stay with us through thursday and friday but again, no real significant rain in the forecast until we start to head towards the weekend. Signs of a change, High Pressure shifting away now, thats going to allow weather fronts to put into the atlantic and return thats going to allow weather fronts to push in from the atlantic and return to some wet and windy weather as we move towards the weekend. So hopefully you can make the most of the next few days. Windy into the weekend, a case of sunshine and showers, gradually turning colder in the north. This is beyond 100 days. With me katty kay in washington, James Reynold is in london our top stories. Heavily armed miltiamen join protests in virginia against proposed gun restrictions. As the us senate prepares for the start of Donald Trumps impeachment trial we report from ukraine the country at the heart of the charges against him also on the programme. Prince harry says he was left with no other option than to step back from royal duties. Chinese authorities call for calm, as the numbers infected with a new virus passes 200. What is the power of the three letter title . Specifically the letters hrh . Her or his Royal Highness. Harry and meghan are about to find out. The royal couple will henceforth be known as harry, duke of sussex and meghan, duchess of sussex. In something of a fudge the couple are keeping the titles hrh but they wont actually use them. Duke and duchess isnt bad however and should help them retain importance, stature, star power whatever you call it in their new roles as, well, its not entirely clear. Newly independent ex royal royals . Whatever it is it doesnt seem to be exactly what prince harry wanted. What i want to make clear is we are not walking away and we certainly are not walking away from you. Our hope was to continue serving the queen, the commonwealth and my military associations but without public funding. U nfortu nately, that was not possible. Ive accepted this, knowing it does not change who i am or how committed i am. But i hope that helps you understand what it had come to, that i would step my family back from all i have ever known to take a step forward into what i hope can be a more peaceful life. So what does their future look like . Werejoined from london by the media commentator and former british newspaper editor, paul connew and lisa ryan, editor of the podcast royally obsessed, is in new york. Paul, let me start with you. Do we have a clearer idea now of what harry and meghan will be able to do and will not be able to do after these negotiations with the royal family . There are still more questions than answers. Clearly they are going tojoin the questions than answers. Clearly they are going to join the celebrity circuit like a royally connected version of the obama is are the beckham is. But it is going to be a tight rope. It is clear from that speech last night from prince harry, which was poignant and revealing, but also one suspected careful pr crafting there. What he made clear is that he would rather of had the first statement, which the queen was not aware of in advance, that they wa nted not aware of in advance, that they wanted to be semi detached royals. Our critics would have it, cake and eat it royals. It is clear the queen and their advisers after careful consideration decided they could not have that. The conflict of interest potential and the public reaction in the uk might actually be damaging to the uk might actually be damaging to the royal familys image, the uk might actually be damaging to the royalfamilys image, especially if they get involved with commercial interests which perhaps would embarrass the royal family. Interests which perhaps would embarrass the royalfamily. Lisa, it is james here. I am keen to know this, is there room at the top ultra high level of celebrity along with the obama is, george clooney, with meghan and harry or will they have to settle down into a lower tier, like Sarah Ferguson . There is room at the top of celebrity. They are so popular and people over here in north america are interested in them and the messages they are trying to push forward and the causes that are important to them. They are going to dojust fine over here. Important to them. They are going to do just fine over here. How much to american skier whether this couple have the title of his or her Royal Highness . They are not going to be using the titles. Will it impact their ability to make money or have their ability to make money or have the celebrity profile . their ability to make money or have the celebrity profile . I do not think it will impact anything over here. People in north america know the difference between the title of duke and duchess and hrh. I do not think it will have any riposte for them. The statement said that harry and meghan will uphold the values of her majesty. I dont know how we would judge that . A documentary, would judge that . A documentary, would that be the values of her majesty, would selling branded socks pulled the values . Your first example probably would, your second example probably would, your second example probably would not. The old saying that america and britain are two countries divided by a common language i think comes into play here in many ways. What do you mean . I think, for example, the hrh disappearing or being pushed onto the back burner, as it were, rather than removed, i dont think will matter one iota to american corporate interests and the american celebrities in the circuit. I think what though will be worrying the royalfamily, what though will be worrying the royal family, and one what though will be worrying the royalfamily, and one of the reasons why the queen has asked for this after 12 months we review the situation, is because she wants to make sure and satisfy herself that what has happened in the interim in terms of operations and ventures dont embarrass the royal family are play badly into the court of Public Opinion in the uk. I was an admirer of meghan, and i still am opinion in the uk. I was an admirer of meghan, and i stillam in many ways, but i do think the conditions they were laying down, seeking to, orjust impossible. They were laying down, seeking to, or just impossible. It they were laying down, seeking to, orjust impossible. It is a pity because they could have been a breath of fresh air in the royal family, and they can still do a lot of good. I think they were pushing Public Opinion, especially traditional Public Opinion in the uk, among the older generation, a little too far in their original demands. I think that became clear in harrys speech last night, which was a speech of mixing sadness with accepting the reality of his grandmothers decision. Accepting the reality of his grandmothers decision. Lisa, is there anything that in the United States could take some of the glow off of this royal couple . If they do start selling branded goods or whatever, do you think at that point american tolerance for the commercialisation of this royalty would kick in . Or do you think people would be fine with it whatever they do, they are already royals and they would be fine with that. I think. Prince royals and they would be fine with that. Ithink. Prince andrew is embarrassingly royal family and things can go awry. If the involved a company and the ceo was involved ina a company and the ceo was involved in a major scandal, that would be embarrassing. Paul, let mejust get lisa to jump embarrassing. Paul, let mejust get lisa tojump in. I would embarrassing. Paul, let mejust get lisa to jump in. I would say last night during her speech, which is really powerful, very powerful, the wa nt really powerful, very powerful, the want to work on the causes that they are so want to work on the causes that they are so passionate about. We want to work with various charities, they wa nt work with various charities, they want to make sure whatever beauty shines a positive light on the issues that really important to them and also supports the initiatives that are important to the queen. I dont think people should be worried about them coming over here and doing anything that would be embarrassing because i think they made it quite clear that is not the intention. Lisa, james here. They cannot use their hrh titles in america. I dont want to put you on the spot but do you have any alternative titles americans might use . Harry and meghan. Princess goes far enough. They can be royals, there you go. That is the divide that paul was just talking about. Paul and lisa, thank you very much for joining paul and lisa, thank you very much forjoining us. Harry and meghan can still be celebrities. Talking of royalty bumping into an ex can ignite a flurry of feelings. And it seems brad pitt and his former wife Jennifer Aniston are no exception to that rule as they were briefly reunited backstage at the Screen Actors Guild awards, where they both had reason to celebrate. The worlds media is obsessing over these images where hes seen congratulating aniston after she was named best actress in a drama series for the morning show. Meanwhile, pitt was named best supporting actor for his role in Quentin Tarantinos once upon a time in hollywood. Picking up his award the actor said the part had been a bit of a stretch. Im going to add this to my tinder profile. Laughter. Lets be honest, it was a difficult part. A guy who gets high, takes his shirt off and doesnt get on with his wife. Its a big stretch its big. Laughter. Do you think he scripted that . Its ha rd to do you think he scripted that . Its hard to believe he didnt . Why are people so excited about the pictures . They have been the couple are the most famous non couple in the world. Yes. I am still struggling. You dont think so . I think youre quite right. They met up think youre quite right. They met up and they were nice to each other. Now they are on the front page of the new york post. Are we living backin the new york post. Are we living back in 200a . Yes, i think we are america sweethearts to get together again. We are want a bit of stardust in our lives. Again. We are want a bit of stardust in ourlives. Again. We are want a bit of stardust in our lives. We all want. President trump impeachment trial kicks off in the us senate. The latest stage in a process that could theoretically see him removed from Office Although with a republican majority, thats highly unlikely. In a speech to the American Farm bureau, the president repeated the contempt he has for the whole thing. The action this week is on capitol hill but the reason mr trump has been impeached at all lies thousands of miles away in ukraine. Paul adams has been to kiev to find out why this former soveit country is now so closely linked to the trump trial. Corrupt ukrainians. Ukrainian authorities. Ukraine. Donald trump is being impeached and for some reason, its all about this place ukraine. Its a complicated story about corruption, conspiracy theories and russia, and it all begins with a phone call. On july 25 last year, ukraines new president Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to donald trump. Mr zelensky wanted to discuss American Military assistance. Mr trump said he wanted a favour. President trump was withholding hundreds of millions of dollars of military aid. When all this came out, his opponents accused him of abusing his power for personal political gain. So why was that aid so important . Ukraine has basically been at war with russia for more than five years, ever since russia annexed one part of ukraine and armed separatists in another. The russian elite has not still accepted the fact that ukraine is an independent entity, and until they have recognised that, ukraine will always be in trouble. More than 13,000 people have been killed in this war. Without American Military aid, ukraine would struggle to defend itself. But what was the favour President Trump was asking for in that phone call lastjuly . He asked mr zelensky to investigate two theories. One, that ukraine had meddled in americas 2016 president ial election, and two, that one of mr trumps main rivals in this years election, joe biden, had abused his political influence to try to prevent an investigation into his sons business interests in ukraine. They are not based on real facts. They are based on fake news, this cocktail of fake news misinformation. Russia was the country interfering with american elections in 2016. Its true both theories have been debunked. But if theyre not true, where do these theories actually come from . You can see why donald trump would want to believe them. He has never liked the idea that russia interfered in the election that he won in 2016. And dirt on a political rival . Whoa, whoa, whoa. Well, surely, Everyone Wants that. These theories arent just peddled in the us. Translation thank god nobody accuses us any more of meddling in the us elections. Now they blame ukraine for that. Mr putin is, i think, the main beneficiary from the situation because it makes ukraine weaker, it makes american institutions weaker, it makes the white house weaker. We have some tv channels controlled by viktor medvedchuk, who is a friend of putins. And these tv channels translate these kind of narrative, that ukraine interfered. We may never know precisely where the conspiracy theories began but the fact that they spread so easily is a source of frustration to many here. The idea that ukraine interfered in the american elections has been discussed by the legislators in congress as truth. Its very disappointing. Ukraine finds itself at the centre of washingtons ugliest political drama. Its not where most ukrainians want to be. This is beyond 100 days. Still to come the World Health Organisations calls an emergency meeting as the number of people infected with a new virus in china triples the director general of the bbc, lord hall of birkenhead, has announced he is standing down in the summer, after seven years in the role. He will go to a newjob as chair of the National Gallery in london. Lord hall has steered the bbc through a number of controversies, including that over equal pay. Our media editor amol rajan said that his resignation had come as a surprise to many in the industry. A lot of people thought he was going to stick around until 2022, when he would mark the centenary of the bbc. Ina lot would mark the centenary of the bbc. In a lot of his friends were surprised he was leaving the bbc. The fact he is going to the National Gallery means this must have been in the works for some time. It has surprised the bbc but for tony hall it had been in the works. He came during the crisis, the treatment of lord mcalpine, one of the bbcs biggest mistakes in a very, very long time. He stabilise the ship, steadied the ship and got the bbc out of headlines for the wrong reasons. The seven years he has been in post has seen enormous changes in global media, enormous disruption. I think the task for his successor will be partly to have a political argument with westminster and make the case for the licence fee to a majority conservative government, who are led by people who are sceptical publicly of the existence ofa sceptical publicly of the existence of a licence fee and navigating that new world, trying to find ways to raise money to compete with the likes of netflix and amazon. I think it is difficult to speculate at this stage who is going to get the job. My stage who is going to get the job. My assessment would be who gets the job will depend on the political and commercial circumstances in the weeks and months running up to the appointment. Look out for the speeches that emanate from number ten in may and june, which give you a sense of how the government is thinking about the future of the licence fee. A mysterious new virus in asia can be transmitted from human to human, according to a Chinese Government health official. Thats not good news when millions of people in the region will be traveling in close proximity to other people for the Lunar New Year holiday. So heres what we know about the virus so far the number of infections has risen past 200 the official figure is now at 217. Chinese authorities have confirmed that three people have now died from the illness. The number of people infected tripled over the weekend, with the outbreak spreading from wuhan to other major centres. Chinese state media is urging citizens not to panic. Our medical correspondent fergus walsh reports. Its official. Chinas mysterious new virus can pass from person to person. Health authorities there are urging the public not to panic. Most cases have come as a result of direct contact with animals, but human to human transmission means this virus is potentially a far bigger threat. The outbreak centres on the city of wuhan, population 11 million, where the source is thought to be a seafood market. 170 people in wuhan are being treated in hospital. Several are critically ill and three deaths have been confirmed. There have been a handful of cases of the virus in south korea, thailand and japan, all travellers who had come from wuhan. The infection is a new type of coronavirus, which originated in animals. Although person to person transmission has been confirmed, it does not, thankfully, spread easily. Signs of infection include breathing problems, fever and cough. Now, it is the height of the flu season, meaning its hard to know initially what infection patients have. Hundreds of millions of chinese are expected to travel over the coming week to celebrate the Lunar New Year, making further spread inevitable. At train stations and airports, temperature scanners are being used. Some airports in the United States, singapore and japan are screening travellers and some experts think that may eventually need to happen here. I think the uk authorities need to start thinking about introducing some screening for passengers who are coming from china. The most obvious thing to do would be to institute some sort of thermal screening, so that we identify people who have got a fever, but that could be supplemented with some questionnaires. The outbreak is a reminder of the sars epidemic, also caused by a coronavirus, that killed nearly 800 people worldwide nearly 20 years ago. Then, there was an initial cover up by the authorities. This time, global health officials say china has learned from past mistakes. It may be weeks or months, though, before we know how big a threat this new virus poses. Fergus walsh, bbc news. In the last couple of hours the World Health Organization has said it will hold an emergency meeting about the outbreak on wednesday. Dr William Schaffner is an Infectious Disease specialist at the Vanderbilt University medical centre in nashville hejoins us now. In terms of this emergency meeting, what will the who want to know . They will want to know whether this is already a Health Problem of international proportion. I think not. I think they will find it localised, largely, although not com pletely localised, largely, although not completely to china. And they will be thinking of what we were talking about in the set up piece, namely what sort of screening would be taking place both in china and in other parts of the world in order to limit the spread of this infection. And of course this is happening in the Lunar New Year, possibly the worlds biggest migration. The Lunar New Year, possibly the worlds biggest migrationm the Lunar New Year, possibly the worlds biggest migration. It is obviously a large concern. We do not know for example yet whether people infected with this virus who have only mild illnesses can spread it. At the moment we have the story of the super spreader, a person who is in the hospital who spread it to 1a health care workers. Whether that is common or uncommon is health care workers. Whether that is common or uncommon is still not known. So exactly how contagious this virus is person to person is still a bit of a mystery. What can chinese authorities do to get ahead of this virus becoming a serious problem . Well, some of the things theyve done already that has been publicised greatly. They have shut down the market which seems to be the source of the virus, or at least some of the infections. And they are trying to find as many people who are infected and take care of them and put them in quarantine so they themselves cannot be spreaders. And themselves cannot be spreaders. And the molecular biologists in the leper tories are continuing to study the virus to see how it evolves and what implications that might mean. Everyone thinks back to sars when they think of a virus like this. Have we learnt lessons from the sars virus . We learnt a great deal. This is one of the corona virus family. It, i hope, is not as infectious as sars. Perhaps it is somewhere between sars and the middle east virus, which was not at all transmissible from person to person. Doctor schaffner, thank you for joining us, as ever. We have doctor schaffner on when we have these viruses. The key is how quickly it can be spread from person to person. The Chinese Government saying it can be spread but interesting to get doctor schaffners views on that, that it was a super spreader. People will be concerned with the millions of people travelling for the Lunar New Year. It is a huge migration. I have been there many times when i was based in china. Tens of thousands of people are moving. Lots of people would be worried. When i was based in china, bird flu was a worry then. We had stacks of medicine. I remember the chinese authorities screening people occasionally. Public health is a huge concern. To the great big elephant in the room now. Not literally and not in our studio, thankfully. But this huge beast gave some hotel guests in sri lanka rather a surprise when they stepped out of their room to see it roaming the corridors. Natta kota took up residence at the Jetwing Yala Hotel a few years ago and spends his days sleeping and taking walks around the hotel. As one does, if you are an elephant. Were told that hes a friendly addition, although he has been known to steal fruit from cars and Food Supplies from the kitchen. Watch this. It breaks. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Does he have to pay for that . It depends if he left his credit ca rd it depends if he left his credit card for incidentals. For accidentals. And whether he goes through the minibar. Anyway, we needed a random animal story and we had it. Today has been on airfor three years today. We thought we would be on airfor100 days because of the inauguration but the news has carried on. We are still on air three years later. No, we should have a counter. It was meant to be a 100 and christian and i think it must be enough by now. Some of you have been very kind to send us your congratulations and we appreciate your feedback. We appreciate you listening. I have a strange feeling, james, that it will be a busy year and we will be here in one year time. Beyond 1000 days . This is not a year to start because we had brexit and now we have impeachment and an election coming up. There will be a lot more of episodes and we hope, james, you will come back when christian is not here to do this with us. Thank you very much for watching. We will see you back here tomorrow. Goodbye. Good evening. Monday morning started frosty and foggy for some. That lifted and allowed for a beautiful sunshine for a day. Some stunning weather watcher pictures being sent in. This was norfolk. Just as atmospheric, despite the cloud around. It doesnt look like High Pressure will dominate for the next few days. It will start to drift south and west, allowing mcleod to move in across the country from wednesday onwards. Business as usual until then. More moisture continuing through the night. Cloud in scotland and Northern Ireland. Clearer skies to the east anglia and south. Temperatures just below freezing again. And mistand temperatures just below freezing again. And mist and fog around. That is worth bearing in mind if you are up is worth bearing in mind if you are up and off early. Tune into your bbc locals Radio Station for travel problems. The fog will likely be my dance across south england. A busy route on the ma. That should hopefully lift on to brighter skies. Hopefully centring around. The best of sunshine on the east. The far north west of scotland seeing rain into the afternoon. The temperature is widely here in scotland and Northern Ireland are double digits. It is appointing the cool day, particularly if the fog lingers, further south and west. The High Pressure is with us towards wednesday. Introducing more moisture into the atmosphere, certainly on wednesday. More cloud around. No significant rain forecast. Just some recent drizzle into the north and west. Because of the cloud, perhaps milder in the south. Nine to 11 celsius. The cloud will stay with us through wednesday and friday. No rain in the forecast until we head towards the weekend. Significant rain. High pressure drifting away. That will allow weather fronts to push on from the atlantic and a return to wet and windy weather as you move towards the weekend. Hopefully you can make the most of the next few days. Went into the weekend. Sunshine and showers. Gradually turning colder. This is bbc news. The headlines at eight. As prince Harry Holdings a 20 minute private discussion with the prime minister, he makes clear his disappointment at the outcome of royal talks about his and meghans future. Our hope was to continue serving the queen, the commonwealth and my military associations, but without public funding. U nfortu nately, without public funding. Unfortunately, that wasnt possible. Beales, one of britains Oldest Department stores collapses into administration, the spiralling cost of hs2. Administration, the spiralling cost of hsz. A administration, the spiralling cost of hs2. A leaked report suggesting spending could hit £106 billion. Nationally double what was forecast five years ago. After seven yea rs five years ago. After seven years in charge lord hall announces he is to step down to ta ke hall announces he is to step down to take a job

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