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Of extraordinary Political Drama on capitol hill, as the republicans tried and failed to put their health ca re tried and failed to put their Health Care Legislation to a vote, early morning, The Big Question was, did they have the support to get the bill across the line . After intense last minute discussions between Speaker Paul Ryan and donald trump, just minutes before the planned vote, the president called the speaker and told them to pull it. A little earlier, donald trump had this to say we had no democrat support, no votes from the democrats, they were not going to give us a single vote, so it is a very difficult thing to do. Give us a single vote, so it is a very difficult thing to dolj give us a single vote, so it is a very difficult thing to do. I have been saying for the last year and a half, the best thing we can do politically speaking is let obamacare explode, it is exploding right now. Many state have big problems, almost all states have big problems. I was in tennessee the other day, they have lost half of their estate in terms of no insurance, that is happening to many other places. I was in kentuckys the other day, similar things are happening. Obamacare is exploding. So, obamacare has exploded. With no democrat support, we could not quite get there, we were a very small number of votes short in terms of getting our bill passed. Up on capitol hill, this is what the speaker of the house paul ryan had to say. I will not sugarcoat this, this is a disappointing day for us, doing big things is hard. All of us, all of us, myself included, will need time to reflect on how we got to this moment, what we could have done to do it better, but ultimately, this all comes down to a choice, are all of us willing to give a little to get something done . Willing to say yes to the very good, evenif willing to say yes to the very good, even if it is not the perfect . Bbc have been following all the developments up on capitol hill, extraordinary day, President Trump effectively trying to blame the democrats but this is his Republican Party at war with itself . After a day of drama, a week of drama, after bringing the vote to the brink, there is defeat and disappointment, both for the Republican Party and for the president themselves. For the republicans, they have been talking about repealing and replacing obamaca re talking about repealing and replacing obamacare for talking about repealing and replacing obamaca re for the talking about repealing and replacing obamacare for the last seven replacing obamacare for the last seve n years replacing obamacare for the last seven years but in the end, they could not agree how they would replace it, and what they would replace it, and what they would replace it, and what they would replace it with. Moderates said the reforms went too far, leaving too many people without insurance. The conservatives believe that this bill did not go far enough. They wanted more of the Health Care Reforms brought in by barack obama repealed. Brought back. The two sides could not find a consensus. It is an embarrassing setback for the republicans because at the first time of asking, the first time they had a chance to put something through the house, they have failed. And it is embarrassing for the president , he may want to blame the democrats, he is donald trump, he wrote the art of the deal, he prides himself on making deals, and when it came to the First Political deal, he has failed at it. The art of the deal. Is that it as far as any Health Care Bill will be promoted . It seems they want to leave it in place for now, they will move on to tax reform, to other things. Just as President Trumps ultimatum promised, he said, Vote For Change Oi promised, he said, vote for change or there will be no change. It seems they will leave obamaca re or there will be no change. It seems they will leave obamacare in place. When it comes to that, democrats are scratching their head, they know and they have said that the bill needs nurturing, not neglect. They know that there is problems within obamacare, for some, insurance premiums are rocketing, for others, they are losing the joys of health ca re they are losing the joys of health care they would like. They know the bill is not perfect, how both sides Work Together to find some way of creating a health care that works for all, your guess is as good as mine. For more on the politics at play here, i spoke a little earlier to the republican strategist, john christie, former adviser to george w bush. This was an Organising Principle of the Republican Party, this was a Campaign Pledge by donald trump, how much of a setback or disaster is this for him . It is a very big disappointment for the president of the United States, who has campaigned vigorously, and said that the first thing he wanted to do with the first thing he wanted to do with the Republican Congress was find a way to repeal the Affordable Care act. The Signature Legislation of barack obama. We have seen a flurry of activity, up the last couple of hours, republicans confident they had the vote. Paul ryan, at the insistence of the president , pulled the bill. Big disappointment, no way to sugar coat this, the republicans had seven years and today they blew it. It shows open warfare within the party. Paul ryan describes it as Growing Pains of being in government, is that how you would describe it . No, i would government, is that how you would describe it . No, iwould call it government, is that how you would describe it . No, i would call it a disaster, what the republicans were trying to do yesterday was the seventh Year Anniversary of the day that barack seventh Year Anniversary of the day that ba rack obama seventh Year Anniversary of the day that barack obama signed the Affordable Care act into law, republicans wanted to find a way to put a bill in the House Of Representatives floor to begin the repeal process, what they forgot along the way is, in the art of negotiation, the art of the deal, they needed to cobble together a coalition of the most conservative members as well as some of the more moderate members, people from new york city, philadelphia, big urban areas. The white and the house work focusing on conservative members, at their peril and at their neglect, they forgot you need 216 votes to pass, U Nfortu Nately they forgot you need 216 votes to pass, unfortunately for them, they did not get enough republicans, knowing that no democrat would join them. Who will take the rap . Can paul ryan survived question not he is in great shape he is the one person more trusted than anybody else in the House Of Representatives by the conservatives and the moderates and frankly even by the democrats, at the end, he is fine, his speakership is not in peril. If i were to be a betting person and look down the line, the person right beneath him, Kevin Mccarthy, House Majority leader, and right under him, the House Majority whip, the person in charge of counting the votes, i think a lot of finger wagging, why couldnt the folks in leadership whose responsibility it is to deliver the votes, why could Kevin Mccarthy and Steve Scalise not deliver . The money was going to be saved and spent on other things, the tax reform as well, this does not give any traction or momentum to the trump administration. In fact they we re trump administration. In fact they were looking at 900 billion of revenue that they were going to spend over the next ten is for republican priorities in health care. Now they have to go back to the drawing board, the question is, when they get in the room, when they shut the door, when they lock the door, what can they find consensus on, what can republicans and the conservative faction and the moderate faction and importantly working with the senate and the president come together and find a consensus to bring to the president s signature, at this juncture, i dont see that coming any time soon. Final question, what would your advice be, now, then, to visit ministration . My advice is simply this, the next time that republicans seek to put a major piece of legislation on the floor, lets talk with the entire caucus first, talk with United States Senate Members and see what is in the realm the possible, what are they able to do, what Horse Trading needs to take place, so that this kind of embarrassment and inability to govern for the American People, because it looks bad from optics perspective, does not happen again. Thank you very much. British police say that they have made two more significant arrests as they try to establish whether the man who launched the attack this wednesday in london was working alone or with others. 11 people have now been arrested, detectives have also released the first image of the attacker. 52 year old khaled mashud. Khaled mashud. Khalid masood. The face of khalid masood, the face that confronted Police Officers at parliament. The face that looked out of the car at pedestrians as he knocked them over. The 52 year old was known by a number of names. Born adrian elms in kent, by the time he was at this Boys Secondary School in tunbridge wells, he was called adrian ajao after his mother got married. School friends remembered him as a sporty pupil who liked to party, a very nice guy. Adrian was a very nice lad, a fun guy, always laughing, always joking, worked reasonably hard, good at sport, played rugby very well. Just an unassuming guy. But masood was soon developing a reputation for violence. In this sleepy sussex village, where he lived in his 20s, at the local pub he slashed a man in the face with a knife and was sent to jail. Didnt have a very good reputation, definitely. I remember he was a bit of a troubled character, i think would be the way to describe it. A Family Friend said this wasnt the only time he turned violent. The chap was looking at him, and i wasjust sitting at the pool table, and he took umbrage against the landlord for looking at him like he was, and he flew over the bar, he got a glass, he was going to do him. Khalid masood spent time in three prisons. Around ten years ago, he worked in saudi arabia. Its not clear when he converted to islam, but he started using the surname masood at least 11 years ago. His mother now lives in a remote farmhouse in camarthenshire, which detectives searched yesterday. They havent been in any sort of contact with their son for well over 20 years, from what i understand. And when it comes to terrorism, unfortunately, nobody can be responsible for the action of their children. Masood, we now know, launched his Terror Attack after staying overnight at a hotel in brighton. He stayed in room 228. He seemed happy, staff said, untroubled by what he was about to do, that he was about to leave his hotel room, to drive to london to kill. He was joking and smiling and friendly. He was a very, very friendly person. He was a lovely guest, and we even put comments in the system as a nice guest. There was nothing in his conduct or demeanour that would have given me a feeling that there was Something Weird about this guy. And hesjust on his way to commit mass murder. Detectives have searched the hotel, and there have been more raids and arrests. In manchester, a car was taken away by police in didsbury. Two arrests described by Senior Officers as significant were made there and in the west midlands. The police are still trying to build a picture of the man who came here to attack westminster. They say their main aim now is to try and work out if he was acting alone, inspired by terrorist propaganda, or if there are others still out there who encouraged him, supported or even directed this attack. But its clear there are still gaps in the polices knowledge. We are appealing to the public today to say, if even in hindsight now you realise something about khalid masood, something about his associates, his movements, his planning, now is the time to come forward and speak to our officers. A bright student, turned violent man, turned terrorist. No one is quite sure how, or why. Studio still to come on tonights programme oil, arabic issues and the american way, how a new play at washingtons Kennedy Centre brings these things together around a petrol station. It has been one of the most contentious issues in washington right now and multiple investigations have been launched into alleged russian interference in the us residential election. 0r into alleged russian interference in the us residential election. Or the Campaign Chairman of Hillary Clintons failed bid, it is an issue that gets close to home. John podesta has accused the fbi of double standards, following the agency Directorjames Comey going public about his enquiry into Hillary Clintons hacked e mails days before the vote without mentioning any possible russian role. We asked him if he was suspicious during the campaign. Role. We asked him if he was suspicious during the campaignm course we thought that was going on for some time and we argued to the press that they needed to look at that, they needed to dig into that and uncover it. But it was a revelation that the fbi was looking at that as early as now evidently they were. 0ne at that as early as now evidently they were. One more trip in something that i have been highly critical of the bureau about, which is the double standard they applied in this campaign. The intervention, the number of resources they spent, scores of fbi agents that they had, poring over Hillary Clintons e mail server, which the fbi director ultimately concluded was not even a close call, nothing worth prosecuting; compare to the engagement on the russian side his intervention just 11 days before the election, the clinton investigation, total silence with respect to the russian intervention, and now, the Potential Collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russian actors. That was really a double standard that is still inextricable tumi. You are very calm about this but. No, i am very angry about it, ijust but. No, i am very angry about it, i just learned to appear calm but. No, i am very angry about it, ijust learned to appear calm to me. In syria, the Military Battle to defeat so called Islamic State in their home base of raqqa is gaining ground, earlier this month, their home base of raqqa is gaining ground, earlierthis month, Syrian Forces backed by russian and iranian allies recaptured pal meera, for the second time in the past year, chief International Correspondent travels to the iconic city, to see the aftermath of Islamic State. Palmyra. Voiceover palmyra, roman ruins, precious world heritage, i is has occupied this site twice in the past two years, their last target, the roman theatre, a stage for grisly executions, slitting throats, shooting soldiers and civilians here. Is. Islamic state has lost this prize and ground beyond here to the Syrian Military backed by its allies. The Helicopter Overhead is russian. Palmyra matters, but the battles which lie ahead, Including Raqqa the iss self declared capital matter more, and are far more difficult. And thats because confronting is in syria means confronting a fundamental question. Are the west and countries in this region now willing to work with president assad and his russian and iranian allies to fight their common enemy . The world knows of is crimes now. In the basement of a deserted building we are shown whats called a makeshift courtroom. And the paper trail of its brutal rule. The arabic word for execution. The crimes include leaving islam, spreading corruption. Two men, called ahmed, were thrown from the top ofa building, no reason given. The city of palmyra next to the ancient site is a ghost town. People fled is and the ferocious fighting here, including syrian and russian air strikes. This is where some of the displaced have taken refuge. An abandoned school, 100 miles away. Thirty families here, including this woman and her five children. She remembers the exact moment when is fighters came to her door. Translation it was a quarter to five in the morning. I opened the door and saw men shouting at me. They came in and took my husband and niece. I was told they chopped off his head. They took my nephew, who was only 15. My Brother In Law was beheaded too. She doesnt know how herfamily will cope. Its the story of syria. Is no longer occupies their home, but its dark shadow hasnt left their lives. Lyse doucet, bbc news, palmyra. Studio you are watching bbc world news america. A new play by one of the worlds leading contemporary arabic makers is having a World Premiere at the Kennedy Centre in washington. It is the story about migrants, statelessness, war, refugees, and oil. The author, whose usual troupe of actors come from actors that are part of the president ial travel ban, is using american actors this time. I spoke with sulayman al bassam. It isa it is a play set on a desolate border, the theme is arabic but performed by an all american cast. When we appropriate the american idiom through the company of american actors. It is not so far away. These themes around Migrant Workers and borders and identity, and power, power relations, take on and power, power relations, take on a resonance that is very contemporary in todays america. 0nstage, two colliding worlds, this, fighter, this is performed in the style of american gospel. So what is the relevance of arabic political theatre in todays america . the relevance of arabic political theatre in todays america . I have a great relationship with blacks. |j think that the theatre, In These Times has crucibles of dissent, and as crucibles of truth. And as crucibles of truth. Arts organisations today fear to be perceived as taking a position against the current administration, thatis against the current administration, that is palpable. Petrol station, intended by its author to be theatre that challenges and explores the divisions and similarities between america and the middle east. What a day of political back and forth it has been on capitol hill. They have been talking about this for seven years, repealing 0bamacare, it should have been something that could unite the Republican Party, tearing it up root and branch, in the words of senator mitch mcconnell, but sending it to barack obama over mitch mcconnell, but sending it to ba rack obama over the mitch mcconnell, but sending it to barack obama over the past few years and having its veto, here was their chance, both chambers, the presidency, this was their first hurdle to get it on the president s desk, but they stumbled over it, fell on theirfaces, desk, but they stumbled over it, fell on their faces, could desk, but they stumbled over it, fell on theirfaces, could not desk, but they stumbled over it, fell on their faces, could not get it through. At one stage, it looked like President Trump would tough it out, that this road would happen and win orfail, we will out, that this road would happen and win or fail, we will have the vote. Interesting strategy, something they started last night, basically putting down a marker and saying, this will happen, a way of getting the members of congress who were wavering off the fence and committed to it, they stuck by it thinking they would be able to push it through, but the more they push and negotiate with the right wingers on one side and the moderates on the other, they kept pulling it farther apart, and people broke. Barzagli, the president directly rings two National Newspaper reporter. The washington post, robert cosco, apparently, with no announcement, picked up his phone, had donald trump on the other line, and he said, we have pulled the bill. Not even through the switchboard, it was from his cell phone he was dealing what detailing what was being said, that this was the full that the democrats, that they did not work with them, even though there is 40 work with them, even though there is a0 formal republicans in the house, rather than democrats. Robert costa. Maybe jumping the gun rather than democrats. Robert costa. Maybejumping the gun on paul ryan, who was about to have a press conference. 64 days in, this was the main legislative thing that he was going to do, plenty more down the line, the momentum, where is it . Its definitely hurts momentum, undermines authority and Reputation Asa undermines authority and reputation as a deal maker, he said that he was the close, his Press Secretary said that he was the closer, coming in to seal the deal, he came in and said that was going to happen. How many deals as he closed . As president , he has not close any, this was his first big legislative test, where it goes from now, he said in comments this afternoon that it is going to be tax reform, that he wants to focus on that, that is more complicated because there are Tax Components in Health Care Reform that have to be dealt with in order to deal with taxes as a bigger package. America left with 0bamacare. Thank you very much. That is the end of todays show. You will find much more on the day s news on the website. Have a great weekend. We will see you on monday at the same time. Lets see what the weather is up to over the next few days, and we have been promising fine weather this weekend, and indeed, that is the case, lots of sunshine on the way, it will be a little chilly in the morning, clear skies developing right now, temperatures dipping like a stone overnight. 0nce right now, temperatures dipping like a stone overnight. Once the skies turn clear, pretty much everywhere, still saying goodbye to the cloudy weather, that we have seen across the uk, by the early hours of saturday morning, right across the country, lots of clear whether around, however, mistand country, lots of clear whether around, however, mist and fog will be forming, around the vale of york, where wind is light in the middle of the high, temperatures probably from the high, temperatures probably from the north midlands north, out of town, below freezing. Nippy morning, it will dawn on a sunny note. Here it is, skipping to lunchtime. Temperatures in some spots could get up to 16, 17 degrees, eastern coasts, with the breeze, coming out of the east north east. It will be quite chilly from norwich to the coast of kent, nine or 10 degrees on the coastline itself. I want to remind you that saturday night into sunday, the clocks go forward, so 1am becomes 2am just like that sunday itself, a High Pressure is dominant across the uk, once again, very little changes. You will notice some lows, we will be talking about them ina some lows, we will be talking about them in a second. The High Pressure still in charge of the scene on sunday, the wind will turn that little bit lighter, even across the south and the south east. Everywhere, a very decent day. For most of us, 13, 1a degrees, i would not be surprised if it is up to 15 or16 in one not be surprised if it is up to 15 or 16 in one or two spots as well. Skipping to monday, that is where we will see changes, High Pressure in charge of the weather but look at this big whopping low across the atlantic, a large beast here, rain and cloud associated with it, on monday, still way out there in the atlantic, not really influencing our weather too much. In fact, that low pressure could be our friend to an extent, because by the time we get to tuesday, it approaches the british isles, still dry across much of the uk. I want to point out what it does with the wind. With the wind spiralling around, in an area of low pressure, what it is doing is scooping up all of the warmth that is to the south of us, across france and spain as well, and moving in our direction. Western areas will turn cloudy, with spots of rain, the winner in this scenario will probably be eastern parts of the country, because here, we get the air wafting country, because here, we get the airwafting up country, because here, we get the Air Wafting Up from the south. Low pressure Air Wafting Up from the south. Low pressure scooping up the warmth and sending it to the uk. Temperatures in the high teams. Beyond that, not so optimistic. Teens. That low is expected to roll over the uk, even eastern areas will end up getting a little more cloud and rain but the thinking is that by next weekend, that low should be just about out of the way and the High Pressure will return. Sunday this weekend, eventually unsubtle, but with the caveat that it could be warm next week in the east, and next weekend should be drier. Tonight at 10, a humiliating defeat for President Trump as his key Election Campaign promise collapses. Replacing 0bamas healthcare scheme for millions of americans was top of his list but hes had to pull it after failing to get enough support from his own party and democrats. It was a very, very tight margin. We had no democrat support. We had no votes from the democrats. Trumps controversial plans had sparked protests amid fears millions would be left without medical insurance now his opponents are rejoicing. Today is a great day for our country. Today is a victory. What happened on the floor is a victory for the American People well be asking how damaging this is to Donald Trumps presidency

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