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And i will have further such meetings later today. And the information, the guidance we have been given i would like to associate myself today im sure will be contradictory with the thanks from the prime to what we were given yesterday, minister to all of those helping in so i had to make a decision the aftermath of the storms. It has and i put the welfare and the health brought record high water levels in of our children first. Nearly 200,000 patients in england the river severn on the river trent waited more than four hours and over 100 properties in my on trolleys after being admitted constituency is have been flooded to a e in december and january. Flood defences are breached in bringing misery to them. The seven worcestershire, as the river severn in bridgend hasjust breached its reaches record levels. Banks. Will the Prime Minister use delhi suffers its worst violence in decades as there his influence in the comprehensive Spending Review to increase are clashes in the streets over Infrastructure Spending on flood defences for communities at risk as new citizenship laws. Pa rt defences for communities at risk as part of his determination in this singer duffy reveals she was drugged year to show Global Leadership and raped after being held captive by an attacker. Taking action on Climate Change. And opening up history a secret doorway used during charles iis coronation indeed i can, mr speakerand i thank my right honourable friend and i can say we have been ensuring that the is discovered in parliament. Ministry of housing, communities and local government is able to extend the scheme where appropriate and i can also tell my right honourable friend that of course we are good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Investing massively on flood defences, £2. 6 billion has already imjoanna gone in, and as he knows we are im joanna gosling. New cases of coronavirus continue to be reported pledging to commit another £4 across European Countries billion to defend this country many appear to be linked to the growing outbreak in italy. Against flooding. Thank you, mr in tenerife, there have been three new cases of coronavirus at the hotel where british holiday makers are among hundreds speaker. My thoughts are with those suffering across the world from the of tourists ordered to stay in their rooms since yesterday. Coronavirus and i want to send a message of praise to medical and an italian doctor, his wife and two friends who were staying there have emergency staff all over the world tested positive for the virus. For what they are doing to try and at least eight schools in england stop the spread of this disease and and three in Northern Ireland have i hope that Public Health services sent pupils and staff home in britain will get the resources after they returned from visiting they need, and there is an urgent northern italy over half term. Question on this after Prime Ministers question time today. Irelands chief medical officer has thousands of people across the called for next weeks six nations game against italy in dublin to be called off because of the heightened country are also still struggling risk from large numbers of travelling fans. With a devastating impact of the in france, officials have confirmed floods. I want to pay tribute to the that a 60 year old man has died, work of the environment agency, the becoming the first french victim of the virus in the country. Scottish and Welsh Government, council staff, and the fire service and the first case of the illness for helping local residents on the in latin america has huge number of Community Volunteers been recorded in brazil. Who have pitched in to help their a man in his 60s has tested positive after returning to sao paulo neighbours. Does the Prime Minister agree with the conservative leader from a business trip to northern of Derbyshire County Council that he italy. Has turned his back on the people the Health Secretary matt hancock affected by the floods . Mr speaker, is due to make a statement in the commons at 12. 30pm. Since the flooding began, this well hear from our correspondents in tenerife and in italy in the next government has been working flat few minutes, but first this out, night and day, to ensure the report from andy moore. People of this country get the its not what you would want support that they need, activating to see from the balcony the scheme to make sure that of your four star hotel. Business gets the recovery relief instead of a fleet of taxis, theres a fleet of ambulances waiting they need, the business rate relief, outside the costa adeje palace and asi they need, the business rate relief, and as i told the house just now, hotel. Putting £2. 6 billion now into flood hundreds of holidaymakers defences and £4 billion more to are on lockdown, though the spanish Authorities Say some who arrived after the first person became ill may be allowed to leave soon. Come. Mr speaker, you cant give that original case local authorities the clear message was an italian doctor. To support them and then turn your back on them. Not my words, a conservative Council Leader said translation this citizen arrived that. When i visited pontypridd last week i saw at first hand the damage on february 17th on a plane. And destruction is that the floods he got on a bus, he was part have caused to peoples lives, homes of a group of ten italians, and they went to the hotel. And businesses, but the prime he has spent all his time minister was silent, sulking in his grace and favour mansion, after two in or around the hotel. The Authorities Say other guests at the hotel should be allowed weeks of flooding, mr speaker, there to leave eventually if they test negative and have no symptoms of the disease. But thats a process that are now even means being produced could take some time. Asking not just where if they do not have symptoms, are now even means being produced asking notjust where is wally, but according to our protocol, saying where is boris . When will the they ought to be free to do government stop hiding and show whatever they want. But we will need some days people he cares, or is he too busy to test all these people. Coronavirus has now got going about some of the business. A foothold in europe, maybe if hes too busy he could send and italy is the worst affected country, with more than 300 cases and 11 deaths. His chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, im sure hed be very well received in milan, the cathedral and many in all of the flooded areas. Mr museums have closed. Speaker im very proud of the in the uk, this private School Response the government has mounted in cheshire has shut down completely over the last few days and we after pupils and staff returned convened the National Flood from an italian ski resort. Over the last few days and we convened the nationalflood Response Centre on the 14th and since then, and this school at nantwich has since the flooding began, there has closed its sixth form for a similar reason. Been a constant stream of the official advice ministerial activity led by my right from the government is that anybody returning from the italian towns honourable friends, the secretary of in quarantine should self isolate. Anyone returning from the wider state for the environment, the region of northern italy who feels ill should do the same. Secretary of state for communities and local government. I neverforget andy moore, bbc news. That in spite of the flooding no one should underestimate the anguish flooding causes and of course it is an absolute shock to the households affected but it is thanks to the breaking news through from the measures of this government that they have put in that 200,000 Writers Agency that greece has confirmed its first coronavirus households have been protected from flooding and we dont hear that from the honourable member. During the case. Citing the health ministry, no detail on where the cases but there Election Campaign i wrote to the we re detail on where the cases but there were four suspected cases being Prime Minister demanding that cobra tested over the last 2a hours in be called to deal with the floods at greece. The government had asked to that time and he very reluctantly media not to spread panic among the agreed with that and eventually did population. We are now hearing call a meeting of cobra. The situation now is even worse across greece has confirmed its first case of coronavirus. Lets go to our the country than it was then. No correspondent trott in tenerife cobra has been called, or is hejust where that hotel is on lockdown. Pretending to care when he doesnt what is the latest from there . There really care at all because theres no votes on the line at this moment . Has been quite a bit of activity over the past few minutes, you might be able to see that ambulance behind mr speaker, as he knows perfectly me, it has now moved to the front of well there has been a stream of the hotel will there more emergency ministerial meetings since the vehicles here so we will be watching flooding began and the National Flooding began and the National Flood Response Centre was convened that over the next few minutes. You on february the 14th and ive been might also be able to see the tents directing things and cobra is a at the front of the hotel, that is reference to Cabinet Office briefing where medical staff are working. They have a huge task in their hands room aid, its not the only room in because they are basically recording information, from what we understand which meetings can take place. The issueis from the gas we have spoken to which meetings can take place. The issue is very serious for people inside the hotel, there are teams of around the country whose homes have two doctors and an interpreter going been flooded. They need help and support. They dont need trite from room to room assessing people, a nswe rs support. They dont need trite answers like that from their Prime Minister. Time and again communities checking their temperature and giving them facemasks. There are a and lives are being put at risk and the government simply refuses to thousand people staying in this hotel and that is why people here at acknowledge the scale of the the moment are being asked to be problem. Does he agree with his patient. However they are very honourable friend, the memberfor shipley, who said the government has frustrated because i have spoken to done precious little to stop the some guests this morning and they floods happening again. Mr speaker, say that while the advice is to stay in your room, still it appears as let me repeat for the benefit of the though people are moving around. Right honourable gentleman, that this government has a fantastic nobody is enforcing that. So they record of investing in flood defences and will continue to do so and the reason we can do so and have have questions, they are trying to find out more. They say that they been able to commit £2. 6 billion to are not getting information from flood defences and able to pledge management here at the hotel and are another £4 billion is because at not getting enough travel this government is running a strong and successful and robust economy, which he would ruin. If that is the information from their travel company either, so they are frustrated. They are a little concerned and they are tired. I case, mr speaker, why then is the spoke to one guest a few moments government investing less than half ago. They have an allergy and they the amount of money the environment need to be treated for that. They agency of england says is necessary to improve flood defences across the had an assessment from a gp through country . They say 5. 6 billion is the front of the door here at the needed and as far as im aware the hotel through the glass, they have government is investing less than been prescribed antihistamines and half of that. Many areas in the havent received those yet. That combined with Everything Else going households i have visitors, and ive on here, they are also being asked learnt a lot from visiting victims to ta ke on here, they are also being asked to take their own temperatures, they of floods, the Prime Minister should will be asked that information try it one day. They told me they later. It is quite a worrying time cannot actually afford the insurance for them and they are just on their homes as the costs have frustrated. They say they would like to find out more information, but skyrocketed. Recent studies have certainly things do appear to be shown that 20,000 homes are not moving here at the hotel at the moment. We did hear overnight also protected by the governments Insurance Scheme and are also not from the president of the canary protected by flood defences. Thats islands, saying that he was hopeful 20,000 homes with no insurance and that sometime today at least 100 in danger of being flooded imminently. Isnt it time the prime guests from this hotel here may be ministerfound a imminently. Isnt it time the Prime Minister found a very urgent solution to this problem . Just able to leave because they arrived imagine what it is like to live in a on monday after the infected people home that is in danger of being had already left the hotel. Thank flooded, you cannot get it insured and if you own it, you cant sell it you very much, fiona. Or cannot move. You are totally the highest number of cases stuck. They are looking for the currently in europe is in italy. 0ur correspondent government to help them out at their bethany bell is in milan. Time of crisis. Mr speaker, he is perfectly right in the sense that those cases are now over 300 that there are particular problems to had been recorded here, 11 died. Of deal with with insurance and anybody the dead we understand that they are who has visited a flood affected households will know but there has elderly people, with pre existing been cover for over hundred and medical conditions, hitting them the 64,000 households since 2018 and ha rd est. Medical conditions, hitting them the hardest. We see that doctors are saying you get a similar pattern 2019 and we are looking since last with things like influenza. The decembers events, we are looking at what we can do to protect households italian Prime Minister has suggested that do not have a proper insurance, that hospital in an area just but he also knows that there are south east of milan may have not measures in place to ensure followed the correct protocols when they handled the initial cases of householders get £500 and £5,000 to compensate themselves from the worst this outbreak. There has been damage that the flooding can do and thatis damage that the flooding can do and that is cash we can put in thanks to somewhat of a backlash by local politicians about that, but the investments that we have made in certainly we have heard from the flood defences which, believe me, Prime Minister saying that that may well beyond the capacities of any have been the reason why we saw this spike in cases there. There are government led by the right honourable member. The Welsh Government have done their best to those communities south east of milan and a couple in benneteau step up to the crisis despite the underfunding from westminster. The where places are in quarantine and Prime Minister was keen to pose for people have been asked to stay at home. Police have erected roadblocks the cameras when there was a crisis around there. The Prime Minister has on during the election but he often goes a while. He was late to respond said he is confident the contagion to the london riots because it was will be contained soon and he had a on holiday and was on a private message for the world, he said italy island when the iranian general was is safe to visit. Just to confirm assassinated, and last week he had his head in the sand is in a mansion the breaking news in the last few in kent. The mp for calder valley, moments, greece has reported its another of his colleagues, said its first case of coronavirus. Lets get not good enough. How can the country the very latest with our Health Correspondent nick triggle. So many trust a Prime Minister, a part time questions around this. Public Health England have been giving out new advice this morning. What have they Prime Minister . Last night, he was been saying . The growing numbers of cases in europe has prompted some schmoozing party donors at a very new trouble advice. Those who have expensive black tie ball instead of getting out there and supporting the been to the northern towns in italy people who are suffering because of the floods. This government needs to that are in lockdown are being told step up to the plate and invest in to self isolate even if they have defences and ensure there is real not shown symptoms, other parts of northern italy should look out for insurance for people whose homes are the symptoms. The cases in italy being ruined by these floods as we seem to have spread to other parts speak. Mr speaker, the right of europe. Austria, switzerland, honourable gentleman asks what this croatia. Now we hear greece have had government has been doing in the last few days. Let me tell you, not their first cases. In tenerife there only have we been investing isa their first cases. In tenerife there is a hotel in lockdown. The first massively in flood defences and compensating those who suffered from guests there to test positive was an flooding, but weve been stopping italian citizen. There are no other the Early Release of terrorists, we cases there. Full crossword from restore the nurses bursary and we are beginning work on 40 new Public Health england has been explaining this morning what people hospitals and recruiting 20,000 more should be doing. Everyone will make Police Officers and we can do that, mr speaker, because we have a strong their own decisions about where to and dynamic economy with employment travel in what circumstances. The advice about trouble is not to avoid at record highs, unemployment down to the lowest levels since the early travel to northern italy, there are 19705, to the lowest levels since the early 1970s, wages going up, home 11 specific towns that you wouldnt be able to travel to anyway. But if ownership going up, and what do they you have got a specific illness that are still what do they do . They makes you more worried you may want to think about that and talk that are still what do they do . They are still what do they do . They are stilljabbering away. Through with friends and relatives, are still what do they do . They are still jabbering awaylj are still what do they do . They are stilljabbering away. I think we will have a little more silence on but we are not putting advice out to say dont trouble to italy. How much the second back row. Quite right, mr speaker. Jabbering away because they cannot decide whether they want to is emerging about the virus and how be in the European Union and the it spreads, what sort of contact you hottest topic of debate in the needin it spreads, what sort of contact you need in order to possibly pick it labour party is whatjob should the 7 right honourable gentleman have in need in order to possibly pick it t need in order to possibly pick it up . It is an infectious disease. It the shadow cabinet after the is reported it can live on surfaces leadership election. Mr speaker, for over 2a hours. But health they are engaging themselves in experts say the significant risk is narcissistic debate about the labour if you have close contact with party. We are getting on in someone infected and they do find that as spending more than 15 delivering on the peoples minutes within two metres of that priorities. The Prime Minister will individual. They say it is only those cases, that is how they have be aware of the concern in settled been Contact Tracing people and checking to see if anyone who has Rural Communities such as those in had checking to see if anyone who has ha d co nta ct checking to see if anyone who has had contact then develops the virus but we have to remember in the uk North East Hertfordshire because of there has been 13 cases and all have intentional, unauthorised development of traveller sites. This been brought over from leads to large numbers of lorries, there has been 13 cases and all have been brought overfrom china or other asian countries. There has been no human to human transmission large numbers of caravans coming in the uk. In our Contact Tracing onto land where there is no planning permission and then subsequently the people who have returned to the with ignoring of enforcement when the coronavirus, groups we are local authority tries to intervene. Interested in are people who have the government has said that it will beenin bring forward measures to try and interested in are people who have been in both face to face contact with somebody who has got the tackle these planning issues, so infection for at least 15 minutes, will the Prime Minister put his or somebody who has been within two authority behind this and get it sorted out . Mr speaker, i take that metres of that person for 15 minutes or longer, so that does suggest that it is actually very close contact issue very seriously and i thank my that puts you at risk, notjust right honourable friend for raising it. We are giving local authorities being somewhere within the same more powers to reject intentional, environmental somebody, sol unauthorised development and we will being somewhere within the same environmental somebody, so i hope that helps to answer the question. Be consulting on the details of it is close contact with somebody with the infection that puts you at those proposals in a forthcoming white paper and i hope that he will risk, notjust being in the same contribute to those consultations. Area or the same room for a short period of time. Its always worth thank you, mr speaker. This week we going over again, what are the learned that 40 of Small Businesses symptoms that people need to look out for . They are very much like in scotland employ more than one eu flu, a high temperature, a cough, national. Mr speaker, immigration is crucial for scotlands economy. So some people will develop a shortness of breath. If you have been to one its no wonder that the scottish of breath. If you have been to one of the at risk countries in asia or government proposals for a scottish now italy the nhs advice is to phone visa system have been universally welcomed by businesses and charities nhs 111, not now italy the nhs advice is to phone nhs111, not to go into hospital alike. Even the scottish tories because i dont want to spread it think its a good idea. The prime further, foam 111 and you will be offered testing and if you are bound minister rejected these proposals within a few short hours. Does he to have the virus you will be offered treatment. At the moment now admit that this was a mistake . Patients go into one of five specialist respiratory centres across the uk. The health mr speaker, it was not only ie who authorities have also extended rejected the proposal but of course the Migration Advisory Committee and testing this week. They are now that it looking to test hospital patients the Migration Advisory Committee and thatitis the Migration Advisory Committee and that it is because we are bringing forward a very sensible proposal that the people of this country have and 100 gp practices but that is to long desired whereby we take back find out if it is circulating in the control of our immigration system with a points based system and we community and this is what paul has said about this. There are three will ensure it, because the right symptoms we talk about, coughing, honourable gentleman has important concerns to raise, we will ensure fever and shortness of breath. If that every where in this country, you have been in any of the countries of concern and that all businesses, agricultural includes northern italy, the line it sectors, fishing communities will be able to access the labour and the but not including pisa, florence and workforce that they need under our rimini, you need to, if you have points based system. But what will be the height of insanity would be come back from one of those to proceed with the snps solution countries of concern, you have got one of the symptoms and you have ofa to proceed with the snps solution of a boarder at berwick between england and scotland. Beenin one of the symptoms and you have been in that country in the last 14 days, then you need to telephone nhs 0nce once again, the Prime Minister shows 111. Days, then you need to telephone nhs 111. That then leads you to somebody he is utterly delusional. Lets look to talk through with you, where you have been, what the symptoms are and at the reality. Scottish care has deciding whether you need to be said that the Prime Ministers further assessed and tested. Thank damaging immigration plans shuts the door on enabling people to be cared you. Say goodbye to viewers watching on bbc two. Bye bye. Picking up again for in their own home. The general secretary of the gmb union says the on what you are saying there about plans could genuinely tip businesses increased testing here to check whether the spread is effectively over the edge. Scotlands National Farmers union has said evidence has being picked up, we are being told been disregarded by the uk there is no human to human transmission here so far, but we government and the scottish tourism cant be sure, is that the case . We alliance say their plans will have cant be sure, is that the case . We devastating impact for the scottish cant be sure and we hear a lot workforce. We know, mr speaker, that about the official reports of cases seniorfigures in the uk government across the world, but the suspicion is it is much higher than that have said what the scottish because some patients will show very parliament decides, and i quote, little symptoms, maybe even no symptoms, may mistake it for a doesnt matter one jot. If the prime common cold. That is why they are minister thinks the Scottish Parliament doesnt matter, do using 100 gp practices tojust common cold. That is why they are using 100 gp practices to just test some of the patients who are coming scottish businesses matter, prime through the door to find out if it minister . Is actually circulating and we are of course scottish businesses matter just unaware of it. Obviously there and the way to do well by scottish is concern now without breaks in businesses would not be to tax them europe that it is going to spread with the highest tax rates in the and the Health Authorities want to be on top of that is as it happens. Uk. It would be to have an we have just had confirmation through from reuters that a 12 educational system that doesnt leave scottish children languishing person has died in italy from behind through no fault of their own. Mr speaker, this government coronavirus to stop wires northern italy such a hotspot . It is unclear. Will get on and deliver a working immigration system for the whole of italy such a hotspot . It is unclear. Italy actually stopped all flights this country and, i may say from mainland china, which goes to respectfully to the right honourable show it is very hard with the nature gentleman who shouts at me from a of Global Travel to contain this sedentary position, that he once virus. But one of the issues is the again would be better off getting on with delivering for the people of containment strategies that are being used in the uk and the rest of scotla nd with delivering for the people of scotland rather than continuing with europe rely on cases being his ceaseless and vain quest to identified quickly and then tracing the contact of those patients and break up the United Kingdom, because he will not succeed. Laura trott. All you have to do is miss a couple of patients and it starts spreading and after a few days you could have this government is delivering for significant outbreaks like they have had in italy. Thank you very much, the people, so im sure the prime nick. Plenty of Information Online minister shares my concerns about the delay in the delivery of the maidstone east line which runs through my constituency and others. Step. The italian outbreak has will the Prime Minister intervened to ensure there are no further also had an impact here, with several schools in england delays in this vital railway line . And Northern Ireland advising staff and students to stay at home after returning from ski trips in northern italy. Mr speaker, i thank my honourable four schools have completely shut their doors for whats been described as a deep friend for rightly raising the issue of rail connections with maidstone clean after pupils returned from the affected areas. One of those closed schools east and the city and i can tell her is Trinity Catholic college in middlesbrough, where a small number of pupils and staff began that, in addition to the 48 billion we are putting into the railways my showing mild flu like symptoms. Hugh heggerty is the ceo right honourable friend the of the schools trust. Transport secretary has just indicated to me, those connections we are very much working on the are his highest priority. Graham was unknown. Public health did contact, born with cerebral palsy, unable to andi unknown. Public health did contact, and i made the decision to close the school yesterday afternoon. They talk, walk orfeed himself. He broughtjoy talk, walk orfeed himself. He brought joy and love talk, walk orfeed himself. He broughtjoy and love to all who knew said you dont have to. That was the him. Lastly, one of the Prime Ministers advisors were assigned when a basic check of their internet history revealed they had promoted guidance but there has been conflicting messages. As you will eugenicist policies, the sort that would have ended my brother grahams see over the last 24 hours, the life before it began. So can i ask profile of this story has increased the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to advise the house and significantly. Last evening on the every disabled person in this island bbc for the first time i believe why Andrew Sabisky remained at the heart of his government and was not that the general public was made removed from the position aware of whats up isolation actually means. So, due to the risk immediately when the aberrant review that i perceived i made the decision back the late views became apparent. Lets be absolutely clear that i that i perceived i made the decision that it was in the best interests of dont share those views and they are not the views of anyone in this our community, of our children, to close the school. It is an government and that individual no longer works from the government. Ever changing picture and the information, the guidance we have does the Prime Minister agree that been given to diameter will be through the establishment for the contradictory to what we are given office of environmental protection, yesterday, so i had to make the which will hold this government and decision and i put the welfare and future governments to their the health of our children first. Environmental commitments, it is the conservatives driving the more detail can be true about that environmental agenda and will he first confirmed case of coronavirus join me in commending the conservative led Solihull Council to in greece. According to greek media, be Carbon Neutral by 2030 . Of a 38 year old woman in thessalonica course, it brings me greatjoy to in northern greece who has been diagnosed positive. She had returned congratulate solihull borough from a trip to northern italy and council on their path breaking leadership. Of course, they are has mild symptoms. We will be following in the footsteps of the including your questions on National Government and the right coronavirus in a special edition of honourable lady from maidenhead, who led the way in setting a carbon zero your questions answered on afternoon live today. Send us your questions on the Health Target by 2050. This conservative advice being given out in the uk government is going to lead our and also about travelling and coming country, our environment, in a back from affected areas abroad. Anything you want to know about better state for the next coronavirus, we will try to get generation. I have a pregnant a nswe rs coronavirus, we will try to get a nswers for coronavirus, we will try to get answers for you on the bbc news channel just after 2 30pm. Send constituent with her due date in the answers for you on the bbc news channeljust after 2 30pm. Send your questions and on twitter. 0r e mail next couple of weeks. She is currently on universal credit and, your questions. After deductions, including an advance, she is left with the grand an update on our headlines. For sum of £111 a month to feed herself, to heat her home and to prepare for cases of coronavirus are now linked toa her child. I know the Prime Minister cases of coronavirus are now linked to a hotel in tenerife. Up to a will likely want more details about thousand holiday makers remain in this case and i will be happy to lockdown. Here at least 11 schools help, but i want to ask him, in have sent pupils and staff home principle, as the Prime Minister, after they returned from visiting northern italy over half term. Does he think that £111 a month is nearly 200,000 patients in england enough for anyone to live on . Well, waited more than four hours on trolleys after being admitted to a e mr speaker, i in december and january. In sport, enough for anyone to live on . Well, mrspeaker, iam enough for anyone to live on . Well, mr speaker, i am of course very happy indeed to look at the case and to do whatever we can to help with england thrashed thailand at the the individual case but i must say womens t20 world cup by 98 runs to to her that, in the round, universal pick up their first win. The Island Health minister is meeting today credit has helped and is helping with irish rugby officials after calling on their six nations match 200,000 people into work. There is at home to italy to be postponed an estimated 1 million disabled during to the coronavirus. And households who will get around £100 Anthony Watson is back in the england fold after missing the first more per month as a result of three games of the six nations without a problem. Wilson also universal credit and i am proud to stand by our record of helping returns from injury. More at people into work and off welfare 11 30pm. 11 30am. But, as i said to her before, i am more than happy to look at the case and the answer to her question, in a word, is no. Mr speaker, does my water has started to pour over flood defences in bewdley in worcestershire, as the river severn reaches record levels. Right honourable friend agree with this footage from last night shows me that the people of mansfield, water going over the top who, like many millions across the of the flood barriers. People were evacuated from their country previously voted labour but homes just before midnight. Now put their faith in a and this is aerial footage of the the town this morning conservative government, are not in and gives you a clear picture fa ct conservative government, are not in fact traitors as they have been of whats happened. Two severe danger to life flood branded by members of the Party Opposite this week, but in fact this warnings are in place in shropshire government and members on the side for the river severn of the house respect these at shrewsbury and ironbridge. Hard working people of the house respect these ha rd working people and of the house respect these hard working people and communities, respect their choices and we will be almost 200,000 patients in england waited more than four hours delivering for them . Im not going on trolleys in a e over the last two months, because of a shortage to comment on the vituperation that is meted out by the Party Opposite of beds, according to bbc research. But what i will say is that all voters should be treated with it means this winter was officially the worst for the nhs in a generation. Respect and with humility, and i the Royal College of nursing congratulate him on the hard work hes doing for the people of says its members are now under intolerable pressure. Mansfield. £10 million for a heres our health college, £10 million for road correspondent nick triggle. Improvements, £5 million for so, where does it hurt . Proactive long screenings and up to ijust feel dazed. £20 million for a new turn tail and ethel has come to hospital after a fall. I didnt think id get to 102. Future high street funding. In my view, the people of mansfield are well served by my honourable friend. With an ageing population, demands on hospitals are rising. Mr speaker, like many other many who come to a e need to be admitted for further treatment. Subpostmaster is, my constituent the bbc has been looking chris victim to the post office at the delays these frail and seriously ill patients faced horizon it system scandal. These during december and january. Errors resulted in bankruptcy, nearly one in four patients had imprisonment and even suicides. Will to wait over four hours for a bed. The Prime Minister today is sure that amounted to 199,000 trolley chris and others that he will commit to launching an independent inquiry . Waits in corridors and side rooms. Thats more than double the number mr speaker, i seen four winters ago. To launching an independent inquiry . Mrspeaker, iam to launching an independent inquiry . Mr speaker, iam indeed to launching an independent inquiry . Mr speaker, i am indeed aware of the and a growing number of patients scandal to which she alludes and the experience delays before they were even seen disaster that has befallen many post one in seven arriving by ambulance waited over 30 minutes before Office Workers and i am happy, i being handed over to hospital staff. Have met some myself, i am happy to similar pressures are being reported commit to getting to the bottom of the matter in the way that she in other parts of the uk. 93 year old kate milsom was taken recommends. If you live in one of to londons Hillingdon Hospital after a fall. The rural villages in my she spent six hours on a trolley. Constituency, it can take a whole i was in the corridor, day to travel to and from a hospital in pain, and you cant appointment because bus services are think of anything else. So few and far between. As a fellow just wondering what was going to happen. Bus enthusiast, will my right and i thought, ive honourable friend assure me that broken this hip before, some of the £5 billion in the i thought, oh, my god, pipeline for bus services will go what have i done this time . The hospital said. Towards improving roots in penistone and stockbridge . My honourable friend is absolutely right about the we regret that any of our patients is asked to wait a long time. Vital importance of buses and their our staff ensure this delay is kept to an absolute minimum. Transformative power, caroline straiton is vital importance of buses and their tra nsformative power, but vital importance of buses and their transformative power, but as for the detail about what will happen in a new type of nurse aimed penistone and stockbridge, she will at helping hospitals cope. Have to await the Upcoming National she looks after patients who end up bus strategy, which will be along waiting in corridors. I am here to ensure Patient Safety very shortly. Mr speaker, before the from the time they arrive to hospital and until the time they are seen by the doctor. Last successful Climate Change talks im able to observe these patients in 2015 in paris, i led the british and prioritise them and make doctors preparations, including delegations aware that i think these patients should be seen quicker at the three preceding un climate than what they would normally be talks. Global action on climate if they were left out change only happens when the host in the corridorfor any length of time. Nation engages with the wells a Royal College of nursing survey suggests these largest nations in advance at the are commonly used now, with nine in ten emergency nurses in england reporting it highest political level. So as the exists where they work. Host of the 2020 climate talks, will nhs england says its investing the Prime Minister today publicly extra money to help recruit commit himself to meeting president staff and cut waits, but in the meantime, patients xi of china, Prime Minister modi of are likely to face continued delays. India and us President Trump, secure nick triggle, bbc news. For the glasgow talks Global Action on the Climate Emergency . 0ur news correspondentjenny walrond for the glasgow talks Global Action on the Climate Emergency . I am grateful to the right honourable is at the Royal Cornwall gentleman, i can tell him and tell the house that, of course, i have hospital in truro for us jenny, have those nationalfigures already engaged just last week with been reflected where you are . President xi of china and repeatedly with president modi, Prime Minister modi of india and already, of absolutely. This is a Hospital Trust course, on the subject with that has made no secret this winter President Trump but there will be an intensifying drumbeat of activity in of how busy it has been. It has said the run up to glasgow. Quite publicly that people who turn up quite publicly that people who turn up at a e with a minor condition or injury will be sent somewhere more intensifying drumbeat of activity in the runup to glasgow. You will no appropriate for treatment, whether doubt remember the conversations we it isa appropriate for treatment, whether it is a minor injury unit, a had outlining the plans for global pharmacy or a gp. They say that has britain. I welcome very much what he been very successful because it has has been saying about the defence reduced the number of people turning review that is now planned and his up. That is important because a e is priority on having a strategy for a really the pinch point in the system Foreign Policy led review. Will he when there is pressure across the please make a statement to this whole health and social care board house so the views of this house can system. And that has been backed up be heard, bringing together trade, by those statistics, one in seven people this winter, one in seven aid, defence, Foreign Affairs and, of course, defence. I can of course ambulance waiting more than half an hour to hand over patients. One in give that commitment when the moment is right, mr speaker. The prime four people waiting for four hours or more to be admitted to their bed. Minister has a laundry list of climate promises, no doubt he will of course behind those statistics read them out shortly, but he cant are very poorly patients and staff caring for them in crowded escape the fact that net 01 to be hospitals. Today the Royal College reached until 2099 on current rate of nursing has said that that term, of progress net zero will not be corridor nursing, has become reached. Let alone the 2030 we normalised, that many of its members face that on a daily basis, that it probably need. Even jp reached. Let alone the 2030 we probably need. Evean morgan says human life as we know it is under is intolerable for both patients and threat. He cant be a climate staff, compromising safety, privacy and dignity. In response nhs england denier, can he . So when will he take has said that 10,500 more people are Climate Crisis seriously . Mr turning up to a e every day than five years ago and that staff have speaker, these arent promises, these are what we have already done really pulled out the stops to and it is thanks to conservative deliver high quality care and action on Climate Change that we improve performance despite added challenges about those extra people have reduced c02 output by 43 on and flew and the stomach bug 1990 levels since 2010 and the norovirus. It says these statistics economy has grown by 73 . 99 of all highlight the importance of government plans to increase nurses, of the solar panels installed in expand facilities and find a this country have happened under long Term Solution to social care. Thank you. This country have happened under this conservative government and, let me tell you, in 1990, this joining me now is helen mckenna, senior fellow at the kings fund, a think tank specialising country was 70 dependent on coal, in health care policy. Why is it so bad . That is an todayit country was 70 dependent on coal, today it is 3 and they reopened the extraordinary statistic, 10,500 more coal mines. John downie, the ira people going to a e every day in terrorist responsible for the hyde england. Yes, hi. The data out today park bombing in 1982 which killed 11 soldiers, received a letter of shows just how much pressure comfort from the government and his trial collapsed. Corporal searching services are under and it is having a real impact on the quality of care is received a letter in 1974 saying for patients and the ability to he would not be prosecuted in access services. In terms of why is connection with a shooting incident in Northern Ireland. He was then it so bad, demand has been going up investigated again in 2011 and told there was no further grounds for taking any further action. Does the for services so there is mismatch between demand and supply. The Prime Minister accept that if dennis volume of patients needing treatment hutchings goes to trial in march, is increasing and at the same time all of the assurance, the promises, the amount of staff and resources the manifesto commitment, will that need to treat the patients amount to nothing more than meaningless, empty platitudes . Hasnt been going up in terms of what is needed to make that demand. Rectify matters such as the one to there are shortages. That brings me which he draws the houses attention, this government is finally bringing in a law to prevent onto my next point, there is a the vexatious prosecution of our workforce crisis in the nhs, over hard working, hard 100,000 staff vacancies currently in the vexatious prosecution of our ha rd working, hard serving the vexatious prosecution of our hard working, hard serving veterans when no new evidence has been nhs hospitals and Community Services produced. Mr speaker, yesterdays and that makes it really hard to deliver the care needed, but also press showed the widening health there is a final point which as we inequalities between the richest and the poorest. The money promised to are focusing on hospitals today, epsom is entirely a trust could have hospitals are one part of a wider addressed that issue in my area, but system and part of the problem here instead, the nhs are removing is general practice, primary care, services from the poorest areas and Community Services, social care, they have all been under pressure sending them to leafy belmont, with the longest Life Expectancy. St and are not seeing some of the funding needed and in order to helier hospital will become a address some of what is going on in glorified walk in centre, no a e, no hospitals we need to see those other services outside of hospital, maternity, no childrens services, general practice and social care are 62 of beds are gone. Will the prime stabilised, so that these problems in hospitals considered to be minister reassured me that he will look at this, to show that much managed. We are talking about coronavirus and the possibility of doesnt always have to get more . Mr it starting to spread more widely in the community, can be nhs cup of that happens . At the moment the nhs speaker, in addition to the 40 new hospitals that we are building. Is coping really well and managing a small number of cases that we have in this country. I think there is an yes. Part of the 33 billion initial issue with it the coronavirus problem escalates here, we would investment, the record investment we are making into the nhs, i can tell have concerns about is there enough her that epsom and st helier workforce in place to deal with increased demand that might end up University Hospitals nhs trust will receive £500 million to redevelop coming through the doors and to demand that is needed to treat its estate and world class facilities on that site. Mr speaker, patients. But at the minute it is coping really well. In the past it has dealt with these kinds of cases like sars, it is well practised in will the Prime Minister promised to resist in all circumstances the sell out of our fishing communities, terms of Emergency Planning and so that we can ensure that, on the protocols, so we would say people dont need to panic at this stage. 1st of january next year, we take budget is coming up on the 11th of back control of our fishing waters march, what would you like to see . And become an independent coastal there has not been much in terms of state once again . I will indeed, mr any sense of what might come through speaker, and i hope her words were and the budget for social care and the nhs. The nhs had a new funding listened to very carefully by the members of the Scottish National deal under the previous prime party, because it is they who would minister theresa may and that will hand back control of our fishing to certainly help, but other services brussels. Mr speaker, there are arent covered by that deal that was for the kind of nhs england budget families and businesses in my only, so we would like to see constituency who have been left devastated after storm dennis tore additionalfunding in only, so we would like to see additional funding in particular for social care, which really is very through their properties. The strength of our union is based on stressed at the moment on its knees sharing resources in peoples time and needs extra capacity. Also of need blood, so far, not a penny additionalfunding for announced by the uk government would and needs extra capacity. Also additional funding for Public Health and education and training budgets which are so much needed to deal benefit wales, where the cost of with some of the workforce crisis repair is going into hundreds of the nhs is currently expressing. Millions of pounds. The Prime Minister talks the talk on the union helen mckenna, thank you. But will he today commit a cast iron guarantee that he will provide a the grammy Award Winning singer major new funding that wales needs duffy has revealed she was drugged and raped after being held captive to recover from these floods . The by an attacker. The 35 year old welsh star posted on her Instagram Account honourable gentleman is quite right to raise the issue of flooding in that her recovery took time. Wales, where of course it is a the performer had a uk number one single mercy in 2008 and a multi devolved matter but nonetheless, platinum album, rockferry. This government is committed to that came out the following year. Working flat out with the welsh her second album came out devolved administration to ensure in 2010 and she hasnt that everybody gets the flood relief released another one since. That everybody gets the flood relief that they need and pat cash, yes, of in the post she said shes not entirely sure why course, it certainly will be now is the right time, passport it through. Mr speaker, and what it is that feels exciting dudley is set to remove £25 million and liberating for me to talk. Investment via the governments she then told fans that the truth accou nts is, and please trust me, i am 0k and safe now, investment via the governments accounts fund, so we are looking to i was raped and drugged and held ca ptive over some days. Use this money to secure a she went on to say that in the last University Campus near the town decade she committed to wanting centre. Will the Prime Minister lent to feel the sunshine his support for the scheme, in order in her heart again. To level up generate greater addressing why she hadnt released any new music she wrote, opportunity for dudley people and i asked myself, how can i sing the greater Black Country . |j from the heart if it is broken . Opportunity for dudley people and the greater Black Country . I thank and slowly it unbroke. My honourable friend for what he is doing to champion dudley and the lets speak to our entertainment Black Country and i will certainly look at what i can do, to be there correspondent colin patterson. This is extraordinary, isnt it . She in person, is that what he is asking has put this out on her instagram. For . Be careful what you wish for. To be there in person, to support how much clarity is there around what she is saying has happened what sounds like an excellent scheme. As we have seen today, here . Absolutely shocking when it emerged on her instagram feed, or are authorised one, last night, just after six oclock in the evening. It religious intolerance in india is on the rise, with anti muslim was such a surprise. She says in the citizenship laws and christians instagram post, i know many of you have been wondering where i have subject to brutal beatings, so will been for the last decade, and it is the Prime Minister meet with me and a question journalists have been for the last decade, and it is a questionjournalists have asked in the past, what happened to duffy . A representative from christian she was absolutely enormous when she solidarity worldwide to seek india arrived on the scene in 2008. Her upholding religious freedom . Debut album came out the same year as adele. He was much bigger than solidarity worldwide to seek india upholding religious freedom . The honourable gentleman raises an absolutely crucial issue which im adele at the time. The 2009 brit awards, i was there, she became the particularly concerned to defend and first person ever to win three brit advance myself and that is why i was awards in one night. Now with this very pleased to appoint my honourable friend the member for posting, so many things have been chillingham and raynham to be our answered, but there are still so special envoy for freedom and many questions. When did this incident that she is talking about religious belief and to protect happen . She gives no actual timeframe although she does refer to those of the Christian Faith in india and indeed around the world. I having tried to recover over the am more than happy to meet the last decade. It does sound like it honourable gentleman. The prime happened in the past. As to what is going to happen in the future, she said she will be posting an minister will know the appalling misery the residents of shrewsbury interview that she is going to do in are facing with the deluge of floods which she will try to answer affecting the town. I am very pleased the minister for flooding, questions. See almost encourages fa ns to the honourable member for taunton questions. See almost encourages fans to send questions to her and she will then address them in deane, is visiting shrewsbury interview she says will be posted in tomorrow, doing an excellentjob, the next few weeks. It sounds like but will the Prime Minister ensure she has had a long time for that the proposals put forward to reflection and dealing with government for a more holistic approach to managing the river something that was clearly very severn are looked upon seriously dramatic. Why has she decided to because shrewsbury cannot continue speak now . You mention she had to suffer this level of economic spoken to a journalist that summer and it seems she found that quite damage with repeated floods. Mr cathartic. To things of interest as speaker, my honourable friend is to why she has done it now, she absolutely right to raise the spoke to a journalist last summer concerns of the people of shrewsbury who approached her on that subject ina way concerns of the people of shrewsbury in a way that he does and everybody of where are you, can i do an can see how serious the problem is interview, and she says speaking to now with the river severn and i will a stranger was something and being able to share her story was an ensure that the department of the experience she found amazing. That environment, working with the interview with the journalist was of the record and will not be the one environment agency, takes necessary steps. Sir michael marmots that appears. But she is going to do this posted one. The other thing is devastating findings outlined the when duffy posted on instagram, she deletes her previous posts so he did impacta devastating findings outlined the impact a decade of cuts have had on a constituency like mine in one last december with the hashtag gateshead. Since 2010, gateshead 2020 so everyone was thinking she would bring out music in 2020, her councils spending power has been cut in real terms by around 50 , post two days ago is very revealing, it was following the harvey £160 million per year. Our local Weinstein Verdict and in this she safety net has been removed. What said on instagram, it has been screen grabbed on a fansite, we does the Prime Minister intend to do asa does the Prime Minister intend to do as a matter of urgency to remove the dont100 know the verification but startling worsening health life they have screen grab of a post believed to be from two days ago in expectancy inequality between north and south, rich and poor, so people which duffy said, today is a breakthrough for women who have in the poorest areas of my encountered sexual violence, thank constituency can expect to live as you, justice system, thank you, healthily and as long as those in the most affluent areas of his heroines, so it does feel like her constituency . Mr speaker, i have the timing isa heroines, so it does feel like her timing is a direct response to what has gone on in the states with highest respect for professor marmot Harvey Weinstein and the verdict in and did a lot of work with him in new york. Thank you. London and we are doing a huge amount to reduce Health Inequalities now, prince harry has said that the and inequalities in Life Expectancy, but there is more to be done and i do not deny it. That is why this growth of tourism is threatening to government is absolutely committed to uniting and levelling up across damage the most beautiful places. He our country, with the biggest ever investment in the nhs, with massive has to be introduced just as harry investments in education and, of ahead of his speech. Time for a look course, in early years provision and i make absolutely no apology for the at the weather with simon king. Campaignfor i make absolutely no apology for the campaign for levelling up that we are about to undertake. Ijust repeat my point to the house, there is anyone way we can fund this and thanks we have had some wintry achieve this and that is to have a showers so far this morning. If you go to the hills we can see some strong and dynamic economy. I would sleet and snow. We will continue rather have a country and a society where we believed in hope and with some wintry showers into the opportunity and the importance of work, rather than welfare and afternoon. 0ne with some wintry showers into the afternoon. One or two of them reaching eastern and south eastern benefits and that is our approach. Areas but plenty of dry and bright weather to be found out there. Especially as the showers are becoming a bit fewer and further order. I have granted leave to the between. Six to eight or nine right honourable member for bromsgrove to make a personal celsius. It will be a fine end to statement following his resignation the day for many, but as we go from government. I remind the house through the night we will see some that there can be no debate rain moving on from the west. Much arising. Of this will be rain, but going into the early part of thursday, as we start to see a bit of right here in the graphics, snow likely for some as we go into thursday morning. It could be quite a bit over the hills but may cause a bit of excitement first thing tomorrow morning. It will clear away to the south east to leave us with some sunny spells into the afternoon. Bye for now. I will also continue to champion the hello this is bbc newsroom live. The headlines. Causes that i believe in most, four cases of coronavirus are now albeit from outside the government. Linked to a hotel in tenerife. Up to 1,000 holiday makers i confess that i had hoped to have a little longer to make a difference remain in lockdown. From the inside. Well thanks for we are not advising a ban your permission to speak, mr on travel to the canary speaker, i thought it would be islands or to tenerife, but of course, what we do know, appropriate to briefly explain is that although the risk of getting first, to the house why i felt that severe complications from this virus are much lower for children and for healthy adults, for older people i had to resign as chancellor of the and people with serious underlying exchequer. I would also like to take illness, they are more at risk. This opportunity to thank all those collea g u es this opportunity to thank all those colleagues in this chamber and beyond for their messages of thanks here, at least 11 schools have sent pupils and staff home in the last two weeks. I want to after they returned from visiting ta ke in the last two weeks. I want to take the opportunity, too, to think northern italy over half term. That my family for their love and patience over the last few years. I nearly 200,000 patients in england waited more came into politics, mr speaker, to than four hours on trolleys after being admitted to a e give Something Back to the country in december and january. That has given me so much. And while flood defences are breached in worcestershire, as the river severn ido that has given me so much. And while i do not intend this to be my last reaches record levels. Chapter in public life, in whichever form that may take, i am immensely sport now, and for a full round up, from the bbc grateful for the trust and support sport centre, heres ben. Of colleagues in all the roles that i have had. Afterfirst holding two good morning. England are up and running at the womens t20 world cup ministerial positions within the with Heather Knight starring treasury, and then returning as in their victory against thailand. Chancellor, i have had the huge after an opening defeat to south africa, knight smashed herfirst t20 hundred as england made 176 for 2 and then privilege of running four departments. Each taught me more restricted the tournament debutants to just 78 for 7, with Anya Shrubsole than the last. It shaped my claiming three wickets. Knight is the first woman, understanding of government. I can and the first england player, look back and say to myself, very to hit centuries in test, sincerely, that i have never once made a decision, or indeed given one day and t20 internationals. Advice on a decision, that i did not believe was in the last was in really pleasing. Im enjoying being the national interest. Britain has a bit further up the order. Im very an economy is strong because of the pleased and pleased its going to work at a key time for us. Weve got institutions and people. Conservatives especially believe a long way to go in this competition. Another game on a day that no particular personal or so to competition. Another game on a day orso to win competition. Another game on a day government has a monopoly on the or so to win again, so it is important that we take the momentum best ideas. It is through these from today. Checks and balances of credible and england are top of their group, just ahead institutions, be it the treasury, of pakistan, who beat west indies today. The coronavirus has already affected the bank of england, the other tough many sporting fixtures and it could have a major impact budget and responsibility and indeed this house that we arrive at on the six nations. Irelands Health Minister says their match against italy in dublin a week on saturday sensible decisions that are in the should be postponed. Theres a meeting this lunchtime with the irish rfu. National interest. When reflecting italys mens and womens teams on the dynamic between number ten are due to host england in the final round of games a week later. And number11, it on the dynamic between number ten and number 11, it is natural to look scotland womens match in italy on sunday was called off at past relationships. There is no because of the virus. One size that fits. Any model that 0ur rugby correspondent works or doesnt, depends on the chrisjones says any postponements could cause chaos, personalities that are involved, but no decisions have been made yet, just as much as the processes. It over whether the games involving italy will go ahead. Depends on the Mutual Respect and as things stand they are still on trust that allows for constructive, but there are urgent talks taking creative tension between teams. And place this union between the irish it is that creative, that dynamic that it has always been the case union. 0ver place this union between the irish union. Over in italy in two weeks time for the final game of the that it has always been the case that advisers advise, ministers championship, at the moment it is decide, and ministers decide on anyones guess. They are monitoring their advisers. I couldnt see why the situation, as are the rfu. A their advisers. I couldnt see why the treasury, with the vital role precedent for this going way back to that it plays should be the 2001 with the foot and mouth exception to that. I chancellor, outbreak, back then, ireland had to like all cabinet ministers, has to have three of their games we be able to give candid advice to a arranged for the autumn. Rearranging the game throws up so many questions Prime Minister so he is speaking and problems. Truth to power. I believe that the 0n the pitch, england should be able to call arrangement proposed would significantly inhibit that and it upon winger Anthony Watson for their last two games. Would not have been in the national he missed the start of the six nations with a calf injury but has been recalled interest. While i was grateful for to the training squad the continued trust of the prime ahead of their match against wales a week on saturday. Minister in wanting to reappoint me, sale flanker mark wilson also returns. Chelsea boss Frank Lampard has im afraid that these were called on his players play conditions that i could not except with pride in the second leg after being totally outplayed in the first leg of their Champions League last 16 in good conscience. I dont intend tie by bayern munich. Former arsenal winger serge gnabry, who scored four against spurs to dwell on further details and all in the group stages, got another two last night the personalities. The comings and as the german champions won 3 nil. Lampard wants to see character goings if you will. Very good very in the return match. It was a harsh lesson, a reality for the players, of the levels we want to go to. This is Champions League football. We, as a club, i suppose good. My mac much of this commentary havent been fighting in the knockout stages, getting through to the back end of it for some years was good. My mac much of this commentary was gossip and distraction and now it is in the past. I hope the new and the reality of what it takes. Manchester citys appeal against their two year ban minister will be given the chance to from European Competition has been do hisjob without lodged by the court of arbitration minister will be given the chance to do his job without fear or favour, andi do his job without fear or favour, and i know this, mr speaker, that my for sport. Right honourable friend for richmond the ban and a fine were imposed after city is more than capable of rising to were found guilty of breaching footballs financial fair play rules. The challenge. He worked for me as a the process is expected to take several months. Thats all the sport. More at about 12 15pm. Local government minister and as chief secretary and i could not have asked for a better working relationship. Indeed, i had lobbied the pm for him to be given the role of chief secretary and to keep it at more now on our top story governments worldwide are scrambling the recent reshuffle but i did not to prevent the spread get my way on that one. My right of the coronavirus after new cases emerged across europe and the middle east. Honourable friend the Prime Minister iran has had a rapid increase has won a huge mandate to transform in the number of new cases with 44 infections reported across the country in the past 24 hours. Our country, and already, he is off toa our country, and already, he is off to a great start, ending the parliamentary paralysis, defeating the radical left, getting brexit the deputy Health Minister there has tested positive for the coronavirus. Done, a points based immigration the outbreak in around that back system and infrastructure revolution. Our party and government has a huge opportunity and it was pollard and a responsibility ahead. We need a resolute focus on 0ur middle east Business Correspondent sameer hasmi long term outcome delivery, not is in dubai for us now. Short term headlines. The treasury as an institution, as an economic iran is fast becoming a hotspot for ministry, should be the engine that the coronavirus, and the simon drives this agenda. Since last increase in cases there is deeply summer, it has donejust concerning. What is the latest . Drives this agenda. Since last summer, it has done just that, drives this agenda. Since last summer, it has donejust that, from planning properly for brexit, from bringing a structural change for thats right. Until a week ago, we didnt hear of thats right. Until a week ago, we didnt hearofany thats right. Until a week ago, we didnt hear of any cases here in the investment, to long term thinking on middle east, it was only the united Human Capital and designing the arab emirates here that had a few blueprint for levelling up across reported cases. Last week, we found our country. Im incredibly proud of out that iran has some cases of the the scale and speed of their work that has already been done. But the coronavirus and that number has shut treasury must also be allowed to up coronavirus and that number has shut up rapidly over the last few days. Play its role as a finance ministry with the strength and credibility 19 people have died so far. There that it requires. You see, i am a are many reports saying that these are many reports saying that these arejust proud low tax conservative and i are many reports saying that these are just the official figures. The unofficial figures could be are just the official figures. The unofficialfigures could be much a lwa ys proud low tax conservative and i higher. The iranian government has always will be. Already, our tax burden is the highest it has been in been denying that so far. In the 50 yea rs. Burden is the highest it has been in 50 years. Its fair to say that not last three or four days, we have eve ryo ne been saying that the virus has 50 years. Its fair to say that not everyone at the centre of government a lwa ys everyone at the centre of government always feels the pressure to go spread to other countries in the balance the books. It was ever thus. Middle east. There countries are but the treasury has a job to do. It is the only tax planning tax linked to iran. Most of them that have been affected have travelled to cutting ministry. Every other iran and were heading back. Some of department has an in built incentive to seek and spend evermore money, the country is here like kuwait and not that i did that when i ran bahrain have a big sugar and muslim departments of course. But trade offs have to be made population, so they travel to iran somewhere. My right honourable to visit the holy shrines. That is friend for maidenhead is agreeing with that. At a time when we need to what has been seen as the main reason for a sudden surge in the do much more to level up across coronavirus is here in the middle east. It was an extraordinary moment generations, it would not be right to pass the bill for our day to day when there Health Minister appeared ata when there Health Minister appeared consumption to our children and at a press conference and was sweating profusely and then saying grandchildren. Unlike the us, we that he had tested positive for the dont have the fiscal flexibility that comes with a reserve currency. Coronavirus. We can see those pictures in a moment. Youre saying thats why the fiscal rules that we that the cases more widely in the are elected on are critical. To are spreading out for a rat. Why the govern is to choose, and these rules crystallise the choices that are required to keep spending under cluster in iran in the first place . Control, to keep taxes low, to keep if you look at some of the countries here in the middle east outside iran, 0man, kuwait, bahrain, even that were set out in our iraq, they have a significant sheer ma nifesto to that were set out in our manifesto to debt being lower at the population. A lot of them travelled end of our parliament. While i am to iran quite frequently to visit disappointed not to be finishing what i started, i look to the the holy shrines. All of the future, not with apprehension but governments are reporting that all of the cases are those travellers with great optimism. We on these that had been in the last few weeks. Thats why there has been a sudden surge. Ever since there has been a benches have a shot at achieving shopping increasing the number of cases, over the last two or three nothing less than wholesale renewal for our country. A chance to give days we have seen that the government have had suspended eve ryo ne for our country. A chance to give everyone an opportunity to live up flights to iran. Iran has iraq to theirfull everyone an opportunity to live up to their full potential and whatever they wherever they live and has shut down its border with iran. Whatever their background, a chance to put people, place and social justice at the heart of a more human if you talk about dubai, it is an capitalism, and to bring our country important business hub for iran. It together as one nation. Mr speaker, is the link between iran and the i know that this is a shared vision, rest of the middle east. Indeed my andi i know that this is a shared vision, and ifirmly i know that this is a shared vision, it is estimated there are 400,000 and i firmly believe that my right honourable friend the Prime Minister iranians. Thats why we are seeing has the tenacity, energy and the skill to see it through. I want to some dramatic measures announced. Leave the house in no doubt that he bahrain is shut down colleges and has my full confidence, and the government a full support to get it universities for two weeks. Kuwait done. A powerful statement there suspended all public activities and from the former statement former has asked all public sport activities that make they have suspended them for the next two weeks. A number of measures taking chancellor sergey javid. He said from the former statement former chancellor sergeyjavid. He said he would comment on the reason for his place over the last 48 hours. What leaving, that he was told by number impact is having on economy . There ten that he would have to sack his are signs that it will start to have advisers, which is something he said an impact on the economy because if would not be in the national you look at to buy, it is one of the interest. Lets listen to boris Main Transport hubs, not only for johnson. He had friends and admirers the middle east, but between asia and the rest of the world. So when on all sides of this house of the Coronavirus Spread in china, we saw a lot of carriers based in commons. Is the Prime Minister knows, im sure it will be the europe and north america suspending record. Im not going to take any flights to china, and dubai acts as more points of order is because they a hub, the connecting herb. We saw a are coming. A Quick Response from fall in the number of flights and that led to a fall in the number of borisjohnson to sajid footfall, and now because iran has are coming. A Quick Response from become the epicentre of a lot of Boris Johnson to sajid javid. Are coming. A Quick Response from borisjohnson to sajid javid. The chancellor has to give candid advice flights in this region, a lot of to the Prime Minister to have to flights in this region, a lot of flights have been suspended to iran. Speak truth to power and he does not believe that the changes that number we are still waiting for tangible ten wanted to implement were in the national interest. Ministers decide data, but tourism, devise a big and ministers to stay on their tourism hub in this part of the advisers. Matt hancock is giving a world. Last year 100 million chinese statement on the coronavirus. As of visited dubai. There has been such there has been a drop, we havent this morning, the 7132 people in the seen data that has been a sign of uk have been tested for the virus. It. Countries like kuwait, uae, as so far, 13 people in the uk have tested positive, of whom eight now suppliers in china is one of the biggest buyers. In february we saw a have been discharged from hospital. We expect more cases here. As 20 drop in all demand. That could go higher in march once all the data planned, 115 people left supported comes out. I think the real impact isolation at kent hill park in in terms of numbers will know in a few weeks, but clearly there are signs that the economy will take a mental Milton Keynes in february. Hit. Thank you very much. All tested negative for covert 19. On saturday, the people from the the indian Prime Minister princess diamond cruse ship were Narendra Modi has appealed for calm after the capital delhi has suffered repatriated. They will repent main some of the most violent sectarian clashes in decades. In supported isolation. Four of the violence which erupted those tested positive and have been on monday during clashes between supporters and opponents of the new citizenship law has killed at least 21 people, referred to specialist centres. And more than 200 others british tourists are currently being have been wounded. Quarantined in their hotel in the indian chief minister has called tenerife and the home office is in for a curfew in parts of the city contact with them. We have a clear amid the riots. 4 part contact with them. We have a clear 4 pa rt plan to contact with them. We have a clear 4 part plan to respond to the Pratiksha Ghildial has outbreak of this disease. Contain, been following the story delay, research and must it for us from delhi and says litigate. We are taking all the riots came unexpected. Necessary measures to mitigate the risk to the public. Health it has caught the authorities completely by surprise. Prime minister Narendra Modi, information is available at all just in the last hour, or so tweeted appealing for calm and peace, and saying international airports, ports and that he is taking stock of the security situation international airports, ports and International Train stations. We of the officials. Have established and supported isolation facility at heathrow to cater for International Passengers but a lot of criticism of how all this has come a bit too late. Who were tested, and to maximise the of course, this all came potential to free up nhs resources. When the Prime Minister was busy hosting us President Donald Trump over the last two days, which is when this violence the nhs is treated a large number of started unfolding. And a lot of criticism of how this people travelling back from various was not addressed by either countries, the vast number of whom have tested negative. In the last the police or the government few days, we have published guidance authorities much more quickly, and they did not make any attempt for schools, social care, and the social travel industry among others, to quell the violence immediately. If anyone has been in contact with in a moment, well have all the Business News, the suspense with a suspected but first the headlines on bbc news. Four cases of coronavirus are now case in any of the settings there linked to a hotel in tenerife was no need to close the school or up to 1,000 holiday makers remain in lockdown. Send other students and staff home. Here, at least 11 schools have sent pupils and staff home once the results arrive, those who after they returned from visiting test negative will be advised northern italy over half term. Individually about returning to education. In most cases, closure of the child care or education setting nearly 200,000 patients in england waited more than four hours on trolleys will be unnecessary, but this will after being admitted to a e bea will be unnecessary, but this will be a local decision based on various in december and january. Factors including professional advice. Schools should be guided by the advice in the gulf that uk in the Business News. The Drinks Company diageo says website, and contact their regional its earnings are going to be lower, schools commissioner in case of because of coronavirus in china. Queries. In the coming days, we will the firm, which makes drinks roll out a wide information like guiness and Johnny Walker campaign. By the government and the thinks profits could be down by as much as £200 million. Nhs have plans in place for all thats because many bars and restaurants in china are closed eventualities, everyone can play because of the outbreak. Their part. To reiterate, our advice Virgin Galactic says demand is for everyone to take sensible for its space flights is soaring. Almost 8,000 people have precautions, like using tissues and registered their interest in becoming space tourists. Washing hands more. Yesterday, we updated our advice to returning 600 tickets have been sold for the first flights, travellers from northern italy for which happen later this year. Anywhere north of but not including the new chancellor rishi sunak pisa and florence as well as will have to raise taxes if hes to meet promises on spending. Thats according to cambodia, myanmarand the think tank, the ifs. The chancellor is under pisa and florence as well as cambodia, myanmar and vietnam. There contain a lockdown for those pressure to boost spending returning from northern italy and on things like the nhs, but also has to meet targets those from south returning from on reducing government debt. The ifs says the only way to do south korea should self isolate and that is to hike taxes call 111 even if they have no in the coming budget. We all know about the gender symptoms. The world health pay gap, the difference in pay between men organization, g7 and wider and women doing similarjobs. Companies have to publish data on how big that gap is. International. Were coordinating but what about the Ethnicity Pay gap . Effo rts thats the difference international. Were coordinating efforts with international partners. In pay between ethnic minority staff we have at all times been guided by and their white counterparts. The chief medical officer working on the business group, the cbi says the chief medical officer working on the basis of the best possible companies with more than 250 scientific evidence. The public can staff should publish that be assured that we have a clear plan information as well. Joining us now isjosh hardie, to contain, delay, research and mitigate and that we are working Deputy Director general of the cbi. Methods through each step to keep thanks for coming in. How serious, the public safe. The notice of his how big is this Ethnicity Pay gap . It such an important issue because clearly it is an issue of fairness which should be at the forefront of statement. All of those who have been diagnosed with coronavirus, and creating a fairer society. Its also an issue of business success. Its across europe, again, we reiterate our support, and put on record as beyond question that a greater support and thanks to the nhs staff. Diversity of attitude, experience, and to the Health Secretary as well background leads to better decision for the leadership he has shown. Making. Its really important that we ta ke making. Its really important that we take it seriously. There has been countries are simply not ready for a progress but its we take it seriously. There has been pandemic and there has now been progress but its lower than it should be. We have been saying we significant spread of the virus should be. We have been saying we across the european continent, italy should measure it. Some practical in particular but other cases have advice that businesses can take to been identified in switzerland for ta ke advice that businesses can take to take it forward. Im interested in example. This is clearly very serious. Yesterday, there appeared the fact you say it is not to bea serious. Yesterday, there appeared to be a little bit of discrepancy straightforward. The gender pay gap between the travel advice from the is perhaps easier to measure because ceo and himself. What exactly is the gender in most cases is fairly travel advice for those travelling obvious. Somebodys ethnicity can be or seeking to travel to northern tricky to establish cant it . People italy . That would be welcome. We have to self declare, but actually welcome his remarks for the plans measurement can be done. We are for heathrow. Why is that only doing it at the cbi even though we are below 250 people the thing is proposed for heathrow and why ever that businesses are really interested in and how you change the not the same facilities in place numbers, how you shift the dial. There is major airports like its about things that really work. Manchester and so on. He mentions the situation in tenerife. We are leadership, at the top, making a real commitment. About people being all obviously very concerned about it. Could you offer some detail and open and honest about the issue and having some challenging and honest what advice and support is being conversations about the situation offered to british nationals at this which can be quite scary. And then hotel . I note what he says about having some processes to follow on schools and entirely understand what from that whether its in he says about it, but we do have recruitment or whatever. You need a several schools in england and Northern Ireland is shut completely system that is flexible to work for for a deep clean after students and everybody. Sharing that information teachers have returned from skiing amongst businesses will help us to trips. I understand about checking improve the situation, and then measuring it will help us to track releva nt trips. I understand about checking relevant websites and seeking local advice, but has he any advice for and progress. Isnt this a bit like red tape, when we are trying to cut locals schools from the department for education, and if schools have red tape, when we are trying to cut to start shutting, is the government red tape, when we are trying to cut red tape for businesses . It does looking at putting in place require some action, but a lot of this data is available. What were arrangements for schooling provision hearing from businesses across the for those affected. . Could you just uk is that they genuinely care about this issue. And in many cases, you update their house on how many is get what you measure. So measuring can bea get what you measure. So measuring can be a really important part of specialist beds are available across the driving process and businesses the nhs . We know the nhs is under are committed to that. Thank you intense pressure at this time of very much forjoining us. Thats all year. The bbc today is running with the Business News for now. The story about people waiting on trolleys in hospital corridors and so on. The Nuffield Trust has warned video has emerged of a six Year Old Girl being that there is little in the tank to arrested in orlando in florida. The family of the child obtained cope with the coronavirus. At the Police Bodycam footage of the moment the girl escorted from school same time, Public Health england has for misbehaving in class. They released the footage because they wanted to show how the arrest unfolded. The officer whose bodycam captured the ordeal was fired said that 11 hospitals under 100 gp after an internal investigation by the Orlando Police department. Surgeries across the uk that make our come Community Trust and cg ge just a warning you might find is going to fund this work related the following video distressing. To coronavirus from existing baselines or is he recommending the treasury for initial additional come over here. Funds. How much has been drawn from the capital facility for hospitals to develop their quarantine for patients . Can i reiterate in behalf of the opposition, we want to work constructively with the government on this issue. We are broadly supportive of the steps he is taking and hope he understands were trying to be constructive in the questions we are asking. And we continue to thank nhs staff for the work they are doing at this difficult thank nhs staff for the work they are doing at this difficult ijoin with the honourable gentlemen in reiterating our thanks to nhs and Public Health England Staff and others who have been working so hard on this. I want to express my thanks to him and to every member of this house with whom i and my ministers in the department have had dealings in this issue who in each and every case have taken a responsible and proportionate approach. This is not a political matter and a matter of keeping the public safe and everyone has played a part. In case of this virus becoming pun they make there are plans in place, but it is not yet certain that it will become fantastic pandemic, so were still in the stage of hoping to contain the virus by abode here and home while ensuring that plans are in place should that happen. On the specific point of the advice on travel to italy, all but essential travel to italy, all but essential travel is not recommended to the quarantined areas of northern italy, and the advice of those returning from northern italy is very clear. If you are coming back from the quarantined areas please asi self isolate, and if you are coming as i say, the officer that authorise back from the whole of northern that arrest was sacked. In a few italy please self isolate if you have symptoms. I hope that advice is minutes will be led for present very clear and it is also available on the website. On heathrow, we have for Prime Minister time. There has been a lot going on over the past expanded the availability of week or so when it has been reset supported isolation facilities here. Borisjohnson was setting out because, just having arrow park and his brexit plan and the pitch he is the Milton Keynes facility of those going to make to the eu, put his available is not appropriate for individual travellers who we think tough stance. Tory mps might pick up need to be quarantined. At the and that. I suspect mrjohnson may moment those figures are low which is why we only need one facility. We get a bit of flak from the labour benches as to where he has been. We have chosen heathrow because that is havent really seen him for about a their area of the biggest fortnight because he has been throughput. We will roll more out if necessary. He asked about advice to closeted away at chevening, we are told is getting along with schools. We have repeatedly issued government business, but there has been a government business, but there has beenafairamount government business, but there has been a fair amount of criticism that advice to schools which goes from he hasnt been out and about to the areas hit by storms and flooding. The department for education and we issued revised advice to schools his response has been to say he has this morning. Our goal is to try to left it to George Eustis the keep schools open wherever we can, environment minister, and this is so long as that protects the public. All part of borisjohnsons new approach to government. He is not our wider goal is to have the going to appear to be doing minimum disruption. The message that everything, but he is going to leave it to ministers to take care of their individual areas. I would not we do not have a policy of blanket be surprised if we have a few labour closure is to schools is a really folk getting up and asking what he important one, and unless there is has been doing. Jeremy corbyn is specific professional advice, or winding down the clock, isnt he . He u nless only has a month to go before it is specific professional advice, or unless there is or until there is a farewell and goodbye. And we get a positive test, school should stay new labour leader. My best guess is open, follow the advice on the that he will go back to what has website and if they have queries become a fairly familiar theme in pm should contact their regional schools commissioner. He also asked cu es become a fairly familiar theme in pm cues which is something around austerity. I wonder if he might pick about the availability of testing. Up austerity. I wonder if he might pick up on that report we had earlier in we now have testing sites at all a e the week about Life Expectancy and facilities as far as we know across england. Were also planning to health and inequality. There was a introduce home testing, and some of suggestion that Life Expectancy and us have started already, so some of some of the poorer communities in us have started already, so some of us dont have to go to the pad in britain has stalled. Some front of a e which have been put communities it has gone backwards. A there to ensure that people dont go suggestion was that part of that is into a e where they might affect others. Home is the safest place to maybe because of austerity. Perhaps Jeremy Corbyn could use that to be tested because then you dont hammer home his core message on have to go anywhere. That will allow us to roll out to a much louder austerity. Alternatively, he could much larger number of people as pick up on the immigration proposal well. Funding is available from the set up by pretty patel, where there treasury. We have used it so far on has been a lot of criticism on how capitalfunding, treasury. We have used it so far on capital funding, but this obviously low skilled in particular social remains an issue we keep under ca re review. I am expecting to run this low skilled in particular social care work. The bit . As to how it will be possible for care homes to to have around about 1 30pm. Can i recruit sufficient staff. Maybe Jeremy Corbyn could pick up on social care and they are positioned ask whether the roll out of around being able to recruit enough diagnostic Testing Facilities to laboratories in the uk has now been ca re around being able to recruit enough care workers. A few of the ideas of completed and does he have plans to what might crop up, but as always, extend that coverage if there is a anything could happen. There are a need to, if there are a needs to be couple of statements expected after a Wider Application . There has been the questions. The first one will be a Wider Application . There has been a roll out to a wider number of from sajid javid who resigned after laboratories, and we also have plans that we are working throughout the borisjohnson, dominic from sajid javid who resigned after Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings from sajid javid who resigned after borisjohnson, Dominic Cummings said moment for wider commercial you would have to get used you diagnostic testing, and we are will have to get rid of all of your working with around a dozen private advisers and we will tell you there companies to ensure that we get will be. He said he not accepting it. He has a resignation statement roll out that mac and using private in the commons immediately after pm diagnostic testing companies, not least because globally there is a cues. He will probably say how loyal he is and how great brexit is, but search for a by the side of the bed at the same time he is making a statement to and doing it because he testing capability. At the moment wa nts to statement to and doing it because he wants to make a point, the one he all testing is done in the labs. The made in his resignation letter, Health Secretary matt hancock namely that Boris Johnson needs updating their house on the latest made in his resignation letter, namely that borisjohnson needs to be careful who he has around him. In relation to the coronavirus. After that, we get a statement from the Health Secretary on the right now, its time for a weather update. This time last year coronavirus. Maybe we will get some clarity on the degree of confusion on how schools and other public body should respond. A bumper hour ahead i was certainly struggling. It was the warmest february day on record. Then. We hope. 21. 2 celsius at kew gardens. Now its time for a look at the weather with simon king. Certainly a much colder story today, and we have that risk of snow particularly through this evening we have had some wintry showers overnight and tomorrow morning. Some today. 0ver we have had some wintry showers today. Over the atlantic there is an wintry showers around today for the area of low pressure gradually north and west of scotland, and a moving on. That will provide some few for Northern Ireland as well. Low whether over tonight. You can generally, a lot of fine weather and sunshine to get us through the afternoon. A chilly breeze is taking the edge of those temperatures to see the snow line where the snow around average for the time of year. Falls and it doesnt, it is mainly this feature coming into the evening rain toward sea level. We will and overnight brings the increased continue with those wintry showers. Most of those will be of rain and threat of snow. The risk is highest there will be plenty of sunny spells of the most of the m4 across the as we go throughout the afternoon. Brecon beacons and through into the midlands, but possibly as far south maximum temperatures six, eight or as the chilterns as we head into tomorrows shower. A little bit nine celsius. 0vernight tonight we see this area of rain moving its way through. Anyway south of the m4 milder here with some rain, but corridor it will be rain in some thursday mornings rush hour looking places quite heavy. 0ver wales and distinctly wintry. We could see some disruption thanks to the weather. The middle and to eastern parts of this whole system rolls up into the england there will be some snow. Continent quite slowly through the morning, so east anglia and the there could be some of that snow south east a few hours of rain and falling during the rush hour tomorrow morning, sojust possibly some sleet and slow for a falling during the rush hour tomorrow morning, so just be aware time. Much of it well melting of that. A cold night as you can quickly as the snow comes out. A see, and the risk of some ice. A mixture of rain, sleet and snow slightly lighter breeze on thursday. Early in the morning. That will the reason this sky is clear is clear away to the South East End as because of a brief period at high it does there will be some sunshine developing across many hours in pressure because of a brief period at High Pressure High Pressure building. Thursday. Temperatures tomorrow at more rain on the way. As the system about six to nine celsius. As we go bumps into cold air the risk of some into friday, we see a change again, snow across the northern half of the because another system will start to move its way up from the south west. Uk. The rain for lewis is our the ones coming up from the biggest concern though. Friday into south west this time so it will be a saturday as these fronts sweep bit milder. The temperatures will across the uk. It becomes a little start to rise and it could be a bit heavier for bit milder on saturday. It could start to rise and it could be a bit give 25 to 50 millimetres of rain heavierfor some. We are keeping a close eye on that situation. The for some parts. It is not great news rain will move its way north and for some parts. It is not great news for badly flood affected areas. Come east would come at some dry and the weekend, the more persistent bright weather in the north east rain clears with cold air coming in friday. Temperatures starting to rise to double figures in those but it will be peppered with quite a few showers. In the short term it is 00 58 57,972 2147483052 06 14,154 the wintry weather to concentrate 2147483052 06 14,154 4294966103 13 29,430 on. Areas. More rainfall spreading its way eastward on saturday. With north westerly winds starting to develop again, we will lose the milderairand develop again, we will lose the milder air and will come back into this chilly north westerly winds. Late saturday and into sunday, because of that chilly wind, there will could be winter showers to go with that as well. Some snow tomorrow morning, and potentialfor 00 59 23,150 4294966103 13 29,430 rain over the weekend

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