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Coming up we will have more as World Leaders gather in jerusalem coming up we will have more as World Leaders gather injerusalem to mark a 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz. Hello, good morning and welcome to bbc newsroom live. Im annita mcveigh. A second city in china has now been placed in lockdown as authorities tried to contain the spread of coronavirus. A respiratory virus that has now infected at least 600 people and killed 25. It is known to have spread to south korea, japan, thailand and the United States. In an attempt to stop the deadly virus spreading further during the busy Chinese Lunar new year holiday week the ii during the busy Chinese Lunar new year holiday week the 11 Million People in wuhan have been told not to leave the city. And now residents of wang going with a been instructed not to leave. All the pictures on social media show that roads in parts of wuhan have now been closed. They have been sealed off. You can see officials they Wearing Masks. It comes as the World Health Organization is considering whether to declare a Public Health emergency as they have done previously for viruses like ebola, zika and swine flu. This report is from keith doyle. At heathrow last night, a China Southern Airlines Flight direct from wuhan landed. Its one of three weekly direct flights to the uk from the chinese city at the centre of the outbreak. Passengers arriving have been subject to enhanced monitoring, according to the government, but some who arrived last night said they did not notice any checks. Ive been through essentially no screening process, at all. So there was no screening at wuhan, and there was no screening as ive landed. This woman on the same flight said there were checks at wuhan airport. She said they took peoples temperatures, and on the plane, people wore facemasks. This man arriving at heathrow showed a leaflet given to passengers from Public Health england explaining what to do if they feel unwell. Thats one of the measures introduced at heathrow. Planes arriving from the chinese city are taken to an isolated area of terminal 4. On board announcements tell people to inform crew members if they feel unwell, and that information is passed on to Public Health teams which meet each direct flight. These passengers are the last to arrive from wuhan, where all public transport, including flights, have now been stopped. Public Health England says the risk to the uk population is low. The World Health Organization will decide later today if it will declare an international Public Health emergency. Keith doyle, bbc news. What is life like inside wuhan . For more on this i am charmed byjan robert go, a student in the city and unable to leave because of the lockdown. Thank you forjoining us today. How long have you been affected by this lockdown. Obviously it came into force pretty recently but how long have you actually been trying to stay inside and limit the amount of socialising, movement around that you do . I think it is just today and yesterday i was still going around and there is not much problems, to mark days ago i still rode the underground here. Toss two. So you want particularly worried today days ago. Do you feel more concerned now . Not really, because the information that is coming from the information that is coming from the universities is quite updated so every now and then they send us updates what is happening and giving us updates what is happening and giving us information on how to deal with the things. International students, i guess theres not much problem on part. Tell us how it has affected the way you would normally live your life. What impact has it had so far . Well, of course you know that the Chinese Lunar new year is coming so most of the establishment are closing down for the break, the main establishments like the moles, know where you can alternatively go for your meals, also close today malls. The closure of Public Transportation and it limits the mobility of the people, so you can only go to places which are walking distance, and there are few people right now walking the streets, because they know the hazard is just right. Are you still going out and working around in your locality . Now. Iam working around in your locality . Now. I am just staying in my room for the whole day except for lunchtime, and i wasnt able to buy lunchtime, and i wasnt able to buy lunch outside so ijust ordered a delivery. Thank goodness for food delivery. Thank goodness for Food Delivery Services i suppose stop they will probably be doing quite well in a situation like this. You seem well in a situation like this. You seem pretty relaxed in terms of your not too worried about the potential of catching the virus yourself. You are probably fit and healthy. But the people that you know, are they similarly relaxed or are they more concerned . Now, i saw earlier that many people are buying a lot of food in the supermarket. I so saw a lot of bags in the supermarket and the worry is less about the virus, but because of the lockdown, it could affect the food supply, but there we re affect the food supply, but there were assurances that the food supply here in the city would be enough to sustain the people. So you are sitting tight and waiting for further information, do you have a mask . Yes. Have you got it close to hand, can you show us . Yeah, this was the mask provided to us by the university, it is still wrapped, but. If you go out you will wear it . Yes, of course, i have to. Early last night, i think the City Government already required everyone to wear a mask, where you go to public places. How does it feel to know that you cant move around exactly as you would like to or as you normally would do . Obviously you havent been in the situation for very long. But if youre trying to give the sense of feeling like youre under quarantine to our viewers, how would you describe that . As you said, itjust began today at 10am. I havent really felt the anxiety that many people would be expecting, because the city is already locked down and the virus might be spreading faster than expected. Most of us here are taking things one step at a time in the sense that preparations are available and have been made and provisions are being made available to everyone, little by little as supply comes in. On the part of the university where i am, they are trying to ensure that students will not be infected or will be taken ca re of not be infected or will be taken care of and there is no need for us to vary that much, because they will say to at our needs will be provided. But of course the situation of people outside the university would be different. Of course. Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us today. Hopefully that situation will be changing soon and you will be able to move around as normal but for the moment thank you very much. Jan robert go. A student in wuhan itself at the moment. We will have more story for you throughout the day of course. Here a nhs Hospital Trust has apologised for preventable baby deaths after a bbc investigation discovered least seven deaths at the east kent Nhs Foundation trust since 2016. The trust apologised to the pa rents 2016. The trust apologised to the parents and said it has not always provided the right standard of care for every woman and baby. Our social affa i rs for every woman and baby. Our social Affairs Correspondent Michael Buchanan reports. Archie powell was born last february, a twin brother to evelyn but the maternity staff failed to spot that he had group b strep, a potentially serious infection. It took too long to treat him and he died aged four days. Before they were born, we got a double pram and everything, two of everything and stuff and then he come home and he is only one. Archie was born at this hospital in margate. Its run by the east kent Hospital Trust and their investigation has uncovered at least some preventable deaths in recent years due to maternity problems. Seven preventable deaths. There are questions over three deaths from last year including archie powells. In 2017, we identified two more deaths, one of which is currently the subject of an inquest and we discovered the trust accept two deaths in 2016 were also preventable. Becca janes proudly displays her personal tribute to her daughter. Hallie rae died just four days after being born in 2017. Medics didnt realise the baby was in distress and failed to deliver her promptly. If hallie rae had been born earlier, she would be here today. It makes me feel angry that there are so many cases of negligence babies are suffering. The trust told us they recognise they had not always provided the same standard of care for every woman and baby in the hospitals and wholeheartedly apologised. Michael buchanan, bbc news, margate in kent. And i spoke to michael a little earlier and he told me it was the death of Harry Richard that drew focused to care failure is. We became aware of some issues surrounded the care that he was provided with and at the outside of the trust they apologised for the ca re the trust they apologised for the care provided. We looked at the Harry Richford place and began to worry whether there might be other issues with the trust as well. U nfortu nately issues with the trust as well. Unfortunately what we are reporting todayis unfortunately what we are reporting today is the first outcome of what we have discovered and what is depressing about it i will be perfectly honest with you is i have spent years looking at shrewsbury and telford and maternity errors there and perhaps the most depressing thing for me about the whole issue with the east kent is you can find the family in east kent and you have got a corresponding family in the shrewsbury and telford maternity scandal as well, which begs the question what is going on and why across the nhs lesson simply are not being learned. I accept the shrewsbury and telford report hasnt come out yet, but there are some findings that are quite clear as to what went on there and that information, that learning is not being disseminated across the nhs or certainly not in many cases to east kent. So, speaking then of Lessons Learned, hugely important, the debts that you are looking at here in this case from a variety of causes. What lessons has this trust land and then there is the wider question of information being shared more broadly around the nhs. At least three of the deaths we are reporting in east kent were because of ctg, problems with that, the system for monitoring babys problems with that, the system for monitoring ba bys heart problems with that, the system for monitoring babys heart rates, it is complicated and problematic across the country but in 2016 at this trust there were two deaths linked to poor monitoring and analysis of ctg interpretation and again in 2017 as well. What the trust said in relation to that discrete when it is they have completely changed the way they have completely changed the way they interpret babies are traits of they interpret babies are traits of the moment and they believe what they have at the moment is a better system. In terms of other Lessons Learned and the biggest problem the medical director of the trust accepted when he gave evidence in the Harry Richford case that he referred to as there was a cultural problem particularly at Maternity Unit in margate. In 2015 the royal couege unit in margate. In 2015 the Royal College of obstetricians and gynaecologist went into this institution in margate and found essential consultants were out of control. They wouldnt do labour rams or review notes or coming when they were on call, they wouldnt have do care notes, referring to three orfour have do care notes, referring to three or four consultants at that particular unit full stop stop felt there was no management of these co nsulta nts. There was no management of these consultants. Staff felt there was no point in raising concerns of this trust because nothing would be done and the medical director and the evidence he gave in the Harry Richford case said that what they we re richford case said that what they were dealing with the market in particular was a cultural problem and that can take years to sort out. The trust say theyre working at the moment and hiring new staff, different strap, but i think youre seeing perhaps the consequences of that dysfunctional unit in margate reading through now. That was Michael Buchanan or social Affairs Correspondent. Some breaking news to bring you about the Chinese Company huawei which as you will know is seeking to become involved in the development of uk five g broadband network. That has been under consideration from the government for quite some time now. Reuters news agency is quoting sources as saying that the government will recommend a limited role for huawei in that 5g network in the uk. Earlier this month you may remember that the United States are said to be British Government it would be madness in its opinion for it to allow the use of Huawei Technology here in the uk. They presented evidence, they claimed evidence suggesting that china, the Chinese Network huawei would be a security concern for the uk. But now the Reuters Agency as saying that the government is to recommend a limited role for huawei in the uks 5g network. The International Court of justice has this morning ordered myanmar to take emergency measures to protect its Rohingya Community from genocide. The Uns Highest Court has allowed a case brought by the gambia using myanmar of genocide against Rohingya Muslims to go ahead. A panel of 17 judges have unanimously supported imposing the measures to protect any evidence of crimes that could be used in later court hearings. Heres the ruling read by the president of the International Court ofjustice. President of the International Court of justice. The president of the International Court ofjustice. The Court Considers that with regard to this situation, described earlier. Myanmar must in accordance with its obligations under the convention and in relation to the members of the rohingyan community and its territory take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the commission of all acts within the scope of article two of the genocide convention. In particular, giving members of the group. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to the members of the group. Deliberately inflicting on the Group Conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Also imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group. Myanmar must also in relation to the members of the rohingyan group ensure that its military as well as any army units which may be directed or supported by and any organisations that micro organisations were persons which might be subject to its control, direction or influence, do not commit acts of genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, attempt to commit genocide or complicity in genocide. The court is also of the view that myanmar must take effective measures to prevent in the destruction and ensure the preservation of any evidence related to allegations of a cts evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of article 20 of the genocide convention. Lets recap the headlines. A second city in Central China is taking drastic measures to curb the spread ofa drastic measures to curb the spread of a virus which has killed more than 20 people. I bbc news investigation reveals seven babies may have died unnecessarily at a nhs Hospital Trust in kent. Dignitaries arrive injerusalem Hospital Trust in kent. Dignitaries arrive in jerusalem to Hospital Trust in kent. Dignitaries arrive injerusalem to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz. And in sport, british interest in the Australian Open singles is over. Harriet dart was beaten in straight sets by champion simona halep. Heather watsons also over, beaten in under an hour. 6 3, 60 over, beaten in under an hour. 6 3, 6 0 in her second round by elise mertens. Simply not good enough, ole Gunnar Solskjaers verdict after Manchester United are booed off following their two nil defeat at home to burnley in the premier league. More of those stories a little later. The horrors of the holocaust are being remembered at a ceremony in jerusalem today ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the auschwitz death camp in nazi occupied poland. Its the Biggest International gathering ever held in israel, with more than a0 president s, monarchs or premiers in attendance. More than 1 Million People, mostlyjews, were murdered there by the nazis at auschwitz during world war two. The event at the yad vashem Holocaust Memorial will include speeches by the russian and french president s, as well as by the prince of wales. This is a live shot from jerusalem as we wait for the beginning of this event where we will hear those speeches. This is the first of five days of events leading up to the actual anniversary, the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz which falls on monday. Some controversy there with polish representatives not taking part, boycotting the event, because they we re boycotting the event, because they were not being allowed to address the audience, complaining that other World Leaders such as president putin were being allowed to do so. They say it is an insult to poland. And we throughout the day will of course be looking at whats happening there and bringing you key moments from this event in jerusalem one survivor was just nine yea rs old in 1949 in 19119 when she was freed from a concentration camp. None of her family survived. Speaking to our International Correspondent for guerin, she says the atrocities might be forgotten by future generations. Rena quint had 60 years and four children with her late husband emanuel. This is our family. She is now a proud great grandmother. A rich life forged from unimaginable horror. And i was lying in a pile of bodies, some dead, some alive. The british came in and they made these huge mass graves to bury 10,000. Newsreel i passed through the barrier. That was april 1945, in Bergen Belsen. Rena lived to see the liberation, but her entire family perished in the holocaust. Alone, aged nine, she was brought to the United States. A new home and a new life. But, 75 years on, rena says anti semitism is coming back and the lessons of the past must be heeded. We have to remember the hatred that people can learn. Germany was a civilised, cultured, educated group of people. How can they have committed such horrific, terrible crimes . We have to remember that. And do you feel like its even more important for you now to keep telling your story . I do. You ask somebody about auschwitz and they say, who was he . How can that be possible that people dont know what auschwitz was . But they dont. So rena takes us to yad vashem. Israels touchstone of remembrance. Honouring six million jews annihilated by the nazis. But when the last of the survivors are gone, who will be the guardians of memory . Do you worry, rena, that when people like you are no longer here that the world will not remember or will not believe . I do worry. The world wont remember. They dont remember the armenian genocide, they dont remember what happened yesterday in syria and afghanistan. They dont remember all the people who are sitting in poverty. Even if i was there, i dont believe it, so how much will people who werent there . How can they believe it . In yad vashems hall of names, images of the dead. Young soldiers troop in to share the binding tragedy of the jewish people. The state of israel is now a regional power. For decades, it has occupied palestinian territories. But some here will always see their nation through the prism of persecution and survival. Orla guerin, bbc news, yad vashem. Joining me now is the chief executive of the Holocaust Educational trust. In that interview, obviously rena was concerned that the atrocities that happened to her and so manyjewish people might be forgotten by so many generations which is why an event like today injerusalem is so very important but do many other survivors you have spoken to share her worries . I think that all of our survivors including rena have such bribery and such resilience but also determination to keep on sharing their testimonies. While they may have that fear that people would forget such bribery. They continue to share testimonies in schools and it is happening all year round and hundreds of thousands of people are hearing what happened but there is no question that 75 years after the holocaust, some people are saying why is that relevant to me and it didnt happen to me or my family, but the story of the holocaust is our story. We will be talking about that more. Thank you for that introduction and you will be with us to talk about events in the jerusalem and be with us to talk about events in thejerusalem and the broader subject of the liberation of auschwitz. We will go to house of commons where matt hancock is discussing the coronavirus. He says the death toll is likely to be higher than the official figures at the moment. The test for the new coronavirus, the nhs is ready to respond appropriately to any cases that emerge full stop clinicians both in primary and secondary care have already received advice covering initial detection and investigation and possible cases, infection, prevention and control and clinical diagnostics. Acting on the advice of professor whitty we have updated our travel guidance to british citizens to advise against all but essential travel to wuhan city. We are working closely with our counterparts in the devolved administrations and the public can be assured that the whole of the uk is always well prepared for these types of outbreaks and we will remain vigilant and keep our response under constant review in the light of emerging Scientific Evidence and i commend the statement of the house. Thank you, mr speaker. I thank the secretary of state for advance copy of his statement and for updating the house this morning. The coronavirus is indeed very concerning and i am grateful for Public Health england and the departments work on this so far. Especially screening passengers on direct flights from work however a passenger arriving from wuhan yesterday said he had gone through virtually no screening at all but was givena virtually no screening at all but was given a leaflet, so does the secretary of state have any response to that . Will flights from other chinese cities notjust work to that . Will flights from other chinese cities not just work can to that . Will flights from other chinese cities notjust work can be monitored and when does the secretary of state think monitoring might begin . Will there secretary of state think monitoring might begin . Willthere be secretary of state think monitoring might begin . Will there be specific travelling advice for uk citizens travelling advice for uk citizens travelling into china who have existing conditions that may mean they need to take more care . Public Health England have assessed the risk of the coronavirus being spread to the uk as he said, and in the event of the virus spreading to the uk, is the contingency plans and funds to prevent further spreading to deal with the scale of the problem . We are in the middle of the flu season as he will know so i do not want to cause any undue anxiety especially as there are no cases as we have heard in the uk at the moment. But can be minister please advise people watching who may be concerned about their own symptoms, what they should do . We also know that the nhs has a tremendous record in responding to similar incidents such as ebola and monkeypox. We can certainly be proud of our Public Health record in these areas and can be confident in how those bodies will respond to this incident. There isa will respond to this incident. There is a chance that a Global Pandemic can be avoided if governments across the world take the right measures in a timely fashion. Sol the world take the right measures in a timely fashion. So i thank the minister for his update today and would be grateful if he could provide further clarity on the points i have raised. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate the cross party thank you. I appreciate the cross Party Approach that has been taken to this outbreak and the remarks that the shadow minister made, specifically on the points that she raised on the reports from the flight that arrived yesterday, it is important we get the enhanced monitoring right and the challenge here is that symptoms for the wuhan coronavirus do not usually appear for seven days and sometimes up to 14 for seven days and sometimes up to 1a days and therefore the advice is that the most important part of the monitoring is to ensure that Everybody Knows what to do if the symptoms arise, because often the symptoms arise, because often the symptoms wont be there for somebody on the flight. Having said that we do not expect further flights from wuhan because the chinese authorities have taken steps to stop travel out of the city. She asked whether we will be monitoring flights from other chinese cities or indeed from anywhere else. Currently the evidence suggests the vast majority of cases are in wuhan. Obviously we keep that under co nsta nt obviously we keep that under constant review and we will not hesitate to take further steps of thatis hesitate to take further steps of that is necessary to protect the british public. The Health Secretary matt hancock, saying there is updated travel guidance which says all but essential travel to wuhan is recommended, no one travels there u nless recommended, no one travels there unless it is absolutely essential. He says the uk would well prepared the matter for he says the uk would well prepared the matterfor signs he says the uk would well prepared the matter for signs of the virus and he also said that the government has been closely monitoring the situation and that Public Health officials have been carrying out enhanced work. He did hear him ask there though that the question about a passenger arriving into heathrow from wuhan yesterday who said that he had virtually received no monitoring and was just handled a leaflet but the Health Secretary saying that all precautions were in place. He clearly doesnt want to alarm people but wants to reassure them that Public Health officials are doing. What they need to do to try to prevent the spread of the virus, the arrival of the virus into the uk. Time for a look at the weather forecast. We have a blanket of cloud across much of the uk, not everywhere but a fairly grey picture with drizzle here and there but mostly its a dry day because of a big area of High Pressure still in charge of our weather slowly drifting off towards the east over the next couple of days are swell by weatherfront approaching from the northwest, fairly wea k approaching from the northwest, fairly weak but it will bring some rain to the northwest of scotland but for the rest of the uk, mostly dry with some drizzle. Sunny spells across northeast england, wales and scotla nd across northeast england, wales and scotland as well and temperatures around eight to 10 celsius. Fairly grey skies through the day. This evening and overnight, the weather front slips further south through some patchy showers for Northern Ireland and central scotland. It should be dry and cloudy and certainly frost free overnight. Tomorrow looks like a similar day, mostly dry with the odd spot of drizzle, cloudy conditions and temperatures up to about nine celsius. Hello this is bbc newsroom live. The headlines at second city in Central China is taking drastic measures to curb the spread of a virus which has killed 17 people including suspending trains and closing bars and cinemas. Our bbc news investigation reveals seven babies may have died unnecessarily at an nhs Hospital Trust in kent. New figures show knife offences in england and wales have reached a new high while those being charged and cautioned by police has fallen to a record low. The Uns Highest Court has ruled myanmar must take rules to prevent atrocities against the rohingya. A british man is missing after a storm surge hits eastern spain. Dignitaries arrive in jerusalem storm surge hits eastern spain. Dignitaries arrive injerusalem to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of house auschwitz. A report says people should combat the beef, lamb and dairy produce the eeettt to combat Climate Change. Public bodies should lead the way by offering plant based options with all meals. Im joined by sarah hendry, director general of the country, land and business association. First of all, to explain to the viewers, the association is working with landowners and farmers, the people directly responsible for what is going on with the land, so how might cutting the consumption of eating red meat and digesting dairy help deal with Climate Change . The committee is seeking a really balanced approach and looking to a whole recipe for how farming and Land Management can be a solution forgetting to net zero and tackling the emissions from livestock production and daily production is just one part of it. We welcome the fa ct just one part of it. We welcome the fact they have taken a balanced approach. What they have said is that if people reduce their consumption of red meat and dairy in line with existing health guidelines, that would be about what they need to do. That goes alongside a 10 reduction in the number of livestock. The committee is saying that the uk cant meet that 2015 net zero target without major changes in the way we use land, farm and what we eat, but how receptive do you think farmers and landowners are to the idea of changing these things . think they absolutely recognise the need to be part of the solution and what we hear from our members as they are very much up for it. Its a huge transition and we talk about making it over quite a short period of time so i think they need careful and important guidance. If a farmer hasnt got cattle on his land to send for meat production or to raise a dairy herd to produce milk, what would that former do with the land instead . Would that former do with the land instead . They could go to plant based production, they could plant trees, really important that soils can help to stop Carbon Emissions so you can produce crops but you need to reduce the amount of tilling and the amount of fertiliser so that are a whole range of Different Solutions and there will be appropriate solutions for different circumstances. You say landowners and farmers recognise they need to be part of the solution but they might be wondering if they stop raising their heads how planting trees is going to earn them a living which is a concern as well herds. Its suggested that the amount of forest needs to rise by 2050 but how does a farmer converting his or her land to forestry instead of raising animals earn a living . The government has talked about converting the existing subsidies to public goods, planting trees which would be a public good, so there are ways that the government can help to support that transition with grants for growing and managing and making sure the transition happens. Do you think that the public is leading the way, consumers are leading the way on this anyway, with a greater desire to perhaps have meat free days, to eat more plants in their diet . Yes, its obvious that people are changing their diets and if markets change, then farmers will follow that. Critics will say it is not happening fast enough. Do you think it is doable by 2050, to cut by 2096 . | think it is doable by 2050, to cut by 2096 . I think think it is doable by 2050, to cut by 2096 . I think the evidence has brought up something that balances durability with urgency so we think there are some practical things there are some practical things there but they will need investment to make them happen balancing doability with urgency. Knife crime in england and wales has hit a new record high. Offences rose 7 in the year ending record high. Offences rose 7 in the yearending in record high. Offences rose 7 in the year ending in september 2019. There was also a surge in robberies which rose by 12 . Was also a surge in robberies which rose by 1296. This is clearly very concerning for everyone affected by the rise in knife crime. 44,700 offences, i think these figures exclude Greater Manchester police where they have had some difficulties with counting procedures, so that is across england and wales in 12 months until the end of september and it shows it is still a massive problem right across the country, whatever efforts the police have had in increasing stop and searches, more activity and cracking down on knife offenders, it is still a major problem and when we look at the other figures, we can see a worrying surge in robberies, up see a worrying surge in robberies, up 12 . Some of those robberies will involve the use of a knife or the threat of a knife but thats a worrying increase in some of that is being driven by london where yesterday we saw crime figures for the whole of the year of 2019 up by 20 so clearly london is having an impact there. When we look at the overall figures, the best measure of this is the crime survey of england and wales, which measures peoples experiences in crime and shows that crime levels are broadly stable but within that you have these specific categories where you have these concerning rises. One set of data i think we should really focus on is the proportion of people who are charged or cautioned or brought to court for each offence and that has fallen to a new low, 7. 3 of offences result in a suspect being charged or cautioned. Thats the lowest figure since the figures were first compiled in this way in 2015 and it has been falling steadily since that time which is a real concern. Four people are still missing including a british man who was riding his motorbike in a beta after a powerful storm hit spains east coast. Storm gloria brought high winds, heavy rain and even snow, causing widespread destruction and killing nine people. The weather has now moved north, causing flooding in southern france. Storm gloria arrived with great force winds of up to 144km h with waves up to 14m high. In a small seaside town in catalonia, a thick foam flooded the streets. It was caused by this howling winds and a powerful surge from the ocean. Local Authorities Say its the worst sea storm since 2003. Its claimed several lives, and there are still people missing. One man is feared to have been swept into this canyon on the island of majorca. After four days of relentless rain and wind, a moment of calm has settled across the worst hit areas. Its only now locals can start to assess the widespread destruction. Translation it was tremendous. It destroyed the seafront, and look at the result. The worst thing is the disaster its caused. This was beautiful. Forecasters have tracked seawater 3km inland. It swamped the ebro delta, a vital ecosystem full of rice paddies. The storm front headed north east and landed in southern france. Torrential rain there has also caused chaos, forcing many people to abandon their homes for safety. Only when the water subsides will they know the true extent of glorias damage. Freya cole, bbc news. In washington, the democrats have been laying out why they believe President Trump should be impeached. Its been the first of three days of detailed argument although they have been prevented from seeing any new documents or questioning witnesses. Mrtrump has documents or questioning witnesses. Mr trump has described the proceedings as a charente. Charade. President trump flew back from a meeting of World Leaders in davos to washington, a city where his own leadership is under scrutiny, and facing a challenge inside congress. Pleasejoin me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. President trump sought a political favour. For hours, in forensic detail, they set out their case against the president , the first of three days allocated for the prosecution to make their argument that mr trump abused his position for his own personal benefit. President trump solicited foreign interference in our democratic elections, abusing the power of his office to seek help from abroad to improve his re election prospects at home. And, when he was caught, he used the powers of that office to obstruct the investigation into his own misconduct. The central allegation is that President Trump threatened to withhold vital military aid to ukraine unless its government launched investigations into his political rivals, including potential president ial Candidatejoe Biden and his son hunter, who had business dealings in the country. I know that members of this committee. The democrats used clips, quotes and documents to support their claims. But at one stage, that presentation was interrupted by a protester. Today, president donaldj trump spoke by telephone with president Volodymyr Zelensky of ukraine to congratulate him on his recent. Protester yelling. The sergeant at arms will restore order in the gallery. President trumps legal team have their own objections. Theres a lot of things id like to rebut, and we will rebut them. I think we said yesterday, the first one, you notice that adam schiff today talked about quid pro quo. Notice whats not in the articles of impeachment . Allegations or accusations of quid pro quo. Thats because they didnt exist. Inside the senate, republicans have so far blocked attempts by democrats to issue subpoenas for witnesses or new evidence. That seems to have pleased the president. Mr trump boasted that the democrats didnt get the documents they wanted. They will argue that is a sign that he might have something to hide. A formal complaint has been filed against the former Commons Speaker john bercow by a peer who served as his most senior official. Its understood lord lisvane has handed a dossier of allegations, including bullying, to the parliamentary commissioner for standards. Mr bercow has dismissed the claims. Three us crew members have died in australia after their firefighting aircraft crashed while tackling blazes near canberra. More than 80 blazes are raging across New South Wales after hot and windy conditions returned. Australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he was deeply saddened to learn of the deaths. More now as the horrors of the holocaust are being remembered at a ceremony injerusalem today ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the auschwitz death camp not see occupied poland. Nazi. Its the Biggest International gathering ever held in israel, with more than 40 president s, monarchs or premiers in attendance. Mike pence is representing donald trump at this gathering today. It is the beginning of the five days leading up to monday which is the 75th anniversary of that liberation of auschwitz. This is a live shot of yad vashem injerusalem it is israels official memorial to the victims of the holocaust. Joining me is karen pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational trust. When we began chatting a few minutes ago, you are talking about the work that you do, making sure that younger generations know what happened at our auschwitz. Why do you think auschwitz. Why do you think auschwitz became synonymous with the horrors of that time . One of a number of death camps. Exactly right, there were more camps than auschwitz, but auschwitz was notorious, firstly because of the infamous sign, the cynical statement of work makes you free. 1. 1 Million People were murdered there, people were selected either for the gas chamber or to work, and it has become quite a symbol of the holocaust but its absolutely not only the representation of the holocaust, but this gathering today in israel and on monday when i will be attending in auschwitz, its really important to the Survivor Community that we remember what happened, not only to them, but to theirfamilies happened, not only to them, but to their families that they lost and for me, for the jewish their families that they lost and for me, for thejewish community, as ajew, for me, for thejewish community, as a jew, it is for me, for thejewish community, as ajew, it is important to for me, for thejewish community, as a jew, it is important to say that when we are looking at the gathering here in israel, it isnt through the prism of conflict in the middle east. Not at all. Actually this is a saying that hundreds of people are gathering to say this is what happened and this is what happens when hate goes unchecked and its not that israel or people there say they regard themselves as victims, its more that this is such a tragedy in such a watershed moment in our history and it should be a warning sign for all of us. Sadly when we see anti semitism and division in society, it doesnt end with jews. You were part of the all Parliamentary Group against anti semitism here and it strikes me as we watch these images and talk about this anniversary, that is in the context of a time in the world, across the world, when cases of anti semitism are on the rise. Across the world, when cases of antisemitism are on the rise. That is true, i did thatjob quite a long time ago, but the fact is when we are talking about the holocaust, we are talking about the holocaust, we are talking about the holocaust, we are talking about hatred and we are talking about anti semitism. We seen the most devastating attacks on synagogues whether its in pittsburgh and even in this country in northwest london where thejewish community is very present and it leads to a sense of frustration as to why. But i believe in the decency of british people and i believe in the decency of humankind and i believe this global gathering today is an opportunity for heads of state to commit not only to remember the past, but to stand together and do something meaningful, not just past, but to stand together and do something meaningful, notjust say it, but meaningful action against hatred. Lets go live tojerusalem and speak to our correspondent Barbara Plett usher. Barbara, tell us more about whats going to be taking place there today and on that point that our guest was just making, do you expect some of these World Leaders to make commitments on dealing with anti semitism now . Commitments on dealing with antisemitism now . The ceremony is going to be starting shortly and as you said there are going to be World Leaders speaking at it. They take up a big chunk of the programme so you have Prince Charles representing britain and then the president s of france, germany, russia and the Vice President of the United States and the israeli Prime Minister and president speaking and they will talk about anti semitism because thats the theme of this conference, the organisers have said it is to commemorate the holocaust to make sure it is not forgotten but they also want to very much put the focus on the threat of rising anti semitism and ways of dealing with it so i suspect it will be addressed in the speeches. Perhaps it will be concrete statements made, we just have to wait and see. There will be a holocaust survivor speaking. The chairman and a number of survivors will be participating, carrying torches to light a memorial flame, and the leaders will be putting down memorial wreath. Flame, and the leaders will be putting down memorialwreath. Back to karen in the studio, how important or significant is it that Prince Charles is they are representing the uk . Its hugely significant and hugely welcome to see the heir to the throne saying that this matters and there have been extracts from his speech that have already been released that say that danger of hate, it sends a very clear symbol or signal to the world that this is important and it is a sign that other royalty will be engaging in the Auschwitz Memorial next week and a Holocaust Memorial. Its clear that we are notjust talking about history but the challenges today. In the sheet of the 75th anniversary, tells more about what you are doing to educate younger generations about this period of history. The fact is, the holocaust is taught in schools all year round. We have the opportunity to ta ke year round. We have the opportunity to take young people to visit auschwitz, we take thousands every year and this year were going be taking a number of young people to visit bergen in belsen Bergen Belsen, which was liberated by british troops and something they never wanted to talk about because the sites that they saw and the smell that they smelled was such a devastating place. The survivors of belsen talk about the humanity received from those British Armed forces and so its a significant yearfor forces and so its a significant year for us to raise awareness in this country about the relevance to us about it being our story, but also survivors are not going to be with us forever and they know that. While they have breath in their body, they will continue to share their testimony. It is up to all of us who has ever visited a holocaust site to carry that legacy and pass it on. As you say, that number of survivors is dwindling now. It must be incredibly powerful for the people and schoolchildren that you work with to hear that first hand testimony. It really is and i say this often but when a survivor is in the room, you can have the most disruptive classroom, the most boisterous students, but you will hear a boisterous students, but you will heara pin drop boisterous students, but you will hear a pin drop as they hang on the every word of the survivor and i think for the survivors, to see such a gathering in israel is extremely important for them. There wasnt anywhere for them to run two, they couldnt flee to a jewish homeland when the not there was an invasion, so it means a great deal to them to see that their story will live on. Karen pollock from the Holocaust Educational trust, thank you very much. From the we will be bringing you key moments from that memorial in israel. Now it is time for the weather. Its a pretty cloudy day out there across much of the uk. Cloud and mist and some fog around so fairly murky. This is the picture in gloucestershire over the thames, a fairly grey and drizzly affair. Some brightness around so it is this area of High Pressure dominating the weather, keeping weather fronts at bay for now but we have got a weak front into the northwest and bringing patchy rain to the northwest of scotland for the rest of the uk, mostly dry butjust a thick enough cloud to produce spots of drizzle. Sunshine for some areas and temperatures reasonably mild at eight to 10 celsius. This evening and overnight, will see this week weather front moving further south through patchy rain, england and wales mostly dry but a blanket of cloud keeping things frost free. Tomorrows where there is very similarto tomorrows where there is very similar to today, High Pressure still in charge so lots of dry weather, lots of cloud, mist and murkiness, a bit of rain again for parts of scotland and drizzle elsewhere but temperatures around about nine or 10 celsius for most of us on friday. Heading towards the first part of the weekend, High Pressure is still sitting across the southeast but we have weather fronts just starting to approach from the northwest once again so saturday is still under the influence of High Pressure, lots of dry weather around, still a lot of cloud but with more of a breeze, the cloud will tend to break a better than it has done over the last few days so if you must passive sunshine on saturday, still rather cool with temperatures around eight or nine celsius. Some rain across the fat and west of scotland later in the day and then things change into sunday is this where the fun starts to move eastwards across the uk so that will bring a spell of wet and windy weather for many of us on sunday as this frontal system pushes its way eastwards, nothing particularly heavy, i returned to sunnis packing showers later on for a different feel to the weather into next week. We are expecting wet and windy weather to develop and it stays pretty unsettled through the course of next week but the weather for now is looking cloudy and mostly dry for most of us. You are watching bbc newsroom live at midday. These are the main stories this afternoon. I crackdown has been ordered in a second city in Central China to try and stop the spread of a virus which has killed many people. The Health Secretary here says the risk remains low to other while there is an increased likelihood that cases may arise in this country we are well prepared and well equipped deal with them. Wightman seven babies may have died unnecessarily at a nhs trust in kent. New figures show knife offences in england and wales have reached a new high while those being charged or cautioned by police has fallen to a record low. The Uns Highest Court has ruled myanmar must ta ke highest court has ruled myanmar must take all measures to prevent atrocities against the rohingya. A british man is one of four people missing after a storm surge its eastern spain. And dignitaries gathered in jerusalem eastern spain. And dignitaries gathered injerusalem to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz. Hello and good afternoon and welcome to bbc newsroom live. I am annita mcveigh. A second city in china has now been placed in lockdown as authorities tried to contain the spread of coronavirus. A respiratory virus that has now infected at least 600 people and killed 17 and has spread to south korea, japan, thailand and the United States. In an attempt to stop the deadly virus spreading further during busy Chinese Lunar new year holiday week, the 11 Million People of wuhan have been told not to leave the city and now residents of huanggang with a population of 7. 5 million have also been instructed not to leave. As you can see here from these pictures on social media, they show roads in pa rt social media, they show roads in part of wuhan city barricaded off. Officials manning those barricades Wearing Masks to protect themselves. It comes as the World Health Organization is considering whether to declare a Public Health emergency as they have done previously for viruses like ebola, zika and swine flu. The Health Secretary matt hancock discussed the virus in the house of commons a short time ago and said the risk of it spreading to the uk is low but the precautions are being taken. There are no confirmed cases of this new infection in the uk so far. We have been closely monitoring the situation in wuhan and have put in place proportionate precautionary measures. Our approach at all times has been guided by the advice of the chief medical officer professor chris whitty. Since yesterday Public Health england officials have been carrying out enhanced monitoring of direct flights from wuhan city and all passengers on direct flights from china will receive information on what to do if they fall ill. A nhs Hospital Trust has apologised for preventable baby deaths after a bbc investigation discovered at least seven deaths at the east kent Nhs Foundation trust since 2016. The trust apologised to the parents and said it has not always provided the right standard of care for every woman and baby. Our social Affairs Correspondent Michael Buchanan reports. Archie powell was born last february, a twin brother to evelyn but the maternity staff failed to spot that he had group b strep, a potentially serious infection. It took too long to treat him and he died aged four days. Before they were born, we got a double pram and everything, two of everything and stuff and then he come home and he is only one. Archie was born at this hospital in margate. Its run by the east kent Hospital Trust and their investigation has uncovered at least seven preventable deaths in recent years due to maternity problems. There are questions over three deaths from last year including archie powells. In 2017, we identified two more deaths, one of which is currently the subject of an inquest and we discovered the trust accept that two deaths in 2016 were also preventable. Becca janes proudly displays her personal tribute to her daughter. Hallie rae died just four days after being born in 2017. Medics didnt realise the baby was in distress and failed to deliver her promptly. If hallie rae had been born earlier, she would be here today. It makes me feel angry that there are so many cases of negligence babies are suffering. The trust told us they recognise they had not always provided the right standard of care for every woman and baby in the hospitals and wholeheartedly apologised. Michael buchanan, bbc news, margate in kent. The International Court ofjustice has ordered myanmar to take emergency measures to protect its Rohingya Community from genocide. The Uns Highest Court has allowed a case brought by gambia accusing myanmar of genocide against Rohingya Muslims to go ahead. A panel of 17 judges have unanimously supported imposing the measures to protect any evidence of crimes that could be used in later court hearings. The president of the International Court ofjustice delivered president of the International Court of justice delivered the president of the International Court ofjustice delivered the ruling. The Court Considers that with regard to this situation described earlier, myanmar must in accordance with its obligations under the convention and in relation to the members of the rohingyan group in its territory ta ke rohingyan group in its territory take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all a cts to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article two of the genocide convention. In particular a, killing members of the group. Composing serious bodily or mental harm to the members of the group. C, deliberately inflicting on the Group Conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in pa rt physical destruction in whole or in part d, imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group. Myanmar must also in relation to the members of the rohingyan group in its territory ensure that its military as well as any armed units which may be directed or supported by it and any organisations or persons which may be subject to its control, direction or influence, do not commit acts of genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, attempt to commit genocide or complicity in genocide. The court is also of the view that myanmar must take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of any evidence relating to allegations of a cts evidence relating to allegations of acts within the scope of article two of the genocide convention. Lets return now to the efforts in china to contain the coronavirus, to prevent its spread any further. And the news that beijing has cancelled major Public Events including Chinese New Year, Lunar New Year events, of course so many people would normally be on the move to celebrate the Chinese Lunar new year holiday week, but they are being urged to curtail their travel plans and certainly we have heard in wuhan and certainly we have heard in wuhan and ina and certainly we have heard in wuhan and in a second chinese city much of the public transport system is on lockdown to prevent people moving around. For more on that situation and what it is like, in wuhan itself, the place where the virus spread from the epicentre of this outbreak ijoined spread from the epicentre of this outbreak i joined by spread from the epicentre of this outbreak ijoined by someone spread from the epicentre of this outbreak i joined by someone from wuhan who writes for the spanish newspaper, thank you very much for your time today because i dont know exactly where you are now but i know you have been out and about on the streets of wu ha n you have been out and about on the streets of wuhan this morning. A city of 11 Million People but how did it look earlier . I am talking to you from a hotel room. Ijust got back after spending the day Walking Around the city. I got here yesterday night in one of the last flights leaving beijing, around midnight. A few hours before the quarantine of the city was implanted. As you said, wuhan is now thoroughly isolated from the rest of the country. No trains, no flights, even no private cars on highways. The city at the moment is quite empty. Most of the locals in the shops are closed. All the people that it can are mostly staying at home. What that must have felt very bizarre to be Walking Around and seeing that. Yes. Chinese roads are quite full most of the times, but it is true, you could see the roads we re is true, you could see the roads were quite empty. Very p people that we re were quite empty. Very p people that were there were Wearing Masks, the main protection that most of them are using. There was a bit of movement in the morning before tender young which is when the quarantine started before ten i am. The Public Transportation in the city blocked. Very hard to move around. Do you think what youre is because people are really concerned about the virus or is it simply because the authorities have made it pretty impossible for them to move around beyond their immediate area . Probably a mix of both. The government has been very serious about isolating the city now right before the Chinese New Year which would turn. One of the train system so they decided to make that push. If the people are very supportive of the governmental efforts. They think the government are doing the best they can and are doing a greatjob and have support and the people i have spoken to were very optimistic, so most of them remember the sars epidemic in 2002 and they think this time it is not a serious and the government is more resourced and in china it is a stronger country and more prepared thanit stronger country and more prepared than it used to be. But is the thing, both in china and in other parts of the world there have been outbreaks of various viruses, some more deadly than others but it seems like countries now perhaps how to react more readily to try to contain, stop the spread of viruses. Yes, absolutely. In fact what happened today, this is looking the city down from what i have been told, to cities other than wuhan have been shut down is top of a pro to tell implanted yesterday as the state council and formed during the press co nfe re nce. State council and formed during the press conference. It follows a plan that has been laid over the last week. Mostly taking advantage of experience of dealing with sars in 2002 that also originated here. Some of the points but that plan includes as may be the mobilisation of the troops during the next week. Probably for logistic duties. No one really knows at this point how long this quarantine, how long wuhan will be blocked for. Thank you very much for your time, talking to us from wuhan. Let us just take a look again at the images we have coming to us from jerusalem, from yad vashem, which is the focal point today for this International Commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the auschwitz concentration camp where more than 1 Million People, most of them jews, we re Million People, most of them jews, were killed by the nazis. We will be bringing you key speeches from this event, due to happen very soon. We are saying goodbye just melt to viewers on bbc two. Just now. Here crime in england and wales has hit a new record high according to official figures released earlier today. Knife offences recorded by police rose 7 in the year ending september 2019. There was also a surge in robberies which rose by 1296. Surge in robberies which rose by 12 . Murders fell by 6 to 617. Earlier on we got more on this from our home Affairs Correspondent dies. This is very concerning clearly for eve ryo ne this is very concerning clearly for everyone who is affected by the rise in knife crime. The figures include exclude Greater Manchester police where they have had difficulties with counting procedures. The 12 months to the end of september. It shows that this is still a massive problem right across the country whatever the efforts that police have had in increasing stop and searches, more activity and cracking down on a knife or is still a major problem. When we look at the other figures we can see also a worrying surge in robberies, up 12 . Some of those robberies will involve the use ofa those robberies will involve the use of a night or the threat of a knife, but again that is a worrying increase full stops all that is being driven by london where yesterday we saw crime figures for the whole of the year 2019 up by 20 . Clearly london is having an impact there. When we look at the overall figures, but the best measure of this is the crime survey of england and wales which measures peoples experiences of crime and that shows that crime levels are broadly stable. But within that you have the specific categories where you have these concerning rises. One other set of data that i think we should really focus on is the proportion of people who are charged or cautioned or brought to court for each offence. That has fallen to a new low. 7. 3 . 7. 3 of offences result in a suspect being charged or cautioned, the lowest figure since figures were first compiled in this way in 2015. It has been falling steadily since that time. That is a real concern i think. A recap of the headlines for you and bbc newsroom live. It is 16 minutes past 12. The crackdown has been ordered in a second city in Central China to try and stop the spread of a virus which has killed 17 people. A bbc news investigation reveals seven babies may have died unnecessarily at a nhs Hospital Trust in kent. And as you have just been hearing Hospital Trust in kent. And as you havejust been hearing new Hospital Trust in kent. And as you have just been hearing new figures show knife offences in england and wales have reached a new high while those being charged or cautioned by police has fallen to a record low. Some users come into us, that the supermarket morrisons is to cut around 3000 managerial roles across its stores it says is part of a restructure. What it is going to be doing it says is creating more shop floorjobs. Doing it says is creating more shop floor jobs. That is doing it says is creating more shop floorjobs. That is coming from the supermarket saying it is cutting around 3000 managerial roles across its stores and instead create more jobs on the shop floor. A formal complaint has been filed against the former Commons Speakerjohn bercow bya former Commons Speakerjohn bercow by a peer who served as its most senior official. It is understood lord lisvane has ended a dossier of allegations including bullying to the parliamentary commissioner for standards. Mr bracco has denied the claims. A man has been arrested after a woman died in what Police Describe as a disturbance in north east london. The woman in her 60s was found with head injuries in chingford and was pronounced dead at the scene. A man in his 20s was arrested at the location. Police believe the arrested men and woman knew each other. The horrors of the holocaust are being remembered at a ceremony injerusalem holocaust are being remembered at a ceremony in jerusalem today holocaust are being remembered at a ceremony injerusalem today ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the auschwitz death camp in nazi occupied poland. It is the Biggest International gathering ever held in israel, with more than 40 president s, monarchs or premiers in attendance. You can see the prince of wales there talking to Benjamin Netanyahu, Emmanuel Macron there as well, and the president of israel and a number of key speeches expected imminently from that event at yad vashem. This is the first of five days of events leading up to the actual 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz, which is on monday. Of course, more than a Million People died there at the hands of the nazis, most of them jews. And earlier i spoke to the content leader for the holocaust galleries at the Imperial War Museum in london. He told us a bit more about the history of auschwitz. In the first instance auschwitz was never really conceived to be the centre of this thing that we now call the holocaust. It was initially created in 1944 polish Political Prisoners as part of the nazis effo rts prisoners as part of the nazis efforts to recondition poland in their own image. As time moved on it became the centre of the so called final solution. By the time auschwitz became the centre of the holocaust millions of the jews auschwitz became the centre of the holocaust millions of thejews in europe had already been killed and never came anywhere near it. But it speaks of the way this policy evolved over time and developed a kind of momentum under the Second World War. When it was liberated, survivors emaciated victims of torture, but nonetheless who had still managed to hold to survive spoke of how the soldiers who came in seemed almost embarrassed to look at them. They couldnt confront the horrors that were in front of their eyes. I wonder now 75 years on, how what happens there is still influencing contemporary conversation about how people treat one another. It is a really interesting point. The shame in the highs of liberated soldiers that someone so. It was the shame of what they were exposed to. The reality of humankind. That is the significant thing moving onwards that as levi said this thing happened and so it can happen again. It opened up a new sense of our relationship with ourselves and made it very clear to us that all the things we can consider to be civilising influences in modern western culture can also be the things which drive us towards barbarity. It was interesting looking at orla guerins report a few minutes ago and her interview with the survivor who spoke of her fears that once those last remaining survivors die, will people still talk about this in the same way, think about this in the same way . I know you have plans, a couple of yea rs know you have plans, a couple of years from now, to open some new galleries, tells about the. We are opening the holocaust galleries in 2021 and they are being conceived in the knowledge of the fact that the survivor generation are tragically moving on. We really thought very carefully about how to be custodians of this history and this memory beyond the survivor generation and how we can find ways to make this feel relevant and resonant with new younger audiences who will have been born beyond the end of the survivor generation. How will you do that with these galleries, what are the plans . We are thinking about how to make people think about these things differently, to move beyond the idea of using auschwitz and the holocaust asa of using auschwitz and the holocaust as a kind of parable of the apartment, and to Say Something this is really happen in our world. The sun shines and auschwitz and the rentals anti wind blows up auschwitz. It as part of our world so we want visitors to engage with the fact that these things whilst apparent are part of our world and are real to the people who experienced it as it is today. Back with us here in the studio is karen pollock chief executive of the Holocaust Educational trust. Thank you for staying with us to talk to me today as we wait for the speeches to begin, just looking at the images ican to begin, just looking at the images i can see from jerusalem and there are some preliminary videos before the speeches get under way. So many World Leaders gathered there and in jerusalem to start these five days of events leading up to the actual anniversary to the liberation of auschwitz. What does that say to the world how so many important figures gathered in one place . world how so many important figures gathered in one place . I think it sends a very strong signal to the world that this happened, that we shouldnt forget it and that we have to fight anti semitism today. This is the first gathering of its kind at yad vashem, which is a leading institute in holocaust remembrance and education. I think to see Prince Charles there amongst the guests to know that he will be speaking to this very distinguished audience and saying that he will take on responsibility, that we as a society need to to fight height, is usually meaningful and reassuring and very significant for the future at. We are seeing Prince Charles, picture familiar today with the israeli president. I believe they took part ina president. I believe they took part in a Tree Planting ceremony. As i say both of those will be making speeches at this event. The people who you work with, and largely children we are talking about here, what did they know about this anniversary, what do they know what the horrors of auschwitz itself . The holocaust is on the national curriculum, so it is taught in schools usually at the age of 13 or 14. But i think a lot of people had heard about the holocaust before they formally learn about it in schools. But because of things like lessons from auschwitz, an Educational Programme that we run at the Holocaust Educational trust there are thousands of 16 or 17 year olds who visit auschwitz year upon year, survivors still give their testimony in schools, so that is usually to 12 13 year olds. But also i think the commemorations as we lead up to monday are going to become, beyond the television more, youre going to be reading about it more, events and assemblies are going to be happening in schools and i think there will be a palpable feeling that there is a commemoration going on and it is significant. Seeing Prince Charles at yad vashem in the knowledge also that it was his grandmother, princess alice, his great grandmother princess alice, who hid jewish people during the war and became a righteous among the nations, it is very special to see him there at yad vashem and be able to acknowledge that, these are the opening moments of the ceremony. We have seen the arrivals. We will be on to the speeches very soon. One person who is not at this event though is the president of poland. He has been explaining, he has snubbed the event at the yad vashem Holocaust Memorial to mark this anniversary, has been complaining that he hasnt been allowed to address the audience whereas other leaders including president putin of russia are speaking and the Prime Minister of poland told the bbcs michelle who sign like the decision was a disrespect to poland. Michelle who sign like the decision was a disrespect to polandm michelle who sign like the decision was a disrespect to poland. It is very important to understand the context and that is that there was always an annual commemoration and celebration to commemorate victims of the holocaust in auschwitz. There will be an event in commemoration of victims of the holocaust this year as well on the 27th as usual. This is the most important date. For the first time this year it happened that president putin and some of his allies if i may say so from israel organised another commemoration on the 23rd. This was also preceded by many statements made by the highest russian officials which distorted the perception of the Second World Warand the perception of the Second World War and distorted the facts from the Second World War. This is why we gave such a reply. But mostly i would like to emphasise that this is so important to have this commemoration in a most dignified way in auschwitz, as usual, we may say year after year. But this is yad vashem injerusalem, and incredibly important place of memory and this is the 75th anniversary. The effect of your decision is disrespectful for the memory of those who died in the holocaust, 6 million of europes jews 3 million of them were polish. I would say the opposite is the case. This disrespect to poland and to all the heroes from the Second World War who were rescuing, saving jews and by not giving voice to the president of poland, he should have been given the floor and that has been given the floor and that has been the case of course poland would been the case of course poland would be represented, but he was excluded from the speakers which was offending and we couldnt agree with such an approach. Karen pollock is still with me. Looking at that clip it reminds us that 75 years on the wrist still a political argument over different interpretations of various countries roles in what went on 75 years ago. I think its a great shame to hear these sorts of interviews around this time. I think the first thing that is important to say is there an International Gathering on monday at auschwitz as there is every year, but this one will be hugely significant, with heads of states, representatives from all over the country and i think the worlds eyes, the spotlight will be at auschwitz and at the commemoration but i dont think that precludes israel, the first time they have had such a gathering to commemorate the holocaust, the attempt to annoy a date alljewish people annihilate, i think it is a real shame that we have to see this sort of diplomatic issue around it. Not the time for political arguments you would say, a time to remember the victims and to think about what that means. Yes and also i dont want to get into the hole ins and outs of Different Countries histories, but the fact is it is always complicated and whilst at the same time it is absolutely true that there were polish victims of the holocaust and they were a huge amount of polish jews who were a victim of the holocaust, there were some polish people who helped and supported jews but there were also some who were complicit and their when you speak to the survivors it is a complicated history but i think now is the time for everybody to stand together. I think what is happening at yad vashem and i think that is what will happen at the International Commemoration at auschwitz on monday. Looking at your biography, asi monday. Looking at your biography, as i mentioned you were firmly directory of the all party Parliamentary Group against anti semitism, you reprimand to british jews at the un anti semitism, you reprimand to britishjews at the un world conference against racism previously, and you have a number of other leadership roles that you have undertaken in your career. It is because that is absolutely at the co re because that is absolutely at the core of you do. Do you think the victims of auschwitz, the survivors who you have worked with and talked to, are they dismayed that anti semitism is still an issue currently . I think that might be the biggest shame that we all carry, to know that in their lifetime, having witnessed what they witnessed, to see a resurgence in anti semitism today, here at home in the uk but also abroad where we have seen what happened in pittsburgh, how they come at the synagogues, it is heartbreaking to see it and i think it worries them. There was a survivor who in her 80s survived auschwitz in Bergen Belsen who just over a year ago stood in Parliament Square at a protest saying enough is enough about anti semitism in mainstream politics here. I think that should make us all ashamed and i think it makes us redouble our effo rts i think it makes us redouble our efforts at the Holocaust Educational trust, not just to further the memory and carry the legacy of the holocaust but we do have to see where hate can lead and point it out and identify how we can stand up and speak out and do something about it andi speak out and do something about it and i think that often in politics you can have a lot of gestures and a lot of tokenism and good words, we wa nt lot of tokenism and good words, we want positive words but it has to be meaningful action as well. This is much more than a day that is about commemorating history, clearly that is at the core of it but it is much more of that, part of the contemporary composition as well. I felt i ifelt i had i felt i had to speak out against anti semitism regularly in a way that i never foresaw. Anti semitism regularly in a way that i neverforesaw. I dont think anybody did. You thought your role was more as an educator and talking to people about what has happened so this is not something you expected either . We did not expect it and the amount of people ive seen over the past few years who ive known for a long time who have taken me aside and held my hand and said, your work is important now more than ever in that palpable way that has felt like we havent learnt, i think that our society can be very divided, i think that we have to rely on allies, we have to speak up for each other and that was missing over the past few yea rs that was missing over the past few years but i really do hope that, in a sense, as you say, is notjust to commemorate but it should be a real moment for all of us to pledge to the future. Karen, thank you for your thoughts. Its going to be interesting if we look back to jerusalem now where the president of israel is a speaking at the moment. Its going to hear in these various speeches from World Leaders that we see how much they talk notjust about the anniversary of what happened in the past, but what message they have currently for those listening today. Lets just listen in to the israeli president. Translation enlightenment and eradication of disease, we should never see in democracy something to be taken for granted. It is not thus. We must distance ourselves from remembering that destruction and the holocaust and the Second World War. It is incumbent upon us to remember even nowadays distinguished guests, we must sense that. The jewish distinguished guests, we must sense that. Thejewish people and people that. Thejewish people and people that remember are a people that remember, not because we have a sense of supremacy and not in order to just think about those atrocities all the time and the selfjustice, but we remember because we understand that if we do not remember, then history can be repeated. Not only human beings burned in those horrible ovens in auschwitz, but liberty, freedom and human solidarity also came up in that smoke through the chimneys. Nazi germany tried to slaughter and exterminate the people, hoping to eradicate the jews but the exterminate the people, hoping to eradicate thejews but the nazi racist views because the death of over 66 million human beings. Men and women. Let us not be confused, anti semitism does not only stop with jews but anti semitism does not only stop withjews but racism and anti semitism is a malignant disease that dismantles people and states and countries and no society, no democracy is immune to that. My dear distinguished guests, the state of israel is not a compensation for the holocaust. It was not created to compensate for the events but was established because it is our homeland, the homeland of thejewish people, and we came from there and a lwa ys people, and we came from there and always returned to it after 2000 yea rs, always returned to it after 2000 years, a millennia of exile. Israel is a strong democracy and are very proud member in the league of nations, not waiting for redemption but waiting for partnership, that demands partnership, in the struggle against anti semitism, the new and old one, that is looming above is now in a different shape, talking about National Purity and hatred and xenophobia and that is taking a terrible toll in the lives of people. It is a chronic disease. It is changing shape, metamorphic sizing itself. Anti semitism has not changed but we have. The state of israel is no longer is not a victor, we will always defend ourselves in our country and because this is the homeland and the state of thejewish people and it will always be responsible for the jewish communities abroad, for their safety and security. It is part of the International League of nations and we make sure that we are going to strengthen scientific and moral and other values for the entire world. We intend to curb all the Terror Forces that want to actually wreak terror and chaos around the world. All the citizens of the world who believe in freedom can be detrimentally affected by that and thus we will continue conducting ourselves. I would like to thank you once again. A vote of gratitude to statesmen, ladies and gentlemen, True Partners coming here in behalf of the government of israel, the law of the government of israel, the law of israel and the idf, i would like to thank you once again for coming here, thank you for your commitment to the security of the jewish communities, especially in such dire times. We would like to thank all of those who have already adopted the anti semitic new definition and we are calling upon all the countries of the world who have not as yet adopted it. Its a very useful tool in the battle against anti semitism on an educational and public level but also on the enforcement level. Together, all of us will continue striving to struggle and combat anti semitism, racism, hatred for the sake of hatred. We will struggle against denial of the holocaust and forgetting it. We will continue educating our children and ensure that history will not be repeated because the era of such accountability and responsibility of all of us here has not concluded. My distinguished, dearest, dearly beloved Holocaust Survivors who are with us here today, you are a miracle. Your strength we saw, i saw asa miracle. Your strength we saw, i saw as a child, how you came to israel, built house is, establish new families, planted trees, with what you suffered you promised as our future in a democratic and jewish state, all entwined together. No, there is no such thing as a jewish without democracy for a wee jews there is no such thing as a jewish without democracy for a weejews for we, jews, will continue to live ina for we, jews, will continue to live in a democratic society. Love is our moral compass that we will follow in the footsteps. May our brothers, our brethren, be blessed, all those who struggled against the nazis, the descendants of many families are here with us and i know of those heads of state who know them well, they are here amongst us. And we know that they are all engraved in our hearts, are infinitum. We thank you from the bottom of her hearts in yourfight for you from the bottom of her hearts in your fight for remembrance and the commitment to the eradication of anti semitism, racism and hatred. Studio the president of israel, Reuven Rivlin, paying tribute to the survivors of the holocaust, saying history can be repeated but we must work to ensure it is not repeated. Vladimir putin, the russian president , they are as well, one of a number of World Leaders, 40 World Leaders, present, shaking hands with Emmanuel Macron and Prince Charles to the left of the french president. The israeli president calling on countries who have not yet signed up to the new definition of anti semitism to do so. But now the Prime Minister of israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, coming to the stage to make his speech. We also expect to hear from make his speech. We also expect to hearfrom vladimir make his speech. We also expect to hear from vladimir putin, make his speech. We also expect to hearfrom vladimir putin, mike p, Emmanuel Macron and Prince Charles amongst others. Mike pence. Translation the president of the state of israel, thank you for having initiated and convening this important conference. My brethren, the Holocaust Survivors, distinguished guests, the righteous among the nations who risk not only their own lives, but the lives of their families. To save jews lives, but the lives of their families. To savejews during the holocaust. The trees on this hollow ground Hallowed Ground are testa m e nt to ground Hallowed Ground are testament to their extraordinary courage. Your majesties, your Royal Highness is, president s, mrVice President , Prime Ministers and many distinguished guests and dignitaries assembled here, your presence in jerusalem honours the memory of the 6 million victims of the holocaust, israel and thejewish people thank you. Applause translation auschwitz and jerusalem, and a base and a summit, auschwitz the resurrection. Auschwitz the resurrection. Auschwitz was the incarceration, enslavement, jerusalem is freedom, liberty, auschwitz was death, jerusalem is life. 75 years ago, our people, the jewish people, thejewish people, were liberated from the valley of death. It was the biggest ever, the greatest ever in the history of mankind. None of those survivors have forgotten nothing. The helplessness, the insufferable moments that never ended, the flames, the smoke in the and the mourning, they feel gratitude for the liberation when the red army marched into auschwitz, their tremendous sacrifice of the soldiers and the allies and the people. I am here today with president Reuven Rivlin and president putin from a very moving ceremony of the inauguration of a monument after the siege of leningrad and that is one of the intolerable, actual realisations of what that victory over the nazis was spot on such a day it is incumbent upon us to say, for the 6 Million People of our people, 1. 5 million children amongst them, that those gates of hell were broken into two late too late. From the resurrection of the state of israel, there is one decree there will never be another holocaust. As a Prime Minister of the state of israel, that is my most supreme commitment. Ladies and gentlemen, israel is eternally grateful to the immense sacrifice that was made by the allies, by the people and the soldiers to defeat the nazis and save our common civilisation. Without that sacrifice, there would be no survivors today, yet we also remember that some 80 years ago when the jewish people faced annihilation, the world largely turned its back on us, leaving us to the most bitter of fates. For many, auschwitz is the ultimate symbol of evil. It is certainly that. The tattooed arms of those who passed under its infamous gates, the piles of shoes and glasses dispossessed in their final of shoes and glasses dispossessed in theirfinal moments. Of shoes and glasses dispossessed in their final moments. The gas chambers and crematorium that turned millions of people into ash, all of these bear witness to the horrific deaths to which humanity can sink. But for the jewish people, house deaths to which humanity can sink. But for thejewish people, house auschwitz is more than the ultimate symbol of evil, it is the symbol of jewish powerlessness, the combination of what can happen when our people have no voice, no land, no shield. Today, we have a voice, we have a land and we have a shield. Today, our voice is heard in the white house and in the kremlin, in the halls of the United Nations and the halls of the United Nations and the american congress, in london, paris and berlin and in countless capitals around the world, many of them represented here by you. Today we have a land, our ancient homeland that we got back to life. In which we gathered the exiles of our people and in which we built an advanced and in which we built an advanced and powerful state. Today, we have a shield and what a shield it is. Time after time, the strength of our arms, the courage of our soldiers and the spirit of our people have prevailed against those who sought to destroy us. Our hand is extended to our neighbours in peace and a growing number of them are seizing it to build, with israel, bridges of hope and reconciliation. Ladies and gentlemen, thejewish and reconciliation. Ladies and gentlemen, the jewish people and reconciliation. Ladies and gentlemen, thejewish people have learned the lessons of the holocaust, to always take seriously the threats of those who seek our destruction, to confront threats when they are small, and above all, even though we deeply, deeply appreciate the great support of our friends to always have the power to defend ourselves by ourselves, we have learned that israel must always remain the master of its fate. The jewish state has learned the lessons of the holocaust, as the world learned the lessons of the holocaust. There are some signs of hopein holocaust. There are some signs of hope in this extraordinary gathering is one of them. Today, racism, hateful ideology and anti semitism are better understood. Many recognise a simple truth that what sta rts recognise a simple truth that what starts with the hatred of the jews doesnt end with thejews. Represented here today our governments that understand that confronting anti semitism in all its forms protect their societies as well our government are governments. We understand, as Emmanuel Macron said yesterday, that anti zionism is the latest form of anti semitism. These are all real signs of hope and understanding and cognizance of how to protect our civilisation and our world and yet. And yet i am concerned. I am concerned that we have yet to see a unified and resolute stance against the most anti semitic regime on the planet, i regime that openly seeks to develop Nuclear Weapons and annihilate the one and onlyjewish state. Israel salutes President Trump and Vice President pence for confronting the tyrants of tehran that subjugate their own people, the tyra nts that subjugate their own people, the tyrants of tehran that subjugate their own people and threaten the peace and security of the entire world. They threaten the peace and security of everyone in the middle east and everyone beyond. I call on all governments tojoin east and everyone beyond. I call on all governments to join the vital effort of confronting iran. In any case, i wish to assure, again, our people and all our friends, israel will do whatever it must do to defend our states, defend our people and defend thejewish defend our states, defend our people and defend the jewish future. Translation ladies and gentlemen, asa translation ladies and gentlemen, as a Prime Minister of the state of israel, i obligate myself. I commit that those words, never again will not be an empty slogan but an ongoing decree, and imperative that must be followed, continuing and following that voyage of resurrection that started in isaiahs day of the dry bones, from enslavement and liberty and freedom from auschwitz to jerusalem from darkness to light, in the words of the prophet isaiah, for the people working in the darkness, they saw a great light. Thank you very much, one and all. Walking in the darkness. Thank you, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Thank you, Prime Minister Benjamin Neta nyahu. It thank you, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It is my honour to invite the founder and president of the World Holocaust Foundation in and president of the European Jewish congress to deliver his remarks. Your majesties, your Royal Highness is, your excellencies, distinguished guests and dear, dear Holocaust Survivors, i would like to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to president Reuven Rivlin who, two yea rs president Reuven Rivlin who, two years ago, strongly. Strongly supported the idea to lead the World Holocaust Forum in jerusalem under the special partnership of yad vashem and European Jewish the special partnership of yad vashem and europeanjewish congress. I would like to address here today just three points. Number one, why is anti semitism a threat to humanity and not only forjewish people . Number two, what is the situation today of anti semitism and especially for European Jews . Number three, what are the practical steps that must be taken to stop this threat . When granting equal rights to the jews of threat . When granting equal rights to thejews of france, Napoleon Bonaparte said, the National Attitude towards jews is bonaparte said, the National Attitude towardsjews is the barometer of societys civilisation. And why is that . Historically, jews we re and why is that . Historically, jews were always among the most loyal citizens of their countries and did their best to integrate and become pillars of society in all walks of life. Those who wanted to dismantle the fabric of society, extremists from both right and left, thejews we re from both right and left, thejews were always a symbol of societys foundations. It was a rejection of the world order. They were always the world order. They were always the first target, but by no means the first target, but by no means the last. The nazis erased one third ofjewish the last. The nazis erased one third of jewish people, 6 the last. The nazis erased one third ofjewish people, 6 million, but in total, more than 60 Million People we re total, more than 60 Million People were killed during the Second World Warand were killed during the Second World War and the world just stopped and the gates of destruction. If extremists are not stopped at the gates of anti semitism they will eventually take over executive power in their states and what is the situation today . Who could imagine that just 75 years after the holocaust, jews would again be afraid to walk the streets of europe wearing jewish symbols . Who would have imagined that synagogues would be attacked again and cemeteries desecrated and even destroyed on a regular basis . As president of the European Jewish congress, regular basis . As president of the europeanjewish congress, i can only offer you a picture of communities hiding behind

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