Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Newsroom Live 20170126

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For a second time aboard the International Space station. I saw this spacecraft every single day because our docking port was right next to the cupola window. So for six months in space, every time i would open the window, i would give to look out and see the Soyuz Spacecraft. Good morning, its thursday 26th january. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Theresa may is to tell Republican Leaders that the uk and the us can renew their Special Relationship in what shell describe as this new age, following brexit and the election of President Trump. Shell make the comments in philadelphia this evening, a day before she becomes the first world leader to hold face to face talks with the new us president at the white house. Meanwhile, donald trump has continued with a series of policy announcements. President trump has indicated he would support the Water Boarding of Terrorism Suspects if his Defence Secretary and the director of the cia want to reinstate the Interrogation Technique. Mexico will not pay for Donald Trumps border wall, the countrys president Enrique Pena Nieto has said in a message to the nation, after the president repeated his pledge to make mexico pay for a wall along its border with the United States. Its also being reported that the trump team is considering a big cut in americas spending on United Nations programmes. Our washington Correspondent David Willis reports on the latest developments. Could america be set for a return to the Interrogation Methods of old . A Draft Executive Order suggests its Commander In Chief could be preparing to return to the dark days of Water Boarding, by reopening the so called Black Site Prisons operated by the cia. In his first tv interview since becoming president , donald trump made clear he is considering scrapping an order by his predecessor, that Terrorist Suspects be treated in accordance with international law. Torture works, the president declared. When theyre chopping off the heads of our people and other people, when theyre chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a christian in the middle east, when isis is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since mediaeval times, would i feel strongly about Water Boarding . As far as im concerned, we have to Fight Fire With fire. Reports suggest mr trump is also due to announce plans to close americas borders to refugees, for a period at least, and implement tougher Visa Restrictions on citizens from certain predominantly muslim nations with links to terrorism, what is known as extreme vetting. In an effort to quell the influx of Illegal Immigrants from mexico, mr trump has signed an Executive Order to begin work on building a wall between the two nations. A multimillion Dollar Venture that he insists mexico will be made to pay for. Ultimately it will come out of whats happening with mexico and we will start those negotiations relatively soon and we will be in a form reimbursed by mexico. So theyll pay us back . Absolutely, 100 . That has ruffled the feathers of americas southern neighbour. In an address to the nation, mexicos president said they have no intention of footing the bill. The mexican president is due in washington next week. He faces difficult discussions with an american counterpart clearly determined to reverse many of the changes brought about by barack obama. A former head of the cia has told has told our new programme, 100 days, that bringing Back Waterboarding would damage americas standing in the world. Leon panetta, who was also head of the Us Defence Department under president obama, said the practice didnt work. My view is that when president obama, in his Executive Order, said that we would not continue enhanced procedures, that we would not engage in torture, that that was a very important step for this country to take. Because it was a symbol to the rest of the world that we were going to adhere to our values and to what we believe in, and so i think that is the proper course for the United States to take. To go back on that, to resurrect all of those procedures again, ithink, would be damaging, not only to our image in the world, i dont think it would be effective in terms of our ability to protect the security of our country. And well have more on all the latest developments from the Trump White House tonight at 7pm in our new programme 100 days, with katty kay in washington, and Christian Fraser in london. Thats at 7pm here on the bbc news channel. Plus you can catch up with last nights programme at bbc. Co. Uk 100days. 0ur assistant Political Editor norman smith is In Westminster. Jeremy corbyn just tweeted, theresa may, when you meet donald trump, you must put our values, not america first, say no to Water Boarding, it is torture. Clearly theresa may is not go to walk into that meeting and begin straightaway with taking donald trump to task over his comments, but will she be talking about this with him . Lets put it this way, there is growing pressure At Westminster for mrs may to front up At Westminster for mrs may to front up to donald trump over this issue, there have been a number of mps this morning saying that mr trumps remarks are unacceptable. Notjust for ethical reasons, but also for legal reasons, torture is actually outlawed, and also for intelligence reasons. I was told by a member of the intelligence and Security Committee that if mr trump goes down the road of allowing the Intelligence Service in the United States to you to torture, use torture, that will mean that british spies will not be able to take advantage of Information Americans clea n, advantage of Information Americans clean, because we would not know where that information has come from. Because torture is prohibitive in britain. It could compromise our ability to cooperate with The Americans over intelligence and to fight terror. We have notjust had Jeremy Corbyn, we have had conservative mps as well expressed in concerned. Already this morning we have heard from the brexit secretary david davis and the foreign secretary boris johnson, both trying to reassure mps about the governments stance on torture. The British Governments stance on torture is made plain, we do not condone it, we do not agree with it underany condone it, we do not agree with it under any circumstances whatsoever. We have to be very careful with this, i dont think we have seen any Policy Changes, official Policy Changes or official policy pronouncements. And on the matter of torture, which we draw attention to, rightly, i thought the Prime Minister made the position of the government very clear yesterday in the house of commons, and that is unchanged. So, norman, journalists will be asking theresa may if she had talked to donald trump about this, but in terms of what she is saying about the wider Special Relationship, so this new age, in her words, she is hoping to capitalise on donald it easy as for brexit, but what is in it for him . That is a good question, he has got a lot more on his plate than worrying about a new Trade Relation with the uk. I doubt it will be high on his agenda. The reason for this visit all come from the british end. Certainly looking at the language that mrs may seems poised to use in this visit, talking about how britain and america have both sought to renew themselves and rediscover their sense of self confidence, with brexit and the election of donald trump, she says we can become the leading players in the world. Almost harking back to the leader when britain and America Whether to undisputed powers, she seems to think we can rediscover that sense of authority in the world. There will be some In Westminster who are slightly uneasy that mrs may is seeking to align britain so closely not just with america seeking to align britain so closely notjust with america but seeking to align britain so closely not just with america but very specifically with the Trump Administration. Briefly, talk to us about this happening in Parliament Today with brexit. We are expecting shortly the bill, which will trigger the brexit process, to be published here. This is the fast track pared down bill, which ministers want to get through this place as quickly as possible so mrs may can meet her self imposed deadline of beginning that process in march. Still no sign yet of when we are going to get this white paper, this Government Document which mrs may promised yesterday, in that climb down. Still no sign when we will get that although david davis said he hoped to make sure mps could have it, quote, as soon as possible. Thank you very much. Britains economy grew by 0. 6 in the final three months of last year and by 2. 0 over 2016, thats according to figures just released by the office for national statistics. Economists had forecast a slow down after the brexit referendum. Darren morgan is the head of gdp at the office for national statistics, hejoins me now from our westminster studio. Good morning. 0bviously good morning. Obviously it was the run up to christmas, this last period, that we have the figures for, so clearly that boosted Consumer Spending. Nonetheless overall, our many people surprised by this level of grace . Yes, good morning. Gdp rate in the lead up and following the referendum has been broadly in line with the levels of recent yea rs. Broadly in line with the levels of recent years. Gdp growth. There has been no immediate slowdown in the economy. If we take below the steady growth, there is a different picture for Different Industries growing at different pace. Growth in the Service Industry has dominated growth in gdp in quarterfour, and as you mentioned, they were consumer facing industry such as motor trade, retail and travel. If you look at production and construction, they have been broadly flat over the last year. Different industries growing at different paces. What is that the tell tell you about the picture as we look what does that detail tell you about the picture as we go into this year . 2017 is going to be an interesting and challenging year for economic forecasters, and i think we do not know, it is not our job to make forecasts, but i think what people will be watching, and i have seen it already this morning, is Consumer Spending. That did boost growth in 2016, and the question is whether that will continue. And i think what people will be watching is, we have started to see prices that we are buying, consumers are buying, paying for our goods and services. So will prices continue to rise and will that change Consumer Behaviour . And secondly, average wage growth. Will that growth stay in line with rising prices . If it does not, what impact will that have . So if it is going to be an interesting year in 2017 but challenging for economic forecaster. Thank you very much. The chancellor Philip Hammond is in reading today, where hes been visiting the microsoft headquarters. 0ur economics editor, kamal ahmed is there. He has been speaking to the chancellor. 0n he has been speaking to the chancellor. On that point raised there, that big question, will Consumer Confidence and Consumer Spending continue throughout 2017 . At the moment, certainly, there is no signal that Consumer Confidence has fallen. There was a big dip in Consumer Confidence following the referendum. But an interesting point was made by the head of the biggest Global Asset Management called blackrock, he was talking at the World Economic forum last week and he said that the reason that Consumer Confidence hadnt fallen offa Consumer Confidence hadnt fallen off a cliff as many forecasters expected after the brexit boat was because the majority of people who voted one. They felt better, they went out and spend money. The majority of people who voted actually won the vote. It showed today that 2016 was robust in terms of spending. There are issues again, the key issue for 2017 and 18 will be to do with inflation and average wage growth. The chancellor is of course delighted with the robust figures that showed that the uk economy was growing the fastest in 2016 compared to any of the Major Industrial countries around the world. He did say there were still issues and uncertainties ahead around brexit, but he also mentioned china, chinese growth, theresa may is in america today, donald trump, what will be American Economy perform like . I asked him first, was this economic pain delayed, or was it economic pain cancelled . What the figures today show is that the uk economy continues to be resilient and continues to confound the sceptics. Of course, we recognise that as we go into this period of negotiation with the European Union, and as we absorb the impact of the depreciation of stirling last year, there will be more uncertainty ahead during course of this year. But the fa ct during course of this year. But the fact that the economy is robust going in should give us great cause for optimism about britains future. Of course, the big issue is britains exit from the European Union. At the moment, nothing has actually changed, we are in the Single Market with the weaker currency, that is a pretty good position economically to be in. Mr hammond did talk about the brexit negotiations ahead, he said that european leaders have sort of moved on from the chastising tone which initially we heard after the referendum vote. And he felt there was a more optimistic mood abroad. I asked him whether or not the period of uncertainty that was expected before the referendum had now actually been shortened. Before the referendum had now actually been shortenedlj before the referendum had now actually been shortened. I am very optimistic on the back of the pms speech last week and the responses we have had to it. That we will be able to proceed rapidly to agree the shape of a new relationship with the European Union. I sense that the period in which our European Partners were wanting to chastise us has passed, has moved on. And actually what people are looking to do now is look for a practical solution that works for us, works for the European Union and works to make all of our people more prosperous in the future. If we can Work Together on that, we have quite a bright future. I think the big issue now for this year, the chancellor will already be preparing for his spring budget, which will be in march, is this big issue of pain delayed or pain cancelled. The Bank Of England has said that growth will be more robust this year, but in 2018, in the teeth of those brexit negotiations, it will decline. I think thejury is negotiations, it will decline. I think the jury is still out about whether the uk economy has such resilience, such velocity, that it will push through all of the risks around leaving the Single Market. It is too early to make a judgment on that. But one final thought worth considering. 0ften, shocks to economy is like a vote to brexit can lead to greater innovation. It means businesses focus on what they want to do, they increase productivity and work harder, that appears to be what we are seeing in the uk economy at the moment. Thank you very much. Lets look at some of todays other developing stories. A Record Number of inmates killed themselves in prisons in england and wales last year. The Ministry Ofjustice says there were 119 suicides, the highest number since records began in 1978. The number of self harm incidents jumped by 23 , and assaults rose by 31 on the previous year. Thejustice minister, lynn truss, said ministers are committed to improving prisons. Im very clear that the levels of violence in our prisons are too high. The levels of self harm are too high. Since I Becamejustice secretary, ive focused on dealing with this problem. Thats why were investing an extra £100 million, 2500 extra Prison Officers across the estate. The number of cars built in the uk has reached a 17 year high, thanks to continued economic recovery in europe. About 1. 7 million cars rolled off Production Lines last year. But investment in the industry fell because of continued uncertainty over the future of the economy following the brexit vote. Royal bank of scotland is preparing to take another financial hit for mis selling Mortgage Backed securities in america before the 2008 financial crisis. The bank, which is more than 70 owned by taxpayers, says its setting aside more funds to settle a case being brought by the Us Department ofjustice. A report into the health of children in the uk has found an alarming gap between rich and poorfamilies with one in five young people suffering because of poverty. The Royal College of paediatrics and child health also suggests the uk is lagging behind most western European Countries on measures including Infant Mortality Rates and obesity. Our health correspondent, Dominic Hughes reports. Hi, im sophie. And im an emotional wreck. Anxiety, depression and a need to be listened to. These are the themes of a short play on Mental Health, devised by School Students in liverpool. I need help. The issues they touch on reflect those in todays report on the health of children and young people. It paints a picture of the uk struggling to match other countries and even falling behind. The evidence has been developing for some time that all is not well with our childrens health. Its the first time we have really put together a proper picture across all four countries and the news is not good. Some of the issues that Raise Concerns over the state of child health include just 34 of babies breast fed to six months, less than half the rate in norway. 40 of children in englands most deprived areas are overweight or obese, and half of Adult Mental Health problems start before the age of 1a. And for the drama group in liverpool, Mental Health issues are a real priority. Mental illnesses are an illness of the brain and theyre as valid as any other illnesses to any other part of the body. Just because you cant see it physically it doesnt mean it isnt there. 0ur Production will mainly be to get rid of that stigma about Mental Health and just educate the audience a bit more about Mental Health. The four governments of the uk are all challenged to consider the impact their policies will have on children. Theyve responded by restating commitments to improve childrens health. Ambulance crews are finding it increasingly difficult to cope, an investigation into the service in england has found. The National Audit office said rising demand, Recruitment Problems and wider nhs pressures meant crews were failing to hit targets. Back to events in america. Theresa may is expected to tell a meeting of us republican congressmen later today that britain and america have the chance to lead together again in the world. Shell tell the gathering in philadelphia that once it leaves the European Union, a sovereign britain will seek to enhance long standing ties. Tomorrow, mrs may will become the first foreign leader to meet President Donald Trump in the white house, following his inauguration last week. To discuss more about what the Special Relationship between theresa may and donald trump might look like, im joined by iwan morgan, professor of us studies at ucl, and author of several books on us politics, most recently on former president Ronald Reagan. You are very welcome, thank you for joining us. And of course, Ronald Reagan having most famously the most special of Special Relationships with Margaret Thatcher, so you are very well placed to look at how the relationship between theresa may and donald trump might evolve, what are your thoughts . Well, we should remember that Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher fell out on several things. It was not also eat this and light. I do not expect sweetness and light. I do not expect trump and made to be sweetness and light as well. They need each other at the moment, theresa may is leading britain out of European Union, where will she look to develop british interests, it will be in, nation with the United States. Theresa may is looking in combination with the United States. Theresa may working with trump will legitimise a Trump Presidency that has not many friends abroad. Will it suit donald trump to work with this Brexit Facing government, or does she need him more than he needs her . In reality, the United Kingdom a lwa ys in reality, the United Kingdom always need to the United States more in the Special Relationship. We always need the United States more. There is an opportunity here, donald trump will want to boost its credibility with a nation that has the same populist instincts that america showed inviting him, in its brexit road. On paper, they look like different characters, the vicars daughter and the brash businessman. Absolutely but Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were chalk and cheese as well so we have got to keep in mind that opposites can attract. I think theresa may will probably want to this associate herself with some of the things that donald trump says this associate herself, most notably with Water Boarding, ithink herself, most notably with Water Boarding, i think she will play that with a straight bat in line with britains opposition with that. So you expect her to raise it . Not in a primary issue but it will come up in a press co nfe re nce primary issue but it will come up in a Press Conference and theresa may will have to say something. I would argue that britain that does not support the reintroduction of Water Boarding. She is the first foreign leader to meet President Trump since his inauguration, what are the advantages or the pitfalls of that . It sends out a clear signal that theresa may is a leader of the nation that donald trump wants a close relation ship with. And the fa ct close relation ship with. And the fact that the post Brexit Britain is very important to him. That said, theresa may having to close a relationship with donald trump, who was a divisive figure in world politics, let alone american politics, let alone american politics, carries risks. Thank you very much for your thoughts this morning. British astronaut tim peake is to go into space for a second time. Major peake has revealed that hes heading back to the International Space station. The soyuz capsule, which took him there, has gone on display at the Science Museum in london. 0ur global science correspondent, rebecca morelle, is at the Science Museum for us. Tell us about the capsule that you are standing in front of. Yes, it has gone on public display for the first time, and the crowds have been flocking here this morning to get a look at this thing. Just being so close to it, it gives you a sense of how small it is. You expect this to be much bigger, but can you imagine three crew members packed inside . The outside, you can see the charred marks, scorching from when it went back through the atmosphere. The temperatures reached over 1600 degrees. The way up was pretty stressful as well for this piece of technology, it was sat on top of a rocket, 300 tonnes of rocket fuel beneath it. Tim peake was here earlier this morning, talking about his experiences on the soyuz capsule. I saw the Spacecraft Everything good day because our docking port was right next to the cupola window, so six months in space, every time i opened the window, i would look out and see the Soyuz Spacecraft and i would always ta ke Soyuz Spacecraft and i would always take a moment to look at it, not just out of a fondness for the spacecraft but this thing is our lifeboat for six months. It is the only way of getting back to earth safely. And the soyuz is sat there for six months exposed to the vacuum of space, the thermal extremes every day, the radiation, meteorites, so it is very prudent to give it a once over and visually inspected on a day to day basis to make sure that every thing is ok. It almost sounded as if tim peake was absolutely up the challenge of going back to space, he has announced that he is, we know where this will be quite rude and not know do we know where this will be . No, we do not know yet. There are six astronauts who will all go up again, two already have dates aside, tim peake does not yet. We think it will be sometime before 202a. What is interesting about this is the soyuz capsule designed in the 1960s, a very old reliable piece of kit, the russians are phasing it out, and The Americans are building their own news Space Shuttle programmes, not a shuttle, they will be called the thing else, and Something Else. So when he goes back up into space, he might be travelling in something quite different to this. Which makes this more special to have this little piece of space history here on the state. Thank you very much, i am sure it will be very interesting. Lets ta ke am sure it will be very interesting. Lets take a look at the weather now. It is still really cold out there across from large swathes of the uk, many places still below freezing and the cold feel is accentuated by the wind. A significant wind chill factor, a lot of cloud producing the odd spot of drizzle and a few grains of snow, better sunshine in england and scotland and some sunshine developing for southern and western areas. Some places will not get above freezing and it will feel well below freezing for large swathes of the uk, it will feel like 6 to some. Tonight, frost returning quite widely. Temperatures down to 2, major towns lower than that, and some rural spots. 0ut west, to produce up to little bit because we have got more of a breeze, more cloud coming in. That will bring some rain through the west slowly tomorrow. Most places dry but central and Southern England could be wet. To just coming up little bit from the west. Temperatures coming up little bit from the west. This is bbc newsroom live. The headlines. Theresa may leaves Downing Street for the us ahead her meeting with President Trump tomorrow, with the message that the uk and the us can lead together again. In his First Television interview since his inauguration, President Trump says he believes that the torture of terrorism is aspect works. A Record Number of inmates killed themselves imprisoned in england and wales last year. There we re england and wales last year. There were 119 suicide the highest number since records again in 1978. The government is publishing a bill today to trigger article 50 and begin the process of the uk leaving the European Union. The uk economy grew by 0. 6 during the Fourth Quarter of last year according to new figures. And by 2 during the whole of 2016. Time for sport now. Venus and Serena Williams will meet in the final of a womens doubles grand slam for the First Time Since wimbledon back in 2009 stop their boat into the Australian Open showpiece after victories this morning. 35 year old serena powered past in just 50 minutes. Morning. 35 year old serena powered past injust 50 minutes. For morning. 35 year old serena powered past in just 50 minutes. For the unseeded croatian it was the first grand slam semi for 18 years, but it just wasnt to be against the world number two who will now attempt to win an open era record 23rd series Grandson Title at the weekend. After everything that venus has been through with her illness at the weekend, ijust through with her illness at the weekend, i just cant through with her illness at the weekend, ijust cant help but think it isa weekend, ijust cant help but think it is a win Win Situation for me. I was there for the whole time we lived together. I know what she went through. Its the one time that i genuinely feel like no matter what happens, i cant lose, she cant lose. This is going to be a great situation. The Woman Standing in serenas weight, her older sister, venus. The 13th Seed Came Past Fellow American Coco Vandeweghe way in three sets to reach her first majorfinal in three sets to reach her first major final since playing in three sets to reach her first majorfinal since playing serena in a wimbledon final back in 2009. |j dont think im trying to change, either, your . I can compete against any odds. Im going to do what i can to earn it, so im not thinking about what it would be like to win, im thinking about what do i have to do to earn it. Im so excited. Meanwhile in the first mens semi, Roger Federer and fellow swiss Stan Wawrinka are into a fifth set decider. Federer had led by two in his bid for a fifth Australian Open title, but wawrinka is pushing him all the way. A great day for britains Andy Lapthorne and partner david wagner who won their final against the Paralympic Champions Dyla N Alcott A Nd against the Paralympic Champions dylan alcott and Heath Davidson in straight sets that was in the mens quads. England captain eoin morgan won the toss and has chosen to put india into bat in the first twenty 20 match against in kanpur. Indias captain virat kholi in scintilating form hes already onto 26 and looking to put his side into firm control of the match with four boundaires in the Early Exchange but there has been a breakthrough for england with chrisjordan taking the wicket of lokesh rahul the catch was made by adil rashid india are currently 52 for one after six of their 20 overs. The Jamaica 0lympic Association say they are considering their options after usain bolt and his three team mates we re usain bolt and his three team mates were stripped of their relay gold medals from the Beijing Olympics in 2008. 00v nesta carter, one of the four, was found guilty of doping after sa m ples were re tested. Four, was found guilty of doping after samples were re tested. Carter says he will take his appeal to the court of arbitration for sport. This is something we have to look at. There is a legal side, and how you go through that what is the best Legal Process against the team. Because it is 18. There are five athletes running the relay. There are five outstanding athletes for jamaica. Certainly we are interested in ensuring that there are properly protected and given a fair chance of clearing their names. Southampton have reached their first Efl Cup Final since 1979 beating liverpool 10 at final since 1979 beating liverpool 1 0 at anfield last night. A goal up from the first leg, southampton spent much of the match defending their lead before shane long booked his sides trip to wembley in added time. Amazingly southampton have reached the final without conceding a single goal in the competition. Theyll face either hull city or Manchester United who play their semifinal second leg in hull tonight. United though have a two goal lead Millie Knight who won gold at the world Para Apine Skiing Championship yesterday has withdrawn from todays super g competition. She collided heavily with the crash barriers after crossing the finish line yesterday when she won downhill gold in italy yesterday and has suffered a sore leg the team say the move is a precaution. India now 552 in the move is a precaution. India now 55 2 in the twenty20, and Roger Federer is leading by 5 2 in the tennis. President trump says he would support a return to the extreme Interrogation Technique of waterboarding, or mock drowning, of terror suspects. The president also renewed his vow to make mexico pay for a 2,000 mile wall along its border with the United States. Speaking in an interview with abc news, trump described the world as an angry place. When isis is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval times, would ifeel strongly about waterboarding . Medieval times, would ifeel strongly about waterboarding . As far as im concerned, we have two Fight Fire With fire. With that being said, im going with my secretary, because i think pompeo is going to because i think pompeo is going to be phenomenal. Im going to go with what they say. But i have spoken as recently as 2a hours ago with people at the highest level of intelligence andi at the highest level of intelligence and i asked them the question does it work . Does torture work . And the a nswer it work . Does torture work . And the answer was yes. Absolutely. The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets you think this is going to cause a little more anger . The world of angry place. All of this has happened. We went into iraq. We shouldnt have gone into iraq. We shouldnt have gone into iraq. We shouldnt have gone into iraq. We shouldnt have gotten out of the way we got out. The world is a total mess. The world is a mess, david. You brought up iraq, and something you said that could affect american troops in recent days. You said we should have kept the oil but maybe we would have another chance. What did you mean by that . We should have kept the oil when we got out. Had we taken the oil, we wouldnt have isis. They feel themselves with the oil. Thats why they got the money. You believe we should have gonein money. You believe we should have gone in and take a new oil. We should have taken the oil. You have had the critics who say taking the order would break international law. Can you relay that . Who are the critics who have said that . I dont call them critics, i called them. We should have taken the oil. We have spent right now 6 trillion in the middle east. And our country is falling apart. Just before we leave, the president told us he wants to show us just one more image. 0ne more image. One thing this shows as is just how far over they go here. Look out for this is. This goes all the way down here. Nobody sees that. You dont see that in the pictures. When you look at this tremendous sea of love, i call it a sea of love, its really Something Special that all these people travelled here from all parts of the country, maybe the world, but all part of the country. Hard for them to get it. Many of them were them to get it. Many of them were the forgotten men and women. Many of them. And they loved what i had to say. More importantly theyre going to love the result. Thank you very much. Theresa may is on her way to the us for talks with President Trump tomorrow. Tonight the Prime Minister will give a speech to us republicans and well be showing it live here on the bbc news news channel at 20 30. Raffaele sollicito, who was cleared of murdering the british student meredith kercher, will find out tomorrow whether he will receive compensation for his imprisonment for four years. He was twice found guilty of the murder but these convictions were finally quashed by italys highest court in 2015. Mr sollecito says he has applied for the maximum amount available more than 500,00 euros, but told the Victoria Derbyshire progaramme that this will not cover all his losses. We have the maximum, which is 515,000 euros. That is what youve asked for . Yeah. But of course we have all the right to claim. But this is not even enough to compensate what my family and me paid these years. It has past ten yea rs, paid these years. It has past ten years, this nightmare. In these ten yea rs, years, this nightmare. In these ten yea rs , we years, this nightmare. In these ten years, we sold our apartments. We still have doubts. What do your debts add up to, do you know . How much debt you and your family debts add up to, do you know . How much debt you and yourfamily in . Debts add up to, do you know . How much debt you and your family in . We have still around 400,000 euros of debt. This can just clear up our debts, and a little more. This is a calculation because this is the maximum you can ask for wrong imprisonment. It doesnt have anything to do with the deal is held. The ordeal. Because of course this is calculated by the day you spent in prison. At this ordeal didnt last only four years. It lasted for ten years. I was inside this nightmare for ten years. After the decision, we have to think and manage how to make the government know that this is notjust my imprisonment. This has affected All Of My Life and affected a big part of my life and affected a big part of my life for ten years. Nearly half of all hospitals are failing to meet basic government standards for Hospital Food, according to data released by the Department Of Health. The campaign for better Hospital Food warns the situation is diabolical, although the government insists standards are improving. Andy moore reports. In 2014, Food Standards became mandatory in english hospitals. This official report is an attempt to find out what progress has been made since then. It says there is more to do but claimed there has been a measurable improvement in food quality. For example, in 89 of hospitals, patients said their food was good or very good thats up 5 from 2013. 55 of hospitals are fully compliant with standards recommended by dieticians thats up 14 from 2015. And 52 of hospitals are fully compliant with basic government standards on food quality and nutrition, nearly 40 are said to be partly compliant. But the campaign for better Hospital Food picks up on that same statistic, saying it Shows Nearly Half of hospitals dont meet basic standards. The organisation also claims that nearly a third patients are at real the organisation also claims that nearly a third of patients are at real risk of malnutrition. The Department Of Health says Food Standards in hospital are legally binding, but campaigners claim the Legal Framework for prisons and schools is more rigorous. They say that means healthy children in schools get more Legal Protection on Food Standards than Sick Children in hospitals. Firefighters in chile are tackling the worst wildfires in the countrys history. A State Of Emergency has been declared in a huge area south of the capital, santiago. Chiles president has ordered extra funds and resources to fight the fires, as people ask for help to save their homes. Sarah corker reports. In the tinder dry conditions, the flames spread quickly, sweeping through forests, farmland and towns across a vast area of southern and central chile. In the maule region, one of the worst affected areas, 4,000 properties have been evacuated. People fled as their homes burnt. This is whats left of a tractor, a car, a neighbourhood. Smouldering ashes all that now remain here. Translation it got here in seconds, in a second, and the wind blew and blew like a demon had entered the community. Last week, the country declared a State Of Emergency. So far, 85 fires have destroyed almost 2,000 square kilometres. The chilean president came to meet evacuees. Translation there are several families that were affected, losing everything. The decision for them to evacuate was hard because they wanted to stay and fight the fire until the end. They also want to know what support theyll get from the state. From the ground and from the air, firefighters tried to control the flames. International help has come from france, peru and mexico and on wednesday the worlds biggest Firefighting Plane arrived on loan from the United States. The countrys Famous Vineyards havent escaped either. The fires causing irreversible damage. Translation our evaluation is catastrophic from the Point Of View that it is not only direct damage to the vineyards that are totally burnt, but the Grape Harvest that has also been affected. The president said some of the fires may have been started intentionally. Six people, four firefighters and two police have been killed and officials warn about 35 fires are still out of control. The headlines on bbc newsroom live. Theresa may vows to renew the uks Special Relationship with the us, as she leaves Downing Street for face to face talks with donald trump. The government is to publish legislation today which allows it to trigger article 50 and start britains exit from the European Union. The uk economy grew by 0. 6 during the Fourth Quarter of last year according to new figures. And by 2 during the whole of 2016. Keeping up with schoolwork can be stressfulfor any young person but how do those caring for a loved one balance their education with their home life . Research from the carers trust has revealed almost three quarters of young carers take time off school to look after relatives, while more than half struggle to meet deadlines. Holly hamilton has been to meet two sisters who care for their mum, to see how they cope. Meet claudia and leonie. Did mum take her tablets . Just nine and 13, they have big dreams of becoming actresses. But right now theirjob is taking care of their mum. When she had a heart attack she got tunnel vision, and then it is hard for her, because she cant see. I do a lot of tidying up, packing things away and keeping things off the floor, because when things are on the floor she will trip over them easily. I was the kind of mum that did everything for her children, the running around, the picking up, and they relied on me for everything. And then suddenly i couldnt do anything for them and found that they were having to do things for me. Thats what weve been learning about. Claudia and leonie are young carers, like more than 700,000 children in the uk, many providing care for over 50 hours a week. So its no surprise that a survey by the carers trust found that more than half of those aged 16 25 were struggling with school work. Homework is the thing i struggle with because im always doing loads of chores and stuff, and then i have to find time to do all my homework. Local Council Bosses say it is vital young carers are identified so they can get the support they need to achieve their life ambitions. You see everyone and you think, 0h, theyre so lucky, they can do all this and that, but then you think, 0h, wait, i cant do that. But then i also think it is important that i help her out and i like being responsible for her, because it makes me feel special. Claudia and leonie are getting help from their school, meaning they can focus on their schoolwork and looking after mum. What does the word carer mean for you . Well, when i think carer, i think its not normal, a normal life. Like, when youre an actress you have a big role to play, but then when you finish doing that part you need to stop, but its like youre doing that role forever. Its an Industry Worth billions of pounds, but what does the future have in store for Computer Games . Hideo kojima, known as the Steven Spielberg of gaming, wants to change the industry forever by combining Virtual Reality with movies and music. Bbc radio 1 newsbeats Steffan Powell has been given an exclusive tour around his tokyo studio. To speak to the biggest Movie Directors in the world, you go to hollywood. To speak to the biggest game designers, you come to tokyo. Injapan, its customary to Exchange Gifts before an interview. But what do you get the guy whose many Lifetime Achievement awards stand proudly just behind . I dont know if you like doctor who. Thank you. And i hear you are a bit of a lego fan, on the quiet. Yes. Thank you. 30 years ago, games were all about fighting things, until this man decided to make one about sneaking around instead. The Stealth Genre that is still so popular today was born. Stay low and move slowly. For decades he made metal gear titles for the giant Gaming Company konami, which sold millions of copies. But after splitting from them controversially in 2015, gamers across the world are desperate to find out what hes up to now. Ifeel like im in a sci fi film so far, just two trailers about his next game, death stranding, which will be a playstation exclusive. Translation we want this game to be something that people can get into very easily, but after they play it for about an hour or two, they start to notice something a little different. Its something they havent played before. So the motion capture. It is normal to stay tight lipped about upcoming projects like this. Its far too soon for people to test it, so no one can say if itll be any good. Are you in the game . Laughter. Secret but the idea that its different from whats been before is no surprise. As we visit places that have been important Turning Points in his recent history, he explained how he sees the Gaming Industry changing for ever with movies, games and music, converging in different ways. Maybe its a back story or maybe. 0h right, i see. There are almost hidden movies or hidden series within the game . Yes, for example, or within the movie we have a game hidden. 0h, right, 0k. Thats interesting. Translation things are just games and music and novels and movies, and all these things will kind of mesh together into one type of entertainment. What struck me about spending time with hideo kojima is, heres a man whos achieved everything there is to within the Gaming Industry. When i asked him about retirement he basically said, no chance. Hes still really passionate and energetic about technology and gaming. And hes still coming up with new ideas. And hes set himself his biggest challenge yet. Hes changed the Gaming Industry once, and now he wants to do it again. Steffan powell, bbc news, tokyo. Ant and dec won three gongs at the National Television awards in london last night, while the bbc presenter Graham Norton was recognised for his services to broadcasting. Strictly come dancings len goodman, who retired from the show in december, lost out as the publics choice of bestjudge to the Great British bake 0ffs mary berry. Sophie van brugen has more. Please welcome your host for the night mr dermot 0leary the National Television awards bring out the great and the good of the television screen. A new category was introduced this year for period drama, won by call the midwife. It was up against the likes of peaty blinded and poldark. Best comedy went to mrs browns boys and it was Strictly Come Dancing that got the award for best talent show. Mary berry best tvjudge went to a very surprised mary berry in her final turn on the Great British bake 0ff. The first and foremost thing is to be fair, encouraging and honest. Despite our Television Viewing habits changing, the average household watches about 3. 5 hours a day. Nights like these are a chance to celebrate the best of whats on the box. Ladies and gentlemen, the nations heartthrob, mr Graham Norton chatshow host Graham Norton collected the Lifetime Achievement award. And ant and dec won best tv presenter for the 16th year in a row. We are very lucky to have the three shows at the moment and long may it continue we just want to keep making good telly. Casualty but the surprise of the night was casualtys win for best drama. The Saturday Night Staple which turned 30 last year. It beats high profile and high budget smashers, including the Night Manager and game of thrones. Just a reminder that the Prime Minister theresa may is on her way to the United States. She will meet president from tomorrow and weve heard a statement from her spokesperson saying that britain does not condone torture or inhumane treatment, and its close relationship with the United States allows frank exchanges on areas of disagreement. That statement of course follows Donald Trumps statement saying he believes that waterboarding works, the torture of Terrorism Suspects works. Well be discussing that in the coming hour. The headlines are coming up for you on the bbc news channel. In a moment we say goodbye to viewers on bbc two, but first a look at the Weather Forecast. It is still really cold out there, particularly across large swathes of england. Temperatures are still below freezing for many places will stop some places will struggle to get above freezing this afternoon. It is cold and the cold feel is accentuated by the wind, which is particularly cold coming from the near continent. The cold across europe has been well documented in recent days and thats where it is coming from. The blue tinge indicate some places saying below freezing. Some breaks in the cloud for Northern England and particularly in scotla nd Northern England and particularly in scotland where there has been a lot of sunshine so far. Breaks developing for seven counties of england. The western side of wales will also brighten up quite nicely. Through the afternoon, temperatures staying around freely across parts of the midlands and up into Northern England. Around 2 3 celsius in the centre of london. A particularly strong wind in the west will make it feel chilly. Temperatures of freezing or below, it will feel a lot colder than that. The cloud might produce the odd spot of drizzle, but most places will be fine and dry. Just another look at those temperatures 0 three celsius on the face of it. With the wind it will feel like 1 in london or 4 in manchester. Into friday we look west for the Weather Fronts which are trying to push in. It will bea which are trying to push in. It will be a slow process because they are nudging into a large area of High Pressure, but we will see windier weather getting into Northern Ireland. Slowly that pushes its way further east. A cold dark to the day once again for many with a widespread frost. A cold is not. Some rain towards the south and west. North and east it will stay cold, but something less cold is trying to push in from the west. Ten celsius for belfast and plymouth. Rain moves celsius for belfast and plymouth. Ra i n moves Eastwards Celsius For Belfast and plymouth. Rain moves eastwards on saturday. Following behind we will cease piles of sunshine and also showers. But temperatures are coming back, 6 10 celsius for many areas. The next area of rain will be accompanied by brisk winds, the southern half of the uk most at risk. 0n brisk winds, the southern half of the uk most at risk. On sunday it looks like the southern half which the game most at risk from rain. Its the game most at risk from rain. Its not set in stone, this forecast. The rain could be further north or south, but those are the current thoughts. Changes are on the way. If you need more details there are plenty more on the bbc weather website. For now, have a good afternoon. This is bbc news and these are the top stories developing at 12pm. Theresa may vows to renew the uks Special Relationship with the us as she leaves Downing Street for face to face talks with donald trump. The new us president says he favours Water Boarding of Terrorism Suspects in order to Fight Fire With fire. Isis is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval times. Would i feel strongly about Water Boarding . As far as im concerned, we have to Fight Fire With fire. A Record Number of People Killed themselves in prisons in england and wales last year, with 119 self inflicted deaths, the highest figure since records began in 1978. Also, the uk economy grew by 0. 6 during the Fourth Quarter of last year according to new figures. Strong Consumer Spending helped the economy to grow faster than expected from october to december 2016. The government is to publish legislation today which allows it to trigger article 50 and start britains exit from the European Union. British astronaut tim peake reveals hes to return to space for a second time as the module from his first trip goes on display. I saw this spacecraft every single day because our docking port was right next to the cupola window. So for six months in space, every time i would open the window, i would look out and see the Soyuz Spacecraft. Good morning, its thursday 26th january. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Theresa may is to tell Republican Leaders that the uk and the us can renew their Special Relationship in what shell describe as this new age, following brexit and the election of President Trump. Shell make the comments in philadelphia this evening, a day before she becomes the first world leader to hold face to face talks with the new us president at the white house. Meanwhile, donald trump has continued with a series of policy announcements. President trump has indicated he would support the Water Boarding of Terrorism Suspects if his Defence Secretary and the director of the cia want to reinstate the Interrogation Technique. Mexico will not pay for Donald Trumps border wall, the countrys president Enrique Pena Nieto has said in a message to the nation, after the president repeated his pledge to make mexico pay for a wall along its border with the United States. Its also being reported that the trump team is considering a big cut in americas spending on United Nations programmes. 0ur washington Correspondent David Willis reports on the latest developments. Could america be set for a return to the Interrogation Methods of old . A Draft Executive Order suggests its Commander In Chief could be preparing to return to the dark days of Water Boarding, by reopening the so called black site secret prisons operated by the cia. In his first tv interview since becoming president , donald trump made clear he is considering scrapping an order by his predecessor, that Terrorist Suspects be treated in accordance with international law. Torture works, the president declared. When theyre chopping off the heads of our people and other people, when theyre chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a christian in the middle east, when isis is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since mediaeval times, would i feel strongly about Water Boarding . As far as im concerned, we have to Fight Fire With fire. Reports suggest mr trump is also due to announce plans to close americas borders to refugees, for a period at least, and implement tougher Visa Restrictions on citizens from certain predominantly muslim nations with links to terrorism, what is known as extreme vetting. In an effort to quell the influx of Illegal Immigrants from mexico, mr trump has signed an Executive Order to begin work on building a wall between the two nations. A multimillion Dollar Venture that he insists mexico will be made to pay for. Ultimately it will come out of whats happening with mexico and we will start those negotiations relatively soon and we will be in a form reimbursed by mexico. So theyll pay us back . Absolutely, 100 . That has ruffled the feathers of americas southern neighbour. In an address to the nation, mexicos president said they have no intention of footing the bill. The mexican president is due in washington next week. He faces difficult discussions with an american counterpart clearly determined to reverse many of the changes brought about by barack obama. A former head of the cia has told has told our new programme, 100 days, that bringing Back Waterboarding would damage americas standing in the world. Leon panetta, who was also head of the Us Defence Department under president obama, said the practice didnt work. My view is that when president obama, in his Executive Order, said that we would not continue enhanced procedures, that we would not engage in torture, that that was a very important step for this country to take. Because it was a symbol to the rest of the world that we were going to adhere to our values and to what we believe in, and so i think that is the proper course for the United States to take. To go back on that, to resurrect all of those procedures again, ithink, would be damaging, not only to our image in the world, i dont think it would be effective in terms of our ability to protect the security of our country. 0ur assistant Political Editor norman smith is In Westminster. Theresa may is going to washington to talk about the Special Relationship with resident trump, but certainly a conversation about Water Boarding is not something she can avoid in all of that. No, the truth is the timing could scarcely be worse for mrs may because she clearly wa nts be worse for mrs may because she clearly wants to forge is a ship as possible with a new Trump Administration, but this issue of torture could cause her a significant headache. Already At Westminster, there is a growing backlash against mr trumps comments, fears that it could tarnish relations, notjust for moral reasons, even legal reasons, but for security reasons. The concern that it will make it difficult for britain to take advantage of american intelligence if there is any suggestion that material might have been gleaned from the use of torture. And we have already had the labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn saying mrs may must speak out in washington to condemn the use of Water Boarding, in his words, to put British Values first, not american values. We have had senior conservatives calling on mrs may to do likewise. Downing street in the last few minutes have said that there is no question in any circumstances of the government condoning torture, this was the response of the brexit secretary david davis and the foreign secretary borisjohnson. The British Governments stance on torture is very plain, we do not condone it, we do not agree with it under any circumstances whatsoever. We have to be very careful with this, i dont think we have seen any Policy Changes, official Policy Changes or official policy pronouncements. And on the matter of torture, which we draw attention to, rightly, i thought the Prime Minister made the position of the government very clear yesterday in the house of commons, and that is unchanged. So, widespread condemnation. The critical issue is, how far does mrs may challenge, criticise or in any way express public unhappiness at mr trumps comments. I am joined by the former Foreign Office minister who was in charge of counterterrorism, let me touch on this security issue. Why does mr trumps stance potentially damage our own Security Operations . Because we append a very much on the free passage of information to and from the United States, in relation to potential Terrorism Suspects. There comes to an end if there is a fear of information coming to us being tainted by torture, and then if it could be used in situations where torture could be used. It guarantees the whole Security Relationship and accordingly it makes both the United States and the United Kingdom weaker, which is contrary to what the president wants to achieve. Given the gravity of the issue, what does mrs may sated donald trump . Think Downing say to donald trump . Ithink Think Downing say to donald trump . I think Downing Street has made it clear that we do not see that the president is likely to carry through with what he says. Firstly he will be told by his experts that it does not actually work, it is not the way you get information. Secondly, it is morally wrong, and thirdly, it damages the relationship. I will imagine the Prime Minister will make that perfectly clear when the opportunity comes up, as she already will have done. There is no question about the United Kingdom or the Prime Ministers position on this. The difficulty is, this is a visit where mrs may wants to forge the closest possible ties with donald trump, how can she do that where she possibly have to publicly say that mr trump is wrong on torture . The president has not made the Prime Ministers tripped any easier. I would not expect the talks to be dominated about this, there are other things to talk about, i would not expect her to spend to talk about, i would not expect herto spend hertime to talk about, i would not expect her to spend her time on this. It should be made perfectly clear to the official surrounding the president what the United Kingdoms position is, so lingering on this in any public way will not work, if shes asked, she will say what she thinks. Then we have to talk about other things. I think once the president has gone into this in any seriousness, he will realise that it is not a practical proposition, although it is disturbing that it even crosses his mind that torture isa even crosses his mind that torture is a useful thing to do. I think the british premiere of thes position on this is clear. Do you think we should be seeking to have such a close relationship notjust with america, but very closely with donald trump . People seem to be uneasy that mrs may wants to align herself so closely with donald trump. We will have to see, the relationships between the uk and the us are very deep and they cover a range of things. It is important but not overwhelming. There will be a relationship with the us regardless of how the leaders get on. The Prime Minister has to define that relation ship in personal terms. That is going to be very difficult, there are aspects of the president s character and what he says that make that difficult. She is doing a professionaljob for the United Kingdom. We cannot expect the Prime Minister of the kingdom. We cannot expect the Prime Ministerof the uk kingdom. We cannot expect the Prime Minister of the uk to stand outside the white house with a banner, so she will do a professionaljob making sure that the British Values are clear, but the relationship that we have will go on and endure the matter what the new president might say when he is finding his feet. One of the reasons why mrs may is having to make such strenuous efforts to keep close to america is of course brexit, and the sense that were going to need Trading Relationships and strong alliances with the eu. Thank you very much. Lets go to our correspondent gary 0donoghue who is in philadelphia, where theresa may will be making a speech this evening. If as the Prime Minister heads for the United States, do you think Senior Republicans are aware of britains position on torture and that people are urging theresa may to make this clear to donald trump . Yes, i think they are pretty clear on britains position on torture, they are aware also that that is not the only issue that divides this current new administration from Downing Street as well. Issues around the iran deal, for example, where they disagree, about lg bt deal, for example, where they disagree, about lgbt rights, there are disagree, about lgbt rights, there a re lots of disagree, about lgbt rights, there are lots of things to about. What you will hear from theresa may when she comes here and a couple of hours when she speaks to congressional leaders here is the plea for a renewal of the Special Relationship. Which Prime Minister is also always talk about the Special Relationship when they come to america. It is the thing they think they have, it is the thing they tend to get the warmest words about from american administrations, and she says that brexit and a neutron administration is an opportunity for both countries to become and that new Trump Administration is an opportunity for both countries to become leaders. Teresa may will be looking principally for some kind of word or public commitment on a post brexit trade deal, because that clearly is crucial to her governments ability, to persuade the public and parliament that she really can navigate a post brexit world. So all of those differences aside, if she leaves washington tomorrow after meeting in the oval office with something on the record from the president about a big trade deal with britain in the future i think she will be happy. Think it very much. We will have. And well have more on all the latest developments from the Trump White House tonight at 7pm in our new programme 100 days, with katty kay in washington, and Christian Fraser in london. Thats at 7pm here on the bbc news channel. Plus you can catch up with last nights programme at bbc. Co. Uk 100days. Breaking news from austria where Authorities Say they have arrested eight people on suspicion of links to terrorism, over links, we are told, to the so called Islamic State group. A Police Spokesman said that the eight people were detained in the eight people were detained in the countrys two largest cities, in the countrys two largest cities, in the b the countrys two largest cities, in thebn the countrys two largest cities, in the b n and in the Southern City of graz following searches in those cities. In vienna. Eight people arrested on suspicion of links to terrorism and the so called Islamic State group. New figures show that a Record Number of People Killed themselves in prisons in england and wales last year. The Ministry Ofjustice says there were 119 suicides. The overall number of deaths in jails was also at a record level of more than 350, up by around a third on the year before. With me is our home affairs correspondent, danny shaw. I suspect there is no shortage of people who are saying that this sort of total is inevitable, given the pressures onjails. Of total is inevitable, given the pressures on jails. Well, it may be a consequence of the pressures on jails and it may be a consequence of overcrowding, but the rise in the figures is quite startling. The number of deaths in prisons, the overall number of deaths, has gone up overall number of deaths, has gone up by overall number of deaths, has gone up by 97 in the year. 97 more deaths last year than the year before. That isa last year than the year before. That is a rise of about 38 . Some of that may be due to the population of prisoners being older, it is an ageing profile, 15 of prisoners are sex offenders, some gel for historical offenders, they can to be in their50s, historical offenders, they can to be in their 50s, 60s and 70s so there are more deaths from natural causes. There could be more deaths due to the rise of legal highs which can have lethal effect. But a lot of the increase has been to do with increases in self harm deaths, it has doubled in five years, suicides. The number of prisoners is stable at 85,000, that has been stable. So it is due to Something Else which is going on in prisons that i do not think anyone quite understands. A reduction in staff possibly, a reduction in staff possibly, a reduction in staff possibly, a reduction in experienced staff not spotting the signs of prisoners who are vulnerable. So who is trying to understand this, what with the government saying . The Ministry Of Justice is doing a number of things, long term reform giving governors more control. In the short term they are trying to recruit two and a half thousand more offices in the next 18 months, they are opening new prisons, a new prison will be opening in wrexham, the idea being if you get more modern places, you can close the old facility. They are also looking at rates of self harm and suicide, so that is a project within the Ministry Ofjustice to look at that. So the Justice Secretary has told me that there are no quick fixes, this is not something that can be turned around in weeks or months, it will take longer than that but she would not be drawn on whether in a years time the figures would be going in the right direction rather than all pointing the wrong way. Thank you. You can find out more in depth analysis on the Prison Figures in england and wales on the bbc news website. The headlines on bbc newsroom live. Theresa may vows to renew the uks special issue with the us as she leaves Downing Street for face to face talks with donald trump. As we have been discussing, a Record Number of People Killed themselves in prisons in england and wales last year with 119 self inflicted deaths. The uk economy grew by 0. 6 join the Fourth Quarter of 2016, due to strong Consumer Spending. During the Fourth Quarter. Time for the sport now. More on Williams Versus for the sport now. More on Williams Versus williams. Yes, we will speak about the Williams Sisters In A Moment but first, Roger Federer will play for a fifth Australian Open title this weekend after he beat stan van sta n weekend after he beat stan van Stan Wawrinka. He took the decider 63, Stan Wawrinka. He took the decider 6 3, he will face either Rafael Nadal Grigor Dimitrov in the final on sunday. A big day for the Williams Family as venus and Serena Williams both made it to the final. She has reached her first grand slam final since wimbledon in 2009 where she played serena, who dominated to reach her 34th major final insight and serena, who dominated to reach her 34th Majorfinal insight and hour. After everything that venus has been through with her illness, i cannot help but feel that it is a win Win Situation, i was there with her and i know what she went through. It is the one time that i really genuinely feel that no matter what happens, i cannot lose, she cannot lose, it is going to be a great situation. Cannot lose, she cannot lose, it is going to be a great situationlj cannot lose, she cannot lose, it is going to be a great situation. I am playing the best competitor in the game. Ido playing the best competitor in the game. I do not think i am chump change either. I can compete. Against any odds. Im going to do what i can, without thinking about what i can, without thinking about what will be right, i am thinking about what i have to do to earn that. I am so excited. 0wen morgan won the toss and has chosen to put india in to bat in the first twe nty20 chosen to put india in to bat in the first twenty20 match in india. Suresh raina was in top form, the top scorer. Ben stokes got the better of him, clean bowled the next ball following that six. Mills has just taken his first wicket for england, india are currently 122 6 after 16 of their 20 overs. The Jamaica 0lympic Association say they are considering their options after usain bolt and his three team mates were stripped of their relay gold medals of the Beijing 0lympics Relay gold medals of the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Nesta carter, one of the four, was found guilty after his gaping that macro Doping Samples were retested. They say they will go to the arbitration for sport. Lets get more now on our main story, Donald Trumps statement that he hasnt ruled out waterboarding for Terrorist Suspects. With me is chris phillips, former head of the National Counter Terrorism Security office. Thank you forjoining us. To begin, one mans torture is another mans enhanced interrogation. It is true, isnt it, that us troops, some us troops, undergo Water Boarding as pa rt troops, undergo Water Boarding as part of their training. U nfortu nately, torture part of their training. Unfortunately, torture is used by a number of countries around the world, and i think the us troops have received that training because they believe that if they do get captured, they will receive it. It is used by countries, but is it effective . Probably not. The contract the context in which donald trump is saying this to the domestic audience is different to the context in which other countries are hearing it, because over the last eight years we have been used to hearing and anti torture, more liberal message. Absolutely, this plays very well to his own audience but actually to the rest of the world, they seek a different thing. They see an issue with someone now that they perhaps will not be able to share intelligence with. The us have got a fantastic intelligence gathering machine, it works very closely with other countries, other organisations, it uses money and drones and all that kind of stuff, it works very well. They have done a brilliantjob it works very well. They have done a brilliant job with it works very well. They have done a brilliantjob with the intelligence. This is such a tiny portion of what they have done in the past, which does not do anything to enhance what they offer. Lets come back to that ina they offer. Lets come back to that in a moment, but fundamentally, what are your views of the effectiveness of Water Boarding, does it work . Torture will make people talk, but whether it makes them say the right thing, whether they will tell you the truth, they will tell you anything to stop this from happening. It has been shown in the past that it will make people talk but does it make people give you the a nswer but does it make people give you the answer that you need . But does it make people give you the answer that you need . Almost certainly not. Donald trump says. Donald trump says he will take advice from his cia director, but what are their views . They have been being against this in the past but they would also want to play to his audience. I worry about the impact it has other countries. Everyone is listening to what donald trump says and forming an impression of the us, i think the us is not, it will not be good for the us in the future. We have heard from westminster today, the clear message that any information extracted via torture, it could not be used by its spies here, so it would really compromise the network of intelligence sharing between the us in the uk, and presumably the us and other countries. Absolutely, we have gotten brilliant Sharing Network of intelligence which is the uk, us, canada, australia and new zealand group, that is vital for our safety. That group of people bring more intelligence into the western world than anything else. That will all be lost if it goes down this route. Finally, briefly, do you think that donald trump will listen to what theresa may has to say on this . Faq will listen to all the advice you get, whether it is i think he will listen to all the advice he will listen to all the advice he will get, but he wants to shock people. Lets see if this comes to fruition in the long term, i doubt it very much. Thank you very much. British astronaut tim peake is to go into space for a second time. Major peake has revealed that hes heading back to the International Space station. The soyuz capsule, which took him there, has gone on display at the Science Museum in london. 0ur global science correspondent, rebecca morelle, is at the Science Museum for us. Do we know when, first of all, when tim peake do we know when, first of all, when tim pea ke is do we know when, first of all, when tim peake is going back to the iss . No date has been given yet, but it is very exciting news that he is going to be heading up to space again. Whether he will be travelling in one of these, the soyuz capsule, we do not know, because that technology is being phased out. This is an amazing piece of 1960s kit, thatis is an amazing piece of 1960s kit, that is when it was designed. You can see the scorch marks on the outside where the temperatures reached 1500 celsius as it went back down to the earth, carrying tim peake down to the earth, carrying tim pea ke and down to the earth, carrying tim peake and his crew makes. This has been acquired by the Science Museum from the space agency in russia and the public have been flocking here, including some people from the westgate school. They have come here to have a look at this. I enjoyed by their science teacher, laura. To have a look at this. I enjoyed by theirscience teacher, laura. Did you know that this was going to be here or is it something of a happy coincidence . We were coming here today anyway, but we just found out about it on our way this morning said when we got here, we ran down, really excited, could not wait to see it. Really interesting. It is something that has interested the kids . Yes, definitely, Space Exploration is something the students tend to find really interesting, we are studying a topic of curiosity at the moment across the curriculum so that is why we are here to look at space and science. It isa here to look at space and science. It is a happy coincidence. Here to look at space and science. It is a happy coincidencelj here to look at space and science. It is a happy coincidence. I enjoyed by two students as well, cameron and ellis. I by two students as well, cameron and ellis. I amjoined. You are 13, cameron, what you think . What you think about seeing this, seeing it close up . It is very small, especially the three people, i expected it to be twice as big. You can see the scorch marks on the outside. It is a pretty hostile environment, coming back into the atmosphere, isnt it . Environment, coming back into the atmosphere, isnt it . I would like to do it myself one day, maybe. And also ellis, you are a bit of a tim peake fan, did you follow his mission . Where you excited to see him go up and come back down . Yeah, it was really cool seeing him fly up into space, and him landing back down. What is the mission, what has it taught you, what have you learned from watching it . No matter what you can be, you can do anything you want. You can go up to space, or, yeah. And, i mean, tim peake, is it something, is his Mission Something that has got the whole of the school excited . Do you think space is cool at the moment . Yeah, because there are loads of planets and we are ever finding more, so, yeah, we can find some really cool stuff. It is quite interesting that there could be other life around the universe, it is quite interesting to find out. Other life around the universe, it is quite interesting to find outm you had, tim peake looks like it will be going up the Space Station again, would you fancy a visit up there yourself . Yeah, that would be really cool, to try out, you know, zero gravity. What about you, laura . I dont know about me i think i would be a bit too nervous. I dont know about me i think i would be a bit too nervousm i dont know about me i think i would be a bit too nervous. It is really good to see the kids being excited here about this. Absolutely, thatis excited here about this. Absolutely, that is what we want, we want to get students interested in that and excited about things like that so it is important for us to do that. Laura, cameron and ellis, thank you very much for that. We actually had tim peake earlier here talking to the crowd about what his appearances we re the crowd about what his appearances were like going up into the soyuz capsule. It is a unique perspective and the unique journey as welcome as he described to the crowd. I saw the spacecraft every single day because our docking port was right next to the cupola window, so for six months in space, every time i opened the window, i would look out and see the Soyuz Spacecraft and i would always take a moment to look at it, not just out of a fondness for the spacecraft but this thing is our lifeboat for six months. It is the only way of getting back to earth safely. And the soyuz is sat there for six months exposed to the vacuum of space, the thermal extremes every day, the radiation, micro meteorites, so it is very prudent to give it a once over and visually inspect it on a day to day basis to make sure that everything is ok. So, we have here a little bit of space history on display. What is interesting is that if tim peake goes up again, as they think he will, that has been confirmed this morning, we do not know if he will go morning, we do not know if he will 9 up morning, we do not know if he will go up ona morning, we do not know if he will go up on a soyuz capsule. It could be Something Else designed by the russians, they are redesigning their capsules, and The Americans have two new systems in place. So it is great to have this on display here and i am sure many people will come here to ta ke am sure many people will come here to take a look for themselves. Thank you very much. Its time now to ta ke thank you very much. Its time now to take a look at the Weather Forecast feeling very chilly out there. We have the latest. I think cold and grey sums up the weather for most parts of the country today. We have got a lot of cloud, but their rhythms and sunshine, as you can see on the satellite image. Particularly across parts of scotland. But there is some sunshine. Southern counties of england will brighten as we head to the course of the afternoon. Also parts of scotland will keep that sunshine, too. But elsewhere, temperatures around freezing in the east and feeling more like 3 or minus four degrees. Slightly milder further west. This evening and overnight, we have the windfall cha pters overnight, we have the Windfall Chapters so things feel chilly. We have that wind chill factor. There could be some ice around first thing tomorrow morning, especially towards the south east. Through the day, a similar day to today in most places are dry with a wind chill, but things will turn cloudier and milderfrom the but things will turn cloudier and milder from the south and west. Temperatures 7 9 celsius. Cold but bright and around two celsius in the north east. This is bbc newsroom live. The headlines. Theresa may leaves Downing Street for the us ahead of her meeting with President Trump tomorrow, with the message that the uk and the us can lead together again. In his first tv interview since his inauguration, President Trump says he believes that the torture of Terrorism Suspects works. When isis is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval times, would ifeel strongly about waterboarding . Medieval times, would ifeel strongly about waterboarding . As far as im concerned, we have to Fight Fire With fire. A Record Number of inmates killed themselves in prisons in england and wales last year. There were 119 suicides the highest number since records began in 1978. The uk economy grew by 0. 6 during the Fourth Quarter of last year, and by 2 during the whole of 2016. The government is publishing a bill today to trigger article 50, and begin the process of the uk leaving the European Union. Britains economy grew by 0. 6 in the final three months of last year, and by 2 over the whole of 2016, according to new figures from the office for national statistics. Some economists had forecast a slow down after the brexit referendum. Chancellor Philip Hammond says the uk economy is robust and resilient, but warned that there may be some uncertainty ahead as britain adjusts to a new relationship with europe. Darren morgan is the head of gdp at the office for national statistics. I asked him about the Economic Outlook for 2017. Weve started to see prices that we, you, i weve started to see prices that we, you, land weve started to see prices that we, you, i and other consumers are buying. Where paying for our goods and services. Will prices continue to rise, and will that change Consumer Behaviour . Secondly, average wage growth. Will that growth day in line with those rising prices. If it doesnt, what impact will that have . I guess an interesting year in 2017, but a challenging one for economic forecasters. Darren morgan for the office for national statistics. Lets return to our top story that theresa may is to tell Republican Leaders tonight that the uk and the us can renew their Special Relationship in what shell describe as this new age following brexit and the election of President Trump. Tomorrow, the Prime Minister will become the first world leader to hold face to face talks with the new president at the white house. 0ur assistant poltiical editor, norman smith, is In Westminster. Thanks very much. Mrs may is obviously keen to forge as close ties as possible with the new us president , suggesting that britain and america together can lead the world once more. A stance which has attracted criticism from amongst others, the labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn, who has called on mrs may not to indulge donald trump over some of his use. For example, on immigration and particularly torture, where there has been controversy this morning over his suggestion that he would be ready to use waterboarding once more. Downing street saying in the past few minutes but in no circumstances with the British Government be ready to condone torture. That in no circumstances. Im joined byjohn redwood. Thats not with the broad area. Is there a risk in getting so close to donald trump . Its very important to have a close working relationship with the United States of america, and our Prime Minister will be very firm. She was a good working relationship in the form of a new trade deals that we have free trade with the United States. I think he will be receptive. And she once collaboration on defence matters because we have nasty terrorists around the world. Should torture be a red line . In other words, should she publicly be prepared to say, sorry, you are wrong on this . The uk government is clear and i agree that we dont do or recommend torture. United states will come to their own resolution and the president has said that he would leave the decision to his senior Cabinet Members responsible and we hope they come to the same conclusion that we have come to. But should she publicly, because she will almost certainly be asked about it, at a news conference, should she be prepared, given her desire to maintain good relations, should she be prepared to criticise them over his stance on torture . The priority good relations and they have a lot to talk about that they will agree on. Its very important for britain and the United States that they have good trade arrangements. Theyre good trade arrangements. Theyre good at the moment, but they could be better. The British Government has been very clear on its stance on waterboarding and torture we dont agree with it but you wouldnt walk straight into the oval office on your first meeting and say, i want to bid you about something where they havent yet even formed their own policy. That would be very silly. And yet there are potentially serious Security Implications for britain if we are no longer able to Ta Ke Britain if we are no longer able to take advantage of american intelligence because it has potentially been obtained by using torture. And those are issues that will be sorted out the relevant level, i hope. As mrtrump will be sorted out the relevant level, i hope. As mr trump has been very clear that it will be settled by responsible Cabinet Members, it will be for our Cabinet Members in the home office and Defence Department to engage with their opposite numbers and come to a sensible judgment. In terms of the broader issues, Jeremy Corbyn has suggested that mrs may ought not to back away from confronting mr trump over some of his views for example on immigration, on building a mexican war, and so on. It shows how little Jeremy Corbyn understands about international diplomacy. Little Jeremy Corbyn understands about international diplomacy. On building a mexican wall. Margaret thatcher and Ronald Reagan did not slangy droba off in public, but Margaret Thatcher did not leave the us in doubt when she disagreed with them. Mrs may is a very strong lady who has clear determination in upholding good values and right views. But i dont want her sharing her criticisms with the american president with us when she is still trying to build an initial relationship with him, which i want to be warm and positive because together we can reflate the world economy, get more jobs and prosperity, get more infrastructure, Better Energy arrangements. That is good for britain and good for america, so lets do it together. While ive got you here, we also have the publication of the brexit bill which we know will be fast tracked through the commons, done and dusted by next wednesday, not this wednesday, the following wednesday. Accusations that this is gagging parliament, that it is muzzling mps from being able to give it proper consideration. Thats nonsense. The government will give many hours of parliamentary debate and we can extend the hours each day if need arises, so that everybody has their say. Its a very short the land issue do you want the government to send the article which implements the british people dont you. In the end, what matters is the vote and i confidently predict will win the vote in the commons because most mps know that they have to get on and implement the wishes of the british people. It then goes to the house of lords, a much more unknown quantity. What do you say to those peers who believe that this is moving ahead to quickly and they have a duty to slow the pace of brexit down . I would say to them weve already wasted seven months and we need to get on with this because the british people were asked to make the decision, and they made the decision. Also business wa nts made the decision. Also business wants us to get on with it because the uncertainty is created by not negotiating the issues that we need to discuss with our partners in europe. I think the house of lords will vote for this because they will see that facing a double democratic majority. They have begun against the wishes of the british people expressed to me referendum and trying to defy what i suspect will bea trying to defy what i suspect will be a big majority in the commons. I dont think they want to defy what i suspect will be a big majority in the commons. I dont think they wa nted the commons. I dont think they wanted your. Thank you very much for your time. Around 5 6 weeks has been set aside in the house of lords for considering the brexit bill. It may prove much more uncertain about how the government will get it through the government will get it through the house of lords because they can often be a law unto themselves when it comes to considering legislation. Potentially the government could face a much trickier time in the house of lords. Theresa may is on her way to the us for talks with President Trump tomorrow. Tonight the Prime Minister will give a speech to us republicans and well be showing it live here on the bbc news news channel at 20 30. The president also renewed his promise to make mexico pay for a 2,000 mile wall along the border. Speaking to abc news, mr trump showed images from his inauguration displayed on the walls of the white house, showing the crowds in what he called a sea of love. When isis is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval times, would i feel strongly about waterboarding . As far as im concerned, we have two Fight Fire With fire. With that being said, im going with my secretary, because i think pompeo is going to be phenomenal. Im going to go with what they say. But i have spoken as recently as 24 hours ago with people at the highest level of intelligence and i asked them the question does it work . Does torture work . And the answer was, yes, absolutely. The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. You think this is going to cause a little more anger . The world is an angry place. All of this has happened. We went into iraq. We shouldnt have gone into iraq. We shouldnt have gotten out of the way we got out. The world is a total mess. The world is a mess, david. You brought up iraq, and something you said that could affect american troops in recent days. You said we should have kept the oil, but maybe have another chance. What did you mean by that . We should have kept the oil when we got out. Had we taken the oil, we wouldnt have isis. They fuel themselves with the oil. Thats where they got the money. You believe we should have gone in and taken the oil. We should have taken the oil. You have had the critics who say taking the order who say taking the oil would break international law. Can you relay that . Who are the critics who have said that . I dont call them critics, i call them fools. Excuse me. We should have taken the oil. We have spent right now 6 trillion in the middle east. And our country is falling apart. just before we leave, the president told us he wants to show us just one more image. one thing this shows as is just how far over they go here. Look how far this is. This goes all the way down here. Nobody sees that. You dont see that in the pictures. When you look at this tremendous sea of love, i call it a sea of love, its really Something Special that all these people travelled here from all parts of the country, maybe the world, but all parts of the country. Hard for them to get here. Many of these people were the forgotten men and women. Many of them. And they loved what i had to say. More importantly theyre going to love the result. Thank you very much. Donald trump speaking to abc news. A report into the health of children in the uk has found an alarming gap between rich and poorfamilies with one in five young people suffering because of poverty. The Royal College of paediatrics and child health also suggests the uk is lagging behind most western European Countries on measures including Infant Mortality Rates and obesity. Our health correspondent, Dominic Hughes, reports. Hi, im sophie. And im an emotional wreck anxiety, depression and a need to be listened to. These are the themes of a short play on Mental Health, devised by School Students in liverpool. All and i need help. The issues they touch on reflect those in todays report on the health of children and young people. It paints a picture of the uk struggling to match other countries, and even falling behind. The evidence has been developing for some time that all is not well with our childrens health. Its the first time we have really put together a proper picture across all four countries, and the news is not good. Some of the issues that Raise Concerns over the state of child health include just 34 of babies breast fed to six months less than half the rate in norway. 40 of children in englands most deprived areas are overweight or obese, and half of Adult Mental Health problems start before the age of 14. And for the drama group in liverpool, Mental Health issues are a real priority. Mental illnesses are an illness of the brain, and theyre as valid as any other illnesses to any other part of the body. Just because you cant see it physically, it doesnt mean it isnt there. Our production will mainly be to get rid of that stigma about Mental Health, and just educate our audience a bit more about Mental Health. The four governments of the uk are all challenged to consider the impact their policies will have on children. Theyve responded by restating commitments to improve childrens health. The headlines. Theresa may vows to renew the uks Special Relationship with the United States as she leaves Downing Street for talks with President Trump. A Record Number of People Killed themselves in prisons in england and wales last year, with 119 self inflicted deaths. The uk economy grew by 0. 6 during the Fourth Quarter of last year, partly due to strong Consumer Spending. Joining me from geneva via webcam is the uns special rapporteur on torture, nils melzer. Thank you forjoining us on bbc news. What is your message to the new us administration, given what donald trump has said . Thank you for having me. The first point is to say that waterboarding does not work. Torture does not work. We have scientific studies throughout the world which for decades have shown that torture only leads to unreliable information. People will speak when you torture them just to make it stop. And even people that have valuable information will give you wrong information just to make the treatment stop. The other point is to say that even if torture did work, it would not be acceptable. The message that something is a cce pta ble the message that something is acceptable because it works is intrinsically flawed. In military environments, chemicalweapons intrinsically flawed. In military environments, chemical weapons work. Terrorism could be arguably set to work. Child soldiers work. But that doesnt make it acceptable. The International Community has decided to completely out to completely outlaw any form of torture, and waterboarding certainly falls into that category. Do you think that what President Trump is saying it is more in step with american thinking, perhaps, than we might realise after eight years of the Obama Presidency . U nfortu nately, eight years of the Obama Presidency . Unfortunately, what we can witness throughout the world is that there is in average populations and increased tolerance for methods that could be only describe as torture. That is very problematic because obviously most people have never experienced torture and not aware of how destructive that message really is. The reason that it has been outlawed by countries without exception, and also in wartime and in peace time, is that it is the worst thing that people could ever do to each other. There was obviously the post 9 11 i met in the United States. President obama balanced that, somewhat, if we can use that word. Do you think that despite what donald trump is saying, congress will not allow him to go back to the use of waterboarding . Congress will not allow him to go back to the use of waterboarding . |j would certainly expect that congress would certainly expect that congress would be wise enough not to go down that route. But even if it did, it would not make it lawful as a matter of international law. International law is absolutely clear that torture isa law is absolutely clear that torture is a crime. In times of war, it is even a war crime. So there is no reason you could everjustify that type of methodology. And what concerns do you have in the meantime about the message this sends to the rest of the world . That is really indeed very, very problematic. Because the us is also perceived as a leading country in the human rights era. So if the us starts to legitimise methods such as torture, then no civilised country would have dared to justify before, then that is very pragmatic for the rest of the world. Thank you very much for your time today. Thank you. Britains economy grew by 0. 6 in the final three months of last year, and by 2 over the whole of 2016, according to new figures from the office for national statistics. Some economists had forecast a slow down after the brexit referendum. Based on the numbers published at the end of last year, car production is trending towards a 17 year high. Last yearJaguar Land Rover overtook nissan to be the uks biggest car maker tripling production in about five years and the us overtook china as the second biggest market. Or business presenter, Vishala Sri Pathma is at the Jaguar Land Rover plant in solihull. Im here atJaguar Land Rover in solihull. Lots of machines hard at work behind, as you said. Vehicles topped 1. 7 million, that is the highest it been since 1999. Joining me now is the sales director here at Jaguar Land Rover. Andy, the European Union is an important market for car makers in the uk. What sort of new deal would you like to receive . We want to make sure that our ambitious plan continues. Weve had seven years of record sales, as you say. We have again become britains largest car manufacturer. One of our key markets of europe and we want the Customs Union arrangement to be as close as possible to delays arrangement. We have got the era of the government and we have laid out our needs and requirements very carefully to them. When you say close to the current arrangement, presumably you mean tariff free agreements, like how it stands at the moment . We absolutely mean tariff free. That is in our interest and the interests of other european Car Manufacturers as well. That is an important element of it, but at the same time we also want access to the best personnel. In solihull we have 10,000 people and we are looking for an extra 3000 engineers before 2020. Fundamentally we need to access the best people in the uk and in europe at the same time. Thats another one of our request. The government has heard and listened to the request, and i hope they understand fundamentally what the needs. If they werent able to achieve, what would happen to car production in the uk . |j to achieve, what would happen to car production in the uk . I think it is highly hypothetical. All we can do at this moment in time is laid out very clearly the Business Case for a tariff free europe, as we have benefited from for many years, and have the government go and negotiate with your appropriately. Thats exactly what weve done. We have been hearing that Investment Decisions are being put on hold because of the lack of clarity of what brexit is an looks like. How does that impact car production . How is it that deals are put on hold . Jaguar land rover has not missed a beat since june 23. We had a Business Plan since june 23 and we have the same plan after. We invest £3 billion a year in Manufacturing Technologies and brand new products. Our ambition technologies and brand new products. Ourambition in technologies and brand new products. Our ambition in that area has not made one iota. If you have the decisions elsewhere in the car industry, they have not affected us. We are steadfast in achieving our ambition for our uk factories and international factories. That has not changed. The us is the second biggest customer following the European Union. Donald trump is keen on us Car Manufacturers relocating their factories to the us. How do you think that relationship will play over the next few years . From Jaguar Land Rovers perspective, we have not built in the us. We do not have not built in the us. We do not have a plan to do so either. We are developing in other places like china, slovakia and brazil, but not the us. We must remember that us consumers love our products. It is the biggest range rover market in the biggest range rover market in the world, as an example. We have many employees and retailers there. Ido many employees and retailers there. I do think it would change the market perspective. Thank you, andy. I boki all afternoon with more business news. Ina in a moment, the news that one. But first, here is the Weather Forecast. Good afternoon. The coal seam to the weather continues and we have a cold wind blowing to accentuate the chilly feel. But there is some sunshine for some of us. Here is the view in stirling captured by one of our weather watchers. Sunshine breaking into Northern England, but the rest of the country is under a blanket of cloud. Here was the scene in morecambe in dorset earlier run. Outbreaks of drizzly rain. We could even see the odd bit of snow coming on to some of this cloud in england and wales. The best of the function for scotland, but southern counties could see a reappearance of brightness as we head through the afternoon. This is three oclock sunshine along the south coast. But we have got a biting wind making it feel chilly outside. Temperatures up to six celsius in the south west. Freezing elsewhere. More brightness breaking through across northern parts of wales. Scotland seeing sunshine, too. Northern ireland will remain grey with temperatures around four degrees. Mardle in the west but feeling more like 4 when you add on the effect of the winter. That cold wind continues into the early hours. The effect of the wind chill. Later in the night we could be in sleet and possibly snow flurries pushing into wards the south east. I could bring the risk of iciness first thing tomorrow morning. We could also have mist and fog around, too. Through the day, front approaching from the west with High Pressure towards the east. For many of us, i know are dry and cold morning to come. The front moving into the west will bring milder weather for Northern Ireland and the south west of england, too. Outbreaks of rain pushing in. Further north east, still cold but with brightness. During saturday the band of rain clears to the east and then were back into sunshine. A breezy feel to the weather but temperatures back to around ten celsius. By sunday, a north south split. Dry weather but things will turn increasingly wet and windy for some parts of the uk. Goodbye for now. The Prime Minister heads to the United States to become the first world leader to meet the new president. Theresa may will first address republican congressmen and say britain and america have the chance to lead the world together again. But Donald Trumps latest comments on supporting torture, in his first interview as president , are likely to complicate the visit. Would i feel strongly about Water Boarding . As far as im concerned, we have to Fight Fire With fire. We will be live in philadelphia for the latest. We will be live in philadelphia for the latest. Also this lunchtime strong Consumer Spending helped the uks economy to grow faster than expected at the end of last year. A Record Number of prisoners committed suicide in jails in england and wales last year. A dna Breakthrough Police finally solve the mystery of a body found on Saddleworth Moor a year ago. And british Astonaut Tim Peake on his plans to return to space,

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