How the budget is to be funded as it is confirmed that two more ministers including a member of the cabinet have now isolated themselves because of fears of infection. Also tonight a case of coronavirus is confirmed at a care home in hampshire, contributing to the highest one day increase in the uk of 83 cases. In italy, the worst hit european country, new Restrictions Mean that all shops are closed except food stores and pharmacies. In new york, the victims of former hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein celebrate his jail sentence of 23 years for Sexual Assault and rape. And in the champions league, liverpool are taken to extra time by Atletico Madrid at anfield. Coming up, the queen mother champion chase at cheltenham giving trainer Paul Nicholls his first win at this yea rs nicholls his first win at this years festival. Good evening. The newly appointed chancellor, rishi sunak, has unveiled the biggest spending budget in over 25 years, which includes a £12 billion package to cushion the economy against the impact of coronavirus. The chancellor warned that the spread of the virus would have a significant Financial Impact in the short term. The £12 billion plan is aimed at supporting jobs and businesses as the impact of coronavirus intensifies. And theres a promise to give the nhs whatever it needs, whatever it costs to deal with the crisis, including a £5 billion injection. Sick pay for the self employed and support for the leisure and Hospitality Industry are also on offer. The chancellors overall Spending Plans over five years come to £175 billion. Everything from roads and rail to broadband and housing and paying for extra nurses and police. And the extra spending is to be paid for largely with a big increase in government borrowing, to the tune of nearly £100 billion, by 2024. Earlier today there was an emergency cut in Interest Rates by the bank of england to 0. 25 , which brings borrowing costs back down to the lowest in history. First tonight, lets join our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg in westminster. Huw, dont underestimate the extent to which the coronavirus has blown this budget of course, but also dont underestimate the extent to which this government has made a very different set of decisions to their conservative predecessors in recent times. This was a budget which is a watershed moment after a watershed election. It has made changes that changes the course of not just our changes that changes the course of notjust our economics but our politics too. What might be an emergency for our health could be an emergency for the economy. An economic shock that prove large and sharp. Ministers want to slow the spread of the virus and limit the ill effects on how the country makes its living. The new man at number 11, clutching what felt like an emergency budget. A job that has become more daunting. Every single one of the 27 days that he has been in charge. With more than a50 people with coronavirus now, even a couple in westminster. Chancellor of the exchequer. Number one on the chancellors list was clear. We will get through this together. The british people may be worried, but they are not daunted. We will protect our country and our people. We will rise to this challenge. For a period, it is going to be tough. But i am confident that our Economic Performance will recover. To get to the other side, £12 billion to start with for Public Services and private business. Spending on a scale worth listening to. First. First, whatever extra resources the nhs needs to cope with coronavirus, it will get. Whether its millions of pounds or billions of pounds, whatever it needs, whatever it costs, we stand behind our nhs. He promised cash, grants, even suspending business taxes for some small firms. If people fall ill or cant work, we must support their finances. We will make sure that our safety net remains Strong Enough to fall back on. For businesses with fewer than 250 employees, i have decided that the cost of providing statutory sick pay to any employee off work due to coronavirus will, for up to 1a days, be refunded by the government in full. Beyond the immediate emergency, the task was also to keep the promises of the tory manifesto to build, to restore public bricks and mortar around the country. Huge spending on roads, rail, science and housing. We need to build the infrastructure that will lay the foundations for a new century of prosperity. We need to grab the opportunity to upgrade, to improve, to enhance, to level up. That starts today with the next part of our plan, as we get britain building. A record splurge paid for by running up Huge National overdraft. A government that gets things done. Creating jobs. Impossible to imagine tories cheering a budget like this a few years ago. A peoples budget from a peoples government, and i commend it to the house. Cheering. A new chancellorfixing his place alongside the Prime Minister. A new era, too. So would there be a new response from labour . The chancellor shows not some, a lot of brass neck, when he boasts that measures to deal coronavirus are only possible because of his partys management of the economy. This is a budget which is an admission of failure, an admission that austerity has been a failed experiment. It didnt solve our economic problems but made them worse, held back our recovery and failed, even in its own terms. 0pposition reminders that the tories have been in charge for nearly a decade. This tory government has failed to level up for anyone anywhere, and they cant be allowed to hide from these facts, just as they cant be allowed to hide from their legacy. And a note of caution from a familiar face. Prudent management of the public finances is one of the usps of the conservative party. The government doesnt have any money of its own. It is spending other peoples money. We owe it to them to only take as much as we need and to spend it wisely. But conventional tory wisdom shifted here today. Big spending and big borrowing now the direction, but the government may be forced to change much further to cope with a virus well beyond its control. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. The chancellor said todays budget was the biggest spending boost for the economy in a generation, but the key question being asked in many quarters is how this new spending is to be paid for. 0ur economics editor faisal islam has been investigating. Both big guns at the economic policy, the bank of england and the treasury, coordinating today to provide Emergency Support for the economy of the unknown impacts of the coronavirus epidemic. Mark carneys team slashing Interest Rates and leaning on the banks to accompany the chancellors new rapid rescue package. £5 billion of immediate nhs spending to help cope with a surge in cases, and £7 billion in targeted tax cuts to support the cash flow of most Small Businesses, including funds for covering sick pay. 0n businesses, including funds for covering sick pay. On top of that, an emergency cut of 0. 5 of bank rates to a record low, alongside changes to the Financial System to make sure the cuts have passed on to small business. After days of talks with the treasury and emergency meetings at the bank, the outgoing governor launched the moves with his successor, andrew bailey. The bank of englands role is to help uk businesses and households are managed through an economic shock that could prove large and sharp. But should be temporary. These moves, both here and at the treasury, show just how moves, both here and at the treasury, showjust how serious the Economic Impact of this virus could be in an economy that was already failing to grow injanuary. Theyre designed to keep company going, paying people and investing even though much remains unknown. These massive interventions have one big game, to prevent a temporary but grave Health Crisis having a permanent economic scar. But the chancellor also had his eyes on a longer spending prize. The usual pattern for government borrowing plans is this, falls over five yea rs. Plans is this, falls over five years. Not any more. It is now considerably higher, not to fund the Crisis Response but some unplanned extra investments for the future, and surprisingly, much on everyday spending on police and nurses. The National Debt now forecast to hit £2 trillion, but the affordability of that depends on loans to governments around the world. When the government is pumping money into the economy, you would expect activity to pick up, but that is likely to be only a temporary effect. 0ver to pick up, but that is likely to be only a temporary effect. Over the medium term, the policy measures announced in this budget if anything would mean Economic Activity would be slightly weaker, but they will be a boost in the short term. Be slightly weaker, but they will be a boost in the shortterm. The obr raised the possibility of recession as the everyday impact of the invisible coronavirus appears in our workplaces, on our supermarket shelves, our streets and sports daily. It could last longer than expected, even overlap in difficulties with post brexit trade deal. Such unknowns are exactly why for a decade governments have demanded lower deficits. Here at the treasury, that has now changed for a reason. But at the very time the world is full of risk. Faisal islam, bbc news. Lets take a look at some of the other items in the budget. Taxes on spirits, beer, cider and wine are to be frozen, but tobacco taxes will continue to rise by 2 above the rate inflation, adding 27p to a pack of 20 cigarettes. The 5 rate of vat on sanitary products, referred to as the tampon tax, will be abolished from january. A Plastic Packaging tax will come into force from 2022, with manufacturers and importers whose products have less than 30 recyclable material, charged £200 per tonne. £120 million is to be invested in emergency funding for places affected by this winters flooding, plus £200 million for flood resilience. Total investment in flood defences will double to £52 billion over the next five years. And £1. 5 billion is to be invested in the refurbishment of further education colleges. And the 20 tax on digital publications, including newspapers, e books and academic journals will be scrapped from december. So the government is going to spend billions of pounds helping businesses cope with the impact of coronavirus. 0ur Political Correspondent alex forsyth has has been speaking to Business Owners in and around wolverhampton. It might look like business as usual, but behind the scenes theres serious worry at this engineering firm. With just 15 staff, if sickness spreads, it could stop production. So there was a close eye on todays budget, to see what might help them through. For manager geoff, loans and help with sick pay is very welcome. But this firm wont benefit from a cut in its business rates. Quite disappointed in that, you know . The manufacturing side of things. No business rate relief for us. And i think it would be a relatively simple thing to put in fairly quickly that would help a lot, actually. 0verall, were you reassured . No. There seemed to be a very limited amount specifically for manufacturing. Nearby, this tearoom, though, does stand to benefit. And here, the chancellors measures were welcome news, as theyve already seen a drop in trade. I think its fantastic that hes addressed this. It definitely needed addressing. Business rates relief is very helpful. But even with support, owner katie is still worried about the long term for many businesses like hers. 40 down in the last two days. Thats a big drop in takings. When you lose the high street and you lose your local places where you can go and have a cup of tea, then you lose your community. Wolverhampton is the kind of place the governments promised investment and attention an area where two out of three local constituencies turned from labour to the tories last year. This budget was meant to focus on election promises, and there was talk of money spending on road, rail, housing and broadband in places like this. But the chancellor was forced to confront the economic threat of coronavirus. And, for many, that is the crucial test for this government. Hello, lighthouse, can i help you . For this independent cinema and arts venue, the response is vital. As a charity, theyve struggled with funding and cant afford visitors to stay away. Theyre hoping they can apply for loans and support with sick pay announced today. They need cash flow. Support has to come through very quickly. It cantjust be, oh, well, lets see how it goes and we will see if you are eligible and we can support you down the line. We need action now. What are your biggest worries about what might happen in the next weeks and months . My biggest worry is that it will be a terminal situation for organisations like us. For now, the show goes on and the hope there will be enough continued support to keep it that way. Alex forsyth, bbc news, wolverhampton. Our Business Editor simonjack is with me. Lots of today has clearly been prompted by this Public Health emergency. For lots of businesses it isa emergency. For lots of businesses it is a matter of survival. The objectives today to get people through what could be difficult weeks and months. Abolishing tax. In the retail industry, a 3000 pence grants. Businesses that they do not have to pay back. Full businesses with less than 250 employees, getting the government to refund any statutory sick pay. Businesses have welcomed this, but if you set narrow targets, if you were this, this and this, you qualify, you miss an awful lot, and some businesses and business groups are angry and baffled. For example childcare, Nursery Group saying the Small Businesses not eligible for any of these measures and if you do not have childcare, people cannot go to work. If you are going to try something this big, and it was huge in its scope, some of the details will disappear through the cracks. Many thanks, simon jack. Will disappear through the cracks. Many thanks, simonjack. Lets go to westminster and joined laura, to pick up on simons point, in economic and fiscal terms this is a big deal, but a big shift also in political terms . No question. A cabinet minister tonight is being tested for coronavirus and has been told stay at home, if you like, this isa told stay at home, if you like, this is a metaphor for how close this has got to the heart of government. There is no doubt whatsoever that the measures put forward today i reveal package of plants put together a quite some speed by the treasury, they are a big effort, a big bazooka to try to stop there being some very significant and sudden impact to the economy as coronavirus started to take hold, but that should not mask the fact that, separately coronavirus, we have seen a very important shift in economic and political direction from the conservatives, for good or for ill they have moved us into a new era of big spending and big borrowing, the kind of thing they decried for years and years, the kind of thing you just cannot imagine George Osborne all Philip Hammond actually announcing in recent times. They say, look, the Global Situation has changed, we have low Interest Rates for such a long time, the economic picture is com pletely long time, the economic picture is completely different, now is the right time to do this and it is not reckless in anyway, shape or form, but i detect an item scepticism and consent on the tory benches about a very simple fact, if a government, like any others, takes out a huge new Mortgage Rate big new overdraft, of course at some point there is a risk to that all. Just in case anyone was in any doubt, this is a very different government dealing with a very different Political Landscape after an election and they are determined to do things very differently, not just are determined to do things very differently, notjust because of coronavirus but because of a different political direction they are adamant they want to take. Many thanks, Laura Kuenssberg with the analysis at westminster. You can find out how the budget will affect you with our budget calculator. That is on our website. You can also access it on the bbc news are, with lots of analysis and Background Information on the budget. The peak of the coronavirus outbreak in the uk could be a couple of months away, according to the Health Secretary matt hancock. He confirmed that parliament would remain open, despite the Health Minister Nadine Dorries testing positive for the virus. Two more ministers, including a member of the cabinet, have decided to isolate themselves today. Earlier, the world health 0rganization confirmed that the coronavirus outbreak is a pandemic, spreading in multiple countries at the same time. A56 people are now confirmed to have the virus here in the uk. More than 27,000 people have been formally tested, and that operation is set to be extended, with the number of people being tested expanding from 1,500 a day to 10,000. 0ur Health Editor hugh pym has been to visit one of the centres processing the samples in central london. Coronavirus testings already under way at this laboratory run by North West London pathology services, part of a major expansion of testing in england, bringing in hospital labs to help cope with an expected rise in the caseload. There was one more added to the number, with news the Health Minister Nadine Dorries had tested positive, the first mp to contract the virus. Government says will remain open. Officials are tracing her recent contacts. A member of her staff has tested positive. There will be a significant increase in testing capacity, using hospital labs like this. Public Health Officials say the tests are not for anyone who might feel theyre ill theyre specifically targeted at those seen to be most at risk, and only after decisions made by nhs 111 or doctors. So how does Contact Tracing work . If a person tests positive for the virus, Public Health officials identify their close contacts in recent days. Theyre looking for people whove spent at least 15 minutes at a distance of less than two metres. Then they decide whos low risk and whos high risk, depending partly on their age and underlying health. The low risk individuals take no action, while those at high risk stay at home for 1h days, and if they have symptoms, call 111. Its often family members, because obviously youre living very closely together. So family members will be contact traced. In different situations, it will be people that youve been very close to, that youve maybe had a close conversation with, that is when you are most likely to have been infected. Travel insurance has been hit. Lv said it was temporarily halting sales of new policies after travellers scrambled to try to protect themselves against cancelled holidays or being stuck abroad. Two other companies have restricted cover. And a coronavirus case in a hampshire care home has been confirmed. The council said there were rigorous Infection Control procedures. Its another reminder of the challenges with controlling covid 19. Hugh pym, bbc news. In italy, europes worst affected country, spending has also been increased to help the economy cope with the impact of coronavirus. Prime minister Guiseppe Conte has also announced the tightening of restrictions including the closure of all stores except for pharmacies and food shops. Some workplaces, including those essential for production, will remain open. Tourists and visitors can currently leave, but for italian residents only those with serious work or family reasons will be allowed to travel. 12,500 people in italy now have the virus and the number of fatalities has jumped by nearly 200 to 827. Mark lowen reports from rome. Connecting the epicentres. A doctor in wuhan and those in europes equivalent, northern italy. Colleagues in crisis. Sharing the know how. We reached that italian doctor on the right in his hospital. The first to diagnose coronavirus here. It hit like a bomb that has kept on exploding. The first few hours, we received ten, 50, 60, 70, until 200 patients in our Emergency Department and we had some hours where the oxygen supplies sockets were insufficient to give oxygen to all the patients. So we were in a sort of, let me say, war scenario. But, in his town, it may have peaked. With no cases there, in the past day, it could be a sign of containment working. I think that what we did in this area has demonstrated that we are on the right pathway. So i am quite optimistic, i am quite confident that this could be the right way to go. But the rest of italy is days behind, and the virus is still surging. Rome is quiet. Under new restrictions and ends tonight, Companies Must Close Department not needed for productions and all shops apart from food stores or pharmacies will be closed. Pharmacies are only allowing customers in one at a time. In the next cafe is, tables must be a metre apart. They will close at 6pm. If you come over here, you can see a childrens playground over there is closed, as are schools, universities, cinemas, theatres and so many other venues. Its still scheduled. Several airlines have stopped flights in or out, a concern for brenda and andrew samuels, booked to travel to manchester tomorrow. Their hotel here is shutting on friday for lack of customers. I am not worried about the disease, we are taking all precautions that we can, but we are worried about going home. Whether our flight will still get us home. Police have a new target traffickers of hand gel and facemasks, cracking a ring that tried to make a huge profit, like prized drugs, in these dystopian times. Mark lowen, bbc news, rome. In south korea, a network of nearly 100 laboratories has been set up, and tests done on more people per capita than anywhere else in the world. 0ur seoul correspondent laura bicker has had exclusive access to one of the super labs, where thousands of tests are being conducted every day. Getting critical patients to hospital is a race against time. They have to be tracked and tested, quickly. So in this battle to contain the contagion, these labs have become front line. So, because of the safety, we are not going to go into this room. This is where the samples are being opened and prepared. Theyre testing up to 20,000 people a day, more than any other country in the world. A Lesson Learned from bitter experience with infectious diseases. So is this the busiest youve ever been . Yes. This is my busiest day. The Computer Programme can tell whether the sample is positive or negative for the virus. How long does the process take . The whole process takes about 5 6 hours. So it is quite quick . I think its quite quick. Scientists believe early testing and early treatment could be why fewer people are dying here. Makeshift clinics such as this one are set up to combat mass infections. Nearly a hundred staff at this building in seoul contracted covid 19. Now everyone who works here will be tested. There is no shortage of kits. They were mass produced to prepare for this outbreak. The blood of recovered patients like mr lee is also being monitored in the hope of finding antibodies and potentially a vaccine. Lee told me he had almost no symptoms, just a little cough. Translation its really important to be cautious and safe, but i wish people would have less fear of the virus itself. But i also know those who are older need to be careful. While they appear to be containing this outbreak for now, they know that with coronavirus, there is no room for complacency. Laura bicker, bbc news, seoul. The World Health Organization say they now regard coronavirus as a worldwide pandemic, and tomorrow the government will set out more the next measures it might take. 0ur Health Editor hugh pym is with me. Let ta ke let take stock, where are we tonight . The who move its official recognition of what has been known for a little while, this virus is spreading rapidly in many countries. The who is deeply concerned about the low level of action in some countries and has called for much more concerted International Activity to tackle the virus. It does not mean a lot in practice for the uk government but it gives them the uk government but it gives them the queue to move to the next phase of the action plan, i think we will learn more about that tomorrow. I minister borisjohnson will chair a meeting of the Cobra Committee and i think he will give more guidance on how to self isolate if people feel ill, more guidance to older people and whether they should leave home Prime Minister borisjohnson. Health department is pretty depleted, Nadine Dorries is recovering, one of her colleagues has gone into self isolation on the advice of Health Officials and so has a cabinet minister because of meetings with Nadine Dorries. Many thanks, hugh pym. In new york, the former hollywod producer Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for the rape and Sexual Assault of two women. 0ur north america correspondent nick bryant was in court. There was joy in this moment for the victims of Harvey Weinstein. That the convicted rapist will spend so long behind bars, that their voices have finally been heard. In courtjessica mann and mimi haley delivered victim statements describing how he ruined their lives and then had to listen to weinsteins rambling remarks, in which he expressed remorse for the women but also the men going through this crisis. Then came the sentencing, 23 years. There were gasps in the courtroom as the sentence was read out, not least because it is so severe. Most legal analysts had expected 10 15 years. So from this courthouse in manhattan, a punishment that will echo around the world. This is whatjustice looks like, 20 plus three years. The model tarale wulff was one of the women to testify during the trial. For the first time i can say i can feel a sense of happiness i guess. Because this is not a happy circumstance to be, that we are all here for, but i feeljoyous. This is very severe, what is your response . Ridiculous is what it is. Harvey weinsteins defense team had sough the minimum sentence of five years in prison. He faces 23. I think that number is a cowardly number to give. I think the judge caved, just as i believe the jury caved and i am not happy. But it is the feelings of weinsteins victims that matter and for the model Amber Battilana gutierrez, that number, 23, is especially poignant. I was 23 when he assaulted me. That is the number when my life was ruined, so. Any response to todays sentence

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