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Number of premature babies struggling for life in the war torn syrian province of idlib. We speak to the mp for wigan lisa nandy about her bid to become leader of the labour party. And Cockadoodle Doo the giant new art installation gracing a skyline in yorkshire. The giant new art installation england the giant new art installation prepare to face Wales Twickenham england prepare to face wales at twickenham tomorrow needing a win to keep alive their hopes of winning the title in the six nations. Good evening. In the last few minutes its been confirmed that a second person has died from coronavirus in the uk he was an elderly man with Underlying Health who was in hospital in Milton Keynes. The number of people in the uk now infected with coronavirus has risen again, to 164, up from 116 yesterday. Thats the biggest increase in a single day so far. The government is to spend another £46 million to try to deal with the virus, including more money to find a vaccine and to develop a rapid test for the disease. Around the world there are now more than 100,000 cases, of those more than 100,000 cases, of those more than half, almost 56,000 people, have recovered. But more than 3,400 have died. 0ur medical correspondent fergus walsh has the latest. Science fergus walsh has the latest. Is fighting back again new science is fighting back against the new coronavirus. This lab at Imperial College london is developing a vaccine. The aim, to protect people from getting infected. They know the world is waiting. Absolute sense of urgency and wanting to deliver and stepping up and wanting to deliver and stepping up to this challenge. So everybody is working as fast as they can. There is also a degree of kind of Just Innovation to make things happen really much quicker than they have been before. The first doses, several hundred of them, are kept in this freezer. But its far from yet ready yet. This is one of several prototype vaccines against coronavirus which are being developed by teams across the world. All must go through animal and human trials before they can be declared safe and effective. And all of that ta kes safe and effective. And all of that takes time. Things have progressed much more quickly than they would have done in the past and its not unreasonable to assume that we will end up with a vaccine and we may do so end up with a vaccine and we may do so in end up with a vaccine and we may do soina end up with a vaccine and we may do so in a year, 18 months, which is remarkable when you considerjust a few years ago it would have taken 20 yea rs few years ago it would have taken 20 years to do that. The Prime Minister visiting a lab in bedfordshire announced £46 million of government funding to help find a vaccine and develop a rapid test for the disease, as cases in the uk saw their biggest daily increase. There will certainly be a substantial period of disruption when we have to deal with this outbreak. How big that will be, how long that will be, i think is still an open question. At Milton Keynes hospital, a second death in the uk from coronavirus has just been confirmed. The patient was a man in his early 80s who had Underlying Health conditions. The number of confirmed cases in the uk is now 164, but thats still way behind italy, by far the worst outbreak in europe. The vatican, the tiny citystate in rome, has announced its first case of coronavirus. The pope who has had a bad cold, has already reported negative. Across italy, mostly in the north, there were nearly 800 new cases today, bringing the total to more than 4500, with 197 deaths. But for most, it is proving a mild illness and more than 500 of those infected have already fully recovered. Fergus walsh, bbc news. The Health Secretary matt hancock today tried to reassure people about Food Supplies in the coming months, saying the government is working with supermarkets to make sure that people who have to self isolate will get the food they need. But leading supermarkets have contradicted him. Our Business Editor simon jack is here. So, what did they say . There was a call between the environment secretary George Eustice with major supermarkets where they discussed Food Security which was hastily arranged by supermarkets who we re hastily arranged by supermarkets who were so hastily arranged by supermarkets who were so baffled by Matt Hancocks comments, saying he has not talked to them about people self isolating but he hasnt really talked about Food Security at all with us. And also in the call today, they said, is there a way that supermarkets could get food delivery services, online groceries, to people who self isolate. They said, listen, it is only 7 of the market, we can do a bit more like christmas levels but we cant do the other 93 . Its important to say that there is no shortage of food. But getting stuff onto the shelves in time is proving a logistical challenge for some, some more than others. They say they are meeting demand but working around the clock. 0thers are meeting demand but working around the clock. Others said the spike in demand was noticeable for things like pasta, tomatoes, tinned tomatoes, tinned goods, but they are working within tolerable limits. And they said also that people should continue to shop as normal. At least one of them said not everyone is doing that. So there is some confusion, some discrepancy about what the government is saying is happening and what the government is saying to the industry. Simon, many thanks. Simonjack there. Off the coast of San Francisco, there are thousands of people being held in quarantine on a cruise ship, the grand princess, after a 71 year old passenger died of coronavirus. Among the passengers are 140 britons, with all on board told to stay in their cabins. There have so far been 260 confirmed cases in the us, with 14 deaths. Most of the cases are in Washington State and in california. This report from sophie long in california contains some flashing images. Coronavirus testing kits being lowered onto the cruise liner that is now stranded off the northern californian coast. The thousands of passengers on board are confined to their rooms. 142 are british. It would be nice to know where we are going. Its a 50th birthday that victoria hanlon and her husband neil from somerset will not forget. They told me they are getting room service and some information. How do you feel about the information flow youve been receiving . How youve been treated . So far its very good but as long as its the truth. All you want to hear is the truth, you know . There is no point papering over the cracks. So as long as its the truth, yes, so far so good. Wed like to know where we are. We havent got a clue where we are, we dont know where were going. The grand princess wont be able to sail into San Francisco until Health Authorities are satisfied with the results of testing carried out on board. They want to prevent further cases of the coronavirus being brought ashore into california. But the reality is, its already here and its spreading. Keep up the great work and god bless you all. As it does, there is growing concern that the response has been insufficient and people are having to pay thousands of dollars for tests. On a visit to the worst affected area near seattle, the man in charge Vice President mike pence wasnt risking handshakes. He admitted there werent enough testing kits available for those that want them. We dont have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward. But at this care home in kirkland near seattle that has been linked to at least six deaths, there is angerfrom relatives of those still awaiting diagnosis. We want to know when our loved ones will be tested. We dont want General Information about how and when the group as a whole will be tested. We want specific information as it pertains to our loved one. As the number of infections swells to more than 200 scattered across 18 states, President Trump signed an 8. 3 billion bill to tackle the outbreak. Came out of nowhere. The money will be used for testing potential vaccines and treatment for those affected. We have been communicating with some more of the passengers on board and most of them are trying to stay positive and keep their chins up but they have been in limbo and confined to their cabins for more than 24 hours now, and if you are becoming increasingly concerned, notjust about contracting coronavirus but about contracting coronavirus but about their health in general. Many on board are elderly and reliant on medication that could run out if they are unable to dock soon. The Cruise Company so they are working with passengers to make sure that doesnt happen. Sophie, many thanks. Sophie long there. While the majority of those whove contracted coronavirus have already recovered, some people are far more at risk than others. A recent study from the centre for Disease Control in china found that older people, especially those above 80, are more vulnerable because of weaker immune systems. Those with pre existing medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and asthma are more likely to become severely ill. Researchers also found that being male could mean youre at an increased risk. The higher death rate could be because men are more likely to smoke. 0ur Health Correspondent Dominic Hughes has been speaking to some people with Underlying Health conditions. Tony collier lives with advanced prostate cancer. He still runs three times a week, despite his diagnosis. But the illness has left him especially vulnerable to infections like coughs and colds, and now coronavirus. Because i have no male hormone, i seem to have great difficulty fighting off infections. And i got the flu, and it really knocked me for six for about three months. And id normally recover much more quickly than that. Where would you pitch your own level of concern over coronavirus . What im trying to do is continue to live life as normally as possible. Im not avoiding crowds. But im just taking the usual, sensible precautions, such as hand washing, which is what weve been told to do. So, i think its important to try to live normally, not to over panic, not to overreact, but actually be aware that there is a risk. The government is promoting good hygiene, hand washing, alongside using and disposing of paper tissues, as an important way to minimise the risk of passing on the infection. As this virus starts to spread throughout communities, we will all need to think notjust how we protect our own health but the health of everyone around us, particularly those who might be more vulnerable. So, linda is thinking of her mother in law, whos in her 905. Because if we get something, we wont be able to help her, because we will have to isolate, wont we . Linda and sandra have been friends for five decades, but in recent years, both have experienced health issues. A mini stroke, lung disease, a cancer scare, high blood pressure. That could leave them at heightened risk. So, are they alarmed . I think ive got to keep a sensible head on it, and just hope that what youve been told to do will work for you. Until were actually told dont go out or anything like that, which i dont think, hopefully, itll get to that, but im still going out, and going to the theatre, doing my classes, and things like that. People will panic, and they are panicking. But, at the moment, we arent. No, were just carrying on. Those who live with an Underlying Health condition are already well aware of the dangers posed every year by winter flu. So far, at least, people seem determined not to let coronavirus radically change their lives. Dominic hughes, bbc news, huddersfield. Scotla nd scotland womens six nations match in glasgow tomorrow has been postponed after a home player tested positive for coronavirus. Scottish by positive for coronavirus. Scottish rugby so the player is being treated ina rugby so the player is being treated in a Health Care Facility but is otherwise well and that Seven Members of the scotland playing and management staff are in self isolation. The mens match on sunday isolation. The mens match on sunday is set to go ahead as planned. Iran has reported its biggest daily increase in coronavirus infections, with around 1,200 new cases confirmed. Almost 5,000 people have now been infected and 124 have died. The authorities cancelled friday prayers and are trying to prevent travel between cities. There are now signs that coronavirus in china is being controlled, with new infection figures and the number of deaths beginning to stabilise. But after more than six weeks of quarantine and shutdown, the pressure on Chinese Society and its economy is telling. As other countries consider how best to handle a major outbreak, John Sudworth looks now at the impact on chinas economy, its health system, and on education. Its a karate class with something missing. Students. They are all online instead. In the fight against the virus, every school and college in china has now been shut for more than two weeks. I think most of us are confident in our country to get through all of this because i think in this very time we found out we are very united, because we just do whatever we can to help the country. We do this by staying at home, which is quite important. The universitys internet control centre handles almost 4000 virtual courses a week. Its a sign of chinas strengths. Discipline, mass mobilisation, high tech. But the virus has exposed chinas weaknesses too, with cover up and delay helping it to spiral out of control. Everyones felt the effects. Here, a woman needing urgent chemotherapy for her cancer waits at a checkpoint while her mother pleads to be allowed through. She was eventually taken to a hospital less inundated with the virus to the relief of her fiance. The wider impact on chinas economy offers a warning to other countries. China now faces two huge conflicting challenges. 0n the one hand, the control measures are necessary to contain the virus, but on the other, by blockading villages, closing down transport networks and keeping tens of millions of workers in quarantine, it risks choking off its economy. Look whats happened to car sales, for example. Falling by 20 injanuary and more than 80 in february. Air travel statistics are just as stark, with the number of departures from chinas busiest airports massively reduced. With the infection rate falling, business and transport links are being eased back into life. But this giant economy is still a long way from normality. John sudworth, bbc news, beijing. 0ur medical correspondent fergus walsh is with me now. Chinas been living with the virus for weeks. How serious could this now be for us in the uk . Its really ha rd its really hard to knowjust how bad the outbreak could be here compared to say china or italy, but expect further surges in cases in the coming days and weeks and, sadly, more deaths, but some people will be questioning why this issue is getting so much attention, when seasonal flu claims thousands of lives here every year and we have had two deaths from coronavirus. And the reason is this is a nastier, this is a more villareal and virus than flu and it has the potential to have a far greater impact a more virulent virus. We have no vaccine but four out of five people who get infected will have a mild illness and even those with greater risk, the vast majority of them will recover as well. Weve had 164 people confirmed as infected in the uk out of a population of 66 million, so a sense of perspective is crucial. 0k, fergus, many thanks, fergus walsh there. And you can keep up to date with all the developments concerning the coronavirus outbreak, including the symptoms to watch out for thats on the bbc news app and on our website. A ceasefire appears to be holding for now in the syrian province of idlib, with monitors reporting that no warplanes have been flying for the first time in weeks. Idlib is the last part of syria still held by rebels, after nine years of civil war. A huge offensive by president Bashar Al Assads forces, backed by russian air strikes, has led to a new humanitarian crisis, in a war that has already killed hundreds of thousands, and driven millions from their homes. A few hours before the ceasefire began, our International Correspondent 0rla guerin and cameraman Goktay Koraltan visited a Maternity Hospital in idlib, struggling to cope with tiny premature babies. Her report contains some distressing material. Born too early in syrias time of war. Ten days old and already battling tough odds. He weighs just over 3 lbs, but hes a fighter and getting stronger. Staff here are struggling to save a growing number of premature babies, born to mothers traumatised by air strikes and barrel bombs. Doctor ikram wants these tiny babies to be seen, in all their suffering. She is eight months pregnant herself and cant understand why the outside world has stood idly by. Many times i ask myself, there is no one can help us or no one can stop this war, there is no humanity. Where is the humanity of these people . If you see every day the miserable condition here, why cannot do anything . How you are. . Then, suddenly, we heard the conflict coming closer, just hours before the ceasefire began. Time to go. In syria, hospitals are not spared. Theyve been repeatedly targeted by russian and syrian warplanes. Weve just heard a very loud explosion nearby. Theres obviously been an air strike and the alarm is sounding here at the hospital, telling people that there are jets in the air and people are now starting to come out. But this is an everyday reality in idlib. People have become accustomed to living with this risk. And many have died from it. This was the town of binnish on february the 25th. Anas hoping against hope to find his loved ones after a massive air strike on his neighbourhood. Instead he faced unbearable losses. His baby son. His wife, his mother and his brother. Ten days on he is cloaked in sorrow and pain. His son tarik survived because anas took him to the pharmacy five minutes before the air strike. Do you see any future now for yourself . Do you see any future for syria . Translation may god give us strength, but for syria there is no future. As long as bashar is around, not for children, for man orfor women. Who do you blame for what has happened to your family . Translation first of all i blame the russians and the regime, but the main reason is the International Community which has no compassion for us. His life is a shadow of what it was. He believes the ceasefire wont last and no one can replace what was taken from anas. 0rla guerin, bbc news, idlib. Here, the japanese car maker nissan is to invest £400 million in its factory in sunderland stop the money will be used to prepare for a new cash cow model, despite the company having warned that tariffs have to brexit could endanger production there. Unite said the plan should confidence in the workforce. The Environment Agency says it is still pumping nearly one billion litres of water a day out of parts of east yorkshire which have been hit by flooding in recent weeks. Scores of homes were affected when the river aire overflowed, and many residents are still trying to clean up. In a months time well know wholl be the next leader of the labour party. Three candidates remain in the race, sir keir starmer, rebecca long bailey and lisa nandy. In the last of our series of profiles, our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has been speaking to the wigan mp lisa nandy. Cant ijust go in with louise . Its more normal, isnt it . Campaigning is not exactly glamorous. Im not britney, am i . Im just going to have a chat with the members. Lisa nandys been on the road with the other contenders for weeks. Wow. With her diagnosis of what went wrong. Theres been a sense for such a long time that labour is a party that has become very top heavy and centralised in central london, a small group of people who make decisions about the lives of people who they know very little about, and that we often go into areas saying we know what your problems are, we know how to fix them, and were at the right people to do it at election time. People are fed up with that sort of politics and they want to see things change. This isnt just about north versus south. This is about people feeling they have too little ability to influence the circumstances of their lives. Youre actually there agreeing with rather a lot of what the government is actually trying to do, evening out the lopsided nature of the country. I mean, i will always back what the government is doing, if theyre getting it right. I came into politics to change peoples lives, not just to protest and shout. But who decides what that investment is and where that money is spent . Its still the same group of men sitting behind a desk in central london. Weve seen this settlement for decades. Itjust will not do. Which of the plans that were developed byjeremy corbyn, as labour leader would you hold onto, and which of those would you ditch . Well, i would ditch anything where we didnt know how we were going to pay for it. You cantjust go in to an election saying youre going to spend money because its their money, and, as one woman said to me in wigan in 2017, its our money, love, and we havent got a lot of it. But can she be the person to pull members together, when she was part of the challenge to oustjeremy corbyn in 2016 . I am genuinely non factional, i always have been. I left the shadow cabinet for exactly that reason, because it became very apparent to me that when a whole series of colleagues had resigned from the shadow cabinet and i went to seejeremy, and some senior politicians in his own team, they made it very, very clear that they were going to continue to wage that factional war until the other side had been crushed. It was Jeremy Corbyns team who were deliberately waging war on other parts of the labour party . It was both, it was absolutely both. We offered to help pull the thing back together, but it was made absolutely clear at the time that this factional war wasntjust going to be waged from the backbenches but from the front bench as well. And weve had four years of that. Who made that clear to you . It wasntjeremy, but theres no point at all in which he contradicted that. Do you have any tory friends . I do. I have friends who vote tory. I also have a hell of a lot of constituents now who vote tory. So, if i refused to speak to them, i wouldnt be doing myjob very well. I take any friends at the moment, to be honest with you, after ten weeks of this leadership contest i feel like my only friends in the world at the moment are becky and keir. We just go round and round conference centres, shouting slogans at each other. Jeremy corbyns team has always denied stirring up any of the trouble. I was determined to do it. While lisa nandys chances are slim, the next generation of labour have the job of making peace. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news. Yorkshire Sculpture Park near wakefield hosts many and impressive works. Now theyve been joined by Marilyn Monroe shoes, a huge wedding ring, and this giant multicoloured cockerel. 0ur arts editor Will Gompertz went to find out why. A chicken in the countryside is not uncommon. Cockerel crows. But a massive cockerel covered in ceramic tiles, which emits a soundtrack, is more of a rarity. Even for the Award Winning yorkshire Sculpture Park, where contemporary art vies with Mother Nature for your attention. The portuguese sculptorjoana vasconcelos has added some colour and a monumental mirrored mask. This has taken on a contemporary resonance because, ironically, this is a venetian mask, right . Yes. And venetians had these masks to stop them from getting the plague, originally . Exactly. So, the mask is a device that is used for many cultures all over the world for two things. To protect yourself from evil and it can be from a virus, like the coronavirus, or in venice from the plague but also it can be to protect yourself from yourself, and so you create an identity of yourself to communicate with the world. Up on the hill is her seven metre high wedding ring made out of gold alloy car wheel rims, topped off with a stack of crystal whiskey glasses. Framing the view over the valley towards barnsley. So, to make a wedding ring is to talk about love, its to talk about commitment. Its to talk about a relationship. You dont need a rock to do that. So it is intentionally vulgar . It is bling, bling vulgar and it talks about how we end up consuming so much. And putting all our expectations in objects and not in feelings. Shes an artist for our times, producing instagram friendly sculptures loaded with meaning. From a pair of stilettos made out of stainless steel saucepans to a stack of plastic cutlery arranged to look like a heart. She says she wants to create a space for discovery. And joana is from the country of portugal. And if you look at the sculpture, those tiny little dots, when its night time, they all light up. So that you can see the sculpture from miles and miles around. Bells clang. Shes right you can. Will gompertz, bbc news, yorkshire. Thats it. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Have a very good night. Hello and welcome to sportsday. The six nation when the game is off to him after player contracts coronavirus. Two of them and scans go ahead as scheduled. And we get ready to host old rivals wales. Tiger woods is defending his masters title, the factum shipping has another back problem. And joe conti is in the action at the monterey open. The

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