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This is bbc news. The headlines at ten p m. A dysfunctional system allowed ian pattison to perform the necessary operations on hundreds or possibly thousands of women says a damning report. Collings avoided or worked around him. Some could have known, others should have known. And a few must have known. If you are a patterson patient, you are 50 wanted to get a recurrence of Breast Cancer because you have been left with breast tissue, basically a time bomb in your chest ready to explode because he did not remove it. Leave china if you can come up brits are told, as a death toll from coronavirus reaches more than 400. A court is told that the brother of the Manchester Arena bomber is equally guilty of the murder of the 22 people who died in the attack. A ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in the uk is to be brought forward by five years to 2035. And the generation that has never known life without the internet. Half of all ten year olds have a smartphone. A rogue surgeon in the midlands was able to get away with hundreds if not thousands of botched operations because a Health Service was not turn a blind eye to his crimes. Among staff at nhs, private hospitals and others. As a result five Health Professionals have been referred to the regulatory bottles. West Midlands Police are looking at another employee. And the inquiry is recommending the cases of more than 11,000 other patients should not be reassessed. Their lives have been changed forever by Ian Patterson. Many women were told they had cancer when they did not and underwent a needless operations. 0thers when they did not and underwent a needless operations. Others were submitted to untested surgical techniques. They had campaigned for this independent inquiry which has found they had been failed by the Health Care System at every level. This is important for people who died to be heard. Because without any exaggeration, there are so many unnecessary deaths. People fail to realise is this gap and you start looking at the stats in he and move between hospitals in the West Midlands of the criticism being shared in the places hed worked. Two years ago, he was found guilty in a criminal court and his sentence for wounding later increased from 15 20 years. Today, the man who chaired this inquiry said opportunities to stop him had been repeatedly missed. My reports is that what can only be described as willful blindness in relation to his behaviour and a barren clinical practice. Colleagues avoided or worked around him. Some could have known, others should have known and a few must have known. His report makes 15 recommendations. Including automatic suspension if a person is investigated and patients are considered at risk. And that the information is passed on to their other places of work. Creating a database where patients can check a consultants previous performance. And making Patient Safety a top priority across current regulation. I think ijust hated him from that minute. Knowing that somebody in his position could be so devious and nasty. Ian paterson subjected judy conduit to three operations she didnt need. To 23 operations she didnt need. She cant understand how he got away with it. If somebody had taken notice when they reported mr paterson, so many people could have been spared what he put them through. But theyjust let him carry on. Ina highly in a highly recommended and regulated sector, it was said others we re regulated sector, it was said others were supposed to act. The nhs trust where paterson worked says it supports the recommendations, whilst Spire Healthcare admits opportunities were missed. We should have caught him sooner. But we have changed. Spire is changed. We have got much Better Regulation of consultants today. The consequences of this surgeons actions have been felt by many. Sian lloyd, bbc news, birmingham. Earlier we asked our Health Editor with this could happen again. We certainly learn more about the devastating scale of this with more than a thousand patients affected it. But the review says it is about more than that as well with an utterly dysfunctional health system, nhs and private. That was less than a decade ago. What has happened since . And brutus in may but he says all the regulators that are now there with budget collectively of half £1 billion a year, he not totally convinced they really have got Patient Safety at the heart of what they do. He says he took evidence from some clinicians who said yes this could happen once again. I spoke to one who said the system was safer but more work was needed tojoin system was safer but more work was needed to join up the work of different regulators to share information and to do more in terms of oversight, to try to ensure another rogue surgeon does not slip through that again. That was our Health Editor hugh pam in there. British nationals living in china have been advised to leave the country if they can to minimise the risk posed by coronavirus. The number of cases is thought to be doubling every few days with the World Health Organisation says it still does not amount to a pandemic. Johnson with report. In wuhan, they have turned this stadium into a hospital state media using images like these to reinforce a message. China is getting things under control. But the deserted airports and cancelled flights show its fear that seems to be winning. Now the uk, along with germany, france and new zealand, are advising those who can to leave. Its prompted some to try to bring their flights forward. The British Government advice has not really been that helpful because you cannotjust take a flight out. If the flights arent there, they are not available, so, yes. Lydia, did it add to your sense of worry when you hear governments telling people to get out if they can . A little bit. The biggest worry was that the city would get locked down because we were in the second worst province after hubei, chongqing. So there have been cities in the province that have been quarantined and when you are quarantined, you are stuck. This is more than 500 miles from wuhan, residents kept indoors, transport shutdown. These scenes are driving fears in foreign capitals that the virus may not be contained. The advice to 30,000 britons in china to head to the airport is extraordinary. The worlds second largest economy, deeply integrated into Global Supply chains and transport networks, now essentially deemed too risky. But its not easy for all brits to leave. Little baby atlas doesnt yet have a passport. It seems to be that the news is saying that the elderly and the young are the most vulnerable to viruses generally, so were a little bit anxious about that. And dannys wife is a Chinese National without a valid visa. But the uk government has announced that shouldnt matter. I have spoken to the Chinese Foreign minister and received reassurances that no families that want to return with a uk national will find themselves divided on the basis of dual nationality. Chinas fighting on, but with so much still unknown about this virus, the International Community isnt taking any chances. Jon sudworth, bbc news, beijing. Well find out how this story and many others are covered in the front pages. That is at 11 30pm tonight in the papers. The gas are listed there. The brother of the manchester arena bomber has gone on trial today. In the prosecutions opening remarks, thejury today. In the prosecutions opening remarks, the jury was told that he was just as remarks, the jury was told that he wasjust as murdered guilty of murdering the 22 who died as his brother who detonated a bomb during an Ariana Grande consular in 2017. The man who is 22 denies all charges against a full summer Home Affairs Correspondent reports. More than two and a half years on, the mothers of two victims arriving at the 0berlin this morning. The families of 15 year old megan hurley and 32 year old Kelly Brewster were also there. They are just four of the 22 People Killed in the bomb aged 8 51. 0ther breed families are watching the trial remotely by video link. Bereaved family. The bomb went off at the hour Ariana Grande concert. That 20 to may 22, 2017. As well as a22 that 20 to may 22, 2017. As well as a 22 People Killed, 264 were injured. The bomber was salman abedi, who died when his backpack exploded. Today he younger brother went on trial. Duncan penny kesey told the jury the prosecutions case. In the aftermath of the attack, police searched the family home where they found parts of a Vegetable Oil can like this. A sliver of the same ten was found at the scene of the bomb. 0n the 12th floor of this tower block, miles from their home, the brothers had access to another manchester property. From mid february to mid april, the prosecution say, the brothers rented this flat, where police later found traces of the home made explosive tatp. The allegation is that the brothers manufactured the explosive here, and stored other parts for making a device. Just over a month later, now without his brother, salman abedi boarded a tram with his backpack, travelled one stop to the Manchester Arena and detonated the bomb. Daniel sanford, bbc news, at the old bailey. Lets ta ke lets take a look at the headlines 110w lets take a look at the headlines now on bbc news. A dysfunctional Health Care System allow the breast surgeon Health Care System allow the breast surgeon Ian Patterson to perform the necessary operations on hundreds and possibly thousands of women says a damning report. Leave china if you can come up brits are told, as a death toll from coronavirus reaches more than 400. A court is told that the brother of the Manchester Arena bomber is equally guilty of the murder of the 22 people who died in the attack. Now some newsjust now some news just in from iowa where the Democratic Party has been holding its very first caucus there and the results have been delayed because of the failure of an app that was meant to collate the votes. 62 of the initial provisional results of that caucus show that the candidate pete buddha gh is in the lead, closely followed by bernie sanders. Joe biden, thought to be the favourite is in fourth place so that suggests he is behind elizabeth warren. So there has been a promise for a thorough and transparent investigation into why there have been all these problems of counting the vote but those are the first results coming in, clearly not the whole of the results. Still about one third of the results to be counted but very interesting there that Pete Buttigieg is in the lead, 5296 that Pete Buttigieg is in the lead, 52 of the initial provisional results. More of course of that as 0011 results. More of course of that as 50011 as we results. More of course of that as soon as we have it. Now a woman who was the first person to be threatened by the attacker before he would do the staff to others has spoken to the bbc about her ordeal. The 36 or was in the shop where the man soul and the 36 or was in the shop where the man souland i. The 36 or was in the shop where the man soul and i. Rosa, the 36 or was in the shop where the man souland i. Rosa, not her the 36 or was in the shop where the man soul and i. Rosa, not her real name, says witnessing others being attacked was a living hell. Kathryn carpenter reports. I cannot sleep. It is very hard because of closing my eyes at night. I think how somebody could have killed me when i was just somebody could have killed me when i wasjust going to somebody could have killed me when i was just going to the shop. It is ha rd to was just going to the shop. It is hard to think about. I cry a lot. I hug my children. This woman came face to face with the strata but ta ke face to face with the strata but take a moment before he stabbed to others. She had gone into the shop to buy things to clean her new flat when he came in. Translation he came in and took a knife and he looked like he was leaving the shop. But when he reached the door, he pushed me and try to take the Plastic Packaging from off the knife but he could not. He pushed and stabbed me with a knife was covered in plastic. The 36 year old from the Dominican Republic then saw a man run outside shouting and waving the knife as he attacked to others. Translation it was horrible for me. I spent about 15 have a 20 minutes in hell, living in that moment, it was hell. I recall seeing the man on the floor losing a lot of blood, the woman on her knees. She was today named as monica, a 51 year old nursery teacher at a catholic infant school. In a statement they said she is picking a good recovery. Within two minutes of his encounter, the attacker was dead, shot by police who had them under surveillance since his release from prison on the 23rd of january. Rosa says that should not of happened and is angry a convicted terrorist had been freed to attack again. Translation for me, you cannot release them because they always finish the sentence and when they finish the sentence and when they finish that sentence they lead to do more damage. She said she is still struggling with the trauma of a total stranger trying to take her life. The government has announced plans to ban the sale of new petrol, diesel or hybrid cars in the uk in 15 years time. That is five years earlier than previously planned. It is part of a drive to make britain a world leader in reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. The Prime Minister said that should be the aim for virtually zero Carbon Emissions by 2050. Our Energy Analyst roger harrigan has more. Before long the flute like history. The date for electric and hydrogen ca rs the date for electric and Hydrogen Cars to become the only ones on the roads will be 2035 after ministers excepted the 20 40 simply was not fast enough. That includes hybrids. The more ambitious target could be tough. It is challenging. Look last year and it is like 1. 6 of all new car sales were battery electric so we have got to go from 1. 6 to 100 , either electric or indeed zero emission things Like Hydrogen fuel cells. Environmentalists say conventional vans and cars could and should be phased out sooner. Meanwhile the Aviation Industry is getting in on the climax, announcing a scheme to take care of emissions from planes by 2050. Planting trees to soak up the emissions from planes is part of the proposed solution but so is part of the proposed solution but so is developing new fuels derived from waste. The plan is controversial. The industry cannot rely on things like biofuel with the governments on advisers as they can be highly polluting. It also cannot look to carbon offsetting as a way to keep things business as usual. This morning, the promised or was short of the Science Museum in london by the children answered David Attenborough to launch the uks hosting of a vital Global Climate summit planned for glasgow in november. And it is now up to us to put before the nations of the world what has to be done. We dont need to emphasise to them or to you that the longer we leave it and not doing things and talking about problems, the worse it is going to get. We are pledged here in the uk to deliver net zero by 2050 and the first major economy to make that commitment and it is the right thing to do. But mrjohnsons party was pulled by the former head of the climate summit, who he sacked last week. She says he is failing to lead on Climate Change. He also has admitted that he does not really understand it and. Really, he said that to you . Yes, he said all sorts of things over the years and as a said in my letter. He said he does not understand Climate Change . He said he does not really get it, others around him do. How did Boris Johnson respond . We have the Prime Minister failing johnson respond . We have the Prime Ministerfailing to lead on johnson respond . We have the Prime Minister failing to lead on Climate Change by accusation. We have aviation try to clean up and we have got the end of the road for one of the most successful machines in history, the internal combustion engine. It seems like it is notjust society changing the climate but now climate changing society. Later tonight, latertonight, president later tonight, president trumbull deliver his annual state of the Union Address. Of the president is still on trialfor Union Address. Of the president is still on trial for abuse of power. He will address the same people who impeached into the weeks ago in the same he hopes will acquit him tomorrow. 0ur news correspondent jane 0brien is a wash them and said the main theme of the state of the union speech is to be the us economy. This will be donald trump off my third seat of the Union Address and all have been shredded by some form of drama. Of the circumstances will be extraordinary tonight. Donald trump will be standing in the very chamber which several weeks ago they voted to impeach him. On the eve of the vote in the senate where they are excited to acquit him. What he will mention impeachment or not remains an open question most of the white house as at the moment there are no plans but this being donald trump, who knows what he might end up saying. The main theme of this speech is the Great American comeback and he will be focusing on the economy which is his strong point. He has got strong job growth, record low unemployment and he will also be talking about a strong america, an america with strong america, an america with Strong Border security and also more protections for freedom of religion. But against all of that is the backdrop of impeachment. This is a president who will be broadcasting to the nation an audience of millions around the country with that block of impeachment right there. And of course he will be using this platform to talk about the good things but not least to launch his own reelection campaign. Jane 0brien there. Now mps are calling on the government to help pa rents calling on the government to help parents whose children were still bore before the 1980s. Until 30 yea rs, bore before the 1980s. Until 30 years, many of those parents had their babies removed without being given the chance to say goodbye and we re given the chance to say goodbye and were not told with her children were buried. Now a Cross Party Group is pressing the government to make amends. 0ur education and family correspondent reports. Every marker represents a lost baby. Taken away from their parents after a miscarriage or stillbirth decades ago. Most of their families have no idea where they are. Why didnt i hold him . Why didnt i look at him . But it was too late, hed gone. 40 years ago, yvonnes baby was stillborn. He was taken away. She never saw him. All i had was a priest come to see me and just say that he will have a proper burial. The next morning, ready to go home. That was it. Ive always wished i knew where he was to go to a grave. Quickly removing a babys body was common before the 1980s, to avoid traumatising a mother further. Medical practice has completely changed now, but it meant thousands of families didnt get a chance to say goodbye. Paula jackson traced her friends twin sister, who died just nine hours after she was born 60 years ago. Piecing together old records, she realised her experience could help other bereaved families, so she now does it for free in her spare time. Thank you so much, paula, for finding my baby after 48 years. We have traced almost 800 babies. From 1935 up to the 90s. It was a very different time. We have had families where the mother was literally told her baby had died, and then she was told to stop crying. Paulas work tracing babies graves has been recognised by a Cross Party Group of mps. Its led to a debate in the commons this week that aims to help families gain some sort of closure. Its so important that they are able to commemorate, that they have to know where these babies are. We do owe these mums an apology, and the system was wrong, and now we have an opportunity to make sure that we make amends for the damage that we caused. Lovely to see you. Thank you. After making contact online, yvonne and paula are meeting for the first time. It took four months of searching through records, but in the corner of a graveyard, amongst the bushes, is her sons grave. Thank you. It is sad. Ill cut the bushes down, dont worry. Ill keep it clean now. She found him for me, and im so happy. I think for parents, the worst thing is not knowing. Yeah. Thank you very much. But this is just one family. There are so many other children waiting to be found. Frankie mccamley, bbc news. A study by the media regulator off, has found that half the uks 10 euros now own a smartphone. The annual survey also found that older children like to use social media to promote social causes, what they call the credit effect after the teenage swedish activist. Now talking to pupils at Milton Keynes. The latest data suggests children are spending more time online from a younger age than ever before. As this delightful class in Milton Keynes will fully admit. A key finding is the rise of the so called greta effect, support for online activists like the climate campaigner greta thunberg. She is young and has been able to make such a difference in the whole entire world. There has been a rapid diversification in this Generations Digital habits. Not on one or two platforms, they are on several, often all at once. What apps do you use . Instagram, youtube, whatsapp, and i play games on there, obviously. Instagram, snapchat, tiktok. Whats so good about tiktok . Its really funny and you spend so much time on it because it doesnt stop, you keep scrolling through each video. Your parents and guardians, what do they worry about when they tell you to stop spending so much time on their smartphone . They always talk about their generation and they say theirs is better, they didnt have smartphones and they were in the real world. Because everybody around us has a smartphone, you need one as well. Over half of 12 15 year olds have seen hateful content in the last year, up from a third in 2016. Theres also been a huge surge in gaming among girls, while the proportion of boys gaming hasnt changed. Over a quarter of kids aged 5 15 now use smart speakers at home, and thats more than listen to a radio. Aside from the obvious and irreversible tendency of kids to spend evermore time online and from an ever younger age, the big trend is for an intensification of the relationships kids have in their digital universes. That could mean seeing more harmful or hateful content, but it also means actively seeking out influential peers, campaigners and addictive games. In each case, kids are becoming more invested in their online world. In the last five years, we have seen more and more parents concerned about their children going online. In fact, around 2 million parents now feel that this outweighs the benefits. The good news is there are more conversations happening about staying safe online. Who here thinks they might be willing to admit they are addicted to their smartphone . Parents worried about their kids and technology is nothing new, but the astonishing grip of the web on this generations attention alas is. Amol rajan, bbc news. Now a choir of young iraqi women have used music to come to terms with the suffering in their community, years of persecution at the hands of the Islamic State group. The group choir and arrived in the uk to perform. If you pass ministries, you would not give them a second thought. A group of beautiful and glamourous women doing sightseeing. But you dont see the horse they have endured. Translation my name, iwas endured. Translation my name, i was nine yea rs old translation my name, i was nine years old at the time when isis attacked my home. I dont know anything about where my father and mother are nor about my brother or his five children. The choir was only formed a couple of months ago. The

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