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The landslide it won last time, it wa nts a the landslide it won last time, it wants a strong voice in the brexit talks. For ukip, paul nuttall said his party was the only one to be trusted to deliver a no nonsense brexit deal. Well have the latest on the final hours of campaigning and a reminder of some of the key Policy Choices on offer from the parties. Tributes to the victims of the London Bridge attacks of the First Police Officers on the scene. Eight people are now known to have died. In washington, the sacked former head of the fbi reveals new details about his private meetings with president trump. And friends and admirers attend a Memorial Service at Westminster Abbey for the entertainer ronnie corbett. And coming up in sportsday on bbc news, andy murray reaches the semifinals of the french open as the defending champion Novak Djokovic is knocked out. Good evening from the bbc election centre. This is where in 2a hours time well be following the results as they come in from every part of the united kingdom. The Polling Stations open at seven tomorrow morning, after a campaign that, in its latter stages, has been dominated by the debate about security following the Terror Attacks in london and manchester. But on this last full day of campaigning, the leaders have returned to their main Manifesto Policies and messages. Tonight, well have the latest on the campaigns, and well be looking at the key policy proposals. Ourfirst report, on the eve of polling day, is by our political editor, laura kuenssberg. The incumbent. Let us reignite the british spirit, because together we can do great things cheering and applause the insurgent. There are people coming together with a vision and a dream of the kind of world that we can create, a world of social justice kind of world that we can create, a world of socialjustice and solidarity theresa may called this election to win it, but its not her choice. Its not their choice. Its ouis. Choice. Its not their choice. Its ours. Her script trust only her on brexit, on her experience. Who do you believe has the will and, crucially, the plan tojust you believe has the will and, crucially, the plan to just get on with the job and deliver . ForJeremy Corbyn, from day one, arguably from decades ago, it has a lwa ys arguably from decades ago, it has always been about the alternative. He wants to be Prime Minister, but his supporters and detractors say it is about more than that. It is not just about electing mps, it is about what this campaign is about, about what this campaign is about, about what we are offering to the people of this country. So are you out for it . are you up for election 2017 . which will rewrite the History Books of politics in britain, rewrite those History Books a few hackles have followed her on the trail, like the missteps in the last few weeks. She has been criticised over police cards, under pressure on the state of the nhs, but most of all knocked on social ca re but most of all knocked on social care a policy that might have caused alarm and a few greens like this. Keen to promise a lot but relu cta nt to this. Keen to promise a lot but reluctant to go be on the big goals. It is about two people trust to have the strong and stable leadership to get the best deal for britain, and who has the will and crucially the plan to deliver on brexit. Legions of his fans, though, want something else. His opponents say the sums dont stack up, and here they love his manifesto. Bigger taxes and spending to pay for free tuition, more health care, promises of a much bigger state. The First Time Ever it has been Jeremy Corbyn bigger state. The First Time Ever it has beenJeremy Corbyn pulling new labour back into this idea of a form of socialism versus conservatives, and it is giving people the opportunity. This country needs to get out of the mike weir in with this tory government, because they dont think about the poor, they are suffering. Our manifesto offers something very different, it is going to cost a lot of money, yes, it is, i know that. But we are very clear about this we have fully costed it, 95 , 95 of the population will pay no more in tax, Fio Population will pay no more in tax, no more in National Insurance, no more in vat. The two main campaigns look so different because the parties are. It is not an election where anyone can say politicians are all the same. They have different divisions on brexit, on immigration, different hopes for the economy. Labour would tax more and spend more on schools and hospitals. Under the tories, they would still be cuts to keep trying to balance the books. They have very different takes on the kind of country this is, and what they want it to be, and a very different leader trying to persuade you to let them take us there. It is not a contest of who can cover more miles. Mrs and mr may in the tory plane, the former remainer who wants to ta ke plane, the former remainer who wants to take us out of the eu seemed unassailable not now. To take us out of the eu seemed unassailable not now. We have set out how we would deliver on the challenges, how we will make sure we are addressing those challenges. But you didnt have to call this election, and you are asking people to trust you for five years after a campaign where the sense is that you have said as little as possible. What i have said to the british people is to be open with them about the challenges this country faces, but also about the opportunities that we have in this country, and i think that is absolutely the right thing to do. The tory hope. Why on earth do you want this job . the core, not the quality of the campaign, will see her home. My vote would be with mrs may because of her experience. I think she is a ruthless candidate who can get the country through brexit, which is what she voted for. You think she is ruthless . I think she can be, we shall see back where it all began a welcome for the political hero of north london tonight. Anti nuclear weapons, fixed to decades old principles, Jeremy Corbyn has changed politics dynamics, even if tomorrow he comes up short. In seven weeks, we have put together a quite Incredible Campaign in every part of britain, every town, every village. Elections are not straightforward Popularity Contests turnout tomorrow, not tonight, is what really matters. But this contest is not a decision on one day, it is a choice that changes lives for years. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news. With under nine hours to go until the polls open, the parties have done all they can to get their message across to voters. So what are the prime issues that have dominated this Election Campaign and influenced Public Opinion . 0ur deputy political editor, john pienaar, has spent the day with voters in cheshire. It may feel like a long march, this election, but then britain is deciding its future choosing between candidates to run the country. Whether youve joined the battle, Like The Labour Faithful here in runcorn today, or youve have other pressing business, people everywhere have been making their minds up. My mum works in the nhs, she deserves a pay rise. My school, the children who go to school, the two schools have got to find almost £1 million worth of cuts in the next three years. My niece goes to university, and she is going to leave with £44,000 worth of debt. Weve just had enough. Stop privatising the railways and bring them back into the public, you know. Instead of selling them off all to these private franchises. The glaring differences between the parties and the leaders has grabbed the attention of people who will make such an important, even historic decision tomorrow. Government for the many, not the few isnt just a labour slogan. Its what all the parties and both main contenders for Downing Street realise they have to offer post brexit britain. In the hours before the polls open, people are deciding instinctively in many cases who they trust to deliver what they think matters most. In deep blue tatton, conservatism has grown deep roots. So what is it today thats Making Tory Support here flourish . Theresa may has been sort of in from the start with the brexit situation. So what about the worry some people have that shes going to go for too hard a break, its going to disrupt and damage the economy . No, i think shes prepared for that because, as i said, she has been in it from the start, and therefore she knows the ins and outs, and she has obviously got the economy at heart. I agree with what she says about helping older people. Personally, i will lose the benefit for heating but. Doesnt that put you off, losing the Winter Fuel Allowance . No, probably somebody else will need it more than i do. Im sure the people that really need it will it. The race is very nearly over. What comes next a new government, a new plan, a new place in the world after brexit. That future starts tomorrow, june 8th. John pienaar, bbc news. A conservative landslide can only be averted, if Labour Supporters decide to vote tactically thats the view of the liberal democrat leader, tim farron. Hes called on traditional Labour Voters to back his party in those areas where its the main challenger to the conservatives. Mr farron, who spent the day touring constituencies in england, claimed the Prime Minister was taking a big victory for granted. 0ur Political Correspondent vicki young was travelling with mr farron on the liberal democrat campaign. Serving sausages in solihull, where tim farron is hoping to pile on the votes. Be generous. Yes he says every vote for the lib dems sends a powerful message to theresa may that she cant have it all her own way. Here, there were worries about cuts to school budgets. But they are coming, and we have got past the point where you can shave a bit off this budget and that budget. The very clear evidence all the Capital Money should be spent on upkeep of schools is actually going on Keeping Teachers in theirjobs, but thats running out now. Next stop, st albans, where mr farron urged Labour Voters to get behind the lib dems. He says thats the only way to prevent a tory landside. How are you feeling . Pleased to be in a pub and on to south west london. Here, the party hopes its promise of a referendum on the final brexit deal will go down well with the large number of remain voters. For many voters, this election is the first chance to see and hear what tim farron has to offer. Hes built his Campaign Around persuading those who voted to remain in the eu to swing behind the liberal democrats, but hes hoping that promises of more money for health and education will broaden the partys appeal. The lib dems would put 1p on income tax to increase nhs and social care spending in england by £6 billion a year. And if you want to send a message to theresa may that you are not to be taken for granted, that the dementia tax is not to be given the all clear, and that police and school and Hospital Cuts are not ok, the liberal democrats is the party you should get behind. After a disastrous result, two years ago, tim farron knows its a long way back for the lib dems, but hes confident they are on the road to recovery. Vicki young, bbc news, twickenham. Paul nuttall the ukip leader has spent the final day of campaigning visiting target seats along the east coast of england. He wants the Brexit Process completed by 2019 without paying any exit fee and reducing net migration. 0ur Political Correspondent Alex Forsyth Reports from the ukip Campaign Trail in essex. Cheering. Confident smiles for the last push. Ukips leader paid a visit to one of the partys strongholds. Theyre convinced they still have a role, even now the uks voted to leave the eu. Ukip says its the guard dog of brexit. I think people are coming round to the idea that theresa may wont give us the kind of brexit that we really want. The party is pushing its broader policies, too. It has promised to cut immigration, improve security, put more money into the nhs by cutting back on foreign aid, protect british culture, and promote a fair democracy. The leader says they are prepared to talk about things other politicians dont. Weve spoken openly about extremist islamism within our society. Ive called it a cancer, said it needs to be cut out, come up with a load of proposals how we could do that. The other parties wanted to ignore it. Ukip had its best ever results at the last general election. This time its standing fewer candidates in fewer seats. And the partys trying to prove it is still relevant beyond brexit. Supporters are convinced theyve plenty to offer. It seems like yourjob is done, brexit, thats done, youre finished. No, were not. Fresh english strawberries, three boxes for a pound not everyone agrees. I voted ukip last time. So what changed your mind . I just. I like her, i like theresa may. He knows hes fighting to prove ukip still has a point. But says whatever the result. Toodle oo, bye bye . The party is not going anywhere. Alex forsyth, bbc news, essex. In scotland, the snp leader Nicola Sturgeon told voters that supporting labour risked handing the keys of number ten to the conservatives and theresa may. The snp won almost every parliamentary seat in scotland in 2015. 0ur scotland editor, sarah smith, has been with the snp campaign today, and we canjoin her in edinburgh tonight. Here in scotland, the campaign has been dominated by the question of Scottish Independence, because it is only three months since the snp called for a second referendum. But that has not proved as popular with voters as they might have hoped. The other parties have made their opposition to another Independence Vote absolutely central. There are flashing images in this report. The snp, the party defined by Scottish Independence dont want it to define this campaign. Nicola sturgeon would much rather talk about her opposition to tory cuts and what she says voting snp means. It means voting for mps who would stand against tory austerity. Voting for mps who would stand up for investments in our Public Services. Voting for mps who would protect the incomes of pensioners, who would protect the Winter Fuel Allowance, the triple lock and who would protect free Personal Care and stand against a dementia tax. They call this the nicolopter, flying the leader to many places. They are hoping to limit their losses at this election. Nicola sturgeon believes theresa may will win the election but hopes to cut her majority. Score this election because she thought she could Steam Rollered the election and have a landslide. She has come across as weak and evasive and cannot answer basic questions. We can stop her getting a bigger majority and hold the tories in check. The Scottish Tories have cast themselves as the only party who can stop a second independence referendum. They are hoping for a significant increase on their single scottish fleet. The lib dems say about for them is a way to send a message to the snp. Labour are fighting to keep their one mp in scotland. They also support an Independence Vote. Their leader Kezia Dugdale has sturgeon a liar for saying she would support a referendum on the day after the brexit result. Nicola sturgeon says she stands by her version of the story 100 . Scottish voters are using this election to signal whether they want another vote on independence. The outcome could help determine when or if that might happen. The election in the later stages was dominated by questions about security, following the Terror Attacks in london and manchester. But today, the parties were keen to refocus on their core messages brexit for the conservatives the future of the nhs and Public Services for labour. 0ur Correspondent Christian Fraser looks at some of the Policy Choices in these key areas. So have you decided . Maybe you havent, in which case its probably worth looking at two or three of the big issues and where the party stand on each of them. So well begin with the economy. The conservatives are pledging to balance the budget by 2025. Theyve ruled out any increases to vat, and theyre sticking this time with the plans theyve already set out on personal Tax Allowances and their cuts to corporation tax. Labour is pledging to inject £250 billion into the economy over the next ten years. Again, thered be no increase in vat or personal National Insurance, but there would be a 50p tax rate, and higher income taxes for the high earners, including those earning over £80,000. If its a hung parliament, of course, the snp will play a much bigger role. They would support any plan to balance the Uk Budget For Day to day spending over the next 5 7 years. Thered be no increase in tax on the low paid in National Insurance or in vat. The liberal democrats also pledging to balance day to day spending while reducing national debt, but maybe this is their Marquee Policy theyd add 1p to every pound of income tax, ringfence the money, they say, for a world class nhs. Lets take a look at another issue a devolved issue, the nhs. Labour is planning to commit around £30 billion in extra funding over the next five years. Theyd reverse privatisation and return Health Services into public control. The conservatives would also put in more money, £8 billion, up to 2023. And we know about social care, they will now include the value of yourfamily home in any means testing for people receiving social care. That will, of course, be capped. The liberal democrats talked about this issue, this is a big one on the doorstep, Mental Health. Theyll ensure that Mental Health care is up to the same standard as physical health care in the country. And the greens, again, rolling back the use of private providers in the nhs. Were told this was a brexit election, so lets take a quick look at brexit. Conservatives say they will leave the Single Market and the customs union, seeking this deep and special relationship with the eu. But theyve made it quite clear that no deal is better than a bad dealfor the uk. Labour, that wont do for them, they would scrap the brexit white paper and put the emphasis on the Single Market and the customs union, and remaining within it. And also, they want to immediately guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in britain. The liberal democrats, pro remain, of course, would hold a referendum on the final brexit deal, with that option in there to remain in the eu. And ukip, they would quit thejurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice, as well as the eu Single Market and the customs union. I cant go through all the policies and where the various party stand, but it is all there on the bbc website, to take a look, all the manifestos are there. Christian fraser with some of the Policy Choices. 0n the eve of polling, our political editor, laura kuenssberg, is in westminster. Laura, ill start by asking you, how you will characterise the choice facing voters tomorrow morning . Seven oclock tomorrow morning, all the rallying comes to an end. The Control Slips from the politicians grasp and goes over to all of us. This has been a brutal, modern, unpredictable 21st century campaign. It did not turn out how anybody expected. 0ne it did not turn out how anybody expected. One thing which is so interesting, for all it is a product of 2017, in many ways it does remind us of 2017, in many ways it does remind us ofa of 2017, in many ways it does remind us of a kind of politics that went some kind that makes some time ago. The gulf between the two main parties, labour and tory, the gulf between the two main parties, labourand tory, is the gulf between the two main parties, labour and tory, is the biggest contrast we have seen for many years. It is a big choice, a wide choice and that is what people have responded to. Whatever the result, in the last two elections, we have seen a splintering of control of the two main parties. But i suspect tomorrow what we will see is the biggest share for the two main parties that we have seen for quite some time. A return to the two tribes is something which has developed over the last couple of weeks. It is not as simple as that, it is not just weeks. It is not as simple as that, it is notjust one dimensional. The situation is more consecrated. But there is a sense that there is something retro about this campaign, evenin something retro about this campaign, even in this 21st century volatility. Labour, no question, have had a better time than they expected, but i have to say, watching both parties on the road today, the tories appear to have recovered some of the sheen of their early Self Confidence Back at the start. I suppose it is also worth underlining tonight before the polls open, that whoever ends up in number ten tomorrow, faces the scale of challenge that we have not seen for decades in this country . That is right and it is not a very tempting inbox. A lot of people are anxious, living standards, wages are sluggish, there is huge uncertainty around the world. Money for Public Services is tight. Whoever is in charge will have to watch the pennies carefully. But above all that, how will they take us out of the European Union . Whoever ends up in numberten the European Union . Whoever ends up in number ten will be the one negotiator up against 27 other countries. And the deal they get or dont get for this country will shape our future for decades to come. It is quite some task for whoever manages to win this campaign, and you cannot help wondering, as we had one voter asked theresa may today, why on earth would she really want the job . Thank you very much. Laura kuenssberg with her latest thoughts on the eve of polling at westminster. We will have more on the election in a while. Lets turn to the days other news. Eight people are now known to have died in the London Bridge attack on saturday night. Police searching for a frenchman who went missing during the attack, have found a body in the river thames. Xavier thomas, who was a5, had been in london with his girlfriend for the weekend as our Special Correspondent ed thomas reports. Returning to London Bridge. The Police Officers who were the first to face the london attackers, and comfort the injured. Here to lay flowers and remember those who died, in the city grateful for the bravery of officers like pc green. It is really important to have that support from the public and, you know, obviously, our thoughts are more so with the casualties and everything that happened here. And today, Police Searching for Xavier Thomas from france say they recovered a body from the thames. He was on holiday in london and his girlfriend. She is now in hospital seriously injured. And confirmed dead today, Ignacio Echeverria from spain, Last Seenjumping off his bike to help a woman being stabbed. Also named, australian sara zelenak. She was 21 and working as an au pair. Her family said she was a beautiful daughter and sister. In france, the family of Sebastien Belanger confirmed he was also killed. It brings the total number of deaths to eight. While Police Continue to look for evidence, today, this family home in ilford was raided, as offices pieced together more about the killers. Khuram butt, a known islamist extremist, rachid redouane, a moroccan libyan who once lived in dublin, and italian moroccan youssef zaghba. Police in italy suspected he wanted to join so called Islamic State and say they told British Intelligence agencies. Today, his mother spoke anonymously. Translation he was closely followed when he was in italy, but he wasnt at all in the uk it seems. I was very happy with the work the Italian Police did. From what i read, it seems in the uk they knew nothing, they werent pursuing anything. This investigation now reaches towards morocco, italy and ireland, but the focus has always been here, east london, and those Unanswered Questions of how all three men met and planned their attack. Men known to British Security services who went on to kill. Police insist there was no intelligence an attack was being planned. And we pray for those in our hospitals nearby. This afternoon, prayers from all faiths on London Bridge. A message from a city to those who caused so much pain. Ed thomas, bbc news, east london. James comey, the former director of the fbi who was sacked by president trump, has revealed that the president demanded personal loyalty from him when the two had a private dinner in january. Mr comey is due to give evidence to a Congressional Committee tomorrow, against the background of allegations of collusion between some of the trump team and russia. 0ur north america editor, jon sopel, is at the white house. Some of this evidence is already in the Public Domain and has been published, what make of this document . It is the most fascinating document, charting the uneasy relationship of two men of different temperaments. It confirms the president was not under direct investigation personally, and was anxious james comey made that public. After trump demanded loyalty at the white house, kerry said i did not move, speak or change my Facial Expression in anyway during the awkward silence that followed. We simply looked at each in silence. He asked james k me to drop the investigation into michael flynn, a highly unusual thing to do and the president complained about the cloud hanging over him because of the russian enquiry but did not ask for it to be stopped. At one dinner he claimed his innocence saying he was not involved with hookers in russia. What does it all add up to . It shows the president behaved in a highly unorthodox, some would say totally inappropriate way, that doesnt show obstruction of justice inappropriate way, that doesnt show obstruction ofjustice that would lead to impeachment . In this document, no, but there are still a lot of other questions. Thank you, jon sopel with the latest ahead of that evidence session at the white house

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