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And coming up in Sportsday On Bbc News the best manager in the world Claudio Ranieri is honoured by fifa for taking leicester to the Premier League title. Good evening. An honest discussion is needed about the way people use accident and Emergency Departments in englands hospitals. Thats the message from jeremy hunt the Health Secretary as hospitals Report Unprecendented demand during the winter months. Hes also suggested that patients with less Serious Problems might no longer be covered by a commitment to be seen within four hours. But he has denied suggestions from the red cross that the nhs is facing a humanitarian crisis. Our Health Editor hugh pym has the latest. Whatever the intense pressure on the nhs theres a commitment for hospitals to assess or treat almost all patients within four hours of arriving at a e. But at a time when the service in england is creaking under the strain thats been thrown into doubt. Secretary jeremy hunt. The Health Secretary jeremy into doubt. Secretary jeremy hunt. The Health Secretaryjeremy hunt surprised mps by claiming that people going to a e without good reason were undermining the target. It is clear we need to have an honest discussion with the public about the purpose above stomach about the purpose above stomach about stomach of a e departments. There is nowhere else outside the uk that commits to all patients that we will sort out any health need within four hours. With nhs england estimating that nearly a third of people using a e dont need to be there mr hunt hinted the four our target could be restricted. If we are going to protect our four oui if we are going to protect our four our standard it needs to be made to kneel we will sort out Urgent Health problems within four hours but not all health problems, however minor. Labour argued this could mean a vital pledged to patients was being watered down. Is he now really telling patients that rather than trying to hit the four hour target the government is now in Fact Rewriting and downgrading its . If so, does nhs england support this move . Part of the governments thinking is to try to stop people going to a e in the first place if they are not seriously ill. Medical leaders say there has been tried for yea rs leaders say there has been tried for years without success. Despite all that educational attempts for the last 20 years attendances have only risen. I think what we need is better designed systems and education to send patients away, U Nfortu Nately education to send patients away, unfortunately from a historical perspective, not going to work. The four hour waiting time targets in a e is 95 of patients should be treated in that time. Anything above the black line so shows the target in england being missed. It has been happening consistently in the last couple of years. The latest debate over targets comes days after the red cross said there was a humanitarian crisis in the nhs and social care, a claim rejected by the government. Mr hunts comments have caused some confusion tonight. The Department Of Health has stressed there are no plans to drop the four hour waiting time target but it has left open the possibility of alterations. Its hard to see, though, how changing the Target System will make any difference to the underlying realities. Patient numbers rising faster than available resources and hospitals under extreme pressure. Hugh pym, bbc news. The Prime Minister acknowledged the pressures on the nhs when she set out some of her priorities for the year ahead in her first Policy Speech of 2017. Theresa may set out measures to improve Mental Health services in england and said she wanted government to play its part in creating what she called a Shared Society. Labour says shes confronting the effects of six years of her own partys policies as our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. Six months since she walked into the famous street. Six months since shes been your Prime Minister. But piecing together what theresa may really stands for isnt always easy. But today she made clear she believes for millions life doesnt feel fair and her government can be part of the answer. When you see others prospering while you are not. When you try to raise your concerns but they fall on deaf ears. When you feel your very identity, all that you hold dear is under threat. Resentments grow. Whose fault was that . Her predecessors . For we know what happens when Mainstream Centre ground politics fails. People embrace the fringe. The politics of division and despair. They turn to those who offer easy answers, who claim to understand peoples problems and always know what and who to blame. So our responsibility is great. It is to show that Mainstream Centre ground politics can deliver the change people need. A plain attempt to appeal to middle england. In common with her former boss. But David Camerons Dream Of A Big Society is gone. A new slogan, is it a vision . In its place. The Shared Society is one that doesnt just value our individual rights but focuses rather more on the responsibilities we have to one another. Its a society that respects the bonds that we share, as a union of people and nations. The bonds of family, community, citizenship and strong institutions. And government will step up to support and, where necessary, enforce the responsibilities we have to each other as citizens. But although there were promises of more help for housing in weeks to come, controversial plans for schools, the only new commitments today were for Mental Health in england. Made with passion but no extra taxpayers cash. For too long Mental Illness has been something of a hidden injustice in our country. Shrouded in a completely unacceptable stigma and dangerously disregarded as a secondary issue to physical health. Yet, left unaddressed it destroys lives, separates people from each other, and deepens the divisions within our society. But as with all Prime Ministers, whatever they say on the steps here or anywhere else quickly rubs up with reality. But theresa may has an extra dilemma. As she starts to manage the most complicated project any leader has faced in decades, there is a risk her government becomes simply consumed with how we leave the European Union and her political enemies say her words ring hollow. If only we could believe that she actually meant it. Shes been part of a government now for the last six years which has cut back on public expenditure, particularly savaged the nhs. And shes making the speeches about Shared Society with a backdrop of people literally dying on trolleys waiting for care in our hospitals. So i think there is a Credibility Gap here. Its only six months, but those days of summer already seem long ago. Few Prime Ministers in the end choose how theyre remembered. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. The Prime Ministers decision to highlight the issue of Mental Health was broadly welcomed by charities although some experts pointed out that money which had already been promised was not reaching the front line. 0ur Health Correspondent Elaine Dunkley has this assessment of the challenges ahead. Its been nearly two years since steve mallons son took his own life after a short and severe episode of depression. Today, visiting his grave, he could reflect on a personal campaign to get politicians to take Mental Health more seriously. A coroner ruled that edward mallon, who was 18, was let down by the system. I stood next to my son in this church and i made him a promise and the promise was that i would investigate his tragic and untimely end. And at the same time also investigate the whole Mental Health sector in this country. Like many people i didnt know a great deal about Mental Health prior to this appalling tragedy. And when you look at what has happened in this country and the current State Of Affairs it really is an indictment on our system. To see the Prime Minister come forward now is really quite significant and very welcome. One of the Prime Ministers key messages is that Mental Health is a challenge for the whole of society and notjust the nhs. Schools will play a bigger role in helping pupils dealing with problems before they reach crisis point. Schools like this one in hertfordshire already employ a therapist and train sixth formers as Mental Health mentors looking out for fellow students who may be struggling. Sort of like relationships with friends, but its also like schoolwork. The school has welcomed the promise of more training for staff in Mental Health awareness, but says more resources are needed. In order for other schools to pick up and do something similar to us and have in house therapists or counsellors there needs to be funding, especially if staff are going to be expected to identify vulnerable students. The question then is what do you do with them once you have identified them . You need to do something with them immediately. The Prime Minister has outlined her commitment. But the reality is that Mental Health trusts in england are under serious financial pressure. Analysis by the kings fund think tank found 40 of the 58 trusts Saw Budget Cuts in the last financial year. Six were cut three years in a row and 63 of Mental Health trust leaders thought they would miss out on the full nhs spending increases which have been pledged. Its very worrying because weve had a number of commitments in the past around increasing spend on Mental Health but that doesnt seem to be then translated into extra spending on the ground. Its great having ministers make commitments to Mental Health but if its then not translated into extra spend then, to be frank, the commitments are worthless. For the mallon family, today is an important step on a Journey Leading towards high quality Mental Health care and fewer tragic losses of life. But steve says his campaign is far from over. And there is still much more work to be done. Elaine dunkley, bbc news. 0ur Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg is here. What has todays speech by the Prime Minister told us about her ambitions for the year ahead . There is a new mantra, this phrase the Shared Society, but there was no dramatic departure either Prime Minister today, no dramatic measures in her plans for Mental Health. It was the beginning of what her team describe Asa Beginning of what her team describe as a lot of activity in the coming weeks and a very deliberate effort to show that no 10 under her charge will not, they hope, be completely consumed by trying to get us out of the European Union. She is determined to try to do things to intervene in the country to try to make society fairer for everybody. As that rather unflashy speech progressed, a drama in the nhs in england appeared to be unfolding with Health Secretary speaking as he did in the house of commons. The tories struggled for years all the time through David Camerons leadership while he was in charge to detoxify their reputation when it comes to the National Health service. There is significant strain on the health service, nobody can argue with that and jeremy hunt admitted that today. With that comes admitted that today. With that comes a significant Political Risk and the idea of a shared Society Might not get that far if what so many people are experiencing in sharing their experiences in the nhs are increasingly dire as the months go on. Laura kuenssberg, thank you very much. The political crisis in Northern Ireland has deepened with the resignation of sinn feins Martin Mcguinness as Deputy First Minister raising the prospect of new Assembly Elections just seven months after the last ones. The crisis was prompted mainly by the mishandling of a Controversial Energy scheme which has Cost Hundreds of millions of pounds of public money. Sinn fein blamed the First Minister the Dups Arlene Foster for the problems and wanted her to step aside while an investigation took place. 0ur correspondent Nicholas Witchell reports from belfast. It was the most improbable of alliances. The party which was the political face of the Provisional Ira sitting down and working with the party of Hardline Unionism then led by the reverend ian paisley. Yet for ten years the Power Sharing Government at stormont has brought Peace Stability to Northern Ireland. Now it is on the brink of collapse and ostensibly its all over heating scheme. Martin mcguinness, the ira man who turned to politics and became Deputy First Minister, is in very poor health. Hes had enough of what he calls the arrogance of deep democratic unionists. What he calls the arrogance of Deep Democratic Unionistslj what he calls the arrogance of deep democratic unionists. I have tendered my resignation effective from five oclock today. The democratic unionist. I believe now is the time to call a halt to the dups is the time to call a halt to the dups arrogance. Is the time to call a halt to the dups arrogance. So, what is it that threatens to wreck a decade of political progress . Its something called the renewable heat incentive scheme. Suffice it to say its likely to cost the Northern Ireland taxpayer £500 million more than expected. The minister who set up the scheme was arlene foster. Now dup leader and First Minister of Northern Ireland. Tonight, via social media, she responded to mr mcguinnesss departure. Social media, she responded to mr mcguinnesss departurelj social media, she responded to mr mcguinnesss departure. I am, of course, disappointed Martin Mcguinness has chosen to take the position he has today. His actions have meant that at precisely the time when we need our government is to be active we will have no government. Martin mcguinnesss resignation by possibly brings to an end the career ofa man possibly brings to an end the career of a man who was once a committed and active republican paramilitary. In the 1970s he was second in command of the ira in derry. Can you say whether the bombing is likely to stop in the nearfuture in response to any public demand . Well, we will always ta ke to any public demand . Well, we will always take on the considerations and feelings of people of derry and these feelings will be passed on to these feelings will be passed on to the hq in dublin. The man who helped to lead the ira to violence ultimately help to bring Northern Ireland to peace. He recognised that there could never be a so called Military Victory in Northern Ireland and something that had seemed inconceivable became a reality. Republicans and unionists found that they could work together. Martin mcguinness and ian paisley got on so well they were nicknamed the chuckle brothers. But in recent times the atmosphere has soured. There have been disagreements on a number of issues. Now the way forward is uncertain. Under the Power Sharing System the first and Deputy First Ministers have to work together. If one resigns the other cannot continue. In effect, the Political Institutions have collapsed. For year after year many people here in Northern Ireland and elsewhere have marvelled at what political leaders here have achieved in the past decade. Those achievements are in jeopardy now and its not, as might have been expected, over a constitutional issue or a security crisis, its over a heating scheme. Political leaders here have overcome so many problems. But if they cannot find a solution to this in the next seven days, there will have to be elections to a new Northern Ireland assembly. Nicholas witchell, bbc news, belfast. 0ur Northern Ireland Political Editor Mark Devenport is at stormont tonight. How serious a threat is this to political stability is this sequence of events . Undoubtably the most serious threat to storm and since the government was able to piece together devolution under the dominant parties of the dup and sinn fein. 0ver parties of the dup and sinn fein. Over this Green Energy Scandal theyve very quickly run out of road and whilst the government wants to try to avoid a fresh election, it seems tonight there will be no way they can do that. 0nce seems tonight there will be no way they can do that. Once they have the election, if things, as seems likely, that two main players will be facing each other again across the table, but it will be hard to know how they can piece things together. Not only this deep rift over this Heating Scandal but a whole other issues on which sinn fein believes theyve been treated as second class citizens by their partners in government. Difficult terrain here instrument. Thank you for bringing us up to date. Mark davenport at stormont. A brief look at some of the days other other news stories millions of commuters in london have been struggling to get to and from work because of a strike, forcing the closure of large parts of the underground system. Members of two unions have been staging a 24 hour walk out in Protest Atjob Cuts and the closure of ticket offices. The Pound Sterling has fallen to its lowest level for more than two months. The pound dropped by 1 against both the euro and the us dollar. Many analysts linked it to theresa mays apparent suggestion yesterday, that the uk would withdraw from the Single Market when it left the eu. Scotlands First Minister, nicola sturgeon, has made clear that a second referendum on independence wont be held this year. The Scottish Government has drafted legislation for a referendum, after ms sturgeon said the uk voting to leave the eu made another ballot highly likely. President 0bama will deliver his Farewell Address in the city of chicago tomorrow the city where he claimed victory 8 years ago in the historic election which put the first African American in the white house. But as his second term comes to a close what will his legacy be . In the first of two reports looking back at his time in office, our North America Editorjon Sopel looks at the domestic issues, which have defined the 0bama presidency. Cheering. It wasnt just the hope when barack 0bama came to office, it was the wild expectation, too. That the countrys problems would be solved at a stroke, that the first African American president would usher in a post racial era. No more black america or white america, just the United States of america. But the lingering vestiges of that dream disappeared in the summer of 2014, in clouds of tear gas, in a nondescript suburb of st louis, missouri, called ferguson. An unarmed black man had been shot by a white Police Officer. It was a pattern that would become all too familiar. In charleston, south carolina, walter scott had been pulled over for a minor motoring offence. Footage captures the white Police Officer who stopped him, shooting him in the back several times before he dies. Gunfire. The policeman claimed self defence. At his trial, which ended last month, thejury was unable to reach a verdict. The court, therefore, must declare a mistrial. Another symbol for the black community that things havent changed. I think his legacy to him is more important right now, to paint a picture that he did a real good job in america. But most black folks are very disappointed, because we feel he could have done more. The issue of race and another of americas great intractable social problems, gun violence, came together in horrific effect inside this famous African American church in charleston. A White Supremacist who, with his string of drug convictions, should never have been able to purchase a gun, walked inside a Bible Study Group and killed eight worshippers and the pastor in cold blood. Barack 0bama had always seemed reluctant to define himself as a Black President , preoccupied by racial issues, but after these shootings that changed, as he came to charleston and showed how he felt the communitys pain. Singing amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved. 0bamas two terms in office were punctuated by the crack of gunshots. Youve dialled 911, whats the location of your emergency . I think theres Somebody Shooting here. Then a series of random mass killings that started with the slaying of 20 children and six of their teachers that sandy hook elementary school. The president s famously cool demeanour was gone after this. Every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago every day. I refuse to act as if this is the new normal. This is not something i can do by myself. Such violence, such evil, is senseless. Again and again he wanted tougher legislation on gun control. But he failed, to his evident consternation when we sat down and spoke. If you ask me where has been the one area where i feel that ive been most frustrated and most stymied, it is the fact that the United States of america is the one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient common sense gun safety laws. But there have been some legislative successes. Millions more americans now have Health Insurance than was previously the case, although 0bamaca re has created many losers, too. And the economy, which was flat on its back eight years ago, is starting to boom, and people are spending their money again. We have notjust come back stronger from the great recession, we have actually built an economy thats the envy of the world. That is an important part of president 0bamas legacy. But it proved to be a Voterless Recovery where it mattered. Theyll be no democrat succeeding him in the white house, and so, one of his final acts was to make a lastjourney to capitol hill, to urge his partys lawmakers to fight off republican attempts to dismantle 0bamacare, and the rest of his domestic legacy. Look out for the american people. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Hundreds of local newspapers could be forced to close, if new proposals on Press Regulation become law. Thats been the warning from editors during a Public Consultation on how newspapers should be regulated. The consultation ends tomorrow. Change is essential, according to victims of press intrusion, but newspaper editors say the Freedom Of The Press is at stake. 0ur Media Editor amol rajan has the story. Britain has had robust and raucous newspapers free of State Control for more than 300 years, but now the majority of the industry believes that a form of government interference is set to return. Ian murray is the editor in chief of the southern daily echo and other titles on the south coast of england. Weve got files that goes back to 1776, the time of the american war of independence. Thats how long weve been around. Like many editors, he fears centuries of Press Freedom are now at risk. This is a principle, the principle of free speech a free press, which has existed for 300 years. This paper was founded, as a weekly paper, in 1823, and those founders would be absolutely horrified to think that we were now being bullied, bullied by the state to giving up the freedom that they basically founded. Their concern is over new proposals for Press Regulation. At the heart of it is section a0 of the crime and courts act 2013. This says newspapers would have to pay legal costs of anybody who sues them, unless the newspaper joins an approved regulator. But editors fear that any such body would ultimately be controlled by government. Its getting harder for newspapers to keep the presses rolling, but while bob battle for Press Freedom is often cast as a fight between big Newspaper Tycoons and victims of newspaper mischief, there are hundreds of publications who see this legislation as a threat to their very existence. 0ne Publication that knows all about legal action is the satirical magazine, private eye. Its editor believes section a0 would be fatal for investigative journalism. I mean it is completely mad, as a proposition. Anyone looking at it from outside would think, what is this about . I mean dictators will love it, it will be very popular in turkey. Im sure syria will incorporate it any day now, but really it is a punitive attack on the Freedom Of The Press. This proposal came out of the Leveson Inquiry five years ago. Madeleine mccanns family gave evidence, so did the parents of murdered schoolgirl milly dowler. And the businessman max mosley, whose private life was exposed on tabloid front pages. Mr mosleys family trust is now funding the approved press regulator. We need this new section 40, to give access to justice. The problem at the moment is unless youre rich, if you are turned over by a big newspaper, theres nothing you can do, because the lawyers say to you, well, you have a good case, you can sue, but you do realise if you lose, we dont think you will lose, but if you do lose it will be several hundred thousand pounds. Protesters today calling for tighter regulation. But the newspapers are digging in for a bitter fight and levesons recommendations, which aimed to bring back trust, are still causing division nearly five years on. Amol rajan, bbc news. The Golden Globes ceremony in los angeles became a platform for some of hollywoods biggest names to criticise the policies and attitudes of donald trump, though the President Elect was not actually mentioned by name. Meryl streep attacked mr trumps actions in mocking a disabled reporter during the election campaign, but the three time 0scar winner was later dismissed by mr trump as over rated. James cook reports on the winners on and off the stage. Nowhere is more horrified by the election of donald trump than the liberal bastion of hollywood, and no one commands more respect here than meryl streep. Receiving a Lifetime Achievement award, the actress spoke for many of her peers when she delivered an impassioned critique of the President Elect. There was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he out ranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart. The poor guy, you should see this guy, i dont know what i said, i dont remember. Mr trump denied mocking the reporters disability and went to twitter. There were some awards, too. A british invasion, and what could be more british than playing the queen . She has been at the centre of the world for the past 63 years, and i think the world could do with a few more women at the centre of it, if you ask me. Bbc Co Production the Night Manager won three awards. I did not expect to wina won three awards. I did not expect to win a golden globe tonight, and i was sat next to hugh laurie when he won andi was sat next to hugh laurie when he won and i thought, i can go home happy. Then when it came to my category, up against some real legends. Coming of age movie moonlight had been tipped to win quite a few but won just one, best drama. But the biggest was. La la land there were a record seven Golden Globes for the Old Fashioned musical, with both ryan gosling and emma stone waltzing off with awards. This is a film for dreamers, and i think that hope and creativity are two of the most important things of the world, and thats what this movie is about. Well, hollywood can be fun and frivolous, but it also prides itself on tackling serious subjects, and many stars here on the red carpet are predicting a surge in political films this year, following the most divisive of elections

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