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And could englands Cricket World Cup win herald a new golden age for womens sport . Coming up on sportsday at half past on bbc news, adam peaty is on Top Of The World again. He has won great britains first gold in the pool in budapest. Good evening. The parents of the terminally ill baby Charlie Gard Have ended their legal battle to take him to the us for experimental treatment. Charlies father chris gard gave an emotional statement outside the high court, saying they were now going to spend their last precious moments with their son, who would not now make his first birthday in just under two weeks time. Earlier, their lawyer told the court that Time Had Run Out for the baby, as an american doctor who examined charlie had said he was no longer willing to offer the therapy, after seeing the results of a new mri scan last week. Heres our medical correspondent fergus walsh. The fight over charlie gards future is over. This desperately sick little boy will now be allowed to die. Justice for Charlie Justice but charlie after a hugely emotional hearing, where his parents said they had agreed to let their son go. They emerge to face the worlds media. Our son is an absolute moray and we could not be proud of him and we will miss him terribly. Proud of him and we will miss him terribly. Warrior. Proud of him and we will miss him terribly. Warrior. His body Heart And Soul may soon be gone, but his spirit will live on for eternity and he will make a difference to peoples lives for years to come, we will make sure of that. We are now going to spend our last precious moments with our son, charlie, who unfortunately will not make his first birthday injust under two weeks time. Charlie has been in Great Ormond Street Hospital since october. He has a serious inherited condition, mitochondrial depletion syndrome. He cannot move, feed or breathe unaided. The central question in this case was whether this powder, Nucleoside Therapy which is added to food could boost his muscle function. His parents raised £1. 3 billion for the treatment in the united states. That money will now go to a Foundation In Charlie But macro name. But great ormond street backed by many independent experts said the treatment was futile because charlie had suffered a catastrophic and irreversible brain damage. Because charlies parents and doctors could not agree, the matter went to the high court. In April Thejudge ruled that charlies suffering should end. His life support be withdrawn. Every legal appeal brought by charlies pa rents legal appeal brought by charlies parents failed and then came interventions from the pope and donald trump, the latter tweeting an offer of help. And this has been an extraordinary case, our battle over the fate of a baby boy which was fought out notjust here in court but internationally. The judge said it was one of the pitfalls of social media that the watching world felt it right to have opinions without knowing the facts of the case. He said the courtss paramount consideration had been charlies best interest at all times. The case came back to court when an american urologist claimed new evidence showed his Nucleoside Therapy could help charlie and last week he flew over to examine help charlie and last week he flew overto examine him. Help charlie and last week he flew over to examine him. New Mri Body Scans were ordered. On friday, charlies parents accepted that these showed his Muscle Wasting was now so severe these showed his Muscle Wasting was now so severe he these showed his Muscle Wasting was now so severe he was these showed his Muscle Wasting was now so severe he was beyond help. These showed his Muscle Wasting was now so severe he was beyond helpm is an incredibly brave decision by charlies parents, they have thought for themselves what the new Evidence Shows and they have reached a conclusion, probably the judge would have reached the same. It is very brave of them to do it without waiting to hear what he had to say. In Court Connie Yates said they would be honda for the rest of their lives by being what it is, what of their son had received the treatment months earlier. She said he had the potential to be a normal boy but it was now too late. For charlie, we say mummy and daddy, we love you so much. We always have and we always well and we are so sorry that we could not save you. The parents are now with charlie in his final hours. Great ormond street said the agony, desolation and bravery of their decision humbled all who worked there. And fergus is at the high court. Charlies parents clearly still feel if action had been taken earlier, there might have been hope . They do. It was hugely emotional in court. Members of the press, lawyers and the public were moved to tears when connie yates in anguish said if oui when connie yates in anguish said if our son had been treated earlier, maybe he would eventually be a normal and healthy boy, but the hard reality is that all the experts who examined charlie in this country say that since january, since he had those brain seizures injanuary, he has been beyond help, they feared he was suffering and the kind of thing was suffering and the kind of thing was to end his life support. Now, the hospital and the parents have come together to deal with this appalling next stage when charlies ventilator will be switched off at some point and then this tragic case, which has touched the hearts of people across the world will come toa of people across the world will come to a conclusion. Fergus, many thanks. Our medical correspondent there. Consumers in the uk could save up to a0 billion pounds by 2050 through major changes to the way electricity is made, used and stored, according to ministers. The business and Energy Secretary greg clark announced plans to invest a quarter of a billion pounds in Battery Technology saying he wanted the uk to lead the world in its development. Richard westcott has this report. From obvious things like our phones to londons new whispering black cab. Here on secret tests in norway to this experimental aircraft, Battery Power is taking off around the world. The problem is they still run out too quickly so today the government has promised to invest millions the technology. Joining together, the research, development and application and the manufacture of Energy Storage technologies and specifically Battery Storage is a huge opportunity for the Energy Sector and the automotive sector alike. Right now, britain is a front runner with battery research, like here at Warwick University where they are trying to solve the two biggest issues, making batteries weigh less and last longer. This room is four times drier than the centre of the sa ha ra times drier than the centre of the Sahara Desert because it is where they physically put the batteries together and any moisture can ruin the process. They are taking sheets like theres containing the lithium ions and they are sandwiching them together in this machine. Here they have welcomed this latest investment but warned that competition from china, japan, korea and america is serious. We are producing the cells that we are producing, even by our competitors, they are saying that it is 80 or 90 better than what they have got. But we have got to keep it up. They will catch up and they will beat us if we do not watch it. As governments around the world scramble to cut pollution, demand for batteries is soaring. In china, they used £5 million worth of batteries three yea rs million worth of batteries three years ago, that will double by next year. It is the same story across western europe, again production will nearly double from 1. 2 billion to £2. 73 will nearly double from 1. 2 billion to £2. 3 billion. Batteries could also make wind and solar power more productive. One idea being floated is to use old electric car batteries to store energy from wind turbines. I think we will see and people are already working on this in the uk, to combine batteries with the production of renewable power. If you can do that successfully, at scale, you can remove the challenge that the wind does not blow all the time and the sun does not always shine and you can have a continuous flow of energy into the grid. The future looks electric, but now the pressure is on to make a batteries that can keep up. Richard westcott, bbc news, coventry. Police searching for the missing toddler ben needham have found signs of blood on part of a sandal, and on soil in a toy car. Ben was 21 months old when he disappeared on the greek island of kos in july 1991. South Yorkshire Police said forensic work was being carried out in aberdeen to try to extract dna from the blood. Donald trumps son in law Jared Kushner, whos also one of his key advisors, has been appearing before a special senate committee. He released his opening statement, denying any wrong doing or collusion with russian government officials during the president ial election campaign. The meeting is behind closed doors, but we can speak to our North America Editorjon Sopel whos at the white house for us. How significant a moment is this in the ongoing saga of alleged links between the trump team and russia . I think it is very significant indeed because this is the most senior person in the trump entourage who finds himself in the cross hairs of this sprawling russia investigation. Nowjared of this sprawling russia investigation. Now Jared Kushner of this sprawling russia investigation. NowJared Kushner is someone investigation. NowJared Kushner is someone who has stayed in the shadows, he only appeared on camera once but you can see this thing behind me, huge numbers of reporters, Jared Kushner is about to come out and give a statement on the hearing. We know it beforehand, he saidi hearing. We know it beforehand, he said i did not collude or know of anyone else in the campaign who couuded anyone else in the campaign who colluded with any Foreign Government and with respect to my contacts with russia russian representatives, there were hardly any. And of that meeting that was organised by donald trump junior with russian officials, he said that was time not well spent. The committee will want to have asked him, what worried the nature of the meetings that you had and why, if they were so insignificant and so fleeting, werent you more transparent about them . Donald trump, as you might expect, has been on twitter again, saying why arent the committees and investigators and of course our Attorney General looking into crooked hillarys crimes and russian relations . Donald trump has been consistent throughout, this whole thing is fake news and utterly phoney. The american phrase is is that it phoney. The american phrase is is thatitis phoney. The american phrase is is that it is nothing burger but it is nothing burger which seems with each few weeks to get more and more substance. Thank you. More than two and half thousand products have reduced in size over the last five years but were still paying the same price for them. New findings show that chocolate bars, toilet rolls, and coffee are just some of the items to have been effected by the phenomenon, dubbed shrinkflation. Some companies are blaming the rising costs of ingredients and materials for the trend. Our correspondent sophie long has been finding out more. Andrex has always prided itself on being sought strong and unbeatable along. But now we hear it is getting shorter. So spend your pennies wisely. And maltesers, 187 calories, actually, well have even fewer calories, because you will not find as many of them in the bag. Back in the old days when i was spending my pocket money on pick and mix, 50p certainly went a lot further. Thank you. Nowadays, some companies are choosing not to raise their prices, but make things smaller. Which means they go more quickly. Can i have some more cola bottles please . While many of us could probably do with cutting back on our confectionery consumption, some products suffering so called shrinkflation could be considered essentials. Take andrex toilet roll for example, that is now 19 sheets shorter. A packet of mcvitie s Dark Chocolate Digestives is now 32 grams lighter and a carton of Tropicana Orange and raspberry is now 850 millilitres, you use to get a whole litre. Some consumers are not impressed. It is not fair. Its not impressed. It is not fair. Its not right. On low income families and people with children to feed, it is not really fair, is it . If the packaging is made to look the same size and so it looks the same size but it actually is not, then no. You still lose out in the long run, we will not buy it again. What can we do . Nothing, really. We have to put up do . Nothing, really. We have to put up with it. And it is something that a nalysts say up with it. And it is something that analysts say we will have to get used to. It is a hidden inflation, shrinkflation, but those consumers are shrinkflation, but those consumers a re less shrinkflation, but those consumers are less likely to notice the smaller package than they are to notice higher prices in the shops and that makes it easier, it is the lesser of two evils for producers who are looking to manage the higher castes and the imported prices due to the fall in the pound. Manufacturers say their products are just as good and they are just trying to keep them affordable. Sophie long, bbc news. The time is 6 pm. Our top story this evening. The parents of the terminally ill baby Charlie Gard Have given up their legal fight to get him experimental treatment in the us. And still to come british holidaymakers being overcharged on Currency Conversions while abroad. Coming up in sportsday in the next 15 minutes on bbc news Manchester City continue to be the summers big spenders, theyve made Benjamin Mendy the most expensive defender in the world. Greenland is one of the most remote parts of our planet but changes there could affect us here in the uk. Scientists are worried the countrys ice sheet is melting faster than expected. That could see ocean levels rise and low lying areas around the world affected by floods. Our science editor David Shukman has this exclusive report. A Vivid Blue Snakes across the Greenland Ice sheets. A beautiful sight, but when the ice here melts, the oceans rise around the world. On the horizon, the ice sheet looms ahead of us. Weve joined a team of british scientists. Theyre trying to understand how the ice is changing. We touched down in one of the remotest corners of the planet. The first task is to set up camp, a home in an utterly barren wilderness. From the air, all you can really see is what looks like a vast expanse of endless white, but that isnt the whole story. Because whats hard to grasp as i stand here is that this isjust the surface of a vast mass of ice thats unbelievably thick. So, lets imagine cutting it away right in front of me. The ice sheet stretches for as much as two miles, three kilometres, from the surface here, right down to the rock below. In fact, its so thick, you could take the worlds tallest building, the burj khalifa in dubai, and fit four of them end to end inside. And as we walk around, theres a real surprise, white ice is turning dark. And the darker a surface, the more it absorbs the suns rays. And like wearing a black t shirt on a hot day, the more it warms up. Youve got this dark ice here. Yeah, so weve got a dark surface. Mark tranter the chief scientist here says one reason for the dark ice is algae, tiny plants. The algae are microscopically small, but they may be having a big impact. What we want to know is how far the algae can spread over the Greenland Ice sheet as the climate warms. And it might well be that they will cause more melting, and an acceleration of sea level rise. In the evening light, the shimmer of gentle streams, thousands of them. Until recently, the melting in summer was balanced by snowfall in winter. But in the last 20 years, the flows of water have multiplied, ach one adding to the level of the oceans. No ones saying that this whole thing is going to melt in the next decade, or even in the next hundred, or even the next thousand years, but it doesnt all have to melt for more people to be in danger. Only a small amount, a very small portion of this ice sheet has to melt to raise sea levels, and then threaten millions of people in coastal communities around the world. Whats striking is that this massive block of ice may be vulnerable if more algae darken the surface and lead to faster melting. Down at the edge of the ice sheet, the streams become a torrent. We already know that melt water is raising the level of the sea bit by bit, but the researchers here want to find out whether that rise will accelerate. And for people in low lying areas of florida, bangladesh, parts of britain, getting an accurate forecast really matters. David shukman, bbc news in greenland. A brief look at some of the days other other news Stories Police have arrested a teenager on Terror Offences at stansted airport. The 16 year old boy, from kent, was detained yesterday as he was due to fly out of the uk. He currently remains in police custody. Ryanair says it could cut fares by as much as 9 on some routes, after similar comments by Rival Airlines in recent weeks. The company has reported a 55 rise in pre tax profits, tojust over £350 million in the three months to the end ofjune. The Scottish Whiskey Association is challenging the scottish governments plans to introduce minimum unit pricing for alcohol to reduce consumption. It claims there are already ways to do this such as an increase in excise duty, and that holyroods approach contravenes existing eu laws. Therell be a judgement from the Supreme Court at a later date. When we go on holiday, were paying hundreds of millions of pounds in unnecessary charges when we use our debit and credit cards overseas, according to a bbc investigation. The issue arises when we opt to pay in pounds rather than in the local currency. Simon gompertz has been looking into how much were losing. Amsterdam famous for its art, for its canals, its cheese, and its flowers. And now for tourists, having to be careful that theyre not stung when they pay by card. Its when youre asked whether you want to pay in euros or in pounds. The dutch themselves are flagging up the danger. Let me warn those that are offered to pay by card, and then the shop owner says, would you like me to give you the Exchange Rate of what it would be in pounds . Dont do it. Youll end up paying a lot more than you anticipated. The netherlands tops a list of countries to be wary of. For instance, when you take what you buy to the till. What happens is that youre given the choice between paying in the local currency, euros, and then it is exchanged at the mastercard or visa official rate. Or choosing to pay in your own currency, pounds, for me. And then it is up to the shops bank what rate you get. Here, paying in pounds meant the Exchange Rate was 3. 5 worse, not too bad. But in a cafe nearby, i stood to lose 5 . Then there are the cash machines. And the rate they want to take off your cashier if you chose the wrong option was nearly 10 . Many holiday makers, like these on a cycling tour, are mystified by the choices when they pay by card. I find it very confusing. I never really sure which ones the right one to choose. We were paying for our hotel room, and we ended up paying quite a significant amount more because of the Exchange Rate they set up. Heres the cost based on the average charge of 6 . Uk tourists around the world who choose the wrong option are paying an extra £500 million a year. This tour guide says the shops and restaurants should be warning people about the costs. I find it interesting that the vendors themselves dont actually really know what is going on with their cards. And that, ithink, should be corrected, because a vendor could actually tell the customer to be aware of this, and then they dont feel may be guilty, i dont know. Whats going on is legal as long as they show you the rate. But remember, if youre using a card on holiday, its almost always better to pay in the local currency. Simon gompertz, bbc news in amsterdam. An opportunity that cant be missed thats according to the head of womens cricket clare connor following their stunning world cup triumph. England beat india by nine runs in front of a sell out 26,000 crowd at lords yesterday. Our Sports Editor dan roan has been asking if this is a watershed moment for womens sport. World cup winners it was the perfect platform for womens sport. Englands cricketers crowned champions on home soil. Anya shrubsole had been the teams hero, her record breaking spell of 6 46 securing a thrilling victory over india. Before the match, her father ian posted photos of his daughter visiting lords in 2001. And this morning, in the exact same spot and after a night of celebrations, she told me what it was like to return a world cup winner. I remember being here as a nine year old watching, and wishing one day i could be back here playing. Never in my wildest dream did i think it would be unable cup final. It has come true, that dream. It absolutely has come true. It shows you can have a dream, and sometimes they do come true. England have won the tournament at lords before in 1993. Back then, they werent allowed to go into the pavilion unaccompanied. Today, in the hallowed long room, the woman in charge told me progress must continue. We cant miss this opportunity. We have to celebrate properly, and enjoy this moment, and the players had to enjoy it, but certainly, we all have to start thinking very strategically about what opportunities this gives us. This is about a lot more than what this team achieved here at lords yesterday. Both in terms of the attendance here in the ground, and the estimated 100 Million Television audience following the action around the world. It broke all records. The sense that this was the defining moment of a Ground Breaking summer of british womens sport. Johanna kontas already become the first british woman in a wimbledon semifinal for 39 years. Englands footballers, meanwhile, are doing well at the euros, last night beating spain. But away from performances, there is still a gender gap. In terms of prize money, 83 of sports now award women and men equally, and 5 of sports Media Coverage is dedicated to women, and even less when it comes to sports sponsorship. I think theres still a long way to go in terms of women in the boardroom, and women running sport, as well as being participants, women in coaching, women in refereeing and umpiring, all of us know there is still a long way to go. But we have made huge progress. It emerged today that despite preparing to defend their world cup title next month, most of englands Rugby Players will not have their contracts renewed by the rfu. On a day when englands cricketing World Champions were busy trying to leave a legacy with this Coaching Session at lords, it was a reminder of how tough life can still be for some sportswomen. But for the next generation, never before has there been so much time for a look at the weather. Heres tomasz schaferbaker. Sometimes there is a nice change to the weather, and the change today was that scotland was the hottest place in the country, 26 celsius. Look at this picture off the coast of the highlands. Looking again, it looks like something in the tropics, a stunning day across so many western parts of the uk. Another one from scotland, also sunny skies. Here we have london. Very disappointing today, cool and drizzly. A cloud stretching from the yorkshire coastline through lincolnshire, east anglia into the south east am a miserable afternoon here. Western areas enjoying that fine weather. Tonight, Eastern Areas, particularly east anglia, hanging onto cloud with spots of rain. Foremost, a dry night. Not desperately cold, around 13 or 1a in most major towns and cities. Tomorrow, overall looking across the uk, it will be the best day of the week. The reason i say that is that Eastern Areas will brighten up, the west will be fine, too. Not so warm in south west scotland, 20 degrees in glasgow, but london and southern towns and cities will end up the warmest. On wednesday, all change, a strong jet stream pushing the low pressure we have forecast in the direction of the uk. Weather fronts with it as well. It means the rain will splash across the uk, but we are talking about may be six hours of heavy rain. Then this bit here, thatis of heavy rain. Then this bit here, that is later in the afternoon, so things are going to brighten up. It will be very windy. Lots of isobars on weather maps means blustery weather. Thursday is a blustery day across the uk with showers, sunshine, too. Mixed towards the end of the week. A bit of a wash out for a time on wednesday, not all through the day. Thursday and friday, a mixed bag, temperatures in the 20s there in the south. A Roller Coaster asi there in the south. A Roller Coaster as i said earlier on this week. A reminder of our main story the parents of the terminally ill baby Charlie Gard Have given up their legalfight to baby Charlie Gard Have given up their legal fight to get him experimental treatment in the us. Thats all from the bbc news at six. So its goodbye from me. And on bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Hello, this is bbc news. The headlines at 6. 30pm the parents of the terminally ill baby Charlie Gard Have ended their legalfight for treatment in america. They now accept no medical intervention will help their son. President trumps son in law, Jared Kushner has said all of his actions were proper in relation to the russia investigation. He said he had been fully transparent. He repeated that he had not colluded with russia, nor did he know of anyone else in the Trump Campaign who had done. The government announce a new strategy to develop batteries that store power from green energy sources. Ministers say it could save consumers up to a0 billion pounds by 2050. The International Trade secretary, liam fox is in washington, laying the ground work for a possible post brexit trade deal, with the us. And three men have been given suspended prison sentences, after being filmed racing at 134mph on a dual carriageway near birmingham. In a moment it will be time for sportsday but first a look at what else is coming up this evening on bbc news. Donald trumps son in law Jared Kushner gives evidence to senators on alleged russian involvement in last years us election. Well talk to a former cia officer about the latest developments in the investigation. As the Heart Wrenching Case of terminally ill charlie gard comes to an end, well talk to a Consultant Paediatrician about relationships between patients and doctors

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