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Know his son had Met A Russian lawyer with links to the kremlin during the American Election campaign. And two brits in the quarterfinals at wimbledon for the First Time Since 1973, as andy murray and Johanna Konta make the last eight. And coming up on bbc news, well have the latest on a big day for both andy murray and Johanna Konta. And we hearfrom and we hear from wayne rooney who has spoken to the media following his return to everton for manchester united. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. There were heated scenes in The High Court this afternoon as the parents of the terminally ill baby charlie gard returned with lawyers to present new evidence of an experimental treatment in america that they say could help him. Great ormond street hospital in london, which is treating the boy, says the therapy is unjustified. But charlies parents both interrupted the hearing, shouting out that the hospital was lying. 11 month old charlie is suffering from a rare genetic condition and has brain damage. Our medical correspondent fergus walsh reports. Vocal, passionate and determined. Charlie gards parents have considerable support, including the pope and donald trump. Let us pray. And noticed pro life now this pro life evangelical preacher who was once jailed for anti abortion protest in the us and has been praying by charlies bedside. Protest in the us and has been praying by charlies bedsidem protest in the us and has been praying by charlies bedside. If a court, if a judge, praying by charlies bedside. If a court, ifajudge, if praying by charlies bedside. If a court, if a judge, if a Hospital Official can come and tell a parent that they dont have the right or the authority to provide the kind of medical care that their childs needs, then parental rights are under attack and around the world, the fabric of our society unravels. It is well established in uk law that where parents and doctors cannot agree, a judge must decide what is appropriate. Charlie is so weak, he cant move and has serious brain damage. Four different courts have ruled he should be allowed to die with dignity. In court, lawyers for charlies parents said there was new information which showed an experimental treatment on offer in america might help their son. The judge said there wasnt a person alive who did not want charlie to get better and he would be delighted the changes ruling but it had to be on the basis of clear evidence. He said he had to consider the hospitals view that every day that passed in flick did more suffering an charlie. Charlie has a rare inherited condition, mitochondrial depletion syndrome. Mitochondria are found in nearly every cell and provide energy to the body but charlies dont function, so his muscles and organs are wasting. Nucleoside verratti is a powder given in food which contains some of the Building Blocks of dna and could help mitochondrial function. Animal studies suggest a modest 4 improvement. So far, 18 patients have been treated but crucially, none has charlies Genetic Mutation 01 none has charlies genetic mutation or his severe brain damage. But The High Court was told that unpublished data showing dramatic clinical improvement and claims the therapy could improve brain function. The experimental therapy has never been tried in humans or animals with charlies exact condition. Paediatricians say Great Ormond Street would be concerned it could do him harm. Theres a lot of unknowns here and i think the doctors and nurses looking after him, colleagues really will have considered all of these processes because that is what they do, that is their dayjob and they are some of the most expert people in the world in this area. The judge said he would consider the merits of any new evidence on thursday. Meanwhile, charlie continues to receive round the clock care at Great Ormond Street street hospital. Fergus is here with me now. What will it take for the judge to change his mind . The parents will have to come up with significant new evidence that this experimental therapy can be of benefit to charlie. Thejudge was therapy can be of benefit to charlie. The judge was clear, therapy can be of benefit to charlie. Thejudge was clear, hes not going to rake over old facts. There was really immense frustration on both sides in court. Lawyers for the hospital said they had tried repeatedly over the weekend to find out what was this alleged to new evidence and got nowhere. Then at one point, a text was read out from charlies mons phone from an american doctor that there was a 10 chance of improvement to charlie but we dont know what the source of that information is. On the parents side, they cried out to the judge that the hospital was lying to him and really they should have the chance to take their son abroad. But the parents and the doctors can agree on nothing at this stage. The hospital says, for example, that because charlies brain is no longer growing, his Head Circumference has not increased in the past three months but then charlies mum cried out that it has so the judge said he wa nted out that it has so the judge said he wanted a tape measure taken to measure his head and on thursday, tell him the truth. It has got to that level of dispute between the sides. Thank you forjoining us. The Prime Ministers offer to Opposition Parties to work with the government on major issues has been rebuffed by labour, who said her party had completely run out of ideas. The strategy is being seen as a an attempt by theresa may as an attempt by theresa may to reassert her authority since losing her parliamentary majority in last months election. But tonight, shes having to deal with a problem with one of her own mps, whos been suspended for making a racist comment. Heres our Political Editor laura kuenssberg. Monday morning at the market. Not any old shoppers. How are you . The Prime Minister and her australian counterpart, here to meet people caught up in a terror attack. But Prime Minister turnbull happens to be an old friend of theresa may. She does not seem to have many in politics these days. Thank you, Prime Minister, malcolm, for visiting us today and the excellent discussions weve had. Its always a pleasure to welcome our australian friends to london and even more so when youve just beaten them at cricket. With fears about her authority in her own party, she is making an appeal for others to work with her. You want the opposition to contribute as well as to criticise, you are expected to say tomorrow. What do you say to your own critics, including in your own party, who say it is you that needs to change . The government has got an ambitious agenda. It is an ambitious agenda which is there to address the big challenges the country faces. Of course, one of those is getting the brexit negotiations right but there are other challenges we face as the country, too. Ithink are other challenges we face as the country, too. I think the public will rightly want us to get the broadest possible consensus in looking at those issues. Jeremy corbyn. Her offer was mocked by the labour leader. The government is apparently now asking other parties for their policy ideas and so if the Prime Minister would like it, im very happy to furniture with a copy of our election manifesto. A difficult afternoon got worse. Annemarie morris is duly elected. While she was on her beat, a recording emerged of tory mp Annemarie Morris talking at a private event about brexit, using offensive language. She said the phrase was unintentional and has apologised unreservedly if offence was caused. The comments emerging on the day the Prime Minister called for an end to abuse and mps were quick to seize on it. She agree that where that where that happens, organisations should ta ke that happens, organisations should take decisive and swift action . Offensive behaviour by backbenchers is one thing. Asking the opposition for help with another. But with no majority to call her own, the Prime Minister can barely afford for anything to go wrong. With her authority cracked, there are no easy days for this Prime Minister. And in the last 15 minutes, theresa may has now suspended that mp, Annemarie Morris, condemning her remarks. What is not clear is for how long she is going to be out of the tory party. While there may be calls for her to quit altogether, to stand down, in this the bra political atmosphere at the moment, the conservatives would be very nervous of any by election. By be very nervous of any by election. By suspending have some time, though, it means theresa mays narrow current advantage in the commons has slipped by one and this is an era where every vote will matter. Laura, thank you. The metropolitan police now say they believe around 255 people managed to escape the fire at Grenfell Tower last month. The official estimate of the dead and missing remains at approximately 80. Our Home Affairs Correspondent tom symonds is at scotland yard. The first time weve had such a figure. Theres been a lot of dispute about how many were there that night. There has. I mean, here is the context. There has. I mean, here is the co ntext. O n there has. I mean, here is the context. On the night of the fire or just afterwards, it was acclaimed about 500 600 people were living at g re nfell tower. About 500 600 people were living at Grenfell Tower. The police today have said they think it is nearer 350 and some of them were not in on the night. Their figure 350 and some of them were not in on the night. Theirfigure for the number who escaped injury or escape from the fire with their lives is about 255. Crucially, the number of dead and missing remains at about 80, which is going to be controversial. Some peoplejust dont believe the figure. But the Police Investigation continues, sifting through every bit of debris inside a tower where the temperature reached 1000 degrees and also investigating 60 or so Companies Involved in the maintenance and refurbishment of Grenfell Tower. Stuart cundy, the metropolitan police commander, said, you cant listen to the families and the 999 calls and not want to hold people to account for a fire that should not have happened. Thank u. The high court has ruled that Government Arms Sales to saudi arabia are lawful and shouldnt be halted. It follows a case brought by a pressure group, campaign against the arms trade. It argued that the uk had broken International Humanitarian law by selling weapons that had been used to kill civilians in yemen, where the saudis have conducted air strikes against rebels. President trump says he did not know that during his president ial Campaign Last year, his eldest son and his son in law Met A Russian lawyer who claimed to have damaging information about his rival, hillary clinton. Donald trumer insists no meaningful information was provided about her in the meeting. Our chief correspondent gavin hewitt reports from washington. This is Donald Trumps eldest son. This is Donald Trumps eldest sonlj am donald trump jr. Last june, after the republican convention, he met with a russian lawyer who promised damaging material on Hillary Clintons campaign. The meeting was here at trump tower in new york. Until this weekend, donald trump here at trump tower in new york. Until this weekend, Donald Trumer had not mentioned it but it was not a casual encounter, he brought along tromps Campaign Manager and his son in law and then his story has changed. On saturday, he said they primarily discussed a programme about the adoption of russian children. By the following day, he said, the woman lawyer stated she had information that individuals connected to russia were funding the Democratic National committee and supporting mrs clinton. He was told there would be information that may be helpful to the campaign. There was no such information but again, i wa nt to was no such information but again, i want to ask your question, if were going to keep using the word pollution, where is the evidence of collusion. On friday, President Trump met President Putin and asked him directly about meddling in the American Election campaign. President putin denied it denied it. It is not clear how forcefully President Trump pursued this but there was an agreement between the two lea d e rs there was an agreement between the two leaders that it was now time to move forward. News of trump two leaders that it was now time to move forward. News of trumers russian meeting does not put President Trump in immediate jeopardy. He says he has no knowledge of it. What it does do is keep open the central question that has dogged the administration. Was there collusion between the Trump Campaign team and the russians . It promises months of further investigations. Trump jr called promises months of further investigations. Trumer called the latest revelation is a big yawn but it is the first public indication that some in the Trump Campaign were willing potentially to accept russian help. For the president , it isa russian help. For the president , it is a reminder that not everything goes his way. Gavin hewitt, bbc news, washington. Our top story this evening. The legal battle to keep the terminally ill baby Charlie Gard Alive continues, as his case returns to The High Court. And still to come. A pay gap on teachers will stay but there are warnings that is putting off new recruits. Coming up on bbc news, the latest on a big day for andy murray and Johanna Konta, at 6 30pm. The Birmingham Pub Bombings in 1974 it was one the worst ira attacks in england during the many years of the troubles. 21 people were killed and almost 200 were injured. Now, decades later a self confessed ira bomb maker has finally admitted that he was part of the Group Responsible for the explosions. In an exclusive interview with the bbc, he has apologised to the families of those who were killed. But he has refused to say exactly what role he played in the notorious bombing. Today, a relative of one of the victims called him a coward. Heres our ireland correspondent chris buckler. The bombs were left in the heart of birmingham on a thursday night. Placed inside pubs to cause destruction. Explosions that led to 21 deaths. In the same year 1974 mick hayes took part in this funeral for a Hunger Striker in london. He was a well known republican, an admitted ira bomb maker who was convicted of paramilitary offences in the republic of ireland. And now, four decades after the murders In Birmingham, mick hayes has emerged again to admit he was part of the group that bombed the city. Was a participant in the iras activities In Birmingham how clear can i make it . Did you plant the bombs . I was a participant in the iras campaign in england. But youre not answering the question did you plant the bombs . Im giving you the only answer i can give you. Mick hayes has in the past been questioned and named as a suspect in the bombings, but hes never been charged. Even now, he wont say what role he played in the ira attack, but he says he takes collective responsibility for it. And i apologise, not only for myself. I apologise for all republicans, who had no intention of hurting anybody and sympathise with you. And the relatives, again, the relatives will say that you have blood on your hands. I know theyll say that, and from their point of view, i can justify that. I dont. I dont shirk my responsibility in that direction. A group of men were charged and found guilty of the bombing, but it was a famous miscarriage of justice. And the convictions of the men who became known as the Birmingham Six were eventually overturned. For 16. 5 years, we have been used as political scapegoats today, the families of those murdered in the pub bombings watched mick hayes apology, and were angered by it. Hes a coward, short and simple. He reckons that hed rather die than be an informer. But hes more than happy to take collective responsibility for the murder of 21 innocents In Birmingham. Mick hayes avoided many questions, but he claims mistakes led the ira to give Bomb Warnings too late, and that he personally defused a third bomb left in Birmingham City centre that night. The explosions, they were horrific. They were terrible. It shocked the ira. When they found out what had happened, we defused the third one. In the hagley road. Who defused it . Idid. Many in modern day birmingham will question why mick hayes has come forward now, particularly as no one has ever been held legally responsible for murdering the 21 people who died on a night out in this city. The independent pay review of teachers has recommended how teachers pay should be divided, within the governments1 Public Sector pay cap. Can teachers pay stretch any further, or are the days of 1 pay rises numbered . Schools further, or are the days of 1 pay rises numbered . Schools are beginning to feel the impact took not enough people training as teachers, others leaving afterjust a few years. Can schools afford to give them any more . The people coming out of university, they looked at the hay of various different jobs, looked at the hay of various differentjobs, and looked at the hay of various different jobs, and it looked at the hay of various differentjobs, and it iseffififfiiitl

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