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A bittersweet moment for those who witnessed the tragedy. Its going to help me get rid of all the fears i have now. Im really excited but im still a little bit worried to what is going to happen. And coming up in the sport on bbc news, can englands chase down the 306 target set by bangladesh in their first Champions Trophy Match at the oval . Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. The conservatives and labour have both turned their attention to brexit. With exactly a week to go before voters go to the polls, the parties have been underlining their different approaches to life outside the European Union. Labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn argued that the tory pledge to walk away from a bad deal would lead to a jobs meltdown. But theresa may said she saw a fairer and more prosperous britain. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg looks at two competing visions of brexit. You can see who you can see who seems you can see who seems to be enjoying it more. But whoevers in charge next week, taking us out of the European Union is their biggestjob. Their biggest opportunity. And the biggest danger, too. Their biggest opportunity. And the biggest danger, toolj their biggest opportunity. And the biggest danger, too. I am confident that we can fulfil the promise of brexit together, and build a britain thatis brexit together, and build a britain that is stronger, sarah and even more prosperous than it is today. Because the promise of brexit is great. The opportunities before us enormous. Build a fairer country that the millions who voted both remain and leave last year want to see. By standing for the many not the few, labour is the only party which can overcome the divisions of la st which can overcome the divisions of last years referendum and deliver a brexit that brings our country together. Beyond those big claims, though, there is a lot that we just do not know about how the next occu pa nt of do not know about how the next occupant of this place would approach everything once in charge, when white house really has to get to work whitehall really has to get to work to make things happen. The Prime Minister claims ending Freedom Of Movement would make hitting her Immigration Target easier. We would be able to control oui easier. We would be able to control our borders, ensuring we could continue to practice the brightest and best of work and study in this country, but ensuring we have control over that process so that it is managed properly. But neither those tories nor labour will be explicit about the kind of new system they would introduce. What about eu citizens here and brits abroad . The tories say they will be generous, but wont guarantee their rights until the same promises are made for uk citizens. But labour. We will start by giving a clear commitment to every eu national who lives here and works here to contributes huge amount our society, they will be guaranteed their existing rights and remain in this country. We are out of the Single Market, the huge European Free trading area, under both of the main parties plans, trading area, under both of the main pa rties plans, who trading area, under both of the main parties plans, who say they would negotiate good terms instead. But the Scottish National party want a different dealfor the Scottish National party want a different deal for scotland. We need to try to stay in the Single Market to try to stay in the Single Market to protect jobs to try to stay in the Single Market to protectjobs and investment and living standards, and we need strong snp mps in the House Of Commons arguing for that. But leaving the eu means huge changes to the law, and whos in charge . Theresa may has declared that it will be our Supreme Court is and not the european courts that will be in overall charge, but it might not be that straightforward, because the continentaljudges oversee some things like the european Arrest Warrant that we might still want to be part of. Labour says its open to discussions. The lib dems, though, remember, promised that whatever the brexit deal, they would give you another say. The british people have the right either accept a deal, in which case we leave the European Union on the ist of april 2019, or to reject it and remain. I will be very clear with you, as i have been over the last 12 months, i cannot see us over the last 12 months, i cannot see us getting any chance of a better deal than the one we have now. There will be no second vote under labour, butJeremy Corbyn said he wouldnt walk away until there was a eu agreement. The tories insist, though, no deal is better than a bad one, and she might walk out. Yet theresa may is a long way from closing the deal with you. Laura is in westminsterfor us now. Today has been all about brexit, but any sense of what the last week of campaigning might look like . Any sense of what the last week of campaigning might look like 7m any sense of what the last week of campaigning might look like . In the closing stages of this campaign, as in others, it is the Biggest Issue that tends to emerge in the final lap. Even though i dont think we will get many more details of the approach and the issues we have been outlining, or plenty of others, too, like how much both of these leaders would be willing to pay in terms of billions to get out of the European Union as we head towards brexit. But the conservatives want to stay on the conservatives want to stay on the subject, notjust because they believe it is the most important book traces the country, but also because they believe voters respond best to theresa may when they are asked this big question about who do you trust to get the country with the negotiations. But it is the labour party that seems publicly to be in labour party that seems publicly to Beina Labour Party that seems publicly to be in a more buoyant mood, and sources have suggested to me they believe there are some signs, some ukip voters who had been intending, the poll suggested, to switch straight to the tories, some of those might be taking a second look at labour at this stage with seven days to go. But i think both sides, we are not at this stage going to learn any huge new ideas. There arent going to be any big new proposals put in front of voters at this point, and the reality is, of course, whoever ends up doing the british end of these negotiations, they will be one up against 27 other countries, so whatever their priorities, whatever the priorities we all vote for, they are not going to get everything they want, whoever is in charge. Laura, thank you very much. And you can watch the full interview with tim farron at seven oclock tonight on bbc one. Injust under two hours time, President Trump is due to announce his decision on whether hes going to pull america out of the global deal to tackle Climate Change. If he does, it will be honouring one of his key Campaign Pledges describing Climate Change as a hoax and an american job killer. Today china said it would stick by its commitments under whats called the Paris Agreement. Our science editor David Shukman looks at what effect an american withdrawal would have on the worlds first deal to curb Global Warming. With new records for temperatures being set around the world, and scientists saying that more warming will threaten the ice sheets, the challenge is to cut the Greenhouse Gases heating the atmosphere. The Paris Agreement, negotiated in december 2015, is the worlds first attempt to tackle Climate Change and the un hopes it will survive, whatever america does. Independently of the decision of the american government, its important that all other governments stay the course. The Paris Agreement is essential for our collective future. Under the Paris Agreement, countries pledged to cut their emissions of carbon dioxide. The aim to limit the rise in global average temperature to 2 degrees, with the promise of 100 billion a year for poor countries to cope with the effects. But mr trump has long been opposed. Were going to cancel the paris climate agreement. He says it undermines jobs, and he once claimed Global Warming was invented by the chinese. Donald trump says hes been Hearing Arguments from both sides so what are his options . Stay in the Paris Agreement but demand a review of the us role. Leave it, which means a notice period of four years. And the more dramatic option of leaving the un climate convention, which would take america out of the Paris Agreement in a year and out of all un talks on Climate Change. The Paris Agreement took us on to the right road but it didnt go far enough or fast enough in order to solve the problem. So trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement would slow down at process of getting up to speed and getting their fast enough to tackle the problem. So what might happen . Well, china and other countries are forging ahead with wind power and other low Carbon Technologies on a vast scale. China said it will stick to the Paris Agreement. And individual american states like california say they will now turn to the chinese president for leadership. California will work with him and work with other countries to do everything we can to offset the negative pathways chosen by President Trump. President trump has pledged to revive the american coal industry, and it desperately wants him to leave the Paris Agreement. If he does, other countries that rely on coal may follow his example. But at the same time, solar power has tumbled in price, so whatever is decided in washington tonight, the world may anyway be heading for a low carbon future. David shukman, bbc news. And our north america correspondent nick bryant is at the white house. Will International Pressure make any difference to donald trump, or is this all about Domestic Politics . Donald trump has always made it very clear that America First means America First, even if that means America First, even if that means america alone. International leaders made their views very clear over the weekend at the g7 summit in sicily, and they were not happy with americas reply. I wonder whether a voice that could cut through, that could influence him at this 11th hour is actually found closer to home, and that belongs to his daughter, if anker trump. Home, and that belongs to his daughter, if ankertrump. She home, and that belongs to his daughter, if anker trump. She has been lobbying for months for her father to keep america in the paris accord. But as you say, the world will be watching this, but there is a big domestic audience, too, not least the people who put donald trump in the white house, the so called rust belt, where the idea has taken a stronghold that the paris accord is a jobs killer, and that was a view encouraged by donald trump. Does he want to anger them, or does he want anger the rest of the world . In ours, we will out. Nick, thank you very much. House prices across the uk have fallen for the third month in a row according to the nationwide building society. Its the first time thats happened since 2009. The nationwide said the slowdown provided further evidence that the Housing Market was losing momentum. The former ukip leader, nigel farage, has described as hysterical a report in the guardian which claims hes of interest to the fbi as part of its investigation into links between President Trumps Campaign Team and russia. Mr farage, who hasnt been accused of any wrongdoing, described the claim as fake news and said that he had no connections to russia. The head of British Airways parent company, iag, has defended the airlines handling of a Computer Failure that disrupted flights for Tens Of Thousands of passengers over the bank holiday weekend. Willie walsh, who used to run ba, says an investigation is under way. The airline has blamed a power surge but, as our Transport Correspondent Richard Westcott reports, some are not convinced that was the cause of the problem. Wish you were here it wasnt a great start to the holidays for thousands of British Airways passengers. A Computer Meltdown caused chaos across the weekend. Five days on and the boss of the group that owns ba, willie walsh, has defended the way the Company Handled the crisis. I think the team at British Airways under the leadership of alex cruz has done Everything Possible to get British Airways back flying a full schedule as quickly as possible. We clearly apologise to any of our customers who were disrupted. Those words might not sit well with customers who often complained about the lack of information and help they got during the crisis. Another complaint is the minimal detail about what went wrong. It was a problem caused by the failure of electrical power to our it systems. We understand what happened, we are still investigating why it happened, and that investigation will take some time. Blaming it on a power surge has raised eyebrows amongst some it experts. Bert craven helped design and run easyjets system for many years. What is unconvincing about the narrative is that the sequence of events is not clear. Where and why did the power surge occur . Why did it have such a devastating effect on systems that are supposed to be well shielded against these kind of events . Why did it take so long to recover the systems . How many different systems were affected . To what extent was human error or Human Response part of the solution or part of the problem . They need to work out what went wrong because of the speed that this crisis took hold. It all started in a building near Heathrow Airport but within hours it had spread to 170 different airports in 70 Different Countries around the world. 75,000 ba customers were affected, and five days on there are still people on holiday who dont have their bags. The bbc has learned that Senior Company figures will now push for an independent inquiry into why the computers collapsed and why the Back Up System simply did not work. Richard westcott, bbc news. The time is a quarter past six. Our top story this evening. With a week to go before the election, theresa may and Jeremy Corbyn focus on brexit. And still to come stars of Coronation Street Pay Tribute To the actor roy barraclough, whos died at the age of 81. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news, for the second round running at the french open, andy murray survives the scare of losing the opening set as his wobbles on clay continue. Tickets for this weekends one love manchester concert, organised to raise money for the victims of last weeks terrorist attack, have sold out within minutes. Performers including take that, katy perry and Justin Bieber are due to appear alongside Ariana Grande, whose show at the Manchester Arena was targeted by a suicide bomber. Judith moritz reports on a bittersweet moment for those who witnessed the tragedy. Confirmation has come through, weve got the tickets. This group of mums and daughters are all friends together. Last week they went to the Ariana Grande show in manchester, it was the first gig the youngest girls had been to. Welljust go and enjoy ourselves, yeah . Yeah. When they were offered tickets for the benefit concert, some of the group were unsure but they have now decided to go. We actually went into manchester to lay flowers in saint anns square and itjust like hit me that i should really be going to just to like maybe see her again without the bad ending at the end. Im still a little bit worried about whats going to happen, what if it happens again, but im really excited. Do you think its important to have this concert . Its going to like help me get rid of all the fears that i have now and raise money for the other people. It will help me remember that day as a good day, not a bad day and i would love to see Ariana Grande again. Tickets for the one love manchester gigs were made available this morning and sold out within a few minutes. Ticketmaster said there had been remarkable demand. Some tickets were being offered for resale on ebay but the company said it was attempting to remove them. And more than 10,000 fake claims were made for the complimentary seats offered to those who went to the original gig. The mums from stoke are relieved to have tickets. It wasnt about getting in free, we would have happily paid, it was just guaranteeing we could get tickets for the girls. Because they made this big decision to go back. Yes, and we want to follow that through for them. Be wary obviously but definitely, for us it is the right thing to do. I understand its not right for everybody but for us its the right thing to do. They cant wait to see their pop idols on the stage this weekend but the girls know they are the lucky ones and say that whilst singing along, their thoughts will be with the fans whose lives were lost and the many who are still suffering after the arena attack. And judith is in salford for us now. And we have to remember this is all happening in the wake of tragedy. Yes and of course there are still so many people suffering, including the family of saffie roussos, the youngest person to die atjust eight yea rs youngest person to die atjust eight years old. Her relatives had been coming to terms with that terrible loss whilst also praying for the recovery of a mother and sister who are both badly injured. Tonight there was welcome news that both of them have pulled through and will be 0k, them have pulled through and will be ok, but tinged with such difficulty because her mum lisa regained consciousness to be told that her little girl had not survived. They are being given support and so are the many bereaved families and survivors of this tragedy in many ways including financial support. Tonight we are told the Emergency Fund which will start giving out money stands at £7 million and the chairwoman of the charity which runs it said the generosity of the world and the solidarity of the world has given her rate of light to magistrates in the citys darkest hour a ray of light. Brexit is a particular cause for concern to voters in Northern Ireland. Its the only part of the uk to have a land border with another eu state the irish republic. Currently its without a devolved government because of a dispute between the democratic unionists and sinn fein. Stormonts Opposition Parties are worried that Northern Ireland will be without a united voice during brexit talks. Our ireland correspondent, chris buckler, has been speaking to them. The belfast to dublin train. It is used daily by hundreds of commuters and shoppers. And once brexit finally happens, a ticket for this train will take you into the European Union. That is on the minds of voters. Currently they cross the irish border with ease and the potential of that changing is a worry at every stop along this journey. In the centre of portadown, a statue of an old Unionist Leader has pride of place. With nationalists pushing for a referendum on a united ireland, his successors say there is now a need to protect the uk. Thats because of brexit. Weve got Unionist Politicians now standing proudly as Unionist Politicians in scotland and in wales because there is a real need and i think a reawakening of what the United Kingdom actually means and the strength we have in it. Deep political divisions have left Northern Irelands two biggest parties in no rush to get back into government together. While people are preparing for this westminster vote, stormont feels like it is going nowhere. The dup and sinn fein were working together in government but Power Sharing has fallen apart and the other parties have tried to present themselves as an alternative. They say by working together they can move Northern Ireland forward. The Cross Community Alliance Party says continued deadlock could mean the return of direct rule where westminster would take over the running of Northern Ireland. When you turn up at hospital, you need to be treated and you need a government that is fit for purpose and able to deliver on those things and i dont believe that direct rule will deliver that for Northern Ireland, i believe that devolution will. In newry, which is the last stop before the irish border, no one can yet be sure what controls or checks might have to be introduced, once this station is a gateway to europe. And nationalists say that is the key issue in this election. People in Northern Ireland voted to remain in europe, they voted for a pro european cause and for more cooperation across the island of ireland and they voted to stay within that broader european family. Politics in Northern Ireland can be seen as very different. But households across the uk share many concerns about brexit and the final deal agreed during the next parliament will certainly have an impact on this land. Chris buckler, bbc news, newry. And well also hear from Northern Irelands other parties, the dup and sinn fein, before next weeks vote. Cricket now and england have beaten bangladesh in their Group A Clash in the champions trophy at the oval. In front of a 22,000 crowd bangladesh scored 305 6. Despite an injured heel, joe root was englands highest scoring batsman with 133 not out. He also scored the winning runs. The actor roy barraclough, whos best known for playing the Landlord Alec Gilroy in coronation street, has died at the age of 81 following a short illness. Roy barraclough also worked in a Comedy Double Act with les dawson. Our arts correspondent, david sillito, looks back at his life. Ill have it seen to. What about cloth was alec gilroy for more than 30 years roy barraclough. Cloth was alec gilroy for more than 30 years Roy Barracloughlj therefore proclaim that they are husband and wife. Alec was good at looking after the pennies, a bit short on romance. Their one kiss me. Julie goodyear said she was devastated. She says they were just like a married couple. With other long running tv role with another on screen couple of his double act with les dawson in which he played cissy, the slightly more refined friend of les dawsons aider. New guinea, new york, new zealand. Where shall we go . New brighton i love you, rita. He was an actor with yea rs of you, rita. He was an actor with years of experience on stage, born in preston and originally trained as a draughtsman and before alec there was castle haven. And more recently All The Small Things and the return of are you being served. But he will be remembered best for coronation street. Among the tributes, cast members Beverly Callard and Simon Gregson remember his talent and yea rs of gregson remember his talent and years of laughter. Envira, another guinness, somebody has to be drinking around here. The actor roy barraclough, who has died at the age of 81. That brings us to the weather with tomasz schafernaker. It has been quite a warm day across many parts of the country, particularly in england with temperatures up to them it 20s and some Fluffy Fairweather Cloud as this one from oxfordshire shows the mid 20s. Beautiful in cornwall as well but it turned across northern parts particularly the northwest with the cloud streaming in across the atlantic and low pressure, you can see this front, obscuring much of western britain. That will continue in the north west through the night and it is slow moving, and across much of england it will be a dry and warm night with 11 and 15 degrees and feeling close but in the morning the Weather Front will finally move a bit further to the east. In wales and Northern Ireland and south western parts, that fresh atla ntic south western parts, that Fresh Atlantic Air will come in but in east anglia and the south east as we are still just about east anglia and the south east as we are stilljust about clinging the and humid weather. You saw some lightning bolts, a chance of some thunderstorms in the south east and east anglia and they might rumble through the evening tomorrow as well. They are then out of the way and we are in the fresh air off the atla ntic and we are in the fresh air off the atlantic which means that the weekend is looking fresher s across modes of the country. Most of the country. There will be some showers around in North Western areas, particularly on saturday but the east will stay dry and those temperatures are lower and on sunday against showers in western areas. Both days more on at the same but some of the showers could be heavy and thunder reads but sunshine on the cards as well. Thank you. The mind of our main story. With exactly a week to go before voters go to the polls labour and the conservatives have been outlining their different approaches to brexit. That is all from us, it is goodbye from me and on bbc one we can nowjoin the bbcs teams where you are. Translation china will continue to implement haller, the top stories at 630. With just one week before polling day brexit Takes Centre Stage in the election campaign. Theresa may says leaving the eu offers a feature of new opportunities. I am confident that we can fulfil the promise of brexiteer gather and build a Britain Thatis Brexiteer gather and build a britain that is stronger, fairer, and even more prosperous than it is today. The world waits on President Trump is the decides whether america will honour its commitments under the paris climate deal. The former fbi directorjames comey, fired by President Trump, will testify before the Senate Intelligence committee next week. He will appear in open session discussing possible collusion between President Trumps election Campaign Team and russia. More than 10,000 fake applications have been made for tickets for the one love Tribute Concert Set aside for those caught up in the manchester attack. Now on bbc news its time for sportsday. Hello and welcome to sportsday. Im mike bushell. England a successfully chased down a target of 306 to win the opening Champions Trophy Match against bangladesh. For the second match running, a sigh of relief, for andy murray at the french open. After losing the opening set. And a first Training Session for the lions, in new zealand, where for the coach gatland, its a case of all together now

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