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Well bring you more on this developing story. Also tonight Jeremy Corbyn warns against a bomb first, talk later Foreign Policy but says hes no pacifist. Theresa may accuses Jeremy Corbyn of deserting what she calls the Proud And Patriotic Working Class. The schoolboy who died after an allergic reaction. A coroner says staff could have saved his life. And Donald Trumps twitter tirade against his former fbi director. He warns james comey not to talk to the media. Coming up on bbc news, one win away, can chelsea secure a Second Premier League title in three seasons with victory over west brom this evening. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. The nhs is the victim of a major cyber attack. Since mid afternoon, Computer Systems in at least 25 Hospital Trusts and gp surgeries up and down england and in scotland have been hit. In those affected, routine operations are being cancelled, patients are being sent home and ambulances are being diverted. Patients are being asked to stay away unless their condition is life threatening. The cyber attack is a form of ransomware in which an it system is hacked into and will only be restored on payment of a ransom. Hospital staff have been venting their frustration on social media, saying they have no access to patient records, blood tests, even their bleeps are affected. The scale of the cyber attack on the nhs is unprecedented. Its been declared a Major National incident disrupting hospitals and trusts from dumfries and carlisle, blackpool and york, to some of the big Teaching Hospitals in london, and services in the south of england. Our first report tonight from our Health Editor hugh pym. A Major Incident has been declared by nhs leaders in england and hospitals like this one in colchester have been experiencing serious Computer Problems after a cyber attack. This is what some patients told us the gentleman just inside the door said that all the computers have gone down, and they are not sure whether the doctors can see you forward have a reason. If it is x rays, breakages, what have you, they will send you home. Voiceover it has happened before, this Hospital Trust covering North Lincolnshire and gore, It Systems We Re Lincolnshire and gore, it systems were closed for three days as the result of a cyber attack last autumn. Hundreds of operations and patient appointments were postponed, people were told to get to eight and the only if it was really necessary, there were warnings that nhs it was honourable. And today staff looking in at other hospitals found this on their screens, with a message saying, your files are encrypted, if you want to recover them, you need to pay up. Northern lincolnshire and goole. A e. Ransomware, a hidden programme used by criminal hackers was being used. The nhs is vulnerable, typically it has not invested enough in computer security, using Old Computers and systems and if they dont keep them properly patched they will keep getting hit by attacks like this. Properly patched they will keep getting hit by attacks like thism a statement, nhs digital, responsible for it, has said one doctor at this hospital in mansfield told us how it was affecting Services Today mansfield told us how it was affecting Services Todayzlj mansfield told us how it was affecting Services Today i had a meeting today, a patient with severe back pain, could potentially pa ralyse back pain, could potentially paralyse her. And we had to divert her to another hospital, queens medical centre. It is getting a bit difficult for us. We have a lot of patience here. It takes an awful lot of time for us to process the information on a paper system. Some hospitals warned local people they we re hospitals warned local people they were experiencing significant it and telephone problems. Some gp practices have also reported significant problems. Studio lets speak to our correspondents at some of the affected hospitals. Helena lee is at barts in london and kevin birch is in colchester. To you first helena, whats happening there . They have activated what they call a Major Incident plan for the welfare and safety of their patients. All routine appointments have been cancelled, haitians have been told to use other nhs services if they can, and any ambulances arriving here have been diverted to neighbouring hospitals. Weve just spoken to one patient whos waited months for a major heart operation, he was all prepared for the operation but it was cancelled at the last minute. Colchester general, treating more than half a Million People every year, the potential here, as elsewhere, for destruction, was huge, having been inside and spoken to staff and patients, it seems to be measured and calm, one member of staff has said, tough but manageable. One of the patients, in the report, a few moans and groans but most people have been understanding when they were told they would be sent home. A couple of other patients say that they are yet to be convinced on this claim that patients data has not in some way been compromised. This hospital works very closely with a hospital 19 miles up the road in its rich, sharing a chief executive, it is a sign of the Patchwork Nature of this at this one was affected by the other one was not. Broomfield hospital, chelmsford, was hit, and the list in stevenage, and in norfolk, but others unaffected, Adam Brook Scum of the biggest hospital in this region, was unaffected. Adam brook s. Addenbrookes hospital. Lets talk to our technology correspondent, rory cellanjones. What more can you tell us about this cyber attack and the ransomeware thats hit the nhs . The most dangerous and most important weapon in the hands of cybercriminals, we have seen attacks over the last couple of years over the years including previous attacks on nhs hospitals, this is by far the biggest we have seen, and the nhs is stressing that it was not specifically targeted, this is a wider attack, and im seeing evidence of that, one researcher saying that 36 bells and detections, so saying that 36 bells and detections, so far, russia, ukraine and taiwan leading, this is huge, reports from many places across the world, in spain in particular. 36,000 detections. We will bring you more on that story as it develops later in the programme. Jeremy corbyn says the war on terror isnt working and britain needs a fresh approach. In a Speech Outlining his Foreign Policy, he said he wasnt a pacifist and could see circumstances in which he would involve britain in a war but he warned against what he called a bomb first, talk later approach. Mr corbyn accused theresa may of pandering to donald trump, who he said was making the world a more dangerous place. Heres our deputy Political Editorjohn pienaar. Voiceover he is used to it now, all the attention, and not always friendly, though he still tries to be. Dont push each other, 0k. Labours campaign is so much about Jeremy Corbyn, his character, his ideas, he has held here for 30 yea rs, ideas, he has held here for 30 years, though some in his party which he had not, like defence, and the Labour Leader today was holding to his oldest and deepest convictions, writing of years of britains way of war against terror. The war on terror has not succeeded, it has driven these interventions and it has not increased security at home, in fact, and it has not increased security at home, infact, many and it has not increased security at home, in fact, many would say, just the opposite. This, britains leader, on site and alongside with donald trump, notJeremy Corbyns answer, more talking, less fighting, yes, and a lot less cosy and is with washington ifJeremy Corbyn wins. Yes, and a lot less cosy and is with washington if Jeremy Corbyn wins. We deserve better than simply outsourcing defence and prosperity to the whims of Donald Trumps white house, no more handholding with donald trump. A Labour Government will conduct a robust and independent Foreign Policy. The message, when facing terrorism, to rely on peace and diplomacy, but what about britains Nuclear Deterrent . And Jeremy Corbyns lifelong opposition to Nuclear Defence, or potential Prime Minister that has become a nagging question, a live election issue, and he knew it. A live election issue, and he knew it. Fora a live election issue, and he knew it. For a potential Prime Minister. I am often asked if i would order the use of nuclear weapons, it is an ordinary question when you think about it, would you order the indiscriminate killing of millions of people . Would you risk such contamination of the planet that no life could exist across large parts of the world . If circumstances arose where there was a real option, it would represent a com plete a real option, it would represent a complete and cataclysmic failure, it would mean World Leaders have already triggered a spiral of catastrophe. That sounded like a no, he wanted Nuclear Defence reconsidered as well. We cannot decide what a review would decide otherwise we would not have a review. Would you say to what you say to supporters British Military power, it is not clear when you would sent forces into battle, including strikes against Islamic State western mark mcgrath i doubt many if any would have questioned the legitimacy ultimately of the Second World War because of the catastrophe of the rise of the nazis. Against Islamic State . British air strikes on so called Islamic State in iraq and syria, whichJeremy Corbyn has opposed, he is glad now that he has joined the marches against the iraq invasion, which drove down support for labour in government, he wanted british raids against is reviewed. Examine what they are doing straightaway, and their presence, but above all, that fits into the whole point i am saying, i would do everything i possibly could in order to reignite the peace process. Some, not all Labour Supporters, agree, others, very farfrom Labour Supporters, agree, others, very far from it. A labour party led byjeremy very far from it. A labour party led by Jeremy Corbyn very far from it. A labour party led byJeremy Corbyn that would simply chuck away at ability to defend ourselves is crazy and not the way i wa nt ourselves is crazy and not the way i want so. You see Defence Policy sucking in billions of pounds on trident, at a time when a conventional Defence Force has seen cut after cut after cut. Approval for the leaders line here, today, but labour needs converts, lots of them. Leaders line. Well theresa may was campaigning in the north east today, in an attempt to win over labour voters. She accused Jeremy Corbyn of deserting what she called Proud And Patriotic Working Class people. And as mr corbyn was outlying labours Foreign Policy plans, mrs may didnt rule out a future parliamentary vote on joining American Military strikes against syria. Heres our Political Editor laura kuenssberg. What the tories might expect, a raw reception in much of the northeast england. The tories will ruin our environment. Can the conservatives win around here, no definitely not no chance a very small selection of People Canvassing for the tories, we have a huge following for the labour. Inside, theresa may believes she can swell these polite ranks of her supporters, trying to stir up national pride, with talk of security, and defence, while slamming her labour opponents, who have been in charge round here for a long time. Proud and patriotic Working Class people, in towns and cities across britain, have not deserted the labour party, we respect the parents and grandparents taught their children and grandchildren that labour was a party that share their values and stood up for their community. But across the country today, traditional Labour Supporters are increasingly looking at whatJeremy Corbyn believes in, and are appalled. Beyond the attack lines, on safety and security, what might she do if she stays in charge . You have thought a lot about patrick isnt today, would you think it patriotic tojoin isnt today, would you think it patriotic to join the United States in more strikes against syria, or will you rule out having a parliamentary vote on that . We are, as you know, the United Kingdom is pa rt as you know, the United Kingdom is part of the coalition that is operating in syria and iraq, with the United States, but with other countries as well, when i look at the decisions we will be taking in terms of defence and Foreign Policy, there is one thing that will drive there is one thing that will drive the decisions, that those decisions will be taken in the British National interest. Not quite a no will stop and she really take the tories beyond small pockets of the north east . Look at the side of the bus to see how they hope. Not quite a no. Her name in giant letters, you almost need a Magnifying Glass for the party. We will deliver for britain. She may be well ahead in the polls, the Tory Ma Nifesto well ahead in the polls, the tory manifesto is not even published yet, how far can she really reach . |j manifesto is not even published yet, how far can she really reach . I was labour if you year ago, when i first started voting, but my views are changing, working life and what is happening in this world, in this country, my views are changing. Inaudible question i havent. You will be Voting Conservative the first time . Yes, strong opinions on brexit, that has changed my mind, that is where i wa nt has changed my mind, that is where i want to see the country go, stand alone, move forward that way. Getting on the road in the north east is part of a deliberate strategy, not just in north east is part of a deliberate strategy, notjust in trying to win, but in trying to pump up the majority. Ive used virtually every form of transport you can think of in this election campaign, except horses. However she travels and whatever the polls say today, shifting huge numbers of votes in labour territory is a hard sell. Theresa may has already been to more than 20 labour seats, including some here in the north east which should traditionally be safe as houses. The tories say that she is selling a positive message, every day they are trying to display contrast between her and Jeremy Corbyn, brutally trying to strip away the labour vote. Im the only one more important than the Prime Minister Laughter Convention suggest whole chunks of the north of england, scotland and wales are not safe for the conservatives but theresa may wants to s persuade you that the countrys future is only safe with her. Wants to persuade you that the countrys future is only safe with her. Studio the Liberal Democrats have confirmed they would legalise the sale of cannabis if theyre elected. The party would allow licensed shops to sell the drug to people over the age of 18. People would also be able to grow cannabis at home and smoke at small social clubs. Our top story this evening the nhs is being hit by a major cyber attack as computers go down, patients are being sent home and ambulances are being diverted. And still to come donald trump takes to twitter again, this time to take on his former fbi Directorjames Comey. And in sport on bbc news, can Lewis Hamilton reinvigorate his formula i Title Challenge at the Spanish Grand Prix . Hes fastest after second practice in barcelona. A coroner has concluded that a teenager who died from an allergic reaction to his school lunch could possibly have been saved if staff had given him the Adrenalin Injection he needed. 14 year old nasar ahmed, who had severe asthma and a wide range of food allergies, collapsed at a school in east london last november. Our correspondent Sarah Campbell has been at the inquest today. Nasar ahmed love maths and science and wanted to be a politician. He also suffered a severe asthma and food allergies. His family have heard in detail how he came to die after having an extreme allergic reaction to an ingredient in a curry he had for lunch while at school. A couple of hours after nasar had eaten, he told staff here that he couldnt breathe. There was confusion as to what might be wrong and his personal medical box was found. It contained an adrenaline injector pen, or epipen, but there we re injector pen, or epipen, but there were no instructions as to how or when to use it. So nobody did. The coroner concluded that if the epipen had been used promptly and nasar had been administered adrenaline, there was a possibility but not a probability that this would have changed the outcome. Nasar died four days later in hospital. His family said the school let them and their sundown. They failed in their care of duty for my son, they failed to give the right injection. If they gave the epipen injection at that time, five minutes before the ambulance came, it would have saved his life. The school issued a Statement Today are saying following nasars death, we have reviewed Safety Procedures and are providing more training for staff across the board. The coroner will be writing several reports including to nasars school in an effort to prevent future deaths. She will also suggest to the Chief Medical Officer that if more epipens were available and more widely understood, lives could be saved. Sarah campbell, bbc news, east london. Donald trump has warned his former fbi Directorjames Comey against Leaking Stories to the press, saying on twitter that hed better hope there are no tapes of their conversations. Mr comey, who had been leading an inquiry into alleged russian meddling in the us election, was sacked by the president earlier this week. Our North America Editorjon Sopel is at the white house. Jon, donald trump is unbowed by his critics and making a clear threat to his former fbi director. Its hard to read it any other way, fiona. If you read the text of that, james comey had better not have any tapes, that sounds like a threat. It also sounds like donald trump has been Taping Conversations that have been Taping Conversations that have been taking place in the white house in the oval office. That has strong echoes of another president , richard nixon, who was brought down by those tapes. Iam not nixon, who was brought down by those tapes. I am not sure that is the territory where donald trump wants to be. He is about to give a briefing, or his spokesman is about to give a briefing. He is bound to be asked, are you Taping Conversations with people who come to visit . Other things donald trump had to did this morning, and we have come to expect the unexpected, he said about the briefings, as a very active president with lots of things happening, it is not usable for my surrogates to stand at the podium with perfect accuracy. In other words, maybe what we are telling you is not strictly true. Then he goes on but lets cancel the briefings, maybe, and we willjust give you written statements in future. This all comes as donald trump has had some good news today on a trade deal with china. But all of that is getting completely lost in the threat that has been issued to his former head of the fbi. Jon sopel at the white house, thank you. In the run up to the general election, weve been asking you about the subjects that you care about and want covered. A lot of you have got in touch about Business Rates the tax based on how much a Business Property is worth. Some independent shops in england are facing big increases after their Property Values were revalued by the government. Elaine dunkley has been to southwold in suffolk to find out more. Business rates are a massive issue for small businesses. Im Rebecca Bishop and im the owner of two magpies bakery in southwold. Nobody was foreseeing the massive increases that we were suddenly facing in southwold. The average increase was i77 . How big an issue are Business Rates . It is a really important issue because its not just my business im thinking of, its all the other businesses in southwold. Rebeccas bakery is classed as a small business. Her rates have been capped until april next year, but after that, she says she doesnt know what will happen. It will become just another nail in the coffin for businesses that are fighting, some of them, to survive. A lot of small independents, were almost looking at a species wipe out of whole areas that are just being overtaken by national chains. Part of the problem is that Property Prices have gone up in the town. The locals say thats driven by holiday lets, second homes and the arrival of big chains. A few shops down is the butchers. Hi, charlie. Hows business . Hi, rebecca. Yeah, its kind of slow. But were looking forward to the summer. Im charlie mills. Im the owner of mills sons family butchers. Charlie could be facing rates of up to £17,000 a year. If we cant make a profit, we wont be able to stay. So we shall have to look at other alternatives. Southwold has become an expensive place to stay. Maybe its a little too expensive for independent shops. For the butcher and the baker and the other small businesses, this is a big election issue, a vote decider. I would be looking to vote for a government that is giving support to the notion of diversity on the high street, valuing independent businesses and what they bring to our society and what they bring to our culture. And if you want to find out more about what policies the parties are offering you, or indeed find out how to contact us with an issue you want exploring, then our website is where you need to go. Thats bbc. Co. Uk election2017. Lets return to our main story and the cyber attack on the nhs. Our Health Editor hugh pym is here. Hugh. This has been breaking since this afternoon and we are finding out more about who is involved in which hospitals have been affected. Updaters on what you know so far . Hospitals have been affected. Updaters on what you know so far7m seems that it is about 25 organisations in england. That is trusts and some in scotland. That is the extent of it that we know about. But it seems as if there could be more to come and it is a National Incident being monitored at the highest levels of the nhs in england. They have put out a statement reassuring patients that if they need the nhs and it is an emergency, they should go to a e and normal service is available. But they are asking people, if they dont need to be at a e, to be elsewhere. We have had reports of trauma cases heading for one hospital and being switched to another. The message is that urgent ca re another. The message is that urgent care is Still Available at the nhs. What about nonurgent care, patients who have operations scheduled, Gp Appointments . What should they do . We have heard from patients going into this Afternoon Being sent away because their routine outpatient appointment couldnt happen or a test. It seems likely there will be disruption for several days and that routine surgery will be put off while they try to get to the bottom of the it problem. The last time it happened in lincolnshire at the end of last year, it was two or three days before things got back to normal. We are hearing from gps that there are serious issues for them. They are having difficulty providing patient care. They are able to talk to patients and advise them, by getting hold of records has been impossible. So possibly a lot of disruption to Gp Appointments running well into next week. Hugh, thank you. Time for a look at the weather. Heres jay wynne. The Highlands Of Scotland were the case to be today for sunshine and warmth, whereas elsewhere across the uk, there was a good deal of crowd, some outbreaks of rain and a bit of sunshine. Here is the satellite and radar picture, which was quite messy. A lot of cloud and rain moving away from the north west of england, heading towards northern ireland. We will see rain pushing into the south of wales. Parts of scotla nd into the south of wales. Parts of scotland are also quite wet. But other parts of england are largely dry. It is not a cold night. By nine in the morning, it is dry and bright and breezy across the south of the uk. Most places will be dry. There will be a shower or two, but the cloud will break and allow sunshine through. In the north of wales, more cloud and outbreaks of rain, as you will find in the south west of england. Northern ireland will also see outbreaks of rain. Still pretty great along the eastern side of scotland. And we will keep it rather grey as well. Looks like the south east will be largely dry in the afternoon. Temperatures are quite warm. Through the evening, we start to see a band of rain work from west to east. Shouldnt last too long in any given location and by dawn on sunday, it will clear into the north sea. Some of it may lingerfor into the north sea. Some of it may linger for a into the north sea. Some of it may lingerfor a time in the north east of scotland, but even that clears away and then it is a bright and breezy day on sunday. There will be lengthy spells of sunshine, but there will be a few showers as well. Most of those will be in the north west, but some will crop up in the midlands as well. And a slightly fresher feel to things. A reminder of our main story. The nhs is being hit by a major cyber attack as computers go down, patients are being sent home and ambulances are being diverted. Thats all from the bbc news at six, so its goodbye from me and on bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. This is bbc news. Our headlines this evening. The Security Services are investigating a major cyber attack against gp services in hospitals across england and scotland, causing some to turn off Computer Systems and divert Emergency Services to other accident and emergency departments. It is understood up to 25 nhs organisations could have been affected. Nhs england have declared affected. Nhs england have declared a Major Incident. The Secretary Of State for health has been briefed by the Cyber Security centre. The gentlemanjust inside the Cyber Security centre. The gentleman just inside the door said all the computers have gone down and when not sure whether all the doctors can see you for whatever reason. If its x rays or breakages or whatever, theyre going to send you home. The Labour LeaderJeremy Corbyn has outlined his Defence Policy, insisting he isnt a pacifist and would order the use of military action, but only as a last resort. The velocity the philosophy of one first, talk later Asa Philosophy of one first, talk later as a policy has failed. It is a recipe for increasing not reducing threats to security. A coroner has called for changes in the way schools careful peoples with allergies after concluding that an adrenaline injection might

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