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Straight scottish title by the end of the evening . If aberdeen fail to win tonight, celtic will be champions again. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. The eu has asserted its control over the brexit negotiations, by publishing its Draft Guidelines for the talks ahead. It has rejected the governments plan to negotiate a trade deal at the same time as the price to be paid for leaving the eu. The guidelines state that only when there has been what it calls sufficient progress on the separation settlement, can trade talks begin. They also say establishing the future status of eu citizens living in the uk is a priority, along with keeping open Northern Irelands borders with ireland. Our europe correspondent, damian grammaticus, has more. After a ll after all the shadow boxing, now coming into focus the eus terms for brexit. They are guidelines for now, but donald tusk made clear the eu will insist the uk sorts out its Exit Arrangements first. So an Outline Agreement on citizens rights, on financial liabilities, before anything else. While stand only whilst we have achieved sufficient progress on the withdrawal, can we discuss the framework for future relationship. Starting parallel talks on all issues at the same time, as suggested by some in the uk, will not happen. So the eu is explicitly rejecting theresa mays position. No trade talks at first, future ties only outlined during a second phase of negotiations. No special access for Industries Like cars and banking. The eu excludes a sector by sector approach to its single market, and the transition would be under eu rules, uk required to accept existing union structures. Transition periods mean that you are still a member, or at least you still a member, or at least you still have access to a membership situation. If you have such an access,itis situation. If you have such an access, it is obvious, it goes without saying, that the institutions would have all agreed upon the need to govern that period. There have been months of preparations and lobbying to draw up these guidelines. Uk citizens living in the eu, eu citizens living in the uk worried about losing their rights, met the eus chief negotiator. They are the top priority in the exit deal. Ireland has been pressing its case about the irish border, without damaging the peace process. Gibraltar is a Surprise Inclusion as a result of spanish lobbying. The eu says no future trade deal can apply to gibraltar unless spain agrees. This will require the agreement of 27 members. If that was a shock for the foreign secretary, he didnt show it as he arrived for a meeting at nato hq. He sought to calm fears the uk might Thai Security into the deal. The security of this region, europe, is unconditional. It is not some Bargaining Chip in any negotiations that may be taking place elsewhere in this capital. Now article 50 has been triggered, it is the eu who can determine what about these negotiations. They want to control not just the sequence, negotiations. They want to control notjust the sequence, but negotiations. They want to control not just the sequence, but what the uk can achieve, too. Hotels, restaurants and the Tourism Industry warned today, that theyll face a Recruitment Crisis if eu immigration is heavily restricted after britain leaves. The British Hospitality Association says it relies on 60,000 eu workers a year, and it will take a decade to recruit enough british workers to fill those posts. 0ur economics editor, kamal ahmed, reports from butlins in bognor regis. The Hospitality Sector, holiday parks, restaurants, hotels, is all about entertainment, making customers happy. But this is a sector with its fair share of worries, as brexit approaches. It has relied for years on workers from the eu. Could that supply be about to the cut off . Agni skits from poland and works for buttons in bognor be to. She is concerned about her future. There are lots of questions. My son is eight. He knew just the basic thing about the brexit. But he is concerned that he will have to leave his school, that he will have to leave his friend. The Hospitality Industry employs 3 Million People and is the sector in the uk. Of those workers, 24 are from the eu. In some sectors the figure is higher, 75 of all Waiting Staff are from the continent. I asked the butlins boss about the challenges are relying on eu immigration. If the tap is turned off straightaway, that would be very difficult. We are where we are at the moment. We rely on a third of out the moment. We rely on a third of our work base from european employees. To turn that straight off and replace it straight off would be very difficult. More than 6096 of voters here voted to leave the European Union. At least part of the reason while concerns about immigration, one of the big unresolved issues in these brexit negotiations. Theresa may knows she has to achieve a delicate balancing act between responding to those concerns, but at the same time allowing businesses to hire the workers they need. Whether its copy shops, hotels that rely on Foreign Staff or pulling a point in your local pub, this is a sector facing criticism. Its not doing enough to train british workers and pay is too low. It is kind of laziness for them to say that if they are not able to recruit migrant workers, there is going to be a crisis for the industry. It is a crisis of their own creation. They need to be focusing on, how do they actually get people to calm into the industry . The Hospitality Sector says it is looking to new horizons, looking for the british workers it needs. But it will be a long process , needs. But it will be a long process, ten years before a reliance on millions of eu workers is turned around. Kamal ahmed, bbc on millions of eu workers is turned around. Kamalahmed, bbc news. Nicola sturgeon has ratcheted up the pressure on the Prime Minister today on another front, by sending a letter demanding the power to hold a second referendum. 0ur scotland editor, sarah smith, is in edinburgh tonight. Has there been any answer to the letter . We have not heard yet from the Prime Minister. The scottish conservatives have said they think plans Nicola Sturgeon have set out our own wanted and unworkable, repeating the Prime Ministers view that there cannot be a referendum until after the uk has left the eu and voters have a chance to see how brexit plays out. The First Minister disagrees. She says in the letter that there is no rational reason to block a referendum. But of course she knows what the answer will be. She even anticipates that by saying in the letter, in anticipation of your refusal to enter into discussions. She goes on to say, if and when that happens, she will set out what other steps she might take. What can she do . One option is to try and delay the progress of the great repeal bill, the legislation in westminster that will bring back powers from brussels to the uk. To get that through, there will probably have to be legislation passed in the scottish parliament. If they refuse to do that, that could delay the process of the great repeal bill, even though it may not derail it entirely. That is one option. We know Nicola Sturgeon will do pretty much what he can to try and keep the pressure on number 10, to get them to Start Talking about when there could be another scottish referendum. Sarah smith, thank you. 0ur deputy political editor, john pienaar, is in Downing Street for us tonight. Nicola sturgeon is trying to increase the pressure on mrs may. Is the Prime Minister likely to stick to her guns on not contemplating a second referendum until after brexit . You can bet that she will. Downing street is saying theresa may will respond in due course. Her answer is more predictable than even donald tusks answered britain earlier today. No referendum, no negotiations on a referendum until brexit is complete. That will mean month after month of a Struggle First Scottish Public Opinion above all else. In that time, of course, the progress of the talks on britains future outside the European Union could turn out to be important in tilting the balance. The eu clearly trying to put itself in the driving seat as far as the negotiations are concerned. Whats the response in Downing Street tonight, to the guidelines issued by the eu . Number10, no number 10, no minister, number10, no minister, really expected donald tusk is to be encouraging. He was not encouraging. The government, Downing Street, government ministers, they are being cool and calm, essentially marking time and hoping somehow to influence the direction of those negotiations later on. As for the points raised by donald tusk, ministers are privately confident that they can secure the future of eu nationals in this country now, just as the future of brits on the continent will be secured in those negotiations come and do so quickly. The Budget Contribution of britain is the knotty problem. Any big payment would meet a wall of resistance from Conservative Party hardliners at westminster. You could easily see a deadlock developing. After all of those promises about taking back control, repairing the public for the giver as well as the take of those negotiations, could turn out to be as tough as anything. John pienaar, thank you. Waiting times will be longer for routine operations, such as hip and knee replacements, as a trade off for improvements in a e performance, and better treatment in other areas, according to the head of nhs england. Simon stevens outlined the two year plan for the nhs focusing on improving cancer care, boosting Mental Health services and better access to gps but said choices had to be made because of increasing patient demand. Our health editor, hugh pym, reports. The nhs serves patients from cradle to grave but there are difficult choices. The message today is it offers high quality care in many areas but something has to give. That is Waiting Lists for routine surgery for patients like christine. She waited 22 weeks from heart bypass, longer than nhs englands 18 weeks target. It has caused a lot of anxiety and she has decided to go private. The sword of damocles hanging over my head, because i couldnt plan my life, i couldnt say categorically i am going to be able to do something. I feel i am getting, not worse, but more tired. There has definitely been a change in me since i had the diagnosis. The head of nhs england explained his immediate priorities, including a e and cancer care, to help staff today. But Waiting Lists for routine operations will for a while get longer. Might more patients be waiting longer and might they be very disappointed . We need to fix the most urgent problems first. And i think most people can see that ensuring that our a es and gp services are able to properly look after people across the country that has got to be the top priority. And then having done that, obviously in then having done that, obviously in the period ahead we want to be able to ensure we make meeting the waiting time guarantees. But that has worried some medical leaders, who say longer waits for operations can be dangerous. We know that people occasionally dai young Waiting Lists waiting for heart surgery. The longer you wait, the more the likelihood that will happen. This Health Centre where mr stevens was today provides a range of services and treatments to patients. Their results or a dentist and pharmacist, as well as gp practice. The idea is to treat as many people as possible away from hospitals. He wants to see more of this kind of thing around the country but that will take time. It will also take time to improve the nations health. But they are starting young that schools in lancashire. Children run the daily mile. The idea came from the nhs. An example of prevention that could reduce the future burden on the health service. We know we want to change things for the future generation. We dont want people to be dying of Heart Disease in their 50s. We want to tackle some of the major stuff were seeing around diabetes. We have built a fantastic partnership with schools and we encourage kids to be active. Partnership with schools and we encourage kids to be Activem Partnership with schools and we encourage kids to be active. It is both young and old when it comes to improving health in lancashire. This scheme helps older men who may be isolated and vulnerable to health problems, a sense of purpose which helps their well being. It is part ofa helps their well being. It is part of a plan among those hailed today as the way forward. The rewards will come in the future. It will not help to repair the nhss immediate problems. The head of nhs england is not asking for more money, but hes showing the kind of tough choices necessary if the nhs doesnt get it. That is basically absolutely right. Simon stevens is saying, this is what we can do with the resources we have. And yes, we can invest more in Cancer Treatment and diagnosis. Yes, more money can go into Mental Health after yea rs of more money can go into Mental Health after years of decline. Those are the positives. But hard choices have to be made. Trade offs. What slips is the Waiting Times for routine surgery. You have to remember that Simon Stevens clashed publicly with Downing Street a couple of months ago over money and the suggestion he didnt get the money he needed at the time of the last spending review. He was very diplomatic today and didnt make a case for more money. I think he feels he has to keep his powder dry on that one, despite repeated questions. He said, we are getting on with what we have got and making efficiency savings. It didnt kill off the idea that there might at some Stage Beat Requests for further cash for the nhs. The time is quarter past six. Our top story this evening the eu tells Britain No Talks On Trade deals before the divorce deal is done. Whos coming out of the tardis . The new Assistant Taking doctor who in a different direction. Coming up in sportsday on bbc news. Johanna konta beats Venus Williams to become the first british woman to reach a final in miami. And she will climb to seventh in the world if she wins it against caroline wozniacki. Its one of the most ambitious conservation projects of its kind in britain, and aims to save 20 species like these from extinction. Creatures such as the black click beetle, Shrill Carder Bee and the chequered skipper butterfly. The back from the Brink Campaign is launched today an £8 million scheme backed by the Heritage Lottery fund. And its hoped thousands of people will volunteer to help. Duncan kennedy is at a Wildlife Sanctuary near godalming in surrey. Theyre they re really has theyre really has never been a project quite like this before. The aim is to save 20 of the most Endangered Species in the country, including the Natterjack Toad. Is the problem for beautiful creatures like this is a face pressures from things like farming practices, House Building and the like gobbling up House Building and the like gobbling up their habitats. Now more than 30 organisations have come together to bring them back from the brink. Theyre the most striking, the most elusive and the most Endangered Species in britain. Large, round, dark eyes. But today, 20 of them, including the grey long eared bat, have become part of a project to save them. Jenny clarke, who has protected bats for 30 years, is among those behind the campaign called back from the brink. If this one were to go to extinction, what would that mean to someone like you . It would be an appalling loss and a great tragedy. And it mustnt happen. We would be absolutely bereft if we lost the grey long eared. The Natterjack Toad is another facing extinction. So too, the ladybird spider. £8 million of Heritage Lottery and otherfunds has been put into the project. But the organisers say the publics help is vital. The ambition is to involve 1. 3 Million People, engaged, over 5000 volunteers actually going out, surveying, recording, monitoring species. So there will be lots of opportunities for the public to really get involved. Here in dorset, some of the first of those volunteers have just started work. This looks like a suitable area, here. The public is needed to find and manage the threatened species. Why do you want to save the species . I think theyre beautiful. I think theyre important in ways that maybe a lot of people dont recognise. And i think that overall they deserve to be kept the way they are. The project aims to save everything from adders to the Shrill Carder Bee. Many put at risk by activities like House Building and farming. But wherever they live, these creatures are vulnerable. Unless the four year project works, some could end up beyond the brink. Duncan kennedy, bbc news, in dorset. The driver of a bin lorry that crashed in glasgow, killing six people, has been banned from driving for three years and ordered to wear an electronic tag for a separate motoring offence. Harry clarke, whos 60, had his licence withdrawn after the crash in december 2014, but was spotted by neighbours driving nine months later. A man has been charged with the murder of a mother and her 13 year old son in stourbridge. Tracey wilkinson and her son pierce were found stabbed in their home yesterday. 23 year old aaron barley has also been charged with the Attempted Murder of the boys father, peter. Teachers at Redhill School paid tribute to pierce today, saying he was a loyal, caring and conscientious pupil. The former Us National Security advisor, michael flynn, has offered to testify to congress about possible links between the Trump Campaign and russia in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Mr flynn was sacked in february after misleading the white house about a conversation he had with the russian ambassador. President trump today said the investigation was a witch hunt. 0ur North America Editorjon Sopel is in washington for us. Mr flynns lawyer says his client has a story to tell. The question is, what is it . We dont know whether hes got a giant tin of beans to spill, or whether this is just a giant tin of beans to spill, or whether this Isjust A Prudent Giant Tin of beans to spill, or whether this is just a prudent act of self protection. As you can imagine, theres a huge amount of speculation. The way the lawyer phrased it suggests its the former, there is a lot to tell. We have the situation where the former National Security adviser is out there seeking protection. This is the same man who during the Election Campaign was leading the chanting about hillary clinton, to lock her up over a private e mail server. I dont know if we are going through a spy novel or modern morality tale. Some people are reacting and saying he shouldnt be given legal protection. The chairman of the select committee, said it was a brave and momentous step. Donald trump has said hes right to protection from this. This is the same donald trump who during the campaign said, if youre not guilty of a crime, why do youre not guilty of a crime, why do you need immunity . The tenth series of doctor who begins next month, and the timelord, peter capaldi, will be joined by a new companion. West end Star Pearl Mackie will be taking on the role of bill the first gay assistant in the programmes history. Shes been speaking to our entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba, about on screen diversity in one of tvs biggest family shows. That is a robot. It speaks emoji for more than half a century, doctor who has travelled across time and space. Now the show is exploring new territory. Actress pearl mackie will be playing bill potts, her character will be the Doctors First openly gay companion. Bills gay. And, yeah, ithink, you know, it shouldnt be a big deal in the 21st century, really. Yeah, i think within the series its not made a massive thing off. Its just. You know, our representation matters, doesnt it, so. Yeah, i think its great. Why do you think keep coming to my lectures . Because i like them. They are amazing. Why me . Her Sexual Orientation is a significant step, particularly as the doctors companion is a key aspirational figure for the Shows Younger viewers. I hope it will help to push things in the right direction and help to broaden the diversity of race and sexuality. I wish id never met you, doctor. The show has had gay characters in the past, including John Barrowmans captain jack, but bill potts will be the first permanent, full time companion thats gay. The relatively unknown pearl mackie recognises the huge career boost that being cast in doctor who carries. Its an amazing platform for me to be able to. It would open a lot of doors that might not necessarily have been opened before. Its very exciting. Peter capaldi, who plays the doctor, has said the new series of the show will be his last. The decision over his latest companions sexuality is likely to increase speculation that the programme could break more boundaries by making the next doctor a woman. Lizo mzimba, bbc news. The Flying Scotsman was back on one of britains most scenic tracks this morning, as it marked the re opening of the settle to carlisle rail line. The route was closed by a landslip a year ago. Danny savage is in hellifield in north yorkshire. Danny, getting this section of the line working again has been a massive undertaking. It has been a huge effort to get the line working again. To underline it, in celebration, they have brought arguably the most famous steam engine in the world to run up and down today. People paying £300 to be on board. Its taken many months of effort and a lot of work to get the famous settle to Carlisle Railway line open once again. Steam train hisses. One of the most famous names in the world of steam on one of the most famous Railway Lines in britain. The settle carlisle route runs through the Beautiful Upland Countryside of yorkshire and cumbria. But, for 16 months, theres been no through traffic because of a landslip. Today, the line reopened and hundreds of people came along to see the Celebratory Service and to breathe a sigh of relief. Its absolutely wonderful, because its my lifeline to get from Appleby Up To carlisle. Im a non driver, but i do love to escape to the shops at least once a month. Although this wonderful old locomotive is attracting all the headlines today, the big issue for the more remote communities along this line is that theyve got their Main Transport link back, and that means a return of visitors and business. £23 million has been spent repairing the line. Its the biggest fix network rail has ever undertaken, which is why it took so long. Built in the 1870s, threatened with closure in the 1980s, this Old Fashioned but much loved Railway Route is open again. A new era, celebrated old style. Danny savage, bbc news, cumbria. Time for a look at the weather. Heres darren bett. This weekend, a new month, and the best of the weather this weekend will be in the second half of the weekend as we head into april. We will have a mixture of sunshine and april showers on saturday, and then it gets quite chilly overnight before we have a fine and dry day just about everywhere on sunday. This picture was taken in cumbria. We had some sunshine after the morning rain cleared away. Still some rain wandering up to the north west of scotland. Thickening cloud in wales and the south west bringing some showery bursts of rain. It will be quite wet this evening and overnight over western parts of england and wales. Showers for a time. Dry over Mehmet Scotland and the driest weather over eastern england. A Touch Chillier than last night, nothing particularly cold. As we head into tomorrow, some showers from the word go across the Western Areas of england and wales. Through the day, sunshine around and it will develop more widely. Not much wind tomorrow. The showers could be heavy and prolonged. The warm weather sun is out. Generally speaking temperature is a bit lower than today. Around 13. To showers pushing down across through Northern Ireland and developing across the mainland of scotla nd and developing across the mainland of scotland and again some heavy ones are likely here. They shouldnt last too long into the evening and overnight, with a ridge of High Pressure building and things settling down. The Weatherfronts Keeping At Bay for the time being. For the second half of the weekend, we start on a chilly note. The numbers in towns and cities, a touch of blue, touch of frost in the countryside, especially in ireland and scotland. Mainly dry day. Good spells of sunshine around. Wind will be light. In the sunshine it should feel pleasantly warm and it might get warm on monday. Thats all from the bbc news at six, so its goodbye from me, and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. This is bbc news with mejulian warwick. The headlines the president of the European Council donald tusk has suggested a phased strategy for brexit negotiations. He says any discussions on Future Trade Deals can only begin once the terms the uks deter departure are finalised. Working in parallel on theissues finalised. Working in parallel On The Issues at the same time, as suggested by some in the uk, will not happen. The head of nhs england has warned of longer Waiting Times for routine operations like hip and knee operations. He says its a trade off for improvements in other areas like a e and Cancer Treatment. A 23 year old man has been charged with the murder of a woman and her 13 year old son who were found dead in their home in stourbridge yesterday. The driver of the bin lorry crashed in glasgow killing six people has been banned from driving for six years

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