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To the bbc news at six. The government is facing the prospect of another defeat in the House Of Lords over the process of leaving the eu. Peers are expected to vote for parliament to be given a legal guarantee of a vote on the final brexit deal. That is, they wa nt final brexit deal. That is, they want mps to have more than a simple yes or no on the final negotiation. It will be the second defeat in a week for the government in the lords over brexit. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has been watching the debate. It is theresa mays team. Do you think parliament should have a meaningful vote . Who do not want to give parliament a promise in writing, against the other team, in the lords, where they are voting to try to force the Prime Minister to give a foul in law that parliament will have the final say on the eventual deal on brexit. Vow. Will have the final say on the eventual deal on brexit. Vow. We are taking a more Principled Stand in the House Of Commons. Theresa may said there would be a vote in both houses on the package she negotiated. That is meaningful. dont think there should be any plan to try to overthrow brexit. We must acce pt to try to overthrow brexit. We must accept it. But they must accept the parliamentary system. The Prime Minister has already promised the commons and the lords a say on the final terms of our exit from the European Union. So what is the fuss . Frankly, not all peers believe the promise. They want it in black and white, written into this bill. They wa nt white, written into this bill. They want it to be a legal and binding promise. This bill will be further considered on report. But a majority of the lords believed we should have voted to stay in the European Union. So there is a suspicion in government they are trying to cause trouble. Senior ministers are keeping an eye on them today, and their lordships are in rare crotchety form. When it comes to our rights, parliament is the place you come to. The reason is simple, we dont trust the government on this matter. This countrys future should re st matter. This countrys future should rest with parliament, and not with ministers. But the governments supporters question the motive. Does he agree that this new clause, in effect, gives this house a statutory veto on the decision made by the Prime Minister, with the support of the other place, to implement the decision of the british people to leave the European Union . This house is absolutely full of people that still have not come to terms with the results of the referendum. This isa the results of the referendum. This is a clever confection in order to reverse the results of the referendum. Despite their detractors, in and outside parliament, the lords, in their rather stately manner, will not let their objections be pushed away. The lords are now, in the last few minutes of this debate, approaching what is it really crucial vote for the government. I havejust what is it really crucial vote for the government. I have just seen david davis scurrying to the House Of Lords, maybe to keep an eye on them as they close things down. It is very likely the government will have the embarrassment of being defeated again by the lords on this brexit bill. We are expecting quite a hefty majority, maybe as much as a gap ofioo. It a hefty majority, maybe as much as a gap of 100. It doesnt seem right 110w gap of 100. It doesnt seem right now that theresa may is ready to budge on the issue of giving a legal guarantee to parliament on the final terms of the eu exit steel. It feels that, at this stage, she is more likely to test the will of the tory rebel mps, the handful of them. Are they really courageous enough on this issue to stand up to the Prime Minister . There is a lot at stake. It is vital for theresa may to get this legislation through the House Of Commons in the next week or so, to stick to her timetable of pushing the button on brexit at the end of march. Money for new Grammar Schools in england is to be announced in tomorrows budget. They will be among 140 free schools set up using a budget of £320 million in this parliament and the next. Grammar schools are a key Education Policy of the government but labour has attacked the plans as a Vanity Project and says many schools that exist now need the money. 0ur Education Editor Bra Nwen Jeffreys reports. Before the Number Crunching of the budget, a visit for the pm to a maths school. A little extra money for her education priorities, a signal to schools generally not to hope for more. We have protected the core schools budget, but, crucially, what we are announcing is half a billion pounds of investment in schools, 320 million of which will be new schools. That will create around 70,000 new school places. The way they learn here, the model for more Maths Schools something she wants as part of her industrial strategy. They do select their pupils, but only at the age of 16. This is not a grammar school, but a sixth form that pushes budding mathematicians to their best. We know that what weve done here for students who have this interest in mathematics and Mathematical Sciences has enabled transformation of those students. Different futures, Better Futures for them, and therefore Better Futures for us in a sense. So, having more schools like that is exactly what we need. Education is all about creating a sense of opportunity, the hope that what your children learn will give them a better chance than you had. And thats what the Prime Minister is trying to tap into at a time when there are uncertain years ahead. This is all about the politics now, and very little about the modest amount of money. The £320 million will pay for 110 new schools after 2020. Thats on top of the 500 already promised before 2020. So, £7 billion is already allocated for new places in this parliament. Whats new is that some could now be Grammar Schools. Its not a lot of extra money, and wont help with the financial pressures facing most schools in england. The Government Spending plans dont begin to address the real problems in our schools. We have buildings that are falling down, weve got a Teacher Recruitment and retention crisis. We cant get enough teachers into the classroom and we cant get them to stay there. Traditional values and excellence for some, thats what Grammar Schools mean. But others fear this is opportunity for the few, not the many. A british woman is being treated in hospital in australia after she was allegedly raped and assaulted while being held captive for two months. Police say the woman who was backpacking across queensland was found when Police Stopped the vehicle she was driving and discovered her Attacker Hiding in the back. Hywel griffiths has more. Moments before her ordeal would end, this cctv footage shows the woman at a petrol station, herface bruised, in a desperate state. She left without paying for her fuel. When the police then pulled over the 4x4 she was driving, they could tell there was something deeply wrong. She told them how for weeks she had been violently abused. Officers say they found the man accused of holding her hiding in the boot. At this point, we dont want to speculate, but it is fair to say that she is a tourist. A lot of the areas where she would have been would have been unknown to her, and she wouldnt have known anyone there, so it would have been difficult for her to make an escape, and if she had, then to try and link up with people. From the information weve been provided, she had very limited opportunity to try and do that, anyway. 0fficers believe her passport was destroyed. The man has been charged with multiple counts of rape, assault and denial of liberty. The woman is Receiving Hospital treatment. Shes spoken to her family back in the uk but may need to remain here to give more evidence so the police can piece together exactly what she went through. Hywel griffith, bbc news. An investigation by bbc news has found that facebook is failing to remove many sexualised images of children even when alerted to them. Facebook says nudity or other sexually suggestive content is not allowed on its platform. But of 100 such images and content that the bbc reported to facebook, only 18 were deleted. A senior mp now says he has grave doubts about the effectiveness of facebooks ability to monitor its content. 0ur correspondent Angus Crawford has the story. The rules are meant to be simple Facebook Says it removes nudity or sexually suggestive content. But our investigation last year found paedophiles using secret groups to swap obscene images of children. We informed the police, and this man was sent to prison forfour years. Facebook told us it had improved its systems. So, a year on, we put that to the test. But we still found whole groups dedicated to sexualised images of children, where men posted obscene comments. In every single one of these images, there is a real child who is out there today at school, probably and they dont know that their image is being used in this way. We also found users discussing how to share more serious child abuse material. We reported 100 posts that appeared to break facebooks own guidelines. Only 18 were taken down. 82 images stayed up. They didnt breach of facebooks community standards. I find it very disturbing. I find that content unacceptable, and this report, this investigation, it casts grave doubt on the effectiveness of the measures that facebook has in place. 0ne former insider says moderation is a huge task. I think the biggest challenge here is one of scale. No one has ever policed a site as large as facebook. The company is effectively running the Largest Police force the world has seen. Facebook asked us to send them examples of what we had reported, so we did. The company then reported us to the police. Facebook issued a statement, saying we have carefully reviewed the content referred to us and have now removed all the items that were illegal or against our standards. It is against the law for anyone to distribute images of child exploitation. This matter is now in the hands of the authorities. So, where does this leave concerned parents . It sends a very clear message that, actually, you cant trust facebooks reporting mechanism, and i think parents get that message already. Even now, groups with inappropriate images and comments about children remain on facebook. Questions about how the company moderates content just wont go away. Angus crawford, bbc news. The head of bmw uk has cast further doubt over whether it will build an electric version of the mini in britain. Peter schwarzenbauer says the impact of brexit will be a factor in the companys decision. Our Business Editor simon jack reports from the geneva car show, where he has been speaking to the bosses of some of the uks biggest car manufacturers. The car industrys newest and flashest models were on display in geneva today, trying to catch the eye of a global audience with a glimpse of the future. But, in the here and now, its more familiar models that are making the news. Vauxhalls are made at Ellesmere Port and luton, and theirfate will soon be down to this man, who already runs citroen and peugeot. He says vauxhall has a future, even if brexit results in trade barriers, but there are conditions. If we were talking about this scenario, a hard brexit, with Customs Duties and all that stuff, then it would be, of course, an opportunity for us to have a uk sourcing to source for the uk. Of course, for that to happen, we also need to have the Supplier Base being developed in the uk so that the Cost Structure would be in pounds, the Revenue Structure would be in pounds, and for that to happen, we would need the support of the uk government. Bmw makes minis in cowley near 0xford. It will start production of an electric version in 2019. It has to decide where to do that very soon. We want to see a tariff free environment where goods, services and in fact people could move freely across borders. And somewhere around the middle to Third Quarter of the year, we will actually make the decision as to where the mini is produced. The most important fact about these cars is not really how fast they go, or how many miles they do to the gallon. The most important fact is, where are they made . Automotivejobs, creating them, preserving them, is important to politicians all over the world, and no more so than in post brexit britain. The Car Companies know that, and in the to keep jobs, some goverments have been prepared to go to Great Lengths to persuade them to stay put. Nissan makes 500,000 cars a year in sunderland. In october last year, it committed to increasing investment after reassurance the government would ensure the plant remained competitive after brexit. Since then, the Prime Minister has said no deal would be better than a bad deal with the eu. That raised concerns in the car industry that the uk would fall back on International Trade rules, which could mean high tariffs. So, how solid is nissans commitment today . Governments in the uk have a tradition to honour their commitments, so we believe it, and we feel good about it. This being said, we will have to wait until brexit has been negotiated and we see the conditions of the new status before giving you a final opinion. The effects of global competition are felt locally. According to the boss of psa, its a competition where there is only one way to win. Everybody is asking for protection, and the only honest answer for protection is performance. If you increase your level of performance, you become the best. If you become the best, there is no risk. A simple guide to survival in the car industry. Simonjack, bbc news, geneva. The time is quarter past six. Our top story this evening the government is facing another defeat in the House Of Lords over brexit. Coming up im with english crickets new fast bowling, globetrotting millionaire. We are at lords, but its not a test match. Coming up in sportsday in the next 15 minutes on bbc news its a three match ban for zlatan ibrahimovic. The Manchester United striker accepted a charge of violent conduct after elbowing bournemouths tyrone mings in the head. As so called Islamic State fighters are gradually being driven out of their stronghold in iraq, the scale of their atrocities is being revealed against one ethnic group in particular. The yazidi people are ethnic kurds whom is have given two options to convert or die. The Un Human Rights Commission has called it genocide. 5000 people so far are believed to have been killed. Over 3000 mostly women and children are being held captive, many traded as sex slaves. Thousands of men and boys are missing. Some yazidis have managed to escape and seek sanctuary in germany. Naomi grimley reports from one refuge hidden deep in a forest in the south west of the country. A Secret Location in south west germany. 80 yazidi women and children now live in this safe house after being violently persecuted by so called Islamic State and chased out of northern iraq. These two boys were captured by the extremists and sent to a military training camp, aged just 1a and 16. This is their story. Translation the training was about weapons. We learned how to load and fire a weapon. We were training to be soldiers. We would do exercises, crawling under barbed wire, things like that. Translation to learn how to fire a gun on human beings, they took us to big graves where they had the dead bodies of muslim traitors, spies of the regime, or those who took drugs. They said we have to fire on the bodies to get used to it. Their books were just like magic. They quickly changed your mind and made you into one of them. I bet, notjust me, even a mans mind would have changed. After a year, a smuggler helped them escape the camp. Translation by god, i knew it was dangerous, but there was nothing left to be afraid of. We had seen death with our own eyes. We saw how they killed. When you lose everything, you have nothing left. We had nothing to lose. More than 1000 yazidis have been given refuge by the german state of baden wurttemberg. Here, they can get counselling to help overcome their trauma. And, should they wish to stay, they are also given a chance to start a new life. Nothing replaces home, but at least its far away from those religious zealots who are trying to wipe them out. Naomi grimley, bbc news, south west germany. Tomorrow, the Lawyer Acting on behalf of the yazidis will address the un in new york and call for a formal investigation into is for the crime of genocide. Amal clooney, whose husband is the Hollywood Film Star george clooney, told me why she has decided to represent the yazidis, and why their cause is so important to her. Ive been to refuges in germany, like the one you showed in your piece, and ive interviewed former Child Soldiers and young girls who were raped and enslaved by isis. Its been the most harrowing testimony had ever heard. We know that its genocide. The un has said so. In other words, isis is trying to destroy them as a group. We are allowing it to happen without actually calling isis to account. So, what do you think can be done, practically, to bring Islamic State to justice . The first step that should be taken is for evidence to be collected on the ground, because we know that its disappearing. So, there are mass graves that are being discovered. Just a few days ago, in mosul, a huge mass grave that is thought to have 4000 bodies in it was discovered. There are other types of evidence as well. You know, isis is actually a big bureaucracy, believe it or not, and they are leaving behind documents. You need to collect dna, you need to collect phone records. None of that is being done at the moment. You are going to the un this week, what are you going to be saying . Im addressing the un on the issue of accountability and saying something needs to be done. So, why do you think theyre not doing it . This is exactly the question that ill be posing to member states. Im going to ask them, are the crimes not serious enough for you to investigate . That cant be it, this is genocide. You know, do you think there is no evidence for you to collect . Thats not right either, there are mass graves whose locations are known, you can start there. The fact that you are now not just a human rights lawyer, but known obviously because of your marriage to one of hollywoods biggest stars, does that help in terms of giving you a bigger platform and getting more people to listen to you . There is lots of my work that takes place behind closed doors, that is not ever seen. I think if there are more people who now understand what is happening about the yazidis and isis, if there can be some action that results from that that can help those clients, then i think it is a really good thing to give that case the extra publicity that it may get. But, you know, if you dont have a good case and you dont have a good message, shining a light on it is not going to get you very far. Amal clooney, talking to me earlier. The singer George Michael died of Natural Causes according to 0xfordshires coroner. He was found dead at his home on christmas day. 0ur arts correspondent David Sillito is here. There were all sorts of rumours that swirled around George Michaels death, but it was Natural Causes. A man as famous as George Michael is being found dead, in his 50s, on christmas day, of course, there would be questions asked. The a nswe is would be questions asked. The answers today, well, dilating cardiomyopathy, card answers today, well, dilating ca rdiomyopathy, Card Rightists answers today, well, dilating cardiomyopathy, Card Rightists and a fatty liver. That is what. The heart was weakened and inflamed. Many possible causes, viral infection, most probably. Fatty liver, the liver issues there could be lifestyle issues there, drink, drugs, whatever. The essence is, after all the stories and comments on social media, some closure here. Natural causes, and for the family, a chance at last, after more than ten weeks, to finally have a funeral. Thank you very much. Poachers have hooking into a zoo in paris and killed a white rhino. This do is west of the capital. It is believed to be the first time that poachers have broken into a european zoo poachers have broken into a european zoo to kill a rhino for its horn. Tea m zoo to kill a rhino for its horn. Team sky have admitted mistakes were made around the delivery of a medical package to bradley wiggins, but denied breaking rules. The team have been unable to provide records to back up the claim that wiggins was given a legal decongestant at a road was given a legal decongestant at a roa d ra ce was given a legal decongestant at a road race in france in 2011. A 24 year old cricketer is about to become a millionaire even though he has never played a test match and almost certainly never will. You may not have heard of termal mills, but around the world, hes one of the hottest properties in cricket. 0ur Sports Correspondent joe wilson has the story. Tymal mills is 2a and about to become a millionaire. Hes a fast bowler. Hes in britain, visiting. His salary awaits in india. Royal challengers bangalore desperately want to win the indian premier league. Theyve already got the indian captain and other superstars, but paid almost £1. 5 million in the auction for mills. Now, bowlers in County Cricket may toil for 20 years and never make what he should earn in six and a half weeks. Just enjoy it, not be too brash with it and hope i get a few more good ones in the future. You are a sensible guy, though, arent you . I mean, your mum will make sure of that, i reckon . Yeah, mum tells me off if i pay too much for a pair of trainers tymal plays for england in Twenty20 Cricket, but a chronic injury restricts him, so he plots his own course. Rather than touring the world in test matches, he bowls four over spells in Twenty20 Leagues everywhere. Played for the Chittagong Vikings in bangladesh, from there, for the Auckland Aces in new zealand, and then on to Brisbane Heat for the big bash, then for india and england for the twenty20 series. Then just finished now playing for the quetta gladiators in the psl. So, yeah, pretty busy four months. Do you think you represent a complete change in the whole philosophy of the way that cricketers will try and make a living . Potentially. It will be tough. My change was forced upon me through injury. Its interesting. Theres definitely an opportunity now, where there once wasnt. The great thing about Twenty20 Cricket is that there is always a league about to start somewhere around the world. Next up for tymal, bangalore and the ipl. Go well. Joe wilson, bbc news, at an Old Fashioned lords. Time for a look at the weather. Heres nick miller. A fine day for most of us. Cold weather lovers need to look away because mild air is coming in for the rest of the week, and temperatures will be widely into double figures. By friday, not a huge amount of sunshine. Here is a view of today, sunshine in scarborough, making for a pleasant afternoon. In cornwall and other western parts, the cloud moved in. Some of us have seen some rain, in cornwall, northern ireland, parts of scotland, and it will get heavier this evening as the wet weather pushes right across the uk. A spell of writing for us all. Snow on the hills of Northern England and scotla nd hills of Northern England and scotland for a time, the wind picking up as well. It will be milder than last night, feeling different as you head out of the door in the morning. It will be windy across northern scotland, with gales and plenty of showers rattling through. 0utbreaks Gales and plenty of showers rattling through. Outbreaks of rain in southern and south western england at times. Elsewhere, sunny weather to be had. Gusty winds in northern scotland. Not many showers in the central belt and southern scotland. Northern ireland, Northern England, breezy, dry, with good sunshine, and temperatures up a few degrees on today. Norfolk should see some sunshine into the afternoon. South of that, cloudy and rain moving in towards the east. Showers continue on wednesday evening in northern scotland, and still some on thursday. They will begin to ease. Still some cloud in southern england. Many places have a fine, mild day on thursday, with sunny spells. By the time we get to friday, there will be more cloud around. The weekend looks unsettled. Details online. A reminder of our main story the vote in the House Of Lords over the brexit bill, we have live pictures. The vote is now taking place. A reminder, the lords are voting on whether or not they can have a legal guarantee of a say in the final brexit deal, by which they mean more than just saying yes or no. It is expected to go against the government. They are expected to vote to have a say, and it will then go back to the House Of Commons, and we shall see what happens from there. The vote will take place very shortly. You can follow updates over on the bbc news channel. Thats all from the bbc news at six, so its goodbye from me. And on bbc one, we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. The forecast is available the top stories for you hello. Youre watching bbc news. The top stories for you brexit deal. It is absolutely vital for this house and the other place to have a heres eric specter devote to have a meaningful say on any final brexit lets go to the lord of the government is facing the prospect of another defeat. 0ver government is facing the prospect of another defeat. Over the Brexit Process , another defeat. Over the Brexit Process, peers are voting right now for parliament to be given a legal guarantee of a vote on any final brexit deal. With mps allowed more than a brexit deal. With mps allowed more thana simple brexit deal. With mps allowed more than a simple yes or no on the final agreement. Lets speak to our correspondence, vicky young, who was there

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