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Than the entire economy. Wales first minister, Mark Drakeford, confirms that all non essential retail shops can open from monday. A major new study shows people of south asian origin are the most likely to die with coronavirus once admitted to hospital in britain. The last week has been one of those downhill periods, where even the smallest amount of exertion leaves me tired. And we return to the Lombardy Region of italy to find out why it became the global epicentre of the pandemic. And coming up on bbc news. The anthem of twickenham, swing lo, sweet chariot, is to be reviewed due to its links to slavery. Well have reaction. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. Primary and secondary schools in england are to receive £1 billion to help children catch up on the months of education theyve missed during the coronavirus lockdown. A third of the money will go towards a tutoring programme for the most disadvantaged children. The remainder, £650 million, will be for schools to spend on one to one, or group, tuition for pupils they feel need it. Labour says the plans lack detail and ignore older students, but the Prime Minister says the fund will allow teachers to help pupils whove fallen behind. This report is from danjohnson. It goes tenths, hundredths and thousandths. This is what catching up looks like. One on one, targeted support for the children whove fallen furthest behind. It is was already happening at this Primary School but now many more pupils across england will get this one on one support. You dont know whether to put your hand up and say, i know the answer, because you dont know how everyone is going to react, whereas in the tutoring, because its one to one, you dont have to be, like, scared of saying what the answer is. So, its helping you get better at maths . Yeah. Is that something you struggled with before . Kind of, and you dont have to worry about other people thinking, why is he asking that question . It is part of £1 billion of government money which head teachers will mostly decide how to spend, on what their kids really need. 50, the money will start to be paid in the Academic Year starting in september. And, so, the schools there will know it is coming and they will be able to budget on that basis if they want to budget on that basis if they want to do things before september. But the money will start being distributed to schools, and we will have more to say about that shortly, from the next Academic Year, september. These sessions are run by a charity, using volunteer tutors. Promising starts from our online tutoring that we are offering already, with pupils commenting that it is helping them to re engage with their learning, that it is replicating what they might get in the classroom and that crucially it is giving them that individual space where they can ask questions. You might not get to know that person very well, do you think a bunker questions, too, about how far this will go. £1 billion, a third of it ring fenced for the poorest kids, but there is an estimate of the rest boils down to £80 per pupil. That wont buy much personal tutoring. We welcome the funding, absolutely, but what we would like is the autonomy to spend it in the best way we see fit. A focus not only on academic performance and support but also on well being. Performance and support but also on wellbeing. The money is being welcomed by primary and secondary School Head Teachers but there are questions about exactly how it will be spent and which children will benefit. And there is disappointment that nurseries arent covered in this announcement, or16 that nurseries arent covered in this announcement, or 16 to 17 year olds. This announcement, or 16 to 17yearolds. There is a very big question for me about why my child, halfway through a levels, staying in a sixth form, is going to have funding for catch up, but going to a separate sixth form college, isnt, that seems to me to be unfair from a government which talks about levelling up for everyone. Filling classrooms again is still a conundrum, without extra space or more teachers. Its a challenge to make sure children dont fall further behind, let alone helping them all catch up. Danjohnson, bbc news. The uks coronavirus alert level has been reduced from four to three, after a continuing decrease in the number of cases. The chief scientific advisers of all four nations of the uk have agreed to the downgrade, though they warn that localised outbreaks are still likely and the virus remains in general circulation. The health secretary, matt hancock, says its a big moment for the country. Our Political Correspondent nick eardley is in westminster. And weve been hearing a little more in the last little while about this, nick . Its interesting, jane, because in some ways this is the scientific advice catching up with the actions that politicians have already taken. Level three is the point at which the country is supposed to be able to lift some of the restrictions. But as we know, in all parts of the uk, restrictions have started to be lifted already. So, there has been a bit of a break between the alert level and the actions taken by the government. This doesnt necessarily mean that new actions will be taken. But have a listen to the Prime Minister, speaking in the last hour. Its really diminishing amongst us all, and thats the most important thing. And as the alert level comes down, to start making some progress, as i have said, and with the social distancing measures. So, when we go forward to the 11th ofjuly, which is the next big stage in the plan, we hope that there will be more guidance out very, very shortly that will help people and help businesses, help hospitality, to prepare for that and how to implemented social distancing in a safe way whilst also enabling people to go back to shop, to hospitality, two restau ra nts a nd to go back to shop, to hospitality, two restaurants and everything else. The reduction of the alert level will, though, mean more pressure on the Prime Minister. We know there are many conservatives, including cabinet ministers, knocking on his door saying, you need to reduce the two metre rule to one metre. They are pointing to northern ireland, looking at the situation in schools, where it has been reduced for school pupils, to allow them to go back to school in august. They are also now going to be looking at a reduction in the alert level and saying, this isa in the alert level and saying, this is a good time to think about reducing that rule. It is also quite frankly some good news for the government at the end of what has beena government at the end of what has been a pretty awful week. We saw the u turn on Free School Meals earlier this week. Yesterday we saw the government having to admit that the app government having to admit that the app which had at one point been key to the test and Trace Programme wasnt going to happen in the way that ministers had envisaged. What this does allow the government to do now is to look at the chief medical officer is and say, there are signs that this is getting better, and the sacrifices were all making are starting to work. Nick eardley, thank you. Its been confirmed that non essential shops in wales will be allowed to reopen next week. The first minister Mark Drakeford made the announcement in the last hour. So, on monday the 22nd ofjune, next monday, we will introduce changes to restart our economy. All non essential retail will be able to reopen, provided they can comply with the physical distancing duty. Lets speak to our correspondent tomos morgan in cardiff. Bring us right up to date with what is going to be allowed, tomos . As you mentioned, non essential shops will be open, and here on a busy high street in a suburb of cardiff, they have already put some plans in place. This is one of the trials across the city centre to try to extend the pedestrianised areas along this busy high street so that more foot flow can come, but also at a safe and social distance. That comes into place on monday. Many of these shops will try and reopen, with social distancing measures in place, and 8ft was keen to emphasise that they will only reopen if they can ensure that the social distancing measures to take place. Mark drakeford was keen to ensure. Also on monday, outdoor noncontact sports like tennis will be able to restart. But what wont be able to restart. But what wont be changing here in wales on monday is the reduction of the stay local message which has been put in place here in wales, meaning that at the moment, people have to stay within a five mile radius of their homes, if they can, well, they should do, as much as possible that will be reviewed within the next two weeks. Todays announcement brings a new package of measures which will begin on monday with the reopening of shops. The following monday, schools will reopen in wales. Most pupils will be going back in a phased fashion with reduced numbers. And the monday after that, in three weeks time, were thinking that potentially, if the virus reduces at the rate that it has been going in wales, then tourism and further travel restrictions may be eased then. Tomos morgan in cardiff, thank you. Some people in scotland are, from today, able to meet people from another household indoors without physical distancing. Its part of the countrys move into phase two of its four part routemap out of lockdown. Lets talk to our scotland correspondent james shaw. Explain more about how that works, at least for some people . Well, i think the changes in scotland are more modest than what we have heard about in wales. So, from today, up to three households will be able to meet outside, no more than eight of them, with physical distancing. And then there will be this possibility, as you mentioned, for a Single Person or a single parent with children to form an extended household with one other household. The people who are shielding, particularly vulnerable to the virus, they will be able to take outdoor exercise and also get involved in activities which enable physical distancing, and they can also meet one other Household Group outside. Quite modest changes at the moment. On monday, we will see face coverings becoming compulsory on public transport. And then i think the really big changes in scotland are going to be at the end of the month. A week on monday, the 29th of june, when lots of businesses will be able to reopen. So, almost all high street shops except those in shopping malls, factories, warehouses, playgrounds, even zoos. One omission from that is that outdoor spaces in pubs and restaurants will not be able to open, that has caused some anxiety in the hospitality sector. Nicola sturgeon also coming under pressure about education. That will not start again until the 11th of august, she says, is close to normal as possible, given that there has to be a lot of control of the virus before that can happen. James shaw, thank you. Government borrowing hit a record high last month as a result of the coronvirus pandemic. It borrowed more than £55 billion in may nine times the figure for the same period last year. And it means Government Debt is now larger than economys annual income. Our Business Correspondent Dharshini David reports. A favourite of influencers and celebrities, yet this retailer started up just a few years ago. Its used to rapid change, but it faces new challenges and, like many, has needed government help to tide it over the last few months. Everyone from the store unfortunately was furloughed, but its just what has to happen. I think the whole Retail Market is very unsettled at the minute, but we feel very supported by the government at the minute and the guidelines they are bringing out, so we are just very hopeful for the future that things will eventually get back to normal. For high streets everywhere, Government Support schemes have been a lifeline, so the treasury thinks that was worth running up a record overdraft for, which it can borrow cheaply to fund. But this retail landlord thinks more help is needed. I think it would be hugely helpful if the Business Rates relief could be extended and notjust for the tiniest shops as prior to this, but in real terms and then also vat relief, i think, on transactions in physical shops. So, how do you keep the recovery going . Well, there is one thing that might help bring down prices, boost sales, protectjobs and profits and thats a cut in vat, currently 20 . But for every one percentage point you take off vat, it could cost the government £7 billion. It would be a tough choice when its already facing a shortfall and deficit of around £300 billion. But giving shoppers, retailers and the wider economy a boost may pay off for now. Spending now that helps the economy recover is worth doing, but in three orfour years time, i fear that actually the economy might still be impaired, the deficit might still be pushed up from what we previously thought and that is where the second part of the plan, do we need to start thinking about, for example, tax rises and well also have to start thinking about how we will manage this elevated debt, probably for decades to come. I have to buy my lunch, so thats the plan. The chancellor knows his plan will have to extend beyond lunch to keep retail and the rest of the economy thriving, but just like many businesses and households, his government will be exiting this crisis with far more debt than before and it will have to figure out how to pay it back. Economic survival has come with a considerable price tag. Dharshini david, bbc news. Consistent a major study has found that people of south asian origin are the most likely to die from coronavirus after being admitted to hospital in britain. The Research Suggests that high levels of diabetes are partly to blame. Richard galpin has more details. It is people from ethnic minority backgrounds in this country who are being hardest hit by coronavirus. The number of deaths disproportionate. Amongst them it has now been revealed that members of the south Asian Community have the highest risk of dying from the disease. This doctor, an associate professor at plymouth university, was lucky to survive after being infected with coronavirus in march. He needed huge amounts of oxygen and lost more than six kilograms in weight. At the point of being infected i did not have any idea that i was at greater risk of contracting the disease and moving on to complications, which happens for the small minority of people. I didnt know that those who were hospitalised, a higher proportion of them were likely to have fatal outcomes in comparison to the rest of the population. The Study Released today, involving 260 hospitals and almost 35,000 patients provided clear evidence the south Asian Community was the most vulnerable to the virus. It found people from this community with 20 more likely to die after being admitted to hospital than white people. Another study today by the office for National Statistics said men from south asian backgrounds we re men from south asian backgrounds were about 50 more likely to die from the virus than white men. On top of those, 40 of those hospitalised with covert of diabetes. This adding significantly to the risk of death. Diabetes we know is more prevalent amongst the Asian Community, compared to the white population. Whether that is a single factor that is attributing this higher rate, we dont know. It isa this higher rate, we dont know. It is a factor, that is why we need more research and more understanding. The findings of this research have major implications for people from south asian backgrounds. Would they need to be given priority once a vaccine becomes available . Would they need extra protection at work . The government science advisers have already seen this research. Richard galpin, bbc news. Richard galpin, bbc news. Our top story this lunchtime. Headteachers have given a cautious welcome to a £1 billion fund to help pupils in england catch up with school work missed during the lockdown. And how holiday businesses in the Lake District are wrestling with the challenge of reopening. Coming up on bbc news. After a week of campaigning its back to the day job for Marcus Rashford as Manchester United take on tottenham in the premier league. Four months ago, the northern Italian Region of lombardy became the global epicentre of coronavirus as it saw the first major outbreak in europe. As key mistakes were made, the pandemic stretched medical resources to breaking point. Our italy correspondent mark lowen has returned to lombardy, to ask what went wrong. Its four months since lombardy became the wuhan of the west, its sufferings seared into memory. The virus throttled, taking hold in europe and exporting cases around the world. Lets get the very latest on the situation in northern italy. Our correspondent mark lowen is in. Ive reported on the story from the start. Now im back to report on those who want answers. In bergamo, 6,000 people died in march alone, thought to be the highest rate of excess deaths in the world. Ines and her husband were married for 53 years. He spent his last month in hospital. We are facing a war now here. As the outbreak erupted and our coverage took us across italy, i spoke to a doctor whose hospital was overwhelmed. Stefano, hi, mark from the bbc. Very nice to see you again. We were late in finding the virus. We were told that we had to search for a link with china but we were not able to see patients with that kind of symptoms that were coming from china. We lost time in closing the area. So, the lockdown came late. Politicians passed the buck over closing italys second richest city, under pressure from business groups. Delayed lockdown, as other countries have seen, cost dearly, as did the decision to move some of the sick to care homes. Half of the 140 patients in this one died. When angela olivellas mother developed a fever, she wasnt tested and she died a week later. We spoke to one worker who wanted her identity hidden. Translation i had my first symptoms after helping a patient who was positive. The head of the care home wing said i should go home, but the director said no, because my fever wasnt 37. 7 degrees as the rules said. Three to four days went by. While i was infected, i must have infected other people. If they had managed this well, everyone should still be alive. The care home declined an interview but in a statement told us the claims were false and theyd followed health protocols. At the heart of europe, and with italys largest elderly population, lombardy was an easy target. Key errors mean its still the infection hub. This is the legacy of lombardys emergency. The daily presence of the ambulances, the need for complete protection, the full mobilisation of resources to prevent another spike of the virus. The crisis may no longer be at its height but it still lingers on, ready to bounce back. Italy was used as a model of how to respond to the virus. Now its a mirror of the mistakes that so many others, too, have made. Mark lowen, bbc news lombardy. Its been a week to forget for president trump. Hes been called incompetent in a new book by his former security advisor and been embroiled in a social media storm with both facebook and twitter, and now the Supreme Court has ruled that he cant throw out legislation that protects Child Migrants from deportation. David willis reports. Protesters chant. It came as a ray of light to the dreamers, and a slap in the face for the president. Im so happy. The threat of deportation lifted, for now at least. The nations highest court rejecting the trump administrations attempt to end protections for some 700,000 young, undocumented immigrants. I will immediately terminate president obamas illegal executive order on immigration. The decision, a major blow to a president who made Immigration Reform a centrepiece of his run for office, branding the Supreme Courts verdict horrible and politically charged. Social media has also proved a battleground for donald trump on occasions, and twitter has once again added a warning label to a president ial tweet, this time one that featured a video criticising the news media. Facebook also announced it was removing Trump Campaign ads that featured a nazi symbol. A trump spokesman maintained the symbol was associated with a Left Wing Group which the president has blamed for recent anti racist violence. Coming hard on the heels of claims by the former National Security advisorjohn bolton that the president is poorly informed and uses the power of office for personal and political gain, this might be a week mr trump would rather forget. Further adding to his woes, the news that one of the administrations highest ranking african americans, state Department Official Mary Elizabeth taylor, has resigned in protest at the president s response to racial tensions here. And the week isnt over yet. David willis, bbc news. A video filmed by a pregnant woman with coronavirus from her hospital bed was shared widely on social media back in march. Karen mannering appealed to people to follow the lockdown restrictions after she developed pnuemonia in both lungs. But now theres good news. Karen mannering has given birth to a boy. Colin campbell reports. Cradling her newborn son, three months ago Karen Mannering feared they would both die after she contracted covid 19. She was at the time 26 weeks pregnant. On sunday night, Tyson Lee Mannering was born, weighing in at 8lb 1oz. The moment i gave birth to him and i heard his cry, i think that was it, the emotions just kicked in then. I actually felt i could cry, grieve, feel sorry for everything weve been through together and put it in perspective oh, dear and how lucky we both are to be here. I have pneumonia in both lungs. Im fighting for me and my baby. Karen was rushed to hospital in march. From her bed, she filmed this video appeal that went viral. Its not worth going out. Stop going out, listen to boris. I was a 39 year old pregnant woman that come down bad with it, and ijust wanted everyone to know its not a joke, take it seriously people are dying from it. After making a speedy recovery, karen was back at the qeqm hospital in margate in may to thank staff who had cared for her. I literally cant thank you enough for the sacrifices you all make. She wasnt expecting to return to give birth untiljuly but was admitted last week to be induced. Her baby son eventually delivered by c section late sunday night and aptly named tyson. Mike tyson and tyson fury, the boxers. Obviously theyve both been good fighters, and this is another good fighter, so i think he deserved the name. Is this your cousin . Relatives are being given a sneak peak of the new arrival. Although pregnant women are considered, as a precaution, to be at moderate risk of covid 19, the nhs says theres no evidence theyre more likely to become seriously ill from the virus. We know pregnant women are no more likely to catch coronavirus than any other, so the advice is the same hand washing, making sure they hydrate and making sure they socially distance. I think i was quite worried about whether he was ever going to be here and how things were really going to turn out, but now hes here, im, like, an emotional wreck a Covid Survivor in the safety of his mothers arms meeting excited siblings. There is further relief for karen, whos just discovered shes developed antibodies for the virus. Shes waiting to find out if her little fighter has too. Colin campbell, bbc news, herne bay. As lockdown measures are slowly lifted, tourism businesses in england are getting ready forjuly 4th, the date when they hope they will be able to reopen. Many are busy working out how to do so, but also say they need more government guidance. Danny savage reports from the Lake District. When it comes to the ideal looking uk Tourist Destination it doesnt get much better than the Lake District. Lucy and ian metcalfe own sykeside campsite near brotherswater. For weeks theyve had to look at empty grass, but that will change on july the 4th. I think people are desperate to come away. We get probably 50, 60 e mails a day now. Are you open . Can we book . If we book and we cant come, whats going to happen . And social distancing will make it very different to what it once was. Its a tricky thing for us to balance because we want people to come here and enjoy themselves and its not ourjob to police people, but equally we want people to feel safe, our staff and customers. So we have to find a way of doing this. No, we are not looking to come round and tell people off, but unfortunately we think we will have to remind people because its the way it is, human nature. These are the campsite toilets and showers. And heres the dilemma, shared showers and loos are a bit of a nightmare. Do we knock off every other sink . Do we put up little screens in between them . Do we insist people wear masks indoors . Or is it only one entrance and exit and the showers and toilets are not clear, you can see if theres you cant see if theres somebody already in them . So thats going to be challenging. A few miles away at the Langdale Hotel they have it all. Self catering lodges, hotel rooms, spa and restaurant. So here is one of our three bedroom time share lodges. What they really want, though, is clear government guidance. We are planning for a plan at the moment, which is to open on the 11th ofjuly, but we simply dont know whether thats actually doable. So adequate notice would be great and anything this week would be brilliant. This National Park is nearly ready and waiting for overnight visitors. But its those pinch points where people end up in close proximity that are still the worry. Danny savage, bbc news, cumbria. In the last few minutes, the death has been announced of the actor sir ian holm, perhaps best known for roles in chariots of fire and the lord of the rings. He was 88. Sarah campbell looks back at his long career. He was one of britains most familiar and most reliable character actors, oscar nominated for this performance in chariots of fire. No back again, get it level. Harold pinter said he was his favourite actor. If i can see the big prize hanging there. Believe me, i wont waste any time. He was terrifying as the treacherous android ash in alien. George . At five foot five, he was often cast in diminutive parts. In the borrowers, he played one of a family of tiny people opposite his then wife, penelope wilton. 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