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A lucky escape for passengers on this China Eastern Airlines plane it makes an Emergency Landing with a large hole in one of its engines. And the new french president His Fledgling Party looks set for a landslide in the parliamentary elections. And coming up in the sport on bbc news as englands under 20s celebrate their world cup win, their manager says its too soon to predict theyll be the next golden generation. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. The queens speech next monday is now expected to be delayed by a few days following the turmoil caused by the election result last week. Theresa may is insisting its back to business In Westminster, despite losing her majority at last weeks election. The Prime Minister is expected to face tough questions from her backbenchers this afternoon about her leadership style. Shes also expected to be pressed for more details of a possible pact with Northern Irelands democratic unionist party. 0ur Political Correspondent chris mason reports from westminster. 0ne after another this morning, the question for Cabinet Ministers was this. Is theresa mays time up . 0ne after another, her senior ministers rallied to her side. Theresa may will continue as an excellent Prime Minister. First the Home Secretary then the Brexit Secretary said Leadership Talk was. The height of self indulgence. The british people have given us an instruction, a result we wouldnt have chosen ourselves but they have given us an instruction and it is ourjob to get on with the work of government, to organise arrangements so we can do business with the House Of Commons and run the country. She is very good at that. And the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson good at that. And the Foreign Secretary borisjohnson said it was time to get a grip. This afternoon, mrs may will meet conservative mps to explain herself. I think it is a very good sign of theresa may recognising the importance of cohesion in the party, the importance of us all working together, if we are going to make government work in these rather difficult circumstances. I dont think theres any appetite in the country for a new General Election andl country for a new General Election and i dont think there is any demand amongst my colleagues for a Leadership Election either. Theresa may wanted to return here with a majority that proved she could be the dominating political figure of her age. Instead, she is diminished, bruised and weakened. She called the election with the explicit intention of turbo charging her authority. Instead, it is acting as a wheel clamp on her future. Instead, it is acting as a wheel clamp on herfuture. And so, after a turbulent few years, labour arab league. We are just going to make sure we hold their feet to the fire. So where we can, for example, on the queens speech, we will be trying to ensure we hold them to account, where there are things we profoundly disagree with them on, where we think we will be able to defeat them, we will put out amendments and do our best to keep harrying them. The queens speech, whether government sets out its programme, was due to happen next monday but we understand will now be delayed by a few days. Like never before, theresa may will be reliant on others to pfp may will be reliant on others to prop her up. The votes of Northern Irelands democratic unionist in the commons and the support of ambitious collea g u es commons and the support of ambitious colleagues like Boris Johnson. Politics, with its twists and turns has left us again with its capacity to leave us all out of breath. Norman smith is In Westminster. The queens speech doesnt have to be nine days after an election but how significant is this delay . Well, i cant recall a time in recent history when the queens speech has been delayed in this way. Its usually pretty much set in stone in the royal diary, come what may. What it tells us, i think, is the real difficulties the government is having in nailing down this deal with the dup, because there is a fear that without it, if a queens speech was presented, there is a danger that could be voted down and that would be tantamount to a vote of no confidence and we would be into a General Election. The signs are getting that agreement with the dup is proving much harder than mrs may thought, in part because of a reaction against some of the dups positions on Social Policy around marriage, gay rights, abortion, but above all, i think, because of concern about the possible impact on politics in Northern Ireland and whether being in alliance with the dup will mean sinn fein will be unwilling to go into any Power Sharing agreement. It also suggests that ministers are pondering what on earth to put in their legislative agenda in the queens speech because we know key ma nifesto queens speech because we know key Manifesto Commitments are going to have to be dropped. And it is also being suggested that because the queens speech has to be written on vellum, which is goat skin, there simply isnt the time to put it on goat skin, hang the goat skin out for a week to be dry on time for the queen to read it and all this at a time when we know the whole debate about brexit is being reopened, there are questions about whether mrs may can survive as Prime Minister, and you just sounds that huge waves of uncertainty are coursing across the country and crashing down on westminster. Norman smith In Westminster, thank you. The Brexit Secretary, david davis, has insisted that talks on leaving the European Union will Begin Next Week though not necessarily on monday as planned, because its the day of the queens speech At Westminster. It comes as meps and european commissioners head for meetings at the Eu Parliament in strasbourg to discuss the way forward. This report from our Political Correspondent contains some flash photography. The vote to leave the eu almost a year ago, but the debate on exactly how we accept, the terms and the priorities, has been reopened just days before brexit negotiations begin. Some tory mps are demanding theresa may has a rethink. And in scotland, where the conservatives had their best election result for more than 30 years, are promising to pile on the pressure. We will be looking to make sure that our influence is felt. We played a significant part in ensuring there isa significant part in ensuring there is a conservative Majority Government after this General Election, with a fantastic result in scotland, winning all those seats, getting the second in the popular vote and putting our vote up so significantly. And manifesto to see us significantly. And manifesto to see us through brexit and beyond. Theresa may had wanted a much bigger mandate from voters for her vision of brexit, to take britain out of the Single Market, Have Control Over Eu migration to the uk and to get new free trade deals with the eu and other countries. But left without a majority, she is facing calls for compromise. This isnt new. Just before christmas, the Scottish Government put together a pan uk compromise document, to put independence to one side, to look at the document, remaining members of the document, remaining members of the Single Market. That is what we need to get behind. It is perfectly possible to stay within the Single Market, to keep the benefits of that and it is possible to have a degree of management of migration, countries like switzerland do it, so thatis countries like switzerland do it, so that is the kind of compromise you should be looking at. Buoyed by their relative success, labour stand ina rare their relative success, labour stand in a rare moment of unity and are adding to mrs mays problems. For her to get through any legislation relating to brexit, never mind the macro vote on the deal, she will need a degree of cross party support, simply getting the dup support, simply getting the dup support is not enough. But the government maintains its Brexit Strategy has not changed and is sticking to its tactics, insisting no deal is still better than a bad deal. You have got to plan for that, evenif deal. You have got to plan for that, even if you dont intend it. It is not the central aim, it is simply what we will go for if it doesnt work out. And that doesnt change. What we will be doing, of course, as i have said through the last ten months, is listening to all the contributors and say if you have better ideas, tell me and we will consider them. For many britons, brexit was about taking back control but now it is mrs may who has been left without the control. Nevertheless, those around her are holding their nerve, insisting it will go ahead as planned. Theresa may might still be in power, but she is no longer pulling the strings. All the while, brussels is waiting to negotiate and the two year clock is ticking. 0ur europe correspondent Kevin Connolly is in brussels. So what are they expecting in brussels, that these talks begin next monday . Im not sure they know what they are expecting themselves as the honest truth. I would say monday, or around monday, as the honest truth. I would say monday, oraround monday, because as the honest truth. I would say monday, or around monday, because it is now pretty clear that there is a degree of slippage in the british political timetable and, of course, Thatis Political Timetable and, of course, that is very likely to have knock on effects for the process that britain is intimately involved in, those brexit talks. So what you will hear, if you ask european officials, which of course we do all the time, what exactly is happening is they will simply say, look, we are ready, we are waiting, we are well prepared on our side and the implication is that all this chaos on the other side, they dont really know what is going on, they dont really have ideological favourites in british politics, although they are a bit warmer towards those parties that are warm towards the European Union. What they wanted from the British Election i think more than anything else was clarity and certainty and there is a feeling they have got neither and they arent going to get either of those things for the foreseeable future from london, so in the meantime, at least, basic preparations are now starting. Very senior official for the department for exit in the eu is here in brussels today from london. He is not talking to us, i should say, but he is talking to officials in the european commission. That is going to be the basic stuff, how many days a month they will be in talks, who will be in the room, how much will be published about what is said in those talks, those basic things are important, they can be sorted out at the moment. Frankly, there is very little clarity about what else can be done in the coming weeks and months. Kevin connelly, thank you. Business leaders are warning of a dramatic drop in confidence following the General Election result. A poll of 700 members of the Institute Of Directors suggests theres concern that the Political Uncertainty could be disastrous for the economy. But the organisation says theres no desire for another election this year. Heres our economics correspondent andy verity. No Industry Needs to know more urgently than the car industry what brexit will mean, in detail. 80 of the cars here at Aston Martins headquarters in warwickshire sold abroad. Without free trade, tariffs could be imposed, boosting the price of cars that go to europe and making them less competitive. Aston martin had hoped the election would bring greater certainty about brexit. Instead, it brought the opposite. Thats naturally creates a degree of stress for us, a degree of worry. If you think about the typical car, a typical car requires about 1 billion of investment to create a car of this nature and you are making a ten year bet. When you are making a ten year bet. When you are making those big dollar bets, doing it in an environment when you dont know next week whether or not trade barriers will exist or notjust makes the whole thing more stressful. Before the election, 700 directors were asked if they were optimistic or pessimistic about the economy. 37 were pessimistic. But today, a majority, 57 , were pessimistic. Uncertainty has gone right up the Richter Scale and that does matter, it matters for all of us, because it makes Companies Put the pause button on investment and investment today is jobs in the future. Uncertainty can have a deep economic effect. If businesses dont have the clarity and the confidence they need to inch backlit invest large sums in technology and training, productivity, the amount we produced per person, doesnt improve and without those improvements, employers cant afford to pay as Inflation Beating pay rises. Businesses can also no longer count on the supply of labour, skilled or unskilled, to be as free flowing as it has been. Skilled or unskilled, to be as freeflowing as it has been. They are by no means ready for the change. The onus should be on the government notjust wait change. The onus should be on the government not just wait for the brexit conclusions back of the late negotiations to conclude that are set out where they want to get on migrations, where they will rely on things like temporary workers to keep migrants coming into those sectors and which wont, because the ones that wont be able to need to be investing now in training other staff, paying more to recruit british workers or investing in machines. The Brexit Uncertainty is already having an affect on one industry which relies on skilled workers from abroad, health. A number of nurses registered to work in the uk is then 90 on a year ago. It is not just in the uk is then 90 on a year ago. It is notjust work is already here but also those thinking of coming who cant know what the future holds. Theresa may is due to meet the dup leader Arlene Foster tomorrow, as talks continue between the two parties. A spokesman for the Prime Minister says the talks aim to work towards a stable government, and its clear the two parties wont agree on everything. The leader of Sinn Fein Gerry Adams said any deal between the dup and the Conservative Party cannot be a good thing. Lets go live now to stormont and our ireland correspondent chris page. It is clear this new relationship is causing concern across the political spectrum . That is right. The dup find themselves in a position few expected. They are involved in two sets of negotiations. 0ne t shirt up the government At Westminster and the government At Westminster and the other tissue up the government the assembly at stormont. Today, the british and irish dortmunds and the british and irish dortmunds and the five main parties in Northern Ireland are resuming discussions after the break for the General Election campaign. The question being asked is, how will negotiations in london and affect negotiations in london and affect negotiations here . Gerry adams has given a news conference. He is not at all happy at the prospect of a deal between the conservatives and the dup. We dont believe that any deal between the dup here and the english tories would be good for the people here. And any deal which undercuts in any with the process here, or the good friday agreement or other agreements, is one that has to be opposed by progressives. One of the main issues for sinn fein is that they would save the conservatives hedge their westminster wagons to the dup, it proves that James Brokenshire cant act as an impartial broker in the stormont talks. Mr brogan shura says he doesnt see the need for an independent chair. The 22nd ofjune is the final deadline for a deal to bring back Power Sharing. If that doesnt happen, westminster will ta ke doesnt happen, westminster will take over running Northern Ireland, what is known as direct rule. Politicians are back behind the talks table today. But they will be thinking about events on the other side of the irish sea. Chris page, thank you. One of the biggest surprises of theresa mays post election reshuffle was the appointment of michael gove as environment secretary. Its just under a year since mrs may sacked the formerjustice secretary and her rival for the conservative leadership from the cabinet. Mr gove has referred to himself as a shy green who believes in conservation. But campaigners say thats at odds with his record of opposing measures to combat Climate Change, as our environment analyst Roger Harrabin explains. The highlands of scotland, michael gove has sunk their praises. He has called himself a shy grin. Conservatives, he said, intend tend instinctively towards conservation. That instinct was tested in his own constituency. He said the eus strict laws protecting places like this had forced up the cost of housing, so those laws should be relaxed. Environmentalists oppose his appointment. This is a really concerning appointment for young people. Michael gove tried to ta ke young people. Michael gove tried to take Climate Change out of the National Curriculum for schools. Young people are really concerned about the environment. If this is an attempt to engage with the youth vote, it is a bad start. It was over Climate Change mr gove most enraged environmentalists, notjust by 20 y bit off the geography curriculum, but by trying to prevent a colleague from attending Climate Change talks. He has voted against amendments to reduce emissions. Yet within weeks he will have to deliver a clean air strategy. It is a tremendous opportunity to do a job at the heart of government which will ensure we enhance one of our greatest assets, our countryside. I want to do everything i can to make sure we pass on the environment in a stronger condition to the next generation. He will face formidable challenges over the countryside and farming as the uk withdraws from the eu. Farmers are hopeful. He is a big hitter. I am looking to michael to champion british food and british farming. We have got the brexit negotiations. The Farming Industry have got the most to lose through a bad deal. Michael gove faces the unenviable task of negotiating britains countryside, wildlife and farming, through the thicket of brexit. He seems to be doing it facing two directions at the same time. On the one hand, in favour of conserving nature, on the other against laws which do exactly that. It will be an interesting path ahead. Roger harradine, bbc news. And tonight on bbc one at 8 30pm, you can see a panorama special. Our top story this lunchtime the bbc understands next weeks queens speech will now be delayed, following theresa mays failure to win a parliamentary majority in the election. The Brexit Secretary insists talks on leaving the European Union will still start next week as planned. Coming up in sport, a reprieve for Leyton Orient a Winding Up Petition has been dismissed at the high court, as the owner, francesco becchetti, pays off some of his debts. More than 200 people have reportedly been arrested across russia, as protestors defy the authorities by holding a demonstration against corruption. Its been organised by the leading russian opposition figure, Alexei Navalny, who has called on protestors to attend rallies across the country. Latest reports say pepper spray is being used against protestors. We will be Live In Moscow in a moment. Daniela relph has the details. In vladivostok they came to protest against what they believe is government corruption. But soon there were scuffles and clashes with there were scuffles and clashes with the security services. And protestors fleeing, fearing arrest. The leading Anti Corruption campaigner, Alexei Navalny, was detained by police at his home in moscow this morning. The Authorities Say his detention is due to breaking rules around the organisation of rallies and for disobeying the instructions of a police officer. Alexei navalny has become the face of the Anti Corru Ption Alexei Navalny has become the face of the Anti Corruption campaign in russia. Harnessing the anger of young activists on social media, streaming protest online. He served A15 Streaming Protest online. He served a 15 dayjail term after being detained at a rally in march. But that has just energised the Campaign Ofa Man that has just energised the campaign of a man who says he will run for president next year. Alexei navalny was due to be at a rally in moscow today. It is one of a number of demonstrations across russia. Instead of addressing the crowds with his accusations of corruption in the putin government, he is instead in a Moscow Police station. But hundreds of people supporting his call for change have continued to protest without him. Danny araf, bbc news. As mike daniela ralph. Lets go live now to moscow and our correspondent sarah rainsford. It sounds like tensions are rising in moscow . Well certainly there are huge numbers of protestors pouring into central moscow. There have been large numbers of riot police as well in the last hour or so. We have heard a lot of shouts from just behind me, the beginning of the main street down to the kremlin. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been trying to walk down the main street and express their protest, to voice their anger and their frustration at the corruption here in russia, and that the government and the authorities. There has been a lot of people arrested. We have seen several ourselves. The reporter of dozens of people being detained by police. We saw one truck taking people wait a moment ago. You can see more Police Coming in now. Certainly by bringing protestors onto the streets in the Centre Of Moscow, Alexei Navalny did set the scene for this confrontation, because this is not an authorised protest. He was given permission to hold a rally elsewhere. He said conditions were not right and he called people into the Centre Of Moscow instead. He was detained as he tried to leave his house. People say that doesnt matter. They say they wanted to come out to voice their protest and call for a better russia, a different russia, and to stand up against corruption. Sarah rainsford, thank you. Police in manchester have arrested a 31 year old woman on suspicion of murder, after a man was hit by a tram in the city centre. The incident, at victoria station, happened yesterday evening. The man died at the scene. An investigation has begun into an incident that forced a chinese plane to make an Emergency Landing in sydney, with a large hole in one of its engines. Passengers on board the China Eastern Airlines flight, bound for shanghai, described a burning smell and a loud noise shortly after take off. The airbus a330 managed to land safely and there were no reports of injuries, as Richard Galpin reports. The plane which was due to fly to shanghai, back down on the tarmac at syd ney shanghai, back down on the tarmac at Sydney Airport after a major emergency. And this was the problem. Pa rt emergency. And this was the problem. Part of the lest engine left engine ripped away, leaving a gaping hole. For the passengers, engine ripped away, leaving a gaping hole. Forthe passengers, everything had been normal until suddenly about an hour into the flight, it became clear there was a major problem. An hour into the flight, it became clear there was a major problemm took off as normal and then all of a sudden some of our friends smelt burning. Ididnt sudden some of our friends smelt burning. I didnt think anything of it really but all of a sudden it got really loud. I heard a noise and im not sure what is the noise, but the cabin crew went out and they were very light, they told us too fast in our seat belts and tried to calm us down. But we were actually very panicked because we had no idea what was happening. It was a little shocking. I couldnt tell what it was a first and then i realised there was a hole in the engine. What could have caused such serious damage to the engine . The plane is an airbus 330 like this one. It has rolls royce engines and the company says it will help with the investigation, which is likely to look at all potential factors, including maintenance records and whether some kind of object got inside the engine. And meanwhile, there are reports that this kind of Engine Damage on the China Eastern Airlines plane has also occurred on other aircraft. Richard galpin, Airlines Plane has also occurred on otheraircraft. Richard galpin, bbc news. Nearly five months after President Trump took office, his wife, melania, and son barron have moved into the white house. They had stayed behind in new york, so that 11 year old barron could complete his school year. Mrs trump said she was looking forward to the memories shed make in her new home. Emanuel macrons Political Party was only established a year ago, and many of its candidates have little or no political experience. Yet the new french president s party La Republique En Marche Looks on course to win a Landslide Victory following the first round of parliamentary elections. The final outcome will be decided in the second round of voting next sunday. Lets speak to our paris correspondent, hugh schofield. Yes, it looks like Emmanuel Macron has done the double. Having won the president ial election in five weeks ago, becoming the youngest ever french president , he has now pulled off this second clue. If the results are borne out next weekend, he will have a party with as many as a50 seats in the 500 and 70 set in the assembly. That is coming from nothing. An extraordinary achievement which will rewrite the face of french politics. What it means is that he will first of all be able to see through his programme of reforms unimpeded by having to make deals inside the national assembly. That is very important for the french economy. It also means that we have now in france a man who is emblazoned with this aura of optimism and confidence. Everything he has touched so far has turned to gold. Contrast that with theresa may, who years meeting here tomorrow, by the way, a woman who called the election last week and had a rather different outcome. Thank you. While weve been on air, scotlands First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been addressing her snp members of parliament In Westminster for the First Time Since the election. She is calling for a pause in the brexit negotiations, to allow for a cross Party Approach for the whole of the uk. Vicki young is at Parliament Square In Westminster. What does she have to say . Nicola sturgeon was here with her 35 newly elected snp mps. They did lose more than 20 seats. But she is still hoping as the third party At Westminster they will have real influence. She was very critical of theresa may, saying there were real doubts about whether the Prime Minister could get together a functioning comment. Nicola sturgeon also very concerned about any kind of backroom stitch up with the dup. I spoke to a couple of moments ago and this is what he said about the kind of influence she wants her party to have, particularly when it to brexit. The approach the government was taking too hard brexit is dead in the water and cannot stand. I am calling today for a process that is open up to include more voices, all parties and all four nations of the uk, an approach that has continued membership of the Single Market at its heart. The Prime Minister has to recognise she asked for a strengthened mandate for a hard brexit and voters refused to give that. She cannot sing the carry on though nothing has changed. Her argument is that the uk or scotland at least should stay in the Single Market. She once the emphasis to be on the 0konomiyaki on jobs market. She once the emphasis to be on the 0konomiyaki Onjobs rather than cutting immigration. She thinks all four nations should be involved. Whether that is labour or those conservatives who feel the same as she does. Vicky young, thank you. Time for the weather with ben roach. Divided fortunes in our weather this week. It is never as simple as drawing a line on the map and saying one place will get one thing and another something different. The boundary will be blurred. Northern and Western Areas will see rain at times, it will be breezy further south and east. There will be some sunshine and at times it will be pretty humid. High pressure to the southis pretty humid. High pressure to the south is bringing the largely dry conditions in southern areas. Towards the north and west, the threat of rain. We do have something ofa threat of rain. We do have something of a split today. Generally a lot of clout across the country. Towards the south east, some good sunny spells. Some showers across scotland. And across Northern Areas of the country, Northern Ireland, scotla nd of the country, Northern Ireland, scotland and northern england, it is pretty blustery. Maybe the odd shower in northern england. Mostly dry through the afternoon. As we come in to south wales, south western england, the midlands, east anglia and the south east, the cloud beginning to break up

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