That do provide Free School Meals is that do provide Free School Meals is that there is higher levels of attainment, better levels of concentration and Better Health for the children. On the eve of the masters, the world Number One Dustinjohnson has fallen down the stairs and injured his back. And coming up in the sport . The referees Governing Body has apologised after keith stroud misread the rules in last nights match between newcastle and burton. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. A father has lost a landmark case at the Supreme Court in a dispute about taking his child out of School Without permission. Jon platt, from the Isle Of Wight, refused to pay a fine after he took his daughter to florida, and successfully argued in the high court that the law requires only that children attend school regularly, which his daughter does. But today, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that it is disruptive to a childs education to remove them from school during term time. The prime minister, theresa may, welcomed the ruling, saying it recognised the importance of children attending school. Our Legal Affairs correspondent Clive Coleman reports. Arriving at the highest court in the land, a father, jon platt, about to find out whether taking his daughter on holiday in term time meant he had broken the law. In 2015, john platt took his daughter out of school for a weeks holiday. He was fined £120 by his local council on the Isle Of Wight. He refuse to pay and was prosecuted but argued successfully that his daughter, who had a more than 90 overall record, was wickedly attending school. Today, the Supreme Court unanimously disagree with that. Unauthorised absences have a disruptive effect. Not only on the education of the individual child but also on the work of other pupils and of their teachers. Outside court, jon platt was visibly upset by the ruling. This case now has to go back to the Isle Of Wight magistrates and start all over again. Ican magistrates and start all over again. I can tell you, i have absolutely no intention of pleading guilty to this offence when it goes back to the magistrates court. Jon platt has lost his case here at the Supreme Court but he remains defiant. For parents, however, the decision is now crystal clear, you have to obey the Attendance Policy of the school, or else youre committing a cruel offence. The government says headteachers still have the ability to decide when exceptional circumstances allow for a child to be absent, but that todays ruling removes the uncertainty for schools that was created by the previousjudgment. But many still believe that parents should be able to take their children on holiday during the school year. I think they should be taken out of school because they a lwa ys taken out of school because they always did in our day and it never did us any harm, a week or two, they dont lose that much and they learn so dont lose that much and they learn so much when theyre on holiday, dont they. To take them on holiday during holiday times, the company is obviously wants to make money. Pa rents obviously wants to make money. Parents have been warned. Some will inevitably choose to Followjon Platt by taking their children on holiday in term time and facing the consequences. The Syrian Government has spoken about the Chemical Attack in the northwest of the country for the first time denying it would ever use such weapons. More than 70 people died in the attack in Idlib Province. Turkey says the results of autopsies carried out on victims confirm that Chemical Weapons were used, and has blamed President Assads forces. This report from Richard Galpin contains distressing images. This is the moment on tuesday when the rebel held town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib Province was hit by an airstrike. Sheikhoun in Idlib Province was hit by an air strike. It soon became clear it was not a conventional attack. Dozens of babies, children and adults were left choking and foaming at the mouth. And today, tests on some of those taken to hospital in turkey have proved it was a Chemical Attack. Theres speculation it was the deadly nerve agent sarin. For us president donald trump, this was enough for him to make an abrupt u turn on his comparatively lenient policy towards the syrian regime. When you kill innocent children, innocent babies, babies, little babies, with a chemical gas that is so lethal, that people were shocked to hear what gas it was, that crosses, many, many lines beyond a red line, many lines. These heinous actions by the assad regime cannot be tolerated. With hint try for that washington is now even considering military action, the Syrian Government has acted quickly to deny it used Chemical Weapons in Khan Sheikhoun. Translation our army has never used Chemical Weapons and will not use Chemical Weapons and will not use Chemical Weapons, not only against oui Chemical Weapons, not only against our civilians, our people, but also against the terrorists who are attacking civilians. But during the long civil war in syria, have been accused of using Chemical Weapons on several occasions. Including a Sarin Gas Attack near damascus in 2013 ridge killed hundreds. Although this crossed a red line for the then president barack obama, there was no military intervention. Now, some experts think the Trump Administration may do something more robust. Are we looking at some kind of limited air strike, with symbolic value, from the Trump Administration, on the Assad Regime Installations . That would at least show that the americans arent willing to accept these kind of actions. But for now, focuses on diplomatic action at the united nations. Britain and other countries wa nt nations. Britain and other countries want a resolution condemning this latest attack and calling for those responsible to be brought to justice. And our washington correspondent jane obrienjoins me now. We have donald trump using the word heinous in that report what response might we expect from the Trump Administration . Well, wejust dont know. Donald trump himself says that even when he makes up his mind, hes probably not going to tell us. At the moment it is a bit like reading tea leaves. The strong list condemnation so far has come from the United States ambassador to the un, who has also directly criticised russia in all this. Mr trump didnt do that last night. But what we are lacking in all of this isa what we are lacking in all of this is a clearly articulated foreign policy, and not just is a clearly articulated foreign policy, and Notjust On Syria but also on north korea. It gives the impression too many onlookers that this is a Young Administration that is still struggling to work out how it deals with these sorts of crises. Mrtrump it deals with these sorts of crises. Mr trump says that the pictures helped him change his mind, but quite frankly, the situation on the ground offers him no Better Options thanit ground offers him no Better Options than it did to his predecessor, barack obama. We also have criticism within his own party from senator marco rubio, who was himself a white house contender, saying that there is no coincidence here in the timing of this gas attack, but the Trump Administration had pretty much indicated to President Assad that the fight wasnt about him. So, we know that words matter. But we have to know what they mean before they matter and at this stage we just dont know what donald trump plans to do. Thank you. Two former barclays bankers have been found not guilty of conspiring to rig the libor inter Bank Interest rate. Stelios contogoulas and ryan reich were cleared in this second trial, after a jury failed to reach a verdict last year. Our Business Correspondent andy verity is at Southwark Crown court. Explained whats happened in court. Well, first, i might give you a two explanation of what libor rigging is. Libor is supposed to measure the real cost of borrowing money. Every bank each day would say what Interest Rate they thought they would have to pay to borrow money. They would take an average and that average is libor. At the same time, the banks had big money staked on which way libor went, up or down. And traders would get in touch with the people at the banks who submitted the rates and make requests for hire or lower libors according to what was in the banks commercial interests. Back in 2012, when bob diamond resigned, those requests were frowned on as corrupt and dishonest. But the traders defended those requests, saying they we re defended those requests, saying they were not against the rules and they we re were not against the rules and they were not against the rules and they were not dishonest. I have a statement from one of the traders who has been acquitted, ryan reich, who has been acquitted, ryan reich, who says, i am saddened that it has taken so long to expose the case against me. A 23 year old trader just doing myjob over a decade ago has been totally without foundation, it is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the facts. The juries in previous trials, it is important to say, had a lower burden of proof, they did not have to show that the traders in those previous trials were deliberately disregarding the rules. When the burden of proof was set up it higher, as it was in this trial, the prosecutors failed to prove their case. Labour has proposed adding vat to Private School Fees, and using the money raised to pay for Free School Meals for all Primary School children. Critics say the plan would force less wealthy families to remove their children from private education, at the same time as subsidising the better off in the state sector. Our Political Correspondent ellie price reports. Soggy brussels sprouts and lumpy Mashed Potato are as a general rule a thing of the past in School Dinners these days. In fact, theyre healthier and more appealing. Labour 110w healthier and more appealing. Labour now want Free School Meals to be available to every Primary School pupil in england, and they will pay for it by imposing vat on Private School Fees. We want all children to get its. All the evidence from those councils that do provide Free School Meals is that there is higher levels of attainment, better concentration and Better Health for all of the children. Launching the policy this morning, labour estimates it would cost u p morning, labour estimates it would cost up to £900 million a year, while introducing vat on Private School Fees would raise around £1. 5 billion annually. Critics say the sums dont add up. This would put up the fees of independent schools, so these hard working parents who are working really hard to pay the fees, they would no longer be able to afford them. So smaller schools would have to close and that would move pupils out of our system into the state system. At the moment, all children up to the age of about eight are eligible for Free School Meals. After that, eligibility depends on whether a family receives certain benefits. The latest figures show that just under 14. 5 certain benefits. The latest figures show thatjust under 14. 5 of pupils in year three to year six are known to be eligible for and claiming Free School Meals. I would much rather see the extra money, any extra money, being derived from taxation, whether it is on private schools or other sources, given to the poorest children in our country, and not necessarily subsidising those pa rents necessarily subsidising those parents who can afford Free School Meals. The policy may sound familiar. Thats because it was in the lib dems Election Manifesto in 2015, although they did not suggest putting vat on Private School Fees. Before that, the Labour Government under gordon brown had promised to pilot the idea at the 2010 election. Whats new about todays policy is the idea of raising the money to fund it through Private School Fees. Jeremy corbyns pitch is that its taxing the rich to feed the poor. He says it is about fairness, a message he hopes will appeal beyond labours base. For the First Time Since his election, donald trump will meet the leader of the worlds other economic superpower, president xi jinping of china. Mr trump has said he believes the summit in florida will be very difficult. Relations have become fraught, with the us president taking a confrontational stance on trade and the north Korean Nuclear programme. Our correspondent Barbara Plett usher is at the resort of mar a lago. Yes, President Trump likes to do business at his club here in florida. But this is the most high sta kes florida. But this is the most high stakes meeting yet between the two leaders. The setting is informal but probably, the meetings will be quite formal, because that is the style of the chinese leader. This is supposed to open a new chapter in relations between the us and china. But president xijinping between the us and china. But president xi jinping actually has quite long standing ties to america, and it began in a rather unlikely place. Train horn blares muscatine, iowa, the pearl of the mississippi. Its an Old Industrial town in the american heartland, a Brief Stopping Point for mark twain. And more recently, for another famous visitor. Xijinping has friends here. He met them during an Agricultural Research trip as a young man 30 years ago, and returned for a reunion shortly before he became president. This is the house where he stayed . Yes, and i think he had not home stayed before. Im certain he hadnt home stayed before and he ate around the breakfast table. The chinese leader got a taste of American Life by staying with a local family. Of American Life by staying then, the bedroom was filled with star trek toys. Now, the house has been turned into a museum aimed at promoting us china ties. I think xijinping has great presence, and when he comes ino the room, shakes his hand, you know, i believe donald trump. Well, i hate to say it this way this is a guy i could make a deal with we cant continue to allow china to rape our country. But Donald Trumps brand is bashing china, particularly on trade. They have taken ourjobs. Could a dose of iowa hospitality fix that . Ask the chinese businessman behind this museum project. Maybe President Trump, i think maybe needs some time to know more about china. Maybe donald trump needs to visit muscatine . Yeah if he know the story about muscatine to china, i think he will have great interest. The story is bigger than friendship its business. Theres no Trade Deficit in iowa it exports a lot to china, especially agricultural products. This town and this state voted for donald trump, but that doesnt mean iowa buys his approach to china. Here, they see china as a business opportunity, not a threat. In fact, this estate does so much trade with china, that it would have a lot to lose if mr trump started a trade war. Theres no sense of uncertainty here. An established, family run Business Pounding Out Steel Stamps for more than 100 years. But the new owner has branched out to tap new markets now looking vulnerable to trade disputes. I am concerned about it, i think the chance of that happening on a large scale is pretty small, so i dont lose any sleep over it. Obviously im exporting a lot of goods to china and i know about the import taxes i pay on my products going in, so i think there does need to be some rebalancing. Rebalancing a complex and crucial relationship that will take more than cornfield diplomacy. Trade is definitely on the agenda. Also, north korea, how to deal with its nuclear threat. And everybody is going to be watching how the two men get on. Its expected President Trump will be cordial in public but in private or press the president quite aggressively on these issues. Barbara plett usher. Our top story this lunchtime. In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court rules against a father who took his daughter on holiday without permission. And still to come on the eve of the masters, the world number one Dustin Johnson has fallen and injured his back. Coming up in sport the Republic Of Ireland womens team reach an agreement with their Governing Body, after allegations they were being treated unfairly. Serious questions have been raised about why a paedophile who admitted his crimes to police has never been prosecuted. An historical Abuse Inquiry Heard Last Year that henry clarke abused three boys when he worked in Childrens Homes in Northern Ireland during the late 19605 and 19705. A bbc Investigations Team travelled to canada to confront henry clarke where they discovered hed set up a Childrens Home and worked at several churches after emigrating to the country. And, as Chris Buckler reports, the canadian authorities were never told of his admission. Its no secret that some children were abused under the cloak of being cared for. Earlier this year an enquiry into historical abuse in Northern Ireland published its final report, which detailed the failings of institutions and the crimes of individuals. But some escaped prosecution and the bbc has discovered that one former Childrens Home worker was able to start a new life in a new country and the canadian authorities were never informed of his admission that hed sexually abused boys. Im admitting, yes, i abused three boys back in my past, and for that theres no excuse. But yes, theres feelings within me, but. And again, im not trying to make an excuse to say im not a paedophile, but its a strong word from where im sitting. Not only was henry clarke able to move to canada. In the early 19805 he set up a Childrens Home in ontario. He only left that post having been questioned by police while on holiday back in belfast in 1985. The historical institutional abuse inquiry was told that after those interviews he admitted to detectives that hed abused three boys at three different care homes where he worked in Northern Ireland. Yet he was never prosecuted and its believed that information wasnt passed on to anyone in canada. After making the admission to police, he left the Childrens Home hed set up in ontario and went on to become a pastor at several churches in canada. He insists he was never involved in further abuse and that no allegations have been made against him in the country. I enjoyed caring for young people and. But you enjoyed it because you were getting access to children. Thats not fair. I didnt do it for that reason. Thats not the reason i did it at all. I did it because i enjoyed looking after them, i enjoyed the work. The opportunity arose and i took the opportunity, which again is what were agreeing today is wrong, but i didnt take the jobs for that to happen. Until now, henry clarkes past wasnt known in the relatively remote part of canada where he now lives. But thousands of miles away in Northern Ireland, one of his victims, whom he abused decades ago, has given up his right to anonymity to call for him to be prosecuted. Of course you want him brought tojustice. Why should he live his happy life and ive lived in hell, or any of the other boys he abused. Why does he sit there, I Turned To God no disrespect to god. Ive turned to god. So forgive me, i want you to forgive me. No chance. How can i forgive a monster like that there . In canada, questions will also be asked about how henry clarke managed to continue to work in the church and with children, hiding away in small towns from the truth and the victims he left behind. Chris buckler, bbc news. An inquest has opened into the death of a British Airways pilot. 43 year old Richard Westgate had complained for years of severe headaches and Vision Problems and was convinced he was being poisoned by toxic fumes leaking onto planes. Duncan kennedy is at Salisbury Coroners Court for us. Richard westgate was a dedicated pilot, a long standing commercial pilot, a long standing commercial pilot over many years. He flew many sorts of aircraft. His family believe he was the victim of breathing in this Toxic Cabin Air fumes as a result of being in a pilot in a cabin over many years. They also believe this issue could potentially be dangerous for major aircraft, airlines all over the world and therefore tens of millions of passengers, though airlines themselves insist cabin air is safe. This is a British Airways a320, just one of a type of aircraft Richard Westgate flew for many years, and one of the safest in the skies. But when the 43 year old pilot died in 2012, it came after he complained of Long Term Health problems that he said were due to breathing cabin air. His mother and brother, who came to his inquest today, also believe he was the victim of Toxic Cabin Air, having breathed it over many years whilst flying, which they say affected his nervous system. This 2015 flight from florida to new york shows a visible example of what the industry calls a cabin fume event. Richard westgate was not involved with this flight. The pictures appear to show what can happen when oil vapour from the engine is sucked into the aircraft itself. As you can see, its black. Tristan loraine, who says he also suffered air toxicity as a pilot, showed me the kind of pipe that links an engine to the cabin. He says nearly all commercial aircraft could be affected by this problem and the industry must accept whats happening. You assume everything is safe, you board a train, you assume its safe, and the Airline Industry is an incredibly safe industry, you know, it is. But the reality is on this particular issue, this is the achilles heel of aviation contaminated air. This doesnt just affect British Airways. Both ba and the Civil Aviation authority have denied theres a problem with cabin air. Ba has said it wouldnt operate an aircraft if there was contamination. It says theres been substantial research into cabin air and none of it shows theres a risk to Long Term Health. The coroner in this inquest made clear that this wasnt a public enquiry into Cabin Airfumes and the industry has made clear that cabin air is safe will stop but the Westgate Fa M Ily air is safe will stop but the westgate family and others do believe there is an issue here is the Airline Industry must treat it seriously. Duncan kennedy, thank you. A brother and Sisterfrom Birmingham Have appeared in court in london on terrorism charges. Its alleged that 21 year old Ummariyat Mirza bought a knife and other items, while planning an attack in the uk. His sister, zainub, is accused of sending him links to beheading videos. Both were remanded in custody until the end of the month. In the last few minutes its been confirmed that the Ukip Welsh Assembly member Mark Reckless has quit the party to become an independent. Mr reckless, who represents south wales east, will vote with the conservative group in the assembly. Its another blow to the Party Following the departure of Douglas Ca Rswell as following the departure of Douglas Carswell as its only mp last month. Theresa may has launched the conservatives local election campaign, saying there are no no go areas for the party. Shes promised competence for voters, and accused the other parties of chaos and disarray. More than 2000 seats are up for grabs mostly on County Councils as well as number of mayoral elections. A flagship tax free account for people saving for a first home or for retirement is launched today. Its called the lifetime isa but no bank or Building Society is offering it. Its one of a number of important changes which have kicked in with this new tax year. Our personal finance correspondent Simon Gompertz is with me. The lifetime isa was meant to be a really big deal. Whats going on . Why is no one offering it . The point of the lifetime isa is you could save both a deposit for your first home and for your retirement in the same account, but banks are worried that it too conjugated and that possibly some people would miss out. Complicated. You get a £1 bonus for each £4 that you put into the account, and that £1 bonus can add up account, and that £1 bonus can add up to account, and that £1 bonus can add uptoa account, and that £1 bonus can add up to a maximum of £1000 a year. So its a lot of money, very attractive. But on the other side theres the danger if you take the money out the wrong time that you will be subject to a penalty, which would be 25 of the money that you ta ke would be 25 of the money that you take out, so thats a big penalty, and the worry has been people will be hit by that penalty unawares. Also that some people would invest in this lifetime isa in preference to putting money into a valuable workplace Pension Scheme where you get employers pensions contributions and that would be a bad thing. So there are only a handful of Lifetime Isas being launched by some specialist Investment Companies at the moment, although the treasury does hope that over the coming months more bodies will launch them. So its a new tax year. What else is changing today . Another instalment of the clamp down on tax breaks that buy to let investors have. The latest one is a restriction on the amount of their Mortgage Interest that they can offset against their profits and so pay less tax. Another important one is to do with Inheritance Tax. The allowa nce for is to do with Inheritance Tax. The allowance for Inheritance Tax of £325,000, that you can pass on without paying 40 Inheritance Tax, thatis without paying 40 Inheritance Tax, that is being expanded. A £100,000 element is being added on top, related to the value of your home. That you can pass on. Thats important, thats going to be rising. The amount that you can earn before you start paying income taxes rising from £11,000 to £11,500. That represents a £100,000 game that represents a £100,000 game that represents a £100,000 game that represents a gain for a basic the masters has just teed off but on the eve of the tournament at augusta the world number one Dustin Johnson fell down the stairs and injured his back. Add to his usual practice, Dustin Johnson slipped on the stairs at his house and landed hard on his lower back. His agent said hed been advised to remain immobile and was taking anti inflammatory medicine, but his participation is now in doubt. Golf is no stranger to untimely injuries. Rory mcilroy missed the opening 2015 after injuring his ankle playing football, whilst sam torrance had to withdraw from a ryder cup match after sleepwalking into a pot plant. And only on tuesday, johnson himself spoke about the unpredictability of his sport. Ulf is a funny game, you know, it doesnt matter how good the player. You can still not win. I have a lot of confidence in my game right now but. Ifjohnson have a lot of confidence in my game right now but. If johnson does tee off, he will have to dethrone the champion, danny willett. Returning to the scene of his triumph. Since then hes not won a single tournament, but hes determined to cling onto his title. It would be a shame potentially if you have to give it back on sunday. But to have the 12 months ive had has been amazing. It will be incredible to do it again sometime. So golfs most Famous Garment is once again up for grabs. But for some, just getting to the start will be a victory in itself. Andy swiss, bbc news

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