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Britain, france and germany trigger a dispute mechanism over irans breaches of key parts of the 2015 nuclear deal. The government considers a rescue package for Regional Airline flybe, including cuts to air Passenger Duty on domestic flights. The new normal scientists warn that recent wildfires in australia show what other parts of the world can expect as Global Temperatures rise. And coming up, reaction from canada about harry and meghans plans to move there part time. The government says more discussions are needed about who pays for their security. Its 5pm. Our main story is that a report into historical child sex abuse in manchester says dozens of children suspected of being groomed by gangs were failed by the authorities, partly because of concerns about race relations. The review looked into operation augusta, which was launched in 2004 following the death of 15 year old victoria agoglia, but closed down the following year despite potential victims of grooming being identified. An independent review has found it identified at least 68 people who may have been involved in exploitation, but was wound up too soon. Our news correspondent danjohnson has more details. How could this 15 Year Old Girl die from a heroin overdose given by a man who was sexually abusing her while she was in care . Victoria agoglias death was as grim and appalling as the abuse she suffered before it. And the police and social workers knew what was happening, but failed to protect her. Today, her grandmother heard how victoria was let down. And she told me herself what these men had done to her. She stayed for a while, and i used to give her a bath because she was so bruised. And she wasnt alone. On these streets in the early 20005, children were exploited, mainly by asian men. Only now is their suffering being taken seriously. The authorities knew that many were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation, but did not protect them. This is a depressingly familiar picture seen in many other towns and cities across the country. Greater Manchester Police launched an investigation, but it was fundamentally flawed, under resourced and prematurely closed down by Senior Officers who had other priorities and concerns about political sensitivity. But there were whistle blowers who have now finally been heard. The perpetrators that we knew on operation augusta were abusing generations of children were allowed to walk free. The kids themselves that i spoke to i was on operation augusta, i wrote the report those children were just cast to the wind, left to their own devices. Nobody cared about them. And i am talking about the people at the top of the police and at the social services. On behalf of greater Manchester Police, i want to apologise to all of those Vulnerable Children who were let down in 200a. Corporate apologies have come with assurances that things have changed and promises the wrongs of the past will be put right. Im committed to doing all that we can to ensure that they receive the justice today that they were denied 15 years ago. What happened to victoria shouldve been a warning, but it was ignored, meaning so many more childhoods were ruined by the misery of abuse. Dan johnson, bbc news. Our correspondent fiona trottjoins us live from manchester. Can we have some more analysis from you, shed some more light on what has been revealed in this review . What is been striking about the report today is that the time, operation augusta, it was considered to bea operation augusta, it was considered to be a success. The Team Involved in that investigation was praised by the then chief cost, and yet as you heard in that report there, what we have heard as part of todays review is that the mayor of Greater Manchester andy burnham has said that it did not address the issue it was set up for coming to tackle the Sexual Exploitation of a number of children in the care system. And what we heard today was the police had significant information at the time, names, numbers, addresses of possible perpetrators but the report says that evidence was not used. The report says the offenders appear to have operated in plain sight, hanging outside care homes orfoster homes. And it also said that the agencies involved in childrens care appeared to be focused on protecting themselves rather than protecting themselves rather than protecting the victims. As for operation augusta is self, you heard in dans report about how it was closed down too soon, that of the review says today. It also says major cases were closed because children were not able to make a complaint and the review board says that this is because investigators relied heavily on the cooperation of child victims themselves even though it was evident that they were being coerced. And they were in control of their perpetrators. In the control of. The mayor is referring to his report today to the attorney general as well to see if the inquest into victoria agoglias death needs to be reopened. Greater Manchester Police has apologised to the victims today is has a have referred itself to the independent office for Police Conduct and we have been told today for the first time that a new investigation has been launched. The chief cost of has said that 53 potential victims have been identified, 48 of those children were in looked after care and 20 children were in looked after care and 20 20042005. This children were in looked after care and 20 2004 2005. This includes victoria agoglia and in september of 2009, the Police Say One was arrested and another was interviewed under caution in relation to her death. Of course that investigation is still ongoing and the police here in manchester are encouraging more to come forward. Fiona, many thanks again from manchester with the latest on that case. Britain, france and germany have begun a formal dispute process with iran over the International Nuclear deal agreed in 2015. The three european governments say tehran is breaching the agreement, which was designed to curb its ability to build Nuclear Weapons, and has left them no choice. Borisjohnson suggested the Nuclear Agreement could be replaced by a deal negotiated by president trump. The Prime Minister was speaking on bbc breakfast, his first extensive interview since the general election, as our Political Correspondent iain watson reports. Thank you very much. This was borisjohnsons first major interview since the election. A lot has happened at home and abroad, so there was plenty of ground to cover. On iran, the Prime Minister seemed content to have been kept in the dark over president trumps decision to assassinate the countrys leading military figure, general soleimani. This is not our operation, and there was no reason for us. Would you expect to be. There were no uk assets involved. And it was perfectly right that it went ahead. There was no reason for us to be notified. Today, the uk, france and germany registered their concerns that the iranian government wasnt sticking to some of its commitments under an International Deal to stop it acquiring Nuclear Weapons. The Current Us Administration has been highly critical of the arrangement, and the Prime Minister urged the president to come up with a deal of his own. The problem with the agreement is that, from the american perspective, its a flawed agreement, it expires. Plus, it was negotiated by president obama, and it has. From their point of view, it has many faults. Well, if were going to get rid of it, lets replace it. And lets replace it with the trump deal. International tensions arent confined to the middle east. The Prime Minister seemed to be subtly pushing back on us pressure to exclude the Chinese Tech Firm huawei entirely from the uks plans to build a 5g network. If people oppose one brand or another, then they have to tell us whats the alternative, right . On the other hand, lets be clear i dont want as uk Prime Minister to put in any infrastructure that is going to prejudice our national security. Borisjohnsons now keen to refocus on the domestic agenda. Standing on the steps of downing street last summer, just after he became Prime Minister, he suggested he already had a plan to deal with one of the most contentious issues in british politics social care. But no plan has yet emerged. But he suggested today that we wouldnt have long to wait. We will be bringing forward a plan this year, but we will get it done within this parliament. Its a big, big thing. I mean, this is a potentially massive change in the way that we fund social care. But theres an even more pressing issue just around the corner from number 10. Brexiteers want big ben to go like the clappers on the day we leave the eu. The Prime Minister said in the midst of renovations, that would be expensive. But. Were working up a plan so people can bung a bob for a big ben bong, there are some people who want to. Bung a bob . I havent quite worked out. Translated, that sounds like some kind of crowdfunding idea. Lets hope policy in other areas was rather more developed when the cabinet met this morning. The foreign secretary updated colleagues on iran, and the Prime Minister will have to work hard to stop this crisis turning into a bigger drama. Iain watson, bbc news. The foreign secretary dominic raab announced to the commons that britain, france and germany had jointly accused iran of violating the nuclear deal and said hed triggered the dispute mechanism to deal with such issues. Since last may, iran has step by step reduced its compliance with critical elements of the jcpoa, leaving it a shell of an agreement. So, mr speaker, its with regret that the e3 was left with no choice but to refer iran to thejcpoas dispute resolution mechanism. The drm is the procedure set out in the deal to resolve disputes between the parties to the agreement. And alongside our partners, we will use this to press iran to come back into full compliance with its commitments and honour an agreement that is in all of our interests. Joining me now is our Diplomatic Correspondent james landale. Lets try and cut through the jargon. There is lots of it. Lots of it, is this the end of the deal or the beginning of a new process . Possibly a bit of both. This deal has been beleaguered for some time. The americans pulled out in 2018 and last year the iranians stopped complying with all of it. It is in the emergency ward. The british, french and germans after the mechanism in a desperate attempt to buy time. It starts the process, brings the iranians to the table so they have to Start Talking about if there is a hope maybe that process could begin a process of discussion potentially involving the americans to have a water deal that looks not just at iran s Nuclear Ambitions and also their missile programme. The optimistic view is that. The pessimistic view if this is the beginning of the end and will eventually reach a point where you and say the iranians pull out of the deal formally and say the iranians pull out of the dealformally and and say the iranians pull out of the deal formally and the reason that matters is potentially we could reach a place for the iranians to try and get a Nuclear Weapon and if they do try and do that, what will stop the americans or the israelis launching a Nuclear Strike to try and stop them . The stakes are incredibly high. What about the other big players around the world have a vested interest here like russia . What have a vested interest here like russia . What is have a vested interest here like russia . What is their response to this mechanism being triggered . The russians and chinese are also involved in the deal. They have been largely pulling back from this. They are quite concerned that what the british and the europeans and americans have done is starting a process that will eventually end up in the deal die. That is of the british analysis that is the russian fear that might be the case. Bottom line is nobody wants on iran that has Nuclear Weapons. I think there isa has Nuclear Weapons. I think there is a huge effort to try and stop that. But we are in very uncertain waters here. But it will not happen quickly. This is a long drawn out process. James, thank you very much. The headlines on bbc news children abused by grooming gangs were failed by Manchester Police and local authorities, according to an official report. Britain, france and germany trigger a dispute mechanism over irans breaches of key parts of the 2015 nuclear deal. The government considers a rescue package for Regional Airline flybe, including cuts to air Passenger Duty on domestic flights. And in sport, less than a week before the beginning of the australian open, air quality in melbourne has been classed as hazardous because of the bushfire crisis. One player had to retire in qualifying because of breathing difficulties. The reigning champion al at the masters snicker beaten by sean murphy 6 3 in the first round. And the fa cup third replay postponed because of a waterlogged pitch against wofford. Five others go ahead. A full update in 15 minutes. The government is considering cutting air Passenger Duty on domestic flights as part of a plan to help save the troubled airline flybe, the uks biggest regional operator. But any cut in duty would have to be industry wide. Environmental groups say such a move would be reckless given the need to halt Climate Change, as our correspondent theo leggett reports. For the moment, its business as usual for flybe, but talks behind the scenes could decide over the next few hours whether the airline keeps on flying or is grounded forever. Just a year ago, the regional carrier was rescued from collapse, but now its in crisis once again and appealing to the government for help. Were working very hard to do what we can, but obviously people will understand that there are limits commercially to what a government can do to rescue any particular firm. But what we will do is ensure that we have the regional connectivity that this country needs. Theres plenty at stake here. Flybe operates 139 routes serving eight countries, and connects many Regional Airports in the uk. Although its much smaller than easyjet or ryanair, flybe still carries 8 million passengers a year. It provides more than 2300 jobs. Passengers at flybes exeter base today said the airline played a vital role in the region. I think it is important, yeah, a lot of people do use it. For business and for private use. I fly flybe to amsterdam, we also go to the city of london. To lose that service for the local economy and local business is going to be a big blow. I think theres a limit to how much money the government should spend, certainly, because the government needs the money for a lot of other things, the nhs not least. Im very proud of it, actually. It serves the south west extremely well, and has done for many years. I think it would be a great shame if it disappears. The governments believed to be considering short term funding to keep flybe afloat. It could postpone a large bill for air Passenger Duty, and it may decide to reduce the tax, which costs at least £13 a journey, for all domestic flights. But state aid rules mean the benefit would have to be offered to other airlines as well, and environmentalists arent happy about that. Aviation is the highest carbon form of transport, and we know that we need to be cutting this because were living in a climate emergency, we need to be moving away from that, and cutting air Passenger Duty isjust going to make aviation relatively cheaper compared to other forms of transport. Its absolutely opposite of what we need to be doing. If the government does decide to prop up flybe, its likely to face other awkward questions as well. Not least, why it didnt offer similar help to thomas cook when it faced collapse just a few months ago. Theo leggett, bbc news. Canadas Prime Minister says more talks are needed about the funding for harry and meghans security, given their planned move to the country. Justin trudeau revealed that discussions are going on over whether canadian taxpayers will foot the bill. Yesterday, the queen agreed to a period of transition for the couple after they said they wanted to step back from royal duties. Our royal correspondent Daniela Relph reports from sandringham. There may still be much to resolve, but what is clear is canada will now be home for harry and meghan at least for part of the year. They know the country well. Harry launched an Invictus Games here, the couple made their first public appearance in toronto at the games and meghans acting career saw her live in canada for seven years. From the countrys Prime Minister, there have been positive soundings, but with a hint of caution. Were not entirely sure what the final decisions will be, where the dispositions are, and those are decisions for them. I think most canadians are very supportive of having royals be here, but how that looks and what kind of cost is involved, theres still lots of discussions to have. On vancouver island, close to where its believed meghan is currently based with baby archie, opinion was divided on who should pay for the couples security. They should. Yeah, yeah. It shouldnt be on anybody else, i dont think. The queen. The uk government, i think. Cos theyre still tied to the royals, even if they leave a little. Thank you very much for coming. Closer to home, the politics of what happens next for the sussexes was something the Prime Ministerjust wouldnt be drawn on. Im absolutely confident that they are going to sort this out, and do you know what, i think theyre probably going to be able to sort it out all the easier without any particular commentary from me. The duke of cambridge, pictured yesterday leaving sandringham after the meeting with his brother, father and grandmother. It lasted about two hours, and that statement from the queen afterwards, tinged with regret, confirmed that harry and meghan had her approval to carve out an independent life for themselves. Understanding why they want to opt out is complicated and deeply personal. Those whove worked with harry believe his focus has shifted and he wants Something Different from life. Whether its our service in afghanistan, or whatever sort of traumas hes experienced in his life, i think the biggest change comes from being a father, and ultimately, you know, his new family that hes forging is his number one priority. The queen has set the timetable for the next steps. She wants final decisions to be reached in the coming days, as she reluctantly frees harry and meghan from what they clearly see to be the constraints of royal life. Daniela relph, bbc news, sandringham. Patricia treble is a royal commentator based in toronto, and we can speak to her now via webcam. Thank you very much forjoining us. Give our viewers if you would a sense of the Public Opinion in canada on the funding issue, footing the bill for what will be some significant commitments. The funding issueis significant commitments. The funding issue is definitely going to be a problem here. Canada is notoriously frugal. Canadians are. If you look at the Prime Ministers residence, he does not live there because it has fallen into rack and ruin. He actually lives near the government governor general on her estate because successive governments could simply not afford to pay for it. The thought of paying even part of the cost of the royals to spend time here i think is going to be an issue. It is one thing if they are simply coming here to stay, to retreat, to go hiking. They are out on vancouver island, it is gorgeous out there. If it is completely private, that is fine. Most that will absorb the fat we will pay for the rcmp cost. If they are doing work, though, even official duties can within that process aligns and i think that will be an issue in the house of commons. Just a thought but what people are calibrating the argument, some suggesting that if what they do as royal figures is of benefit, lets say economically or tourist wives to canada, that could be part of an agreement that could eventually serve this. Do you think thatis eventually serve this. Do you think that is pie in the sky . |j eventually serve this. Do you think that is pie in the sky . I think there will be in agreement of some sort. I dont think we will know the final details of and certainly canadians like the monarchy. They like and especially like the queen emma they very much like the queen and they dont want to do anything that will be seen to be hurting her in any way, shape or form. That will be seen to be hurting her in any way, shape orform. Talk people here in the first thing they all say is it with the towards the queen. I think there will be an arrangement. But the question is how it will come . Even questions as to what their legal status is going to be here in canada because are they coming to work here . If not, you need work permits. If theyre coming to immigrate even partially, we have a points system, even questions as to whether harry would even qualify under that point system. In any suggestion they are using their royal status to jump the queue would bea royal status to jump the queue would be a problem. And it would raise eyebrows in this country. But i think one is all said and done, they have to have security in a have to come from the rcmp and it will come from the rcmp. A final point in terms of the political colour because this is something again that british fear is obviously will need some help with, british viewers. What are the pockets of support or opposition in the Political Landscape in canada . Opposition in the Political Landscape in canada . This is an issue. Everyone thinks canada is a nice and lovely country that eve ryo ne nice and lovely country that everyone gets along in. It is a regional country. There are massive regional country. There are massive regional divisions in this country from a massive Clinical Divisions in this country. If they base themselves in british columbia, which is very lets talk about Climate Change, that will raise an issue very next door it with alberta with the government is simply rolling back Climate Change policies because they are very much in energy based economy. Then you ive also got in the federal politics the separatist, the bloc quebecois and the Parti Quebecois in quebec. Who very much dont want the monarchy and who certainly have raised questions in the house of commons in the National Assembly in quebec city. Canada can be a political minefield depending on where they are going to base themselves and it depends on how deeply involved they become in canada. And also a question about what is their role going to be versus that of the governor general and the lieutenant governors . If somebody is issuing a fundraiserfor governors . If somebody is issuing a fundraiser for environmental causes, who will they ask him of the governor general or will they have asked harry a victoria agoglia in that could be a problem. Thank you so much forjoining us once again. Our thanks to patricia forjoining us our thanks to patricia forjoining us from toronto. 25 minutes past five p m. The Prime Minister borisjohnson has formally rejected calls from scotlands first minister Nicola Sturgeon for a second independence referendum. In a letter, mrjohnson said he wouldnt agree to transfer the necessary powers to the Scottish Parliament for a new vote. Our scotland correspondent Alexandra Mackenzie is in glasgow. Just a sense from you there of the way this political debate is shaping up way this political debate is shaping up now that this letter has been received. The letter is certainly in the contents and literally did not come as a surprise to anyone. The first minister Nicola Sturgeon herself said today that she was not expecting the Prime Minister to granta expecting the Prime Minister to grant a second independence referendum. And borisjohnson has a lwa ys referendum. And borisjohnson has always been very clear that he would say no to a second independence referendum. And that was a line that was repeated again today by the cabinet minister. The first minister has applied for an order saying that she wants to have a referendum, but we already had a referendum. And she and alec salmond both agreed the referendum on scotlands place in the United Kingdom would be a once in a generation event. So it would be wrong to disrespect the result of the referendum and to have a series of referendums, which is what Nicola Sturgeon wants. Were saying, no, nicola, concentrate on the dayjob, because the Scottish Government is failing when it comes to education, health, transport and crime. And its really important that people across the United Kingdom know that those in office are concentrating on the really important issues that matter to people every day. Nicola sturgeon obviously disagrees with all of that. The s p 148 Nicola Sturgeon obviously disagrees with all of that. The s p148 out of the 59 seats at the westminster election in december. Snp148 out of 59. She said she has a mandate for this referendum and people in scotla nd for this referendum and people in scotland should have a choice to be able to decide their future. She has put out a Statement Today and in that statement Nicola Sturgeon said the Scottish Government will respond in full towards the end of the month setting out their next steps. So we have not seen the end of this story. She has also said she would not hold an unofficial referendum but she said the definitely will be of second referendum and it is only a matter of time. In that Statement Today, she said that westminster government is blocking democracy and she said she believes the longer westminster stops the referendum, the more support for independence there will be. Thank you very much, alexandra, with the latest on the debate on a possible second independence referendum in scotland. After a difficult week two to the least for the royal family, after a difficult week two to the least for the royalfamily, the duke of cambridge to resume his regular duties. Prince william giving out awards at an Investiture Ceremony today. One of the recipients was the former england cricket captain andrew strauss, who collected his knighthood for services to support. In the duke of cambridge had a separation ahead of the event, impressed onlookers when the charisma to one of the guests using sign language and that was alex who was given the mbe for his services to deaf people and to the british sign language education system. Time for a look at the weather. Well talk about Climate Change in the light of what is coming on in australia in a few minutes. Before that, lets join australia in a few minutes. Before that, letsjoin darren. Our weather pretty crazy of course and the turn of england and wales to see more rain and stronger winds. Gusts of 60 or 70 mph around southern and western coastal areas. Still very windy out there are quite widely across england and will. The brain becomes more confined to the southwest towards east anglia. Showers northwest especially in scotla nd showers northwest especially in scotland so it could be icy again like it was this morning and are frosty or maybe for Northern England and also Northern Ireland. Tomorrow will see the back of that ring in the southeast of england to the morning in the sunshine follows in the breeze will blow in one or two showers but mostly showers running infrequently across the north of Northern Ireland and the northwest of scotla nd Northern Ireland and the northwest of scotland with the levels rising a bit through the day. Quite witty up here and still breezy but not as windy as it has been today. Jupiter is about seven or 8 degrees typically so a chilly day in the southern half of the uk. Temperatures. A brief respite for wednesday because i think thursday of the systems arrived on the western side of the uk to bring heavier rain and some gale force winds. This is bbc news. The headlines. Children abused by grooming gangs were failed by Manchester Police and local authorities according to an official report. The Committee Says children were suffering the most profound abuse but the authorities failed to protect them. Iam i am committed to doing all that we can to ensure that they receive the justice today that they were denied 15 years ago. Britain, france and germany trigger a dispute mechanism over irans breaches of key parts of the 2015 nuclear deal. The government considers a rescue package for Regional Airline flybe including cuts to air Passenger Duty on domestic flights. And coming up, well speak to a climate scientist after a warning that the recent wildfires in australia show what other parts of the world can expect , as Global Temperatures rise. And now for the sport. Good afternoon. We are less than a week away from the start of the australian open, the first tennis grand slam of the year but organisers have been criticised for allowing qualifying to take place with air quality called hazardous in melbourne because of the bushfire crisis,. World number 5 Elina Svitolina posted a picture of the air quality rating on social media and asked if something bad has to happen before an action is taken. Slovenias dalila ya kupovic was forced to retire from her qualfier with breathing diffciulties. She suffered a coughing fit, and said she was scared that she would collapse. Australian Bernard Tomic had to take a medical time out in his qualifier. He lost his match and said he couldnt breathe because of the smoke over melbourne park. So the playing conditions are a huge concern for the organisers. They say theyre going to continue to monitor the situation on a day by day basis. This is new for all of us and you can go into a number of different websites and get the readings. In order to counter that, we have taken a decision earlier before qualifying to ensure that, on site, we have real time raw data that we can collect so we have measuring devices on site. The world number one and reigning championjudd trump is out of the masters. He was beaten 6 frames to 3 by shaun murphy, who won the tournament in 2015, he won four frames in a row to move through to the quarterfinals where hellfacejoe perry. Trump joins some of the other top seeds to exit at the first round stage, mark selby, Neil Robertson and ding junhui tyson fury says he is going to knock Deontay Wilder out in the second round in their world heavyweight rematch next month. The fight for the wbc heavyweight title on 22nd february in las vegas is a rematch to their first fight in 2018 ended in a draw, fury says he cant trust the ringside judges so will go for a knockdown and in his words make wilder go to sleep in two because of a dream hes been having where he keeps being dealt a two while playing poker. Idid not i did not not about the first time, i would i wanted a decision but did not get it. I will not come out this time. I brought in ajapanese not get it. I will not come out this time. I brought in a japanese sensei to help me with my focus and senses, training with blindfolds on so i can view the punches rather than seeing them. This is Unfinished Business that i will finish. I will do exactly what i said i would do. I am going to knock him out. I am a wine, the king of the jungle, and i will rip his head off his body. Remember isaid rip his head off his body. Remember i said that, you will really feel a wwe moment in your life. Jack leach will be returning home from englands tour of south africa to fully recover from the illnesses hes had over the last few weeks. The spinner suffered from sepsis in new zealand before christmas and he hasnt played at all in south africa because of a bout of gastro entiritis, followed by flu. The organisation that make crickets laws, the mcc, say they want five day test matches to remain. The world governing body are looking at a proposalfor 4 day tests, they say to help player welfare and ease the international schedule. Tonights fa cup third round replay between tranmere and watford has been called off. Heavy rainfall over the last three days has left the prenton pitch unplayable. The League One Side stunned watford after they fought back from 3 0 down to draw 3 3 at vicarage road. The match will now take place next thursday. Well have more for you in sportsday at half past six. British scientists have warned that the bushfire crisis in australia is an indication of what would be seen as normal conditions if Global Temperatures rise to 3 Degrees Higher than the pre industrialised average by the end of this century. Experts at the met office carried out a review of research linking Climate Change with the risk of wildfires and said it is common sense that Climate Change has increased the risk of the dramatic events seen in recent weeks. Nasa is tracking the smoke from australias bushfires, which it says is travelling around the globe and will soon make a full circuit. Plumes have changed the colour of skies in south america and visibly darkened mountaintop snow in new zealand. Our correspondent rich preston has the details. As australia burns, this new report draws a direct link between the fires and man made Climate Change. Experts at Britains Met Office say that what were seeing now will become the new normal. The earths temperature has risen by more than one celsius since preindustrial levels. Nations agreed to work to prevent temperatures from rising by more than 1. 5 degrees but the evidence suggests we are on course for a rise of three degrees by the end of this century. 2019 was australias hottest year on record. The researchers analysed the impact of man made Climate Change on wildfires. The conditions. December temperatures in australia are extreme at the moment but they are what we expect to happen on average in a world of nearly three degrees global warming. So, it houses what that future might look like. In other words, extreme scenarios, whether it is fires in australia or flooded islands or eroded coastlines are things we will see with increasing frequency. These fires are a real wake up call that we really need to start taking Climate Change seriously. Australia hasjust experienced an extremely hot and dry year and these are the types of impact that we can see in a climate where we have only had one degree of warming so far. As australians experience first hand the effects of global warming, the message is one we have heard many times before. Get emissions down and get them down fast or the fires we see australia will no longer be the exception but the norm. Lets speak to drjo house, director of Climate Change science and policy at the university of bristol. Thank you forjoining us. There is a lot to talk about here. Can you boil it down to what people are debating, linking these bushfires with Climate Change . Because there are still people who question the link. What kind of light would you shed in that context . We would expect fires to happen in this time of year in this region in australia but Climate Change has made the weather that triggers fires happen more frequently at earlier. We see in many regions of the globe that the fire season has been extended. The fires started much earlier than youd expect. They are happening across large areas in forests you wouldnt expect to burn and much hotter. This particular port used 57 research papers. The new normal is a phrase that conveys to people what is likely to happen. Do think it is a useful phrase . I personally find it horrendous to think about this as being the new normal and i dont think we would accept that as normal in other ways. We would not exist accept that our Drinking Water been regularly polluted as being the new normal and we would want to sort out. There are things we can do to reduce Climate Change and so i think it isa reduce Climate Change and so i think it is a wake up call to do everything we can because this is not a normal that we want. What our experts around the world making of this . There are different readings in some parts of the world to do with what is happening with Climate Change, or is there a pretty solid consensus . A solid consensus. A recent study came out that some of the model projections from intergovernmental power panel on Climate Change going back through the last few years, they have been pretty much been projecting what we are seeing now. In terms of climate experts, unfortunately this is exactly what we thought we would be seeing. It is interesting and i think it is quite a wake up call for the general public, but these impacts are notjust in australia. There are floods in indonesia and all these things happen to people around the world. When we consider whether the floods in indonesia, the terrible problems because they are, again, how can you explain to us how these weather cycles can be affected by temperature . I know for you it is a basic question but for many this is not a link that can be clearly understood. You see these weather cycles happen, we have hot use and code use and dry years, Climate Change is imposed on top of that. We would see high temperatures in the past getting higher and staying for longer. That applies to rainfall. Weather is always changing but Climate Change exacerbates that. Both the australia fires and indonesia floods, the way people are managing land and water, all of those things are happening at the same time and so you get stressed multipliers going on with Climate Change is an additional stress on top of the weather and on top of the impacts of other human activity. On politics, more to do with political decision making, not just at politics, more to do with political decision making, notjust at a National Level but globally, thinking about the un, and also individual governments, where are you seeing Good Practice in parts of the world and where are you seeing bad practice . I would like to focus a bit more on the good, some of that at the governmental level is where we are seeing more ambitious pledges and declarations of climate neutrality, but a lot of it is happening at the subNational Level. Across the uk we have had 250 councils to Clear Climate emergencies. Hospitals, museums, they declare it. Our children are out on the streets demanding action, and that is where we are seeing big change and that is something that gives me hope, because there is a lot we can do and there is a lot with co benefits, and that is getting through to people now and gives me hope. Thank you very much for taking my questions. The headlines on bbc news. Children abused by grooming gangs were failed by Manchester Police and local authorities, according to an official report. Britain, france and germany trigger a dispute mechanism over irans breaches of key parts of the 2015 nuclear deal. The government considers a rescue package for Regional Airline flybe, including cuts to air Passenger Duty on domestic flights. Using credit cards to gamble is to be banned to try to protect vulnerable people. Its thought that around 800,000 people currently use credit cards in betting shops and on gambling sites. The change will come into force in april and will affect all gambling apart from the national lottery. Our personal finance correspondent Simon Gompertz reports. Betting using a credit card on the high street thats going to be banned, yes. Welcome to the worlds favourite online betting company. But crucially gambling online using a credit card, this is the mushrooming part of the business being clamped down on as well. Please gamble responsibly. Nowadays, 24 million adults in Great Britain gamble. 800,000 pay for it using a credit card. 22 of people betting online are problem gamblers. Having considered all of the evidence, weve decided that we must ban gambling using credit cards because there is too great a risk of significant harm arising for consumers. Callers have been telling the bbc how they have been affected. Eight to ten years, im looking at, to pay this off. No real enjoyment other than going to work and being at home. When you use your credit card, its like taking cash out on your credit card and you pay additional interest. There was no warning for this and ijust think that if you havent got the money to be gambling, then you shouldnt be gambling at all. Lottery tickets and scratch cards bought in a shop will be excluded from the ban, but blocking credit cards otherwise has wide support. Its just preying on people that really cant afford it, its a terrible scourge on society today, if you ask me. I have known of people whove pretty much lost everything from gambling. Its better for people to use a debit card or somewhere where they could have real money attached with their gambling, maybe it would make people more accountable than using a credit card. It has become easy to gamble on the move, and that is what is growing. So what happens is you are given the option of making a deposit by credit card or another means. The difference is if you use a credit card, youre borrowing the money, which hopefully you will be able to pay off at the end of the month, but maybe not. Whereas if you use a debit card online, then that has to come directly out of your bank account. This is an addiction, it is recognised by the World Health Organization as a behavioural addiction, gambling disorder. In the extreme, it can lead people to take their own lives. Online firms will also have to sign up to a Service Called gamstop, which means if you block yourself from gambling on one website you will be blocked on other websites as well. Simon gompertz, bbc news. At least 6 people have been killed and more than a dozen injured after a bus fell into a sinkhole in northwest china, triggering an explosion. Several people fell into the sinkhole as it spread, covering an area of 10 metres in diameter. At least four people are still thought to be missing. Sinkholes are common in china and are blamed on the countrys rapid pace of development. Ireland is to hold a general election on the 8th of february. The taoiseach, leo varadkar, said it was the right time for a vote, now that the brexit withdrawal deal had been agreed, and power sharing had been restored north of the border. Mr varadkar said a new government should be in place to handle the next stage of negotiations with the uk. Brexit is not done yet. In fact, it is only half time. The next step is to negotiate a Free Trade Agreement between the eu, including ireland and the United Kingdom, that protects our jobs, our businesses, our Rural Communities and our economy. The capacity to do Everything Else that need to be done, and health care and housing, Climate Action and tax reform, all depends on achieving a positive outcome to these negotiations and it has to be done by the end of the year. So, there now exists a window of opportunity to hold a general election and have a new government in place for the next crucial European Council meeting in march with a strong mandate to focus on these negotiations through the summer and autumn. England 5 smallest county, rutland, boasts two historic towns, a large lake, and a population of 38,000 people. But theres one thing it doesn t have and thats a branch of mcdonalds. Its the only county in england not to have a branch of the fast food chain. But that could soon change. Councillors will be meeting shortly to consider allowing a drive thru outlet asjohn maguire reports. For more than 40 years, an ever expanding clan has been spreading the length and breadth of the uk. The golden arches of mcdonalds are everywhere, it seems. Everywhere, that is, apart from here. This is rutland, englands smallest county, and the only one where mcnuggets are not on the menu. Charlie pallett blogs with pride about the county of her birth and is very protective of its status. Our county is the last one in england without one, and i think thats really special and i think itsjust a great point about our really quirky county. Our high streets in oakham and uppingham are scattered with wonderful independents that offer something unique, and there is really so many local businesses that you can just go into get a real special service and special experience that i think we dont need a mcdonalds and i think the fact that mcdonalds is kind of everywhere in the world, i think its really unique the fact we dont have one here and i would kind of like to keep that for our special little county. But rutlands rather unusual claim to fame is under threat. Tonight, councillors are being recommended to grant planning permission for a 24 hour drive through at this site just outside oakham. Mcdonalds is promising more than 60 jobs much needed here according to sarah and catherine. Loads of people are still unemployed around this area, and i generally think oakham kind of needs Something Like that around here. Theres a lot of cafes and restaurants and what have you, but not everyone can afford to do all that. And, you know, sort of like all the schoolkids and what have you, they always come into wilkos, which is fair enough, but i think it would be good for the local area. Itd be great for the area, especially the job situation. If theyre going to employ another 60 people, thats another 60 people that, you know, are going to benefit from it. It is a good idea, to be honest. And because it is. I know local, like. Like cafes and all like that around here do think theyre going to be affected, but because it is out the way sort of thing, i dont think they will. Yeah, exactly. My kids do cricket, so late on a night when they are coming home from cricket, i can go to mcdonalds and grab them a burger or a wrap. If councillors give the go ahead tonight, the last bastion of resistance in england will fall, and oakham will host one of the mcflurry of 300 new sites which mcdonalds aims to open in the coming years. John maguire, bbc news, rutland. More than 20,000 people in the philippines, whove fled an erupting volcano, have been warned that they may have to stay away from the area for weeks. But as the visible activity at the volcano declines, some residents have returned to the exclusion zone to check on livestock and crops. Our correspondent Howard Johnson is there. You may remember yesterday this towering column of steam and ash. Today its looking relatively subdued. There is a whiff of steam coming out at the moment, not the two kilometre tall column we saw yesterday. But Scientists Say that because there were lots of tremors here overnight there were some 40 tremors, since the eruption on sunday there have been more than 200 they say thats a sign that the magma underneath is still bubbling away and theres still a dangerous situation. Thats why theyve continued to maintain the level four alert, which means that this could lead to a hazardous eruption in the coming hours or days. Today it feels like business as normal. You might be able to hear some brushing sounds just next to me here. This is because the hotel here have been cleaning up the ash thats been dumped on this area, and also some people are returning to their homes inside the exclusion zone to check up on livestock, check up on their vegetable patches to see how things are. So the feeling here is definitely that life is returning to normal. The drama of the first couple of days has subdued because there havent been big rumbles. There have been minor rumbles but there is this feeling that, yes, maybe its not as bad as it was first thought. And lets not forget in 2018, mayon, the most active volcano here in the philippines, a similar situation happened, level four, and yet it went on for months and months. People went back to their lives as usual. Maybe thats whats happening here today, despite the fact that the scientists are saying its still a dangerous situation. Staying with that story, one couple decided not to let the volcanic eruption get in the way of their wedding on sunday, as you can see here. Their photographer randolf evan, who captured the scene, says everyone at the wedding remained calm. Surprisingly, not everyone is in a panic. Everyone is like, enjoying the view instead of getting panicked. They are starting to take pictures and videos as the smoke turns first to fight and then red, yellow, until it became dark. I later found out that they had been planning for this day for eight years and two kids in the making. So it was going to be a special day for them, no matter what. Time for a look at the weather. Heres darren bett. It will be quieter weather tomorrow but today it has been mainly england and wales that has seen the worst of the rain. This picture was taken in the rain. This picture was taken in the south coast. Dangerous waves, we have high tides coming this evening. It was very windy along the south coast, the strongest costs were much more exposed on the isle of wight. We had through the rest of the day with strong winds to come and it has been this weather system era that has picked up the wind and brought in some rain. The low pressure to the north of scotland is what is left of the storm yesterday. There has been snow and ice this morning in scotland with more of that to come overnight. The winds will gradually ease down overnight. The rain will clear down south with clear skies to follow. There will be some ice and a covering of snow on Higher Grounds in scotland and touches of frost in the north of england and Northern Ireland. In the south east tomorrow we will still have rain in the morning. It should be gone by the afternoon. Though that should be sunshine after that with frequent showers rubbing it in the north of Northern Ireland. Perhaps not quite as cold for scotla nd perhaps not quite as cold for scotland and Northern Ireland, a candidate for further south, but it may just be a candidate for further south, but it mayjust be a brief respite. If you look at the atlantic, another area of cloud is building on up area of low pressure. Further east you have got a good chance of staying dry, some sunshine in the morning. Thickening cloud in the rest will west will bring more ale. Its a south or south easterly wind. It should be mild with temperatures as double figures. By the time we get to friday, we have showers around, but things are quieting down a bit. An area of High Pressure is coming in time for the weekend, which means dry weather. It may not last very long but over the weekend most places will be dry but it will be a bit colder and maybe a touch of frost Early Saturday Morning and sunday morning. Dozens of children groomed and abused by gangs in manchester were failed by police and social services. That is the verdict of a damning new report. 15 year old victoria agoglia was in care when she was abused in 2003 she died of an overdose. Her grandmother said the authorities knew she was being abused by the gangs. They knew what was happening and i told them what was happening. And they let them come in and just take her out. In the last few minutes it is understood that flybe the biggest regional operator in the uk has been saved. Well have the

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