Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Five 20170807

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since she became the new doctor who, jodie whittaker says she can't wait to start life as a timelord. i hope my gender isn't a fearful thing for the fans because in this world particularly, there are no rules and that is a great thing. new laws will be introduced, giving people greater control over what happens to their online personal data. the government says the legislation offers "the right to be forgotten". proposals in the data protection bill would make it easierfor users of social media platforms like facebook to get content about themselves deleted. meanwhile companies would also have to get "explicit" consent to collect personal data, rather than rely on pre—selected tick boxes. here's our political correspondent, leila nathoo. our lives are led online. we all leave a digital trail. but what happens to all the information we upload about ourselves? a new law will ensure that the united kingdom will retain its world—class regime of protecting personal data. now we will have more control, data protection laws are being strengthened. the government has confirmed a bill will be published in the autumn, bringing eu regulations due to come in next year onto the statute book. internet users will be given more powers to protect their data. it will be easier for people to find out what information organisations hold about them and allow them to ask for data to be deleted. firms will no longer be able to rely on pre—selected tick boxes. instead, explicit consent will be required to collect personal details. and the information watchdog will be given more powers to issue fines of up to £17 million for serious data breaches. i think there are a lot of pitfalls ahead if actually the benefit of this, which is people feeling far more comfortable transacting online and their data is going to be protected, will work. i think it's a good first step to have the regulation in place. it's how it gets implemented that's the key thing. the new rules won't only apply to the big tech companies and social media giants. they will affect every organisation that processes information online. and the definition of personal data is being expanded, too, to include things like ip addresses to help safeguard identities. there is your photo going up online, your tweet, your search, the search results. but then there is a whole back office, which is the industry of data capture, data processing. that data is processed and it is then that the insights are shared with advertisers, principally. our digital footprints are growing ever larger. ministers say data protection laws must keep pace. leila nathoo, bbc news. joining me now from austria is viktor mayer—schoenberger — professor at the oxford internet institute and author of a book called ‘delete: the virtue of forgetting in the digital age.‘ would you welcome this proposal, is right to be forgotten? yes, i do welcome the proposal. i think it is a good first step towards giving people out there a better sense of trust hopefully going into the future as we share more data and as data becomes ever more valuable. you think people are aware of how big their digital footprint is, what is on social media from years gone by? maybe their childhood or teenage yea rs ? maybe their childhood or teenage years? this is really where the rubber hits the road, so to speak. we have such a huge digital footprint out there that were com pletely footprint out there that were completely unaware of. there is a lot of digital exhaust about our interactions and transactions online that a lot of people don't know about and controlling that is going to be hard, even with the right to be forgotten in place. i think therefore this can only be a first step, we need to have additional steps to ensure that people can trust exchanging data online and now that their trust is not going to be misused. what is the situation at the moment, do you think? how many people do try to change their digital footprint to people do try to change their digitalfootprint to get people do try to change their digital footprint to get stuff on the internet about them deleted? when the right to be forgotten came into force through the european court ofjustice a couple of years ago, there was an initial wave of requests ago, there was an initial wave of req u ests to ago, there was an initial wave of requests to google to get certain index entries. they were in the hundreds of thousands of requests. but now the number of requests has declined relatively speaking and if you compare for example the dozens of millions of requests of copyright holders to take stuff down in the google index, is right to be forgotten is really a drop in the sea. i suppose digital footprints of people are getting bigger and bigger all the time, there is so much social media out there, so many different platforms, snap chat, instagram, facebook? absolutely and the problem is notjust when we interact and therefore give our personal information away, it is also when people take photographs about us and put them online unbeknownst to us, it is the fact of life that we are having a digital persona now that is much more persistent than ever before. part of this legislation is requiring companies to get explicit consent to collect personal data, how important is that you think? so far, we basically clicked 0k and ticked the box by signing up to online services. the hub of the legislators are that now those services will have to be more transparent about what they are going to do with the data before we can sign up and to get our explicit consent to that. my hunchis get our explicit consent to that. my hunch is that in practice, very little will change and therefore just asking for consent at the moment of collection is not going to help us going into the future. that is why it is only going to be a first step. we need to ensure that not only is the data on the collected when we consent but also the data is used in an ethical way and not abused with or without our consent. thank you so much for your thoughts. jeremy corbyn has condemned violence inflicted by all sides in the crisis in venezuela but didn't directly criticise the country's president. the labour leader has faced pressure including from mps from within his own party to condemn president maduro, after having expressed support for him in the past. dozens of people have been killed during months of anti—government protests in venezuela, with president maduro facing international calls to dismantle a new pro—government constituent assembly. mr corbyn said he was "very sad" about the lives that had been lost. let's speak to our political correspondent emma va rdy who's in westminster. what exactly has jeremy corbyn what exactly hasjeremy corbyn been saying? in the past of course, remember he had raised the regime of president and that of his predecessor. he praised the way they we re predecessor. he praised the way they were able to improve health care, education for working classes and whatjeremy corbyn saw as an example of socialism that was working. now venezuela is in crisis so that all looks very different. we have seen dozens looks very different. we have seen d oze ns of looks very different. we have seen dozens of people killed, there is mass starvation now in the country. the labour party itself has condemned this and it has spoken out and called for the venezuelan government to respect human rights butjeremy corbyn, the leader of the party, he has been on holiday so there have been mounting calls for him to respond to this personally. he has done so today, he has condemned the violence on all sides, he has expressed sadness for the lives that have been lost but he was particularly pressed on his stance on the venezuelan leadership. what i condemn the violence that has been done by any side by all sides in this. violence will not solve the issue. the issues in venezuela are partly structural because not enough is being done to diversify the economy. that has to be a priority for the future that we also have to recognise that there have been effective and serious attempts at increasing the lives of many of the poorest people. we saw him condemn the violence clearly but there will be critics who feel that he did not speak out strong enough and in the last few minutes we have had a statement from the liberal democrats who have said that the labour party have again failed to condemn the president of venezuela. there has also been a statement from henry smith of the conservatives who said his failure to condemn venezuela's strangle is an upper house of the president is appalling. so there are those who feel thatjeremy corbyn has not gone far enough here. jeremy corbyn again today pointed out the improvements that have been made in some areas of government in venezuela but it is particularly his sta nce venezuela but it is particularly his stance on the president was my position that has been seized upon here. whenjeremy corbyn was a backbencher, he aligned himself to all sorts of causes, perhaps that was easierfor him but all sorts of causes, perhaps that was easier for him but now as leader of the party, essentially the next prime minister, his stance on things like this are being particularly scrutinised and his stance on venezuelan today will be another thing that his political opponents will use to attack him. the head of the family courts in england and wales have approved the ca re of england and wales have approved the care of a suicidal girl. she will be moved to a special unit on thursday after doctors managed to find her a place. let's go to our home affairs correspondent who is at the high court. thejudge in this case correspondent who is at the high court. the judge in this case a few days ago said they would be blood on our hands in a safe place and was not found this teenager? that is right and it was his intervention last week that has sparked the authorities interaction and has managed to secure a place for this girl. she is currently being held in custody and is due to be released next week but she is, she has so many severe mental problems and has tried to kill herself similar times that doctors said she could not be freed into the committee, to be found a place in a health care setting that could care for her needs for 12 to 18 months and the judge said that if that was not done, he said the state would have blood on its hands. he said he felt shame and harassment that no provision for her care could be found. a bed has now been found for this girl. she is 17 years old and cannot be named. she goes by the initial x. thejudge also cannot be named. she goes by the initial x. the judge also said cannot be named. she goes by the initial x. thejudge also said in his rolling today in which he approved that care placement, that this was not a matter of congratulations. he said, on the contrary, this is further cause for concern and he went on to say that the provision of the care that someone the provision of the care that someone like x needs should not be dependent uponjudicial someone like x needs should not be dependent upon judicial involvement. he said nor should someone like x be privileged just because her case comes before a very seniorjudge. he was quite well aware that it was his intervention that has managed to secure her a place but it is not a happy secure her a place but it is not a ha p py state secure her a place but it is not a happy state of affairs for him. the other interesting things revealed in this ruling is that the centre that has been where x has been held for six months, the secure unit, has spent an hundred and £25,000 on extra staff to look after her, to find people to meet her particular needs, and they have said the secure unit, they have fitted the bill for that, the youthjustice board which is responsible for commissioning places, has not, it says, met any of those financial costs. they have also revealed that because so much ca re also revealed that because so much care had to be spent on this girl, looking after her, restraining her, because she was suicidal, but 13 of the 24 because she was suicidal, but 13 of the 2a other people in that unit have complained about their care and are saying their human rights are being breached because they are not getting the right treatment and prevention and support but they ought to get. the speaker of the south african parliament says tomorrow's speech will be by secret ballot. it is being seen as a test of unity within the congress. senior party figures have been increasingly radical of their leader. we can speak now to an associate professor of politics in south africa. thank you very much indeed for being with us. what do you think this means? it is difficult to see exactly what it means. it looks like they have pragmatically accepted this decision. the anc have reasonable grounds for confidence. they have a huge 30. the opposition parties would have to persuade some 60 mps using the cover of secrecy against their own president. that is going to bea their own president. that is going to be a very challenging thing to do but we are in unpredictable times in south africa. the anc is a very divided party. there is a faction around the president which is also at the same time a huge machine of corruption and patronage, those who are not part of that corruption network are in many cases eager to see at the helm of south africa a president who commands more respect. there are going to be protests outside poland tomorrow and the same kinds of pressures that may have affected the speaker of parliament in making this decision to have is a good ballot will also be brought to bear on parliament tomorrow. it will bear on parliament tomorrow. it will be very interesting to see which way it goes. he has been dogged for so long by so many allegations of corruption. why is he such a controversial figure corruption. why is he such a controversialfigure in corruption. why is he such a controversial figure in south africa? when jacob zuma came to power as the leader first of the anc and then of the republic of south africa, he was from the outset a controversial figure. africa, he was from the outset a controversialfigure. he had what was verbally called a cloud over his head because he had many hundreds of corruption allegations against him related to his role in covering up an arms deal. he also had rape allegations against him which, to be fair, the court acquitted him of, but he came out of that looking like a person with very dodger gender politics. many hoped on the president he would do much better and in some respects he did. for example he reversed president mbeki's krissi bohn ticks on hiv and aids. nevertheless, the corruption has only got worse. the argument is that the anc and jacob zuma has been ca ptu red that the anc and jacob zuma has been captured by a wealthy indian migrant family and that they have established this machinery which has brought out large parts of the state resulting in the loss of limbs of money in terms of corruption. a good deal of which has gone abroad to places like dubai so there is huge dissatisfaction against a background ofan dissatisfaction against a background of an economy that is also not doing very well and so there are obvious complaints that the corruption is the last thing that south africa needs. this is bbc news at five — the headlines: the government announces proposals to make it easierfor people to force social media companies to delete personal data. north korea vows to retaliate and make "the us pay a price" for un a british woman has been injured after being shot while on a family holiday in brazil. 46 year old eloise dixon from south east london is recovering in hospital. england are heading towards victory in the fourth and final test against south africa at old trafford. three wickets for moeen ali this afternoon. there are back in control afternoon. there are back in control after a brief recovery. england need three more wickets to seal a test and seal the victory. it is understood they were sent home this morning having gone out on sunday evening and gone against the cultural standards of the team. great britain is going for gold at the world athletics championships tonight. in the final 1,500 metres and after winning bronze in rio, sophie is also in action in the women's hammer final. i will have more on those stories just after 5:30. a 20—year—old british model who was kidnapped and held for nearly a week in italy, is back in the uk. chloe ayling says she feared for her life, after being stuffed in a suitcase and told she'd be ‘sold' online. italian police believe the model was attacked and drugged, before attempts were made to auction her on the ‘dark web.‘ a polish man, who lives in the uk, has been arrested. matt cole has more details. three weeks on from her release, so we returned to the uk this weekend to her home here in surrey. i have been through a terrifying experience, i feared for my life second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. i'm incredibly grateful to the italian and uk authorities for all they have done to secure my safe release. i had just arrived home after being in italy for four weeks and i've not had time to gather my thoughts so i'm not at liberty to the anything further until i have been debriefed by uk police. just 20 and still starting out in her glamour modelling career, chloe ayling landed a dream photo shoot in italy but when she arrived at this disused shop in milan she says she was grabbed by someone while another person injected something into her forearm. she said she woke bound and gagged in the boot of a car. translation: the perpetrator is a dangerous person, he described himself as a paid killer and part of an organisation that carries out mercenary services, bomb attacks and kidnappings. stuffed into a bag like this later demonstrated by italian police, chloe said she was taken 120 miles to this remote farmhouse near turin and held for the next six days tied to a wooden chest of drawers. it is understood her captors demanded a £230,000 ransom but were also telling her she would be auctioned for sexual services on the dark web, a secretive part of the internet by a criminal group known to europol as the black death. but her captivity was suddenly ended, she was taken to the british consulate in milan after revealing she had a child. this man, lukasz herba, a pole who lives in the uk, is accused of the kidnapping and was arrested after freeing the young model and is now facing court in italy. while chloe is recovering here at home now, it is understood investigations are continuing in italy but also here in britain and in poland as well. matt cole, bbc news, surrey. the independent police watchdog in scotland, has begun an investigation, after officers failed to realise the body of a missing 64—year—old man was actually in his own house. the hunt, over several weeks, included officers with dogs, divers checking rivers and waterways, and a helicopter. but the whole time, arnold moe's body, was at his home, in west lothian. we can speak now to our correspondent reevel alderson in glasgow. police are saying very little at the moment because of the investigation. what they are saying bill is that the body was found pretty much a month after he was reported missing from his home on the shores of the firth of forth. they are telling us that his body was found in a very ha rd to that his body was found in a very hard to access area. there is police tape around one of the garages at this property towards the back of the house. we do not know very much more about what exactly how his body was found. we know that forensic officers and equipment is having to be brought in to retrieve the body. it may well be that what on the face of it appears to be a bit of a blunder by police, by not checking the property in which the missing man lived, is not as simply explained as that. this was a search for him that went on for many weeks? yes, there was a surge in the firth of forth and the canal which is nearby. 0f of forth and the canal which is nearby. of country parks also and 60 volu nteers nearby. of country parks also and 60 volunteers from the local community came out and they were thanked by the family. there were appeals on social media and only last week new appeals were made by the police for people to check their outhouses and buildings around their houses. posters were put up so, yes, it was a complete search and as you say, all the time the body, it appears, was lying in his own property. how that escaped the search is now a matter for the police and they will report back to the chief constable because this was referred back to the investigating commission by the police themselves. as part of a culture here are the police, if they think they have done something wrong ina bid, think they have done something wrong in a bid, they say, to be open and transparent, get an investigation and the results are published just to show if they have gone wrong and if they have, where they went wrong. doctors at a hospital in brazil say a british tourist, who was shot after her family mistakenly drove into a slum area, is lucky to have survived. eloise dixon from south east london was travelling with her partner and their three children, in angra dos reis, a popular coastal area, around ninety miles from rio de janeiro. officials say the family were attacked, after taking a wrong turning in their car. asimple a simple mistake led to this family being underfire. a simple mistake led to this family being under fire. the a simple mistake led to this family being underfire. the gunmen opened fire when the family failed to stop ina slum fire when the family failed to stop in a slum area controlled by drug traffickers. as part kept driving so she reached hospital quickly. she needed emergency treatment. two bullets had hit her in the abdomen which could easily have been fatal but she survived. translation: the bullet passed by the abdomen and did not hit the important organs, she was very lucky. it all happened in the popular coastal resort. 90 miles from rio de janeiro. the popular coastal resort. 90 miles from rio dejaneiro. local officials admit the slum areas can be very dangerous. translation: we have a community that we cannot enter, the press cannot enter. the public service cannot enter, that is inadmissible. we have to take urgent measures. but for the family, it is too late. holiday which nearly ended in total disaster, all because they turned off a road in search of some bottles of water. disruption expected from major works at britain's busiest train station has so far not materialised — with many trains quieter than expected on the first working day since the upgrade began at waterloo. more than half of platforms are closed for extension work to accommodate longer trains. they'll stay shut till the end of august. adina campbell is at waterloo for us now. in the last hour or so, it has got busier here than expected. this morning, it was a lot quieter. as you say, this is a major engineering project affecting half of the station here across ten platforms. the work started on saturday but today has been the real test for commuters who did raise some disruption to theirjourneys earlier today. it comes as no surprise that work to upgrade the u:k.'s busiest train station has taken years of planning. the scale of the project is huge. it involves hundreds of network rail engineers, closing ten of the station ‘s platforms with disruption to thousands of commuters. i'm fed up, considering how much we have to pay as well, it's ridiculous. quite inconvenient i guess but itsjurists and people who have to work but i guess they need to do repairs. this was waterloo this morning. packed platforms with people scanning information boards. the engineering work has had a knock—on effect at other stations. i can't believe there aren't any rail replacement buses. we've got to figure it out ourselves. and we pay all this money. i'm really angry about it, actually. i'm probably going to be very, very late, but i will deal with it. an average of 270,000 journeys are made to and from waterloo every day. in fact, it's the uk's busiest station. this is an £800 million improvement by network rail, which is responsible for track maintenance and some of britain's biggest stations. 1,000 engineers and site workers will be working on the upgrade every day. and it will mean longer platforms and bigger trains, making room for more seats and creating extra space for passengers. i realise it's going to cause some disruption for people. and i apologise for that. but on the other hand, i think passengers understand that this sort of work is really necessary to transform their journeys for years ahead. but transport groups say rail passengers will feel the effects of such widespread work. these works are going to mean a month of real disruption and delay, notjust here at waterloo station but on other parts of the network which will be taking the strain as passengers plan alternative journeys. but hopefully it will be a case of short—term pain for long—term gain. the improvements are expected to provide 30% more capacity for passengers during peak hours from december next year. the work is set to last for another three weeks. real bosses are encouraging people to check before they travel, plan theirjourneys in good time. in the last 20 minutes, staff have started to hand out what bottles. they have told us they have 500,000" the next three weeks and 120,000 ice creams as well. not quite sure it is ice cream whether! twin panda cubs in austria have been celebrating their first birthday — by unwrapping presents, or trying to. the pair — fu feng and fu ban — were given pink and blue packets in their enclosure in vienna this morning. their mother showed them how to unwrap their gifts, filled with sweet potatoes and carrots. the twins were born in the zoo in austria a year ago today. let's check out the weather prospects. we were hearing about free ice cream at waterloo station. but not the weather for it. it's a lwa ys but not the weather for it. it's always ice cream weather, isn't it? but in the classic sense, no, it is not. a pretty changeable week of whether i had. if you're lucky, you will get sunshine, but there was also a lot of rain in the forecast. some outbreaks this evening. these could turn quite heavy overnight. maybe the odd rumble of thunder. mainly dry to the far south—east and mainly dry in the north—west. it will be quite a chilly night. unusually cold for august. some sheltered glens of scotland might get down to one or 2 degrees, close to freezing. tomorrow come scotland will have the best of the brightness. the showers will be scattered. across england and wales, a cloudy and wet day. east anglia and the south—east could see vicious downpours and thunderstorms. those could cause a bit of disruption. some really heavy rain again in the south—east on wednesday. otherwise, a lot of dry weather further north and west. fine for most of us on thursday, but at the end of the week, you guessed it — more rain and blustery winds. this is bbc news at five — the headlines. the government announces tighter legislation making it easier to force social media companies to delete information about their users. ministers say the data protection bill will give people greater control over their personal data. the labour leader, jeremy corbyn, has criticised the violence "on all sides" in venezuela, but stopped short of condemning the country's leader, president maduro. north korea vows to make "the us pay a price" for drafting fresh un sanctions over its banned nuclear weapons programme. the state news agency has accused the international community of infringing north korea's sovereignty. a 46—year—old mother named as eloise dixon, from kent, is recovering in hospital after being shot while she was travelling with her family in a car while on holiday in brazil. time for a look at the sport now. england are closing in on victory in the fourth and final test against south africa. three wickets for one of the stars of the series — moeen ali — have put the hosts in control at old trafford on day four. this morning after a rain delay, it was the quick bowlers who took wickets. stuart broad got dean elgar for five and south africa were a0 for 3, but hashim amla and faf du plessis made a century partnership to make england twitchy as they looked to defend a target of 380. that was before ali came into the attack. after a review, he got the wicket of amla for 83. south africa are a long way behind and england need just two more south africa are a long way behind and england need just one more wicket now to seal a series win. more than 18 million people tuned in to watch the bbc‘s coverage of the world athletics championships — more than any other championships on record. it's day four — still so much to come. and olly foster is at the london stadium. olly. the gates have been open about 45 minutes. we are expecting another sell—out. we had the morning off to ta ke sell—out. we had the morning off to take stock and look forward to this evening of cracking action. some of the best athletics stars there are out there. four gold medals to be won. looking forward to the final event on the track, the women's 1500m. we are keeping everything crossed and all eyes on laura muir. it has been her great breakthrough season indoors, and she is also going in the 5000m. but in the 1500, she is up against the olympic champion faith kipyegon, dibaba, world champion caster semenya. it is going to be a really tough final, but laura muir has improved from the heats to the semifinal, so there is an outside medal chance, as there is in the hammer. sophie hitchon took everybody by surprise in rio last year, the first british woman to win a hammer metal bronze. it tookjust the one throw to qualify for the final that starts at seven o'clock this evening. the favourite is from poland. she is the world record—holder and she is way out in front of anyone else, but expect it to —— sophie hitchon to be in the mix. we will also get a glimpse of eilidh doyle, the british team captain, going in the first heats of the 400m hurdles. let's hearfrom the 400m hurdles. let's hearfrom the british skipper. you look at races over the season and there has beena races over the season and there has been a different winner in the diamond league. i have beaten these girls one week and they have beaten me the next. so it is very open, and thatis me the next. so it is very open, and that isjust the hurdles. if you get it right, you can nail it but if you get a stride wrong, it can have an effect on how you perform. so it is wide open, but there are so many of us wide open, but there are so many of us running well. you could go there and runa us running well. you could go there and run a pb and it might not even ta ke and run a pb and it might not even take you into the final. it is an exciting event to be part of. it will be interesting to see what happens. so much to look forward to. we have the men's 110 happens. so much to look forward to. we have the men's110 metre hurdles final. there will be a tight head to head down. we will also see the men's 200m. they shuffled the whole schedule around just so that wayde van niekerk could try and do the double in the 200 at the 400. he is in tomorrow's final of the 400. tonight he is in the first heat of the 200. so much to look forward to it. olly foster, thank you. england have won the fourth test. you can keep up—to—date with those stories on the bbc sport website. that's and i'll have more in sportsday at 6.30. police in norfolk say an 83—year—old man has been stabbed to death while out walking his two dogs in woodland. the body of the man was found on saturday near the fivewastunction in east harling. a postmortem examination has found the man died of multiple stab wounds to his neck and head. our correspondent richard smith is in norwich and following the story for us. what are the police saying about this? the elderly man, 83 years old, was found by a member of the public on saturday morning in a relatively open bit of heathland within woods a couple of miles south of the village of east harling. the crime scene is close to a country road which was open and busy today, but public access has been restricted. there are two areas of police cordon. through the trees, it's possible to see police activity and what i think isa see police activity and what i think is a forensic tent. floodlights have been brought on to the land as well as part of the investigation. this afternoon, police gave more details about what happened. the 83—year—old man was the victim of what police are calling a brutal attack with no known motive. he died from multiple knife wounds to his neck and head. so far, no weapon has been found and police are not clear what sort of nice might have been used. as for the victim, he is an 83—year—old family man who has children. he is from the local area. stressing that this is the early stage of the investigation, the chief superintendent said this afternoon that the victim is well mannered, well natured and well liked, an elderly man going about his daily business. no motive has been identified for what happened. police have said that as far as they know, the man went out alone on saturday morning to walk his two small dogs. the animals were found nearby in a calm state. it is not clear how he got to the spot where he was killed. police have been in the nearby village of east harling this lunchtime. i saw them in the local shops, speaking to people. many folk we re shops, speaking to people. many folk were surprised, shocked and concerned by what they know of what happened. police are appealing for information from anyone who has noticed any unusual activity in the area recently, people who use the woodland regularly and anyone who was in the area on saturday morning. the police are asking for help to solve this brutal attack with no known motive. some of the other stories making bbc news at five: police have named a one—year—old girl who died following an incident involving a car in merthyr tydfil as pearl melody black. she suffered fatal injuries yesterday after an unoccupied range rover rolled down a hill and hit a wall. her younger brother suffered minor injuries. sports direct has apologised after a branch in north wales appeared to suggest that workers should only speak in english. staff at the sportswear chain's bangor store believed a notice in the store had banned the use of the welsh language. the company says it will review the wording of the sign. jeremy clarkson says he's going to be off work for "quite some time" after contracting pneumonia. the former top gear star ended up in hospital in majorca on friday. he's thanked fans for their support. north korea says it will make america "pay the price" for drafting tough new un sanctions over its missile and nuclear weapons programme. the state news agency says the international community is infringing north korea's sovereignty. the un's unanimous vote on sanctions follows repeated missile tests by pyongyang, which have escalated tensions across east asia. yogita limaye's report from the south korean capital seoul contains flash photography. "we denounce and totally reject the un security council resolution on our country, which the us and hostile forces have fabricated," says a presenter on north korea's official news agency, relaying the country's defiant response to fresh sanctions against it. it's not what these two men would have liked to hear. the us secretary of state, rex tillerson, met chinese foreign minister wang yi in manila. both countries voted in the new resolution against north korea. china says that even with sanctions, it wants a diplomatic solution to the problem. but the us says it's only open to dialogue with pyongyang on one condition. the best signal that north korea can give us that they would be prepared to talk is to stop these missile launches. at the gathering of southeast asian nations in the philippines, secretary tillerson is on a mission to get more countries to isolate north korea. sanctions have not worked in the past, though, and with pyongyang's fierce response, they are unlikely to work now. we need to be creating conditions where they are ready to come back to the table. and you are not going to create those conditions with unrelenting sanctions, with threats of war, preventive war, which is what we have heard from the trump cabinet in this last week. south korea is open to talks with its neighbour. the country's foreign minister kang kyung—wha made that offer again to her north korean counterpart in manila. but he's reported to have called seoul's proposal insincere. this country, south korea, has dealt with the threat from across the border for a long time. but now that pyongyang has said it has developed missiles that are capable of hitting the us, it's made america nervous and has captured more global attention than ever before. the issue overshadowed this meeting in manila. and even though regional leaders came together to put up a united front, the tension and rhetoric is far from over. yogita limaye, bbc news, seoul. if you're squeamish, you might want to look away now. an australian teenager is recovering in hospital after being bitten by "mite—sized sea critters". 16—year—old sam kanizay found his feet and ankles covered in blood after soaking his legs in melbourne's brighton beach on saturday evening. the teenager had stood still waist—deep in dark cold water for about half an hour, but says he didn't feel a thing. no hospital was able to identify what might have done this, so his father went back to the beach to catch some. these are believed to be the perpetrators. in these pictures, they are actually feeding on meat. marine biologists say they were likely to be sea fleas. sam spoke about the experience. i walked out of the water, and saw what i thought was sand covering my ankles, and lower calf. i just shook it off quite violently and it came off. by the time i walked across the sand, about 20 metres to put my thongs on, i looked down and noticed i had blood all over my ankles and feet. it must have been a bit frightening? yeah, i didn't really know what to think of it. it was a bit of a shock, a bit of a random thing to see. i wasn't expecting it at all. you walk home and by the time you get home you are bleeding more. talk us through what you did then. yeah, i didn't want to go inside of the house as there was blood all over my feet. i called mum and dad from the front door on my phone, so they came downstairs and my dad gave me this funny stare and i gave him a stare, as we had no clue what was going on. we went inside to the bathroom and rinsed it off in the shower. no one has seen anything like it or anything before. it's been interesting. this is bbc news at five — the headlines: the government announces proposals to make it easierfor people to force social media companies to delete personal data. labour leaderjeremy corbyn condemns violence in venezuela, but doesn't directly criticise the country's president, despite mounting pressure a british woman has been injured after being shot while on a family holiday in brazil. 46—year—old eloise dixon from south east london is recovering in hospital. an update on the market numbers for you — here's how london's and frankfurt ended the day. and in the united states, this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. one of scotland yard's most senior police officers has defended the government's prevent programme, which is designed to stop people being drawn into terrorism. speaking to the bbc‘s asian network, commander dean haydon said the strategy has achieved fantastic results, and that criticisms are based on "ignorance". in my view, prevent does work. i hear the criticisms from some parts of the community including some of the people you have mentioned, but i will say that that is sometimes based on ignorance. they don't understand properly how prevent works. some of the criticisms come from sections of the community that don't, for a variety of reasons, political or otherwise, just don't want prevent to work. do you think it is almost a case of, if you keep calling something toxic, people think it is toxic? absolutely. there is an element of that. i used to work in child abuse and sexual offences, where we would see the young and the vulnerable, whether it was women and children or men, being subject to abuse. we have a similar system there called safeguarding where collectively, whether that is policing or local authorities, they safeguard those individuals and protect them from harm. prevent is the same in the terrorism world. prevent is notjust focused on the muslim community. prevent goes across all communities. almost a third of our interventions are around what i call domestic extremism, which is extreme right—wing individuals. i see the positive work of prevent, and without a doubt some of that work, if it hadn't taken place, those individuals would have fallen into the hands of either extremists or terrorists. i think it is a fantastic tool and i think it is here to stay. and you can hear the full interview with commander dean haydon speaking to nomia iqbal on the bbc‘s asian network. that's in the big debate, live at the met police, tomorrow from 10 am. this week, we're looking at the business of birth and today, we start in turkey. around the globe, caesarean section rates have increased dramatically, even as a large amount of them are not medically required. whilst the average rate is 28% amongst oecd countries, in turkey more than half of babies are born by c—section — the highest rate in the world. selin girit takes a look at why. for this mother of one, life has not always been a walk in the park. on the 36th week of her pregnancy, her doctor said she did not have enough amniotic fluid levels in her womb. she was taken urgently to a caesarean delivery. translation: women who give natural birth talk about how they embraced their babies immediately, how they bonded, how they felt their baby's arrival. i had severe postpartum depression afterwards. was i a bad mother? could i not take care of myself? was that why i had to have a c—section? here at this hospital, eight babies are born today, five of them by caesarean sections. c—sections are popular in turkey. over 50% of babies are born not by natural birth, but by these operations. that rate is the highest amongst oecd countries. but why do so many expecting mothers go through these operations? is it by choice, or by necessity? the increase in caesarean sections is due to a range of factors, including the rise in first births among older women and multiple births resulting from ivf treatment. but are all of these caesareans really medicallyjustified? five years ago, turkey adopted a law making it the first country to punish elective caesarean sections. but it still has one of the highest rates of c—section among developed economies. doctors say the reasons for that are many, but that it's not about money. we don't earn more when we do c—sections as a doctor. the hospitals, yes, maybe. but the doctors don't push. if the patient says, i'm really afraid of having a vaginal or natural birth, what can i do as a doctor? most turkish women these days hope to give birth naturally, but of course, things don't always go according to plan. jodie whittaker, who's been named as the thirteenth doctor who and the first female to play the role, has been talking about how excited she is. in her first broadcast interview since she was given the part, she's praised the fans who've welcomed her appointment as a female timelord. she said she's also been given some advice by past doctors. our entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba has been to meet her. on tv and online, more than 15 million people have now watched jodie whittaker‘s unveiling as the 13th actor and the first woman to play the lead character in doctor who. to the public, the build—up only lasted about three days because the promo happened on the friday and then the reveal happened on the sunday. but for me, that had been months of secrecy and silent enjoyment, but not being able to share it with anyone. and then the relief of it being public knowledge, and knowing it had not been leaked and that kind of thing, it was amazing. since peter ca paldi announced he was leaving the show, there had been months of speculation about his replacement, forjodie whittaker, understandably a stressful time. you were sat on the secret for three months. ifound out i had got it around late march. it had been quite a long process previous to that. i had about four weeks left on shooting trust me as well, so your focus has to be on being the doctor i was currently playing! in trust me, that doctor isn't a real one. she plays a nurse who ends up impersonating a doctor. are you sure about this? it's not too late to turn and run. i won't say a word. it can't be that bad. she is well aware that her casting in doctor who is likely to bring more viewers into medical drama trust me when it starts this week. if somebody is now watching something or a film i did ages ago because they'd not heard of me or they're curious to know who the actor is who is playing the doctor, that'sjust exciting. also, it shows how lucky i am in a sense of the roles i get to play, because they are all so different. and particularly from cath in trust me to doctor who, they're literally worlds apart. literally worlds apart! that next role in doctor who has already inspired many fans, especially those delighted that a woman has been cast. we can celebrate the fact of differences and not be... i've said before that i hope my gender isn't a fearful thing for the fans, because in this world particularly, there aren't rules, and that's a great thing. she's proved she can keep secrets in real life. this week, millions will see how she does it on screen before she finally becomes the doctor. lizo mzimba, bbc news. this doesn't look like a walk in the park. dog owners and their pets in california have hit the waves in the second annual world dog surfing championships. there is confidence, there is the size of the waves. some of the events have big waves, some have small waves. it's really interesting. the competitors' main challenge is to stay afloat on the board in pacifica near san francisco. but there are also prizes for the best dressed and tandem surfing. the winner is of course, crowned top dog. time for a look at the weather. it is not serving weather here, is it? i would think not. if you were hoping this would be the week the weather reverted to something settled, i'm afraid you are not in luck because things stay pretty u nsettled luck because things stay pretty unsettled through the next few days. a lot of cloud around. that was the scene in lowestoft in suffolk earlier today from one of our weather watchers. through the rest of the week, we will see rain at times and a cool feel to the weather. but if you're in the right place at the right time, you will see some sunshine. that was the case in northern ireland today. the sunshine did come with heavy showers across northern ireland. in scotland, some hefty downpours now in southern scotland. further south, we have outbreaks of rain from the midlands towards east anglia. some of the rain could get heavy, with the odd flash of lightning towards parts of lincolnshire. towards the north—west, a few showers continue, but some clear spells as well, and that will allow you to turn an unusually chilly for august. the weather charts for tomorrow is a messy affair. still a weather front bringing cloud and rain across central areas. this area of low pressure is trying to spin its way in from the continent. england and wales will have a cloudy day tomorrow, with outbreaks of rain and potentially vicious thunderstorms and heavy downpours across the far south—east later in the day. northern ireland and scotland are a bit brighter, with just a scattering of showers. by four o'clock tomorrow afternoon across the south west and wales, some hefty showers, but the heavier showers will be across parts of the south—east and east anglia. could be a tricky rush—hour in places. the far north of england, northern ireland and scotland have the best of the sunshine. just a scattering of showers. temperatures on the cool side. on wednesday, low pressure is still spinning around across the eastern side of the british isles. a high pressure area is trying to build its way in from the west, so that will settle things down for northern ireland and scotland. but some heavy rain continues across parts of east anglia and the south—east again on wednesday. we could see disruption. no great shakes for august. thursday gives us a chance to draw breath. most of us are dry, with spells of sunshine. for friday, though, you guessed it — the rain returns, spreading in from the west. blustery winds as well. so quite unsettled through the week ahead. tonight at six. the right to find out what companies know about you and your lifestyle. under new laws you'll be able to ask for personal data to be erased from their online files. it will give more control and more power to consumers and citizens to have a say on how their personal data is being used. we'll be asking what it means for the companies involved. also tonight. america flexes its military muscles as north korea says there's no way it will give up its nuclear programme. new evidence on how the nhs is cutting back on ivf treatment in parts of england. the british model allegedly kidnapped when she turned up for a photo shoot in italy.

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Protection Laws , Space , Austria , Ministers , Proposal , Delete , Forgetting , Author , Book , Professor , Age , Virtue , Oxford Internet Institute , Viktor Mayer , Schoenberger , Trust , Sense , Footprint , Childhood , Road , Rubber , Yea , Controlling , Interactions , Transactions , Com Pletely , Right , Steps , Stuff , Internet , Situation , Force , Digitalfootprint , European Court Ofjustice , Requests , Wave , Couple , Index Entries , Tests , Req U , Dozens , Example , Hundreds , Thousands , Number , Millions , Copyright Holders , Platforms , Drop , Sea , Snap Chat , Google Index , Problem , Photographs , Instagram , Fact , Part , United States , Persona , Box , 0k , Services , Legislators , Hub , Hunchis , Hunch , Practice , Collection , Violence , Way , Jeremy Corbyn , Thoughts , President , Venezuela , Pressure , Party , Country , Didn T , Mps , The Labour Leader , Crisis , Maduro , Sides , Support , Calls , Protests , Constituent Assembly , Emma Va Rdy , Westminster , Hasjeremy Corbyn , Predecessor , Course , Health Care , Working Classes , Saying , Education , Saw , Looks , Socialism , Whatjeremy Corbyn , Oze Ns , Leader , Labour Party , Human Rights , Mass Starvation , Butjeremy Corbyn , Holiday , Stance , Sadness , Side , Issue , Leadership , Issues , Many , Attempts , Economy , Priority , Statement , Critics , Liberal Democrats , Conservatives , House , Henry Smith , Failure , Improvements , Areas , Thatjeremy Corbyn , Nce , Sta , Whenjeremy Corbyn , Sorts , Causes , Position , Backbencher , Him , Family , Head , Courts , Prime Minister , Opponents , Girl , Care , Doctors , England , Unit , Home Affairs Correspondent , Wales , Ca Re , Let S Go , Case , Teenager , Blood , Judge , Thejudge , Intervention , Case Correspondent , Hands , High Court , Authorities , Interaction , Custody , Times , Needs , Committee , Problems , Health Care Setting , 18 , 12 , Provision , Estate , Shame , Harassment , Bed , 17 , Matter , Care Placement , Congratulations , Initial X , Someone , Contrary , Concern , Involvement , State Of Affairs , Ha P Py State , Very Seniorjudge , Staff , Centre , Ruling , Sex , Â 25000 , 25000 , Youthjustice Board , Commissioning Places , Costs , 13 , 2 , 24 , Prevention , Treatment , Test , Party Figures , Unity , Speech , Secret Ballot , Speaker , South African Parliament , Congress , South Africa , Politics , Associate Professor , Confidence , Decision , Anc , Grounds , Secrecy , Opposition Parties , Cover , 30 , 60 , Faction , Corruption , Network , Machine , Respect , Cases , Patronage , Helm , Parliament , Kinds , Pressures , Ballot , Poland , Figure Corruption , Allegations , Figure , Controversialfigure In Corruption , Outset , Jacob Zuma , Cloud , Role , Corruption Allegations , Rape Allegations , Outset A Controversialfigure , Arms , Person , Court , Gender Politics , Dodger , Respects , Argument , President Mbeki , Krissi Bohn , Hiv And Aids , Parts , Machinery , Loss , Limbs , Ptu Red , Wealthy Indian Migrant , Dissatisfaction , Places , Money , Deal , Terms , Background Ofan , Dubai , Complaints , Background , Social Media Companies , North Korea , Headlines , Woman , Price , Fun , Five , Hospital , Family Holiday , South East London , Victory , Eloise Dixon , 46 , Wickets , Old Trafford , Moeen Ali , Three , Home , Recovery , Standards , Trio , Team , Gold , Bronze , World Athletics Championships , 1500 , Chloe Ayling , Action , Stories , Sophie Hitchon , Women S Hammer Final , 5 , 20 , Polish Man , Police , Web , Suitcase , Italian , Experience , Release , Matt Cole , Surrey , My Life Second By , Anything , Liberty , Four , Photo Shoot , Glamour Modelling Career , Shop , Milan , Something , Car , Perpetrator , Translation , Killer , Bomb Attacks , Forearm , Boot , Gagged , Kidnappings , Bag , Turin , Remote Farmhouse , 120 , Captors , Group , Ransom , Black Death , Europol , Dark Web , Chest Of Drawers , 230000 , Â 230000 , Lukasz Herba , Consulate , Child , Captivity , Kidnapping , Opole , Investigations , Southern Scotland , Police Watchdog , Body , Investigation , Old Man , Officers , Dogs , Divers , Rivers , The Hunt , 64 , Reevel Alderson , Arnold Moe S , Waterways , Helicopter , West Lothian , Glasgow , Shores , Property , Area , Firth Of Forth , Back , Garages , One , Face , Equipment , Bit , Man , Blunder , Community , Canal , Appeals , Volunteers , Surge , 0f , Country Parks , Volu Nteers , 0 , Houses , Posters , Buildings , Outhouses , Chief Constable , Commission , Bid , Something Wrong Ina Bid , Culture , Results , Slum Area , Tourist , Brazil , Children , Partner , Officials , Turning , A Popular Coastal Area , Angra Dos Reis , Ninety , Asimple , Ina Slum Fire , Led , Mistake , Being Underfire , Gunmen , Drug Traffickers , Emergency Treatment , Two , Abdomen , Organs , Bullets , Bullet , Hit , Slum Areas , 90 , Wall , Press , Public Service , Measures , Cannot Enter , Disaster , Disruption , Water , Bottles , Train Station , Works At Britain , Trains , Half , Upgrade , Extension Work , Waterloo , Working Day , The End Of August , Adina Campbell , Engineering Project , Work , Commuters , Station , Ten , Surprise , U , Scale , Project , Planning , Network Rail Engineers , K , Fed Up , Engineering Work , Repairs , Information Boards , It , Stations , Knock On Effect , Rail Replacement Buses , Some , Journeys , Average , Track Maintenance , Network Rail , Stations 1000 , Â 800 Million , 270000 , 800 Million , Passengers , Site Workers , Room , Seats , 1000 , Sort , Transport , Rail Passengers , Hand , Groups , Works , Waterloo Station , Strain , Effects , Notjust , Delay , Gain , Pain , Capacity , Bosses , Plan Theirjourneys , 500000 , Ice Cream , Unwrapping Presents , Ice Creams , Twin Panda Cubs , 120000 , Mother , Twins , Austria A , Packets , Enclosure , Carrots , Potatoes , Gifts , Zoo , Vienna , Pair Fu Feng And Ban , Weather , Weather Prospects , Let , Rain , Sunshine , Outbreaks , Evening , Ice Cream Weather , Forecast , Whether , Isn T , Lwa Ys , South East , Thunder , North West , Odd Rumble , Showers , Best , Glens , Brightness , East Anglia , Thunderstorms , Downpours , South East On Wednesday , Most , On Thursday , Fine , Winds , On All Sides , Drafting Fresh Un Sanctions , Nuclear Weapons Programme , State News Agency , Infringing , Sovereignty , Kent , Look , Sport , Bowlers , Stars , Rain Delay , Hosts , Partnership , Dean Elgar , Target , A0 , Stuart Broad , Hashim Amla , Faf Du Plessis , 3 , 380 , Attack , Wicket , Amla , Review , 83 , Championships , Coverage , Record , Series Win , 18 Million , Sell Out , Gates , Olly Foster , London Stadium , 45 , Women S 1500m , Athletics , Stock , Medals , Track , Ta Ke , Season , Breakthrough , Everything , Eyes , Laura Muir , 5000m , 1500m , 5000m , Champion , World Champion , Caster Semenya , Olympic , Faith Kipyegon , Dibaba , Final , Chance , Heats , Everybody , Hammer , Medal , Semifinal , Favourite , Throw , Hammer Metal Bronze , Seven , World Record Holder , Glimpse , Front , Mix , Team Captain , Anyone Else , Eilidh Doyle , Hurdles , Winner , Races , Girls , Let S Hearfrom The British , Skipper , League , Hearfrom , 400m , Stride Wrong , Running Well , Thatis , Effect , Wide Open , Isjust , Pb , Runa , Men , Men S110 Metre , 110 , 200m , Wayde Van Niekerk , Double , Heat , Schedule , 400 , 200 , Bbc Sport , Death , Sportsday , Bbc Co Uk Sport , Norfolk , 6 30 , Richard Smith , Neck , Story , Postmortem Examination , Stab Wounds , Fivewastunction , Woodland , East Harling , Norwich , Member , Country Road , Village , Miles , Crime Scene , Heathland , Public Access , Police Activity , Tent , Trees , Floodlights , Land , Police Cordon , Lisa , Victim , Motive , Weapon , Knife Wounds , Nice , Family Man , Stage , Chief Superintendent , Well Natured , Mannered , Daily Business , Animals , Shops , Spot , Calm State , Folk , Lunchtime , Anyone , Activity , People Who , Shocked , Bbc News At Five , Help , Incident , Merthyr Tydfil , Injuries , Workers , Brother , Hill , Range Rover , Branch , North Wales , Sports Direct , Pearl Melody Black , Jeremy Clarkson , Company , Store , Use , Sign , English , Notice , Language , Wording , Bangor , Sportswear Chain , Star , Contracting Pneumonia , Majorca , Top Gear , Missile , Vote , Pyongyang , Missile Tests , Tensions , Un Security Council Resolution , South Korean Capital Seoul , Flash Photography , Yogita Limaye , East Asia , Response , Presenter , News Agency , Forces , Countries , Rex Tillerson , Wang Yi , Resolution , In Manila , Chinese , China , Met , Signal , Condition , Solution , Dialogue , Missile Launches , Gathering , Mission , Nations , Philippines , Southeast Asian , Conditions , Preventive War , Threats , Table , South Korea , Kang Kyung Wha , Counterpart , Talks , Trump Cabinet , Neighbour , Missiles , Threat , Border , Has , Proposal Insincere , America Nervous , Leaders , Attention , Rhetoric , Tension , Meeting , United Front , Sam Kanizay , Sea Critters , Australian , 16 , Feet , Ankles , Cold Water , Legs , Brighton Beach , Melbourne , Father , Beach , Perpetrators , Meat , Pictures , Biologists , Sea Fleas , Sand , Thongs , Lower Calf , Shock , Dad , Stare , Phone , Door , No One , Shower , Clue , Bathroom , Labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn , Doesn T , London S , Update , Dow , Market Numbers , Frankfurt , Nasdaq , Dean Haydon , Terrorism , Police Officers , Asian Network , Prevent Programme , Scotland Yard , Criticisms , Ignorance , Strategy , View , Sections , Reasons , Don T , Variety , Women , Child Abuse , System , Young , Element , Offences , Subject , Vulnerable , Prevent , Individuals , Policing , Communities , Interventions , Same , Harm , Muslim , Extremism , Doubt , It Hadn T , Tool , Terrorists , Extremists , Turkey , Business Of Birth , Nomia Iqbal On , Caesarean Section , Debate , Globe , 10 , Babies , Rate , Rates , Amount , Selin Girit , 28 , Doctor , Pregnancy , Womb , Fluid , Walk In The Park , 36 , Birth , Arrival , Delivery , Baby , Postpartum Depression , Eight , C Sections , Operations , Highest , Mothers , Oecd , 50 , Births , Ivf Treatment , Factors , Increase , Orange , Caesareans , Necessity , Choice , Rise , Hospitals , Economies , Yes , Vaginal , Patient , Don T Push , Broadcast Interview , Female , Lizo Mzimba , Female Timelord , Appointment , Advice , Build Up , Lead , Public , Unveiling , Tv , 13th Actor , Character , 15 Million , Reveal , Sunday , Promo , Silent Enjoyment , Relief , Show , Kind , Replacement , Speculation , Forjodie Whittaker , Public Knowledge , Peter Ca Paldi , Secret , Well , Ifound , Focus , Doctor Isn T A Real One , Trust Me , Viewers , Nurse , Casting , Word , Bad , Somebody , Factor , Film , That Sjust Exciting , Roles , Play , Cath , Worlds Apart , Cast , Differences , Secrets , There Aren T Rules , Waves , Dog Owners , Pets , World Dog Surfing Championships , A Walk In The Park , California , Events , Size , Competitors , Top Dog , Board , Challenge , Prizes , San Francisco , Best Dressed And Tandem Surfing , Pacifica , Luck , Rain At Times , Weather Watchers , Scene , Feel , Rest , Lowestoft In Suffolk , Northern Ireland , South , Heavy , Flash , Odd , Lightning , Midlands Towards East Anglia , Lincolnshire , Spells , Weather Charts , Continent , Affair , Weather Front , Scattering , South West , Rush Hour , High Pressure Area , Cool Side , West , Temperatures , British Isles , Shakes , Breath , Rain Returns , Friday , Blustery Winds , Lifestyle , Consumers , Power , Say , Files , Citizens , Muscles , Evidence , Nhs , Request , Balance , Latest ,

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