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And Samuel Ljackson Stars in the latest king kong movie. Well get mark kerdmodes take on that and more in the film review at 5 45. Good evening and welcome to bbc news at five. The Education Secretary Justine Greening has been heckled by headteachers after she defended Government Plans for more Grammar Schools in england. She was addressing the conference of the association of school and College Leaders. She insisted that Grammar Schools help disadvantaged children, but the unions General Secretary said there was no evidence that they raise standards or improve social mobility. 0ur Education correspondent Gillian Hargreaves reports. Peter woodman at the weald school might be a head teacher, but he still likes to work at the chalk face, partly because he enjoys it and partly because it saves money for the shcool. The only reason we can survive is we are carrying forward money from last year, if the government stick to their pledges with the cash flow and budget, we will be making cuts of around £70,000 every year, year on year. Peter is one of dozens of heads in Southern England who wrote to parents informing them of the impact of cuts. In a poll of more than 1000 members of the union almost three quarters said they had had to make cuts to gcse or vocational courses in the last 12 months. The most common subjects to have been removed were design and technology, performing arts courses, music and german. Many teachers reported bigger class sizes to save money. Headteachers gathered in birmingham this morning for the first of a series of teachers conferences where cuts dominate the conversation. Its the first time Education Secretary Justine Greening has laid out the governments case about how schools should operate in these straitened times. The Education Secretary Justine Greening has told headteachers that while there is no more money she will do her utmost to help them ease their way through the worst financial pressures in schools for 20 years. Its really annoying to find government constantly saying funding has never been higher. Thats true because weve got more students and because of inflation. Weve got an 8 cut and were expected to continue delivering quality. How difficult is it at your school . I think like many schools across the country we are all struggling to make ends meet. Its absolutely dire, were having to make cuts to our curriculum and its untenable, really. The government points out class sizes are at their lowest level for a decade and that £40 billion is being spent on schools in england this year, the highest cash figure ever. With me is our correspondent sarah campbell. The fact that there were those interruptions while Justine Greening was talking shows the strength of feeling. This is the Head Teachers conference and they tend not to have those big shows of emotion. We would like to show you, because normally we have these conferences filmed, but the cameras were not allowed in today which is interesting in itself. The union said it was their decision and they wanted an open response from the Secretary Of State and for her not to be constrained by the presence of tv cameras, so that is why we could not show you. But it was in the questions and answers after she had given her speech. She said Grammar Schools helped to close the Attainment Gap between well off and who wrote children. That is the point where she was heckled and people shouted no rubbish and a couple of dozen of people made a lot of noise and it interrupted her and afterwards the president did acknowledge the interruption and it showed the strength of feeling. We know Grammar Schools are a contentious issue, but it is also an issue about budgets and money which has been underlying this entire conference. This comes days after money was allocated for new preschools and Grammar Schools in the budget but State Schools are saying they have problems at the moment. The government points out that the £40 billion budget this year is the highest it has ever been for schools, but Pupil Numbers have risen, there are costs such as pay and teacher pensions and National Insurance contributions which also fought on the shoulders of employers. This shows a real time cut for pupils in england of about 78 . Cut for pupils in england of about 7 8 . Much of this conference has been dealing with that and talking about how schools are cutting exam courses, increased class sizes and cutting back on trips and clubs and there are significant issues in england. The Funding Issue really fed into the bad feeling in the room as well as the Grammar School issue itself. Offset as a new head, what have we been hearing from her . The inspectors for schools in england. Amanda spielman was appointed in january. This is the first time she had to address the headteachers in the schools she will be inspecting. Much of her speech touched on issues raised by teachers like workloads, and she acknowledged they had a high workload and 0fsted woodwork to try and reduce that, not least because of the workload and 0fsted inspectors. But her main focus will be on how the National Curriculum is implemented. She highlighted insta nces implemented. She highlighted instances where pupils who might drag down results are moved, where the curriculum is narrowed in order to improve School League table results. She talked about playing the system and using qualifications inappropriately. The european computer driving licence, which is said to be worth a gcse, but there are reports that the study time required to pass it can be as low as three days, which is not compatible to other subjects. She received polite applause, as you would expect ata polite applause, as you would expect at a headteachers conference. They are waiting to see how she will compare to her predecessor. Lets discuss some of that in relation to headteachers. Mary sandell is the head of Forest School in winnersh in berkshire. Shes written to parents to tell them she would be resigning in august in protest at the state of school funding. Mary sandelljoins me now from windsor. Is it purely funding that is driving you out . Is this all about resources 7 you out . Is this all about resources . Yes, it is, u nfortu nately. Resources . Yes, it is, unfortunately. So the impact on your school is what . 0n unfortunately. So the impact on your school is what . On your pupils is what . There are so many impacts and also on the staff as well. Staff are working harder, so there are bigger teaching groups, fewer subjects, fewer resources , teaching groups, fewer subjects, fewer resources, including things like it and textbooks. What happens ina like it and textbooks. What happens in a situation like this, when there isa in a situation like this, when there is a landscape of cuts, morale is very low both for the pupils and the staff. That is the kind of environment that schools are becoming. So you have actually removed some subjects from the curriculum that pupils used to study. You have simply remove them because you do not have the money to staff that many subjects. Is that accurate . Absolutely. Last year at gcse week at Food Technology. Give it isa gcse week at Food Technology. Give it is a Boys Programme at School It Isa it is a Boys Programme at school it is a crying shame. With a level subjects with low Pupil Numbers we are cutting them. Next year from september there will be no spanish a level in year 12, further maths. 0urdrama A Level in year 12, further maths. 0ur Drama Teacher is going to teach year 12 year acting together and possibly after school to save money and that is the way things are going. When the Department For Education says the government has protected the cause Schools Budget in real terms since 2010, we had various in real terms since 2010, we had various announcements in real terms since 2010, we had various announcements in the budget on wednesday. What is your response when you hear the government defending its spending . Well, i am at the chalk face and i do not know whether i have different years because it is nowhere near me and i cannot use it on my pupils. The fact that they are about to spend money on free schools and Grammar Schools is wrong in my opinion. That is the wrong direction, we should be funding existing schools and if there is a need for further places expand existing schools and invest in education for the future. In 2017i should not be a teacher having to cut subjects and in large class sizes. Do you talk to other headteachers in your area or other parts of the country . Do you feel that yours is a shared experience . do. The only thing about working in this case we have been the lowest funded borough in the uk for the last 10 15 years, so it is hitting us last 10 15 years, so it is hitting us first and hardest. We get £4300 per pupil per year which should way short of other barriers and it is not enough. If we want to give choice and we want children to fire their passions, we need to keep the curriculum brought. We are now coming down the global Pecking Order and we have less and less money. Thank you very much for your time. I think she has lost the audio connection. We could hear everything she said to us and she has written to parents to say she will be leaving in august specifically because of funding. We will be talking to the former head of 0fsted after half past. A man who admitted killing a child actor and his aunt after a High Speed Police chase has been sentenced to 12 years. He was on licence at the time and he had 53 previous convictions and he said he was reckless and stupid when he drove into the ten year old and his grandmother rosie cooper in south london in penge last august. Downing street says it is confident it will meet its own deadline of the end of march for triggering the start of britains departure from the european union. It comes as eu leaders meet in brussels to shore up unity between the other 26 nations. 0ur Correspondent ben wright has this report. This does not quite as usual this morning as 27 eu heads of government gathered without britain. Within weeks the uk will start to undertake its decades long relationship with the eu and try to build a new one. Everyone here expects the divorce to be difficult. A crucial player on the eu side will be this man, donald tasker, re elected yesterday to the job of president of the European Council which represents eu leaders. He says it will take only two days for the eu to have a First Response to theresa mays lettered trigger in article 50. Todays debate was not about brexit, and i thinkjohn god uk can also confirm this opinion, but we are well prepared for it and we will be ready in 48 hours. The president of the European Commission said he hoped brexit might not be for ever. I do not like brexit because i would like to be in the same boat as the british. The day will come when the british Will Re Enterthe will come when the british will re enter the boat, will come when the british Will Re Enterthe boat, i hope. Will come when the british will reenter the boat, i hope. In a fortnight eu leaders will meet in italy to celebrate 60 years since the Treaty Of Rome was signed, a Foundation Stone of the european union, but brexit will undoubtedly overs ha d ow union, but brexit will undoubtedly overshadow the party. Theresa may, who left the summit last night, insists she will trigger the start brexit by the end of the month and the Foreign Secretary has been clear about one aspect of the talks to come, the future of the cost of access to european markets. Come, the future of the cost of access to european marketsm come, the future of the cost of access to european markets. It is not reasonable for the uk having left the eu to continue to make vast budget payments. I think everybody understands that and that is the reality. But they will have to be compromises in talks about money, trade, the rights of eu and uk citizens and more. An eu state has never left the club before. The risks for both sides are high. Ben joins us now from our brussels studio. In terms of Whatjean Claudejuncker had to say, was a romantic notion . Was it serious . He has a very twinkly turn of phrase and he is a bit of a tease and i think he knew what he was saying. He deeply regrets brexit is happening and so do other eu leaders. He thinks it is a mistake for britain. He thinks both the eu and britain will lose out. He does not want it to happen, but he does not think within his lifetime we will be knocking on the door asking for re entry. They know it will happen and in a way it is already happening. The formal negotiations cannot start yet until theresa may triggers article 50 in a letter, but she was not in the talks this morning while the remaining 27 think about the future, map out their priorities and talk about the Negotiating Position they are going to adopt. I had a strong sense that brussels is ready for the letter and they want theresa may to get on with it. It would be fascinating to have been a Fly On The Wall listening to all their observations once theresa may had left. I wonder what you are making of the town and the mood. 0nce Making Of The Town and the mood. Once you get all the others in a room together what is being said now that the end of march is rapidly approaching . This was a momentous summit ina approaching . This was a momentous summit in a muted way. It is the last time the 28 will all gather in a room as equal members of the club. Next time maybe the 27th eu leaders, we think in april, if theresa may triggers article 50 in march, there will be the meeting as early as the 6th of april and that will be the 27 getting together to work out how to proceed. The atmosphere will be different, as they will every time a british minister comes to brussels from then on in. It is about the divorce settlement and it is about planning a future trading relationship between the eu and britain. People i have been speaking to in the commission, which will lead this negotiation, they are clear it is the terms of the divorce that have to be figured out first, the money, the brexit bill, the financial commitments, the rights of eu citizens and workers in the uk, all that has to be sorted out before big Picture Discussions about future trading relationships. That is the commissions view and disagreement on the basic structure of the talks could be wide this gets acrimonious and difficult very quickly. This feels like we are very much at the end of the phoney war with brexit and it will get serious very soon. Interesting. Some of the other stories making bbc news at 5. A helicopter carrying a group of Business Executives has crashed onto a turkish highway, killing five people on board. The helicopter is believed to have hit a Television Tower in an outlying district of istanbul. There were believed to be seven people on board, including two pilots, four foreigners, reportedly russian nationals, and a turkish national. Britains Aid Programme in libya could be harming vulnerable migrants unintentionally, according to a new report. The independent commission for aid impact said there was a risk that britains support was leading to more migrants being detained and then being denied a right to asylum. Scientists in australia say the Great Barrier reef has been hit by widespread bleaching of its corals for the second successive year. Bleaching happens when the Water Temperature is too high and the coral expels the alage that lives in its tissue and turns completely white. Its the first time bleaching has returned within 12 months, leading to concerns over the reefs long term health. Bt has agreed to set up a new company to run the uks National Broadband network after being criticised for its own operation. Bt 0penreach has been accused of looking after its own customers at the expense of rivals like sky, talktalk and vodafone. Those companies welcomed the news, saying everyones customers would benefit from the change. Heres our Technology Correspondent rory cellan jones. It has got a massive and vital task, Rolling Out Fast broadband across the uk. But its critics say that bts 0penreach hasnt been up to the job delivering poor service and not investing enough. Now after a long battle 0fcom has ordered that 0penreach should be separated from bt. The regulator says this is what customers have been demanding. They, like us as a regulator have been concerned that 0penreach has not been performing well enough, that broadband hasnt been good enough. I think they see the greater independence as a great means for 0penreach to operate with the interests of the whole Telecoms Industry at heart, notjust bt. This deal is meant to make 0penreach a more independent operation, with 32,000 employees working directly for it. There will be an independent board in charge of what goes on and itll have its own brand. The bt logo will disappear. Bt had been accused of taking profits from 0penreach and spending them on sports rights, a charge it denies. The firm could have been ordered to sell off the division completely and seems content with the deal today. Weve listened to the criticisms weve heard from the general public, service providers, politicians and the media. And weve looked to address them. Thats what were doing today with these fundamental reforms. Around 90 of uk homes have access to fast broadband. The hope is that the roll out will accelerate and service will improve. We hope these reforms really are going to lead to a big change by 0penreach, that itll make them much more focused on delivering for their customers. But also that it will transform this market so we see more competition and see customers having more choice about who they get broadband and Phone Services from. Even rivals like talk talk who had once called for bt to split up have welcomed this more limited move. But they called for 0fcom to make sure 0penreach delivers on its promises. Rory cellan jones, bbc news. A reminder of the headlines the Education Secretary has been heckled ata Education Secretary has been heckled at a conference of headteachers over her plans for more Grammar Schools. Not invited, 27 eu members meet in brussels without britain, but Downing Street says it is trap for brexit tops. The commentator Katie Hopkins had been ordered to pay £24,000 in libel damages to the food commentatorjack munro. And the only person to have one on two wheels as well as four wheels has died. John surtees passed away peacefully this afternoon. A leaked d raft peacefully this afternoon. A leaked draft report of an investigation into British Cycling has described a Culture Of Fear with more focus being placed on winning medals than on the well being of staff and athletes. The organisation admits it failed to pay sufficient care and attention. 0wen farrell remains a doubt for englands six nations match against scotla nd englands six nations match against scotland tomorrow after missing training today. He will have until an hour before kick off to prove his fitness. I will be back with more on those stories at 5 30 p. M. Iraqi Security Forces are continuing their offensive to reclaim the Northern City of mosul from the so called Islamic State. After taking the airport, the iraqi forces have made key gains, recapturing two bridges, as well as government buildings. They are closing in on the heavily populated old city of mosul, where the militants are still firmly in control. 0ur Correspondent 0rla guerin has been speaking to some of those forced to leave their homes. Escaping the battle ground. They are fleeing on foot from western mosul, even those who struggle to walk. Countless numbers are likely to follow, and imagine if this was all you could bring with you. Many waited Til The Fight came right to their door. Like abdul razaq. At 76, forced to leave home for the first time in his life. He told us a mortar landed nearby, just moments before. His ten year old grandson and namesake, clutching his school bag, though his only lessons here were in war. Id like to go back to school right this minute, he said. So called Islamic State stopped him going years ago. Now, back in iraqi hands, for what its worth, several more neighbourhoods. Troops remain watchful. The militants are about a mile away. It was just four days ago they were driven from here. This is the Engineering Department of mosul university. 0n the is curriculum, how to make chemical weapons. This was a place of learning, it was a source of pride for the people of mosul. You can see whats become of it. It was also a key strategic location for the so called Islamic State. It gave them high ground to dominate the area, it was heavily defended by uzbek fighters and this is just one of the areas thats going to have to be rebuilt when the Battle For Mosul is finally over. Some uzbek militants are still lying where they fell, no decent burial for those who terrorised a city. Nearby, a suicide belt they didnt manage to use. At dusk, troops gather for the next push forward. Increasingly, they strike under cover of darkness. Hunting for the extremists who once controlled nearly a third of iraq. Some of the hardest fighting may be ahead in the narrow streets of the old city, theyll have to move on foot. Beneath a sky lit only by embers of battle. In the pitch black streets, few signs of life, but Hundreds Of Thousands remain in western mosul, running low on food and water. This lady and her family are sheltering in an abandoned house because theirs was destroyed. Three of her loved ones are in hospital, victims of a mortar attack. We got our freedom, she says. But it cost us a lot. I lost my house, my children were injured. Her beloved mosul will never recover, she believes. Not even in 30 years. What future for a broken city in a fractured nation, even after the extremists are pushed out . There are fears that when Iraqis Finish Fighting is, they may begin fighting each other. 0rla guerin, bbc news, mosul. The newspaper columnist Katie Hopkins has been told to pay damages to a Poverty Campaigner she libelled on twitter. The High Court Ordered ms hopkins to Payjack Monroe £24,000 in damages for the series of tweets which she said caused serious harm to her reputation. Speaking outside court a short time ago, jack monroe said shes relieved the ordeal is finally over. It has been almost two years since those tweets were first sent. It has been a very long process getting from there to here. Relieved it is over, and forjustice has been done. There is no question that what was said was wrong, but the law is not a lwa ys said was wrong, but the law is not always on the side of what people deemed to be right or wrong. I am just very grateful it has been dealt with and i can move on. The food Writerjack Monroe speaking outside court. Now, you know that saying about how showbiz and children dont mix . Heres possibly why. 0ur Colleagues on Bbc World News were interviewing a contributor live from his home, via the internet, when one of his children decided to make a guest appearance. Not to be upstaged, along came child number two. Followed very, very, quickly by a harassed mum the interview, of course, faultlessly carried on and im sure no one noticed. Well not many millions of people anyway. It is worth watching again if you can find that footage because it is quite happened to me. It happened to me. It might not have been funny then. Do not work with children, thatis then. Do not work with children, that is what they say. Do not work with children, that is what they say. This is bbc news at 5, coming up well get all the latest ahead of a busy weekend of rugby as the Six Nations Championship enters its penultimate round of fixtures. And Tom Hiddleston stars in the new king kong movie. Yes, there is another one. We will be asking mark kermode what he made of it in the film review coming up at quarter to six. First, lets catch up with the weather prospects. It has been another mild day, but it is pretty cloudy and we have got some mist and fog as well. Pictures sentin some mist and fog as well. Pictures sent in by our weather watchers paint that seem quite nicely. This was in surrey and on in the afternoon. We have got High Pressure keeping things settled in the early evening hours. There is rain in Northern Ireland and scotland in the early hours of saturday, but under that blanket of how it will be mild, falling only to 10 degrees. 0n saturday it is a decent looking bay and the cloud will break up and we could see temperatures up as high as 18 in the south east. Scotland is brightening up from the north west, but we will have a zone of doubt whether in the north of england. 0vernight that rain peps up over much of the country and during sunday it moves eastwards and then there is a return of sunshine and showers, temperatures between 10 13. This is bbc news at 5. 00 the headlines the Education Secretary has been heckled by some Head Teachers over her plans for more Grammar Schools in england. Justine greening insists selective education can close the Attainment Gap, but heads say theyre frustrated at the governments priorities. 27 eu members meet in brussels without britain, but Downing Street says its on track to begin brexit talks in the next three weeks. The controversial columnist Katie Hopkins has been ordered to pay £24,000 in damages for libelling the food writer jack monroe on twitter. A man who killed a ten year old boy during a High Speed Police chase has been jailed. During a High Speed Police chase has beenjailed. He during a High Speed Police chase has been jailed. He knocked during a High Speed Police chase has beenjailed. He knocked over the boy and his aunt last august. The racing legend john surtees, the only man to win World Championships on two wheels as well as four, has died, aged 83. Lets get the sport. John surtees, the only man to win both the formula one and motorcycle world titles, has died aged 83. He won four motorcycling championships between 1956 and 1960, before switching to grand prix motor racing, and winning the 1964 title for ferrari in that too. Surtees went on to run his own racing team and was awarded a cbe last year. A statement from his family said he died peacefully in hospital this afternoon. John surtees, who has died today, at the age of 83. British cycling has admitted that their success has come at the expense of athlete care. It follows an independent investigation into their world Class Performance programme. A draft copy of which leaked a little earlier today. 0ur Reporter David 0rnstein reports from the National Cycling centre in manchester. The controversy around British Cycling started almost a year ago when allegations of sexism, discrimination and bullying led to an independent investigation into the culture at britains most successful and world funded 0lympic sport. The report is expected soon and this morning a leaked draft of it was published by the daily mail. It backed up many of the claims. British cycling issued a statement, disagreeing with the factual a ccu ra cy of disagreeing with the factual accuracy of certain points, but admitting to specific shortcomings and afailure admitting to specific shortcomings and a failure to address Early Warning signs of problems. Meanwhile, sir dave brailsford, now the boss of team sky, says he would not be resigning from his position, despite the continuing controversy over a mystery package sent to sir Bradley Wiggins in 2011. Team sky have admitted mistakes were made over the package, but denied breaking any anti doping rules and speaking to cycling weekly, he said i have confidence in my team. I have been through a lot over the years and it is important to make sure you can look at yourself and know there has been no wrongdoing. I am confident of that. Wales face ireland tonight on whats the penultimate weekend of fixtures in the six nations. Ireland still have a slender chance of taking a third title in four years, and Katherine Downes is in cardiff to tell us all about it, katherine. If results and bonus points go their way, england stand a chance of wrapping up the six nations title this weekend. To stand the best chance of stopping them and boost their own chances, island know only a win against wales will do the night. Wales themselves are out of contention after disappointing back to back defeats against england and scotland, so the stakes are high as for ireland the night. England remain the only side unbeaten in this tournament. They have scotland at twickenham tomorrow in what is likely to be the most competitive calcutta cup in decades. Scotland havent won at twickenham since 1983, but they have been looking resurgent this year and they do stand a good chance of denying england win that would see them equal new zealand s record and 18 match unbeaten run. Six nations is back the night and we are here at the principality stadium. The ruth wishart and the sprinklers had just gone off. Kick off is at 8 05pm but you can follow all the build up from 7 30pm on bbc one. Thank you very much indeed. And Ferraris Kimi Raikkonen was fastest On The Last Day of formula one Preseason Testing in barcelona. The seasons starts in australia in two weeks time. Thats all sport for now. You can keep up today with all those stories on the bbc sport website. Thats bbc. Co. Uk sport. And ill have more in sportsday at 6. 30pm and catherine will be back with inside six nations. Busy weekend of by inside six nations. Busy weekend of rugby ahead. More now on the news that schools in england are being forced to cut gcse and a level courses in an effort to make savings. The association of school and College Leaders is warning that Budget Constraints are driving up class sizes. Sir Michael Wilshaw was the Chief Inspector of schools in england until last year, and is here with me now. We had specifically in the last half an hourfrom we had specifically in the last half an hour from one we had specifically in the last half an hourfrom one lady who is resigning as headteacher of a school in berkshire, because you could hear in her voice how dispirited she was at the cuts she is having to make. Do you have some sympathy for headteachers in that position . Of course i do. We should recognise the great improvements to standards over the last 20 years have come about for all sorts of reasons, but principally because schools have been well funded over the last 20 yea rs. Been well funded over the last 20 years. Any cutbacks in that generous funding isa years. Any cutbacks in that generous funding is a cause for concern. If it leads to lower standards, the next Chief Inspector of 0fsted would be concerned about that. Good teachers will cope with that and focus their funding on teachers will cope with that and focus theirfunding on priorities. As annex headteacher, my priority was always to keep the best teachers in my school, make sure i pay them the salaries they deserved. If i had to cut elsewhere, that is something i would have to do. The other thing i should add, some schools will be gaining in the next funding round, because the government is addressing the inequities in the Funding Arrangements up the inequities in the Funding Arrangements up to now. Some schools have been generously funded and other schools, particularly in the north of england have been underfunded. Schools in barnsley, difficult, deprived area, underperforming schools receive 50 less funding than many schools in london. Some schools will be gaining, some will be losing. Good headteachers will no where to cut and will use their funding sensibly. 0k, and will use their funding sensibly. Ok, but she would give the example, you talk about organising your priorities and she would say she has done that, so she has reined in and the core subjects are taught in the way they should be. She is at a boys school and she thinks it is wrong she has had to cut Food Technology because you want your pupils to be well rounded. Just because it is a boys school, it doesnt mean you should be cutting Food Technology, that notion went out with the dark. We will always want funding to keep going up. When there is a problem in the health service, problems in the prisons, when every part of Public Services is being cut in this age of austerity, schools have got to take theirfair austerity, schools have got to take their fair share austerity, schools have got to take Theirfair Share of the austerity, schools have got to take their fair share of the reductions that have to be made in Public Services. I speak as someone who is passionate about raising standards andi passionate about raising standards and i was a headteacher. Headteachers have two recognise that at some stage, the generous funding that has existed for the last 20 yea rs, that has existed for the last 20 years, will come to a halt. That is what is happening at the moment. It is up to headteachers now to use the money wisely. Two important reports 0fsted produced show the schools that were getting Pupil Premium money, money for disadvantaged children, some schools were using it well and others were using it badly. It is up to headteachers and governing boards to look at their budget and make sure they prioritise funding to keep their best teachers in the school. Do you have any concerns that as Funding Changes happen, you say it is making things fairer, but schools will focus on co re fairer, but schools will focus on core subjects, that is what they have to do, but do you have any concerns what we might consider more peripheral subjects will be put by the wayside and that is not producing well rounded children . That is a concern. If that happens, the government need to be worried about it. They will have to make sure they look at it. Is it sufficiently monitored . They must monitor what is on the ground and consult with headteachers on what is happening. The cuts up to now have beenin happening. The cuts up to now have been in the post 16 sector. Schools have been relatively dealt with well because their funding has have been relatively dealt with well because theirfunding has been ring fenced. It is up to headteachers to make sure they manage their money well. Perhaps we will talk about this again, thanks for coming in, we appreciate your time. Former british formula one and motorcycling world champion, john surtees, has died at the age of 83. He was the only man to be crowned champion as a motorcyclist and as a Racing Driver in formula 1. Murray walker said he was the greatest man who ever lived in the history of motorsport. Andy swiss looks back at his career. The favourite after wins in 1958 and 59, number threejohn surtees. He was a natural racer, skilful and determined. Just as fast on two wheels, as he later became on four. In his ferrari, john surtees, number seven going like a bomb. Encouraged by his father, a Motorcycle Dealer and former sidecar champion, Young John Won his first race at the age of 17. With british motorbikes dominating racing, his future looked secure with norton. But they refused to back him for the 1956 season, so he went to italy to join another team. Between 1956 and 1960, surtees dominated the 350 cc and 500 cc classes. The master has done it again. Winning seven World Championships. John surtees is the hero with the double in the first classic meeting of the year. On his way to win his sixth tt and his third successive senior tt. He became the first man to win the senior Isle Of Man Tt three years running. Is this your lifes ambition now achieved . Not really, i suppose i dont set out with definite ambitions, ijust try and do my best, whatever i do. He switched to cars full time in 1961, driving a cooper. But once again he had to go to italy to find success, this time with ferrari. The man first isjohn surtees. And a second place in mexico clinched the 1964 world championship. A year later he almost died when his lola crashed in practice in canada. Flown back to london, he eventually made a full recovery. Im not attaching too much importance to this, although i think it is important in time i do sort of manage to fit in the full movements. His last grand prix victory was at monza in 1967. Single minded and deeply committed, his talent won him a unique place in motor racing history. I think by the time i was retiring i still probably hadnt reached my absolute peak, but i had achieved my main ambitions. Because the most important thing i have to do in life, is not satisfy other people, but satisfy myself. The Racing Driverjohn surtees, who has died at the age of 83. This is bbc news at 5. 00 the headlines the Education Secretary is heckled at a conference of headteachers over her plans for more Grammar Schools. Not invited 27 eu members meet in brussels without britain but Downing Street says its on track to begin brexit talks in the next three weeks. The commentator Katie Hopkins is ordered to pay £24,000 in damages for libelling the food Writerjack Monroe. And a quick look at the financial markets. This is how london and frankfurt have ended the week and a look at how things are faring in the us with the dow and the nasdaq. Now on bbc news a look ahead to sportsday at 6. 30 tonight. Plenty to bring you this evening with a look at the fa cup sixth round including lincoln citys latest attempt to stun the Sporting World when they take on arsenal. We will preview the premier League Fixtures as well as look back on the life Ofjohn Fixtures as well as look back on the life of john surtees fixtures as well as look back on the life Ofjohn Surtees who died today. We will also bring you the build up to another six nations weekend with wales hosting ireland this evening. Catherine downes is in cardiff for inside six nations. And we will have the fallout from a leaked report from British Cycling elite

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