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The trial of the former first minister of scotland, alex salmond, on charges of Sexual Assault and attempted rape gets under way in edinburgh later. A final farewell to royal duties. The duke and duchess of sussex prepare to carry out their last Public Engagement as senior members of the royal family. And coming up in sport scotland triumph over france in the six nations, ending the french grand slam dream. Good morning and welcome to the bbc news at nine. The Prime Minister will chair a cobra meeting of senior ministers at 11 oclock this morning, to discuss the countrys response to the coronavirus following the uks third death linked to the illness. The meeting is expected to focus on the possible move from the first containment phase of a four part government strategy, to the second stage of delaying its spread. Confirmed cases of the virus in the uk have now reached 278 yesterday saw the largest increase in uk cases in one day. Public Health England confirmed yesterday that a third person has died with the covid 19 disease. The man, in his sixties, who had Underlying Health problems, tested positive for the virus and died at North Manchester general hospital. Fears are growing that the economy will be hit by uncertainty as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. The ftse 100 fell by almost 9 on opening this morning, after an Oil Price War was launched between saudi arabia and russia. If the government decides to move to the second phase of its plans to tackle coronavirus the delay phase it could consider several social distancing measures to limit the spread of the virus, including banning sporting events, encouraging people to work from home to avoid using public transport, and possibly closing schools. Keith doyle reports. The man, who was in his sixties, died at North Manchester general hospital. He had tested positive for coronavirus after recently returning from italy and was being treated at the hospitals specialist Infectious Diseases unit. He had serious Underlying Health issues. Hes the third person to die in the uk from covid 19 the illness caused by coronavirus. The number of cases has risen in every part of the uk. So far, more than 23,000 people have been tested. 278 tested positive, most of whom will recover. Later today, the Prime Minister will chair a meeting of the government Emergency Cobra Committee on coronavirus. It is likely to discuss moving to the next stage of the government plan to try to delay the spread of the virus. That could mean restricting large gatherings of people. In italy, serie a matches were played behind closed doors at the weekend. Broadcasters and sports bodies will meet today to discuss the practicalities of doing the same here should the government decide that is needed. 500 extra call handlers have been recruited by nhs one on one, the website and number people should call with concerns about the virus. 0ur111 call with concerns about the virus. Our 111 staff call with concerns about the virus. 0ur111 staff are call with concerns about the virus. Our 111 staff are doing a fantastic job managing the increased call volumes, but the digital 111 service that we launched last week should be the first point of access and it is possible to determine whether you should have a test using just the digital service. The nhs111 service isa digital service. The nhs111 service is a trusted source of information, but on social media, there is an abundance of disinformation, according to the government, which has activated what it calls a counter this unit. This aims to identify and respond to fake news and stories about the virus. Lets talk to our health. Correspondent michele roberts. At the moment, it is about finding people who have been infected and try to stop them spreading the virus via contact with others. We are seeing some via contact with others. We are seeing some cases now via contact with others. We are seeing some cases now within the uk where there is no previous travel history, and the concern is that now we need to move to the next phase, which is the delay phase. Experts are saying if we are getting to that point, it means the virus will keep spreading within the uk. More people will be infected and is about managing the numbers, so rather than having a massive peak with lots of people infected at the same time, if we can do later and spread it out so that a similar number will become infected but it would be over a longer timescale, that gives the nhs time to cope. And that is something that will be discussed at the cobra meeting we have been talking about in downing street, at which the chief medical officer will be present. And presumably talking about those social distancing measures . It is very much about being proportionate. We dont want to isolate people unnecessarily. So it is about making sure people are protected from the virus, but not from their everyday living. 0bviously, certain people are at higher risk, so we know the Elderly Population are in that category, people with Underlying Health conditions. The three deaths so far, all of them had Underlying Health conditions and were in their 60s, 70s and 80s. We will talk to our reporters in italy in a moment, but among the Health Lessons coming from italy it is interesting to see that the medic in charge of coordinating intensive care units in that region which is currently under lockdown says that if the infection continues to spread at its current rate, they will soon run out of intensive care beds. So there is a lesson for places like the uk in terms of preparedness. That is the point of delay tactics. The nhs is well to treat people. We have a lot of equipment and staff, but if everybody gets sick at the same time, that is when pressure mounts up. Health experts are saying they wa nt to up. Health experts are saying they want to try and push that peak further back into late spring and summer s0 further back into late spring and summer so that the nhs has time to adjust, because there are still other patients with flu at the moment, so the longer we can delay, the better. Thank you. lets look now at the political implications of all this in downing street. We can speak now to our assistant Political Editor norman smith, hes in westminster for us. There is a huge amount going on and coronavirus is now totally dominating all government activity. We have a meeting today between the environment secretary and the environment secretary and the environment secretary and the environment secretary other supermarkets to discuss Food Supplies and how to counter panic buying. We have a meeting between the culture secretary and some of the culture secretary and some of the main sporting bodies to look at the main sporting bodies to look at the possibility of maybe cancelling some sporting events or restricting Public Events. We have the cobra committee. We have a new fake news unit being set up to counter some of the more alarmist stuff being put out on social media. My sense is that it out on social media. My sense is thatitis out on social media. My sense is that it is not now really a question of whether we move to the second phase, it is when we moved to the delay phase. That seems to be the direction of travel. The government really wa nts direction of travel. The government really wants to try and hold back from that for as long as possible. The reasons for that are, they think that if you start imposing all these restrictions like travel curbs and s0 restrictions like travel curbs and so on restrictions like travel curbs and so on too early, it will not have any so on too early, it will not have a ny effect so on too early, it will not have any effect because they dont need to be in place. Also, if you impose them now when you have to sustain those restrictions for a longer period of time, it will be much harder to do so because people will become weary of not being able to go about their normal daily business and in time, people willjust fill out any restrictions you put in place. So on the timing front, the mood in government is, provided its compatible with the medical advice to just hold back from some of the curbs and restrictions that have been talked about for as long as possible, that seems to be what the culture secretary was intimating this morning. We are constantly engaging with relevant sectors including sports bodies. They were in last weeks meeting the chief deputy medical officer. They will be in again today. We are guided by the facts and the evidence and at the moment, the advice is clear from the chief medical officer. There is no need to cancel such events. Indeed, i was at twickenham on saturday with the Prime Minister. We had a huge crowd of people there, so there is no reason for people either not to attend such events or to cancel them at this stage, but well keep it under review. The other key moment which is looming up in terms of coronavirus is the budget, which bluntly has become a coronavirus budget. We have already had signs from the chancellor rishi sunak about how he is going to provide some sort of support for businesses to tide them through coronavirus. We dont quite know what that will be, whether it might be short term tax relief or whether it could be grants to smaller businesses. Also what he does about banks who might be getting nervous about loans to companies which are beginning to struggle. Listen to the advice from the formolo chancellor george 0sborne. Ifi if i was chancellor, i dont want some complicated scheme that will be working in six months time. I dont wa nt working in six months time. I dont want to set up some Computer System that will be operational by december. I need to use the tools that are available to me right now to help people who are either unable to help people who are either unable to work because their business is shut or they are self isolating or they have got the virus, and to help those businesses, particularly the small and medium sized businesses, which will have limited cash reserves and therefore could go into bankruptcy. As you know, there has been a debate in government about whether to set to one side the tories fiscal rules about only borrowing to invest and balancing the books by the middle of the parliament and ensuring that debt is coming down by the end of this parliament, amid a fear that those rules are a bit too restrictive for Boris Johnsons ambition is rules are a bit too restrictive for borisjohnsons ambition is to significantly boost spending in the north and outside london. I suspect that the coronavirus has made that very likely, just because it is frankly a good excuse to rip up those rules, but also when you look at the likely financial pressure on the nhs is having to deal with the sudden influx of patients, then rishi sunak may feel he has to park those rules because that will curb his ability to tackle coronavirus financially speaking. So that could be another significant element of the budget in that coronavirus could pave the way for the government to effectively rip up their fiscal rules, which i think many people suspect Boris Johnson rules, which i think many people suspect borisjohnson was keen to do anyway. Norman, thanks very much. A big day in a big week. The Foreign Office is warning against all but essential travel to northern italy, where 16 Million People are subject to strict quarantine measures to try to curb the spread of coronavirus. The Quarantine Zone, in the area of lombardy, includes the city of milan along with 14 provinces. The Airline Easyjet has cancelled some flights to and from the region. 366 people have died in italy after contracting covid i9, the highest number in any country outside china. 0ur rome correspondent, mark lowen has more. Like a scene from a nightmare that italy is now living. Sealed inside, a 62 year old man, fallen to the virus. Hes been contained. The outbreak hasnt. Hes transported to hospitals, stretched to the limit. Medics say corridors are being used for intensive care units, and one of the worlds best Healthcare Systems is near breaking point. The surge in cases has now prompted the most drastic restrictions here since the second world war. Italys financial capital, milan, is bare, virtually locked down, along with 14 provinces. A quarter of the population, quarantined. Everyone returning to the uk from the area must now self isolate. Italys second city, usually teeming with life, is hushed, access in or out strictly limited. Venice is part of the restricted area, one of italys tourism jewels, deserted by a mixture of quarantine and fear. At the vatican, decades of tradition were broken, as the pope made his sunday blessing by video stream, rather than at the window, to a st Peters Square usually filled with thousands. Faith that this will pass is sorely lacking. Mark lowen, bbc news, northern italy. We can get the latest from bethany bell in the northern italian city of bologna. What is happening there . what is happening there . I am in bologna, which is just what is happening there . I am in bologna, which isjust outside what is happening there . I am in bologna, which is just outside those areas which have been in partial lockdown. We are getting more of an idea about how the government plans to police this lockdown. We are told that if you go to an airport or a train station and you try to leave these restricted areas, you will be asked to justify the reason for your journey. You can travel if you have an essential work reason for doing so, orfor an essential work reason for doing s0, or for emergency an essential work reason for doing so, or for emergency family reasons. The transport ministry has said that tourists and other visitors to the region will be allowed to leave, that planes and Train Services are still running. Within the area for people who live there, they have been urged to stay at home as much as possible, work from home. Schools and universities remain shut. Museums and ski resorts, area shutdown of life. We will be watching carefully today to see exactly how far the authorities go in trying to maintain this situation and just how many italians decide to go along with it. And that is obviously because of the growing infection rate and growing fatality rate. It is going to have 400 people in italy already dead because of this. We hearfrom the in italy already dead because of this. We hear from the doctor in charge of acute care units, saying that if the infection continues to spread at the current rates, they will soon run out of intensive care beds. Its a very big concern. One of the reasons why the government decided to impose these measures is that they are concerned about the intensive care units. This is all happening in italys wealthy northern regions which have very good hospitals. In the south of italy, that is not the case and if you start seeing the spread of coronavirus down there, that could mean coronavirus down there, that could m ea n really coronavirus down there, that could mean really difficult situations. These intensive care units are having to deal with all of the coronavirus cases, s0 having to deal with all of the coronavirus cases, so what would happen to people with other Health Conditions require intensive care . I was speaking to somebody living inside the Quarantine Zone yesterday, and she was telling me its a very eerie thing. The streets are empty, but what you do hear the whole time is many more ambulance sirens. She says its a very strange feeling. Thank you. Well, the Global Financial markets have already seen heightened volatility over fears of a Major Economic hit from the coronavirus outbreak. Lets talk to our Business Editor dominic 0connell. The ftse 100, the main london the ftse100, the main london stock market index, opened it down nearly 996. Market index, opened it down nearly 9 . It has recovered a bit. To put that into context, the biggest ever one day fall in the ftse was in 0ctober one day fall in the ftse was in october 1987, one day fall in the ftse was in 0ctober1987, the day after black monday, when it fell 12 . 6 is still a very big full, roughly on par with what happened after the 9 11 terrorist attacks. The reason is because of the drop in the oil price overnight. It has pulled from 45 a barrel on friday night all the way down to 32 a barrel, a near 30 full. This is because the 0pec members met last week to try and shore up prices in the wake of the fall in demand from the coronavirus. Russia, which isnt an 0pec member, said no, we are going to keep dumping. The saudis took offence and is now going to increase production, not cut it. That is why the oil price has fallen so dramatically. Some people are talking about it even going down to 20 a barrel. So some big falls on the london stock market today. Which is also why london is down further than some of the european exchanges. The Biggest Company on the london market is royal dutch shell, with bp not far behind. We have a budget this week, s0 behind. We have a budget this week, so what will the uk chancellor do . There is talk about the european stability pact being suspended. And what does the bank of england do . We had the federal reserve, americas federal bank, cutting rates last week. The bank of england may do that. Their next meeting is on march the 26th. And its a huge moment for these individuals to show leadership. There was discussion around the financial crash of 2008 about the big figures in that moment who came together to save the global economy. Are we going to see the same again . We have Christine Lagarde and many other new figures at the helm. There was a lot of talk last week about a concerted action, which made said emergency rate cut a bit odd. Immediately afterwards, the ecb, the European Central bank, the Japanese Central bank and the bank of england, there was talk that they might do the same, but they didnt. It may be that they decide that interest cuts are not an Effective Response and that it is actually all about government spending. Come back and tell us as and when. Meanwhile, a cruise liner which has been off the coast of california since thursday, after an outbreak of coronavirus was found on board, is expected to dock in the commercial port of oakland, near san francisco. There are 3,500 people on board the grand princess, including 142 british nationals. 0ur los angeles correspondent sophie long sent us this report. The first people to be taken off the ship will be there is an acute need of hospitalisation. The next priority will be californians, who will be taking to a military facility within the state for isolation and monitoring. Next off will be other us citizens who are not from california. The last people to be taken off that boat, we believe, could be the international passengers, among them 142 britons. We are told they will be taken to 0akland we are told they will be taken to oakland airport, where they will be repatriated to their own countries. We have heard from the foreign 0ffice we have heard from the Foreign Office in london. They say they are working the authorities here to arrange a flight to take those 142 britons back to the uk. We dont yet know where they will go that or how long the will take. This operation of this embankment could take several days. For the passengers, though, around 2500 of them, and could be in sight. They will be off the ship at some point in near future. A different story to the more than 1500 crew, though. They will be treated and quarantined on the ship and that ship will not be allowed to remain in oakland. Since that report, the foreign 0ffice since that report, the Foreign Office has said are working with the us authorities and arrangements for british nationals currently on the grand princess. They are also in contact with local authorities and with the staff of the grand princess itself, ready to support british nationals who need assistance. Lets turn to some of the medical aspects now. With me is dr al edwards from the university of reading, who specialises in immunology and vaccines. When you look across all the different angles on the story, what should we be focusing on . Following what is happening in italy, everything is changing very fast. I suppose we are all thinking how the numbers in italy will be mirrored in other European Countries where we have close contacts. We are all looking ahead to see whether we get the same rise in cases we have seen over the last few weeks in italy. But it is changing so fast that it is difficult to keep up. When you look at the numbers in italy, which are spiking, do you think, oh, well, it was not adequately tested over there two or three weeks ago . M it was not adequately tested over there two or three weeks ago . It is not so much about the adequate testing, it is about awareness. When you have a big outbreak, suddenly eve ryo ne you have a big outbreak, suddenly everyone gets tested and you will start to find all of the cases. So we are hoping over the next few days that we will find all the cases, find the missing links, find out who infected who and where it all came from. Hopefully then, we will see much less spread and we will not see new cases occurring. The chinese cases are going down. That must be an encouragement to everybody in the medical professional, to think that there is an end of the biggest wave . That is the useful parallel. There has been a useful visit of World Health Organization experts to china to understand what happened. Everyone is impressed that what may seem everyone is impressed that what may seem initially drastic control measures had an enormous and possibly unprecedented impact on the spread of that virus in china. So the hope is that we can learn from what happened in china and replicate what happened in china and replicate what is needed in europe. The draconian measures you are talking about are the very stern social distancing measures that they took. Cobra is meeting this morning in downing street. If you were the chief medical officer, what would you be telling the Prime Minister about the right moment to move from containment phase one to delay and all the social distancing . The most important thing from a scientific background is to think about what we know about control measures and how effective they are. We want to have a proportionate response. We dont wa nt to a proportionate response. We dont want to make changes which havent been found to have benefits to the rate of spread. We have fantastic modelling science nowadays, so you can see whether closing schools has any effect, for example. Picking up from your previous answer on china, i suppose the evidence is that the social distancing measures do have an effect. Yes, but we dont know for example whether the most important thing is to close schools orfor people to important thing is to close schools or for people to work from home. It is about the right balance. Do we have the luxury of waiting to see . Can we afford to wait and see hundreds of old people die . This is the classic question we are all asking, why are the school still open . But at the moment, there is no reason to suppose that there is any need to change that. And the impact would be quite dramatic. We learn a lot from looking at the situation in italy. A week ago, schools were closed and some people were saying, is this necessary . And now the rates are still increasing, so you move to the next stage. Thank you. And coming up well be answering your questions on coronavirus with dr mike tildesley, an assosciate professor of Infectious Diseases at the university of warwick. Get in touch with the hashtag bbcyourquestions on social media or you can send an email to yourquestions bbc. Co. Uk and keep up with the latest on coronavirus on the bbc news app and the website. Lets turn to the days other news. The trial of the former first minister of scotland, alex salmond, on charges of Sexual Assault and attempted rape gets under way in edinburgh later. Mr salmond is charged with a string of Sexual Offences against 10 women. He denies all the charges against him. With more details, here is our scotland correspondent lorna gordon. For more than 30 years, alex salmond was at the top of scottish politics. Today he goes on trial accused of multiple Sexual Offences, all alleged to have happened while he was serving as first minister and leader of the snp. Speaking outside court last year, he strenuously denied all the charges he was facing. Im innocent, and i will defend my position vigorously. Alex salmond faces 12 charges of Sexual Assault and two of indecent assault. They date from 2008 to 2014. Ten women are said to have been victims, some of them more than once. Among the charges is one attempted rape and one assault with intent to rape. Nine of the alleged assaults are said to have been taken place at bute house, the first ministers official residence in edinburgh, including the alleged attempted rape, in which mr salmond is said to have pinned a woman against a wall, removing her clothes and his own before lying naked on top of her. The charges span many years and many locations a restaurant in glasgow, a nightclub in edinburgh, a car, Stirling Castle and the scottish parliament. Mr salmond has pleaded not guilty to all of the charges he is facing. The trial at the high court in edinburgh is expected to last four weeks. Lorna gordon, bbc news, edinburgh. The duke and duchess of sussex will make their final public appearance as royals later today. Harry and meghan willjoin the queen and other senior members of the royal family at a service in london to mark Commonwealth Day. 0ur royal correspondent, Daniela Relph has more, and just a warning that this report contains flashing images from the start. There has been a flurry of engagements for the duke and duchess of sussex over recent days. The interest in them perhaps even more intense knowing they are moving away from this kind of public work. It is a significant moment as harry and meghan head towards a life away from royal duty that is financially independent. Today they will again be at Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth Day service. Last year, they were expectant parents, with meghan seven months pregnant. Back then, it was thought their future was one as popular working royals, to raise awareness and money for the chosen projects. But the landscape is now very different. They return to Westminster Abbey alongside the queen and senior members of the royal family they will now leave behind. It is expected harry and meghan will return to canada shortly after the service and their son archie. The plan is for them to still attend some royal events, but these will not be classed as official duties and they will no longer receive public money. The new arrangements will be reviewed in 12 months time. Daniela relph, bbc news. After italy quarantined a quarter of its population, a european expert in Disease Control and prevention says the uk will be like italy in three weeks unless the government takes action in the next few days. Also on the programme, four babies in britain die from sudden infant death syndrome each week. And a new survey out today suggests almost half of pa rents out today suggests almost half of parents have put their baby in an u nsafe parents have put their baby in an unsafe sleeping environment, which includes falling asleep with your baby on your chest or on a sofa. We will bring you the details at ten. Now its time for a look at the weather. A near perfect start to the day earlier in gloucestershire. It will bea earlier in gloucestershire. It will be a day of change. You will have been on your way to work under sunny skies, but things are set to change from the west. By the end of the afternoon across much of wales, western scotland and the western fringes of england, wayne will be on the way. Temperatures are on the rise, but there will be quite extensive rain. Heavy rain through much of scotland this afternoon. The worst of the reign is over in northern ireland. Still patchy rain to the south and east. Lots of rain towards eastern counties by the finish of the rush hour. That will clear through. It stays wet across Western Hills to take us into tomorrow. More rain to come in the west, but it will be an incredibly mad day for some. More on that throughout the morning. It will be an incredibly mild day for some. Hello, this is bbc news at nine with me, carrie gracie. The headlines. The Prime Minister is preparing to chair a meeting of the Cobra Emergency Committee to discuss plans to delay the spread of coronavirus, after a third person dies in the uk. As italys death toll reaches 366, the Foreign Office warns against all but essential travel to northern italy where 16 Million People are in lockdown markets concern the ftse falls nine percent after opening this morning as overnight Oil Prices Crash by nearly a third the trial of the former first minister of scotland, alex salmond, on charges of Sexual Assault and attempted rape gets underway in edinburgh later. Time now for the morning briefing, where we bring you up to speed on the stories people are watching, reading and sharing. There are different views on the need to cancel mass public gatherings to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Britain, of course, has not banned them, but this tweet from alexander kekule, a professor in virology who previously advised the German Government on Disease Control is interesting. Last night he attacked German Health ministerjens spahn for waiting until yesterday to call for a ban of large Public Events saying. There is now more than 1000 cases in germany. This New York Times article has got a lot of interest online. It says that Columbia University in new york has cancelled classes and will use remote teaching for the rest of the week after a University Member was confirmed to have coronavirus. The governor of new york declared a state of emergency there on saturday. In other news as we mentioned earlier, the former equality watchdog chief, trevor phillips, has been suspended from the labour party over allegations of islamophobia. Both his name and islamophobia are trending on twitter. Mr phillips has rejected the accusation and has been speaking to Nick Robinson on the today programme. You of all people know it is sweeping generalisations which are the problem, and theyre often the problem with racism. To declare that muslims are different, about 3 Million People in this country, when talking about one cricket club in one town is tricky. And there is other language that you have used in the past. When you made a famous channel 4 documentary about what muslims really think, you use the phrase britains muslims are becoming a nation within a nation. That phrase, as you may know, was found in a letter from Tommy Robinson in the van of the man who drove into muslims at a mosque in finsbury park. Do you not at the very least just need to be more careful about what you say and how it can be used by others . First of all, the so called sweeping generalisation was made in a 20,000 word pamphlet which went into some detail about what i meant by different. But there are all sorts of differences in our society and the Central Point of my pamphlet was to say we cannot continue simply to say that differences wont matter. In my view, its a form of disrespect somehow to say to people, dont worry, the differences or values that they have, the belief that this group or that group have, including by the way the one that i come from myself, they will get over it. That is disrespectful. We have to address them. Doesnt it make you flinch at all about Tommy Robinson . To be honest, id never heard that before. I did not know he ever used that phrase. But as my grandmother says, just because the devil picks up a tune, doesnt mean its a bad tune. Lets turn to something slightly more light hearted. Plenty of Mass Gatherings are still taking place though including in western france where thousands of people gathered yesterday to break the world record for the largest ever gathering of smurfs. Around 3,500 people dressed up as the characters, which come from a belgian comic franchise centered on a fictional colony of small, blue, human like creatures who live in mushroom shaped houses in the forest. Everyones got to have a fancy, right . And another more light hearted one, still plenty of discussion online about this moment. 16 year old schoolboy aker 0koye met the duchess of sussex at his school in dagenham on friday. He says hes written a handwritten note of apology to the duke of sussex for hugging his wife. There we go. There is the hug i wa nt to there we go. There is the hug i want to see the note of apology next thats understandably still getting some attention. A bit more on the most red and most watched on the website. Lets look at the most read. As you can see, global shares, weve been talking about that with dominic. The emergency cobra meeting. Thats two. We been talking about that, trevor phillips, we just talked about but lets talk about this. Knifeman shot dead by police in westminster over night. We havent really touched on this in the news output. Armed Police Officers in central london, a man seen officers in central london, a man seen acting suspiciously, just before midnight last night. Pulled out two nice, challenged by officers who were on patrol. Armed officers responded, tasers and guns fired. Knives. The incident not being treated as terror related. That is getting a lot of interest from you. Another one down below. Croydon bus stabbing, teenager believed to be 17, found with multiple injuries. That was last night. Treated by paramedics. But pronounced dead at the scene. Scotland yard says no arrests have been made yet, local roads were closed at the time but have since been reopened. Thats a quick look at what people are reading on the website. Now, i think we should look at the sport. We kept salivating long enough. 0ver we should look at the sport. We kept salivating long enough. Over to the sports centre. Here she is. We have kept sally waiting. Manchester united beat Manchester City 2 0 yesterday. United had a free kick after 30 minutes. Anthony maggio seemingly routine shot but addison could not keep it out. Worse to come from city. Deep into injury time. Addison threw the ball out. Great skill. Sending it back into the net in front of the delirious stretford end. United move up to fifth in the league. Fantastic. For the end. United move up to fifth in the league. Fantastic. Forthe fans, end. United move up to fifth in the league. Fantastic. For the fans, the players, the team, the whole club. To be able to beat city at home is important. Weve not done it for a while. Big game for us. Great win for manchester united. How about this . For commitment to the cause. Anthony maggio posting this picture. You can see this on the right, thats his leg, collided with a goalpost. Looks painful. Chelsea thrashed everton 4 0 at stamford bridge. Their Biggest League win of the season. The goal of the bunch. As you can see. Rangers have broken their underperform. Beating ross cou nty their underperform. Beating ross county with a kent goal. Englands women picked up a much needed win in the she believes cup. They were beaten 2 0 by hosts usa in theirfirst game, but last night they beat the 2011 world champions japan. Manchester citys ellen white scored the only goal of the game with just six minutes to go. Wolves look likely to play their Europa League game against 0lympiakos in greece behind closed doors this week. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, all professional Sports Events in greece will be played without fans for the next fortnight. Wolves had sold a thousand tickets by yesterday. It could look Something Like this. Arron ramsey scored asjuventus beat inter milan 2 0 last night. All serie a games were played without fans at the weekend. Well overnight a decision was taken to cancel the indian wells tennis tournament in california because of fears over the spread of the virus. We can speak now to our tennis correspondent russell fuller. Good morning. Explain to us how significant a tournament this is, how important is indian mass . Good morning, sally. The first big tour event of the year after the Australian Open injanuary. Indian wells kicks off the major part of the atp and wta season. Apart from the atp and wta season. Apart from the four grand slam titles there is no other tour event which has more players, over 300 players competing in an average year at indian wells. You include the singles, those in the qualifying, doubles as well. Qualifying due to begin in a few hours. Almost all of those players will already be on site but the decision was taken because of one confirmed case in the local Coachella Valley area. The local Health Department declared a public emergency. Its felt its not safe for the participants or the spectators, often over 450,000 spectators, often over 450,000 spectators travel to indian wells each year. To play the event at this particular time. They are looking to rearrange it but i think thats very improbable. What are the ramifications for the rest of the tour . If a decision is taken to cancel a tennis event because of one local case in the area, you would think its very difficult for any major event to be played in weeks and months to come. It may well be other events take a slightly different view, looking ahead to miami in two weeks, that takes place in florida. Already three confirmed cases of coronavirus there. Very big Music Festival in march as well. Thats already been cold off. The wta chief executive says its too early to speculate about events to come but after miami, the tour moves on to europe. Clay court season. Big events scheduled there in monte carlo. Dread. And most notably in rome. I think there has to be serious questions over whether tennis can put together a calendar over the weeks and months to come. Russell, thank you. Russell fuller are tennis correspondent. We could have a long wait to see wholl win this years six nations championship. Scotlands victory over france means england could win the tournament by beating italy in their final match and thatss been postponed because of coronavirus. Frances hopes of completing the grand slam disappeared when prop momo 0wa a was sent off for punching man of the match jamie ritchie. Sean maitland scored two tries and Stuart Mcinally finished them off with this in their win by 28 points to 17. Science today that our defence has improved from game to game. The turnovers, the contacts. Dominance at times, great to see. 0n the back of that we can play very good rugby, weve got excellent players throughout the team. Thats it from me. Dont forget, you can catch up with all the news at sportsday, 6 30pm tonight. Back to you. The headlines on bbc news. The Prime Minister preparing to chaira the Prime Minister preparing to chair a meeting of the Cobra Emergency Committee, a third person dies in the uk. Italy s death toll reaches 366. The Foreign Office warns against all but essential travel to northern italy, 16 Million People are in lockdown there. Market concerns, the footsie. Im present on opening this morning. 0vernight Oil Prices Crashed by nearly a third. 9 . The bbcs Award Winning podcast13 minutes to the moon returns today for a second season, telling the extraordinary story of apollo 13. It should have been the third moon landing, but after an explosion, it almost ended in tragedy. Lets take a look at what happened on that nearfateful mission. It rocked everything. James eyes we re it rocked everything. James eyes were as wide as saucers. You soon, we have a problem. We have got more than a problem. Nothing made sense in the first few seconds. No one knew exactly what had happened. Its going down. We are losing it. We were not confident we were going to get the crew back. We were not confident we were going to get the crew backlj we were not confident we were going to get the crew back. I was thinking we werent going to survive but we we re we werent going to survive but we were going to try our best all the way until the oxygen left us and that was the end of the deal. Joining me now is the author and broadcaster kevin fong, who presents the podcast. Looking back at that moment in history, what was the most striking thing about it for you . For me, it was about unpicking how you take a tea m was about unpicking how you take a team and lead them through this catastrophe that spreads over four days and you keep them going in the face of what looks like almost certain defeat and you keep working and working until you get through to the other side. Lets talk about the almost certain defeat. Tell us more about what went wrong, talk us through briefly the story. As you heard it should have been the Third Mission to the moon by nasa. Two days into the mission, the oxygen tank on the mothership, if you like, the command module, exploded. That bleeds out all of the oxygen. Thats how they generate power. Notjust the humans . Not just how they generate power. Notjust the humans . Notjust the humans. The oxygen is the lifeblood for the humans and the capital. Now this spacecraft is dead, 200,000 miles from earth. And they have to find some way to engineer a contingency plan to get them home. That is what then becomes the mission of apollo 13. They loop round the moon. Thats right. Youve got some hard decisions to make. You can in theory turn around to try and come straight home but they dont have enough engine powered to do that. They keep going forwards to the moon. Round the back of the moon. They end up inhabiting this sort of power down module, freezing cold, no water, almost no water to drink, no power. Dry to work out how they are going to engineer the solutions, to get for those on board they must expect to die at this point . That was one of the fascinating things, doing the interviews, talking to two of the surviving astronauts, jim and fred and previously in interviews they have been pretty, i guess, courageous about the way they talk about how everyone felt. But they we re about how everyone felt. But they were pretty clear, you know, they thought they might not survive this mission. The people at Mission Control i think felt the same thing but they didnt waste any time inking about that at the time. That was also quite impressive. Lessons, what lessons were learned, where they learned at the time . Its not they learned at the time . Its not the only disaster that nasa has had in its mission is to the moon . Or space . Thats one of the things we wa nted space . Thats one of the things we wanted to do in the course of the podcast, not just tell the wanted to do in the course of the podcast, notjust tell the story about how they managed to make this happen, there are lessons for all of us. In any crisis. And so part of it was looking at how nasa prepared, how it deals with that moment of uncertainty at the start and how it plans its way through the rest of the mission. Talking about all of us in moments of crisis. You have a few. I read you are not only a podcast presenter etc but you also area podcast presenter etc but you also are a doctor and your flight with the helicopter emergency medical service. Yes, i fly with kent, surrey, sussex air ambulance, covering the south east of england, for me there were lessons you can read for me there were lessons you can rea d a cross for me there were lessons you can read across how apollo 13 rescued itself from disaster to my dayjob. And in the hustle i work in, University College hospital in london, thats what i do, look around for lessons you can translate from one organisation to another. Fascinating, thank you so much for coming in. The hospital i work this week across the bbc, stories sourced and produced by young people will be shared as part of the bbc young reporter project. Thousands of 11 to 18 year olds have the opportunity to tell the stories which matter to them. 11 year old zoe, has a form of dwarfism and won the chance to film and produce her own special report covering a day in her life while at school and at home. Lets take a look. My name is zoe. Im 11 years old and this year i started senior school. I got an older brother called jacob, and heres my mum, my dad and my new puppy. When i was younger i was diagnosed with a form of dwarfism called spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita. Sedc for short. It affects the way my bones grow, which means im shorter than most people my age. The people i know and love treat me like their equal, as anyone with my condition should be treated. But strangers dont always understand. When i go out and people dont know me, lots of them assume straightaway that im younger. I get patted on the head by adults and called cute, or sometimes they even talk to my mum about me because they dont think i can answer. I applied for the bbc young reporter because i thought it was a great way to share my story and to show other people what i can do. So, now im in my carand im ready to go to school. Because of my condition, i have to have my legs at a 90 degree angle. They got me stools, they got me cushions for behind my back, they got me steps that i can use in my science and my dt. The initial temperature of copper sulphate. Im going to go get that one. Sedc has given me some positives. I got stronger and i got more confident. If youre going to handle these everyday things, you dont want to just meltdown every time someone says something. I wanted to ask my parents about how they found out about my condition. When we found out that you had spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita. We had to learn how to spell it first well, we did, but we didnt really know what it was. We only knew when you were born that you were small. All my life youve made adaptations, had you made any before you realised youd made any . When you were in a pushchair, people looked at you as if you were just a really young child. And when we put you in a wheelchair, not only did it lift you up so that you were a better height to see people and be part of the world, it showed that actually you were a child with a physical difference rather thanjust a little child, you know, a toddler or whatever. Because the pushchair also made me feel quite young. I prefer people come and talk to me, than look and not know. You dont want people. To make assumptions. My favourite quote is from doctor seuss and it is a person is a person no matter how small, which really fits me. Wonderful piece of reporting. No one will be patting that young woman on the head just before we go back to more grim coronavirus news, lets cheer herself up with another story. The annual birdman rally has been taking place in melbourne. Its an event where people dress up, build home made hang gliders and then throw themselves off a jetty in a usually fruitless attempt to fly. The bbcs tim allman has more. Every year on the banks of the yarra river, they set out to prove the old adage that what goes up must definitely come down. Cheering. This is a place where hope springs eternal. Despite all evidence to the contrary. I wouldnt say im fat but im very short for my weight, so yes, ive got massive disadvantages when it comes to actually flying. Its not actually possible. I think im going to go forjust a really fun leap or something. Im not really sure. Just see whatever happens. Competitors are awarded for distance and believe it or not, altitude. They also get marks for entertainment value. Which is just as well, all things considered. But its still as scary as ever when you jump in, no matter how many times youve done it. It was very exciting, im still a little bit like, what . It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it a lot. Its said insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. Tell that to the bird mean and bird women of melbourne. Who still believe one day theyll fly. Tim allman, bbc news. Now about the coronavirus break. Lets ta ke now about the coronavirus break. Lets take a look at downing street. Cobra meeting expected. The Prime Minister cheering. Starting at 11am. We have breaking news and coronavirus from wales while we look at that. Sharing. New cases confirmed, two further cases of covid 19 confirmed in wales. Bringing the total number there six. The individuals are not linked to each other. Both known to have recently travelled back to wales from different parts of the world. Italy. Public health wales now trying to identify whos been in contact with those individuals. Lots more coming up. Simon has the weather. Thank you. Sunshine for some parts of the uk, not bad for many of us. One or two rainbows, showers passing their way through. That was the scene in lincolnshire. Not going to be sunny all day. For many parts of the uk there is clear skies, its towards the west we have this area of cloud. The area of low pressure setting out to the atlantic. Bringing weather fronts further east. Rain spreading in. The rain already with us across northern ireland. Gradually pushing into western scotland through wales, the south west of england by lunchtime. Continuing to move east as the day goes on. Eastern scotland, the eastern side of england, cloud moving its way in but largely dry and bright. Well into the afternoon. Maximum temperature is 9 12d. Eventually the rain moving into eastern areas. The rain particularly heavy across wales. The north west of england. Some concern about the amount of rainfall we will see as we go into tomorrow morning. Elsewhere some showers, some clear spells. Temperatures overnight for 8 degrees. Fairly mild start to tuesday, could even be quite warm for some during tuesday. The rain from the south west, weather fronts, daisy chaining through the mid atlantic. Daisy chaining through the mid atla ntic. Still some daisy chaining through the mid atlantic. Still some rain around on tuesday. The rain across north west england, across wales, tending to disappear, sunny spells and showers for the north. Further south some cloud, some rain at times. Also quite gusty winds on tuesday. Could see 50 55 miles an hour winds, and tuesday. Could see 50 55 miles an hourwinds, andi tuesday. Could see 50 55 miles an hour winds, and i mentioned quite mild if not warm, temperatures potentially reaching 16 degrees in the south east, further north temperatures 8 10d. Through the night into wednesday, still got these weather fronts just affecting southern areas, another moving into the north west of scotland on wednesday, bringing some showers which will be wintry over the higher ground. Cloud across the south at times, brighter skies, perhaps ground. Cloud across the south at times, brighterskies, perhaps rain moving into the far south later in the day. Temperatures coming down a little bit in the south east, not quite as mild or warm, high 13 degrees, further north 7 9d. Heavy rain at times today for wales and the north west of england. Stay tuned. Goodbye. Hello, its monday, its 10 oclock, im victoria derbyshire. And were live from new broadcasting house. Three people have now died from coronavirus in the uk. The pm is chairing an emergency meeting at 11 to discuss whether its time to close schools and ban large public gatherings. The death toll in italy has reached 366 with the European Centre for disease prevention and control has told this programme that the uk has days to start implementing stronger measures to prevent a major outbreak. We are in an exponential curve, so the cases are doubling very quickly. So you dont really have a lot of time. Now you may see hundreds, but very soon if you dont do anything, the thousands will come extremely quickly

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