images were still there. telegram did not agree to an interview, and their statement didn't refer to ourfindings. they insist they have teams who proactively monitor public spaces. but as the platform continues to grow, there are fears that more women could be targeted and their bodies and lives exposed. hannah gelbart, bbc news. and you can watch a longer version of this investigation on the bbc news youtube channel. uk doctors have now been treating covid patients for more than two years — and it's fair to say it's been a steep learning curve. as well as the vaccines, huge progress has been made in the use of anti—viral drugs — which mean more people can be treated at home rather than admitted to hospital. 0ur medical editor fergus walsh has been to the royal victoria infirmary in newcastle to find out more. at the start of the pandemic, there were no drugs for covid. how things have changed. screen five patients who are eligible for paxlovid... a key focus now is on anti—viral