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This is bbc news. These are the latest headlines in the uk and around the world. Police in russia crack down on protests by supporters of the jailed Opposition Leader alexei navalny. More than 200 people have been arrested. These are live pictures from moscow where the demonstrations are getting underway. Many have already been held in the far east of russia. It comes as borisjohnson warns the new variant of the virus may be more deadly than previously thought. Senior doctors call for changes in the vaccine rollout in the uk. They want the 12 week gap between the first and second dose of the pfizerjab to be halved. Return to wuhan one year on from the lockdown. We go back to the chinese city where the pandemic began. And back on the tracks two disused railways lines closed to passengers since the 1960s, are to reopen after an £800 million cash injection from the uk government. Hello and welcome if youre watching in the uk or around the world. Im shaun ley. Russian police have detained dozens of protesters at the beginning of a wave of demonstrations across the country in support of the jailed government critic, alexei navalny. The first protests took place in russias far east in vladivostok and khabarovsk and have now spread. Police have declared the demonstrations illegal and warned they would break them up. In the centre of moscow, hundreds of metal barriers are in place to corral protestors who try to gather, some of whom have already been dragged away by police. Mr navalny was detained on his return to moscow last sunday, five months after being poisoned by a deadly nerve agent. Lets bring you some live pictures now from moscow. Testers are already gathering. It is worth pointing out that mr navalny has put out a statement on his instagram social media account in russian, this is a translation. Just in case, i deliver it is not my planet to hang myself from the windows, it plan to hang myself, or otherwise, my heart a stable, i know there are many good people my present and help will come. Outside my prison. It is said there would be no protest permitted and swift action would be carried out by the police and Security Services if there were protests. Our moscow correspondent, oleg boldyrev, joins us. Good to speak to you the saturday. It is lunchtime where you are in moscow right now. What sort of scenes are you seeing and how does it compare with the protests we believe have already taken place further east . Believe have already taken place further east . Well, the breadth of the protests further east . Well, the breadth of the protests is further east . Well, the breadth of the protests is certainly, further east . Well, the breadth of the protests is certainly, if further east . Well, the breadth of the protests is certainly, if not the protests is certainly, if not unprecedented, a very rare one because even the places which never saw mass protest such as the easternmost territory of russia, yakutsk, no sabir scanned novosibirsk and tomsk, this is the biggest protest they have seen in years. Mr biggest protest they have seen in ears. ~. , biggest protest they have seen in ears. ~. ,. , biggest protest they have seen in ears. ~. ,. , biggest protest they have seen in ears. ~. ,. ,. , years. Mr navalny has now begun a rison years. Mr navalny has now begun a prison term years. Mr navalny has now begun a prison term following years. Mr navalny has now begun a prison term following his years. Mr navalny has now begun a. Prison term following his appearance in court. He was arrested as soon as he landed last sunday and has this campaign, presumably forthe campaign, presumably for the parliamentary campaign, presumably forthe parliamentary elections later in mind this year for the parliamentary elections later in mind this yearfor the duma, but what do you play the protesters are hoping to achieve, merely by their presence on the streets . Hoping to achieve, merely by their presence on the streets . Well, the loric presence on the streets . Well, the lo. Ic here presence on the streets . Well, the logic here is presence on the streets . Well, the logic here is if presence on the streets . Well, the logic here is if they presence on the streets . Well, the logic here is if they turn presence on the streets . Well, the logic here is if they turn up presence on the streets . Well, the logic here is if they turn up in logic here is if they turn up in numbers sufficient enough, authorities will calculate that maybe having navalny in detention, he has not been sentenced, not at all, having him in detention is a counter profitable. He will be let go. There was a precedent in this in 2013 when navalny was brieflyjailed and up to 10,000 people suddenly turned up to the streets in moscow and authorities backed off so maybe the logic is this. Of course, navalny knows that the stakes are very high. He is not over dramatising by publishing that statement on instagram. There was an attempt on his life, an attempt to poison him with novichok back in august. He knows that the numbers need to rise in orderfor the authorities to realise that simply keeping one man and if you have his associates and jill is not going to do. The question is whether in jail. We saw crowds in 2019, there were 10,000, possibly 15,000 people protesting against unfair elections. Lets see what is happening now. When you talk to muscovites and, indeed, on your travels around the country, what is it that most frustrates them about russia and their lives today . Frustrates them about russia and their lives today . Motivations are different. For their lives today . Motivations are different. For example, their lives today . Motivations are different. For example, people i their lives today . Motivations are l different. For example, people who are relatively and do not have the usual reasons to complain about living standards, they are desperate that russia is stagnating, that the corruption is making any development impossible. 0n the other side of the scale, there are people who exist on very little money and of course, the epidemic, the employment, the lockdowns have not made it any easier so you have people with slightly different motivation, but for whom navalny� s appeal is quite evident. They are saying, the elite have been feeding off russian coffers for 20 years, we have not seen substantial progress in one of the countries which is one of the richest in the world if you measure by potential. Richest in the world if you measure by potential by potential. Oleg, thank you very much in moscow. By potential. Oleg, thank you very much in moscow. We by potential. Oleg, thank you very much in moscow. We will by potential. Oleg, thank you very much in moscow. We will be by potential. Oleg, thank you very. Much in moscow. We will be talking with you through the course of the day. Here in the uk senior doctors have called for a shorter gap between the first and second doses of the Pfizer Biontech covid vaccine. Health officials extended the wait from three to 12 weeks so as many people as possible could be vaccinated. But the British Medical Association wants that halved. It comes after a warning that the new uk variant of the disease may be more deadly than first thought. Danjohnson has this report. Theres a new tone to the governments message not just follow the rules, but asking us all to acknowledge the pressure on hospitals and question our movements, our level of interaction. Look them in the eyes and tell them youre doing all you can to stop the spread of covid 19. Transmission rates have been fueled by the new variant of coronavirus, and now there are early signs it could also be more deadly. Its early days, its limited research, more analysis is needed to be certain, but that hasnt stopped scientists getting concerned. I think the evidence is now reasonably strong, but only based on this one data set. But we are definitely struggling with this new variant, whether its more more lethal or not. Whether its more lethal or not. That struggle is underlined by the latest government figures showing there were 40,261 new infections recorded in the last 24 hour period. There were more than 38,500 people in hospital with coronavirus in the seven days to this wednesday, and another 11101 people have died within 28 days of a positive covid 19 test. Vaccines are still expected to be effective. More than 5. 3 million first doses have been given now, but there are calls to speed that up. What i think this brings home is that weve really got to go further and faster on vaccination. Weve got to get those vaccines rolled out to save people. But weve also got to put in measures to support people and break chains of transmission now, so i find it bewildering, bewilderingly negligent, that the government still isnt giving people proper sick pay and Financial Support to isolate. Doctors are questioning the decision to spread vaccine doses 12 weeks apart. The British Medical Association called for that to be cut to six weeks, saying the uks alone in allowing that much of a delay. Its also concerned about unpredictable vaccine supplies. And pictures like this from Heathrow Airport have added pressure for firmer measures at our borders, especially with other variants emerging around the world. On monday, ministers will discuss the possibility of enforced quarantine on arrival in designated hotels. Look them in the eyes and tell them that youre doing all you can to stop the spread. But the key message to most of us remains the same. Stay home, protect the nhs, save lives. Dan johnson, bbc news. Dr Chaand Nagpaul is the chair of the British Medical Association. Very good to speak to you again. Thank you for being with us on bbc news. This is obviously difficult time for doctors. They are in the process of carrying out the Vaccination Programme as we speak. They have been very, very busy with this. Did you have any reservation about sending this letter . Was the kind of a bit of internal debate about whether it was light to do that and publicly . I about whether it was light to do that and publicly . About whether it was light to do that and publicly . I want to say, first of all. That and publicly . I want to say, first of all. I that and publicly . I want to say, first of all, i totally that and publicly . I want to say, first of all, i totally understand l first of all, i totally understand that the very difficult decisions that the very difficult decisions that need to be made when you have a very transmissible virus and you want to protect as many people as possible. The letter was actually a private letter to the chief medical officer in my role i do meet with him and exchanged letters and it was a private letter to really ask him on to the government to reconsider the delay of specifically the pfizer dose to 12 weeks. The reason for thatis dose to 12 weeks. The reason for that is the extension to 12 weeks is not based on any data and it is based on an extrapolation or interpretation of what we think would be happening at that 12 week interval. The World Health Organization did convene a specific 0rganization did convene a specific meeting of experts to look at the delay of the Pfizer Vaccine, the second dose and what they said was that we should stick to the recommended interval of 3 4 weeks but to extend it to six weeks in exceptional circumstances. So what we have actually asked for is for the cmo and the position in the uk to meet the guidance from the World Health Organization and to delay the doors to a maximum of 42 days. That would still allow many more people to have a first dose compared to a three week interval, but at least it would be in keeping with the International Best practice guidance. There is no other nation internationally that has adopted a 12 week delay and now they will also be facing very similar challenges of limited vaccine supplies, high levels of infection but they have adopted a position that is inking with manufactures guidance or, in denmark, a six week delay. This was a private letter where we wanted to have a dialogue with the chief medical officer to reconsider the current schedule within the uk. Band current schedule within the uk. And ou have current schedule within the uk. And you have rrot current schedule within the uk. And you have not yet had a response . No because the letter was written yesterday and i hope that we will have dialogue as soon as possible. It is a very difficult decision and it is a very difficult decision and i do understand the rationale that has been put forward, but at the same time, what we do need to be assured of is that people are properly protected because if the level of protection of the second doseis level of protection of the second dose is compromised by a longer delay, that, of course, will impact on at the doctors that i represent because they are facing the virus in close quarters as they look after patients and they want to be assured of maximum protection because if they fall ill, they will not be there to look after patients. We do have about 50,000 nhs staff of work at the or with self isolating, so there is a very serious issue about wanting to protect people so that they do not follow. I want to return to the question of nhs employees any moment because that is clearly very important. We have explained why. Butjust important. We have explained why. But just on important. We have explained why. Butjust on this question of a second dose and narrowing the gap. Bring it closer to recommendation or at least in line with the World Health Organization advice, are you concerned at all that if supplies become compromised as weeks and months goes on and where are the hearing Continental Europe to have been some delays, some of the manufacturers wording they have encountered production difficulties, which has put back some of their delivery dates, is there not an argument that it is better that you have the one vaccine dose act as many people as possible because if that day comes, did i sit, when supplies halt for the period, hopefully only a short period, but at least you will have maximise the number of people who have some cover rather than getting two doses out in a relatively short time in finding there are a large number of people who will not receive any for some time . I who will not receive any for some time . ,. ,. , time . I do understand the argument, but then remember time . I do understand the argument, but then remember that time . I do understand the argument, but then remember that we time . I do understand the argument, but then remember that we are time . I do understand the argument, but then remember that we are only | but then remember that we are only talking about the Pfizer Vaccine, which has this data only extending to 42 days. We are not arguing about the delay to 12 weeks of the astrazeneca vaccine and there will be more vaccine is coming on stream in time like the moderna vaccine, so what we are concerned about is that by delaying the Pfizer Vaccine dose to 12 weeks, we may actually be any position where we cannot give people the Pfizer Vaccine in 12 weeks because of pfizer themselves have recently announced a reduction in the supplies of their vaccines to european countries. So in many ways, what we want to do is safeguard and assure people are getting the Pfizer Vaccine that they can get the second dose because a long delay may mean that with unprotect abilities of supplies, we may not know what we have in 12 weeks time. That is a real concern that many doctors are telling us. I real concern that many doctors are tellin us. ,. ,. ,~ real concern that many doctors are tellin us. ,. ,. , telling us. I did want to ask you one piece telling us. I did want to ask you one piece last telling us. I did want to ask you one piece last question telling us. I did want to ask you one piece last question about l one piece last question about specifically about medical staff, doctors, nurses and others. Do you believe they should get both doses within the three weeks and potentially six weeks maximum as a prioritylike that any sense, medical professionals need to be moved up the list for the reasons you have already explained about the damage that comes from them falling ill . Well, first of all, there are many nations internationally that have prioritised their Health Care Workers as of the first group to be vaccinated because what they know is that they need to have Health Care Staff to care for others. The doctors that i represent have, in large numbers, been coming to me saying that they do want to feel fully protected by the second dose is close to the manufactures tradition as possible, but at least within the a0 day days that the World Health Organization has allowed for the a2 days. Health care workers and a very specific stance, going into it, treating patients inches away with a highly transmissible virus and they do not have the ability to stay at home because theirjob is to look after people and care for the nation. So absolutely, they want to be fully protected. The second dose, of course, does add to protection of the pit is not a theoretical reason to give the second dose. The second dose does offer additional protection, it may even offer some benefits around transmissibility. Benefits around tra nsmissibility. And benefits around transmissibility. And of course, that is even more important for Health Care Workers because the last thing we want is to spread the infection to others or to patients themselves. Dr spread the infection to others or to patients themselves. Patients themselves. Dr nagpaul, chair of the patients themselves. Dr nagpaul, chair of the british patients themselves. Dr nagpaul, chair of the british medical chair of the British Medical Association, thank you as ever for talking to us. Exactly one year ago the world saw its first coronavirus lockdown come into force in wuhan, the chinese city where the pandemic is believed to have started. The first cases of covid 19 were found at a market in the city. 0ur china correspondent robin brant has been back to visit. This is inside the building where it all started. A year on, the second floor shops at this market are open. It looks like its business as usual but not everyone can get in. We had to be escorted by a security guard. And there was very little sign of what happens beneath here on the ground floor. A cluster of the first cases were found here in december 2019. It was shut down, boarded up, investigators took samples, a clean up quickly followed. What you see in there is a place frozen in time. Its boarded up on the ground floor and the sign over the entrance has been long ago taken down. But somewhere in there around one of those old stalls is a place where the world first came to know about the virus. Exactly a year ago today, the cooking stopped. She was one of wuhans 11 million locked down a a city shut off from the world. This place is now known for one thing and thats never going to change. But a year on some here are convinced by chinas propaganda. This city stopped exactly a year ago. It was a brutal solution to what went on to become a global problem. No one was allowed to leave. This is one of the main ways in and out of wuhan. This is one of the prettiest railway stations i have seen here. A year ago, though, this place was like a war zone. The barriers went up, the trains stopped running. But after 76 days it worked. Then wuhan showed the world this. Music plays. To some, the huge pool party seemed insensitive. But they couldnt hide their exuberance here. The Lasting Impact on these people is probably incalculable. And a year on, the precise detail about what exactly happened behind these locked gates is still not clear. President biden has warned the economic crisis in the United States is deepening. He said he would take action to help families struggling to afford food because of lost income due to the pandemic. Mr biden is calling on congress to authorise a 1. 9 trillion relief package, as peter bowes reports. A nations economy buckling under the coronavirus, shuttered businesses and still rising unemployment. On his second day in office, the new president laid out his plan to confront the stark reality of covid 19 impact on peoples lives. Joe biden is promising swift action to help americans whove been left withoutjobs and some who are struggling to put food on the table. A lot of america is hurting. The virus is surging. Were a00,000 dead, expected to reach well over 600,000. Families are going hungry. People are at risk of being evicted. Job losses are mounting again. We need act. No matter how you look at it, we need to act. If we act now, our economy will be stronger in both the short and long run. Mr biden said the government needed to act decisively and boldly. The centerpiece of his plan a 1. 9 trillion relief package. The challenge ahead to get congress to agree to it. The covid 19 package that passed in december was a first step. As i said at the time, it was just a down payment. We need more action and we need to move fast. To kick start the aid programme, the president signed executive orders one giving immediate help to low income families struggling to buy food, another to start the process of increasing the minimum wage for some government workers. Were at a precarious moment for the virus and the economy. Without decisive action, we risk falling into a very serious economic hole even more serious than the crisis we find ourselves in. The sense of urgency is palpable. But the senate has its hands full with another pressing matter Holding Donald trump responsible for this, the insurrection of the us capitol earlier this month. The impeachment trial of the former president is now scheduled to go ahead in just over two weeks. We all want to put this awful chapter in our nations history behind us. But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability, and that is what this trial will provide. A final chapter in the trump presidency, but a huge distraction for congress. Peter bowes, bbc news, los angeles. Mr biden has held his first conversations with World Leaders since his inauguration. The call with canadas prime minister, justin trudeau, was described as warm and friendly. The two leaders, seen here at an earlier meeting, found Common Ground on the response to the pandemic and climate change. There were issues about the oil pipeline at the Biden Administration does not favour, but the Trump Administration did. Two million doses of the Oxford Astrazeneca covid 19 vaccine have arrived in brazil. The vaccines were transported from indias serum institute, the Worlds Largest vaccine manufacturer. Brazils regulator has approved two vaccines the Oxford Astrazeneca and chinas sinovac. Brazil has the worlds second highest death toll from coronavirus and cases are rising again across the country. Hong kong has implemented its first full lockdown since the start of the pandemic to halt the spread of an outbreak in the south of the kowloon peninsula. 10,000 people in the densely populated neighbourhood ofjordan must stay at home for two days, after authorities said the risk of infection is very high. The government plans to test every resident and process the results within a8 hours. 0ur correspondent in hong kong, martin yip, explained more about the outbreak. This area called jordan is actually a small section of thejordan area, but the best known bit of it would be the Temple Street night market. One year ago, or actually two years before the pandemic or before the Anti Government protests, it would have been a tourist spot with tens of thousands of people filling the streets every night, but today its filled with thousands of Police Officers and medical workers in full protective gear, and then residents in the area lining up in the street waiting to be tested. And under this unprecedented order, the very First Time Since the pandemic broke out exactly one year ago if you take the wuhan lockdown as the starting point, exactly one year on, this is the first time where people are ordered to get tested and to stay where they are, rather than coming to hong kong. Its for local residents, right . Staying where they are until you have a negative result, then you would be able to leave where you are. So theres a bit of panicking this morning, especially when the government only announced the order to lockdown the area at aam in the morning, so a bit of argument starting here. Some journalists being trapped inside as well. They now have to stay in the hotel in that lockdown area and get tested as well and they cant leave. There are also residents who tried to return to their apartments and then went into a standoff with the police and were being taken away because they just got agitated after they have to stay where they are for two days. Two British Railway routes which were closed more than 50 years ago are to be reopened, with a new investment package worth almost £800 million. East west rail will eventually connect oxford and cambridge, and the northumberland line is aiming to reintroduce passenger services. The government says the ambition is to stimulate the economy, and connect communities. Youre watching bbc news. Five months ago, ambulance call handler sean ash was diagnosed with a very rare condition that paralysed him from the waist down. But after months of physical therapy, sean has managed to walk a full mile to raise money for the London Ambulance service. Ben bland reports. Triumphantly and deservedly so. Ive done it, boom. Sean ash, paralysed below the waist since last august, has just finished walking a mile. When the back happened, im remembering how much it hurt. Going into hospital, having operations, waking up from the operation, wanting to end my life. Thinking that id never sit up, thinking that id never stand up, thinking that id never walk. Everyone in hospital with me, some are staff, but everyone at London Ambulance, family, friends, thank you, everyone thats donated. He walked the first half mile last week and on friday, he completed the challenge hed set himself. Shall we do it . Lets do it. Ready. Make sure lots of cheering for daddy, eh . Lets go. The first step is always the hardest. Sean, whos 39, is an emergency call handlerfor the London Ambulance service. Last summer, he was diagnosed with a rare spinal condition cauda equina syndrome. Inspired by captain tom moores fundraising efforts, he too wanted to raise money for charity. A target of £1000. Hes now passed £30,000 for London Ambulance Service Charities and the people who helped him. And his colleagues could not be prouder. I think its fantastic, the recovery that you have done. Thanks for all the awareness you are raising and thanks for coming back into the control room. Thank you for everything youre doing for the London Ambulance service and the rest of the nhs. At this terrible time, so many of our colleagues are working so hard on the front line to support londoners in this time of great need and this money will go a long way to support them, to enable them to carry on caring for londoners. Good luck, sean, and thank you for everything. His family by his side every step of the way. Im just so proud of him, as are so many people. From where he was to where he is now isjust amazing, and the challenge that hes managed to complete, we never thought hed raise this amount of money and i know how much it means to him. Ive seen sean go through so much in the time ive known him, and every time he gets knocked down l he gets back up and seanjust wantsl to help other people. Its heart warming and its quite emotional as well. I a simple celebration for an extraordinary achievement. Ben bland, bbc news. Warmest congratulations to sean. Good advice to everybody, keep going on. Now its time for a look at the weather with tomasz the weather is fairly clear for most of us today with a few showers here and there but the chance of snow increases as we go into tonight and tomorrow. They were substantial snow is expected across wales and more southern parts of england on sunday. Call data sitting across the uk and is here to stay for at least another couple of days. Before cold air. This is where we have seen wintry showers so far across parts of the North Western uk into northern wales, the north west of england too. The forecast for this afternoon shows a lot of clear weather. You can see in the south here. Also along the north sea coast, some sunshine. A few flurries they are carried by the breeze affecting his North Western areas. Four or 5 degrees briefly, but most of the date will be a little bit colder than that. Temperatures drop away tonight as the sky is clear. This area of low pressure crossing ireland, we are watching that and it will bring the snow the snow to south western areas. Temperatures will be sub zero, maybe around coastal areas just freezing or above. Initially, early in the morning on sunday, we are expecting snow in the south west of england. And across wales as well. It does not look like an awful lot here, but it is moving fairly slowly so there could be a good covering here and there. A mid morning onwards, that snow, some of it will spread into the midlands, onlyjust and into southern parts of england, the south east, the london area, possibly reaching east anglia. It all depends. This could be here a little bit further north. This whole area here is at risk of catching some snow. How much . There could be a centimetre or two in some areas, perhaps as much as a five or ten centimetres. It all depends how long its nose in the south. There will be wintry flurries and other parts of the country as well

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