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Share and g. a; ~. U§ 5 7. Am happy to share and engage with the office to explain our work in china. Any chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says that an American Company is directly aiding china, we have an ai centre, when youre working with universities, talking about china tremble in the world, your employees, it calls into question the commitment to country and our values. I see my time has expired. I hope i have an additional grant. Now the gentleman from maryland. Mr zuckerberg, as you know the proliferation of fake facebook accou nts proliferation of fake Facebook Accounts was a key tool in the strategy of russian interference in the American Election in 2016, american Law Enforcement, the senate and house have all found that Vladimir Putin engaged in a sweeping and Systematic Campaign to undermine american democracy in 2016, and to work for a victory for donald trump. In his remarkable book, mind blanka, and im being polite here, Cambridge Analytica and the plot to break america, whistle blower Christopher Wiley who worked for several years at Cambridge Analytica recounts how the russian assault on america in Cambridge Analyticas research depended on facebook. When Cambridge Analytica launched in the summer Cambridge Analytica launched in the summer of 2014, Steve Bannons goal was to change politics by changing culture. Facebook data, algorithms and narratives were its key weapons. They identified these tools to identify people what they called the dark triad, narcissism, machiavellian as an psychopathy, they then bounded and activated his people, a small percentage of the American Public but still millions of people with increasingly dark and manipulative messages from fake facebook pages, both to get them to vote for trump and more importantly to activate them as racists and white nationalists. He goes on to describe the remarkable success of this campaign both electorally but also politically in the country, in terms of sowing the terrible racial and ethnic divisions you see in america today. So they waged a Mass Campaign of psychological warfare to polarise america around race and religion and to activate racists and anti semites, and it worked splendidly for them but it didnt work so well for america. So mr zuckerberg, what parts of this narrative are you planning to address or do you just see that essentially as the cost of being a forum ina essentially as the cost of being a forum in a marketplace for ideas . Is there nothing that can be done about there nothing that can be done about the use of facebook to engender social division in america . Congressmen, thank you. Since 2016, there have been a lot of steps that we have taken to there have been a lot of steps that we have ta ken to protect there have been a lot of steps that we have taken to protect the integrity of elections. Weve hired i think it is more than 30,000 people to work on safety and security. Weve built up ai systems to be able to find harmful content, including being able to find more than 50 Different Networks of coordinated and authentic behaviour, basically nation states trying to interfere in elections. Let me just because you therefore a second because you therefore a second because im interested in that. You stop hate for Profit Campaign is a coalition that includes the colour of change, the anti defamation league, and they are targeting facebook right now for a boycott because of the rapid spread of hate m essa 9 es because of the rapid spread of hate messages online, the presence of boogaloo and other right wing extremist groups trying to portrait and disrupt black lives matter protests a nd and disrupt black lives matter protests and the fact that old rate racists and anti semitic content flourishes on facebook. So they are asking you to remove these pages and essentially to join the movement for civil rights by not allowing that kind of content. They are boycott is include a lot of Big Companies including patagonia, levis, mcdonalds, vw, heineken and so on. But you seem not to be that moved by theircampaign andi but you seem not to be that moved by theircampaign and ijust but you seem not to be that moved by their campaign and ijust wonder what you think about what they are asking you to do . Congressmen, thanks. We are very focused on fighting against election interference and also very focused on fighting against hate speech and oui on fighting against hate speech and our commitment to those issues and fighting them go back years before this recent movement. Since 2016, the defence is that the company has built up to help secure election is not just built up to help secure election is notjust in the world i think are some of the most advanced that any company or government has in the world now. We routinely now collaborate with Law Enforcement and intelligence agencies, and are able to sometimes identify threats coming from other countries before governments are even from other countries before governments are even able to. In terms of fighting hate, we have built really sophisticated systems. 0ur built really sophisticated systems. Our goal is to identify it before anyone even sees our goal is to identify it before anyone even sees it on the platform, and we built ai systems, and as i mentioned, tens of thousands of people working on safety and security with the goal of getting this stuff down, so that way before people even see it. And right now we are able to proactively identify 89 of the hate speech that we take down before i think it is even seen by other people. So i want to do better than 89 , i would like to get back to 99 , but we have a massive investment here. We have invested billions of dollars. Because my time is almost out, can you just address the proliferation of fake accounts . I understand annually you get 6. 5 billion fake accounts produce there, but in some sense you have a profit motive that is linked to that because that is what is reported to your investors, the number of accounts. Are you working zealously to try and ferret out these fake accou nts to try and ferret out these fake accounts that are used to spread hate and disinformation . The gentlemans time has expired but the witness may answer the question. Congressmen, absolutely, we work ha rd congressmen, absolutely, we work hard on this, we take down billions of fa ke accou nts hard on this, we take down billions of fake accounts a year. A lot of thatis of fake accounts a year. A lot of that is just people trying to set up accou nts that is just people trying to set up a ccou nts to that is just people trying to set up accounts to spam people for commercial reasons. A very small percent of that are nation states trying to interfere in the elections but we are very focused on trying to find those full stop having fake and harmful content on our platform does not help our business, it hurts it. People do not want to see that stuff, and they use our Services Less when they do, so we are aligned with people in order to take that down and we invest billions of dollars a year in doing so. The committee will stand in recess for ten minutes while we fix a technical feed with one of our witnesses. There we come away as with we break for ten minutes, the ceos of amazon, apple and facebook and google, really robust questioning there from lawmakers underlining the bipartisan nature of this which was what the chairman of that Committee Said right at the start. If you are joining us here on bbc news let me just remind you what those are big have actually been grilled on, because amazon is accused of anti competitive behaviour related to its role as both a large retailer and a platform for third sellers. Apple has been accused of unfairly using its cloud over its app store to block rebels in charge high commissions, rebels accuse facebook being a monopoly power in the world of social networking emma and alphabet the Parent Company of google is dealing with multiple antitrust allegations related to googles Online Search dominance. Lets discuss everything weve been hearing about drove a Stacy Mitchell who is the co director for the institute for local self reliance and carl who is the Vice President of the net choice. Thank you both of you forjoining us here on bbc started with the chair of that saying amazon, apple, facebook and google can charge absorbent exorbitant fees and extract valuable data. Was he right or wrong on that with the low absolutely right. These Companies Increasingly control basic arteries of commerce and communications. They are gatekeepers for much of our economy and society. That gatekeeper power is just incredible. In the case of amazon, if you make or sell any Consumer Product you increasingly have to rely on amazon in order to get your products to market. That means amazon can extract whatever they wa nt amazon can extract whatever they want from your business and appropriate or proprietary information, its an extraordinary kind of power that these companies have, they really become the infrastructure for our modern economy and without any public oversight thats very problematic. Going through that in detail in the moment but let me bring you in for that same question. One of the things you have not heard talked about is the proof of market power or dominance and is still half the size of walmart, far and away apple is the largest not on mobile or computers, google has competition all over the place and facebook has vigorous competition from tick tock. 0ne vigorous competition from tick tock. One of the core tenets of antitrust law and what you also did not hear isa law and what you also did not hear is a single mention of consumer harm, you heard about protecting competitors but not about protecting consumers who enjoy Free Products and low Cost Services and goods. lawmakers cracked on a big attacks does that benefit the consumer do you think . Absolutely not. One of the things that we have found a Small Businesses are reaping incredible benefits from these Large Technology platforms, think about the ability to advertise for fractions of a penny or a few dollars. Historically rely on newspapers, radio and tv and most of those ads would go out to people who just dont care about your product. Small businesses benefit and if you break them Small Businesses benefit and if you breakthem up Small Businesses benefit and if you break them up will be harder for them to reach the customers theyre trying to find, but at the same time consumers would lose out. Theres no way that youtube could stand on its own without the revenue being generated by google ads, Amazon Prime Video when i even be a saying its hard to imagine a separate many of these other benefits that we enjoy because of the scale of these businesses. I can see you shaking your head there in part stacy. We seen a your head there in part stacy. We seen a real collapse in Small Business, as these Tech Companies have grown their power we have lost literally tens of thousands of Small Businesses across these country. And its become much harder to start a business, the rate of new businesses forming every year is much lower thanit forming every year is much lower than it used to be. And a big part of the reason for that is the power that these companies have. We published a report yesterday that found that amazon is taking a bigger and bigger cut of the sales of Third Party Sellers on their platform of the independent businesses that really have no choice but to sell on amazon because its so dominant and if a situation in which they lose either way. Either they give up access to the Online Market or dont so there were this on amazon and amazon takes an increasingly big cut of their business. We found that the fees have grown to 30 committing 30 of every hundred dollars the Small Business earns and most Small Businesses crash and burn on the site and that they are failing. These companies have amassed a good amount of wealth and power and that means that we are seeing more and more inequality, if and fewer people able to make a decent living because of that power. And i assume you agree with one of the lawmakers we saw questioning google who said at one stage you identify competitors and then simply crush them. Thats radical these companies have all engaged in acquisition spree, they have been buying tonnes and tonnes of companies, Small Companies until someone comes along of companies, Small Companies until someone comes along with a good idea and they buy it the case of amazon we and they buy it the case of amazon we think of amazon as being this incredible and effective company, and maybe it was at one time, but many of its dominance now is driven by being able to buy up the technologies of other companies. I think whats particularly concerning from the standpoint of competition and ultimately consumers in the vitality of our economy is that if you come along now vitality of our economy is that if you come along now and want to build and have a new idea, have two build and have a new idea, have two build a business to come up with a new way of doing things you are going to be crushed in your infancy. Let me bringing carl to bring in that size and scale from you can be congestive late blow out of the water your competitors. Thats always been a situation in the history of business in memoriam. A larger business if it sees an opportunity for new market share will take advantage of that. That is business. And they dont do that to stifle out competition can they do that because there is competition in the market. The insinuation is that the businesses just have to capitulate to apple, amazon, facebook and google because they are so big and thatsjust absurd. If you think about it twitter, did it so off to facebook or anyone else . No they competed directly. Tick tock doing the same thing. You have dozens of competitors around the world and once againjet dot com a start up on its own that was acquired by walmart, the largest retailer in the world, no one seems too bad an eyelash that acquisition. Employment angst and frustration and animosity into technology as this bogeyman for all the bad thats going on when in fa ct all the bad thats going on when in fact theres a lot more going on and so we fact theres a lot more going on and so we have not identified a single instance of consumer harm. Going to get through a couple of questions, brief answers to a couple of the thoughts because donald trump tweeted earlier threatening to bring fairness to big attack with executive orders of congress does not do it, one way or another legislation is coming, isnt it . What i think about that as you are seeing the real threat of opening the pandoras box from the summer welfare standard of law and allowing politics to dominate antitrust law. As an objective analysis can if we open it to a subjective standard than this president or the next president can used antitrust as a sledgehammer to president can used antitrust as a sledgehammer to beat you down any business or publication that they may disagree with. Antitrust law was designed to assure competition and protect the American People from too much concentration of power, both economic power and political power. The idea that antitrust was only supposed to be about maximising efficiency or consumer welfare is really a myth. Its been that way for a number of decades and thats how we have allowed this incredible concentration of power but these laws are rigidly designed to protect us laws are rigidly designed to protect us in other ways we interact in the marketplace including our ability to be entrepreneurs and earn a living and live and thrive in communities to have a thriving democracy. Its really about the check and balance just like we have in government we also have a check and balance on private power, these companies have too much of it and this is really about who is in charge of our country going forward. 20 seconds each to finish because the shares that his Opening Statement after the coven 19 crisis the big four will be more power and this pandemic do you agree with that basic assessment, stacy to you first. All of these companies have taken advantage of the moment to expand their market power and in the case of Small Businesses when the world has gone online increasingly a have no way to reach people except through these powerful gatekeepers, so its absolutely enhanced their power and made this investigation all the more urgent. Yes, i think all only businesses have succeeded, you and i are speaking right now through skype, we use zouma, neither of which are owned by apple, google, facebook or amazon so you see an increase in the use of all technology whether apple, Google Facebook for amazon get bigger that may be true but so was all of their competitors at the same time. May be true but so was all of their competitors at the same time. There we competitors at the same time. There we have to leave it. Thank you so much, i know youve sat there for a long while listening to that evidence waiting to talk to me so thank you so much for your patience and your analysis, thank you so much. Lets turn to coronavirus because the United States continues to struggle with combating covid 18 because the latest statistics from thejohn hopkins because the latest statistics from the John Hopkins University because the latest statistics from theJohn Hopkins University shows that 61,700 new cases were confirmed on tuesday. President trump says thats because the United States is the world leader on testing, many people disagree with that saying new cases are rising faster than the nations testing capacity. In total over nations testing capacity. In total over 4. 3 million cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the us and almost 150,000 people have died. With the book into doctor Anthony Fauci to talk about with the United States goes from here and how President Trump has handled outbreak, have a look. We are in this position is that bad today can we this position is that bad today can we look forward to the next four or five months, how is it going to be with the weather i hope its going to be considerably different because even as we are to be considerably different because even as we are getting. You have any reason even as we are getting. You have any reason for optimism . Even as we are getting. You have any reason for optimism . |j even as we are getting. You have any reason for optimism . I hope that the country, i always say and still do that we have faith in the american citizens and the People Living in this country that they will appreciate what went wrong as we get up and thats the reason why im trade you a lot of outreach, not onlyjust me but many of my Public Health colleagues who are out there talking to the populace, explaining to them that theres a four or five simple things that we know from the experience can turn things around. And we are trying to preach that as farand and we are trying to preach that as far and wide as we can. Universal wearing of masks, physical distance income is 60 or more, avoiding crowds. Avoiding bars and if the states and regions and counties go along with it, closing bars if necessary. And physical hand hygiene such as washing hands, if you just do those five simple things, you are going to be able to turn a lot of this around. Hopefully we are getting that message out and the lesson that we hopefully learned from the explosion of cases that we have seen in florida, texas, Southern California and arizona are not going to spill over into some of the other states if they do the kinds of things that we saw being donein kinds of things that we saw being done in the states that were affected. When the president , as he did again yesterday, retweets things from people who say you dont need to wear a mask, how unhelpful is that from a medical perspective . Welcome you know, i mean, this issue of tweeting and retreating is something that ive never understood or gotten involved in, but i can tell you you would have to say its not helpful if people get signals about not Wearing Masks when we are trying to get people to universally wear masks. Trying to get people to universally wear masks. So you would ask the president not to do that if he listened to you . Thats not the way it works. I think my feeling about what we should do with masks is very clearly understood by everyone including those in the white house. What about hydroxychloroquine . I ask because his comeback into the news because his comeback into the news because the yesterday evening in the white house stood there and said that he believes in it, and that it is safe, and again seems to be touting this drug. Is the president right . Again, its not productive or helpful for me to be making judges on right or wrong, but what i can say is what ive said all along and that the overwhelming body of data from trials that will be well run, randomised placebo controlled trials indicate that hydroxychloroquine is not effective in treating coronavirus disease, or covid 19. Florida is one of the hotspot the United States come the lesser river hours have seen 217 deaths, a record increase for the second day in a row, ive been speaking with doctor andrew who is the medical director and the Jackson South medical director in miami and east of the spike in cases they are seeing a fortnight ago has translated into a resurgence in deaths that they are dealing with now which was extremely traumatic. There is more than two bodies at a time and we would have to take the body and then move that body down. You are incredibly open over the last time how a crew of the exhausted you and your staff work, it sounds if anything even worse now. It sounds if anything even worse now. Its been a consistent hundred covid patients a day in this hospital despite rest of attempts to get people discharged, theres a lwa ys get people discharged, theres always patients on the beds, we are now always patients on the beds, we are now seeing the lag from the surge, now we are seeing now seeing the lag from the surge, now we are seeing the spike we have a lot of patience, families that cant see them obviously we cant allow them to see them and we are trying to do things with face time, on the ipad but its about one out of four people that are coming into our hospital and its not leaving. Its relentless. Theres no evidence that its slowing down. I drove around and see people without masks. We see all these crazy things on the internet and its just really hitting us really hard to. Two sentences, if you work and we played that clip of donald trump, how frustrating is it when you hear him talking about it, talking about a doctor who has talked about dna from aliens and reposting that by the same aliens and reposting that by the same time dispersing Anthony Fauci, how frustrating is that as a doctor on the ground . Doctor fauci has been amazing, as a leader and as a doctor for all of us on the ground. That dr who believes sex with demons is the reason who believes sex with demons is the reason for gynaecological issues is damaging to hear that, to see that. U nfortu nately damaging to hear that, to see that. Unfortunately people will believe whatever they want to believe and when you get people that speak loudly, everyone thinks that you speak louder you must be true is really damaging. He had a Family Member called because of that demanding hydroxychloroquine on a patient that had serious heart concerns that i would never have given it to even if i thought it could have worked, she would not have gotte n could have worked, she would not have gotten it. But because of that we re have gotten it. But because of that were getting more phone calls. Its extremely damaging when you give people with no clue a voice like that. Just one of the doctors on the ground there in florida, for a goat bringing the latest lines because there is also in the last few hours been a warning from the World Health Organisation saying the recent spikes in coronavirus across europe to be driven principally by young people. This is a several countries in europe have seen a higher proportion of new cases among young people saying that there are signs ofa people saying that there are signs of a second wave in europe and the last half an hour france has revealed the latest figures, the biggest up a new cases in more than a month going up 1300. Very interesting, those latest developments on covid 19 and we refer to quebec to wash to fix that session has restarted. The chief executives of amazon, apple, facebook, google all being grilled like capitol hill. Thanks for watching, see you next time, goodbye. Hello again. It was a little bit warmer out there today. But over the next two days, the heat will really build. Temperatures will rise and, by friday, it could be the hottest day of the year so far. Temperatures will be slower to rise in scotland and Northern Ireland, perhaps because weve got these weathers front coming in from the atlantic, bringing more cloud and some outbreaks of rain. And through the night, most of the rain will be affecting Northern Ireland. There will still be some for a while in wales, and a few spots will head up into the northwest of england and southwestern parts of scotland. Either side of that, some clearer skies developing. And generally, temperatures at 10 12 celsius tonight, but probably a bit colder across northern parts of mainland scotland with maybe some early sunshine on thursday. Very quickly, though, well see that rain turning heavier and Northern Ireland. It will cheer up through the day as the wind picks up and blows that rain away, pushing it further north into scotland. At the same time, well see more sunshine coming up from the south across england and wales, and its here that temperatures will get particularly high 27 28 celsius through the midlands and the southeast of england, but warmer than today for Northern Ireland. Now it was only yesterday that we had those cool, northwesterly winds. In order for the temperatures to rise so rapidly in the next few days, the wind direction has to change. And were tapping into a south easterly breeze bringing in warmth from Continental Europe ahead of these weather fronts, trying to push in from the atlantic. So whilst its getting much warmer across much of the country, Northern Ireland may miss out on the high temperatures because weve got this showery rain coming in from the west. Ahead of it, more of a breeze picking up, blowing in lots of sunshine strong sunshine, as well lifting temperatures in scotland into the mid 20s, widely 29 30 celsius in england and wales, and 34 in the southeast of england. This will be the peak of the heat on friday and, with that heat, there could be a few showers developing across the midlands and Eastern England ahead of the rain thats coming in from the atlantic to western areas. All that wet weather pushes its way eastwards overnight and, as we head into the weekend, its all change again. We return those winds to the west or southwest atlantic air, and that means it will turn cooler and fresher. Those temperatures certainly will be dropping away. Therell be some sunshine and a few showers, with most of the showers in the northwest of the uk. Hello im ros atkins, welcome to outside source the bosses of amazon, facebook, apple and google are being grilled by congress over claims theyre stifling competition. Well bring you the latest. Americas top Infectious Diseases expert warns the politicisation of the coronavirus is coming in the way of an effective response. There is a considerable degree of political divisiveness to a level that everyone admits, you dont need me to make that

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