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This is bbc news. The headlines. As spain and italy begin to relax coronavirus restrictions, the uk faces its fourth week in lockdown, with the government set to assess how social distancing measures are working. The mother of one of the nurses praised by borisjohnson for helping save his life says shes exceptionally proud of her daughter. It doesnt matter what patient shes looking after. This is what she does. And ijust find it incredible. Any nurses can do this. The Prime Minister is recuperating at chequers, after leaving hospital yesterday. With millions of people continuing to work in essential services, well see how britains Electricity Companies are keeping the lights on. And revving up to help, the bikers from cornwall whove been helping Vulnerable People by delivering essential shopping and medication. Good afternoon and welcome to bbc news. As the uk enters its fourth week in lockdown, the government is reviewing the measures imposed to try to curb the spread of corona virus. It comes as one of the European Countries worst hit by the pandemic, spain, relaxes some of the restrictions it announced last month. But with the number of hospital deaths in the uk now standing at more than 10,000 restrictions here are likely to remain in place for some time yet. All this as the armed forces are brought in to support Ambulance Services in england and wales. 0ur correspondent katherine decosta reports. Its three weeks today since the uk brought in unprecedented restrictions affecting all areas of our daily lives. With empty roads and motorways over easter, it seems the majority of people are following the guidelines and now preparing for a fourth week of lockdown. It comes as the Prime Minister continues his recovery from the virus at his country residence at chequers in buckinghamshire. He was full of praise for the nhs staff at st thomass in london. In particular, two nurses, jenny mcgee from new zealand and luis pitarma from portugal. They stayed by his bedside for a8 hours. And the reason, in the end, my body did start to get enough oxygen was because for every second of the night, they were watching and they were thinking and they were caring and making the interventions i needed. Miss mcgees parents speaking to Television New zealand said they were exceptionally proud. She has told us these things over the years and it doesnt matter what patient shes looking after, this is what she does. And ijust find it incredible. For otherfamilies, it is a different story. The virus has claimed the lives of more than 10,000 people in the uk. Wendys dad, 77 year old barry parker, has been on a ventilator with covid 19 for a fortnight. She and her family have been told to expect the worst. I cant express how good they are, how compassionate they are and the doctors, they are alljust so kind. As i have said, we cant be there to hold his hand so they are doing that for us. The government priority has been to protect capacity within the nhs. The armed forces have already been deployed to help deliver ppe to the front line, set up nhs nightingale field hospitals and now they will be used to support ambulance crews driving ambulances and moving patients. We are being warned to get used to this new normal. The World Health Organization says all of us should consider wearing face masks when leaving home. For the wider population, we probably wont be able to ensure that everybody quickly can access the good masks, the n95 masks. But some form of facial protection, i am sure, is going to become the norm, not least to give people reassurance. But i would say, do not imagine that you can do what you like when you wear a mask. There are early signs that social distancing measures are working. New infections and hospital admissions are starting to stabilise in some areas. But the Welsh Government has already said the lockdown there will remain for several more weeks. Scotland is going to do the same. There are early optimistic signs that the steps we are taking are working. But until we know more and until we have solid evidence, we must stick with it. Elsewhere in europe, there is some hope. Spain, one of the worst affected countries, is lifting some of its restrictions from today. Manufacturing and construction workers can start to return to work under strict guidelines, breathing new life back into parts of the economy. 0ur political correspondent, helen catt, is here. We are still facing hundreds of deaths a day. What will the government to be doing in terms of strategy now . The government has to look at this in the long term. Keeping the lockdown measures in place in terms of tackling the coronavirus. But it is not consequence free to do that. It will have to look at what it means for the economy and for peoples mental health. The first review is due this week and in the next few days, and it is very unlikely that this will see any change. That is because the government has consistently said that these measures are about getting us through the peak of the virus and making sure that the nhs is not overwhelmed by the virus. The signs last week is that we were not quite there get. They will sit down with the scientists and look at the data this week. Thursday is the deadline when the government has to have done this review. That is the deadline set in law for them to look at it. It is very unlikely it is going to change. Ultimately, each nation could set their own social distancing rules. Scotland could be different to england and back to be different to england and back to be different to england and back to be different to wales, if they so wanted. But so far, all of the nations have moved instep. There was a cobra meeting last week with all of the devolved administrations. You heard from Nicola Sturgeon there that in scotland, they are not looking to lift those restrictions. I think we can extrapolate from that that it could be the same in england as well. Different countries have different ways of measuring and different ways of measuring and different Testing Facilities as well. What do we know about the trends . That is presumably what the government are looking at . They are looking to see what impact the social distancing measures have. They say it takes some weeks for those to start showing up in the figures. Nicola sturgeon said there we re figures. Nicola sturgeon said there were early signs of progress. Boris johnson in the video message said that it was starting to make progress. It is that kind of language that we are hearing, not that we are there with it. We expect the restrictions to stay in place. Borisjohnson the restrictions to stay in place. Boris johnson recuperating the restrictions to stay in place. Borisjohnson recuperating at chequers. Anybody who has had the virus knows it can be weeks before you feel yourself after youve had the virus. It was a few days since he was in intensive care. He is on medical advice recuperating at his country residence. That is what he doing there. He is not working. He is not getting the papers or the red box. He did speak to the secretary of state over the weekend, but he has not had any phone calls with the queen. Dominic rab is responsible for the day to day running. We do know that she was tested for coronavirus again before he was discharged from hospital and he did test negative. It is now getting him back up to speed. Regardless of when the lockdown is reduced, what the strategy will be when it happens. This is unprecedented. Downing street referred to it as unprecedented restrictions on peoples way of life. So there is some pressure. But when you talk about exit strategies, last week it was said it was too early to think about exit strategies. They are just trying to get through the pandemic. In europe, spain and italy are taking the first tentative steps in easing restrictions, but the Italian Government has told the bbc some businesses will not be allowed to fully reopen until a vaccine is found. Restaurants and bars face the most uncertainty, and many have already gone out of business since the lockdown began five weeks ago. Jean mackenzie reports from rome. The tables still set for meals that we re the tables still set for meals that were never served. Chiara make this place for people to eat and play music. But it has been weeks since places initially were close down and as the lockdown goes on, some places are preparing to close for good. And this is the reality. When shops and businesses are be opened, it will be gradual, and the places where you cannot keep your distance will be lost. We cannot have concerts, we cannot have cinemas. What about bars and restaurants . M is impossible right now for restau ra nts is impossible right now for restaurants to reopen. Until the vaccine, it is impossible. The government is offering loans to keep them going, but businesses are struggling to see their place in a socially distant future. By the time they are allowed to reopen, fears that the damage is so great it will be reversible. This resembles a ghost ship. Another business on the edge. How busy does it get . And while this country waits to be opened, the streets are silently being redrawn. The places that give it so much of its sole the most at risk it so much of its sole the most at risk soul. We are just hearing the latest figures for wales. The announcement that there have been 15 further deaths in wales over the last 24 hour is. That is the latest we are getting from cardiff. 384 is now the total of deaths in wales. We await other figures for it nations across the uk. 313 people testing positive according to latest welsh figures. We will be analysing those figures. In the uk, support packages worth tens of billions of pounds have been announced by the government to try and ease the economic damage of the pandemic. The treasury says those who dont qualify will be able to access a range of other measures, but many businesses and workers whove lost their jobs say theyve not received enough support. Katy austin has been speaking to some of them. Asking for help to ride out pandemic, the government Emergency Support scheme includes furlough, loa n support scheme includes furlough, loan and financing schemes for small and larger companies, grants for self employed people and a range of other measures. But many firms and workers tell us they fulfil the cracks. Includingjunior. Workers tell us they fulfil the cracks. Including junior. Previously self employed, he started a newjob in march, but he started to late to be furloughed. My wife is on maternity leave. I now have no salary. This is not the best time to be looking for a job. This Chimney Sweep is the sole director of his own company. Not eligible for. He hoped that another scheme would apply. It doesnt apply because i dont have premises. I might be able to live on for a little bit. If i dont furlough myself, the business is likely to fail. This event caterer is the same. I have to face the reality that i might not be able to keep my business going. I would like to see the net being widened by local authorities to include businesses that are based. M local authorities to include businesses that are based. It has been revamped following criticism. But this womans tech company has been hit by low sales and says that three banks have tended to stand because it is not yet profitable. Entrepreneurs cannot innovate their way out of this alone. They need support from the government. Otherwise, we need to look at changing all of our plans and making significant cuts. Make no mistake, the support packages by the government are huge, and complex. They are designed to protect millions of peoples incomes. But the list of people who say they have not been able to get support is much longer than what we have mentioned here, and those who cannot say that they need to make sure the money gets to them as quickly as possible. One of the many unknowns is how much of this can be prevented. We are just getting figures now from nhs england who have announced 667 recorded deaths of people who tested positive for covid i9. That brings. Of those 667 deaths announced, ii3 occurred on the brings. Of those 667 deaths announced, 113 occurred on the 12th of april, while the others took place between the 1st of april and the 11th of april. The remaining 12 deaths occurred in march, with the earliest taking place on the 26th of march. They update these everyday by showing the deaths in hospitals in england. That often includes new debts that took place days or weeks ago. That is what we are seeing here. This is because of the it ta kes for here. This is because of the it takes for deaths to be recorded, for figures to be validated. The figures published in the last moment show that the 8th of april has been highest totalfor that the 8th of april has been highest total for the most hospital beds recorded in one single day. That was 777. There is a warning that this could change in future updates. It is a complicated picture, but 667 in new deaths of people that have tested positive for covid 19, which does bring the total to 10,000. Some of those deaths occurred in the earlier period of this month. We will keep you updated on these figures as they come in. You are watching bbc news. Countries in asia taking different approaches to social restrictions. We took to our correspondent in china, the country where the virus originated. The strictest restrictions were in hubei province. Neighbourhoods and apartment blocks are still only admitting residents. Residents are cutting down on numbers and you cannot sit too close to others. China is returning to work whilst guarding against a new wave of infections by people returning from overseas. In south korea, there has been no lockdown or mandatory restrictions despite over 10,000 people becoming infected. Instead, the government urged common sense. Stay apart where possible, try and work from home, avoid large gatherings. It has aggressively traced and tested for the virus. The silent streets and empty offices, a partial lockdown has kicked in in singapore over the past three days because of another wave of infections. Break the rules and you face fines. Or worse, infections. Break the rules and you face fines. Orworse, prison infections. Break the rules and you face fines. Or worse, prison time. The measures are in place until the end of the month. They could be extended if the virus is not contained. In japan, extended if the virus is not contained. Injapan, most of extended if the virus is not contained. In japan, most of us, at least in the biggest cities, are living under a state of emergency. It means the government are asking people to stay at home at the weekends and in the evenings. As you can see, most people are now complying with that. But this is not a lockdown. Offices remain open, and so a lockdown. Offices remain open, and so the pubs and restaurants until eight oclock in the evening. You can geta eight oclock in the evening. You can get a haircut if you want to. The japanese government is determined to keep the economy going. Japan is also not carrying out widespread testing. The government is hoping these limited measures will start to bend the curve of the epidemic downwards in a few weeks or so. Will it work . We are going to have to wait and see. Icc for my colleagues around the regions, governments in asia using different strategies to combat the pandemic. One thing is very striking. Compared to america and europe, the number of people dying in asia from the virus appears to be much, much 0. There is a lot of speculation about why that is. Is it because people in asia where facemasks are much more . We dont know. Much, much lower. The headlines on bbc news. The Prime Minister is recuperating at chequers after leaving hospital yesterday. The mother of one of the nurses praised by borisjohnson for helping save his life says shes exceptionally proud of her daughter. Doctors are having to make difficult decisions about whether to continue treatment for some Cancer Patients, because of the coronavirus pandemic. Chemotherapy weakens the immune system, potentially putting some people at greater risk of covid 19. The clinical lead for cancer care in england admits there is a huge pressure on resources, but says the nhs is finding new ways of delivering care. It comes as new cancer hubs involving public and private hospitals have been launched to carry out urgent surgery. Our health correspondent lauren moss reports. Battling coronavirus is the biggest challenge the Health Service has faced. While cases of covid 19 climb, routine care for many Cancer Patients has been affected. Roisin has breast cancer, but her chemotherapy has been suspended because it puts are at risk of the virus. It is terrifying and they have stopped the treatment that is keeping me alive, theres no doubt about that. To have that taken away from me, it is unbearable. How do we know how we are going to be in 12 weeks . For dan, treatment is continuing in an unusual way. He has treatment been sent in the post. One in the morning and one at night. I do not have to brave it in the real world. Delaying treatment is a tough choice for oncologists. It is tough for the patients, especially for patients who have been on it up until now. The advice from nhs england is that essential treatment should continue whenever possible. A cancer hub involving public and private hospitals has been set up in london, letting patients with surgeons to carry out urgent procedures away from those with covert 19. Continue to offer. Keeping the hospital as a priority for cancer and we should be able to achieve that. White backed louise as one of first to be operated on. She was having chemotherapy for breast cancer, but because of the coronavirus, doctors decided that in her case, surgery was safer. I was relieved. We were waiting by the phone every day, hoping that somebody would call and say they could fit me in. Just to know that youre having something moving forward was important to me. For louise, dan and roisin, life is on hold. As the most vulnerable, they are shielding at home to protect themselves. As the nhs works to find new ways to deliver care,. Themselves. As the nhs works to find new ways to deliver care,. There is huge pressure upon nhs resources. We have certainly seen the numbers of referrals for suspected cancer investigation go down quite sharply in the last few weeks. If people are read about themselves, they should still come forward. Is the coronavirus pandemic tightens its grip on the uk, difficult decisions will continue to be made by doctors to try and make sure that no one slips through the cracks. Millions of people are continuing to work in essential services during the lockdown. Our chief environment correspondent, justin rowlatt, has been to Sizewell B Nuclear Power Station in suffolk, to see how britains Electricity Companies are keeping the lights on. The routine checks made here are making sure the Power Station continues to run smoothly. It provides electricity to more than 2 million british homes. Day to day tasks are a little bit more laborious they say. Washing hands multiple times a day is a big one. We work a lot with gloves in our chemistry section, so changing those frequently and obviously complying with social distancing at all times. Here on the suffolk coast, they say they have started putting in place there pandemic plan over two months ago before the first coronavirus cases were even reported in the uk. We have got effectively half of the staff here. We have split into two teams. One is operating the power plant and the other is at home safe and isolated. In the eventuality that we do see some sickness on our side, the other team will come in to continue operation. White backed the overriding priority is to make sure nothing goes wrong in there. What happens if there is an issue with International Shipping and the Power Station cannot get supplies . We are building apparel commodities. We are ready for this. We do not need to refuel this Power Station until 2021. Dont worry. Your electricity dependent lockdown lifestyle is not at threat any time soon. The lockdown has meant a respite from air and noise pollution. Though we are stuck inside, its still possible to watch and hear the Natural World through technology, as well as your window. John maguire has been talking to naturalists who are making the most of the lockdown. Ona on a normal day, naturalist of trying to record never dream of trying to record birdsong in his garden next to a busy road. But these are not ordinary days. As the noise we make declines, the volume of the Natural World seems to have reached 11. Compared to three weeks ago now, because we have got quieter roads and neighbourhoods, one thing that we are doing is noticing much more what is going on around us with nature. Normally, there would be lots of cars going past. Instead, all i can hear blackbirds and robins singing. In the middle of an urban area or a countryside, theres still plenty to see and hear. The dawn chorus at the moment is about 545 in the morning. It is the perfect time to hear all the birds singing at the same time. This is an exciting time of year. This is an exciting time for mark as he prepares the return of swifts to the uk this month. His home made swift boxes are rigged with tiny cameras so he can watch and share online images of them nesting. Anybody out there who are stuck in because of the lockdown has an opportunity to do Something Like this and get close to nature in theirvery this and get close to nature in their very own house. The internet is full of nest cams. A big brother of birds. People who are isolating can connect with nature. Out on your daily exercise, set yourself a challenge. Try and listen to birdsong on exercise and try to identify a new bird call everyday. Birdsong on exercise and try to identify a new bird call everydaylj am identify a new bird call everyday. am doing that every morning when we go out for a walk. He says what is that bird . And i get it wrong very often. I am trying. I am getting there gradually. Less traffic and more time on hands means the opportunity to look round a little bit more matter where you are. When swifts co m e bit more matter where you are. When swifts come try and find out where their nesting. Look at the tiles. Even in flats, there are little and crannies that swifts are in. It is lovely to watch them going back to their nests. Few of us will look back at this time with any fondness. But there are opportunities to learn, discover and to make new friends. Bikers from bodmin in cornwall have banded together to help Vulnerable People by delivering essential shopping and medication to those who cant make it to the shops. The idea started with one man and his motorbike, but as demand grew, so did the number of volunteers. Travelling on cornwells empty roads. These bikers are on a mission. I work in the emergency services. This is a Delivery Team of medication from doctors surgery to pharmacies. We are also a food delivery services. The group do not charge for delivery and setup to help Vulnerable People work from home make Vulnerable People unable to get essentials. We have been trying to go out as little as possible. My partner suffers quite badly with asthma. As a family, we have been trying to keep ourselves to ourselves as much as possible and bees gentleman make it so much easier. It goes to show that in this community and in cornwall in general, people do help each other as much as they can and do what they can for one another. Since starting a couple of weeks ago, many people have now volunteered, including a chef, plumber and supermarket worker. It is nice to go out, make people happy and make them laugh. Give people a bit of happiness while we are in this pandemic at the moment. They are a mix of ages, including one who has onlyjust got his biker licence. Medication, food, essentials. Even though they did not know each other until recently, it seems

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